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China’s second generation of new forces | Those girls dancing at the Parisian ladies’ ball.

  Article source: TheBund on the Bund

  The Paris Ladies’ Ball, where the world’s famous ladies broke their heads.

  Three China girls were selected this year.

  Not only beauty.

  Their brains and talents are more outstanding.

  Not long ago, three girls from China made their appearance at the 25th Le Bal des Débutantes.

  They are Shen Yue, the eldest daughter of Shen Jiawei, president of Chingmy Yau and Hongkong I T Group.

  Jane Li, the eldest daughter of famous movie stars Jet Li and Nina Li Chi.

  And Liao Minchong, the daughter of China’s famous baritone singer Liao Changyong.

  The Paris Celebrity Ball can be said to be the most prestigious social admission ticket for the upper class. It was founded by a Frenchman, Ms. Ophélie Renouard, and only the top celebrities in the world can be invited.

  Only the wealth of the family can not be favored by the organizing Committee. Girls must have their own talents, connotations and accomplishments, or be enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings.

  Trump’s two daughters, despite their prominent family background, were repeatedly rejected by the organizing Committee.

  The three China girls selected this year are all "the second generation of stars". Their parents have accumulated fame and wealth, and they have enough economic strength to give girls a good education and let them go their own way.

  Today, let’s get to know these three "second generation" celebrities with both talent and brains.


   Sweet and clever: Shen Yue

  With Chingmy Yau, the mother of the goddess star, Shen Yue’s popularity can be said to be the highest among the three China girls this year. Dad, as the president of I.T. Group, need not say much about her fashion resources.

  When Shen Yue was still in middle school, she was photographed when she attended Ku Kui Kei’s wedding with her mother Chingmy Yau, and was praised as "the most beautiful second generation" by the Hong Kong media. It was also rumored that she would enter the entertainment circle and take over the golden age of her mother.

  However, these remarks were quickly refuted by Chingmy Yau, who said that she didn’t want her daughter to enter the entertainment circle. Now she still focuses on her studies and doesn’t want her to grow up surrounded by the media.

  When Shen Yue was dressed in red, she could vaguely see the shadow of her mother, Chingmy Yau, dressed in red in Gambling God 2 when she was young. She also laughed off the comparison between her and her mother in the media, and said that her mother was the most beautiful in her heart, and no one could compare with her.

  Being a "second generation of stars" since childhood, Shen Yue said that he had to learn to avoid the paparazzi cameras since childhood, so he was afraid to go out with his friends because he didn’t want to be photographed. She also revealed in an interview that when she was a child, she wanted to go to South Korea to form a women’s group, but now she has no such idea at all.

  Before the dance began, she frequently posted her own fitting photos on Instagram and took a sweet and lovely route as a whole.

  At the dance, she wore Georges Hobeika pink haute couture dress and walked into the venue with British boyfriend Timon Greaves.

  Timon Greaves also gave a deep kiss on one knee, which is the princess dream of many little girls.

  Mother Chingmy Yau has been filming and recording the important moments of her daughter’s life.

  Shen Yue was very interested in fashion when he was a child. He read countless fashion magazines and loved to match clothes for himself and his sister. With this gift, father Shen Jiawei intends to let his daughter take over his own business, but he still insists that she must finish college.

  Shen Yue, who is slim now, is studying in Vancouver’s UBC, majoring in innovative writing and psychology. In her spare time, she has walked the show for her own brand izzue and frequently appeared in the front row of the show.

  Not long ago, she also appeared on the cover of the Hong Kong version of ELLE. Although she is still studying, she has already seen her ambition for the fashion circle.

  Being a star in the spotlight or going behind the scenes to "inherit the family business", I believe Shen Yue will have the choice to follow her heart after graduation.


  Learn to dominate the mind: Jane Li

  Jane Li, who has a healthy wheat complexion, is the eldest daughter of Jet Li and Nina Li Chi. She is a proper schoolmaster at Harvard University. She once had dinner with Ma Yun with her father, and the dinner was natural and graceful.

  Jane was born and raised abroad. Not only is her English comparable to her mother tongue, but Mr. and Mrs. Jet Li also ask her to speak Chinese fluently and remember her roots.

  As a famous star in the Chinese world, Jet Li and his children’s lives are naturally concerned. He has always encouraged his daughter to do what she wants, but he also told her to be brave and not care about the comments of netizens.

  On Jet Li’s 50th birthday, Jane painted 999 roses for him. He was particularly moved at that time, and this painting is still set in a frame for collection.

  He said that he and Jane get along more like friends, and the role of "tiger mother" is played by Nina Li Chi. However, he also told his daughters that not touching drugs and not looking down on life, let alone getting pregnant before graduating from college, is the principle of a father’s life for his daughters.

  At the dance, Jane wore a Christian Dior high-definition dress, and the wine red made her look mysterious and noble.

  In all the photos of celebrities, she still stands in position C.

  At the dance scene, dad Jet Li was so happy that he kept taking pictures of his daughter and danced together.

  Jane’s life with her father Jet Li is closely related to public welfare, which is a stepping stone for her to win the favor of the ladies’ ball.

  After the Indonesian tsunami in 2004, Jet Li set up the One Foundation on Jane’s birthday, and the LOGO of the One Foundation was also selected by Jane, who was 4 years old at that time.

  Before attending the celebrity dance, Jet Li and Ma Yun went to Africa to make a charity plan. Jane also took the initiative to ask her peers. She said that she had to go there to understand the actual situation before she could help others in a planned way.

  Looking through Jane’s Instagram, she looks like an ordinary international student, often posting photos with classmates and friends.

  In the future, Jane said that she would help others as much as possible like her father and continue to carry forward charity. Bund Jun likes Jane’s confident and sunny smile best. Please keep smiling like this.


  Touching voice: Liao Minchong

  Before this celebrity dance, you probably didn’t know Liao Minchong’s name, but you must have heard the song of her father, Liao Changyong, the "world’s first Chinese baritone". Since this year, Liao Changyong has also been the dean of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

  From an early age, Liao Minchong showed his extraordinary musical talent. At the age of 10, he began to perform on CCTV with his father, and often "grabbed" his father’s limelight in activities.

  When celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Party, Liao Changyong and Liao Minchong sang "Sing a Folk Song for the Party" with their father and daughter, which surprised the audience.

  The family background of a musical family and the experience of performing frequently when she was young made Liao Minchong pay attention to the celebrity dance. Because her father was busy with work, she went to Paris with her mother.

  Like many celebrity families, Liao Changyong and his wife want to live an ordinary life, but they have always protected their daughter well and kept her from doing anything other than going to school and singing.

  Liao Minchong, who is still a bit childish, may be the girl who came to Paris in the cheapest outfit. Her mother said that what she usually wears most is sportswear bought online for tens of dollars. She thinks that clothes just cover her body, so there is no need to be so extravagant.

  At the dance, she wore Guo Pei’s gray-purple high-cut dress and pretended to be serious with her partner for another second.

  Liao Minchong is only 17 years old this year, the youngest of the three girls in China. She is still in a high school in Shanghai, and you can even meet her in the iapm shopping mall-just like meeting an ordinary high school student.

  As of press time, there are only 209 fans on her Instagram, and a total of 5 pictures have been sent. Bund Jun only confirmed that this is not a counterfeiter by interacting with her message from Shen Yue.

  Liao Minchong is still in high school. In the future, she is likely to use her expertise to study music, and she is looking forward to her future development.

  In recent years, more and more China/Chinese celebrities have been invited to the Parisian Celebrity Ball.

  Last year, I.M. Pei’s granddaughter Anna Pei attended the dance.

  Yao Anna, daughter of Ren Zhengfei, president of Huawei Group.

  Angel Lee, daughter of Li Zhikang, general manager of PCG Group in Hong Kong.

  These Chinese girls are entrepreneurs or the "second generation of stars". They let the world see the brains and talents of the younger generation of women in China, and they also tell the world that although they have a prominent family background and outstanding appearance, good resources and education give them a smart and sexy mind, which others can never imitate.

  We can’t help but look forward to it. Which China celebrities will attend this dance next year?

Home improvement 100 megabits broadband can’t open the webpage and play the game delay! The reason is actually …

  Cctv newsOn May 17th, with the statements of the three basic operators, Beijing began to enter the era of "100 Mbps broadband". However, some users are still using the old copper broadband, with a slow speed of 4 megabytes and 5 megabytes. However, some users who have installed 20 megabits, 50 megabits or even 100 megabits of fiber-optic broadband at home often have delays in playing online games, and sometimes even ordinary web pages are difficult to open. What stuck the "last mile" in fttp? What caused the "short weight" of broadband speed increase? Come to see the reporter’s investigation.


  Once "insulated" optical fiber in high-grade residential areas

  Mr. Pan in Beijing lives in a relatively high-end residential area in the North Fourth Ring Road. The apartment building has its own independent system, and electricity, tap water, gas and communication are all self-contained and provided by the property management. Therefore, the annual fee of broadband used by Mr. Pan is more expensive than that of basic operators, but the broadband rate is only 5 trillion.

  "I want to open the website and watch a video news." Mr. Pan, who hopes to have a faster network speed, went to the business halls of China Unicom, China Telecom and China Mobile to apply for registration, but was told that the residential area was not covered with optical fiber because the apartment was not allowed to enter.

  A similar situation is not uncommon in other communities. In some communities, there is only one broadband service provider to choose from, and even the advertisements of other broadband companies are hard to see. However, the only broadband service provider is often slow and expensive. Mr. Pan wondered that the optical fiber had been laid at the bottom of the residential building, but it was stuck because of this "last mile". Who will protect the rights of the residents?

  100 Mbps broadband WeChat voice chat will be dropped.

  "When we register our children online, we are particularly anxious. A fairly simple webpage can’t be opened." Mr. Hong, a citizen, uses the 50-megabit-rate fiber-optic broadband annual service handled by Great Wall Broadband at home. However, after using it for one year, Mr. Hong felt that this 50-megabyte bandwidth was more like an "embroidered pillow".

  Mr. Jiang has just moved to a new home this year. Last month, he installed 20 megabits of "Dr. Peng" broadband, and the annual subscription fee was 1180 yuan. He said that he originally wanted to install the broadband of a big telecom operator, but the reply he got was that the community was not covered yet, so he could not go to fttp. "The network speed is very unstable. Now our community has only occupied about 40% of users, and playing an online game will get stuck. What if everyone moves in? " Mr. Jiang is deeply anxious about this.

  Mr. Wang, who lives in Yizhuang, said that the 100-megabit fiber-optic broadband in his own community would suddenly fail to open ordinary web pages, or be inexplicably disconnected while playing games, and there have also been cases where voice chat on WeChat suddenly broke. Mr. Wang showed several times the value of online speed measurement. In the case of using the telecom speed measurement web page, the fastest time, the tested bandwidth was only 26 megabits, which was only a quarter of the 100 megabits rate.

  remove a doubt

  Obstruct operators from entering the market for the benefit of property.

  According to Beijing’s informatization development plan, the free transformation of "light entering copper retreating" has been started in the whole city since 2011. Up to now, most of Beijing’s urban residential areas and rural areas have realized optical fiber to the building or fttp. However, there are still a few residential areas that can’t go home for "optical reform" for various reasons.

  According to an operator, some residents are unwilling to carry out optical fiber transformation in the residential areas that cannot be "light-reformed" at present, but more because property companies or property rights units obstruct operators from entering the market. "Of course, the reason for obstruction is for the benefit." According to a person familiar with the matter, in addition to admission fees, some property companies are not satisfied with collecting money at one time, and put forward new requirements such as broadband revenue sharing and collecting maintenance fees every year.

  In this regard, in 2016, the three departments of Beijing jointly issued the Notice on Promoting the Implementation of residential broadband Access for Property Management. It stipulates that real estate development enterprises or property service enterprises shall not sign monopoly or exclusive broadband operation agreements with others. On the premise that the infrastructure such as the equipment room has multiple accesses, the realty service enterprise shall try its best to meet the needs of the owners, at least ensure that more than three broadband operators have equal access, and disclose the relevant information of broadband access to the owners in a prominent position in the community.

  Too many users will lead to insufficient bandwidth.

  "The bandwidth mentioned by telecom operators is all theoretical values." A telecom expert said that in actual use, the download speed is lower than the theoretical value. Generally speaking, fluctuations in the range of 75% to 90% of the theoretical value can be regarded as normal. There are two main reasons why home users often feel that the network speed is not up to standard: the hardware facilities are not matched, or there are too many sharing users.

  Experts explained that in order to make full use of broadband resources, increase broadband revenue and reduce costs, operators will calculate an online ratio and choose how many users to configure on this basis. "In order to seize more business, small operators often attract customers at very low prices, and then configure more users regardless of the online ratio, resulting in insufficient broadband."

  Lack of authoritative third-party speed measuring mechanism

  How do you know how much "moisture" is mixed in the rate of home broadband? Just like Mr. Wang, a citizen, in practice, many users will choose to use speed measuring software to measure speed. However, the third-party speed measuring software on the network, not only the speed measured by each speed measuring software is different, but also the same software often measures different speeds.

   The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has said that the local communication administrations will cooperate with third parties to measure the speed of "fixed broadband access rate" and release it to the public. But up to now, there is no authoritative third-party broadband speed measuring agency in China.

From January to New Year’s Eve, what about our festivals and oral folklore?

Cover journalist Li Yuxin
"The sound of firecrackers is one year old, and the spring breeze warms Tu Su." When I heard that this poem began to appear frequently, it goes without saying that the pace of the Lunar New Year is not far away. Looking forward to it for a year, the Spring Festival, which belongs to the most grand traditional festival of China people, is just around the corner.
In the old days, there was a proverb in Chengdu, which was called "carrots are sweet and sweet, and it is necessary to celebrate the New Year when you see them." In fact, for the old Chengdu people, the "New Year" clock has already rung when they enter the twelfth lunar month, that is, the twelfth lunar month. For more than a month before and after the Spring Festival, ordinary people spent it in an atmosphere full of rich flavor of the year and lively joy. From the Laba Festival on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, to the "small year" on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, and then to the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, "it took Chengdu people more than a month to finish the New Year, and the content of the Spring Festival was very rich." In the description of folklore expert Liu Xiaochang, the joyful and lively flavor of the year seems to reverberate through time and space.
Folk expert Liu Xiaochang
Don’t blame strict and strict, spring and winter pay in the first month.
Slight cold January 5 (the third day of the twelfth lunar month)
Slight cold, the penultimate solar term among the 24 solar terms, is also the fifth solar term in winter. According to "twenty-four solar term", "On the December Festival, the cold at the beginning of the month is still small, so the clouds are big." It shows that slight cold means cold air accumulated for a long time, which means that the weather is cold but not yet extreme. Like great cold, slight summer heat, great summer heat and summer heat, it is a solar term indicating the change of temperature.
The arrival of the slight cold solar terms also means that the coldest time of the year has arrived. According to Liu Xiaochang, as far as Chengdu is concerned, the temperature in the mild cold season is actually lower than that in the severe cold season. "Therefore, there is a saying that a slight cold is better than a great cold. However, whether it is cold or not in the slight cold season in Chengdu does not depend on the solar terms. What is important is to see whether the cold air is strong. "
In this season, walking in the streets and lanes of Chengdu, I suddenly smell a touch of dark fragrance. Don’t doubt that this is the wintersweet that is proudly open and fragrant in the cold winter. "In the slight cold season, Chengdu can be described as a fragrant city." At this time, flower farmers from Gaodianzi in the eastern suburbs, Flower Zhaobi and Baihuatan in the western suburbs, Phoenix Mountain in the northern suburbs and other places, carrying flower baskets and pushing floats, peddling wintersweet along the street …
"For thousands of years, Chengdu people have loved plum blossoms." Liu Xiaochang said that during the Southern Song Dynasty, the poet Lu You lived in Chengdu and wrote a poem "Plum Blossom Jueju", in which he wrote, "When I traveled to the west of Jincheng City, I was drunk for plum blossoms. Twenty miles of incense, Qingyang Palace to Huanhuaxi ". It can be seen that at that time, Chengdu people loved plum blossoms.
The wind and the meaning of the twelfth lunar month have been in spring, and when it is scattered, it has passed my neighbor.
January 10th of Laba Festival (the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month)
Labazhou (Tuyuan Network)
When it comes to Laba Festival, the first thing that comes to mind is naturally the warm and delicious Laba porridge that night. In Liu Xiaochang’s description, the "New Year" of Chengdu people in the old days began from Laba Festival, which is the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. "In the old days, on the day of Laba Festival, every household in Chengdu cooked Laba porridge, sacrificed ancestors and had family reunion. Everyone in the family eats a bowl of Laba porridge and presents it to relatives and friends to celebrate the family in this form. "
Laba porridge, also known as "seven treasures and five flavors porridge", "Buddha porridge" and "everyone’s rice", is a kind of porridge made of various ingredients. As early as the Song Dynasty, there were written records about Laba porridge. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Wu Zimu’s "Meng Liang Lu" contained: "On the eighth day of this month, the temple was called Laba. Temples such as Dasha have five-flavor porridge called Laba porridge. " Therefore, the history of drinking Laba porridge has been thousands of years.
Liu Xiaochang said that the ingredients of Laba porridge are exquisite. The ingredients for cooking Laba porridge are mostly cereals such as rice, glutinous rice, coix seed and millet, as well as beans such as red beans, soybeans, rice beans, mung beans and kidney beans, or cooked with dried fruits such as red dates, peanuts, coix seed, lotus seeds, chestnuts, walnuts, longan, ginkgo and almonds. "This pot of porridge is very rich in ingredients. In fact, there are far more than eight kinds. How to cook it depends mainly on the family’s family scenery and the income."
The old snow has not disappeared yet, and the new snow has a family.
January 20th of the Great Cold (the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month)
As the folk saying goes, "A slight cold and a great cold, there is no wind and it is cold" and "A slight cold and a great cold, and it is cold in a ball". It can be seen that in the severe cold season, the weather has been extremely cold. Because of the severe cold solar terms, it is generally in the period of "March 9th".
In ancient times, there was no accurate weather forecast, and people passed it on from mouth to mouth, and invented a folk method to calculate the dates of cold days and warm flowers in spring, called "Counting Nine". According to the folk algorithm, the number nine is counted from the date of the 24 solar terms "Winter Solstice", and every nine days is counted as a "nine", and so on. Generally speaking, "March 9th" is the coldest time in a year. There is a saying that "3949, pigs and dogs freeze to death". When you count to nine "nine days", that is, when you count to 9981 days, it will be deep in spring and warm in the day.
The Great Cold is the last of the 24 solar terms. After the severe cold, it will be beginning of spring, and people will usher in the solar cycle of the new year. Because the New Year’s Day is just around beginning of spring, the new year’s flavor is getting stronger when the cold comes. As a result, the customs of the great cold solar terms are mostly related to the Lunar New Year. People "sweep the dust" and "paste the windows", get rid of old cloth and new ones, clean up and wait for the arrival of the new year. At the same time, we should also "go to the market" to buy La Worship supplies and buy new year’s goods.
In addition to the spring thunder in the dark, the snow is not over yet.
Off-year January 2526 (Lunar December 23-24)
As soon as the new year arrives, people are busy sweeping dust and offering sacrifices to stoves. Off-year has always been regarded as the beginning of a "busy year". Due to the different customs in the north and south, the days called "off-year" are different, usually on the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth lunar month. "On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, Chengdu people shouted off-year, and on this night, Master Kitchen God was sent to heaven. Every household in Chengdu has to offer sacrifices to the kitchen stove, that is, to the kitchen god. " Liu Xiaochang said.
Yao Wenhan in Qing Dynasty’s Celebration of the New Year’s Eve
Folk sacrificial stoves originated from the ancient custom of worshipping fire. The kitchen god’s duty is to take charge of the kitchen fire and manage the diet. Later, it was expanded to investigate the good and evil in the world, so as to reduce good and evil. The Ci of Sacrificing a Kitchen by Fan Chengda in the Song Dynasty: "According to the ancient legend, on the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, the kitchen ruler spoke to the sky … and sent you to the Tianmen to get drunk. Don’t go back to the clouds, begging for profit from the market."
"According to folklore, the kitchen god of every household in the past was sent to earth by the Jade Emperor to protect and observe the good and evil of this family. Seeing how many good deeds and evil deeds this family has done in this year, Kitchen God should remember them one by one. On the night of the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month, the Kitchen God will go to heaven and tell the Jade Emperor what this family has done in the past year, so as to bring misfortune and happiness. " Liu Xiaochang said, therefore, it is especially necessary to be cautious on this day, especially to warn your own dolls not to swear, so as not to be unclear.
The roar of firecrackers, the old one year has passed; The warm spring breeze came to the new year, and people drank happily the newly brewed tu su wine.
January 31st, New Year’s Eve (29th day of the twelfth lunar month)
When New Year’s Eve arrives, it means that the old year is over and the new year is replaced. Because New Year’s Eve often falls on the 29th or 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, it is also called New Year’s Eve. But this year’s New Year’s Eve, not on New Year’s Eve. As early as more than ten days ago, the topic # Spring Festival in 2022 has no 30th anniversary # on the hot search. According to astronomical experts, this is mainly related to the "Shuowangyue". The change of the moon is called a Shuowangyue once a week, with an average period of 29.5 days. It happens that the twelfth lunar month is a small moon in 2022, so there is no 30. But experts say that as long as the first day of the first month is still there, the night before is New Year’s Eve.
Qing Leng Mei’s "Spring Scene"
On New Year’s Eve, the most important thing for China families is the reunion dinner. For the old Chengdu people, it is no exception. "In fact, since the twelfth lunar month, every household in Chengdu has begun to prepare. Even people who have no money should try their best to cut a few kilograms of fresh meat and make some bacon to hang on the stove. Some people are very capable, making their own cakes, steaming rice cakes and making candy. " Liu Xiaochang described it.
"A meal to send the old age, spicy fresh food miscellaneous a few feast. Happy to be in the sky, a family size and reunion. " In the past, there was a Zhuzhi poem written in Chengdu, which is a true portrayal of the Chengdu People’s League Year. Of course, besides the reunion dinner, there are many traditional customs on New Year’s Eve, such as offering sacrifices to ancestors, putting up Spring Festival couplets, hanging New Year pictures in stick grilles, guarding the old age, and giving lucky money … The heads of families sit around a table and watch the children happily receive the red envelopes. The New Year’s Eve on the table is full of red couplets and window grilles. For Chinese people, a year’s hard work should be for the reunion and warmth of this moment.

Japan’s soccer basketball aims to win the world championship and establish a youth training model with low utility.

Live broadcast: On September 18th, today, Jin Xing, the founder and president of Oriental Qixing, who has been deeply involved in youth training for many years in titan sports, wrote in detail what he saw and heard during his field trip to Japanese basketball youth training. The original text is as follows:

I was shocked by the performance of the Japanese men’s basketball team in the World Cup, and the previous trip to Japan was really fruitful for me.

After several days of field trips, one of the simplest conclusions is that,The development of Japanese basketball and Japanese football comes down in one continuous line. They both aim to win the world championship, hoping to bring happiness to Chinese people.Make plans around this goal, implement it at a specific time, and implement it to specific people and things. Therefore, the development of Japanese basketball keeps pace no matter where and at what age.

Under the big goal,Japan has established a training system of double pyramid model, that is, the two development directions of mass and elite.. The mass direction is to cultivate lifelong sports hobbies, while the elite direction is to select and cultivate national talents. But the most important thing is the foundation of the double pyramid: youth training based on stimulating interest and cultivating socialization ability.

Although the double pyramid culture system has different purposes, it is connected with each other. Nowadays, these Japanese national players, who are all-powerful in the World Cup, began to receive basketball training from the perspective of cultivating interest, and later gradually showed their interest and talent in basketball.

The training of Japanese basketball is not so utilitarian. Their idea is that basketball needs to bring happiness to children and cultivate good personality.When watching Japanese youth training, we observed that in addition to cultivating children’s basketball ability, coaches also paid great attention to children.Etiquette and courtesy, cooperation ability, leadership, self-management ability and problem-solving ability.The cultivation of these five aspects.

Of course, this is also related to Japan’s positioning and high requirements for coaches.In the Japanese basketball system, the coach’s duty is to "send the players where they want to go and reach their destination." In other words, the coach’s position is "supporter"They don’t define children by their own likes and dislikes, respect their individuality and encourage their creativity. In such a free environment, they can stimulate their self-confidence and leadership, and dare to take responsibility and fight at critical moments. It is the coach’s mission to encourage children to enjoy happy games and improve themselves from setbacks.

Japan is currently in the process of youth training.Denied the concept of "victory first". You can pursue victory, but you should also enrich your life and learn the necessary value of life. This is the real victory.

After teenagers gradually formed good interests and basketball habits, the pyramid system for elites began to select materials. Japan’s selection priority is different from China’s. In the past few years, China’s selection was based on height, speed, technology and ball dealer, while Japan’s selection was based on technology first, then ball dealer, and then height and speed.

After the selection is confirmed, the Japan Basketball Association will organize the best players of all ages in the country for training. Every long holiday of more than three days, the best children of U14, U16 and U18′ s age will get together and get to know each other, laying a foundation for fighting side by side in the future.

In the past few years, the road for Japanese children to develop overseas in high school and university has also been completely opened, and more and more Japanese players have gone to the United States and Australia to receive higher-level training.

The double pyramid model makes Japanese basketball youth training systematic and can be implemented in every stage. Combined with the campus, it is natural to continuously transport talents for Japanese basketball. On the other hand, in the youth training of basketball in China today, we have players with better static talent and more extensive attention and participation in basketball, but there are still many unsatisfactory places in terms of goal consensus and systematization. In addition,The most fundamental point is that our youth training is too utilitarian.. I hope we can make it clear in the youth training that interest and victory are not contradictory, but should be combined with each other. On the one hand, the mission of youth training is to help China basketball expand the basketball population base, and at the same time to train basketball talents for the country.


Epic deal, the Lakers offer Harden 5 for 1.

5 for 1, Harden will join the Los Angeles Lakers. Recently, according to American media reports, the Los Angeles Lakers made a deal negotiation with the management of the 76ers. They are willing to offer Hakimura, Vincent, Vanderbilt and Russell, as well as the second round of draft picks to get Harden, and the 76ers are also evaluating the deal, and it is expected that a consensus will be reached soon.

Why did Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team only give Yi Jianlian a one-year Class C contract? Many considerations behind the renewal of contract

Why did Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team only give Yi Jianlian a one-year Class C contract? Many considerations behind the renewal of contract

Guangdong men’s basketball team and Yi Jianlian completed the contract renewal, but the contract period is only one year, and it belongs to the C contract. There are many considerations behind this decision. Although Yi Jianlian has achieved great success for the team in the past, the team must face the reality that his age and physical fitness are gradually declining. In order to maintain the team’s long-term competitiveness, Guangdong men’s basketball team had to handle the contract renewal with caution, and restricted Yi Jianlian’s contract selection. In the past few years, Yi Jianlian has been one of the core players of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team. His joining has brought outstanding performance to the team, helped the team win the league championship many times and won a series of personal honors. His skill and leadership make him an indispensable part of the team.

However, with the passage of time, Yi Jianlian inevitably faces the problems of age and physical fitness. In the past few seasons, his performance on the court has gradually declined, which has aroused the concern of the team management. As a top basketball club, Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team must always remain competitive. With the rise of a new generation of players and the strengthening of other teams, the team must constantly adjust its tactics and lineup. For Yi Jianlian’s contract renewal, the management must carefully consider the long-term development of the team. His contract period is limited to one year, precisely for greater flexibility in the future, so as to make strategic adjustments and reconstruction when necessary. However, restricting Yi Jianlian’s contract choice is not a simple decision.

As a team leader and senior player, Yi Jianlian’s influence and experience on the court are irreplaceable. His guidance and leadership on the court is very important for the growth of young players. Teams must balance the relationship between maintaining competitiveness and cultivating new people. Therefore, the management must find a suitable way to keep Yi Jianlian’s leading position and prepare for the team’s future. In addition to the stadium performance, the team’s financial situation is also one of the factors to consider renewing the contract. As a top star, Yi Jianlian’s salary is naturally higher. The team must carefully consider the salary structure and budget in the contract renewal to ensure the overall financial health. The restriction of class C contracts can also help the team avoid the potential risks brought by long-term contracts.

Although Yi Jianlian only won a class C contract for one year, it does not mean that the team does not attach importance to his value and contribution. On the contrary, it is recognition and respect for his past performance. At the same time, this is also to adapt to the ever-changing basketball environment, so that the team can better cope with challenges in the future. Generally speaking, Guangdong men’s basketball team is faced with many considerations when renewing Yi Jianlian’s contract. His past contribution, the reality of declining age and physical fitness, and the long-term competitiveness and financial situation of the team have all become important factors affecting the decision-making. Restricting Yi Jianlian’s contract term and type reflects the team’s cautious attitude towards future strategic planning and development. As fans, we are looking forward to the arrival of the new season and believe that the Guangdong men’s basketball team can continue to achieve brilliant results in the new challenges.

The Story of Hailian Football Team (Battle Becomes Big)

The Story of Hailian Football Team (Battle Becomes Big)

-Enjoy the days of "Happy Football"

During the rising period of Chengdu Rongcheng Football Team, the football atmosphere here has been expanded, the Chengdu football market has recovered, and the scalpers of banknotes have revived. Football has once again become a hot topic in the stage, and the number of people willing to play football has increased. This east wind has ushered in a new chapter in Chengdu City Football League in 2023. The number of teams has increased steadily, the number of players has greatly increased, and the intensity of competition has increased significantly. In 2023, Hailian set sail for the first battle, and met the most powerful winning team, a hard-to-play cowhide-style personal playing team. It tried its best to fight bravely in the trial array, but its strength was inferior to that of its opponent and it failed to score points.

Watching children practice football on the sidelines, I can’t help but think of football in the 1980s. At that time, China was the top four football teams in Asia all the year round, and suspended 5-10 "strong teams in Asia", and a large number of excellent players from Li Fusheng, Rong Zhixing, Gu Guangming and other countries tried their best to dominate Asian football, failing to enjoy the bonus of football league and get high salaries. Influenced by the reform and opening up, market economy, football culture and system, those young people who grew up in the 1980s gave up their cultural studies and entered the sports teams well, just to make a living. In the end, they were all injured and supported their families with low wages. In the early 1990s, the career of playing football was lost, and a large number of players were injured, but they could only earn some porridge to support their families. As everyone knows, the 90′ s football league, which was the devil’s errand, soared and ushered in the golden age of 20 years, making the players at the top of the professional football pyramid become rich. In fact, the proportion of getting rich with high salary is very low, and a large number of players below the top of the tower have failed to earn super-high salary, that is, the ability to support their families. Playing football, like other professions, only the top of the pyramid can get traffic and super-high money.

On the weekend, I heard a joke from the big Huaxi Dam team "Brother Yong": Every year, we win enough to charge ahead, and we break behind. This seemingly simple truth tells the spirit and culture of football. Winning or losing is not the only thing in the competition of the old age group. Everyone participates because of their love. We should pay attention to the competition and make friends with the ball. Players in their fifties are no longer young, but choose to pursue their dreams in a round football. That’s because they love sports, health, life and life, put down the burden of winning or losing, play happily, and even enjoy the days of pursuing "happy football" as a dam ball. Over the past few months, the understanding and knowledge about enjoying the happiness of football has been deeply integrated into the hearts of every player in Hailian, and it has become more and more in-depth into every game, every movement, every pass, ball control, and every rush …

The defeat in the last fight was just a climb and a cut on the way forward of Hailian, and the twists and turns that must be experienced on the way forward. Everyone came down to discuss the topic and had a clear understanding. Although they were not discouraged by the defeat, they expressed their opinions, worked together and brainstormed, and the gaps and problems were clearly discussed.

On the morning of May 20th, Taiping Temple Football Stadium No.1 was the second stop of Hailian’s voyage against Chengdahong team. Before the game, according to the observation of the previous game, the general situation of the players who have already played has been understood, the players and lineups who have played first in Hailian have been clearly excluded, the positions and captains have been clearly defined, and opinions and suggestions on defense and counter-attack have been discussed one by one. At the same time, the backup players are required to be ready to play, and they are required to abide by the rules and change players to maintain a constant confrontation with speed and strength on their opponents. According to the principle of "not for winning or losing, but for loving", personal physical safety always comes first. Regardless of adversity and prosperity, we should strive for the upper reaches, and we must fight against our opponent’s soldier sword spirit every field, not necessarily winning, and never giving up.

In the first half, based on defense, Shanghai United put up a 134-player formation for the midfield without a striker. In the midfield, it began to mark people and add defense to force a big red team, making it difficult for opponents to move forward easily and comfortably. At the same time, considering the small size of the eight-man system, the front waist is more than 20 meters to kill the opponent’s restricted area, and the sprinting players with speed, physical strength and acceleration ability are arranged in the front waist position, and the 1331 formation evolved during the counterattack. Into a big red team, make full use of the players’ personal physical strength, speed, ball control ability, long team time, skilled team cooperation and high tacit understanding, constantly attack each other in the midfield, and also play a long left-hand speed to cross the midfield quickly and launch a rapid attack on Hailian. In the third minute, the defense was deformed and was crossed by the opponent, and easily scored 1 goal. The midfield and the right area were suppressed and scored another goal in the 17th minute. Hailian used counterattack, and "Feng Ge" made a far-corner shot, hit the post and caused a serial collision, and recovered a goal. Five minutes later, Chengdahong Team No.9 completed a beautiful performance of individual player’s ability, from the midfield to the bottom along the right side of Hailian, and then took the ball horizontally to the front of the small restricted area, beautifully passing through four defenders and pushing another goal.

In the second half, Chengdahong team removed the No.9 player from the midfield organization, and the two sides fought for each other in the midfield. Chengdahong team made full use of cooperation and personal rapid breakthrough, causing threats several times in a row and once scored a goal. Hailian quickly organized a counterattack to complete a beautiful pass and moved back to 1 goal. Cheng Dahong once again used the long pass to the bottom, and the avant-garde quickly ran to the bottom to complete the last goal of the game.

In this game, the sea wing lost 2:5, which is also a true manifestation of the overall strength of the audience, and there is an obvious gap in strength. First, judging from the on-site performance, Cheng Dahong’s personal physical strength, which is the most basic and first ability to play football, is generally ahead, and its speed and strength are better. Second, half of the ball appeared, and Hailian players basically couldn’t outrun their opponents many times. Even if they ran, they could touch the ball first, but they couldn’t hold the ball many times under the anti-interference of their opponents. Third, the opponent’s individual soldiers have repeatedly completed one-on-one, one-on-two crossing, and two-on-two touching ball crossing, and several positions lack the ability to take the initiative to make up the position after losing the position. Fourth, the player’s personal technical ability limits the ability to receive and control the high ball. Cheng Dahong’s avant-garde is in an absolute advantage in receiving and controlling a long pass and throwing a high ball. Fifth, the cooperation between players is not skilled. After touching the ball in the standing position, there are too few points to meet the running position, which causes insufficient threat pressure to the opponent. Sixth, before the game, based on the weak team of Hailian, the defensive midfield formation was put forward, and the practical operation pressure was high, which made it too late to withdraw from the position to participate in the defense. The control of the midfield was weak, and the Hailian defender was suppressed to play, and the team became a big red team. The defensive situation was very passive. (The above is only personal experience of watching the ball, for personal learning reference only)




Evergrande Football School has achieved fruitful results! The 22-year-old star won the Golden Globe Award and scored the best 11 players. Xu Jiayin didn’t brag.

Guangzhou Evergrande, which won the Super League championship eight times, is undoubtedly a household name in domestic football. However, with the collapse of the capital chain, Guangzhou’s current team is not what it used to be. After relegation from the penultimate place in the league, it returned to the Chinese League last season.

In the new season, after five rounds of battle, Guangzhou team still hasn’t won a game, and only ranks third from the bottom with the goal difference advantage. If we can’t make a quick decision, the former China football champion may enter the second team next season. Guangzhou team’s fiasco performance is also very simple: "I have no money."

Because the parent company stopped injecting capital, the main force of the original team left the team one after another, and the Guangzhou team could only live on its own hematopoiesis. Due to the limited funds of the team, it is impossible to invite foreign aid, but I think fans should know how important foreign aid is to China Club. Two or three good foreign AIDS can almost directly make the team by going up one flight of stairs, but if the foreign aid team and the Youth League don’t play again, it’s not surprising that the Guangzhou team will be relegated in the Chinese League.

Xu Jiayin, chairman of Guangzhou Evergrande Club, was temporarily released at the opening ceremony of the football school in 2012. Relying on the brave words supported by Evergrande Football Association will gradually complete the transformation from relying on foreign aid to win the world, thanks to the hematopoietic capacity of Guangzhou Evergrande Team. Not too distant future. Cultivate China as a world star! After 11 years, I didn’t expect the two cows boasted by Xu Jiayin to come true.

Guangzhou team has participated in the league as "All-China Class" since last season, which can be said to be a curve rescue league, mainly because the All-China Class has no funds to invite foreign aid. They took this historic step. The goal of Evergrande Football School to train world-class players in China has also become a reality. Zhang Lingyang, 22, won the Golden Glove Award in the Swiss Women’s Football Super League at the award ceremony just concluded a few days ago. Counting the best 11 people in the Swiss Women’s Super League, Zhang Linyan is already a well-deserved world-class star!

After Zhang Linyan won the prize, Evergrande Football School also shared Zhang Linyan’s growing experience on social media. The four-year Women’s World Cup will start in July this year. I hope that Zhang Linyan can play well with the national team and contribute to the further success of the women’s football team in China.

After 3-0, 1-2, the Serie A champion team became worse, shooting 28 goals, making it the first defeat in history, and Milan had a good chance.

In the 26th round of Serie A, Naples won 2-0, which means that they are back on the right track after the last round of defeat. They scored 68 points and were far ahead in the championship, which also shows that the other four teams can only reach the second place at most. From the point of view of points, originally Inter Milan was most likely to hold the second place in the standings. After all, after the first 25 rounds, their points reached 50 points, temporarily ahead of Lazio, AC Milan and other teams!

However, with the end of the 26th round, Inter Milan, the 19th champion of Serie A, almost ruined its advantage. In this round of competition, the Nerazzurri played against spezia, and in the first round, Inzaghi led a 3-0 victory. In addition, the starting price of Vispe Zia of Inter Milan is 278.1 million euros, which shows that the Nerazzurri have won completely. Even the Nerazzurri are considered to have the strongest lineup in Serie A, and it seems that they deserve to win again. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out, and the "Nerazzurri" finally faced defeat under the frequent waste of opportunities.

From the 5th minute when lautaro got the chance to play, to the end of the first half, Inter Milan launched more than 5 attacks, but all failed, including a penalty. However, lautaro missed the penalty in the first half and became the player who missed the penalty the second time since the 2021-2022 season: 8 penalty kicks and 4 penalties. In the second half, Inter Milan stepped up their offensive. From the 46th minute to the 83rd minute, lautaro and brozovic launched attacks in vain, and finally the score was rewritten with the help of Lu Kaku’s penalty.

However, spezia’s luck was even better. In the 55th minute, Danielle Maldini was unguarded and scored from the front of the restricted area. In the 87th minute, Spezia relied on a penalty to kill the game directly, and Inter Milan lost 1-2. What we need to know is that the possession rate of the "Nerazzurri" in this battle is 38 percentage points higher than that of the opponent, and the number of shots reached 28 times, which is 7 times that of the opponent. However, it is still embarrassing that it is still impossible to win.

Interestingly, the defeat of this game is also the first defeat of Inter Milan against spezia. In the previous nine games, the Nerazzurri won eight games. It seems that the team’s instability has seriously affected a series of records! Of course, the defeat of Inter Milan is undoubtedly a good thing for AC Milan in the same city. After the first 25 rounds, the Rossoneri accumulated 47 points.

In other words, if we win this round, then AC Milan points can also reach 50 points, which is consistent with Inter Milan, and then better compete for the second place. You know, in the first 18 rounds, AC Milan beat Inter Milan and held the second place in the standings. Now it seems that Pioli is expected to lead the team to restore the victory!