标签归档 杭州龙凤后花园网

Behind the "Yin" Huawei’s HSBC is unreliable. There is a precedent for leaking customer information.

  On June 24th, Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said in an exclusive interview with the Financial Times that HSBC knew about SKYCOM and its business in Iran from the beginning, and also knew about SKYCOM’s relationship with Huawei. It is impossible for a bank to legally say that it has been cheated and doesn’t know about this matter. The evidence is all there, and this is inescapable. "HSBC has stopped all our trading cooperation, not us." Ren Zhengfei said.

  The evidence against Meng Wanzhou in the United States is a PPT. What does Ren Zhengfei think of how the United States got this PPT? On June 27th, Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with Canada’s Globe and Mail that because Skycom had been in contact with Huawei from beginning to end during the trade with Iran, the bank knew about Skycom’s business in Iran and its relationship with Huawei. After several years of operation, they invited Meng Wanzhou to a coffee shop. When having coffee, Meng Wanzhou gave some PPT, which was not misleading. "Why did the bank take these PPT? We don’t know, I hope that after the trial of the Eastern District Court of new york is completed, we can be more clear. " Ren Zhengfei said.

  According to the Global Times, in February this year, Reuters reported that HSBC had obtained a material for the US Department of Justice to sue Huawei through an "internal investigation", which helped the US Department of Justice Luo Zhi with the "crime" of attacking Huawei, and eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives in Canada.

  Shen Yi, an associate professor in the Department of International Politics of Fudan University, said that if the foreign media reports are true, the role played by HSBC in this matter is indeed very problematic. Such banks and financial institutions are unreliable and unreliable in a sense.

  An expert who wishes to remain anonymous said that the essence of this case is that HSBC cooperated with the "long-arm jurisdiction" of the U.S. government, and transferred the personnel and data located in China overseas without the permission of the China government for the cross-border investigation and evidence collection of Huawei by the U.S. Department of Justice.

  It is reported that HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services institutions in the world. Founded in Hong Kong and Shanghai in 1865, HSBC is a founding member of HSBC Group and its flagship in the Asia-Pacific region. In 1991, HSBC established a new holding company — — HSBC Holdings Limited, and in 1992, it completely acquired Midland Bank. Subsequently, HSBC will be headquartered in London.

  HSBC will pay a fine of $1.9 billion to the United States on money laundering charges. On December 11, 2012, HSBC announced that it had reached a settlement agreement with the US government, and would pay a sky-high fine of $1.921 billion for the bank’s ineffective prevention of money laundering.

  HSBC’s image has been damaged in recent years. In November 2014, HSBC was fined $618 million by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission for manipulating the global foreign exchange market. In February 2015, HSBC was once again caught in a scandal because it helped customers evade taxes. According to a survey by the American Association of International Investigative Journalists, from 2005 to 2007, HSBC Switzerland Branch helped 100,000 heavyweight customers to avoid taxes and hide assets as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

  It is worth noting that HSBC has exposed four major incidents of leaking customer information. On April 26th, 2008, the server of Kwun Tong Branch of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was stolen during the renovation, and nearly 160,000 customer data were lost. In July, 2008, HSBC said that it lost an encoded digital audio tape, which recorded the telephone conversation between the bank and its customers, and was a backup tape containing 25,000 telephone conversations. On April 13, 2010, the French prosecutor said that 127,000 accounts of 79,000 customers of HSBC were leaked and exposed. Jelf farsi Yani, a former IT consultant of HSBC Private Bank, a Swiss subsidiary of HSBC, was accused of stealing the data of tens of thousands of bank customers from the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007. In 2018, HSBC was exposed that its customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and the personal information of about 1% American customers was leaked.

  HSBC Bank (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HSBC China") officially opened on April 2, 2007. Headquartered in Shanghai, it is a locally registered foreign-funded corporate bank wholly owned by HSBC.

  In March this year, HSBC China Wuhan Branch violated the law and regulations by not using the specified subjects in the paper payment form. According to Article 41 of the Administrative Measures for Commercial Banks and Credit Cooperatives’ Acting Treasury Business, the Business Management Department of Wuhan Branch of the People’s Bank of China imposed a fine of RMB 1000 yuan.

  In May this year, the post-event management of independent payment of HSBC China loan seriously violated prudent business rules, and part of credit card funds were used for non-consumption areas, which resulted in a fine of 1 million yuan.

  Foreign media said that HSBC helped the US government "engage" Huawei in order to get rid of the crime.

  According to the Global Times, recently, the Financial Times revealed that HSBC, which was targeted by the US Department of Justice for a series of problems such as money laundering and violation of the sanctions bill, agreed to "cooperate" with the investigation of the US Department of Justice in other cases in order to escape punishment. Huawei in China became the victim of this "cooperation", which eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives. The Financial Times report also revealed that HSBC had explained to China earlier this year that it was "forced".

  Regarding the role of HSBC in the case involving Huawei, Reuters, UK, had a detailed round of reports in February this year. According to Reuters’s report at that time, HSBC began to "cooperate" with the "investigation" initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice against Huawei from the end of 2016 to 2017, in exchange for the U.S. Department of Justice’s forgiveness for HSBC, because HSBC itself was involved in other cases that violated the U.S. sanctions ban.

  Reuters said that through "internal investigation", HSBC helped the U.S. Department of Justice to obtain a material that could be used to sue Huawei, which helped the U.S. Department of Justice Luo Zhi to "accuse" Huawei, and eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives in Canada.

  The executive of Huawei, who is now detained by the Canadian government, communicated face to face with an executive of HSBC, saying that Huawei did not have any non-compliance and provided the HSBC executive with a PPT document to explain the situation. But what Huawei didn’t expect was that in 2017, when HSBC faced a lawsuit from the U.S. Department of Justice for its alleged illegal behavior, in exchange for forgiveness from the U.S. Department of Justice, HSBC handed over the PPT to the U.S. Department of Justice, which had been trying to bring down Huawei in the past few years, and ended its cooperative relationship with Huawei.

  Judging from Reuters’s report and the indictment of the US government against Huawei, such a small PPT file was quickly used by the US Department of Justice as the "core" basis for suing Huawei and arresting the Huawei executive last year. HSBC has also been described by the U.S. Department of Justice as a "victim" of fraud by the Huawei executive and her PPT. Reuters also revealed that HSBC has never been sued by the US government for other cases involved.

  The Financial Times also revealed some information that Reuters didn’t mention. For example, HSBC was targeted by the US Department of Justice as early as 2012 for laundering money for Mexican drug lords. At that time, in addition to paying a huge fine of $1.9 billion, the US Department of Justice also sent a group of "monitors" to HSBC to review its business. Insiders of HSBC said that their explanation at that time was that because the US government sent monitors to HSBC and a team of 200-400 people could get all the information of the bank at any time, it was impossible for HSBC to resist the request and investigation of the US Department of Justice.

  Ren Zhengfei: HSBC knows about Skycom’s relationship with Huawei.

  Recently, Huawei Heartfelt Community announced the minutes of Ren Zhengfei’s interview with the Financial Times and the Canadian Globe and Mail.

  James Kynge, a reporter from the Financial Times, asked: Recently, hearing about the cooperation between HSBC and the US government will bring great difficulties to Huawei. What do you think of the future cooperation between Huawei and HSBC?

  Ren Zhengfei: First of all, HSBC has long stopped its cooperation with Huawei.

  Second, Meng Wanzhou has no criminal facts. This bank knew about SKYCOM and its business in Iran from the very beginning, and also knew about SKYCOM’s relationship with Huawei. The mail can prove that there are shipping marks in the mail, and it is impossible for the bank to legally say that it was cheated and didn’t know about this matter. The evidence is all there, which cannot be relied on. Meng Wanzhou said a word while drinking coffee in the coffee shop, which can’t be the evidence of Meng Wanzhou’s crime. It’s just that during the long-term transaction with Iran from beginning to end for many years, she intervened to have a coffee in the coffee shop and said a word, there is no crime. American courts can investigate prosecutors, who report crimes in Meng Wanzhou. Where are the facts?

  Under the current circumstances, we should first clarify the process of Meng Wanzhou’s incident and show all the evidence. Moreover, Meng Wanzhou has not committed a crime in Canada, and Canada has violated the law in law enforcement procedures. Canada is a country ruled by law, so it should give up its violation of constitutional rights and not fall on the side of the United States. If people don’t believe that Canada is a country ruled by law, it will have a greater impact on its image.

  We have always trusted western countries ruled by law, focusing on facts and evidence. First of all, there must be facts and evidence to judge whether this person is wrong. Of course, this will not affect our cooperation with other banks in the future. After this link is solved, everyone will still cooperate. World finance is an integrated system.

  "Financial Times" reporter Huang Shulin asked: HSBC does not cooperate with Huawei. Did they give you an explanation?

  Ren Zhengfei: HSBC has stopped all our trading cooperation, not us. They didn’t explain, that is, they wouldn’t provide us with services, so we would cooperate with other banks.

  Huang Shulin: Do you think this treatment is fair? If these problems are solved, will you continue to cooperate with HSBC in the future?

  Ren Zhengfei: There is no word "fairness" in this world. It is all about strength. We have the strength to solve the problem and don’t care how the other party treats us. Now is not the time to discuss cooperation. The most important thing is to finish the lawsuit first.

  A reporter from Canada’s Globe and Mail asked: What do you think of how the United States got this PPT? Is it through legal channels? Do you think this PPT can be presented to the court as evidence?

  Ren Zhengfei: Because during the trade between Skycom and Iran, this bank has been in contact with Huawei from beginning to end. It knows Skycom’s business in Iran and its relationship with Huawei. After several years of operation, they invited Meng Wanzhou to a coffee shop. When having coffee, Meng Wanzhou gave some PPT, which was not misleading. Why did the bank take these PPT away? We don’t know. I hope we can know more after the trial in new york Eastern District Court.

  HSBC paid a fine of $1.9 billion to the United States for money laundering charges.

  According to Xinhua News Agency, on December 11, 2012, HSBC Holdings, the largest bank in Europe, issued a statement saying that it had reached an agreement with relevant US institutions to pay a total fine of 1.921 billion US dollars, of which a record 1.256 billion was a fine for delaying prosecution agreement and 665 million was a civil fine.

  Ou Zhihua, president of HSBC, said in a statement that HSBC "admitted responsibility for past mistakes" and once again "deeply apologized".

  According to the deferred prosecution agreement, the prosecution allows the sued party to avoid prosecution under certain conditions, including paying a fine or being punished, and promising to make specific reforms under the supervision and guidance.

  HSBC said it had spent $290 million to improve its money laundering prevention mechanism and recovered some bonuses previously won by senior executives. The statement also said that HSBC expects to sign a letter of commitment with the UK Financial Services Authority on money laundering soon.

  In July, 2013, china securities journal reported that Reuters reported on the 3rd that John Grayson, a judge of Brooklyn District Court in new york, USA, approved the settlement agreement reached between HSBC and the US government on the investigation of not fully complying with the anti-money laundering and sanctions laws. According to this agreement, HSBC will pay 1.92 billion US dollars in fines and compensation. The fine of $1.92 billion is by far the largest fine issued by the US regulatory authorities to banks.

  According to the report, in addition to paying fines, there are other conditions to be met. As part of the agreement, HSBC also needs to restrain the bonuses of bank executives in order to comply with relevant regulations. In addition, HSBC will face up to five years of court supervision.

  Previously, in July 2012, the US Senate issued an investigation report saying that HSBC had become the "preferred financial institution" for drug dealers, money launderers and other criminals in Mexico and Colombia, and it ignored the US sanctions against Iran, Myanmar, Cuba, Libya and Sudan and illegally transferred funds for customers in these countries.

  HSBC’s image has been damaged in recent years: helping customers evade taxes and getting caught in a scandal.

  According to China News Service, the image of HSBC has been damaged in recent years. In November 2014, HSBC was fined $618 million by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission for manipulating the global foreign exchange market.

  In February 2015, HSBC was once again caught in a scandal because it helped customers evade taxes. According to a survey by the American Association of International Investigative Journalists, from 2005 to 2007, HSBC Switzerland Branch helped 100,000 heavyweight customers to avoid taxes and hide assets as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

  According to the People’s Daily, the BBC reported on February 9, 2015 that HSBC, the largest bank in the UK, has done everything possible to help wealthy depositors hide their real assets from the British government in the past few years, with tax evasion amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds. Analysts pointed out that if acts such as helping depositors evade taxes are proved to be true, then HSBC will become a terrible "tax haven" and its reputation and prestige will be dealt a heavy blow.

  Some analysts believe that the lack of financial supervision, the decline of professional ethics and the numbness of social responsibility are several key factors that cannot be ignored.

  HSBC’s alleged behavior of helping depositors evade taxes has been strongly criticized by the media and public opinion. Brooks, the author of "Tax Robbery", pointed out, "I think HSBC is a tax avoidance and tax evasion company, and I think they are providing such services".

  Since then, Guangming Daily reported on February 26, 2015 that two top executives of HSBC recently apologized here for the "improper" practice of their Swiss private banks to help customers avoid taxes. Stuart Gulliver, CEO of HSBC Group, and Douglas Flint, Chairman of HSBC Group, said when questioned by the Parliamentary Finance Committee in the British Parliament that this move damaged people’s "trust and confidence" in HSBC Group, and he was ashamed of it and would "take corresponding responsibility". However, he also accused those in the management of HSBC Swiss Bank who stole and leaked customer information of "great sin".

  HSBC has exposed four major incidents of leaking customer information. Engineers turned into "data thieves"

  According to Southern Metropolis Daily, on April 26th, 2008, the server of Kwun Tong Branch of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was stolen, and nearly 160,000 customer data were lost. Under the pressure of public opinion, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority requires banks to take remedial measures and submit detailed reports. Zheng Haiquan, chairman of HSBC Asia Pacific, apologized for the loss of customer information, but he said that it was a theft and HSBC itself was a victim, but the bank would still be responsible. Zheng Haiquan said that he would review the bank’s security measures.

  According to Economic Observer, on July 4, 2008, HSBC issued a notice and found that it had lost an encoded digital audio tape, which recorded the telephone conversation between the bank and its customers. According to reports, the incident originated from the service center of HSBC Guangzhou Group. On June 17, the courier company was entrusted to transport a total of 55 tapes to Hong Kong, but only 54 tapes were delivered to the Hong Kong office of the bank. The unrecovered audio tape is a backup tape containing 25,000 telephone conversations, which recorded the telephone conversations between the bank and customers and callers from April 18 to 24, 2008. Most of the contents involved credit card service inquiries, calls related to business online wealth management services for industrial and commercial customers, and calls made by the bank to customers.

  According to Agence France-Presse, on April 13, 2010, the French prosecutor said that 127,000 accounts of 79,000 customers of HSBC were leaked and exposed, which means that more people may be prosecuted by the tax bureau of their own country for alleged tax evasion. Jelf farsi Yani, a former IT consultant of HSBC Private Bank, a Swiss subsidiary of HSBC, was accused of stealing the data of tens of thousands of bank customers from the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007.

  Jelf Fasiani changed from a security engineer to a "data thief". He was born in Monaco and has a degree in computer programming. In 2000, at the age of 28, he entered the IT department of HSBC and wrote security software for the bank. Six years later, he was transferred to the Geneva headquarters of HSBC Private Bank in Switzerland, responsible for the system security of the database. In 2008, this system security engineer, who has always performed well, unexpectedly "ran away" from the headquarters building of HSBC with 130,000 "top secret" customer information. In 2013, according to Jinling Evening News, at the trial of Spanish National Court in 2013, Jelf Fasiani defended himself, saying that banks were corrupt, and they condoned tax evasion, and sometimes even helped customers to launder money. He admitted that he had tried to expose HSBC’s "misconduct" to the Swiss government.

  Jelf Fasiani told the media, "I grew up in Monaco, where people wanted to work in financial institutions. When I was young, I thought that banks were places to protect the property of the upright. But at HSBC, I found that everything is completely another matter. "

  In November 2018, according to the China Business News, it was revealed that HSBC’s customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and the personal information of about 1% American customers was leaked. According to foreign media reports, on November 8, HSBC announced that its customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and about 1% of American customers’ names, birth dates, telephone numbers, email addresses and other information were leaked. According to HSBC, the hacking incident was caused by a login voucher attack, that is, hackers invaded HSBC accounts through personal information of customers obtained from other sources. In response, HSBC suspended online access to some accounts. At the same time, additional security protection is added to the authentication process of personal online banking platform to protect its customers from future attacks.

Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center officially put into use.

    On October 20th, 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecology Conference, the frontier dialogue session of the 2023 World Internet of Things Expo, was held in Wuxi Economic Development Zone. At the meeting, Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory were officially put into use. Many experts in the field of intelligent sensors and representatives of upstream and downstream ecological enterprises in the industrial chain discussed new technologies, new applications and industrial development ideas around the development trend of intelligent networked automobile and automobile semiconductor industry, innovation and application of key technologies of sensors, chip technology breakthroughs and other related topics.

    In recent years, Wuxi has deeply implemented the leading strategy of strengthening the city by industry and the core strategy of innovation-driven, taking the Internet of Vehicles and intelligent networked vehicles as the main direction in the field of Internet of Things, built the first national-level vehicle networking pilot area in China, and won the first batch of pilot cities for the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles in China.

    Wuxi Economic Development Zone, as the core plate of Wuxi intelligent networked automobile application and industrial development, actively seized the "new track" for the development of intelligent networked automobile industry, focused on "333+5" modern industrial clusters such as Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, targeted the intelligent networked automobile and car networking industry, and successively released a number of industrial plans such as intelligent networked automobile, energy storage and new energy, and integrated circuits, and gathered a number of industrial ecological enterprises such as Cheliantianxia, Iflytek and Konoway.

(2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecology Conference Site)

  At the meeting, Ding Rongjun, academician of China Academy of Engineering, chief scientist of CRRC and dean of School of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering of Hunan University, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Coordinated Development of Power Semiconductor and System Technology for Intelligent New Energy Vehicles", sharing new ideas around the demand of new energy vehicles for electric drive systems, technical characteristics and applications of power devices, and technical trends of power semiconductors in the future.

(Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory officially put into use)

  Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory were officially put into use at the meeting, injecting new development momentum into Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Eco-industry.

  It is reported that Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center plans to build four centers: Intelligent Networked Business Service Center, Intelligent Networked Supervision and Operation Center, Intelligent Networked Car Parking and Maintenance Center and Intelligent Networked Simulation Test Center, so as to build a full chain service system of intelligent networked industrial chain. The intelligent networked automobile and vehicle networking joint laboratory will focus on building the world’s leading component-level antenna test system, the first domestic test system supporting 5G-V2X, the C-V2X test system with independent intellectual property rights, and the electromagnetic darkroom supporting millimeter waves, aiming at serving intelligent networked automobile and vehicle networking enterprises and promoting industrial development.

  In the release of intelligent networked automobile new products, the Automobile Sensor Branch of China Automotive Engineering Society released the report framework of sensor series selection, Wuxi Chelian Tianxia Information Technology Co., Ltd. released the remote Xinghan H-X9 intelligent cockpit domain controller, and Wuxi Intelligent Control Research Institute of Hunan University released the mine intelligent driving system.

(Signing Ceremony of Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecological Project in Wuxi Economic Development Zone)

  During the conference, 12 intelligent networked automobile eco-chain projects, such as leading microelectronic vehicle-level communication chip project, automotive acoustics intelligent electronics project and Moji Zhixing two-wheeled vehicle intelligent project, were officially signed, covering vehicle-level chip, active noise reduction, sensor product testing and other sub-industrial fields.

  "This conference will share development experience and discuss development plans, which will promote the comprehensive construction of a higher energy level, better quality and more distinctive car networking industry ecology, and lead the accelerated development of the intelligent networked automobile industry. Wuxi will vigorously support cutting-edge teams and key enterprises at home and abroad to settle down and take root in Wuxi with stronger and more comprehensive policy support, more intimate and professional government services, and warmer and more personalized talent services. " Jang Jin, vice mayor of Wuxi, said.

  The theme of the 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automotive Ecology Conference is "Networked Intelligence, Sensing the Future". There is an ecological conference and two sub-forums on intelligent electric vehicle sensors, domain controllers and intelligent cockpits, attracting more than 300 representatives from universities and research institutes, intelligent networked automotive eco-enterprises and investment institutions to attend the conference. (Yin Qing)

81 movies get together for the 40-day Lunar New Year, waiting for the "head work"

  Zhong Han Jian gong bo

  "Is it a New Year’s Eve file now?" Not long ago, Hu Youqi, a citizen, found on the ticketing platform that the platform and the cinema had already marked the Lunar New Year file early, and many recently released films also used it as a label for publicity.

  Data from Cat’s Eye Professional Edition shows that this year’s Lunar New Year file runs from November 24th to December 31st. As of 16: 00 on December 18th, 81 films (including reruns) have been locked in this schedule, and the national box office this year has exceeded 52.906 billion yuan. With the further promotion of the Lunar New Year file, people in the industry generally believe that this year’s movie box office will hit 55 billion yuan, which is the same as 2017.

  Many viewers found that, unlike the impression that the New Year’s Eve files are mainly comedic family movies, this year’s New Year’s Eve files are not only rich in types, but also have a good reputation. However, compared with previous Chinese New Year’s Eve movies, which have produced many annual box office champions and box office masterpieces that broke 1 billion yuan, Across the Furious Sea, which topped this year’s Chinese New Year’s Eve movie, currently has a box office of only 546 million yuan, lacking a "head work" matrix with a double harvest of box office reputation to drive the film market to by going up one flight of stairs.

  Has the New Year’s Eve changed?

  There is no standard answer as to when the Lunar New Year file will start. Usually, a movie is a hit around December, even if the Lunar New Year file is opened.

  On November 30th, the film "Hot Search" starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin was released, saying that it was "the first to open the curtain of the year-end Lunar New Year"; On December 1st, NI YAN and Seven starred in the film Goodbye, Li Kele, which is also called "the first shot of Chinese New Year". Hu Youqi has some doubts: "Isn’t the New Year’s Day to the Spring Festival?"

  In fact, with the development of the film market in China, the time of the New Year’s Eve is quietly changing.

  When will the Lunar New Year file become a schedule? The reporter interviewed a number of people in the industry, and almost everyone agreed that this concept entered the film industry in China, which originated from the film Party A and Party B, which was released at the end of 1997 and was dubbed as the "New Year’s Film", which made a box office story at that time. Since then, more and more films have chosen to be released during this period, among which the head films are often star-studded and commercial.

  Previously, the industry once divided New Year’s Eve files into broad and narrow sense. The broad New Year’s Eve files include two major festivals, New Year’s Day and Spring Festival, which last for about one and a half months. There is no standard answer as to when the Lunar New Year file will start. "Usually, a movie is popular around December, even if the Lunar New Year file is opened".

  Wang Ce, a member of the Shanghai Film Criticism Society and a senior screenwriter, said that the Lunar New Year file continued the idea that many lively comedies in China and Hong Kong were shown together during New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. "But at that time, the film supply was small, and the cycle of a film was as long as one to two months. With the increase in film supply, it has now been subdivided into multiple schedules. "

  On the movie data platforms such as Cat’s Eye and Lighthouse, the New Year’s Eve file is different from the New Year’s Eve file, New Year’s Day file and Spring Festival file. The New Year’s Eve file refers to more than one month from late November to December 31, while the New Year’s Eve file only refers to a day on December 31. There are still many cases of "stalls" in one day, such as Tanabata stalls and 520 stalls, which have emerged in recent years. According to insiders, the film market is now well supplied and the film screening cycle is shortened. Often, the first week or even the first day of the box office determines the follow-up trend of a film box office. In this case, it is not unexpected to subdivide the schedule. The film will arrange the release time according to the theme, investment and market expectation. Wang Ce said that the Spring Festival is a big schedule. Usually, films with larger investment and higher expectations will be released, and films with less competitiveness will be released on New Year’s Day.

  A few days ago, the reporter saw in Daguangming Cinema that the December News posted at the gate of the cinema was a collection of 13 films such as Hot Search and Wonka from Aquaman 2, and posters of recently released films such as Three Battalions, Crossing the Sea and Breaking Point were placed in the hall, but the words "New Year’s Eve File" did not appear. The staff of Daguangming Cinema introduced that in the past, the concept of New Year’s Eve was relatively broad, basically starting from the end of November and early December until the Spring Festival, but now it is gradually subdivided into New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. "We usually say New Year’s Eve, which generally means that when the New Year is approaching, at least after the end of December, it will start with Party A and Party B at the earliest, and then a series of films such as Let Bullets Fly, It’s too embarrassing for people to travel again have good box office output in this period. After the breakdown of the schedule in recent years, the atmosphere of the Lunar New Year file is not as strong as before, and the explosion point is more concentrated in the Spring Festival file. "

  "The concept of the schedule is more of a B-end concept. For the audience, the centralized release of the demand for watching movies is often accompanied by legal holidays, and the main box office output of the Lunar New Year file is still on New Year’s Day and other festivals." Zhang Tong, a senior analyst at Cat’s Eye Research Institute, said that in 2010, 2011 and 2012, domestic box office champions, Let Bullets Fly, flowers of war, and The Way of Water, were all released in the New Year’s Eve file. In recent years, the New Year’s Eve file also produced Sheep Without A Shepherd’s Ip Man 4, Shock Wave 2’s manslaughter 2 and Avatar: The Way of Water. "Famous in 2021 and Nobody in 2018 were both released in mid-November, and both of them have achieved good box office results in the traditional off-season of the film market."

  Can it hit 55 billion yuan?

  This year is the year with the most and most lively New Year movies, but there is still a lack of "head works" with a double harvest at the box office.

  The film market in China has recovered strongly this year. Data from Cat’s Eye Professional Edition shows that this year’s Spring Festival file became the second in history with 6.765 billion yuan; After that, the box office of the "May 1 ST" file was second only to the same period in 2019 and 2021; The box office of the summer file exceeded 20.62 billion yuan, breaking the record of the highest box office, the highest number of people and the total number of times in the summer file of China Film History. With the release of many films for the Lunar New Year, the industry is optimistic that the total box office of this year’s films will hit 55 billion yuan.

  "In 2023, the overall performance of the China film market was remarkable, and the market quickly recovered its vitality." In Zhang Tong’s view, many masterpieces have emerged during the Spring Festival, summer vacation, National Day and other holiday periods, and new audiences continue to enter the market. "This year’s head films generally have a strong family viewing attribute, and the proportion of older audiences has increased compared with previous years."

  This year, there are 81 movies in the Lunar New Year, which is not surprising to some people in the industry. In 2019, there are also 70 movies in the Lunar New Year. The staff of Daguangming Cinema said: "This year’s Lunar New Year’s files have diverse styles and themes to meet the needs of audiences of different ages." Ma Ye, president of Baiying (Beijing) Cinema Management Co., Ltd., believes that this year is the year with the most and most lively New Year movies.

  However, at present, Across the Furious Sea, which was released on November 25th, is still the leading movie at the box office, with a cumulative box office of 546 million yuan. Compared with this year’s Spring Festival movie "Man Jiang Hong" and "Wandering Earth 2", and the summer movie "Put all your eggs in one basket", "Disappeared She" and "Goddess the First Part", there is still a lack of "head movies" with strong box office, topics and reputation.

  "Up to now, this year’s Lunar New Year file has indeed not seen a large-scale film to incite the market to watch movies." Zhang Tong said that the highlight is the films released at the end of the year. Apart from Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars, two Hong Kong films, Goldfinger, Sneak, and the workplace satirical comedy The Annual Meeting can’t stop! ",New Year’s classic IP" If You Are the One 3 "are all worth looking forward to. The staff of Daguangming Cinema also revealed that, according to the usual practice, "hot movies are basically released in the last two days of the year, and it is difficult to predict whether the annual box office can reach 55 billion yuan, but the overall momentum of the film market is good".

  Rui Cui, Liu Xiang and bid for the Olympic Games, directors of "Lost She" and "Put All Your Eggs", which achieved good box office results this summer, are all young directors who have not been well known by the public, and many films released recently have a good reputation. "The number of bad films has decreased this year, which is a good phenomenon." Wang Ce said that with the recent survival of the fittest in the industry, what remains is a relatively mature professional force. In his view, the current audience has "changed a batch" compared with a few years ago, the attraction of big-name directors and famous actors has declined, and the audience pays more attention to themes and stories. For creators, it is necessary to think about why the audience comes to see and create more viewing motives for the audience; On the other hand, the audience is also diverted, and the market is more subdivided. Different types of films such as suspense, science fiction and pure love have their own audience groups. Focusing on a niche type can also have a good market return. "The establishment of the film industrialization system is not only aimed at technology, special effects and service, but also includes R&D planning, script creation, process management, etc. In the past, screenwriters could create with their heads closed, and now they may have to consider the market more. When the entire large industrial system is perfect, no link can be built behind closed doors. "

  People in the industry generally have confidence in the China film market next year. "Next year, a large number of domestic films with rich and diverse types will be reserved." Wang Ce revealed that at present, the film industry has maintained a good development momentum, and the audience need not worry about the "film shortage" next year. Next, films such as Mr. Red Carpet will be shown in the Spring Festival, and a large number of films such as "Feng Shen II" are expected to meet the audience next year.

  Ritual sense attracts young people?

  Movies have social attributes. Watching movies on special holidays is a cost-effective entertainment consumption for young audiences.

  Recently, the movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" has attracted the attention of people in the industry and the public: the director is a newcomer, the actor is not a flow star, and the theme is the fantasy love of the minority. However, the pre-sale box office exceeded 100 million yuan 23 days before the release, making it the earliest pre-sale movie and the fastest pre-sale movie for the New Year.

  "In my impression, the Lunar New Year files and movies are all family fun types." Hu Youqi found that there are many suspense and crime themes in recent Lunar New Year movies, as well as Goodbye, Li Ke Le and Dog God with pet themes. In the past, the typical Lunar New Year movies only had the traditional blockbuster Neptune 2: The Lost Kingdom and the established IP If You Are the One 3. According to the data from Taobao Film, there are more than 100,000 movies "wanted to see", among which "plot crime" accounts for 3 movies.

  "Suspense movies are a niche theme for the industry and the audience. These films have a small investment and a low box office ceiling, and usually choose a small schedule or a cold schedule." Wang Ce believes that although there are suspense films such as "Disappeared She" and "Put All Your Eggs on One Egg" exploding in the market this year, they rely more on the topic heat and are unrepeatable. "In the future, suspense films may not become a popular theme, but at present, as a mature market type and insurance investment theme, it may form a fixed output ratio in the domestic film market."

  In the eyes of the industry, with the renewal of movie audiences, young moviegoers are more willing to choose niche and personalized themes. The change of the New Year’s Eve schedule also makes more movies with rich themes and relatively small investment willing to choose this schedule. "Judging from the distribution of the schedule and its impact on the whole year’s market, the Lunar New Year file is expected to continue the heat at the end of the year until the beginning of next year before the Spring Festival file next year, which will play an important role in preheating and undertaking the Spring Festival file next year." Zhang Tong said.

  In addition to the quality of the film, the film side has also begun to exert its strength in marketing and distribution, enriching the movie-watching experience of fans. "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" released on December 30, 1314 cinemas across the country will hold "snow field" activities at 13: 14 on the same day, which is considered by the industry as an important reason for the film’s pre-sale box office to outshine others. According to the data of Cat’s Eye Professional Edition, among the users who buy pre-sale tickets for "Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars", the population under 25 is over 80%. On social media, many viewers who bought advance tickets showed their ticket purchase records, expecting the movie to "snow" when it was released.

  "As a kind of entertainment consumption content, movies not only have commodity attributes, but also have social attributes. Young audiences are the main consumers of social activities. They are more active and pay more attention to the sense of ceremony. On some special holidays, watching movies is a cost-effective entertainment consumption for young audiences. " Zhang Tong said.

  In order to create such a sense of ceremony, many cinemas have made innovations. Located on the first floor of Jing ‘an MOHO, Baiying Sanke Yinghua is a compound space combining a cinema and a restaurant. Ma Ye introduced that this year’s summer file was very busy during the National Day holiday, and the film market was relatively weak in November. Everyone took the opportunity to thoroughly clean the interior and carpets of the cinema, and carried out equipment maintenance, maintenance and staff training, so as to welcome the movie-watching craze with a better look after the opening of the Lunar New Year file.

  Bai Ying San Ke Ying Hua also designed a series of activities to create a sense of ceremony. For example, on December 16, Shanghai ushered in a cooling down, and the cinema chose to hold the "Winter Night Jazz Trio" on the same day to attract the audience with movie music; From December 20th to 25th, the stamp-stamping activity sought after by young people was introduced. With the ticket stubs exchanged for stamp-collecting cards on that day, the stamps of Wonka, Aquaman 2 and Detective Conan were hidden in the cinema space for the audience to find and stamp, and there would be staff dressed as NPC (non-player role) to interact with the audience. "We left these activities to create a sense of theater ceremony to young employees to plan independently, to attract the audience to stay in the theater for a while and leave an impression outside the film. When the audience has memories and emotional connections with the cinema, it is difficult for them to leave. "

(Liberation Daily)


Baseball, the first carrier of American dream spirit | column

Sports Industry Ecosphere www.ecosports.cn

Basketball, ice hockey and rugby are all very hot. Why is baseball the only American national sport?

Why is it that MLB, which seems to have a slow pace, is deeply loved by American audiences today?

Behind this series of questions, Chen Shengyin, a columnist of the ecological circle and a senior reporter of five-star sports, brought us a story about American baseball culture and told us about the greatness of baseball.

Column | Chen Shengyin

Chen Shengyin, a columnist of Ecosphere, is a senior reporter of five-star sports. He started his career in 2002, and has reported many top-level events such as European Cup, Asian Games, NFL Super Bowl, NBA Finals and MLB World Series.

What is baseball culture like? Start with this story

Brother Quan invited me to tell you about American baseball culture. So, let’s start with the story of an 8-year-old girl.

Hailey Dawson was born in Henderson, Nevada in 2010. Xiao Haili is an unfortunate girl. She was born.Suffer fromPollan syndrome. PollanSyndromeIt is one of the most difficult diseases in the medical field at present. Up to now, its cause is still unclear. The main symptom is deformity of breast, chest wall and upper limbs. Xiao Haili lost three fingers in her right hand from the moment she was born, and the only thumb and little finger left were not fully developed.

Thanks to modern technology, with the help of engineering experts at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Xiao Haili finally got her own right hand at the age of 5! Experts finally made a new type of prosthesis by using 3D printing technology. This 3D prosthesis, which has been precisely printed and made, is more perfect than traditional products. Xiao Haili wears it not as a decoration, but as a normal person.

When she first started training artificial limbs, Xiao Haili’s parents let her throw baseball. There are two reasons: first, baseball pitching can have a good training for the accuracy, strength and control of opponents, and second, because of the influence of Xiao Haili’s father Greg. Greg Dawson is from Maryland. The love of his life is not only his family, but also his hometown team Baltimore Orioles. In a subtle way, the whole Dawson family has now become an Orioles fan. Xiao Haili and her brother Zach usually like watching and playing baseball.

In the garden at home, when Xiao Haili threw the ball hard with her "mechanical right hand", Greg later recalled, "Yes, we all cried the moment the ball fell into my glove."

"Mom, I still want to pitch in Orioles Park!" That night, Xiao Haili made a wish before going to bed. At that time, she probably didn’t even think of it. In the next three years, she not only fulfilled this wish, but also created history.

Xiao Haili’s mother sent an email to the Baltimore Orioles, and she got a quick response. On August 17, 2015, she flew as far as Sleepless in Seattle, and the Dawsons came to the Orioles Park Stadium. Before the start of the game that day, more than 30,000 fans of the whole audience drummed together.ZhangjiaOil, Xiao Haili walked onto the pitcher’s hill and threw the first ball for the Orioles.

Because the 3D printed prosthesis is assembled from more than 30 parts and can be replaced at will, Xiao Haili changed all her "manipulator" into orange (oriole logo color) on that day. After the game that day, the reporter asked Xiao Haili, "What do you want to do next?" Xiao Haili replied timidly, "I want to be able to pitch at all courts."

From that day on, for three years and 30 days, on September 16th, 2018, when Xiao Haili threw the first ball of the competition in los angeles angels Stadium, history was written as follows: she became the first person on the planet to complete the kick-off ceremony in 30 MLB30 stadiums.

Derek kittel, the legendary captain of the new york Yankees and now the owner of Miami Marlins, blessed Little Haili: "Today, you are our angel, and you have inspired everyone, including me."

Sports bring us too much positive energy like Xiao Haili, but as far as Xiao Haili’s story is concerned, only baseball can write a script like her. Because in the United States, even though American football is the largest sport and basketball is the best in globalization, baseball will always be the first carrier of the American dream spirit.

Baseball is an important part of American culture-no, this statement is not accurate. It should be said that baseball has been completely integrated into American culture and into all aspects of Americans.

FIRST PITCH, the beginning of everything

From a fan’s point of view, there are many ways to let her participate in professional competitions in person. But in the United States, there is no way to go beyond the kick-off. There are KICK-OFF in American football, TIP-OFF in basketball and FIRST-PUCK in ice hockey, all of which are the signs of the official start of the game.

But none of them can match FIRST PITCH.

In fact, it is not difficult for fans who know the four major sports to imagine that American football, basketball and ice hockey are all coherent sports. If someone outside the game participates in the opening ceremony of the above games, the game can only be separated. Baseball, which is relatively static, will not have this problem. Although FIRST PITCH has nothing to do with the official game, fans prefer to regard this sacred ceremony as a signal to tell everyone that the game has started!

For Americans, especially in the northeast, this signal can even be regarded as the beginning of a year. Among the four major leagues, only baseball is a single-year event, and the season usually starts from the end of March to the beginning of April.

At this time, the northern cities are generally just in the spring. For Americans, on the Opening Day of MLB, the stadium is full of green eyes and the smell of soil in the nose. With the first ball thrown, this not only means the beginning of the baseball season, but also means: spring is here! The new year has really begun!

Of course, the kick-off ceremony can have such a high status in the minds of fans today, and thanks to Ronald Reagan, the most people-friendly president in American history. Before him, the guests who kicked off the ball were usually arranged in the first row of the stands behind home plate, and then stood up in their seats and threw the first ball. On the opening day of MLB in 1984, Mr. Reagan, then president of the United States, appeared at the Memorial Stadium, the home of Baltimore Orioles, without informing anyone.

Reagan’s excitement made the security guards at the scene have a headache. Because there was no preparation at home, Reagan’s seat was finally above the third base. This position is obviously not suitable for tee-off, and the action is relatively large when tee-off, and the surrounding environment looks unsafe. But since the president has arrived at the scene and it is the opening day, it is really unreasonable not to come to FIRST PITCH.

Finally, Reagan gave the solution. He finally walked onto the pitcher’s hill and threw the first ball of the 1984 season-at that moment, everyone found that the kick-off looked more integrated with the game in this position. Since then, the FIRST PITCH on the pitcher’s mound has formed a new practice.

The most symbolic of FIRST PITCH is undoubtedly October 30, 2001. New york Yankees and Arizona Diamondbacks played against each other in the World Series. In the third game, George W. Bush came to the scene. The significance of this game is that it is the first game of the highest level baseball decisive battle in new york City after the "911" incident. When George W. Bush threw the first ball in NYPD uniform, the whole Yankee Stadium stands shouted "U-S-A". All American media admit that only baseball can unite the whole of new york, no, the whole of America.

But this time FIRST PITCH has a lot of interesting tidbits.

After all, FIRST PITCH is a ceremony. Usually, the pitching guests are not professional players, so they will pitch at the front of the mound, but George W. Bush stood at the standard position of the pitching line that night and sent the pitch. For this reason, ESPN also specially produced a small feature, starting from Reagan, comparing the pitching actions of presidents, and Bush was indeed the best pitcher-after all, he used to be the owner of the MLB team Texas Rangers.

Despite his high level, Bush was criticized that night. After the aftermath of the terrorist incident, his preparations for this FIRST PITCH were a bit overdone. Except that the security in the stadium was upgraded to the highest level that day, NYPD’s coat was actually wearing a thick bulletproof vest, so it looked particularly bloated. In order to show his courage, Bush walked on the court alone, but in fact, a bodyguard followed him all the time, but no one noticed-because the bodyguard was wearing a referee’s uniform.

So this time FIRST PITCH is still quite controversial: no one wants this pitch, which represents American strength and unity, to be so timid.

Because FIRST PITCH is sacred and pure for Americans. As Hailey Dawson brought us: Every time I throw a ball, she tells the world that I don’t bow to fate, and my life really begins!

Baseball, everyone’s sport.

The inspiring thing about Xiao Haili is that she overcame physical obstacles and achieved the same things as ordinary people.

This is the hope that baseball has always brought. For Americans, the biggest special feature of baseball is that everyone, even if you have nothing special, can make achievements in baseball.

Needless to say, ice hockey is a sport that mainly belongs to its neighbors in the north and further north, even in the United States.

American football, which is "the sport of the strongest person in the world", must reach the peak of human beings in strength and speed in order to stand out from it.

Basketball, height is an insurmountable topic. Even if small ball tactics are popular nowadays, you should at least have a height of 1.8 meters-well, the average height of adult men in the United States today is 1.76 meters.

But baseball is different. Just like the United States as a melting pot of the world, this sport can accommodate everyone.

First of all, it doesn’t care about your physical fitness. You can have no speed, so practice your own blows and bring points to the team; You can have no strength, so improve your hitting accuracy and make yourself a guy with a high base rate; You may lack batting talent, but you may have a good sense of the ball and be an excellent defender …


In short, as long as you look for your talents and work hard to improve them, you will eventually be useful in baseball games. In 2008, when Dustin-Pedro, a second baseman with 75,80 kilograms of 1 meter, won the American League MVP, ESPN famous baseball commentator Buster Olney once pointed out in his column:

"When you watch a major league game, basically, you can always find a guy in the game who is very similar to you. You can’t be Kobe Bryant or Tom Brady, but you can see yourself in Pedro. He is too ordinary, not tall or strong. His parents run a tire shop in a small town in northern California. He was born there and grew up leisurely. As a child, Pedro played American football and baseball, as well as tennis. He kept practicing his hitting, and he didn’t strike out once for a whole season in high school. Then he was selected by the Red Sox and improved himself in the minor league until today. "

Baseball gives every boy the possibility to realize his heroic dream. Today, the tolerance of baseball is not only for Americans, but also for every immigrant. In American history, baseball has taken the most important step towards racial integration. Whenever you mention Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali, there is another name you can’t forget.

Jackie Robinson, a black boy from southern Georgia, signed a contract with Brooklyn Dodge (now Los Angeles Dodge) in 1947. When he made his major league debut on April 15 that year, it also represented that the colored barrier of baseball for more than 60 years was broken in one fell swoop.

At that time, even in Dodge’s locker room, there was racial discrimination, but the great Jackie was very calm: "I don’t care whether you like me or not. All I need is that you must give me respect for human beings."

Today, the whole MLB has also given Jackie Robinson the highest praise: in 2004, his number retired in the whole league, which of course does not mean that No.42 disappeared on the court. On April 15th every year, the day Jackie first stepped onto the major league stage, every player will wear number 42 in all the games that day. This day is Jackie Robinson Day. On this day every year, you will find that Jackie’s influence is not only in baseball.

Nowadays, on April 15th every year, on social networks, from Obama to JAY-Z to Jamie Foxx to LeBron, almost everyone pays tribute to this baseball player-without his efforts to break down barriers, the status of ethnic minorities in American society may not exist today. It is this step taken in the most traditional baseball game in the United States that the black civil rights movement has reached a new level.

Fifty years after Jackie Robinson entered MLB, a young man from Panama appeared. When he first arrived in new york at the age of 21, he didn’t even speak a word of English, but he clearly knew Jackie’s story.

So he also chose No.42, hoping to realize the same dream as his predecessors in this strange land. Later, this young Panamanian, Mariano Rivera, became the greatest finisher in history.

Rivera is Jackie Robinson of this era and the epitome of all Latin American descendants. In his 19-year career, he ended the game 652 times. Every American knows: "When Mariano walks onto the mound, it means the end of the game."

In 2004, the league retired No.42 as a whole, but it still made an opening: players who were still wearing No.42 jerseys at that time could keep their numbers. As a result, Rivera became the last player in the major leagues to use number 42. It is also gratifying that this number with special significance to baseball can have such a great ending.

Like Rivera, whether in Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela … or Cuba, many people rely on baseball to gain recognition and finally gain a foothold in the United States. On the opening day of the 2018 season, 236 of the 877 players from 30 teams were born in Latin America, accounting for 27% of the total.

Alex Cora, the coach of this year’s World Series champion Boston Red Sox, is a Puerto Rican. In order to appreciate his great contribution and achievements this season, the Red Sox specially let Cora return to his hometown of Caguas with the World Series championship trophy in these days.

Champion, waiting for every city

As a Baltimore Orioles fan, when Xiao Haili was asked what her next wish was, she replied, "I hope the Orioles can win the championship, so my father will be very happy."

Indeed, after the great success from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s, the Baltimore Orioles have not won the World Series for 35 years. Among the four major American leagues, MLB is probably the most difficult to win the championship.

The scarcity of playoff places and the changeable sports characteristics have led to the tragedy of many teams with a long tradition and a long history. Only in this background, the persistence of the fans is even more valuable. In many cities in the United States, it is the greatest wish of fans to live to see the baseball team in their region reach the top. We only look at the history of this century:

In 2002, Anaheim (now renamed Los Angeles) Angels won the championship. In 1994, Disney made a film "Angels in the Outfield".

The story tells a little boy named Roger. He lives in a single-parent family, his father is a truck driver, and he has to run long distances. Roger hoped that his father could spend more time with him, but the answer he waited for was: "Let’s wait until the Angels win the World Series."

Yes, it is precisely because the Angels are a traditional bad team in the history, so this sentence in the film represents: This is simply impossible.

In the film, the real angel came in Roger’s prayer, and he helped the angels win the championship miraculously. Two years after the film was released, Disney bought the Angel Team, and finally, 42 years after the Angel Team was founded, the fairy tale became a reality.

Incidentally, baseball and Hollywood are inextricably linked. Every year, the official documentary of MLB World Series will invite famous artists as narrators. In 1989, Matt Damon and his good friend Ben Affleck first appeared together in the movie Neverland, when they played baseball fans in Fenway Park. In 2007 and 2013, when the Red Sox won the championship, they were proud of being the narrators of the official documentaries in those two years.

In 2005, the Chicago White Sox not only won the championship, but also completed an 88-year persistence. In 1919, eight players of the Chicago White Sox were suspended for allegedly taking bribes and deliberately losing the game, so the White Sox were satirized by the world as "black socks" and never recovered. It was not until the championship in 2005 that the whole team was really proud.

Chicago white socks

In 2008, Philadelphia won MLB, and won it again after 38 years. Because of the team name, Philadelphia people can also beat the 76 ers, eagles and trapezes in the whole city and become a symbol of the city. The "P" in their team emblem tells the world: I am from Philadelphia-you will find that Iverson’s favorite hat is Philadelphia, indicating his identity as a "son of Philadelphia".

In 2010, the San Francisco Giants made the whole Bay Area proud. Giants were originally in new york, and moved to the west in 1957, which was their first championship since they came to San Francisco!

In 2015, Kansas City Royal showed the world what a "diaosi counterattack" was. As a small market team, Royal is really struggling in the professional league. In 1985, they won the world series championship, but from 1986 to 2013, they didn’t make the playoffs for 28 years. The champion after 30 years makes this city completely crazy.

In 2017, it was the turn of the Houston astronauts. Four years ago, they were still a bad team that lost 111 games and lost 100+ in the regular season for three consecutive seasons. This professional team with the longest history in Houston has finally tasted the championship for the first time after its 56th season.

Of course, all of the above are inferior to the Boston Red Sox breaking the "curse of the baby" in 2004. The Red Sox staged the greatest reversal in the history of American professional sports when they were 3-0 behind their arch-rival Yankees in the American League final, and finally ended the 86-year wait for the championship in the whole "Red Sox country".

But to say that the most touching thing for fans in this century is the 2016 World Series. The two teams that fought on the highest stage that year-Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians-have been together for 174 years (107 years for Cubs and 67 years for Indians).

After seven battles, the bear finally ended the "goat curse". On the night of winning the championship, many Chicagoans put a broadcast in the cemetery to let their deceased relatives witness the moment they have been looking forward to all their lives.

The joy of the bear’s championship marks that people in Cleveland will continue to wait. Although LeBron has comforted the city, I’m afraid it will be until the Indians win the championship.

So 35 years in Baltimore is really not too long, but it may be far more difficult for the Orioles to wait for the next championship than for Xiao Haili to finish pitching on 30 courses.

Ok, now, do you understand why baseball has such a lofty position in the eyes of the American people?

Behind what we see is a sports story related to baseball culture.

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If online celebrity’s beauty cosmetics want to develop sustainably, it has to enter the real stage of industrialization, specialization and capitalization competition.

Online celebrity beauty brands, which are in the limelight, will eventually return to the essence of beauty business.

According to the latest news of new york Post, after American cosmetics retailer Ulta Beauty became the exclusive cooperative retailer of Kylie Cosmetics, a reality show star, in November last year, its sales in Ulta Beauty were not satisfactory. According to Rakuten, a website that tracks online shopping, about 60% of consumers who bought Kylie Cosmetics only bought the brand once from June 2016 to May 2019, and almost all consumers who tried to buy Kylie Cosmetics products in recent months had no repurchase plan.

Rakuten, a subsidiary of the Japanese Internet service company of the same name, has 1.5 million online consumption records. However, since Rakuten did not track the physical store of Ulta Beauty, the data only reflected the online sales of Kylie Cosmetics.

Kylie Cosmetics’ revenue peaked in November 2016, the year after the first product was launched. The Kyshadow suit sold out quickly in less than 60 seconds when it debuted in August 2016. In February 2016, the lipstick set released by Kylie Cosmetics was auctioned on eBay, and even ended the auction for $225, which is almost 10 times the original price of $29.

Kylie Cosmetics helped Kylie Jenner break through $1 billion.

According to the latest statistics of Forbes, with the great success of Kylie Cosmetics, Kylie Jenner has officially surpassed the founder of Facebook to become the youngest self-made billionaire in history, with assets exceeding $1 billion and officially joining the Billionaire Club.

However, the growth rate of Kylie Cosmetics has shown signs of slowing down recently. Last year, sales only increased by 9% to $360 million. The cooperation with Ulta Beauty was originally intended to further enhance the brand’s market share, but it seems that the situation is not as expected.

On the one hand, the overall beauty market in the United States is weak. According to the data released by NPD Group earlier, the sales of cosmetics in the first quarter of the United States decreased by 4% to 1.8 billion US dollars compared with the same period of last year. Estee Lauder Group also mentioned the economic slowdown in the United States in the latest quarter.

On the other hand, there are indications that after the short-term consumption boom, Kylie Cosmetics has to face the real brand management problems. According to Rakuten data, as of November 2018, the company’s online revenue has dropped by 62%. Some analysts believe that the decline in revenue is mainly due to the inability of Kylie Cosmetics to maintain customer loyalty and the continuous loss of consumers.

Recently, some consumers have begun to complain about poor customer service, refund policy and order confusion. Some consumers reported that they spent $250 on the website to buy products, and finally only received 7 of the 12 items, while Kylie Cosmetics customer service failed to handle complaints. Kylie Jenner’s suit for her mother Kris Jenner received a lot of 1-star negative comments on Ulta official website.

According to Rakuten, Kylie Cosmetics’ star lip glaze products are still strong, accounting for 69% of its sales, and its sales performance far exceeds other categories. From June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2019, the sales of Kylie Cosmetics lip products only decreased by 2.3%, while the sales of lipstick products in the US market decreased by 5.3% in the same period. But the performance of other categories is not satisfactory. Some complaints point to product quality problems, criticizing the color development and product texture of eye shadow tray, and consumers have mixed opinions on the brand’s latest skin care product line.

The cooperation between Kylie Cosmetics and Ulta Beauty was originally intended to further enhance the brand’s market share, but it seems that the situation is not as expected.

Some critics say that online celebrity’s beauty cosmetics may just be a gust of wind, which will soon lose power. Although many online celebrity beauty brands are thriving, it is still too early to draw this conclusion. However, people are well aware that traffic and topicality cannot support the long-term development of beauty brands.

With more and more full market competition, if online celebrity beauty brands want to develop sustainably, they will eventually enter the real stage of industrialization, specialization and capitalization competition. They will not only compete with online celebrity beauty brands for market share, but also have to compete with powerful traditional beauty brands.

According to a source quoted by The Wall Street Journal, the negotiation of beauty giant Coty Group’s plan to acquire a majority stake in Kylie Cosmetics for $600 million is still going on. In order to show its importance, the transaction was personally followed up by Chairman Peter Harf. Up to now, Coty Group and Kylie Cosmetics refused to respond to the news.

As early as 2017, buyers showed interest in Kylie Cosmetics and discussed with them how to reduce the brand’s dependence on the manufacturer Seed Beauty. According to a source, the case that a friend of the Kardashian family and the founder of the beauty brand Anastasia Beverly Hills sold his personal brand equity for $3 billion in 2018 provided a commercial reference for the Kardashian family.

With the increasingly fierce market competition, as millennials and Z-generation groups began to favor niche brands with higher cost performance and social media topics, the track of online celebrity beauty brands became very crowded. Huda Beauty, a personal beauty brand launched by beauty blogger Huda Kattan in 2013, has gained a large number of fans. Especially in China, due to the development of shopping sharing community and social media, Huda Beauty’s star eye shadow tray products still set off a wave among young consumers, even though it has not officially entered China.

However, Huda Beauty has not been spared from the quality control problem. Some consumers complained that the brand’s eye shadow tray was fluorescent or allergic. Although the product was labeled with the eye shadow tray "Not recommended for eyes", the label was hard to notice.

Fenty Beauty, launched by singer Rihanna, has always been regarded as a rival of Kylie Cosmetics, and fans of both sides often even set off a battle on platforms such as Instagram. Unlike beauty brands from grassroots beauty bloggers such as Huda Kattan, Rihanna and Kylie Jenner are both celebrities and have a high appeal on social media. Kylie Jenner has 140 million followers on Instagram, while Rihanna has 73.7 million.

In 2016, KENDO, a beauty incubator under LVMH Group, invested 10 million US dollars to help Rihanna launch Fenty Beauty.

The competition between the two brands is very tight. At the beginning of this year, Fenty Beauty expanded to skin care products almost at the same time as Kylie Cosmetics, and launched skin care products such as lip balm "Pro Kissr Balm" and lip scrub, which was regarded by the industry as a signal of its strength in the skin care market. In addition, Rihanna applied to the US Patent and Trademark Office for registration of Fenty Skin trademark at the beginning of this year. The application content includes soap, skin care and personal care products.

Different from Kylie Cosmetics’ single category, Fenty Beauty is more balanced in all categories. Behind this is the difference in "hard power" of R&D and production.

Kylie Cosmetics outsourced R&D and production to Spatz Laboratories, a subsidiary of Seed Beauty Group. This supplier is a typical private brand manufacturer, which has been providing cosmetics R&D, manufacturing and packaging services for various personal brands for a long time. It has factories in Ornard, California and China. In addition to Kylie Cosmetics, Seed Beauty also manufactures another amazing internet beauty brand, Colourpop, which currently has 5.9 million fans on Instagram. However, the brand is often criticized for its product quality, which makes the market question the quality control of Seed Beauty.

It can be said that the Seed Beauty behind Kylie Cosmetics is the fast fashion in the field of beauty. As online celebrity’s economy became more and more fierce, such manufacturers began to increase. From product design to production, it can take no more than one week at most. All the work processes of private brand manufacturers have ready-made models to keep abreast of the current beauty trends.

Judging from the capital background behind the two brands, Fenty Beauty is obviously better.

In 2016, KENDO, a beauty incubator under LVMH Group, invested 10 million US dollars to help Rihanna launch Fenty Beauty. KENDO was founded in 2010 by David Suliteanu, who was the CEO of Sephora Americas. Subsequently, KENDO became a brand independent of Sephora and joined the perfume and cosmetics department of LVMH Group. KENDO’s makeup business includes Kat Von D Beauty, Marc Jacobs Beauty, Formula X Nail, OleHenriksen and Bite Beauty.

Fenty Beauty is the third largest makeup project that KENDO is responsible for. The latter plays a key role in the development of Fenty Beauty business. It can not only provide high-quality R&D talents, but also have global distribution channels, which can reach the terminal sales even in the market without Sephora and other professional makeup retailers.

At present, Fenty Beauty has taken the lead in global expansion. Earlier, Fenty Beauty announced that it would land in the Asian market in September and sell it in Seoul and Jeju Island of South Korea, as well as Hong Kong and Macau of China. The main sales channels include DFS Global Duty Free Shop, Harvey Nichols, beautyavenue and lottedfs.

Although Fenty Beauty has not announced the specific time to enter the mainland market in China, according to the current movement rhythm of the brand in China, there may be an official announcement before the end of this year at the earliest. Fenty Beauty started to open official accounts of Sina Weibo, WeChat and Xiaohongshu in May this year, and completed the authentication of FentyBeautyOfficial in WeChat official account on July 2. The brand also announced Naomi, a singer who became famous for the variety show Creation 101, as the latest spokesperson, which reflected the brand’s determination to localize to some extent.

Fenty Beauty has successively opened social media accounts in China and announced singer Naomi as the latest spokesperson.

This week, Fenty Beauty is suspected of opening an overseas flagship store in Tmall. At present, no products have been released, and the number of fans has exceeded 18,000. According to the basic information of the store, the company name of the store is KENDO HONG KONG LIMITED, which is the incubator of Fenty Beauty.

Whether from R&D and production, marketing and public relations, or channel layout, Fenty Beauty has initially possessed the ability to compete with traditional beauty brands. This will also be the inevitable development direction of online celebrity beauty cosmetics in the future. From the perspective of the global beauty market, although online celebrity Beauty has had a short-term impact on traditional beauty brands with its excellent online marketing capabilities, the advantages of online celebrity Beauty brand have been weakened as traditional beauty brands have also started to use KOL marketing strategies in large quantities. However, the traditional beauty brands have accumulated a lot in the channel layout of the global market, which makes the new online celebrity beauty brands hard to match.

In recent years, traditional beauty giants have continuously acquired emerging brands to enhance their appeal to young consumers. In the past ten years, Estee Lauder Group has successfully ranked among the top four beauty retail giants in the world by acquiring emerging brands such as Becca and Too Faced. Earlier, it was reported that Estee Lauder Group intended to bid $1 billion for the luxury beauty brand of the same name founded by celebrity makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury. The brand focuses on star products such as lipstick and eye shadow. Its current annual sales are between $150 million and $200 million, and it was supported by venture capital firm Sequoia Capital in 2017.

In fact, not only traditional beauty brands have begun to regain consumers’ attention, but even luxury brands also want to share a piece of it.

In May this year, Gucci announced that it had fully entered the beauty market, and officially launched its first lipstick series in official website, which was headed by creative director Alessandro Michele. There were 58 products in this series. Different from the main competitors such as Chanel and DIOR, Gucci didn’t set foot in the cosmetics market for the first time until 2014. It was jointly launched by former creative director Frida Giannini and legendary makeup artist Pat McGrath. The series of products, including lipstick, eye shadow and foundation, were still on sale in the market after Frida Giannini left her job, but no new products were launched in the past two years, which was gradually concealed by the limelight of emerging brands such as Charlotte Tilbury.

Li Jiaqi, a well-known beauty blogger and "king of live broadcast", recently released a new Gucci lipstick series Rouge à Lèvres Voile Lipstick evaluation video in Sina Weibo, which attracted a lot of attention. Up to now, the video has been played 2.56 million times, with 17,645 likes, 890 reposts and 1,601 comments. According to the latest data of WeChat WeChat official account Madmen, the price of a single advertisement in Tik Tok, Li Jiaqi is as high as 950,000 yuan, which is a huge marketing budget that only a few luxury brands and beauty cosmetics giants can support.

The data shows that the price of a single advertisement in Tik Tok, Li Jiaqi is as high as 950,000 yuan.

In March of this year, the French luxury brand Hermes suddenly announced that it would fully enter the beauty market, and planned to launch beauty products on a large scale in 2020. In an interview with French media Le Monde, CEO Axel Dumas revealed that it is very necessary for brands to comprehensively lay out the cosmetics, perfume and personal care markets in order to enhance their competitiveness.

Burberry, whose performance has been sluggish in recent years, is also determined to regain its beauty business, and will take back the management right of the beauty business from Coty Group this year. After appointing Riccardo Tisici of Givenchy as the creative director at the beginning of last year, the brand has carried out a series of innovative measures, including launching a new monthly "B Series".

According to public information, in order to attract young consumers, Burberry added makeup business as early as 2010, and launched products such as lipstick, eye shadow and foundation, which were represented by Interparfums, a perfume manufacturer that had cooperated for more than 20 years, and then it was taken back in 2013 and handed over to Coty Group in 2015.

Although Burberry once thought that the annual income growth rate of its beauty business could reach 25%, and it aimed at the top ten luxury beauty brands in the world, the constant change of management rights made the brands unable to concentrate on making good products and failed to launch good product ideas and marketing strategies. Even within two years of Burberry’s own operation, the beauty business was the only sector in which the income declined.

Chanel, which has the most successful beauty business layout, spends a large amount of budget on the marketing of beauty business every year, and its product layout and promotion ideas have become more and more bold, and successively landed pop-up shop projects that young people like, such as "COCO CAFE" and "Miss COCO Game Hall". In August last year, Chanel took the lead in launching the men’s beauty series "Boy de CHANEL".

Although LVMH has never disclosed the specific sales figures of DIOR’s beauty business, industry insiders predict that the annual wholesale sales of the brand’s beauty department is about 2.5 billion euros, with perfume accounting for half, cosmetics accounting for about 30%, and skin care products accounting for about 20%. The largest markets are China, the United States, French, Japanese and British.

The specialty of beauty category is that it is highly tied to marketing, and the professionalism of products is basically linked to R&D investment. After the short-term fluctuation of beauty cosmetics in online celebrity, the market is returning to rationality. The "basic skills" of the beauty business have not changed, and the fight is still product professionalism and high-input marketing.

This means that if online celebrity beauty brands are not willing to cash out in the short term, it seems that there is only one way to rely on beauty giants.

Plant a football seed.

"Go to Beijing to play football." Xu Jiajia fulfilled a dream of her own.

On July 8, Beijing Workers Stadium, like many famous players who play football here, photos of Xu Jiajia and a group of small teammates were hung in the players’ locker room. On this day, the U13 youth football team in Southwest Guizhou Province and the U12 echelon in Beijing Guoan mixed the competition.

Four years ago, with the help of poverty alleviation cadres, Xu Jiajia entered Luguan Primary School in Xingren City with more than 1,200 students from a rural school in Southwest Guizhou Province. There, she met a teaching policeman from Beijing, was selected for the football team, played well, and was promoted to a key middle school in Southwest Guizhou under the leadership of a "police coach". Last week, she flew to Beijing for the first time and kicked the football into the Beijing Workers Stadium.

On July 8th, the youth football team in Southwest Guizhou took a group photo with the players from beijing guoan football club. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo

This is a story about a girl’s dream in an ordinary mountain village, but behind it is a story about a group of people helping another group to ignite hope.

In March 2021 and September 2022, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau sent two groups of 40 policemen with professional expertise to Xingren City and Pu ‘an County in Southwest Guizhou Province to teach football and English for three years. Among them, two groups of 24 football teaching policemen (four remained) continued to popularize campus football, and a total of 22 campus football teams were formed, which led the campus football teams to achieve excellent results in competitions held in the country, Guizhou Province and their counties and cities.

Driven by the planning of the teaching team, the government of Southwest Guizhou established a youth football training base in Xingyi, the capital, and established a "full chain" promotion channel of "primary school-junior high school-high school-university-employment" for outstanding football talents in Southwest Guizhou.

Thirteen-year-old Xu Jiajia has a bigger dream, "Go out of the mountains and go to a better place to study." The teaching police planted a seed in the hearts of children.

On July 5, in the friendly match between the youth football team in Southwest Guizhou Province and the Beijing youth team, Xu Jiajia and his teammates embraced and cheered after the goal. Beijing News reporter Wang Ying photo

"I’m going to play football in Beijing."

In June in Guizhou, honey plums are in full season, and the branches and leaves of plum trees are pressed by fruits. When the wind blows, they sway gently with the rustling sound.

"I’m going to play football in Beijing." Children’s cheers came from the distance. Xu Jiajia, with neat short hair and a tanned face, ran home, followed by two "police coaches" from Beijing.

The yard was lively in an instant. Mother Lin Yi-fen rubbed her hands nervously, and her feet were busy, bringing washed plums for a while, touching eggs in the chicken coop, picking bacon from the beams, and then diving into the kitchen to get busy; Father Xu Shenggui told the two coaches that he had a strong accent and a fast speech, and repeatedly said, "Jia Jia has bothered you."

The 13-year-old Xu Jiajia is the only child in the village who went to Xingyi, the capital of Southwest Guizhou Province, to attend a public junior high school. She got good grades and was selected for the U13 women’s football team in Southwest Guizhou Province, and will soon go to Beijing to participate in the youth football summer camp. More than two years ago, she often skipped classes, was the "big sister" among children of the same age, and was also a "problem student" that made teachers have a headache.

In those days when she felt ashamed and regretted in retrospect, Jia Jia met Song Xiaochuan, a policeman who came to teach. He is like a light, shining into Jiajia’s life.

In 2021, the children who have just been elected to the football team are training. The former one in the picture is Xu Jiajia. Photo courtesy of respondents

On March 18th, 2021, the first batch of 18 teaching policemen from Beijing Public Security Bureau went to 6 schools (3 primary schools and 3 junior and senior high schools) in Xingren City and Pu ‘an County, Southwest Guizhou Province, and started the fixed-point assistance and teaching work. Song Xiaochuan and his partner set up a football team in Luguan Primary School in Xingren City.

Song Xiaochuan found that Jia Jia is a good prospect. In the fifth grade, she runs fast, has good physical fitness, is smart and has a strong understanding. She was not only selected for the team, but also selected as the captain.

After more than a year, these children, who didn’t even know what football was at first, sweated day after day on the training ground and learned to pass, dribble and shoot a little bit … They represented Luguan Primary School in Xingren Campus Football League and won many championships.

Xu Jiajia was selected for the training team in Southwest Guizhou, together with 15 male players and 11 female players brought by the teaching police. They can go to Xingyi, the capital of Southwest Guizhou, to attend junior high school.

The opportunity is just around the corner, but Jia Jia’s father is in trouble. When he received a phone call from his daughter, Xu Shenggui was blinded. He was working in a rubber factory in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, and he needed to do a good job.

The Xu family had five children, and Jia Jia was the youngest. Including her, three children were studying at that time. Reading needs money. His wife Lin Yifen has liver disease, and seeing a doctor needs more money. A family of seven lives by farming, raising pigs and Xu Shenggui doing odd jobs. And to go to Xingyi City to study, you have to spend an extra sum of money every month.

On July 1, Xu Jiajia’s mother Lin Yifen (first from the right) talked about Jiajia’s going to Beijing, smiling. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

Without hesitation for too long, Xu Shenggui quickly called Jia Jia back. "Go, you have to endure it at home no matter how difficult it is." In the depths of this mountain, reading is a top priority for ordinary farmers. Xu Shenggui has always regretted that she couldn’t go to junior high school because she couldn’t afford the tuition in 90 yuan, and felt even more sorry for her eldest daughter who was admitted to the university but voluntarily gave up choosing to work.

Xu Jiajia is very lucky. She met many "distinguished people" on her way to school. In the third grade, the resident poverty alleviation cadre and Xu Shenggui proposed to send Jiajia and her brother to Xingren City to study, and helped them contact the school. The two brothers and sisters just entered the city, and Jia Jia also had the opportunity to become a student of Song Xiaochuan.

"Go to a better place to study." It is the hope that the children of this family will walk out of the mountains. Jia Jia has gone further and further, and can go to Beijing to play football. Her parents are not at ease and keep telling her, "Listen to the coach and don’t get hurt during the game."

"Show them the outside world"

After teaching for more than two years, the "police coaches" from Beijing have established a football team from scratch in their respective schools, and they have also gained good results.

The police promoted the establishment of a football association in Pu ‘an County, achieving the goal of having a football association in the whole state of southwest Guizhou. Xingren Phoenix Middle School established the first high school women’s state-level team in Southwest Guizhou. At the 11th Sports Meeting of Guizhou Province held in August, 2022, it won the sixth place in women’s group A, which is the best result in Southwest Guizhou since the resumption of the provincial sports meeting in Guizhou Province. In the 2022 Youth Football Invitational Tournament in Central and Western China, two U12 football teams led by teaching police won all four games, and stood out among 20 teams from 9 provinces and won the first prize …

Walter WANG and Zhang Jinan led the women’s football team of Phoenix Middle School to participate in the competition on behalf of Southwest Guizhou. Photo courtesy of respondents

At the beginning, it was difficult to find a few children who had been exposed to football in the school. The brand-new playground, the newly-sodded standard football field and the shiny metal goal were just places to run and climbing tools in the eyes of children.

In order to set up the first high school women’s state-level team in Southwest Guizhou, Walter WANG, a policeman who teaches teaching, and his colleagues drove from place to place to find someone, and accumulated more than 5,000 kilometers of mountain roads. Finally, 28 junior high school graduates were selected in Xingyi, Xingren, Anlong, Zhenfeng, Wangmo and other counties (cities) and arranged for them to go to Phoenix Middle School for study and training.

Most of these children’s academic performance is not excellent, their family conditions are also very difficult, there are many brothers and sisters, their parents work outside the home all the year round, and even some children have taken on the burden of raising their brothers and sisters. Bellome is one of them. After being elected, her family didn’t allow her to play football.

"What’s the use of playing football?" Teaching police have been questioned more or less like this. They patiently explained, "There are many different paths in life, and football may open a window for children." When they have time, they will also visit their homes to persuade parents who are worried. With the joint efforts of the coach, the Wangmo county government and the staff of the Education Bureau, Bellome finally appeared in the training ground.

Walter WANG on the training ground is strict and unsmiling. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

Being a teacher is a big challenge for the police. Cai Shuo, a policeman who teaches at Longxi Shiyan School in Pu ‘an County, has a "headache" student named Chen Jinfang. The little girl is a versatile player with good physical fitness and strong explosive power, but she is too introverted and shy.

For a long time, Jin Fang never looked up, didn’t talk and didn’t respond to the coach during training. Cai Shuo was anxious to ask a few words, and she cried. Cai Shuo, who was less than 30 years old, was helpless in the face of such a small child.

When he first arrived at Longxi Shiyan School in Pu ‘an County in 2021, Cai Shuo was guiding the children to train. Photo courtesy of respondents

A year and a half later, Cai Shuo learned about her psychological state at that time in Chen Jinfang’s letter to him. "I don’t know anything about football, I don’t know how to play, how to stop the ball, and how to defend, just like a baby facing a fresh world …"

In this brand-new football world, coaches teach children the rules and skills of football hand in hand and take them into a broader world.

Walter WANG and his colleagues tried their best to "beg for alms", helping the children with clothes, football, backpacks and other subsidies, adding meals to them by stewing beef and chicken legs on weekends, and also raising various expenses such as transportation, accommodation and so on when going out for competitions. "Take them to see the outside world."

"I can do it!"

Football training is a hard job, and the ultimate pull of body and perseverance can be exchanged for progress.

Every training, Xu Jiajia tried her best to run on the court. "She dares to fight and rob," Song Xiaochuan said, which is Jia Jia’s advantage.

Xu Jiajia (right) and her teammates strengthened their training in order to welcome the friendly match of Beijing Summer Camp on July 4th. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

She still has an indomitable spirit. When she first entered junior high school, Jia Jia underwent two operations on gastroenteritis and appendicitis, and her training and study fell behind a lot. The former captain of Luguan Primary School was no longer conspicuous in the "master as a cloud" state team. Shi Miao, who is the physical fitness coach and life coach of this team, can see that Jia Jia is a little frustrated, but she is still trying to catch up.

On June 29th, in a training on the eve of going to Beijing for a youth football summer camp, Jia Jia started a low-grade fever, and her face was red and sweaty, but she still didn’t want to take time off. "I can’t delay any longer." After biting her teeth for two hours, she was still exhausted and almost fainted in the turn-back running event at the end of the training. When Miao forced her to have a rest, she sat on the sidelines and drank water to cool down. Jia Jia gasped and watched her teammates training, and her brow twisted tightly.

Xu Jiajia once said that since joining the football team, life has become more specific. "Fight hard and win."

Every time after training, Walter WANG is often hoarse and exhausted. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

But "winning" is by no means the only thing that the coach wants to pass on to the children. In addition, there are self-confidence, persistence and faith.

No team is sure to win or lose, especially for the newly formed team, losing is inevitable. Falling down and conceding goals again and again are all regarded by Bellome as a ditch on the road to success. If you get up and cross over, you will always make progress.

In the 2021 Guizhou Football Association Cup Youth Football League, the Phoenix Middle School Women’s Football Team won the eighth place, and seven players won the national second-class athletes’ places, including Bellome, which is a great help for her to get into a sports professional college in the future.

After Chen Jinfang was selected as the goalkeeper of the state team in Southwest Guizhou, it was like a different person. Cai Shuo was sure at that time that Jin Fang’s past performances came from his lack of self-confidence. "Until she participated in the selection in the state, she found that she was still the best, and she really never cried again. In the past, I made a detour, but now I dare to’ provoke’ me.’ Coach, you can’t run, so you’re not as fast as me.’ "

In the summer of 2022, Chen Jinfang (3 from the right in the back row) was selected to the Southwest Guizhou Women’s U12 Training Team, and the team members took a group photo with coach Tang Yongxin. Photo courtesy of respondents

The little girl crying on the football field is gone. Chen Jinfang is very hard-working in training, which she attributes to her childhood exercise. She has three sisters and a younger brother, who is born dumb. His parents take him everywhere for medical consultation. Young Chen Jinfang has to walk alone for more than an hour to go to school every day, from dawn to dawn. Since the third grade, she has to wash and cook, feed pigs and chickens when she comes home, until now.

In the past, Xu Jiajia would cry when she cut off her shoulder-length hair. Now, in order to facilitate running, she severely cut her ear’s short hair again, exposing her ears and forehead.

"I can bounce more than 500 balls in a row." "I got the seventh place in my class in this exam." Xu Jiajia constantly reported good news to Song Xiaochuan. "When she first started training, she couldn’t jump a ball. She had to practice for three or five consecutive times for a long time." Song Xiaochuan didn’t ask Jia Jia how she worked hard to reach this level, and Jia Jia wouldn’t pull him to complain and be tired.

"Look, I can do it!" The children proved themselves with solid achievements.

The baton of dreams

In July 2022, 14 of the first batch of 18 policemen returned to Beijing after teaching. Song Xiaochuan left, too. Before he left, he handed Xu Jiajia over to the remaining Walter WANG, Wang Haonan and the second batch of Shi Miao and Tong Jixiang who came to teach.

The coach was catching the bat, but the training never stopped. Walter WANG on the football field is a "tough character". He is uncompromising. He starts training at six o’clock in the morning, but the thunder can’t move. It rains in winter and turns into ice, and it is humid and sultry in summer. But he insists on "being late will be punished", and girls will be more demanding when they complain that they are tired. It seems that he will never be satisfied with their performance.

At 6 o’clock every morning, it is still dawn, and the girls have appeared on the playground of Xingyi No.5 Middle School. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

In Chen Jinfang’s eyes, Cai Shuo, her first coach, belongs to the type of "keeping things quiet", Walter WANG, the coach of "King", is like a strict "old father", and Wang Haonan, the coach of "Xiao Wang", can understand her without saying much, and always speaks a word in her heart at critical times … She sets the funny photos of the coaches as her own mobile phone screensaver.

Many of the concerns of "old fathers" are in places where children can’t see them. In private, Walter WANG talked about the difficulty of children when everyone met. "I learned to wash and cook when I was very young. I didn’t have parents to take care of me. My family’s conditions were not good, and my nutrition couldn’t keep up. Look at this calf muscle. Going out to compete is a lot worse than others."

After leaving southwest Guizhou, Song Xiaochuan was entrusted by his friend to deposit 300 yuan money in Walter WANG every month as a living allowance for Jia Jia. He repeatedly told Jia Jia, "Just rest assured, study hard, and don’t fall behind in football and culture classes."

Jia Jia couldn’t bear to part with him. She watched the video produced by Song Xiaochuan when he left after teaching. Every frame in it was a memory of training and competition together in the past. She buried herself in tears and made an agreement with her coach: "I’m going to Beijing to go to college, and we’ll see you there."

I didn’t expect to meet you so soon. On July 6th, just after the friendly match with the Beijing team, Xu Jiajia saw the coaches who were hiding off the court and wanted to surprise them. She rushed to Song Xiaochuan and asked him repeatedly, "Did you see that we won the game?"

July 6, Beijing,Song Xiaochuan (left), Tang Yongxin (middle) and Zhang Jinan watched the children nervously outside the stadium. Beijing News reporter Zhang Jingyu photo

Song Xiaochuan doesn’t talk much on weekdays, unlike children who express their emotions so enthusiastically, but he will still "break the defense" for such a moment. He looked at the child in front of him, who hadn’t been eager to "take credit" for him for a year, and saw that she had grown taller and made progress, which was very comforting.

On the title page of the English book for Xu Jiajia, Song Xiaochuan wrote the following sentence: "I hope you will stick to your dream and make efforts to realize our agreement. See you in Beijing in the future! "

He knows that the seeds of hope have been sown, and these seedlings are stubbornly absorbing nutrition and striving for progress.

From March 2021 to now, with the relay help of two groups of teaching policemen from Beijing Public Security Bureau, and with the strong support of physical education and public security departments in Guizhou Province and Southwest Guizhou, two players have been rated as national first-class athletes, 38 players have been rated as national second-class athletes, 6 players have been selected into Guizhou Youth Training Team and studied in Guiyang Experimental School, and 45 players have been selected into Southwest Guizhou Youth Training Team and studied in Xingyi No.5 Middle School.

Children’s dreams have taken on a more concrete shape. Cai Shuo’s students said to him, "Coach, my life has never been so wonderful before you came. I will go to college like you, be a policeman and teach football."


7月10日,夏令营临近结束,孩子们在天安门广场观看了升旗仪式。仪式结束后,一个女孩张开双臂迎接朝阳。新京报记者 王嘉宁 摄






新京报记者 张静姝 编辑 刘倩 校对 张彦君

Coach Spool looks more like the coach of the new American Dream Team, and Cordao is the shopkeeper of cutting.

Coach Spool looks more like the coach of the new American Dream Team, and Cordao became the shopkeeper of cutting.

After Popovich withdrew from the men’s basketball team of dreams, Cole, the former assistant coach of the dream team, replaced the upper position. This is something that has been predicted for a long time, and there is not much controversy. After all, the coach of the dream team mainly depends on prestige and contribution.

However, according to the coach’s ability, it is estimated that Cole can only work as an assistant coach, and the real coach is Cole.

When Tarun Lu painted a tactical board for the members of the dream team, many people joked that the real coach was off, and Cole was overhead.

Now the Heat officially released a photo of Coach Spool in the Dream Team. On the surface, it congratulated Coach Spool on becoming the assistant coach of the Dream Team, but it seems a bit like guiding others to see that he is the real coach.

When the three coaches gathered in the training ground, Coach Spool stood in the middle position to explain the tactics to Tyrone Lu and Cole. Tyrone Lu was able to conduct business discussions and was more serious, and Cole was the one who obviously played soy sauce. He couldn’t understand the latest tactical ideas.

Therefore, the luxury coaching staff of this dream team, Cole is actually a shopkeeper of cutting and cutting, and the people who really work are Tyrone Lu and Coach Spool.

Six years of nothing, leaving James will reveal the truth! Durant can’t do anything, and neither can Dancsics.

After the opening of the NBA free market this summer, many teams in the west started to have competitions. The Warriors got Paul and saric. After losing the burden of Poole, they still have a chance to win the championship next season. While retaining the framework of the Western Conference, the Lakers signed four experts, Vincent+Hayes+Prince+Reddish, and their competitiveness was significantly improved. Including the signing of seven generals, Sun, the help of the four giants Durant+Booker+Bill+Ayton, including Gordon+Watanabe Xiongtai+Diop and others, made them the biggest favourites for the championship; But outside the competition, there is a team that is also buying and strengthening. They are loners. First of all, one thing is certain: the lone ranger has only one core: Dancsics. Before the opening of the free market, some American media revealed that Owen even intended to recruit James to be a lone ranger. Now it seems more like a joke.

The American media took a picture, and since Owen left James, he has achieved nothing! And Owen immediately commented back: collect this information and see what will happen in the next few years. At the beginning, after losing to the Warriors, Owen went to a party with the Warriors players, and then he swore that he must leave the Cavaliers. In the past six years, Owen was injured in 18 years and missed the playoffs; In 19 years, he hit the second round of the Eastern Conference playoffs and lost to the Bucks. I came to the Nets in 20 years, got injured, and missed the playoffs again; In the summer of 21, Owen was trampled by the letter brother, and as a result, he lost to the Bucks again in the second round of the East. In the 22-year playoffs, Owen and Durant led the team and were swept by the Celtics 0-4 in the first round; Last season, before he came to the Lone Ranger, he was in the top four in the West. After he came to the lone ranger, the lone ranger missed the playoffs. Schiffer, a reporter with the Nets, once said this after Harden left: The Nets used Owen’s mistake to let Harden pay the bill.