标签归档 上海花千坊会所

Which is the Chinese takeaway that appears in the movie? | 30 seconds to understand the movie

There is no specific restaurant, all Chinese restaurants use the same takeout packaging.

    1905 movie network feature In many movies and TV shows, when the protagonist eats Chinese takeout, he will order a white square carton takeout package. I believe fat friends will be curious about which Chinese restaurant can contract all the Chinese takeout shots in the film and television industry –

Movie screenshot

     In fact, this takeaway box is not exclusive to a certain restaurant. The reason why it has a high appearance rate is that all Chinese restaurants use this takeaway ******iformly, and the name of this takeaway box is called the oyster bucket.

     As the name suggested, this takeaway box was originally used to hold oysters. Later, after the American trend of eating oysters passed, many oyster barrels were put on hold. The shrewd Chinese restaurant owner "recycled" and bought the oyster box at a low cost as takeaway packaging. In addition, the design of the oyster box itself can ensure that the soup is not sprinkled, so it has been used until now and has become the standard of all Chinese takeaways.

     The improved Chinese food in the United States has long since become the sweet and sour taste that Americans like. Although chopsticks will drive them crazy, the low price and convenient packaging have still captured a group of Chinese food followers. For example, in the movie "Love and Spirit Medicine", Anne Hathaway has many scenes of eating Chinese takeaway food.

Sales break 100,000! Ask the new M7 intelligent safety double leading, set a new benchmark in the industry

In the field of smart cars, the Wenjie new M7 has set a model of intelligent driving in the new era with its innovative technology and cutting-edge design. At the end of 2023, this Huawei-empowered model not only became the focus of the market for its excellent 100,000 sales, but also won wide recognition from consumers for its advanced intelligent driving system and comprehensive safety protection. The launch of the Wenjie new M7 not only marks a new milestone in new energy vehicle technology, but also indicates the infinite possibilities for the future development of smart cars.

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Shuangzhi "ceiling", M7 helps smart travel

In the field of intelligent driving, the new M7 has many highlights, and its HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system adds a unique advantage to it. This system, which does not rely on high-precision maps, can provide intelligent driving services nationwide, which means that whether it is on busy streets in cities or on country roads, the new M7 can provide an excellent driving experience.

The heart of the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 system lies in its excellent sensing capabilities, integrating a variety of sensors such as lidar and multi-dimensional cameras. It realizes full-scene and full-speed domain accurate recognition of various targets through the BEV + GOD 2.0 network and the RCR2.0 network. Whether it is urban traffic or highways, the Wenjiexin M7 can automatically follow cars, change lanes, and even handle complex intersections with ease. On highways, it can automatically maintain a safe distance and choose the best lane according to navigation, providing a relaxed long-distance driving experience.

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In terms of smart cockpit, the addition of Hongmeng Smart Cockpit 3.0 has made Wenjie New M7 an industry leader. The super desktop function provides a wealth of audio and video entertainment options, and the all-round adaptive adjustment function adjusts the seat, volume, etc. according to personal needs to improve comfort. The one-click car reservation function allows to preset the in-car environment through the mobile phone, while Xiaoyi smart assistant provides real-time voice interaction services to conveniently handle daily needs.

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The HUAWEI MagLink smart car screen system of the new M7 is a major highlight, enabling instant connection of the tablet, and bringing the driver a home-like intelligent experience through multi-device collaborative linkage. In addition, the NCA intelligent driving function of the new M7 provides more peace of mind and relaxation during long-distance driving.

Smart and safe, the new M7 leads the future of driving

In the new era of smart cars, safety performance is always an important indicator to measure a model. The new M7 has shown its outstanding strength in this regard. This model is equipped with a lidar multi-sensor fusion sensing system and a HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, which realizes functions such as omnidirectional active collision prevention and automatic emergency braking, ensuring comprehensive safety whether in smart driving or human driving.

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The lidar system on the M7 is like the "third eye" of the vehicle, monitoring small changes in the surrounding environment in real time to ensure the safety of the vehicle in various complex road conditions. The HUAWEI ADS 2.0 system acts as the intelligent "brain" of the vehicle, capable of making quick decisions to adapt to the changing driving environment and provide a more stable and safe driving experience.

In an emergency, the M7 responds quickly by activating automatic emergency braking, effectively avoiding or mitigating the possibility of a collision. This perfect combination of active and passive safety provides unprecedented safety for both drivers and passengers, making every trip full of peace of mind and comfort.

In order to enable more consumers to experience the smart driving charm of Wenjie’s new M7, the manufacturer has launched a limited-time promotion. As of December 31, 2023, consumers can enjoy the limited-time promotion price of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 Urban Smart Driving Premium Package of 18,000 yuan, which is much lower than the original price of 36,000 yuan. For owners who enjoy the deduction benefit of 15,000 yuan premium package, the two can be used at the same time, providing an unprecedented preferential opportunity.

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The launch of the new M7 is not only a manifestation of technological innovation, but also a microcosm of the future development of intelligent driving. It not only provides a forward-looking intelligent driving experience, but also ensures the safety of every trip, truly realizing the perfect combination of intelligence and safety. The launch of this model heralds a new era of smarter and safer smart cars.


Wu Jing invited Jackie Chan to film! "Dragon Horse Spirit" reveals new feature footage

1905 movie network news The movie starring the screenwriter, director,,, and lead is being released. So far, the movie has won the single-day box office championship for 11 consecutive days, with a total box office 160 million. In the movie, Jackie Chan’s flexible and changeable action comedy style is still light and humorous. In addition, what is more moving and unforgettable is Jackie Chan’s sincere tribute to the spirit of the Dragon Tiger martial artist. The film not only reviews the many wonderful moments in Jackie Chan’s 60 years of film, but also dedicates it to every Dragon Tiger martial artist who "works hard to fight".

On April 18, the film released a clip of "Tribute to the Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist". Yuan Wei, a junior action actor played by Jackie Chan, invited Lao Luo, an outdated martial artist played by Jackie Chan, to shoot a scene and pay tribute to the spirit of the Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist. Lao Luo, who has been away from the studio for many years, still insists on the spirit of the Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist’s practice and requires "real fight and real fall" in the face of emerging visual effects technology. Under Yuan Wei’s dissuasion, Lao Luo’s sentence "Don’t fall, what will the audience watch" is very emotional. Jackie Chan and Wu Jing, representatives of two generations of action movies, joined hands to offer this tribute scene, which made many audiences call "profound significance".


Jackie Chan and Wu Jing join forces to pay tribute to the Dragon and Tiger martial artist

The collision of the two generations of martial arts concepts is touching

"Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist, never say no". In the movie, Jackie Chan’s role as Lao Luo has adhered to the spirit of Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist for decades. No matter how dangerous the jump, no matter how difficult the action is, he will do his best to complete it. "They are very simple, action, jump, hospital", just three words, not only summarize the professional characteristics of Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist, but also almost outline Jackie Chan’s film career. Jackie Chan’s true character as Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist brought the audience bluntly said that "some empathy does not need to be played, it is the truth that comes from the heart".

Among them, the tribute scene completed by Jackie Chan, Wu Jing, and Tang Jili, three representatives of Chinese action movies, is particularly meaningful. When the traditional concept of real combat meets the upgrade and update of emerging technologies, Lao Luo, who does not understand visual effects, insists on "tribute, come true", while Yuan Wei said that "tribute is not fatal". The concept collision of the two generations of dragon and tiger martial artists deeply touched many audiences. "This scene is like the intersection of the silent film era and the sound film era in the history of film, and both sides have their own attitudes and demeanors."


Jackie Chan is no longer an "invincible" character

"Easy to jump down, hard to walk down" makes people cry

Jackie Chan and Wu Jing in the opposite scene, there is a line that left a deep impression on people. "It’s easy to jump down, but difficult to walk down." This sentence comes from Jackie Chan’s real experience as a dragon and tiger martial artist. Director Yang Zi specially put this sentence in the dialogue between Jackie Chan and Wu Jing, and Jackie Chan, who is nearly 70 years old, also gave the best interpretation of this sentence.

At the end of the three-person tribute scene, Jackie Chan’s role as Lao Luo made a decision that surprised the audience. This time, Jackie Chan no longer "jumped down" fearlessly, but let go of the so-called dignity of the dragon and tiger martial artist and "walked down" steadily. This choice is both sighing and touching. Some viewers said, "I will be amazed by this toughness, even if the tough guy who has jumped all his life did not jump down this time, but walked down steadily. The toughness in the blood of the bones cannot be worn down by time, let alone fade."

How to learn English? This article is thorough.

Recently, a video of a speech by Zheng Qiang, a professor at Zhejiang University, became popular on the Internet. In the speech, Professor Zheng Qiang pointed out: "In the past 20 years, we have over-exaggerated the weight of English in children’s growth education, and the wrong learning method has consumed a lot of valuable time of outstanding students, which is a manifestation of cultural self-confidence." This remark triggered a discussion among netizens, and many netizens said that "English is useless" and "English should withdraw from the college entrance examination".
From primary school to university, English has been with children in China, but few can really learn English well. Therefore, the discussion about whether English is useful or not and whether English should quit the college entrance examination has never been interrupted.
Returning to Professor Zheng Qiang’s point of view, it is not difficult to find that what he attacked was not English learning, but the wrong English learning method. He thinks that the wrong English learning method has delayed a large number of excellent students’ precious time.
This is what really needs reflection: how to learn English?
Why do you want to learn English
First of all, let’s think about the purpose of learning English: why should we learn English?
It is to use English for cross-border and cross-cultural communication, and to easily use English to read and absorb rich achievements and nutrients of human humanities, history and culture.
Starting from this goal, it is not difficult to find that if we set a standard for learning English well, the most direct thing is whether we can communicate with foreigners without barriers and whether we can read original English books and information without barriers.
English "Cowboy" succeeds in The Secret Behind.
In 2014, China Education Radio broadcasted such an exclusive interview: an ordinary 8-year-old boy spent four years writing 200,000 words of English novels at the age of 12, with almost zero starting point in English. His experience of English transformation and growth attracted the attention of the whole English teaching community.
The child’s name is Xiao Bowen, and his mother is Professor Cao Wen from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Professor Cao Wen said:
"His English enlightenment began when he was eight years old. He likes the feeling of snuggling up to me and listening to me tell him stories. I told him a story in English for three months, and then he could slowly start reading independently. With the combination of massive listening and reading, he has a very good starting point. "
"He is so happy, so without design, so unconsciously, he never remembers words, never recites texts, has no grammatical concepts, and has no real learning, but he has achieved positive results."
"And I’m still teaching a group of English majors over the age of 18 intensive reading and grammar. I hope they can write a 4,000-word English undergraduate thesis in four years!"
This incident made Professor Cao Wen very emotional: "Children’s English is not taught, it subverts my understanding of English learning, from just staring at textbooks to believing in the power of massive listening and interesting reading."
Coincidentally, in 2016, Anhui Business Daily reported that a 9-year-old boy from a township had been exposed to English since he was 6 years old. In just three years, he was familiar with college English textbooks, and his oral communication was very fluent. He could translate while speaking, and English teachers were afraid to ask him questions in class.
His experience has subverted many people’s cognition of English learning.
The 9-year-old child named Chen Shengjie comes from Baitafan Primary School in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. It is understood that Chen Shengjie was exposed to English by his father, Mr. Chen, around the age of 6.
Mr. Chen said that the reason why his son Chen Shengjie reached the present English level was entirely accumulated by reading, listening and speaking more.
Mr. Chen mentioned that reading more is the key to improving English. When reading, you don’t have to pick words and grammar. The difficulty of reading can be improved little by little according to your child’s level. While reading, try to let your child express himself in English as much as possible. When the child can accumulate "barrier-free reading" and "barrier-free listening and speaking", he will naturally understand grammar.
Through the above two stories, it is not difficult to find that there are two key points for two children to become English "cattle" children: listening more and reading more.
Many people also know the benefits of listening and reading a lot to English, but they face many obstacles in real implementation:
Where can I find such a large amount of original English materials?
How to choose the original English materials suitable for your own level?
What is the appropriate amount of materials?
How to realize seamless docking of materials and systematic natural listening and reading?
What if parents don’t have the energy or ability to coach their children for bandu?
What if a single family can’t afford to buy English original materials because of the lack of channels and huge cost?
In the face of these problems, although everyone realizes the importance of listening and reading, it is difficult to implement, and finally it becomes a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water, which is beyond reach.
iEnglishPut forward the overall solution to master English simply and efficiently.
IEnglish class mother tongue English learning and training system, aiming at the obstacles faced by massive English listening and reading, puts forward the overall solution of English learning.
The iEnglish native English learning and training system selects nearly 20,000 original English books, massive pictures, audio and video, etc., and guides children to carry out massive comprehensible input and output training, so as to easily acquire English unconsciously.
The native English learning and training system of iEnglish can be regarded as a mobile electronic library. The system selects a large number of high-quality original English materials, all of which are classic contents used by students in English-speaking countries, including picture books, stories, novels, pictures, audio and video, etc., to restore the complex scenes of real English environment and meet the learning needs of children of different ages.
Solve the problem of difficulty level through intelligent push
Just like learning to play basketball and calligraphy, the level needs to be gradually improved in stages. According to the needs of non-native English students for listening, reading and learning English, the iEnglish native English learning and training system sets a grading system of 150 levels from easy to difficult. By evaluating learners’ English foundation, accurately matching the difficulty level, and intelligently pushing the content with suitable difficulty according to factors such as the mastery level, 80% of the content can be effectively understood, and new content can be supplemented, and at the same time, it is smoother and smoother when upgrading, realizing the personalized learning of each student and ensuring the learning effect.
Hundreds of foreign teachers solve listening and pronunciation problems.
In the mother tongue environment, due to age, region, gender and other factors, everyone’s pronunciation is different. In order to better simulate the real English listening environment, the system has hundreds of English native speakers, male and female, old and young, to avoid children’s dependence on a single accent and better train their listening.
Through hundreds of foreign teachers’ bandu and pronunciation correction, the problems that parents are not allowed to speak and can’t coach their children are solved, thus naturally cultivating a pure English accent.
Learning reports keep parents informed of their learning situation at any time.
Compared with training courses and one-on-one foreign teachers, it is impossible to know the progress and effect of children’s learning in time. In order to help parents better understand and master the progress and effect of children’s learning, the iEnglish mother tongue English learning and training system is equipped with a mobile phone parent terminal, so that children’s learning data and status can be synchronized in real time, and the system automatically analyzes learning records and forms reports, so that parents can easily help students.
iEnglishThe effect has been widely verified, and the English learning problem has been really solved.
Since 2016, the learning effect of iEnglish has been widely verified: four-year-old children have achieved synchronization with American seven-year-old children’s reading ability in three years; Seven-year-old children with zero foundation passed the Cambridge PET exam in three years (similar to the difficulty of Chinese college entrance examination); 10-year-old children with a certain foundation passed the FCE level (equivalent to IELTS 6.0) in two years; Students in Grade Two got more than 130 points in the college entrance examination after more than 400 days of study. Officially, because iEnglish far exceeds parents’ expectations, it has become an "artifact" in English learning. More and more parents realize that solving English learning problems requires changing traditional English learning methods. Now hundreds of thousands of children are using iEnglish to solve English learning problems.
IEnglish makes English learning return to the essence, so as to achieve the goal of barrier-free communication with foreigners and obstacles to reading original English books and information.
So that every child can use English for cross-border and cross-cultural communication, and can easily use English to read and absorb rich achievements and nutrients of human humanities, history and culture.
For children’s English learning, we can’t take the old road and waste their precious time on mechanically rigid memorizing words and learning grammar. We need to let go of our inherent thinking, give up the fixed mode of learning only textbooks and start a new method of English learning.
The overall solution proposed by iEnglish-like mother tongue English learning and training system is such a brand-new, simple and efficient new English learning method. It starts from the underlying logic of language learning, and directly attacks the problems in China children’s English learning and parents’ pain points, and finally completely solves the English learning problems.
I believe that in the near future, there will be fewer and fewer seminars on English learning, because more and more students are using iEnglish to overcome English learning problems!

Lying at home for three years, not working, 0 socializing: Why don’t young people want to go to work?

Source: Business Insight
The punk in the world I recently experienced is a young man who has been lying dead at home for three years.
I lay dead at home for three years, tied to my bed, and didn’t go out more than 500 meters in Fiona Fang. I only went to supermarkets and small shops downstairs to replenish food.
In the past three years, he has no job, socializes, rents a room of eight square meters, eats a mountain of snacks and instant noodles, drinks three or four tons of cola, and his only companion is a mobile phone. He has watched more than 100 large-scale series.
What supports his corpse life is savings, flowers, online loans and credit cards from all walks of life. ….
For a while, there were quite a lot of people who were lying dead. Some of them were lying dead for two years, from 280 kg to 180 kg, and their desires were lost, and they could not feel the joys and sorrows.
Some people are slightly better. Although they are lying dead, they earn 300 yuan a day, 100 yuan for staying in hotels, 100 yuan for smoking, surfing the Internet in eat areca and eating in 100 yuan.
Some people have been lying dead for two years, owing 50 thousand, taking their girlfriends and ready to go out to work.
I remember, KnowYourself sent an article to analyze the unique "squatting clan" phenomenon in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
"This group of people is highly educated, unemployed, neither bloody nor struggling. They rent houses in first-tier cities, can’t go home, can’t stay, and do nothing all day."
The "squatting clan" is the product of this era. They fully verified the sentence "Efforts may not be successful, but it is really comfortable not to work hard".
I think, if it’s a wolf-like 996 enterprise, they will say lightly when they see the above "people lying dead and squatting". They are simply wasting their lives.
But when I see them, I will only think that they are really brave and really punk.
Speaking of it, I am also a "squatter". I haven’t been to work for more than a year. I tried to go to work in the middle, but I will run away in less than a day. My daily life is to stay in the rental house, sleep at dawn, get up at dark, and stay indoors for half a month at the longest.
The only difference with them is that I spent most of my time at home wondering how to make money, never giving up making money, and even more reluctant to give up socializing and turn myself into a real marginal person.
I spent a year in prison, reviewing and reflecting, but more often, I just felt so cool that I flew, and I didn’t have to fight the morning and evening peaks, and I didn’t have to see annoying leaders and colleagues, so I lived a super peace every day.
But what I really hate is work, and what I escape from is life?
Actually, it’s not. On the contrary, I love working more at home. What I hate is just going to work. As the Round Table School said, we just hate the environment and timetable under the organization, and it feels like a trapped animal.
Of course, squatting people like us, based on the society, are annoying anyway.
I will be accused of not working hard, not struggling, and living in vain. I have been squatting for a year, and many enthusiastic friends and former colleagues have come to introduce my work. Every time, the reason can’t escape: "If you go on like this, it will be abolished. You should return to the mainstream society."
Sometimes, our choice is not a way of life, but rather a kind of violation and resistance. As long as you don’t struggle, you will become a monster and waste in the eyes of normal people, so you are doomed to be forgotten and marginalized.
I can’t help it. The concept of "struggling all my life" is becoming popular among our young people. If anyone doesn’t abide by it, he is not worthy of being a young man in the 21st century, and is doomed to live only in a rented house.
The schedule of "Tsinghua Xueba", which was hotly searched some time ago, shows that there is almost no entertainment in their day.
Go to bed at 1 am, get up at 6 am every day, wash and eat breakfast for 40 minutes, and start a planned study at 6: 40. The time from 9 pm to 1 am is fully arranged.
In this regard, the official said: it is difficult to learn like this and not to be a tyrant.
Others directly say, "People who are better than you work harder than you." The subtext is: "What do you have that Bilian doesn’t struggle for? 」
Not long after this incident, many universities began to imitate it.
I think that since students can’t be self-disciplined, it’s simply mandatory: no sleeping in, and no one can be on the dormitory bed after nine o’clock.
The university was originally a free and inclusive place, but now it has been wrapped up in layers and turned into a wolf university.
To put it bluntly, they were forced to struggle every day, go to bed early and get up early when they should be naive and romantic.
With all due respect, why is society so cruel to young people like me?
At the beginning of junior high school, I vaguely remember that my family said that it would be easy to get into key days.
Initial promotion: getting into the key points is equal to half the threshold of entering the university.
Gao Shengda: It’s really easy to go to college after the college entrance examination, so you can play at will.
And then after entering the university?
Still have to go to bed early and get up early every day, and strive hard to learn from Tsinghua.
Some people will definitely say, sleep less and work harder today, so you can relax after work!
Sorry, at this time, Ma Yun will come out and tell you that the 996 job is a blessing that my generation has repaired.
Liu Qiangdong will tell you that you don’t deserve to be my brother if you don’t struggle.
Young people who die suddenly in the workplace will tell you that fighting all their lives is a fair death.
The above is the life of young people in the 21st century.
In this way, our young people are really miserable. The happy and free time of our life only stays in kindergarten (maybe not yet), and it is always far from happiness.
When you finally see through it and you can choose not to struggle in life, someone will tell you with their ears: a life without hard work and struggle is waste.
It’s not that I hate disapproving of efforts, but that I hate the urgency and anxiety of young people under this atmosphere.
When I was a child, I was forced to learn the laws of the jungle at once;
Mingming didn’t sleep well all his life, and he was accused of not working hard enough;
Obviously, I chose a lifestyle that makes me comfortable, or I was accused of wasting my life.
Think about the "squatters". What are they? It is necessary to be observed with a magnifying glass, because choosing to give up the struggle is considered to be a psychological problem.
I wonder if our times advocate "hard work" so much that everyone seems to be winding up, as if life without hard work is not worth living.
Obviously, some people are lazy by nature and are not interested in anything, but they are forced to make progress by the values of this society and try their best to find goals worth fighting for all their lives.
Chen Danqing, the Round Table School, said: Some people are born uninterested in this world, but they can’t choose to be born. They looked at the world and found nothing to live, so they chose to leave.
There is a real example in Japan. A 56-year-old man has been unemployed at home for a long time because he failed to study at a young age and repeatedly hit a wall when looking for a job, and he has stayed here for 30 years.
After his parents died, he was found starving to death at home.
The body was decomposed when it was found, and the house was full of rubbish.
Many people say that this person deserves it, but I just feel sad when I think that a group of people are living out of place in this shoulder-to-shoulder world.
This kind of tragedy is quite common in Japan, and the day when distance spreads among us is just around the corner.
But if we say that the social atmosphere at this time can be less anxious about selling, and we don’t exaggerate our efforts and squeeze the existence of young people, will they not feel that they are useless and unworthy to live in the world?
Instead, can you face life positively and really find other meanings of your life besides struggle?
I don’t object to the defensive lifestyle of "squatting people" who choose to escape and stay at home.
And those who are superior and advocate hard work and selling anxiety, please shut up, no one is nobler than anyone else.
Hard work is an achievement that everyone can achieve if they are enough, but it takes courage to let go of the secular lifestyle.
Too much emphasis on hard work and selling anxiety will only backfire, trigger the phenomenon of squatting and lead to tragedy.
Please don’t say anything: "Master xx skills, work hard and catch up with your peers with a monthly income of 10 million."
I just want to ask you why you should catch up with your peers. I’m not interested.
Can you just be yourself?
Under the phenomenon of squatting, it is because many people no longer believe in social stability, nor do they believe that success and class leap can be achieved by long-term diligent efforts.
Although we have the right to choose not to work hard and struggle, it is necessary to earn a decent money that will not cause trouble to others and parents.
There are also many young people around me who don’t go to work. Apart from writing articles for the media like me, there are also illustrators, photographers, screenwriters, craftsmen, pastry chefs, and even people who have nothing to do to run errands and walk dogs. ….
In today’s society, there are actually many choices to choose a career freely, work for yourself and not starve to death. Lying in bed waiting for death and bearing huge debts is the greatest support for "hard-working monsters".
The biggest problem of squatting people is that they confuse the concepts of "going to work" and "working".
Those who clamor for not going to work all day may just not want to work. Work has a strong driving force. Chen Danqing said that he didn’t like going to work either, but he could wake up like a bug and work until late at night.
Simply put, work is for others, and work is for yourself.
You don’t have to struggle and work hard, but you must live decently for what you like.
Whether we like it or not, we came here after all. Since we are here, we might as well go out of the rental house and see the sun.

Beat Cape Verde! China men’s basketball team started the journey of Trentino Cup, and Cui Yongxi showed his super strength!

The Italian Trentino Cup officially kicked off, and the China men’s basketball team ushered in its first opponent, the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team, which beat Nigeria to the World Cup. There are four teams participating in the Trentino Cup, namely China, Italy, Cape Verde and Turkey. The winner of the first day will compete for the title in the final the next day. Unfortunately, China men’s basketball team was unable to send player Li Kaier in this national team debut.

In the end, the China men’s basketball team defeated the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team with an impressive score of 86-66, and will also face the winner between Italy and Turkey.

Cui Yongxi played in the game for 16 minutes and 52 seconds. His shooting percentage was as high as 8 of 9, and his 3-pointers were 2 of 3. He contributed 18 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist, showing his comprehensive offensive ability. Fang Shuo also performed well, scoring 11 points, 4 assists and 3 rebounds. In addition, Zhang Zhenlin contributed 10 points and 2 rebounds, Wang Zhelin and qi zhou scored 9 points and 8 points respectively, and Hu Jinqiu and Zhu Junlong also contributed 8 points and 6 points respectively. In addition, players such as Zhao Jiwei, Zhao Rui and Fu Hao also added firepower to the China men’s basketball team.

In this game, the China men’s basketball team has made remarkable progress on the offensive end. First of all, they used more pick-and-roll tactics, providing more choices and moving space for the team. Secondly, players create more opportunities and empty spaces in the basket by running without the ball. Finally, the team has also improved the passing and flowing of the ball, which can make better use of space and realize the transfer of the ball and teamwork.

Generally speaking, China men’s basketball team won a remarkable victory in the first match of the Italian Trentino Cup. The excellent performance of players such as Cui Yongxi and the overall offensive improvement of the team left a deep impression on people. We are full of expectations for the performance of the China men’s basketball team in the next game, and believe that they can continue to show their outstanding strength and bring more glory to the basketball cause in China. Come on, China Men’s Basketball Team!

# Headlines of current events say ## China Basketball #?

Guangdong team news: The team will be renamed, Zhao Rui’s contract renewal is controversial, and Zhang Haojia will be reimbursed in the playoffs.

It is reported that the Guangdong team will change its name, Zhao Rui’s contract renewal is controversial, and Zhang Haojia will be reimbursed in the playoffs. We also know that whether qi zhou will join the CBA team now is always a topic worthy of people’s attention.

Zhou Qi can now say that his trading matters are a topic of concern, and even Chris Paul, a former teammate in the NBA, told him, brother, in fact, you can also consider coming to the Warriors. Our team system is also very suitable for you. After all, the Warriors are absent from players like qi zhou now.

Even after he returned to CBA, he also wanted to play basketball well. Now he has learned a lot in overseas leagues, and I heard that when he returned to the team, other players asked him for advice. He also didn’t have any shelf at all. He also wanted to play for other teams and learn something new. Guangdong Hongyuan Team in CBA also came to a new topic.

According to relevant sources, the Guangdong team will change the name of its own team, and the specific name is still unknown. In addition, Zhao Rui may also leave Guangdong Hongyuan team and join Xinjiang with high probability. What do you think of this?

Argentina confirmed that they would come to China to play the game, locked in the live broadcast of flying fish, and could cheer for Messi if they didn’t go to the scene.

The Beijing Football Association officially confirmed that Argentina’s men’s soccer team and Australia will play a friendly match at Beijing Workers Stadium at 20: 00 on June 15th. At that time, the flying fish live broadcast will broadcast the friendly match in a panoramic way, so that fans can enjoy the performances of many Argentine superstars headed by Messi for the first time. After Messi led the Argentine team to win the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship, the popularity and attention of the team remained high. This time, the Argentine team was invited to play in China, which also attracted the attention of many fans.

However, for most fans, it is not realistic to go to the stadium to watch the match between Argentina and Australia. First of all, the tickets for Argentina’s match with Australia are expensive, and some scalpers have speculated the price to around 10 thousand, and this is only the price of third-class tickets. It is still very difficult for fans of all ages to spend 10 thousand yuan to watch the match between Argentina and Australia. Therefore, most fans choose to wait for the live broadcast of flying fish to cheer for Messi and Argentina.

Flying fish live broadcast will provide fans with an authoritative data system. Through this authoritative data system, fans will have a more comprehensive understanding of Messi’s assists, passes and shots. Flying fish live broadcast is a senior platform that has been deeply involved in the field of live broadcast for many years, and has rich broadcast resources of events. In order to make up for the regret of fans who can’t go to the stadium to watch the ball, the flying fish live broadcast will create a personalized live broadcast room for them.

In the flying fish live broadcast room, there will be Argentine fans from all over the country to discuss the game together, so that everyone can feel immersive. For the fans, the result of the match between Argentina and Australia will not be taken seriously. In the match between Argentina and Australia, fans want to see whether Messi can show his talent and passion to the fullest. As we all know, Messi has encountered a trough during this time.

Messi was questioned by fans and even booed by home fans because he didn’t lead the team to win the Champions League. In this regard, many Messi fans are very distressed. They hope to cheer for Messi through the flying fish live broadcast room and let him get out of the trough as soon as possible. Finally, the commentary styles of flying fish live broadcast events are diversified, including He Wei and Zhan Jun, cute girls and gags. It is worth mentioning that the live broadcast of flying fish also includes basketball, e-sports and popular variety shows, so that fans can enjoy a one-stop watching experience.

Who says wild fishing can’t fly lead? As long as you can catch your mouth, you can catch big fish and small fish.

Lead-flying fishing is well known in the field of black pit and competitive fishing, but in the field of wild fishing, there are not many fishermen. The reason is that the movement of lead flying is too loud, but this fishing method is not useless in wild fishing. To put it bluntly, many fishermen don’t understand how to fly lead in wild fishing.

Flying lead fishing is actually very simple, that is, the distance between the lead drop and the hook bait is increased by moving the lead drop upward, and the sub-line is extended in disguised form. There is only one advantage. Compared with the original fishing group, the speed at which the hook bait falls to the bottom phase has obvious delay, which is very effective when the fish group floats, hits the upper-middle fish group, and even lures the bottom sliding fish.

There are two kinds of lead-flying fishing methods: full-flying lead and half-flying lead. Half-flying lead means that the lead-falling is pushed up and close to the drift seat, but it hasn’t reached the drift seat yet. Full flying lead means that all the lead weights are pushed to the vicinity of the drift seat. Because the position of the lead weights has changed, the center of gravity of the fishing group will also change, so that the speed at which the bait falls to the bottom will change differently. Correspondingly, we will have different effects when we hit different target fish.

Effect 1: The whole flying lead hits Shui Pi, specially hitting the upper water layer.

There are many fish species swimming in Shui Pi or the upper and middle waters. Small fish such as white stripes, pomfret, wheat ears, crucian carp, etc. are also swimming back and forth between half water and Shui Pi. At this time, we use the full-flying lead fishing method to push the lead pendant directly to the drift seat;

The advantage of this is that after the fishing group enters the water, the float has started to sink because the lead falls next to the float group, but the hook and bait are still falling freely because there is no extra external force. As long as the density of fish entering the nest is enough, as long as the float moves, whether it is top, bottom, shift or tilt, as long as it is not sinking, the rod can be lifted in time, and there must be fish when lifting the rod.

Effect 2: Half-flying lead hits crucian carp

Crucian carp is a benthic fish, and the normal fishing idea is mainly to keep the bottom. However, when we have no mouth for a long time, or the mouth of the fish is intermittent, at this time, the traditional practice is to fish from the bottom to find the mouth; However, it is relatively simple to use the flying lead fishing method;

We use semi-flying lead, first push the lead sinker for 20 ~ 30cm, and use baiting to hit the frequency, without worrying about where the crucian carp group is, because we push the lead sinker, so the main area of our fishing is the distance between the sub-line and the lead sinker. If there are many mouths in this area, then the fish group will be here. If the fish mouth is still not good, push it up for 20 ~ 30cm again, before pushing it to the full flying lead.

Half-flying lead hits the bottom crucian carp. If the fish is in a bad mood, then we only catch one kind of floating phase, that is, Dunkou. There is no need to lift the pole for other floating phases except Dunkou, even if it is black. If the fish is in a good mood, it is impossible to talk about floating news. Use the traditional counting method to lift the pole, that is, float and turn over and start counting, and lift the pole from one to three. If there are many empty poles, count from one to four, five and six, and the longest is no more than ten. As long as you hit the rhythm of this frequency, basically every pole can be lifted according to the rhythm;

Effect 3: Deep-water carp fishing is full of flying lead

Carp fishing is supposed to be based on keeping fishing, and the whole flying lead is relatively noisy, so it should not be the first choice. However, if there are signs that carp have entered the nest, such as fish stars, fish bubbles and baiting, at this time, you can do the opposite. Anyway, there is no mouth to fly lead, so it is better to try flying lead in the whole water layer;

The specific way is to change the fishing group into a full-flying lead fishing group, and then try to hit as far as possible, because the lead pendant is already close to the drift seat, the hook bait will fall freely, and because the distance between the hook bait and the lead pendant is extended, this fishing line cannot be in a tight state, and relatively speaking, it is relatively curved;

At this time, the carp has entered the nest, and the fishing water is deep. We might as well try to fly all the lead, and use the curiosity of the carp to hit a pole every 3 to 5 minutes. Because the lead falls next to the drift seat, the movement of the fishing group will not be so big, so there is no need to worry about scaring the fish.

Because we have changed the position of the lead pendant, the number of fishing eyes will be reduced by half an eye to one eye compared with the original fishing group. We mainly catch the sinking mouth, and we can lift the pole without black drift. Of course, the black drift can also be caught, because the distance between the hook bait and the lead pendant is very long, even if the bait is rubbed, rinsed and floated, there may be a false mouth of black drift, so as long as it is black drift, it is definitely a dead mouth, and the pole can be lifted;

Finally, fishing should not be dull, and long-term observance is not the purpose and fun of fishing. The so-called good fishermen seek fun, and those who are not good at fishing seek fish.