标签归档 上海花千坊龙凤

Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Recently, the hot market transactions mainly focus on Huawei’s industrial chain, new industrialization and diet pills. In terms of industrial trends, the sales of domestic new energy vehicle companies rose in September. Google launched RT-X, one of the world’s largest universal models, and Huawei’s all-liquid cooling overcharge station was launched, which can achieve "one second and one kilometer". On the industrial policy side, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other six departments jointly issued the "Action Plan for High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure", suggesting continuous attention.

Core view

[Hot market transactions] The recent hot market transactions mainly focus on Huawei’s industrial chain, new industrialization and diet pills.Hot spot 1: Huawei industrial chain.AITO asked the world that the new M7 order exceeded 50,000, and the blind order of M9 exceeded 8,000 units. Huawei’s fully liquid-cooled overcharge station is online, which can achieve "one second and one kilometer".Hot spot 2: new industrialization.New industrialization is the interpretation and foothold of new productivity. In line with the previous high-end manufacturing policies, the subsequent interpretation is worthy of attention. It is suggested to pay attention to investment opportunities in the fields of information technology, high-end equipment and intelligent networked automobiles. In terms of breakdown, we should pay attention to robots, data elements and automobile intelligence that have made breakthroughs in recent industrial trends.Hot spot 3: diet pills.JPMorgan Chase raised its sales forecast for diet pills and boosted the concept stocks of diet pills.

[Global Industry Trends] Domestic new energy vehicle companies saw higher sales in September, Google launched the universal model RT-X, and Huawei’s fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched.Industry trend one: new energy vehicles.Domestic new energy vehicle companies saw higher sales in September, and AITO asked for new M7 orders exceeding 50,000.Industry Trend 2: Artificial Intelligence & Robot.Google launched RT-X, one of the largest universal models in the world, and opened the training data set Open X-Embodimen.Industry trend 3: liquid cooling overcharge.Huawei’s fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched to help build the 318 Sichuan-Tibet overcharge green corridor, which can achieve "one second and one kilometer".

[Important Policy Tracking]In terms of industrial policy, on October 9, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments jointly issued the Action Plan for High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure.From four aspects: computing power, carrying power, storage power and application empowerment, this paper puts forward quantitative indicators for development by 2025. We compared the differences between the current development and objectives of these four areas, and suggested focusing on:1) the construction of intelligent computing power,According to IDC’s forecast, the market size of generative AI computing will increase from 820 million US dollars in 2022 to 10.99 billion US dollars in 2026;2) Construction of advanced storage capacity,According to incomplete statistics, Shanghai, Shandong, Ningxia, Tianjin and other places have successively issued relevant guidance documents on storage capacity, and the policy is warm and frequent; 3) the quality of transportation capacity is improved,The three major operators speed up the layout of computing networks;4) applying the enabling end,Accelerate the construction of marginal computing power, and the "computing power voucher" model is expected to be rolled out.

[Important information]Huawei:On October 4th, WeChat official account, the official WeChat of Huawei, announced that during the National Day holiday, the fully liquid-cooled overcharge station it helped to build was officially launched in many places along the southern Sichuan-Tibet line and Litang-Aden highway (Sichuan section). The total liquid-cooled overcharge station has a maximum output power of 600kW and a maximum current of 600A, which is known as "one second and one kilometer". The success rate of one-time charging is as high as 99%, and the charging range from 200 to 1000V matches all models.Tesla:On October 2nd, Tesla released the third quarter production and delivery report. In the third quarter of 2023, Tesla delivered 435,100, which was lower than market expectations. On October 6th, Tesla official website showed that it would reduce the price of some vehicles.

[Concerns and suggestions on short-term industrial trends]From a short-term perspective, we need to focus on five tracks with marginal improvement in October: integrated circuits (storage, packaging and testing, materials), digital economy (data elements, data confirmation), automotive intelligence (autonomous driving), consumer electronics (panels, Apple Huawei industrial chain), and nonferrous metals (copper and aluminum, coal, precious metals).

[Concerns and suggestions on medium and long-term industrial trends]In the medium and long term, we suggest to pay attention to the industrial trends such as digital economy (data elements), artificial intelligence, self-control, etc. under the AI+ scientific and technological revolution, as well as the new technical route of carbon neutral industrial chain driven by cost reduction and efficiency increase, and the penetration rate of electric smart cars increases under the trend of electrification and intelligence.

[Global Stock Market Table]Now]Last week, the global stock market rose less and fell more. In terms of industry, from September 25th to September 28th, the industrial indexes with higher A-share gains were: CRO, diet pills and selected Chinese medicines. In terms of sectors, the information technology and telecommunications services sectors performed well, while the energy, public utilities and daily consumption sectors performed poorly. Among the companies with a market value of more than $20 billion that rose sharply in the past week, companies in the information technology, health care, optional consumption and financial industries are the majority; Among the companies with a market value of more than $20 billion that led the decline in the past week, companies in the energy, alternative consumption and public utilities industries were the majority.

Risk warning:Macro-economic fluctuation, subjective prediction deviation, industrial development less than expected.


[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)


Core concerns and investment suggestions

1. Prospect of this week’s important events

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

2. Hot market transactions

Last week, the important theme indexes of A-shares’ top gains were CRO, diet pills and selected Chinese medicines.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Note: All the stocks involved in this paper are listed or represent the connection with relevant industrial chains, and do not represent the investment suggestions of individual stocks or the research viewpoints of China Merchants. Please refer to the recommendations of the research groups of China Merchants for specific stocks.

Last week and this week’s market trading hotspots mainly focused on Huawei’s industrial chain, new industrialization and diet pills:

Huawei industrial chain

AITO asked the world that the new M7 order exceeded 50,000, and the blind order of M9 exceeded 8,000 units.Since the release of the new M7, Huawei has frequently announced the number of its large orders. On September 25th, the new M7 was listed less than two weeks ago, with more than 20,000 units scheduled. The total scheduled amount in September is 30,000 units; By October 6, the listing time was more than three weeks, and the total number of scheduled units exceeded 50,000. Among them, 7,000 units were scheduled on October 6, and the number of single-day bookings reached a new high. While creating strong sales potential, the new M7 in the world of inquiry is also affecting the positioning of the "flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom". Since the blind booking was started on September 25th, the M9 in the world of inquiry with a pre-sale price of 500,000-600,000 yuan has won a large number of orders with only a few renderings and a small amount of configuration information. According to Yu Chengdong, as of October 7th, the customer M9 had accumulated 10,450 blind orders and retained 8,040 orders. On that day, 333 units were blindly ordered, 26 units were unsubscribed and 307 units were blindly ordered.

"One second and one kilometer", Huawei’s fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched.According to WeChat official account, the official WeChat of Huawei, during the National Day, the overload stations in Tianquan Service Area, Litang Kangnan Tourism Distribution Center and Sangdui Service Area along the southern Sichuan-Tibet line and Litang-Aden Highway (Sichuan section) built with the help of Huawei digital energy were officially launched. The fully liquid-cooled overcharge station launched this time has achieved the following three advantages: 1) faster charging, "one kilometer per second"; 2) The equipment has high reliability and long service life; 3) Match all models, and charge them as soon as they arrive.

new industrialization

New industrialization is the interpretation and foothold of new quality productivity. With the previous high-end manufacturing policies, the subsequent interpretation is worthy of attention.From the overall framework, it covers the previous 45 advanced manufacturing clusters. From the classification of advanced manufacturing clusters, among the 45 national clusters, there are 13 in the field of new generation information technology, 13 in the field of high-end equipment, 7 in the field of new materials, 5 in the field of biomedicine and high-end medical devices, 4 in the field of consumer goods, and 3 in the field of new energy and intelligent networked automobiles.Combined with the current market, it is suggested to pay attention to investment opportunities in the fields of information technology, high-end equipment and intelligent networked automobiles. In terms of breakdown, we should pay attention to robots, data elements and automobile intelligence that have made breakthroughs in recent industrial trends.

obesity drug

Sales are expected to increase, boosting the concept stocks of diet pills.JPMorgan Chase has raised its sales forecast for diet pills. It is predicted that by 2030, under the control of the duopoly of Novo Nordisk and Lilly Pharmaceuticals, the annual sales of GLP-1 receptor agonist-related drugs will exceed $100 billion. At the same time, JPMorgan Chase also predicted that the market size of weight-loss drugs in China is expected to reach $14.9 billion in 2030. According to the article "Prevalence of Obesity and Related Complications in China: A Cross-sectional Real World Study of 15.8 million Adults", according to the BMI classification standard of overweight and obesity in China, 34.8% of the 15.8 million adult subjects are overweight and 14.1% are obese. With the increase in the number of obese people and the enhancement of residents’ awareness of weight management, there is huge room for the development of diet pills market, and related R&D and pharmaceutical companies are expected to usher in a boost in valuation and a release of performance.

3, theme and industry trend changes

(1) New energy vehicles: The sales volume of domestic new energy vehicle enterprises increased in September, and the new M7 orders from AITO exceeded 50,000.

In September, the sales of domestic new energy vehicles rose, and some car companies delivered a new high monthly.

Since October, a number of new energy vehicle companies have disclosed their sales in September.Specifically, BYD Auto delivered 287,454 vehicles in September, up 42.8% year-on-year and 4.76% quarter-on-quarter. Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an delivered 51,596 vehicles in September, up 72% year-on-year and 14.59% quarter-on-quarter. Ideally, 36,060 vehicles will be delivered in September, up 212.7% year-on-year and 3.28% quarter-on-quarter. Deep blue delivered 17,370 vehicles in September, an increase of 17.87% from the previous month; Zero run delivered 15,800 vehicles in September, up 43.13% year-on-year and 11.35% quarter-on-quarter; Weilai delivered 15,641 vehicles in September, up 43.8% year-on-year and down 19.08% month-on-month; Tucki delivered 15,310 vehicles in September, up 81% year-on-year and 12% quarter-on-quarter.

From the overall sales volume, BYD showed a leading position with a monthly sales of nearly 290,000 vehicles, and its sales volume exceeded the sum of the sales of the last 15 car companies; Gac ean delivered 51,596 vehicles in a single month.Refresh your highest monthly sales again,Monthly sales exceeded 50,000 vehicles for the first time; Ideal September sales exceeded 36,000 vehicles, up 212.7% year-on-year.Create a new high in monthly delivery.Deep Blue Auto surpassed the old and new car companies such as Zero Run, Weilai, Tucki, etc., which ranked ideal, and delivered 17,370 vehicles in September. In addition, the delivery volume of Nezha cars in September has been obviously weak, although it increased by 9.15% month-on-month, but it decreased by 26.63% year-on-year to 13,211 vehicles. On a month-on-month basis, the sales volume of GAC Ai ‘an in September was nearly 15% month-on-month, maintaining a steady growth trend. It is worth noting that Great Wall Motor’s new energy sales increased by 111.23% year-on-year, but decreased by 87.14% month-on-month. In September, the sales volume of new energy vehicles dropped significantly compared with that in August. In addition, the delivery volume of Weilai in September decreased by 19.08% from the previous month to 15,641 vehicles, and the monthly delivery volume declined for the second consecutive month.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Aito asked the world that the new M7 order exceeded 50,000, and the blind order of M9 exceeded 8,000 units.

AITO’s new M7 was released and listed on September 12th. This model is a model of Huawei’s intelligent car selection mode, and it has been significantly improved in terms of intelligent driving, body hardware and cost performance, and it is very popular after listing. Since the release of the new M7, Huawei has frequently announced its large order quantity. On September 25th, the new M7 was launched less than two weeks ago, and more than 20,000 sets were scheduled. The total scheduled amount in September is 30,000 units;By October 6, the listing time was more than three weeks, and the total number of scheduled units exceeded 50,000. Among them, 7,000 units were scheduled on October 6, and the number of single-day bookings reached a new high.

The hot sales of the new M7 in the world of inquiry ushered in a turning point after several months of low sales.Previously, as of August 30, 2023, the cumulative sales volume of the Wenjie series this year was only 35,200 units. In terms of product strength, the new M7 in Wenjie focuses on making up the missing items of the old M7, such as high-level intelligent assisted driving ability.The new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, 27 sensing hardware, HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, HUAWEI DATSTM 2.0 upgrade, HUAWEI DriveONE extended-range electric drive platform, etc.The rapid increase in the number of new M7 terminals in the world has certainly promoted the number of shops and test drives during the Mid-Autumn National Day holiday, but it still reflects the objective fact that the popularity of new M7 terminals in the world is gradually expanding. The new M7 has boosted Huawei’s BU business in terms of market realization, and its single product pulling effect has been greater than that of the previously released M7, M5 and M5 EV.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

While creating strong sales potential, the new M7 in the world of inquiry also affects the M9 in positioning the "flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom".Since the blind subscription was started on September 25th, the pre-sale price of 500,000-600,000 yuan has won a large number of orders with only a few renderings and a small amount of configuration information. According to Yu Chengdong, as of October 7th, the customer M9 had accumulated 10,450 blind orders and retained 8,040 orders. On that day, 333 units were blindly ordered, 26 units were unsubscribed and 307 units were blindly ordered. "The momentum is still too strong, and the delivery volume next year must be made up, with a positive mass supply as the plan guarantee."

Tesla delivered 435,000 units in the third quarter to a new high, and Tesla Model 3/Y America continued to cut prices.

Tesla delivered digital release in the third quarter, with 435,000 units reaching a new high.On October 3rd, Tesla released the third quarter production and delivery report. In the third quarter of 2023, Tesla produced a total of 430,488 electric vehicles worldwide, an increase of about 18% year-on-year. 435,059 electric vehicles were delivered, a year-on-year increase of about 27%. Among them, the output of Model S and Model X models is 13,688, and the delivery volume is 15,985; The output of Model 3 and Model Y is 416,800 vehicles, and the delivery volume is 419,074 vehicles. In the third quarter, Tesla’s production decreased by 10.3% month-on-month, which is the first quarter of this year when demand exceeds supply. At the same time, Tesla officially said that the delivery target in 2023 will remain unchanged at 1.8 million units. This means that if the delivery volume in the third quarter is less than expected, Tesla will deliver nearly 476,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter to achieve this goal. Under the price reduction, Tesla is expected to continue to hit the year-end delivery target.

Tesla lowered the price of American models.On October 6, Tesla officially announced the price reduction of some models, of which the Model 3 rear-wheel drive version dropped from $40,240 to $38,990; The long-life version dropped from $47,240 to $45,990; The high-performance version was reduced from $53,240 to $50,990. At the same time, the Model Y long-life version dropped from $50,490 to $48,490; The performance version was reduced from $54,490 to $52,490.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

(2) Artificial Intelligence & Robot: Google launched RT-X, one of the largest universal models in the world, and opened the training data set.

Based on the Open X-Embodiment training set, Google DeepMind launched the universal big model RT-X.On October 4th, DeepMind, a well-known AI research institution under Google, released RT-X, one of the largest universal large models in the world, and opened the training data set Open X-Embodiment. In order to build a variety of data sets to train a general model, and then control the training of many different kinds of robots, Google DeepMind cooperated with academic research laboratories of 33 institutions to build an Open X-Embodiment data set. They collected data from 22 different robot types, covering more than 1 million segments, showing more than 500 skills of robots and their performance on 150,000 tasks. This data set is the most comprehensive robot data set of its kind. Based on Open X-Embodiment data set, DeepMind trained more powerful RT-X on the basis of models RT-1 and RT-2, corresponding to RT-1-X and RT-2-X respectively. The experimental results show that the average performance of RT-1-X trained with Open X-Embodiment dataset is 50% better than that of the original model (RT-1). In mastering new skills, the success rate of RT-2-X is three times that of its previous best model RT-2. RT-2-X shows that under the premise of using a sufficiently high-capacity architecture,Combining the data of other robots with RT-2-X training can improve the task execution range of robots.

Data sets and models based on data set training have played a key role in promoting AI progress, and Open X-Embodiment data sets will promote the development of robotics.At present, the Open X-Embodiment data set and the RT-1-X model checkpoint have been opened to a wide range of research communities. DeepMind’s new research shows that it is possible to develop more useful auxiliary robots by using more diverse data and better models for extended learning. It is very important to cooperate with laboratories around the world and share resources to promote robot research in an open and responsible way. The future of robotics depends on the mutual learning between robots, and the most important thing is the mutual learning between researchers.DeepMind’s research proves that the model can be used in different environments, and its performance has been significantly improved both on DeepMind’s robots and on robots from different universities around the world.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Liquid-cooled overcharge: "one second and one kilometer", Huawei all-liquid-cooled overcharge station goes online.

"One second and one kilometer", Huawei’s liquid-cooled overcharge helps to build the 318 Sichuan-Tibet overcharged green corridor with the highest altitude and faster charging.According to the news of Huawei’s official WeChat WeChat official account on October 4th, during the National Day holiday, the fully liquid-cooled overcharge station built with the help of Huawei’s digital energy was officially launched in Tianquan Service Area, Litang Kangnan Tourism Distribution Center and Sangdui Service Area along the southern Sichuan-Tibet line and Litang-Aden Highway (Sichuan section), which can provide new energy owners with a fast charging experience of "starting with a cup of coffee". This "318 Sichuan-Tibet Supercharge Green Gallery" fully liquid-cooled overcharge station can realize the maximum output power of the fully liquid-cooled overcharge terminal of 600kW and the maximum current of 600A, which is called "one second and one kilometer". At the same time, all-liquid cooling technology ensures the high reliability of equipment, and realizes high temperature resistance, high humidity resistance, dust prevention and corrosion prevention in plateau areas; In addition, the fully liquid-cooled overcharge station can also match all vehicles, with a success rate of 99% at one time, and the charging range of 200-1000V can match all vehicles, including Tesla, Tucki, Ideality and other passenger cars and commercial vehicles such as cargo trucks, and then it is the first to achieve "charging as soon as you come to the vehicle, that is, charging and leaving" on the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

4. Policy: Six departments jointly issued the Action Plan for High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure.

During the holiday, there were three main highlights on the policy side: 1) In terms of policy signals, Qiushi published an important signed article by the Supreme Leader General Secretary, "Promoting Chinese Modernization Needs to Deal with Several Major Relationships", which profoundly expounded a series of major relationships that need to be handled in promoting Chinese modernization from six aspects; 2) In terms of aggregate policy, the policy of steady growth was further introduced, mainly focusing on service-oriented consumption such as cultural tourism; 3) In terms of industrial policy, Shenzhen issued an implementation plan for peak carbon dioxide emissions.

In terms of industrial policy, on October 9, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments jointly issued the Action Plan for High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure, which proposed quantitative indicators for development by 2025 from four aspects: computing power, carrying capacity, storage capacity and application empowerment. We compared the differences between the current development and objectives of these four fields, and suggested that we should focus on: 1)The construction of intelligent computing power, according to IDC forecast, the market scale of generative AI computing will increase from 820 million dollars in 2022 to 10.99 billion dollars in 2026.; 2)According to incomplete statistics, Shanghai, Shandong, Ningxia, Tianjin and other places have successively issued relevant guidance documents on the construction of advanced storage capacity, and the policy is warm and frequent.; 3) the quality of transportation capacity is improved,Three major operators speed up the layout of computing networks; 4) applying the enabling end,Accelerate the construction of marginal computing power, and the "computing power voucher" model is expected to be rolled out..

(1) What important policies were introduced during the National Day?

During the holiday, there were three main highlights on the policy side: 1) In terms of policy signals, Qiushi published an important signed article by the Supreme Leader General Secretary, "Promoting Chinese Modernization Needs to Deal with Several Major Relationships", which profoundly expounded a series of major relationships that need to be handled in promoting Chinese modernization from six aspects; 2) In terms of aggregate policy, the policy of steady growth was further introduced, mainly focusing on service-oriented consumption such as cultural tourism; 3) In terms of industrial policy, Shenzhen issued an implementation plan for peak carbon dioxide emissions.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Qiushi published an important signed article by General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, "Some Major Relations Need to be Handled in Promoting Chinese Modernization"

On October 1st, Qiushi magazine published an important signed article by General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, "Some Major Relationships Need to be Handled in Promoting Chinese Modernization". From six aspects: the relationship between top-level design and practical exploration, the relationship between strategy and tactics, the relationship between integrity and innovation, the relationship between efficiency and fairness, the relationship between vitality and order, and the relationship between self-reliance and opening to the outside world, this paper profoundly expounds a series of major relationships that need to be handled in promoting Chinese modernization and puts forward clear requirements.

Aggregate policy: the steady growth policy continues to exert its strength to help the development of service-oriented consumption.

The steady growth policy continues to exert its strength to help the development of service-oriented consumption.On September 29th, the State Council issued "Several Measures on Releasing the Potential of Tourism Consumption to Promote the High-quality Development of Tourism", and put forward 30 working measures to promote the high-quality development of tourism from five aspects: increasing the supply of high-quality tourism products and services, stimulating the demand for tourism consumption, strengthening inbound tourism, enhancing the comprehensive ability of the industry and ensuring measures. In addition, during the holiday period, several provinces and cities issued measures to stabilize growth and issued a number of subsidy policies to further promote economic stabilization and recovery. Specifically, on September 28th, "Several Policy Measures to Consolidate Growth and Promote the Sustained Economic Recovery in Liaoning Province" was issued, and 20 measures to stabilize growth were promulgated to actively provide subsidies for various activities such as promoting consumption and investment. On October 2nd, Sichuan Province issued "Several Policies and Measures on Further Stimulating Market Vitality and Promoting the Current Economic Operation to Continue to Improve", and put forward 19 policy measures from six aspects: strengthening fiscal and taxation policy support, actively expanding effective investment, accelerating consumption recovery and boosting, promoting foreign trade to improve quality and efficiency, helping enterprises reduce costs and burdens, and promoting rapid growth of enterprises.

Cross-border data consultation draft was issued, and Shenzhen released peak carbon dioxide emissions implementation plan.

On September 28th, the National Network Information Office issued the Regulation on Regulating and Promoting Cross-border Flow of Data (Draft for Comment). On the basis of the Standard Contract Measures for Personal Information Exit and the Safety Assessment Measures for Data Exit, the Exposure Draft further regulates the data exit. Specifically, the "Draft for Comment" has made important adjustments in three aspects: important data, personal data and free trade zone. Among them, in view of the data exit from the free trade zone, the "Draft for Comment" specifically proposes that the relevant regulatory bodies in the free trade zone can formulate a "negative list", which will help the development of data trade.

On October 7th, the Implementation Plan of peak carbon dioxide emissions was issued, proposing that by 2025, the energy consumption per unit area’s GDP will decrease by 14.5% compared with 2020; By 2030, the control level of carbon dioxide emissions per unit area GDP will be demonstrated first in the whole country and the whole province, so as to achieve the goal of peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030. The "Implementation Plan" puts forward the "Ten Actions of peak carbon dioxide emissions" around the key areas and key links of carbon emission. In the future, Shenzhen will continue to promote the promulgation of "n" supporting policy documents, including action plans in key areas such as energy, industry, transportation and urban construction, and it is recommended to continue to pay attention.

(2) The potential impact on computing power, transportation capacity, storage and application of the Action Plan for High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure jointly issued by six departments.

On October 9, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments jointly issued the "Action Plan for High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure", which proposed quantitative indicators for development by 2025 from four aspects: computing power, carrying capacity, storage capacity and application empowerment. Specifically, in terms of computing power,Computational power scaleOver 300EFLOPS, the proportion of intelligent computing power reaches 35%, and the computing power of the east and the west develops in a balanced and coordinated way.Storage capacityThe total storage capacity exceeds 1800EB, and the advanced storage capacity accounts for more than 30%.Carrying capacity, the national hub node data center clusters basically realize direct network transmission not higher than 1.5 times the theoretical delay, the coverage rate of OTN in key application sites reaches 80%, the backbone network and metropolitan area network fully support IPv6, and the use of new technologies such as SRv6 accounts for 40%.Application empowerment, around the industry, finance, medical care, transportation, energy, education and other key areas, each to create more than 30 application benchmarks.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Computing power: the scale of computing power exceeds 300 EFLOPS, and the proportion of intelligent computing power reaches 35%.

In terms of computing power, the Action Plan proposes that by 2025, the scale of computing power will exceed 300EFLOPS, and the proportion of intelligent computing power will reach 35%, so that the computing power of the east and the west will develop in a balanced and coordinated manner. Judging from the current development situation, by the end of 2022, the total scale of computing power in China has reached 180Eflops, of which the scale of intelligent computing power accounts for about 22.8%.With the rapid development of AI model, the demand for intelligent computing power is explosive, and the current intelligent computing power has become the main driving force for the growth of computing power in China. According to IDC’s forecast, the global AI computing market will grow from $19.5 billion in 2022 to $34.66 billion in 2026, of which the generated AI computing market will grow from $820 million in 2022 to $10.99 billion in 2026. The proportion of generative AI computing in the overall AI computing market will increase from 4.2% to 31.7%. According to the China Artificial Intelligence Computing Power Development Assessment Report, by 2026, the market size of artificial intelligence servers in China will reach 12.34 billion US dollars.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Storage capacity: the scale of storage capacity continues to expand, and the construction of advanced storage capacity is steadily accelerated.

In terms of storage capacity, the Action Plan proposes that the total storage capacity exceeds 1800EB, and the advanced storage capacity accounts for more than 30%.Judging from the current development, by the end of 2022, the number of servers in the data center in use in China exceeded 20 million, and the storage capacity exceeded 1000EB, increasing by 25%. At present, various provinces have successively introduced the goal of building storage capacity. According to incomplete statistics, Shanghai, Shandong, Ningxia, Tianjin and other places have successively issued relevant guidance documents on storage capacity.Specifically, Tianjin issued "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Construction and Development of Computing Network", Shandong issued "Action Plan for the Construction of Integrated Computing Network in Shandong Province (2022-2025)" and Ningxia issued "Guide for the Construction of Data Center in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region".

Carrying capacity: the quality of transport capacity has improved, and the three major operators have accelerated the layout of computing networks.

In terms of carrying capacity, the Action Plan proposes that the data center clusters of national hub nodes basically realize direct network transmission with a theoretical delay of not more than 1.5 times, the coverage rate of OTN in key application sites reaches 80%, the backbone network and metropolitan area network fully support IPv6, and the use of new technologies such as SRv6 accounts for 40%. According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by the end of 2022, 2.312 million 5G base stations had been built and opened in China, and 110 cities in China had reached the standard of gigabit city construction, with the total length of optical cable lines in China reaching 59.58 million kilometers. With the continuous advancement of the East-to-West Computing Project, the operators’ investment in computing network has been continuously increased.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Application empowerment: accelerate the construction of marginal computing power, and the "computing power voucher" model is expected to be rolled out.

The application of computing power reflects the demand of computing power development. At present, the application of computing power in China is to accelerate the expansion from traditional fields such as Internet and e-government to services, telecommunications, finance, manufacturing, education and other industries. In the field of general computing power, the internet industry is still the industry with the greatest demand for computing power, accounting for 39% of the total computing power; The telecommunications industry has strengthened its investment in computing infrastructure, and its share of computing power has surpassed that of the government industry for the first time, ranking second. In the field of intelligent computing power, the demand for data processing and model training in the internet industry is increasing, and it is the industry with the greatest demand for intelligent computing power, accounting for 53% of the share of intelligent computing power; The service industry has rapidly developed from the traditional model to the new smart model, and the share of computing power ranks second.

With the explosive growth of the number of terminals and data in the Internet of Things, network communication is under great pressure. In order to meet the real-time, security and business needs of large-scale connection, edge computing has become an important supplement to cloud computing. Edge computing deploys computing resources closer to the terminal equipment, so that data can be processed locally, thus reducing the delay of data transmission to the cloud for processing and the pressure of network bandwidth.The Action Plan proposes to speed up the construction of marginal computing power, strengthen the layout of industry computing power construction, and meet the application needs of industrial Internet, education, transportation, medical care, finance, energy and other industries.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

In addition, the Action Plan proposes that in order to deepen the application of computing power to the industry, the cost and threshold of computing power will be reduced, the demand for computing power will be guaranteed, and the application of computing power in more production and life scenarios will be promoted. From the perspective of possible policy paths, the calculation voucher model is expected to be pushed forward in the future. Specifically, since the beginning of this year, many provinces and cities have reduced the cost and threshold of computing power by issuing vouchers:On January 12 this year, Chengdu issued the "Policies and Measures for Accelerating the Development of Computing Industry in Chengdu around Supercomputing Intelligence", proposing that Chengdu will issue "Computing Vouchers" with a total amount of no more than 10 million yuan each year; On July 31, Hangzhou issued the "Implementation Opinions of the General Office of Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government on Accelerating the Innovation and Development of Artificial Intelligence Industry", proposing that the city should set up a "calculation voucher" with a total amount of no more than 50 million yuan each year, focusing on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to purchase calculation services; On July 11th, Beijing indicated that it would launch the first phase of subsidy of not less than 40 million yuan for calculating power vouchers to support model enterprises to reduce training costs.

5. Investment suggestions

October needs to focus on five tracks with marginal improvement:Integrated circuits (storage, packaging and testing, materials), digital economy (data elements, data confirmation), automobile intelligence (automatic driving), consumer electronics (panel, Apple Huawei industrial chain), nonferrous metals (copper and aluminum, coal, precious metals).

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

In the medium and long term, we suggest to pay attention to the industrial trends such as digital economy (data elements), artificial intelligence, self-control, etc. under the AI+ scientific and technological revolution, as well as the new technical route of carbon neutral industrial chain driven by cost reduction and efficiency increase, and the penetration rate of electric smart cars increases under the trend of electrification and intelligence.


Global Watch: Global Market Tracking

1. Performance of global stock market industry

Last week, global stock markets rose less and fell more, among which the information technology and telecommunications services sectors performed better, while the energy, public utilities and daily consumption sectors performed poorly.

Specifically,Us stocks rose less and fell more.Telecom services and information technology sectors led the gains, while energy and daily consumption led the declines. In terms of energy, the data released by the us energy information administration (EIA) on October 4th showed that gasoline inventories in the United States increased by 6.481 million barrels last week, the highest growth rate since January 2022, far higher than the expected 300,000 barrels. The four-week average of EIA gasoline demand hit a seasonal low since 1998, which aggravated the market’s concern about demand, and then caused the decline of related commodities.In terms of European stocks,Only the information technology sector rose, while the energy and public utilities sectors led the decline. In the British stock market, only the information technology sector rose, while the public utilities and materials sectors performed poorly.In the Japanese stock market,Only the daily consumption sector rose, while the energy and industrial sectors led the decline, with the energy sector plummeting by 13.5%.Hong Kong stocks generally fell,The energy and materials sectors led the decline. Last week (October 2-October 6),A shares are closed.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

2. Brief analysis of global powerful stocks and exotic stocks.

Among the companies with a market value of more than $20 billion that rose sharply in the past week, companies in the information technology, health care, optional consumption and financial industries are the majority; Among the companies with a market value of more than $20 billion that led the decline in the past week, companies in the energy, alternative consumption and public utilities industries were the majority.

Brief analysis of abnormal shares

Lilly CompanyOn October 3rd, Lilly bought Point Biopharma, a cancer biotechnology company, for $12.50 per share in cash, with a total transaction amount of about $1.4 billion. The transaction is expected to be completed before the end of 2023. On October 4th, local time, Lilly announced the change of senior management team in official website. Michael Mei Sen, Executive Vice President and President of Diabetes and Obesity Department of Lilly, will retire at the end of 2023. Patrik Jonsson will be the executive vice president and president of Lilly’s Diabetes and Obesity Department from January 1st, 2024, and also the executive vice president and president of Lilly USA. In this position, Jonson will lead Lilly’s marketed products and phase III product portfolio of diabetes and obesity drugs, including tirzepatide.

[ExxonMobil]According to a report by Cailian on October 6th, EXXON MOBIL, the American super giant, the largest energy exploration and exploitation company in the United States and the former company with the largest market value in the world, is close to reaching an agreement to acquire shale giant Pioneer Natural Resources. At present, the shale oil giant Pioneer Natural Resources Company is valued at about 60 billion US dollars. After the acquisition, ExxonMobil will integrate the two largest oil fields in the Permian basin in Texas and New Mexico, and become the largest oil producer in the basin, with a daily output of about 1.2 million barrels, surpassing most OPEC members. Exxon Mobil will also become the leader of oil production in the region. If the transaction is successfully completed, this "gamble" will become the biggest merger of the US oil and gas industry this year, and it will also become the largest transaction since Exxon merged with Mobil in 1999.

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)


Important information express

1. Domestic industrial policies and news

(1) Computing Infrastructure: Six departments recently jointly issued the Action Plan for High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure (☆☆☆).

On October 9, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Education, the National Health and Wellness Commission, the People’s Bank of China and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council jointly issued the Action Plan for High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure. It mentioned:

?Improve the transmission efficiency of the hub network. Promote the direct connection between the national hub nodes of the computing network and the backbone nodes of the network, and gradually build a one-hop direct link between clusters. The time delay between important computing infrastructures in the national hub nodes is not higher than 5 ms. Promote the deployment of ultra-low loss optical fiber and optimize optical fiber routing. Accelerate the R&D and deployment of 400G/800G high-speed optical transmission network and the application of all-optical crossover, SRv6, network slicing, flexible Ethernet, optical service unit and other technologies to realize intelligent, efficient, flexible and on-demand network transmission;

?By 2025, in terms of computing power, the scale of computing power will exceed 300 EFLOPS, and the proportion of intelligent computing power will reach 35%, and the computing power of the east and the west will develop in a balanced and coordinated manner. In terms of carrying capacity, the national hub node data center clusters basically realize the direct network transmission with the theoretical delay not higher than 1.5 times, the coverage rate of OTN in key application sites reaches 80%, the backbone network and metropolitan area network fully support IPv6, and the use of innovative technologies such as SRv6 accounts for 40%. In terms of storage capacity, the total storage capacity exceeds 1800EB, the advanced storage capacity accounts for more than 30%, and the coverage rate of core data and important data in key industries reaches 100%;

?Accelerate the development and application of storage technology. Focusing on all-flash memory, Blu-ray storage, high hardware density, data reduction, coding algorithm, chip unloading, multi-protocol data interoperability and other technologies, we will promote the innovative development of advanced storage.

?Accelerate the innovative application of computing power in the financial field, build a multi-node parallel distributed computing power resource architecture, and provide the ability to efficiently manage cross-regional resources and deploy core businesses in multiple places. Develop and deploy intelligent edge computing nodes around low-latency business scenarios such as high-frequency transactions in financial markets, realize the screening, integration and processing of edge data of financial services, and provide more accurate and efficient computing support for the development of financial services.

(2) Promote consumption: State-run: release the potential of tourism consumption and promote the high-quality development of tourism (☆☆☆)

On September 29th, the General Office of the State Council issued Several Measures on Releasing the Potential of Tourism Consumption to Promote the High-quality Development of Tourism, and put forward 30 measures to promote the high-quality development of tourism from five aspects. First, increase the supply of high-quality tourism products and services, promote the in-depth integration of culture and tourism, implement the good life holiday and leisure project, implement the demonstration project of sports tourism quality, carry out the action of improving the quality and efficiency of rural tourism, develop eco-tourism products, expand marine tourism products, optimize the investment in tourism infrastructure and revitalize idle tourism projects. The second is to stimulate tourism consumption demand, improve the tourism consumption environment, improve the policy of benefiting the people by consumption, adjust and optimize the management of scenic spots, improve tourism transportation services, develop the night economy in an orderly manner, and promote regional cooperation and linkage. Third, strengthen inbound tourism, implement inbound tourism promotion plan, optimize visa and customs clearance policies, resume and increase international flights, improve inbound tourism services, optimize departure tax refund services, and play the role of tourism trade carrier. The fourth is to enhance the comprehensive ability of the industry, support the development of tourism enterprises, strengthen the construction of tour guides, improve the quality of tourism services, and standardize the order of the tourism market. Fifth, in terms of safeguard measures, it is necessary to improve the coordination mechanism of tourism work, strengthen policy guarantee, broaden financing channels, strengthen the protection of land and talents, do a good job in tourism safety supervision, and improve the tourism statistics system.

(3) Electric vehicle: Huawei fully liquid-cooled overcharge helps to build a high-quality 318 Sichuan-Tibet overcharged green corridor with the highest altitude and faster charging (☆☆☆).

On October 3, Huawei Digital Energy announced in the official WeChat official account that during the National Day holiday, the fully liquid-cooled overcharge station it helped to build was officially launched in many places along the southern Sichuan-Tibet line and the Litang-Aden highway (Sichuan section). This 318 Sichuan-Tibet Supercharged Green Gallery uses the all-liquid cooling overcharging technology, with the highest altitude and faster charging, the maximum output power of 600kW and the maximum current of 600A, which is known as "one kilometer per second". The success rate of one-time charging is as high as 99%, and the charging range of 200-1000V matches all models, including Tesla, Tucki, Ideality and other passenger cars and commercial vehicles such as Cargo Lala.

(4) peak carbon dioxide emissions: The Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on printing and distributing the implementation plan of Shenzhen peak carbon dioxide emissions (☆☆☆).

On October 7th, the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on printing and distributing the implementation plan of Shenzhen peak carbon dioxide emissions. It is mentioned in the Implementation Plan of Shenzhen peak carbon dioxide emissions that by 2025, the energy consumption per unit area GDP will decrease by 14.5% compared with that in 2020, and the carbon dioxide emission per unit area GDP will ensure the completion of the national and provincial targets, laying a solid foundation for the city’s peak carbon dioxide emissions. By 2030, the control level of carbon dioxide emissions per unit area GDP will be demonstrated first in the whole country and the whole province, so as to achieve the goal of peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.

?Vigorously lay out and develop new energy sources. Actively promote distributed photovoltaic power generation, expand the scope of diversified utilization of "photovoltaic+",and promote integrated planning and construction with related infrastructure. During the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the cumulative installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation was 1.5 million kilowatts; By 2030, the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation will reach 2.4 million kilowatts.

?Promote the low-carbon transformation of transportation equipment. We will improve the incremental control policy for urban cars, encourage private people to buy and use new energy vehicles, and guide fuel vehicles to be replaced by new energy vehicles. We will further promote the popularization and application of inland LNG-powered ships, support the development of coastal and ocean-going LNG-powered ships, encourage Hong Kong-built ships, cruise ships and official ships to use electric energy or LNG kinetic energy, and take the lead in developing hydrogen fuel cell ship application demonstrations in the field of official ships. By 2025, the proportion of new energy and clean energy vehicles will reach about 60%, the number of new energy vehicles in the city will reach about 1.3 million, the number of LNG vehicles will reach more than 20,000, and the number of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will reach about 2,000. By 2030, the proportion of new energy and clean energy vehicles will reach about 70%, and the number of new energy vehicles in the city will reach about 2 million.

?Construct a green development pattern in the industrial field. By 2025, the added value of strategic emerging industries will exceed 1.5 trillion yuan, and the proportion of added value of high-tech manufacturing industry in the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size will remain at the leading level in the province. The energy consumption per unit added value and carbon dioxide emissions per unit added value of industrial enterprises above designated size will ensure the completion of national and provincial targets.

?Promote the development of green and low-carbon industrial clusters. Actively develop green and low-carbon industrial clusters such as new energy, safety, energy conservation and environmental protection, and intelligent networked vehicles. Enlarge and strengthen smart grid, new energy storage, photovoltaic and other advantageous industries, and continue to cultivate and develop hydrogen energy economy. By 2025, the added value of new energy industry will reach 100 billion yuan, the added value of safety, energy conservation and environmental protection industry will exceed 60 billion yuan, and the operating income of intelligent networked automobile industry will reach 200 billion yuan.

(5) Communications: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: It is planned to promote the opening of telecommunications services to private capital in an overall way, and promote the reform of satellite Internet service access system step by step (☆☆☆).

On October 7, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on "Opinions on Innovating Information and Communication Industry Management and Optimizing Business Environment (Draft for Comment)". The opinion draft pointed out that expanding the opening of telecommunications services. We will expand the opening up of telecommunications services in an orderly manner, explore pilot projects in free trade ports and other areas, and expand the opening up of value-added telecommunications services on a pilot basis. Make overall plans to promote the opening of telecommunications business to private capital, increase support for private enterprises to participate in mobile communication resale and other business and service innovations, promote the reform of satellite Internet business access system step by step, and continuously broaden the channels and scope for private enterprises to participate in telecommunications business.

(6) Urban development: The National Standards Committee and other six departments jointly issued the Action Plan for Urban Standardization (☆☆☆).

On October 7, the National Standardization Administration Committee, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Emergency Management jointly issued the Urban Standardization Action Plan. The Action Plan proposes that by 2027, the standard system for urban high-quality development will be basically completed, and more than 150 national standards and industry standards will be revised in the fields of urban sustainable development, new urbanization, smart cities, public services, urban governance, emergency management, green and low carbon, ecological environment, cultural services and infrastructure.

(7)Web3.0: Shanghai: By 2025, a new generation of open license chain technology system and standard specifications will be formed to support the development of innovative applications of Web3.0 (☆☆☆).

On September 26th, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission issued the Special Action Plan for Key Technologies of Blockchain in Shanghai (2023-2025). The document pointed out that by 2025, in the basic theories such as blockchain system security and cryptographic algorithms, as well as in the technical fields such as blockchain dedicated processors, smart contracts, cross-chain, new storage, privacy computing, supervision, etc., innovation breakthroughs will be accelerated, and a new generation of open licensing chain technology systems and standards that can support the development of innovative applications of Web3.0 will be formed, which will be manageable, controllable, open and open, laying the foundation for building a reliable security technology base for the digital economy and cultivating a new generation of blockchain innovation ecology with global influence.

(8) Real estate: the central bank: implement the dynamic adjustment mechanism of the new first home loan interest rate policy and lower the down payment ratio and the lower limit of the second home loan interest rate (☆☆☆).

The Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of China held its 102nd regular meeting in the third quarter of 2023 in Beijing on September 25th. The meeting pointed out that due to the city’s policy to accurately implement differentiated housing credit policies, support rigid and improved housing demand, implement the dynamic adjustment mechanism of the new first home loan interest rate policy, lower the down payment ratio and the lower limit of the second home loan interest rate, and promote the reduction of the stock first home loan interest rate. It will be effective, increase financial support for "flat and emergency dual-use" public infrastructure construction, urban village renovation, and affordable housing construction, promote the establishment of a new development model of the real estate industry, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

(9) Electricity: The National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the Measures for Power Load Management (2023 Edition) (☆)

On September 27th, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the Measures for Power Load Management (2023 Edition), in which it was mentioned that the power operation authorities at all levels should guide power grid enterprises to promote the construction of a new power load management system in the region as a whole, set the annual target of load resource access, and gradually realize the full coverage of high-voltage users of 10 kV (6 kV) and above. Load aggregators and virtual power plants should be connected to the new power load management system to ensure the unified management, regulation and service of load resources, and power grid enterprises should provide data support and technical services for third-party operators.

(10) Share reduction: The Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges further standardize the reduction of controlling shareholders and actual controllers (☆)

According to the Xinhua News Agency reported on September 27th, in order to implement the regulatory requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission to further standardize the share reduction, on the evening of September 26th, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange respectively issued and implemented the Notice on Further Regulating the Share Reduction, and Beijing Stock Exchange issued the revised guidelines on the implementation of the share reduction and shareholding management to further standardize the share reduction.

The notice issued by the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges pointed out that the controlling shareholders and actual controllers are not allowed to reduce their shares in the company through the secondary market if the listed company has broken the net profit, or has not paid cash dividends in the last three years, and the accumulated cash dividends are less than 30% of the average annual net profit in the last three years. The notice made it clear that the reduction of shares in the secondary market refers to the reduction of shares through centralized bidding transactions or block transactions in this exchange. At the same time, the notice clarifies the specific standards for breaking and breaking the net. Breaking means that the closing price of the stock is lower than the issue price of the stock at the time of initial public offering on any day in the 20 trading days before the announcement of the reduction plan. Breaking the net means that the closing price of the stock on any day in the 20 trading days before the announcement of the reduction plan is lower than the net assets per share at the end of the latest fiscal year or the latest financial accounting report.

(11) Real estate: xiong’an new area, Hebei Province canceled the "equal rights for renting and selling" in public service fields such as pre-sale of commercial housing, education, medical care and employment (☆).

On September 28th, the General Office of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on printing and distributing the implementation plan for accelerating the development of new energy and intelligent networked automobile industry in Tianjin (2023-2027). By 2025, the output of new energy vehicles will account for 30% of the city’s total automobile output, and the industry will form a certain scale; Intelligent networked vehicles realize commercial application in limited areas and specific scenes, and form a relatively complete industrial chain supply system with distinctive characteristics. By 2027, the output of new energy vehicles will account for 45% of the city’s total automobile output, and Tianjin will be built into an important new energy vehicle production base in the north and an important intelligent networked vehicle demonstration application and achievement transformation city in China.

(12) Green electricity: The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) encourages key regions and key enterprises to increase the proportion of green electricity consumption (☆☆)

On September 27th, the responsible comrades of the National Development and Reform Commission answered a reporter’s question about the Measures for Power Demand Side Management (2023 Edition), and said that they should give priority to saving and promote the energy efficiency of power users. Further promote the connection between green electricity consumption and green electricity trading and green certificate trading, and encourage key regions and key enterprises to increase the proportion of green electricity consumption. Focus on key areas, scientifically promote electric energy substitution, improve support measures for electric energy substitution projects, and steadily promote the level of terminal electrification.

(13) Tourism: Ministry of Culture and Tourism: In 2023, the domestic tourism revenue of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays was 753.43 billion yuan, an increase of 1.5% compared with 2019 (☆☆).

According to the news of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on October 6, during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays in 2023, the cultural and tourism industries recovered strongly, and the national holiday market was stable and orderly. According to the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, during the eight-day Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, the number of domestic tourists was 826 million, an increase of 71.3% year-on-year according to comparable caliber, and an increase of 4.1% compared with 2019 according to comparable caliber; Domestic tourism revenue reached 753.43 billion yuan, up 129.5% year-on-year according to comparable caliber, and up 1.5% compared with 2019 according to comparable caliber.

2. Foreign industrial policies and news

(1)AI Pharmaceuticals: The value of the artificial intelligence drug agreement reached between Novo Nordisk and the technology company Valo Health can reach 2.7 billion US dollars (☆☆☆).

On September 25th, Novo Nordisk announced that it had reached a cooperation agreement with Valo Health, an American technology company, seeking to discover and develop new therapies for cardiac metabolic diseases (CMD) by using human data and artificial intelligence. According to the terms of the agreement, Valo will receive an advance payment and potential near-term milestone payments totaling $60 million, and is eligible for milestone payments of up to 11 projects totaling $2.7 billion, plus R&D expenses and potential royalties.

(2) Artificial intelligence: ChatGPT meets a heavy upgrade: it can be "networked" through Bing and is no longer limited to old data (☆☆☆).

On September 27th, local time, OpenAI announced on X (formerly known as Twitter) that its ChatGPT product can conduct web search through Microsoft’s bing search engine, which will not be limited to data before September 2021. OpenAI said: "Now ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users can use the browsing function, which will soon be extended to all users. To enable it, please select ‘( Browse with Bing’ in the selector under GPT-4. "

(3) Electric vehicles: Germany officially launched the subsidy program for solar charging stations for electric vehicles (☆☆☆).

According to German media reports, from September 26th, anyone who wants to use solar energy to charge electric vehicles at home in the future can apply for a new state subsidy provided by the German Bank for Reconstruction and Credit (KfW). According to the report, private charging stations that generate electricity directly from the roof can provide green charging methods for electric vehicles. The combination of charging station, photovoltaic power generation system and solar energy storage system makes it possible. KfW now provides subsidies of up to 10,200 euros for the purchase and installation of these equipment, with a total subsidy of no more than 500 million euros. If the maximum subsidy is paid, about 50,000 electric vehicle owners will benefit.

(4) Electric vehicles: Tesla’s delivery in the third quarter was lower than expected, and the annual delivery target of 1.8 million vehicles was still maintained, and the US price of some models was lowered (☆☆).

On October 2nd, Tesla released the third quarter production and delivery report. In the third quarter of 2023, Tesla delivered 435,100, and the market estimated 456,700. Tesla delivered 419,100 MODEL 3/Y units in the third quarter, which was lower than the market estimate of 439,400 units. Tesla produced 430,500 cars in the third quarter, which was lower than the market estimate of 462,000. Tesla said that the decline in sales volume was caused by the shutdown of the factory upgrade plan, and the delivery target of about 1.8 million vehicles in 2023 remained unchanged. Tesla will announce its financial results for the third quarter of 2023 after the closing on October 18, 2023.

On October 6, according to Tesla’s official website, the company reduced the price of some vehicles in the United States, reducing the price of Model 3 in the United States from $40,240 to $38,990, and reducing the price of Model Y long-life version in the United States from $50,490 to $48,490; Reduce the price of Model Y Performance to $52,490.

(5) Import tariff: EU started to implement the world’s first "carbon tariff" (☆☆).

According to Russian reports on October 2nd, the EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) regulation, the world’s first "carbon tariff", came into effect on October 1st. The transition period is from now to 2025, and it will be fully implemented gradually from 2026 to 2034. According to the new regulations, the EU will impose additional taxes on steel, aluminum, cement and fertilizer imported from abroad. EU importers must now report the greenhouse gas emissions during the production of related commodities. From January 1, 2026, importers must buy emission certificates, and the price is set based on the carbon price they need to pay when producing these goods in the EU.

(6) Real estate: The mortgage interest rate in the United States remains high, setting a record for nearly 23 years (☆☆).

According to a report by Cailian on October 6th, the interest rate of American mortgage rose for the fourth consecutive week, reaching the highest level since December 2000. Freddie Mac said in a statement on Thursday that the average interest rate of 30-year fixed-rate loans rose to 7.49% from 7.31% last week.

(7) Consumer electronics: Apple CEO Cook sold shares and cashed in $41 million, the largest amount since 2021 (☆).

According to a report by Cailian on October 4th, as Apple’s share price dropped from a record high, CEO Cook sold Apple’s stock worth about $41 million after tax, the largest in more than two years. According to the documents submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on October 3, Cook sold 511,000 shares. The data shows that after working at Apple for more than 20 years, he still holds about 3.28 million shares of Apple. Before Cook’s share sale, Cook rarely reduced his salary by about 40% to $49 million in 2023. Moreover, the proportion of stock incentives linked to Apple’s performance will increase from the previous 50% to 75% this year.

(8) Medicine: Lilly acquired the senior management team of cancer biotechnology company with about $1.4 billion in cash (☆).

On October 3rd, Lilly bought Point Biopharma, a cancer biotechnology company, for $12.50 per share in cash, with a total transaction amount of about $1.4 billion. The transaction is expected to be completed before the end of 2023. Point Biopharma rose more than 80% before the market. On October 4th, local time, Lilly announced the change of senior management team in official website. Michael Mei Sen, Executive Vice President and President of Diabetes and Obesity Department of Lilly, will retire at the end of 2023. Patrik Jonsson will be the executive vice president and president of Lilly’s Diabetes and Obesity Department from January 1st, 2024, and also the executive vice president and president of Lilly USA. In this position, Jonson will lead Lilly’s marketed products and phase III product portfolio of diabetes and obesity drugs, including tirzepatide.

3. Tracking of global key technology companies

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

[Investment Promotion Strategy] Robotics research ushered in ImageNet moment, and Huawei's fully liquid-cooled overcharge station was launched —— Global Industry Trend Tracking Weekly (1009)

Let online celebrity Highway Be Applauded and Seated —— Observation on the Opening of Duku Highway in Xinjiang

  Guangming Daily reporter Villi Shangjie

  In summer, Qiaoerma Castle Peak in Nileke County, Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang, is like Dai, full of green. On the morning of June 10th, the opening ceremony of Duku Highway, known as "the most beautiful highway in China", was held here. More than a thousand self-driving cars from all over the country set out from all over the Duku Highway to visit this "most beautiful highway" and the beautiful scenery along the way.

  Duku Highway crosses Tianshan Mountain from dushanzi area, Karamay City to Kuqa City, with a total length of more than 560 kilometers.

  How can this road, which only runs for five months a year, attract tourists from all over the world? How to create a richer and more diverse travel experience for tourists? How does online celebrity Highway Keep Tourists’ Heart? The reporter interviewed this.

  The scenery along Duku Highway is pleasant. Photo courtesy of Xinjiang Cultural Tourism Hall

  1 Stimulate the effect of tourist business cards

  Viewed from the sky, Duku Highway runs through the middle section of Tianshan Mountain like a dragon, connecting the north and south of Tianshan Mountain in series. The scenery along the highway is picturesque and dizzying.

  Walking on this road, you can "see the four seasons in one day and different days in ten miles". All the way, through the Red Gorge, the Dragon Pond, the forest and the meadow, the four seasons alternate, which is beautiful.

  At the opening ceremony, Deng Chunhua, a 61-year-old tourist from Hubei, could not hide his inner excitement. Since 2020, she has been driving with her husband "two people and one car" for three consecutive years. She said that she couldn’t get enough of the unique natural scenery along the Duku Highway. Last year, she didn’t go all the way because of the mudslide. This year, she made special arrangements early and waited for the official passage of this day.

  People often say that the most beautiful scenery is on the road. Xinjiang tourist business card — — This is especially true for Duku Highway.

  On the Duku road trip guide map, the beautiful scenery along the route is dotted: starting from dushanzi area, all the way through Dushanzi Grand Canyon and Baili Gallery — — Tamboura, air grassland — — Nalati grassland, nine bends and eighteen bends — — Bayinbuluke and the Pearl of Tianshan Mountains — — Large and small Longchi, Kuqa Grand Canyon and other scenic spots, one road allows tourists to enjoy most of the fine scenery in the north and south.

  Gobi, grassland, lakes, snow-capped mountains, glaciers, canyons … … The photos of various landscapes along the way have aroused the admiration of tourists and tourism practitioners. Song Bo, the person in charge of the enterprise engaged in tourism management, said that this "most beautiful highway", which spans more than 560 kilometers and runs through the northern and southern Xinjiang, "contracted" 80% of the beautiful scenery in Xinjiang and brought a steady stream of passengers. His company has opened six RV camps in Xinjiang.

  Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, whether the Duku Highway can be opened to traffic as scheduled this year and whether foreign tourists can enter Xinjiang smoothly has become a problem that Song Bo has been worried about. You know, this highway is only open for five months a year, and there will be a lot of losses if it is delayed for one day.

  "We will create all convenient conditions for tourists entering Xinjiang, and help the development of tourism enterprises through various measures such as lowering, returning, slowing down, awarding and supplementing." The words of the relevant person in charge of the Xinjiang Cultural Tourism Office gave Song Bo a "reassurance".

  Five prefectures (cities) along the Duku Highway have also made great efforts to organize and arrange a series of colorful cultural feasts, such as Akon singing, grassland Nadam, Qiuci mural exhibition, dream lighting festival, tent camping festival, bonfire food festival, etc., so that tourists have more expectations for travel besides driving.

   2 linkage to do "corridor economy"

  Speaking of the changes that Duku Highway has brought to tourism and life, Nurguli Alabek, the head of Tekes County Zhaile Ecological B&B Park, seems to have endless words.

  "Today’s rural tourism has developed from a farmhouse to a high-end homestay. My homestay has invested more than 3 million yuan, focusing on ethnic customs. Although affected by the epidemic in recent years, I can earn hundreds of thousands of yuan every year, which is much better than doing other businesses. " Nurguli Alabek told reporters.

  In the eyes of local people, Duku Highway is not only a landscape road, but also a happy road. It not only bears the heavy responsibility of the traffic arteries in the northern and southern Xinjiang, but also looks like a winding river, which transports a steady stream of tourists along the route and makes people living here feel the vitality brought by the tourism economy. In the tourist season of 2019, this road carries a maximum of 20,000 self-driving cars per day.

  North village, Agger Township, Kuqa City is the first stop for Duku Highway to enter southern Xinjiang. Since last year, taking advantage of its unique geographical position, north village has invested more than 10 million yuan to comprehensively upgrade the village’s tourism facilities, increased amusement projects, and formed a new rural tourism model of "village committee+company+farmer", which has become the punching point of online celebrity. Nowadays, the villagers have eaten tourist meals, and the collective income of the village has also increased from less than 50,000 yuan in 2020 to 350,000 yuan in 2021.

  Yan Naimin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Xinjiang Department of Culture and Tourism, said that in recent years, various states (cities) along the Duku Highway have continuously improved supporting services such as sightseeing stops, signage systems, service areas and parking areas, accelerated the construction of self-driving camps and improved supporting facilities. Around Xinjiang, exquisite tourist scenic roads and go on road trip routes have been built around scenic roads such as G217, G219 and S101, which has promoted the construction of tourist node cities, tourist towns and characteristic tourist villages along the way, and the "corridor economy" linked by transportation and tourism has become increasingly popular.

  Only by constantly improving the infrastructure can online celebrity’s highways become more popular. In 2019, Xinjiang Transportation Department started the highway disease treatment and service quality improvement project in the Duku section of G217 line, and in 2020, it started the second phase of the Duku highway improvement project. During the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Xinjiang will continue to build the cultural and tourist destination of the Silk Road in southern Xinjiang, the Tianshan tourism industrial belt and the rural tourism destination, and scenic roads such as Duku Highway will play a role in it.

   3 improve the service extension chain

  With the rapid development of tourism industry and the promotion of information wave, tourists’ demand for personalized tourism is increasingly strong, especially with the change of tourism market structure and travel mode, tourists put forward higher requirements for intelligent customized services and the integration and sharing of public information in tourist destinations.

  In order to improve the tourist experience, Xinjiang insists on paying equal attention to sightseeing and leisure tourism products. The latest statistics show that there are 73 self-driving caravan camps under construction and planned in Xinjiang, and 48 camps are in operation; There are 3,217 travel agents operating self-driving travel products in Xinjiang on major online travel agency platforms in China, and there are more than 600 brands of self-driving travel products, among which 30% are self-driving travel products with the theme of hotel accommodation, travel photography service and discovering the countryside.

  In addition to enriching the tourism experience, how to improve the service and extend the chain in the development of online celebrity highway has also become a key issue for Xinjiang tourism departments to think about.

  "We should rely on the highway network, take key scenic spots and scenic spots with development potential as key nodes, and promote high standards, high levels and high quality ‘ Transportation+Tourism ’ Comprehensive development system. " Yan Naimin said that Duku Highway is a representative highway of Xinjiang landscape, and it is also a beautiful business card for Xinjiang tourism. Xinjiang will further build the most beautiful self-driving highway brand in China, integrate the tourism resources in the areas along the route, improve the regional tourism system, jointly promote the healthy development of go on road trip, a single-depot highway, and create a more attractive tourist landscape for tourists.

Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center officially put into use.

    On October 20th, 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecology Conference, the frontier dialogue session of the 2023 World Internet of Things Expo, was held in Wuxi Economic Development Zone. At the meeting, Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory were officially put into use. Many experts in the field of intelligent sensors and representatives of upstream and downstream ecological enterprises in the industrial chain discussed new technologies, new applications and industrial development ideas around the development trend of intelligent networked automobile and automobile semiconductor industry, innovation and application of key technologies of sensors, chip technology breakthroughs and other related topics.

    In recent years, Wuxi has deeply implemented the leading strategy of strengthening the city by industry and the core strategy of innovation-driven, taking the Internet of Vehicles and intelligent networked vehicles as the main direction in the field of Internet of Things, built the first national-level vehicle networking pilot area in China, and won the first batch of pilot cities for the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles in China.

    Wuxi Economic Development Zone, as the core plate of Wuxi intelligent networked automobile application and industrial development, actively seized the "new track" for the development of intelligent networked automobile industry, focused on "333+5" modern industrial clusters such as Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, targeted the intelligent networked automobile and car networking industry, and successively released a number of industrial plans such as intelligent networked automobile, energy storage and new energy, and integrated circuits, and gathered a number of industrial ecological enterprises such as Cheliantianxia, Iflytek and Konoway.

(2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecology Conference Site)

  At the meeting, Ding Rongjun, academician of China Academy of Engineering, chief scientist of CRRC and dean of School of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering of Hunan University, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Coordinated Development of Power Semiconductor and System Technology for Intelligent New Energy Vehicles", sharing new ideas around the demand of new energy vehicles for electric drive systems, technical characteristics and applications of power devices, and technical trends of power semiconductors in the future.

(Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory officially put into use)

  Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory were officially put into use at the meeting, injecting new development momentum into Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Eco-industry.

  It is reported that Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center plans to build four centers: Intelligent Networked Business Service Center, Intelligent Networked Supervision and Operation Center, Intelligent Networked Car Parking and Maintenance Center and Intelligent Networked Simulation Test Center, so as to build a full chain service system of intelligent networked industrial chain. The intelligent networked automobile and vehicle networking joint laboratory will focus on building the world’s leading component-level antenna test system, the first domestic test system supporting 5G-V2X, the C-V2X test system with independent intellectual property rights, and the electromagnetic darkroom supporting millimeter waves, aiming at serving intelligent networked automobile and vehicle networking enterprises and promoting industrial development.

  In the release of intelligent networked automobile new products, the Automobile Sensor Branch of China Automotive Engineering Society released the report framework of sensor series selection, Wuxi Chelian Tianxia Information Technology Co., Ltd. released the remote Xinghan H-X9 intelligent cockpit domain controller, and Wuxi Intelligent Control Research Institute of Hunan University released the mine intelligent driving system.

(Signing Ceremony of Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecological Project in Wuxi Economic Development Zone)

  During the conference, 12 intelligent networked automobile eco-chain projects, such as leading microelectronic vehicle-level communication chip project, automotive acoustics intelligent electronics project and Moji Zhixing two-wheeled vehicle intelligent project, were officially signed, covering vehicle-level chip, active noise reduction, sensor product testing and other sub-industrial fields.

  "This conference will share development experience and discuss development plans, which will promote the comprehensive construction of a higher energy level, better quality and more distinctive car networking industry ecology, and lead the accelerated development of the intelligent networked automobile industry. Wuxi will vigorously support cutting-edge teams and key enterprises at home and abroad to settle down and take root in Wuxi with stronger and more comprehensive policy support, more intimate and professional government services, and warmer and more personalized talent services. " Jang Jin, vice mayor of Wuxi, said.

  The theme of the 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automotive Ecology Conference is "Networked Intelligence, Sensing the Future". There is an ecological conference and two sub-forums on intelligent electric vehicle sensors, domain controllers and intelligent cockpits, attracting more than 300 representatives from universities and research institutes, intelligent networked automotive eco-enterprises and investment institutions to attend the conference. (Yin Qing)

Overview of new mobile phones in the first half of 2023

The release schedule of mainstream brand new products in the first half of 2023 is as follows:

(The first half of the year ends on June 30th)

January 2023:

January 4th, one plus eleven, January 6th, Glory 80 Pro Direct Screen Edition, January 9th, OPPO A56s.

February 2023:

February 2nd Samsung Galaxy S23/ Samsung Galaxy S23+/ Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

February 7 plus Ace 2

February 9, my true self GT Neo5/ my true self GT Neo5 240W

February 27th Glory Magic5/ Glory Magic5 Pro/ Glory Magic5 to Edition.

March 2023:

March 3rd Huawei nova 10 Youth Edition, March 7th Nubian Z50 Ultra/ One Plus Ace 2V

March 16th iQOO Z7i, March 20th iQOO Z7/iQOO Z7x

March 21st OPPO Find X6 Pro

On March 23rd, Huawei P60/ Huawei P60 Pro/ Huawei P60 Art/ Huawei Mate X3/ Huawei Mate X3 Collection Edition.

On March 24, Huawei enjoyed 60

March 28th Redmi Note 12 Turbo/ Glory Play7T/ Glory Play7T Pro

On March 30th, OPPO A1x 5G/ Meizu 20/ Meizu 20 PRO/ Meizu 20 INFINITY Unbounded Edition

On March 31st, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G

In April 2023:

April 1st vivo Y11, April 3rd GT Neo5 SE, April 11th OPPO A1 5G

April 13th Tencent ROG mobile phone 7, Tencent ROG mobile phone 7 Pro

April 17th Huawei nova 11/ Huawei nova 11 Pro/ Huawei nova 11 Ultra

April 18th Xiaomi 13 Ultra, April 20th vivo X Flip, vivo X Fold 2

April 21st Glory X50i, April 23rd vivo Y78+, April 29th Redmi Note 12R Pro

May 2023:

May 10, true self 11/ true self 11 Pro/ true self 11 Pro+/vivo Y78

Sony Xperia 1 V on May 11th, Glory Play 40 on May 17th, Huawei Enjoy 60 Pro and Nubian N5 on May 18th.

May 20th vivo S17e, May 21st OPPO A1 Vibrant Edition

May 23rd OPPO K11x/iQOO Neo8/iQOO Neo8 Pro

May 24th oppo Reno 10/oppo Reno 10 pro/oppo Reno 10 pro+

May 25th Xiaomi Civi 3, May 29th vivo Y35+/ Glory 90/ Glory 90 Pro

May 30th, Redmi Note 12T Pro, May 31st, vivo S17/vivo S17t/vivo S17 Pro

June 2023:

June 1st moto razr 40/moto razr 40 Ultra

June 26th vivo X90s, June 29th Redmi Note 12R

In the first half of 2023, the timetable of new mobile phone products released by mainstream mobile phone brands is as shown above, and each family has taken out the housekeeping skills to make products that meet the tonality of their own brands. I will select five representative models for detailed explanation, ranking them in no particular order, without making specific recommendations.

1. Xiaomi 13 Ultra: Leica’s ultimate image flagship with full flavor.

Xiaomi’s flagship image with the slogan "This is a Leica" represents the change of image aesthetics of domestic users-from the original "what you see is what you get" of Apple to the personalized "Leica flavor" of image style.

The design of Xiaomi 13 Ultra has made great sacrifices for the image, or "features"?

Because it is equipped with four main-camera-level image sensitive elements, the whole camera module part bulges like never before, which also leads to the curve of the back of the fuselage like the streamline of the camera, which has a visual sense of "downhill", which is a feel challenge for users who are used to using the straightener.

However, such a camera-like mobile phone with a professional photography suit can be described as the ultimate change in the form of moving images, and it also strengthens the image characteristics of Xiaomi 13 Ultra.

After the listing of Xiaomi 13 Ultra, it also triggered a watermark frenzy. At one time, all kinds of camera frames imitating Xiaomi red and white Leica watermarks rose on various social platforms.

Xiaomi 13 Ultra has a variety of built-in image functions that are compatible with Leica style, such as Leica filter and master lens bag, and the flagship mobile phone 16GB+1TB, which focuses on the original Leica flavor image style, is priced at 7299 yuan.

Xiaomi 13 Ultra is equipped with Leica optical full-focus four-shot, professional 2K super color quasi-screen, second-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform, LPDDR5X full blood version +UFS4.0, Xiaomi surging P2 fast charging chip, Xiaomi surging G1 battery management chip, 90W wired second charging, 50W wireless second charging, and IP68 waterproof and dustproof support.

2, glory 90 Pro: the first 3840Hz UHF PWM dimming risk-free eye protection screen

Glory 90 Pro is a machine that focuses on portrait photography. Its performance configuration is the second generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform in 2023. Using the first generation Snapdragon 8+ mobile platform, its performance is absolutely sufficient.

The design is also exquisite. It is a good machine in the first half of 2023, focusing on images and balancing performance. It has a 200-megapixel rear sensor, a 50-megapixel front portrait lens, a good design, and a 100W fast charge++5000mAh battery. 16GB+256GB version of official website costs 3599 yuan.

It’s not that Glory 90 Pro has good configuration and image characteristics at the price of 3,000 yuan, but the first 3840Hz ultra-high frequency dimming screen in this industry, which also triggered a confrontation with the former owner’s executives about whether product users need such a high-frequency screen. The glory side thinks that the higher the frequency, the better the eye health of users. On the other hand, it thinks that dimming with more than 1,000 frequencies will be enough to increase power consumption.

In any case, if you are a user who is sensitive to stroboscopic, you should be careful to choose some screen eye protection parameters. As long as your eyes are not uncomfortable during actual viewing, it is suitable, and everything is based on real body feeling.

3. Huawei P60 Pro: Unique aesthetic design and Beidou satellite blessing.

2023 can be said to be the year of Huawei’s return. This domestic mobile phone giant, which once hardened Apple by itself, will come out in the suppressed winter.

The design of Huawei P60 Pro is still so unique and unique. Huawei has a magical power and can always find a wonderful balance between product recognition and industrial aesthetics.

Although Huawei P60 Pro only has 4G, due to well-known reasons, everyone is quite considerate, what’s more, everyone thinks that upgrading 5G is no different from the original 4G …

Thanks to Huawei XMAGE image algorithm, the image level of Huawei P60 Pro is the first echelon. The rear 48 million main camera supports OIS optical image stabilization, the 13 million pixel super wide angle and the 48 million pixel telephoto support OIS optical image stabilization.

The fuselage uses the first generation Snapdragon 8+ mobile platform, supports 88W fast charging, 4815mAh battery screen, uses Kunlun glass, supports IP68, and also supports extremely advanced two-way Beidou satellite information. Life-related functions are all important functions.

Top with 12GB+512GB version, the current price in official website is 7288 yuan.

4, OPPO Find X6 Pro: Hasselblad, the main night scene shooting.

The image flagship OPPO Find X6 Pro, which also focuses on Hasselblad image style, is also a flagship configuration. It is equipped with the second generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform, LPDDR5X, UFS4.0, Pro-XDR technology on the screen, 100W super flash charging +5000mAh battery, and Wi-Fi7 and IP68.

On the image, there is a 50-megapixel sensor with three main cameras. Wide-angle and telephoto support OIS optical defense. Ultra-wide-angle adopts a closed-loop focusing motor and supports 4cm macro shooting.

The image style highlights the professional image texture, and the top is equipped with 16GB+512GB version. At present, the price in JD.COM is 6799 yuan.

5, vivo X Flip: stylish and compact, novel and fun.

Vivo x flip of vivo may be the representative of another trend in the development of mobile phone form today. Small folding screen mobile phone: cute, decorative, and directly pokes the hearts of female users who love beauty.

Especially when the size and color of vivo X Flip can accurately match the colorful small bags of girls, it makes vivo X Flip have unique fashion attributes.

Look, with this fashionable color scheme and lovely external screen design, the external screen experience of vivo X Flip is the same as that of the internal screen, and you can browse the little red book, reply to WeChat messages and watch videos without opening the internal screen during the fragmentation time. You can also use a variety of folding screens to achieve the operating experience. For users who have never used a folding screen mobile phone, it is enough to be happy with the unique use of the folding screen mobile phone.

In configuration, vivo X Flip is equipped with the first generation Snapdragon 8+ mobile platform, LPDDR5, UFS3.1 and 44W fast-charging battery equivalent to 4400mAh.

The image is double-shot, 5000 pixels main shot, supporting OIS optical image stabilization; The 12-megapixel super wide-angle lens supports AF autofocus and macro shooting.

Vivo X Flip is currently equipped with 12GB+512GB official website at a price of 6639 yuan.


In the first half of the year, major brands have updated their product lines, including high-end flagship models, mid-range cost-effective models, and low-end mobile models. Even Meizu has released new mobile phones. In the second half of the year, when the competition for mobile phone products is more intense, which newly released mobile phones will win our attention? Next we haveOverview of new mobile phones of mainstream brands in the second half of 2023,Stay tuned!

[See you at 8: 00] If you have this set of RMB in your hand, hurry to the bank outlet.

  [See you at 8: 00] If you have this set of RMB in your hand, hurry to the bank outlet.

  At 8 o’clock, witness the news every day. CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours for you.


  If you have this set of RMB in your hand, go to the bank outlet to exchange it.

  "In less than 10 days, we will say goodbye to the fourth set of RMB that has been circulating for more than 30 years!" The People’s Bank of China recently announced that the fourth set of RMB bonds will stop circulating from May 1, 2018, and the deadline for centralized exchange is April 30, 2019. If you have the fourth set of RMB in your hand, go to the bank outlet to exchange it.

  On March 22, 2018, the People’s Bank of China announced that it decided to stop the fourth set of RMB 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 20-cent banknotes and 10-cent coins (hereinafter referred to as the fourth set of RMB partial coupons) from circulating in the market on May 1, 2018. According to the arrangement of the central bank, the centralized exchange period of the fourth set of RMB coupons is from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019. During this period, holders can go to the business outlets of banking financial institutions for exchange.


  The maritime navigation picture of the first ship of China’s 10,000-ton destroyer was first made public.

  On the 22nd, Weibo, the People’s Navy, made public the picture of the first ship of a 10,000-ton destroyer sailing at sea for the first time. This type of ship is a new type of 10,000-ton destroyer independently developed by China. It has successively broken through a series of key technologies such as the overall design, information integration and final assembly construction of large ships, equipped with new air defense, anti-missile, anti-ship and anti-submarine weapons, and has strong information perception, air defense and anti-missile capabilities. It is a landmark warship for the navy to realize strategic transformation and development.

  These 20 3A hospitals will give priority to the "emergency classification" from next month.

  From May 1st, the emergency treatment methods of 20 major hospitals, including Beijing Tongren Hospital, Beijing Children’s Hospital and Beijing Friendship Hospital, will be changed one after another: patients will no longer be treated according to "first come, first served", but will be sorted according to the severity of illness. Patients will collect vital signs before seeing a doctor, and the level will be judged by machines and professional medical staff. The critically ill patients will be given priority to rescue, and the mild patients will be delayed.

  On the vision china incident by the Supreme Court: You can’t just identify the ownership of photos with watermarks.

  In response to the recent "vision china Copyright" incident, Lin Guanghai, vice president of the Third People’s Court of the Supreme People’s Court, said on the 22nd that the evidence of the ownership of photo works should be strictly examined, and the ownership of rights should not be determined only by taking the watermark as the signature of the photo author, so as to prevent one-sidedness and simplification.

  There is no open fire in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia, and it has been completely turned into a guard to clean up.

  On April 22, the reporter learned from the forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing headquarters in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region that as of 20: 00 on April 21, there was no open fire in the fire fields of Xinbaerhu Zuoqi, Chenbaerhu Banner, Manzhouli and Xinbaerhu Right Banner in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia, and the left-behind team was fully guarding and monitoring the overseas fire and cleaning up the entry fire field.

  Central Bank: The new version of the credit report did not collect personal water and electricity payment information.

  The central bank answered a reporter’s question about the construction of the second-generation credit information system, saying that the upgrading and optimization of the credit information system is still in progress, and there is no clear online timetable. The credit information system has not collected personal water and electricity payment information. The credit reports inquired by financial institutions and the public have not changed, and they are not the so-called new credit reports. At the same time, the central bank responded that compared with the current version of the credit report, the proposed new version of the credit report has added some information, such as nationality and other information in the basic personal information, and information such as joint loan, personal guarantee for legal person and legal person guarantee for individual has been added in the credit information. According to the central bank, as far as this upgrade is concerned, the institutions and types of data submitted to the credit information system have not changed much before and after the upgrade, so the impact on personal economic life will not change much.

  A cadre of Lanzhou Health Bureau died of drinking at a party.

  The Propaganda Department of Qilihe District Committee of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province announced through the "Qilihe Release" WeChat WeChat official account that on April 12, 2019, Gao Xzhong, a cadre of the Education Center of Health and Health Bureau of Qilihe District of Lanzhou City, contacted Gao Xzhu and others through Yang Xhong, director of his office, to meet for dinner and drinking at the "Today’s X Zhai" teahouse in Guazhou Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City. During the dinner, the dinner party staff found that Gao X was pale and unwell after drinking a few drinks, and called 120 emergency number in time. By the time the emergency personnel arrived, Gao X was dead. After the incident, the Qilihe District Party Committee and the district government attached great importance to it and asked the District Health and Health Bureau to fully cooperate with relevant departments to do the investigation, verification and after-treatment work. At present, seven dinner parties and the families of the deceased are actively negotiating to solve the aftermath.

  Zhou Bin, the former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Wuhan Municipal Committee, was opened.

  According to the news of the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhou Bin, the former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Wuhan Municipal Committee, was expelled from the party and public office after the disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and submitted to the provincial party Committee for approval; The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution according to law.


  Sri Lankan government says local extremist groups plan bombings: with international assistance.

  According to comprehensive reports, a Sri Lankan government spokesman said in Colombo on the 22nd that the local Islamic extremist organization NTJ(National Thowheed Jamath) was behind the Easter attacks on Sunday.

  Rajitha Senaratne, a spokesman for the Sri Lankan government and Minister of Health and Medicine, was quoted by the British newspaper The Guardian as saying that the terrorist organization behind the explosion that caused heavy casualties was the local Islamic extremist organization "NTJ".

  Sri Lanka’s president declared the 23rd a day of mourning and a state of emergency would be entered.

  According to foreign media reports, a series of bombings occurred in Sri Lanka on the 21st, killing 290 people and injuring more than 500 others. President Sirisena declared the 23rd a national day of mourning. Sri Lanka will implement laws on the prevention of terrorism and declare a state of emergency.

  North Korea confirms that Kim Jong-un will visit Russia soon and will hold talks with Putin.

  Korean Central News Agency issued a document early on April 23rd, saying that at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will visit Russia soon. This will be the first meeting between the two leaders, and it will also be eight years later that the top leader of North Korea will visit Russia again.

  Park geun-hye applied to stop imprisonment for low back pain, and the prosecution made a decision as soon as this week.

  Former South Korean President park geun-hye served a prison sentence for many crimes. His lawyer submitted an application to the prosecution for stopping the execution of imprisonment on the 17th, on the grounds that his back pain was unbearable and he could not sleep normally. According to the latest news, South Korean prosecutors will decide on 25th or 26th at the earliest whether park geun-hye can suspend his sentence.

  Does Boeing 787 have serious security risks? Internal staff: I will never take it.

  The 787 Dreamliner produced by Boeing Company of the United States belongs to Boeing’s main model, but some American media reported that it was found that the quality of the 787 passenger aircraft produced by Boeing factory was poor. In order to finish the shipment as soon as possible, the factory did not hesitate to use broken parts, and a large number of sharp metal fragments, even light bulbs and short ladders, were often left inside the fuselage, posing serious security concerns. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigated the accident and issued instructions to Boeing, but it was not listed as a safety accident.

  Boeing 787 Dreamliner was launched in 2007, and its fuselage is made of carbon fiber, which helps to save fuel, thus attracting a large number of orders. The plant in North Charleston, North Carolina is one of the two Boeing plants in the United States that produce 787. The New York Times collected hundreds of internal emails from Boeing, and visited more than a dozen current or former employees of the factory. He found that Boeing employees had reported to FAA many times that there were defects in the production process and the fuselage was covered with debris, and the company had pressured employees to conceal violations.

  Clayton, who used to work as a mechanic in the factory, said that he often found metal fragments near the wires at the bottom of the cockpit, which was quite dangerous. "I told my wife that I would never take a Boeing 787."


  The head teacher in high school slapped the two boys in the face. Official: Suspension inspection

  Recently, a video of a teacher slapping, pulling hair and kicking students in the classroom caused controversy. On April 22nd, the reporter confirmed from the Propaganda Department of Xuanwei Municipal Committee that the teacher involved was Chen Mou, the head teacher of Class 88, Grade One, No.9 Middle School in Xuanwei City. Chen Mou found that two students were eating snacks and talking during the unified self-study in the school, and criticized the improper behavior of corporal punishment of students during education. In response to this matter, on April 22, a staff member of the Propaganda Department of Xuanwei Municipal Committee of Yunnan Province told the reporter that the incident occurred at around 20: 50 on April 13, 2019. After the incident, the school attached great importance to it and communicated with the parents of the students in time to obtain the understanding between them. Two students are now in normal classes at school, and the class teacher involved has been suspended for inspection. The school will take a warning, strengthen the construction of teachers, and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

  SF responded to the courier’s private unpacking: zero tolerance has started the investigation.

  On April 22nd, netizen @ Double Chin Fairy Pei Jinjin said that SF Express opened the customer’s package privately, added her WeChat message to harass, and scattered the courier on the bed, pretending it was his girlfriend’s item. In this regard, SF Group officially apologized and said that it would never tolerate or condone any misconduct that violated laws, regulations and corporate codes of conduct. SF has initiated an investigation.

  Fun run, a woman from Leshan, Sichuan, was sentenced to death in the first instance.

  According to the WeChat WeChat official account news of Leshan Intermediate People’s Court, on the morning of April 22, 2019, Leshan Intermediate People’s Court publicly pronounced the "green heart road murder case" according to law. Defendant Li Jian was sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life and fined 15,000 yuan for committing intentional homicide, robbery and theft.

  Sixteen defendants in Jiangsu poisoned dog case were sentenced to more than 5.6 million public welfare claims.

  Recently, Jiangsu poison dog case was pronounced in the first instance. Sixteen defendants, including Liu and harmful food, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from six years to one year, with fines ranging from 550,000 to several thousand yuan, and five defendants, including Qian, were also sentenced to pay compensation of 5,674,168 yuan. And publicly apologize in the national media!

  Villagers flip over their new houses and shoot to celebrate scaring more than 10,000 rabbits next door and being awarded 440,000 yuan in compensation.

  Firecrackers were set off to celebrate after Cai opened the new house in Xinyi, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. The loud noise led to the abortion and death of the mother rabbit and the death of the rabbit in the Zhang farm next door. In desperation, Zhang appealed to Xinyi Court for compensation. On April 22, the xinyi city People’s Court announced the verdict of the second instance of this case, and Cai compensated Zhang for a loss of more than 440,000 yuan.

  Wonderful! The man had a car accident on the way to steal a car.

  Recently, Suqian, Jiangsu. A man stole a car, had a car accident on the way, and was injured. He reluctantly went to a nearby parking lot to steal another car, and was arrested by the police. After investigation, the man was also suspected of drunk driving and had a criminal record of theft. At present, he has been detained.

  The female driver crashed into the tunnel wall and died. She drove for 34 minutes and checked her mobile phone 30 times.

  Recently, in Sanming, Fujian, a car suddenly ran out of control and crashed into the tunnel wall, and the female driver died on the spot. After investigation, the police found that the driver had four illegal acts during driving, such as speeding, changing lanes in the tunnel, using a mobile phone and not wearing a seat belt, and looked at the mobile phone 30 times during the 34 minutes of driving.


  [Chen Lijun] broke the world record three times

  The 2019 Asian Weightlifting Championships and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Qualifying Tournament entered the second competition day yesterday. In the men’s 67kg class, the China team sent a team named Li Lijun and Feng Ludong to play. In the snatch competition, Chen Lijun took the lead all the way, and set a new snatch record in the third place with a score of 154 kg. In the subsequent clean and jerk competition, the advantage of the Chenli Army was even more obvious, setting a new world record for clean and jerk with 185 kg, and at the same time increasing the total world record to 339 kg.

  [Master Dou] "Crispy helmet video" client: can’t find a job and can’t live a normal life.

  According to The Paper, several videos of "crispy helmet" unexpectedly became popular on the Internet, and aroused public concern about the quality of the helmet. Master Dou, the protagonist of the video in the storm of public opinion, told reporters that he used to do odd jobs on the construction site and "eat a bite", but since the video of "crispy helmet" was widely spread, he has not found a job recently.

  "I used to find a living one every day. Why don’t you look for me now?" Helpless, Master Dou had to return to his hometown in the countryside first, full of worries about his future life.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

1℃→22℃! Warm and humid air carries rain, so pay attention when you go out on Monday. ……

The weather in Zhejiang is good for two days on weekends.

All kinds of flowers are in bloom.

Travel to enjoy flowers and wash clothes to dry.

Everything can be arranged ~

But the sun shines

The temperature at 11 o’clock will reach above 10℃ in the whole province.

The cold and rainy weather some time ago

It’s completely over.

Temperature difference between morning and evening increases

Friends can use "onion dressing method"

Beware of catching a cold


The temperature rose steadily and reached its peak this day!

But the good weather only lasts until ……

Because Yu Yujun is going to work with us on Monday, it turned to rain in western Zhejiang this evening and spread to the whole province in the middle of the night. On Monday (11th), the whole province will be soaked in rain during the day. Remember to wear rain gear on Monday and go out early in the morning.

The rain will rest temporarily on the 12th-13th, and the temperature in some areas of our province will be above 20℃ on the 12th! The pace of spring is getting closer and closer, the weather changes are more unpredictable, and the rain will come to stay on the 14th to 17th. Friends cherish the sunshine these days.

Zhejiang weather forecast

Today: the western part of Zhejiang is cloudy, and there are showers in the cloudy part in the evening; Other areas are sunny to cloudy, and there are showers in the cloudy part after midnight.

Tomorrow: There will be light rain and some moderate rain in the whole province.

The lowest temperature this morning:

Northern Zhejiang: 1-3 degrees, with frost;

Other areas: 4-6 degrees.

Maximum temperature during the day today:

Coastal areas: 13-15 degrees;

Other areas: 16-18 degrees.

Warm and humid airflow entrains rainwater.

Be careful when you go out next Monday ……

Specific to the weather in Hangzhou, warm and humid air flows have quietly joined the battle. Under the influence of high-level wet areas, there are more clouds over Hangzhou, and the weather will be slightly cooler than yesterday.

March is also the season for the expansion and development of warm and humid air currents.

Although Hangzhou has not yet entered the meteorological spring, don’t worry, spring will always come, and maybe you will hear good news next Monday.

And you see, the charm of spring has gradually emerged, and the next weather process will focus on "short, flat and fast". Warm and humid air currents will bring rain in and out in a hurry, and frequently "send spring waves in secret" to the south of China, and the weather will also quietly bid farewell to winter under the constant attack of warm and humid air currents.

It is expected that there will be a light rain from tonight to tomorrow morning. Although the rainfall duration is not long and the rainfall is not large, it may collide with Monday morning peak.

Monday+morning rush hour+rainy day, friends who have a long commute may have to shake their heads again. Please continue to pay attention to the weather changes and get ready to go out early.

On the afternoon of the 11th, the weather will gradually improve, and it will be sunny again in the afternoon, and the temperature will obviously rise, reaching above 20℃ on the 12th. The next 13-14 days will be dominated by fine weather, and there will be a short shower around the 15th.

Generally speaking, the next week will be sunny and rainy, and the temperature will rise, which is conducive to spring ploughing, spring sowing and spring vegetable picking.

Hangzhou weather forecast

10th (Sunday): cloudy during the day, cloudy with light rain at night, 4 ~ 16℃, easterly wind 3 ~ 4;

11th (Monday): It was cloudy with light rain in the morning, and it stopped raining in the afternoon, with 8 ~ 14℃ and southerly winds of 3 ~ 4;

12th (Tuesday): sunny to cloudy, 7 ~ 21℃, northerly winds 3 ~ 4 and gusts 5;

13th (Wednesday): cloudy, 6 ~ 17℃, easterly wind 3 ~ 4;

14th (Thursday): cloudy to cloudy, 8 ~ 16℃, with a level 3 easterly wind;

15th (Friday): Cloudy to cloudy with occasional showers, 8 ~ 18℃, easterly winds of 3 ~ 4.

Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory released at 11: 00 on March 9.

It is said that "the face of a child in March" changes when it changes. In fact, a major feature of the weather in March is that the pace of weather change has obviously accelerated. After entering the spring in the meteorological sense, the characteristics will be more distinct.

Mao Yanjun, a senior engineer at Zhejiang Climate Center, said that spring is the transitional season between winter and summer. Especially in early spring, winter has just passed, and the cold air force is still very strong, and it erupts southward every few days. In spring, the influence of warm air in the south is increasing day by day. As long as the cold air is slightly weakened, warm air will take advantage of it and the weather will get warmer. This frequent intersection of cold and warm air often makes the weather show the characteristics of hot and cold, rainy and sunny.

The changeable weather is often easy to cause colds. In this season, everyone should add or subtract clothes according to the weather forecast in time.

Original title: "1 C → 22 C! Warm and humid air carries rain, so pay attention when you go out on Monday … "

Read the original text

I knew it a week ago

 6 February

  Cold air ends "fake spring"

  After beginning of spring, most parts of the country are warm, as if spring has arrived, and many places are warmer than normal. However, from the 6th, affected by a strong cold air, there will be a wide range of rain, snow and cooling weather in the central and eastern regions, among which the temperatures in Inner Mongolia, Hunan and Jiangxi will reach 10℃. There is heavy snow in Hubei, Shaanxi and Anhui provinces. It is predicted that with the eastward expansion of the precipitation area, the range of rain and snow will reach the widest tomorrow, and the central and eastern regions will be generally covered by rain and snow. The public should beware of the possible adverse effects of rain, snow and cooling weather on Spring Festival travel rush’s return trip.

  South Korean government may announce Samsung Note7 explosion investigation report

  The Korean regulatory authorities will announce the independent investigation report of the Galaxy Note7 fire incident on the 6th. South Korean regulators will also announce new regulations on mobile phone safety, requiring smartphone manufacturers to report immediately when their mobile phones explode or catch fire.

 February 7th.

  60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka

  China and Sri Lanka have a long history of friendly exchanges. Sri Lanka is known as the country of the lion or Sinhalese in China’s ancient books. In 410 A.D., Fa Xian, a monk of the Jin Dynasty, went to Sri Lanka to study, retrieved Buddhist classics and wrote a book "The Story of the Buddha Country". Zheng He, a navigator in the Ming Dynasty, visited Sri Lanka many times during his voyage to the West. In the 15th century, Prince Si Yi visited China and settled in Quanzhou, Fujian on his way home. He was given the surname by the Ming emperor, and his descendants still live in Quanzhou and Taiwan Province. After Sri Lanka became a western colony, Sino-Sri Lankan relations were once interrupted. In 1950, Sri Lanka recognized New China. On February 7, 1957, the two countries established diplomatic relations. China and Sri Lanka have always maintained friendly relations with frequent high-level exchanges.

  China Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid an official visit to Australia and New Zealand.

  At the invitation of Australian Foreign Minister Bishop and New Zealand Foreign Minister McCully, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay an official visit to Australia and New Zealand from July 7 to 10. During the visit, Wang Yi will hold the fourth round of China-Australia diplomatic and strategic dialogue with Bishop, hold talks with McCully and meet with the leaders of Australia and New Zealand.

  Haiti’s elected president, Fanel moise, was sworn in.

  If Fanel moise, candidate of Haiti’s ruling Tekal Party, is elected president in November 2016, he will be sworn in on February 7th. Moise, 48, is a banana businessman with little political experience. In 2015, he entered the political arena and was elected as the presidential candidate by former President Martelli. Local media quoted political analysts as saying that moise will continue Martelli’s ruling policy.

 February 8 th

  The Korean inspection team will interrogate park geun-hye face to face this week.

  According to sources, the independent inspection team in charge of investigating the scandal of South Korean President park geun-hye’s best friend’s meddling in politics is negotiating with Cheongwadae, the presidential palace of South Korea, with a view to interrogating park geun-hye face to face one day from the 8th to 10th of this month (this Wednesday to Friday) to investigate the core part of the scandal of best friend’s meddling in politics. Earlier, park geun-hye was impeached by Congress because of his girlfriend’s political scandal.

  Somali presidential election held.

  The Somali presidential election, which has been postponed several times, will be held on February 8. In August last year, the Somali Federal Indirect Election Implementation Team announced that the presidential election would be held on October 30, but it was postponed several times later. According to reports, the repeated postponement of the election is related to the harassment of the extremist organization Somali "Youth Party" and the contradictions between various tribes and regions.

 February 9th.

  Some passenger trains of Guangzhou Railway were temporarily suspended from February 9 to February 11.

  1. On February 9, 2017, Hengyang-Guangzhou East K6625 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 2. On February 9 and February 10, 2017, Changsha-Guangzhou K6621 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 3. On February 9 and February 10, 2017, the Leiyang-Guangzhou East K6647 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 4. On February 9 and February 10, 2017, it became increasingly sunny-Guangzhou East K6589 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 5. On February 10th and 11th, 2017, Huaihua-Shenzhen West K6580/77 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 6. On February 10th and 11th, 2017, the Loudi-Zhaoqing K 6528/5th passenger train was temporarily suspended.

 February 10th.

  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits the United States

  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit the United States on the 10th. A number of Japanese and American media reported that Abe will send a "big gift package" to US President Donald Trump, including investing 150 billion US dollars in infrastructure construction in the United States in the next 10 years, creating 700,000 jobs and an infrastructure market with a market value of 450 billion US dollars.

  Communist party, the largest anti-government force in the Philippines, terminated the unilateral ceasefire announced in August last year.

  The Philippine communist party, the largest anti-government force in the Philippines, issued a statement on the 1st of this month, saying that the Communist Party of the Philippines would terminate the unilateral ceasefire because Philippine President Duterte did not agree to release about 200 detainees. Jorge Madeiros, a spokesman for the Philippine Communist Party, said that the government forces also used the ceasefire period to occupy its "territory", and the Philippine Communist Party will terminate the unilateral ceasefire announced in August last year on February 10.

  Uber suspended its service in Taiwan.

  Taiwan’s transportation authorities recently issued a huge fine to Uber, a well-known online car platform company that has been operating in Taiwan for three and a half years, and ordered it to close down. Uber immediately announced that it would suspend its service in Taiwan from February 10. This news caused controversy in Taiwan Province, and many people said that startups should compete fairly; Others think that sharing economy is an irresistible world trend, and existing regulations should not be an obstacle to innovation.

 February 11th

  the Lantern Festival

  After the Spring Festival, it is the Lantern Festival. This Saturday (February 11th) is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival", is one of the traditional festivals of Han nationality and some brotherly nationalities in China, which existed in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered the 15th day of the first month to be the Lantern Festival. Buddhism was introduced in the Eastern Han Dynasty. In order to expand its influence in the local area, the traditional culture was attached to the Lantern Festival as an auspicious day to participate in Buddhism.

 February 12

  Turkmenistan’s presidential election was officially held.

??? Turkmenistan’s presidential election will be officially held on February 12th, and nine candidates, including current President Berdymukhamedov, will stand for election. According to the new Constitution of Turkmenistan adopted in September 2016, the term of office of each president has been extended from five years to seven years, and the restriction that presidential candidates should not be over 70 years old has also been lifted. Presidential candidates must meet the conditions of being born in Turkey, being at least 40 years old, mastering Turkmen, and living and working in Turkey for the past 15 years.

  The 59th Grammy Awards Ceremony was held

??? On February 12th, US time, the 59th Grammy Awards Ceremony will be held in Los Angeles. Beyonce, Adele and Justin Bieber were shortlisted for the annual production, annual album and other heavyweight awards for their new works. (Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, China News Network, Guangzhou Daily, etc.)

Lying at home for three years, not working, 0 socializing: Why don’t young people want to go to work?

Source: Business Insight
The punk in the world I recently experienced is a young man who has been lying dead at home for three years.
I lay dead at home for three years, tied to my bed, and didn’t go out more than 500 meters in Fiona Fang. I only went to supermarkets and small shops downstairs to replenish food.
In the past three years, he has no job, socializes, rents a room of eight square meters, eats a mountain of snacks and instant noodles, drinks three or four tons of cola, and his only companion is a mobile phone. He has watched more than 100 large-scale series.
What supports his corpse life is savings, flowers, online loans and credit cards from all walks of life. ….
For a while, there were quite a lot of people who were lying dead. Some of them were lying dead for two years, from 280 kg to 180 kg, and their desires were lost, and they could not feel the joys and sorrows.
Some people are slightly better. Although they are lying dead, they earn 300 yuan a day, 100 yuan for staying in hotels, 100 yuan for smoking, surfing the Internet in eat areca and eating in 100 yuan.
Some people have been lying dead for two years, owing 50 thousand, taking their girlfriends and ready to go out to work.
I remember, KnowYourself sent an article to analyze the unique "squatting clan" phenomenon in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
"This group of people is highly educated, unemployed, neither bloody nor struggling. They rent houses in first-tier cities, can’t go home, can’t stay, and do nothing all day."
The "squatting clan" is the product of this era. They fully verified the sentence "Efforts may not be successful, but it is really comfortable not to work hard".
I think, if it’s a wolf-like 996 enterprise, they will say lightly when they see the above "people lying dead and squatting". They are simply wasting their lives.
But when I see them, I will only think that they are really brave and really punk.
Speaking of it, I am also a "squatter". I haven’t been to work for more than a year. I tried to go to work in the middle, but I will run away in less than a day. My daily life is to stay in the rental house, sleep at dawn, get up at dark, and stay indoors for half a month at the longest.
The only difference with them is that I spent most of my time at home wondering how to make money, never giving up making money, and even more reluctant to give up socializing and turn myself into a real marginal person.
I spent a year in prison, reviewing and reflecting, but more often, I just felt so cool that I flew, and I didn’t have to fight the morning and evening peaks, and I didn’t have to see annoying leaders and colleagues, so I lived a super peace every day.
But what I really hate is work, and what I escape from is life?
Actually, it’s not. On the contrary, I love working more at home. What I hate is just going to work. As the Round Table School said, we just hate the environment and timetable under the organization, and it feels like a trapped animal.
Of course, squatting people like us, based on the society, are annoying anyway.
I will be accused of not working hard, not struggling, and living in vain. I have been squatting for a year, and many enthusiastic friends and former colleagues have come to introduce my work. Every time, the reason can’t escape: "If you go on like this, it will be abolished. You should return to the mainstream society."
Sometimes, our choice is not a way of life, but rather a kind of violation and resistance. As long as you don’t struggle, you will become a monster and waste in the eyes of normal people, so you are doomed to be forgotten and marginalized.
I can’t help it. The concept of "struggling all my life" is becoming popular among our young people. If anyone doesn’t abide by it, he is not worthy of being a young man in the 21st century, and is doomed to live only in a rented house.
The schedule of "Tsinghua Xueba", which was hotly searched some time ago, shows that there is almost no entertainment in their day.
Go to bed at 1 am, get up at 6 am every day, wash and eat breakfast for 40 minutes, and start a planned study at 6: 40. The time from 9 pm to 1 am is fully arranged.
In this regard, the official said: it is difficult to learn like this and not to be a tyrant.
Others directly say, "People who are better than you work harder than you." The subtext is: "What do you have that Bilian doesn’t struggle for? 」
Not long after this incident, many universities began to imitate it.
I think that since students can’t be self-disciplined, it’s simply mandatory: no sleeping in, and no one can be on the dormitory bed after nine o’clock.
The university was originally a free and inclusive place, but now it has been wrapped up in layers and turned into a wolf university.
To put it bluntly, they were forced to struggle every day, go to bed early and get up early when they should be naive and romantic.
With all due respect, why is society so cruel to young people like me?
At the beginning of junior high school, I vaguely remember that my family said that it would be easy to get into key days.
Initial promotion: getting into the key points is equal to half the threshold of entering the university.
Gao Shengda: It’s really easy to go to college after the college entrance examination, so you can play at will.
And then after entering the university?
Still have to go to bed early and get up early every day, and strive hard to learn from Tsinghua.
Some people will definitely say, sleep less and work harder today, so you can relax after work!
Sorry, at this time, Ma Yun will come out and tell you that the 996 job is a blessing that my generation has repaired.
Liu Qiangdong will tell you that you don’t deserve to be my brother if you don’t struggle.
Young people who die suddenly in the workplace will tell you that fighting all their lives is a fair death.
The above is the life of young people in the 21st century.
In this way, our young people are really miserable. The happy and free time of our life only stays in kindergarten (maybe not yet), and it is always far from happiness.
When you finally see through it and you can choose not to struggle in life, someone will tell you with their ears: a life without hard work and struggle is waste.
It’s not that I hate disapproving of efforts, but that I hate the urgency and anxiety of young people under this atmosphere.
When I was a child, I was forced to learn the laws of the jungle at once;
Mingming didn’t sleep well all his life, and he was accused of not working hard enough;
Obviously, I chose a lifestyle that makes me comfortable, or I was accused of wasting my life.
Think about the "squatters". What are they? It is necessary to be observed with a magnifying glass, because choosing to give up the struggle is considered to be a psychological problem.
I wonder if our times advocate "hard work" so much that everyone seems to be winding up, as if life without hard work is not worth living.
Obviously, some people are lazy by nature and are not interested in anything, but they are forced to make progress by the values of this society and try their best to find goals worth fighting for all their lives.
Chen Danqing, the Round Table School, said: Some people are born uninterested in this world, but they can’t choose to be born. They looked at the world and found nothing to live, so they chose to leave.
There is a real example in Japan. A 56-year-old man has been unemployed at home for a long time because he failed to study at a young age and repeatedly hit a wall when looking for a job, and he has stayed here for 30 years.
After his parents died, he was found starving to death at home.
The body was decomposed when it was found, and the house was full of rubbish.
Many people say that this person deserves it, but I just feel sad when I think that a group of people are living out of place in this shoulder-to-shoulder world.
This kind of tragedy is quite common in Japan, and the day when distance spreads among us is just around the corner.
But if we say that the social atmosphere at this time can be less anxious about selling, and we don’t exaggerate our efforts and squeeze the existence of young people, will they not feel that they are useless and unworthy to live in the world?
Instead, can you face life positively and really find other meanings of your life besides struggle?
I don’t object to the defensive lifestyle of "squatting people" who choose to escape and stay at home.
And those who are superior and advocate hard work and selling anxiety, please shut up, no one is nobler than anyone else.
Hard work is an achievement that everyone can achieve if they are enough, but it takes courage to let go of the secular lifestyle.
Too much emphasis on hard work and selling anxiety will only backfire, trigger the phenomenon of squatting and lead to tragedy.
Please don’t say anything: "Master xx skills, work hard and catch up with your peers with a monthly income of 10 million."
I just want to ask you why you should catch up with your peers. I’m not interested.
Can you just be yourself?
Under the phenomenon of squatting, it is because many people no longer believe in social stability, nor do they believe that success and class leap can be achieved by long-term diligent efforts.
Although we have the right to choose not to work hard and struggle, it is necessary to earn a decent money that will not cause trouble to others and parents.
There are also many young people around me who don’t go to work. Apart from writing articles for the media like me, there are also illustrators, photographers, screenwriters, craftsmen, pastry chefs, and even people who have nothing to do to run errands and walk dogs. ….
In today’s society, there are actually many choices to choose a career freely, work for yourself and not starve to death. Lying in bed waiting for death and bearing huge debts is the greatest support for "hard-working monsters".
The biggest problem of squatting people is that they confuse the concepts of "going to work" and "working".
Those who clamor for not going to work all day may just not want to work. Work has a strong driving force. Chen Danqing said that he didn’t like going to work either, but he could wake up like a bug and work until late at night.
Simply put, work is for others, and work is for yourself.
You don’t have to struggle and work hard, but you must live decently for what you like.
Whether we like it or not, we came here after all. Since we are here, we might as well go out of the rental house and see the sun.

Douban 9.1, a high-scoring movie that watched millions of people cry, poked the biggest pain in our hearts.

Talking about psychology in the original building


It is said that the love of parents is the greatest love, but there is also a kind of love of relatives in this world. Whenever I think of her, many childhood memories will always emerge in my mind, and the softest place in my heart will feel warm. She is my grandmother.

The film love changes that I want to share with you today is a touching film about my grandmother.

This movie was released in South Korea in 2002, and it won the box office championship for four weeks in a row, becoming the highest-grossing movie of that year, and the netizens on Douban also scored 9.1.

Some netizens commented that watching the film reminds me of my grandmother, and every shot grandma appears is a tear …


Xiangyu, the hero of the story, is a little boy who grew up in a single-parent family.

Mother sent Xiangyu to her grandmother’s house in the country for a few days to facilitate her work.

On the way to grandma’s house, bumpy mountain roads, crowded buses and rustic country uncles and aunts chattered about chickens and ducks …

All these make Xiangyu, a city child, feel deeply disgusted and disgusted.

Xiangyu’s grandmother’s village is a very poor place. There are no entertainment facilities and places in the village, only a small grocery store, and grandma’s home is even more dilapidated.

Grandma is an old man in her seventies, her face is covered with wrinkles, and her back has been bent by perennial farm work.

Besides, grandma can’t read and is mute.

After her mother took Xiangyu to her grandmother’s house, she turned around and left.

Looking at this old and dumb grandmother, Xiangyu is full of disdain and disgust.

Grandma wanted to touch his head, and he was too dirty to avoid it. Grandma wanted to take his hand home, but he also forced it off and even made a gesture to hit someone.

There is no way, grandma hunched in front, followed by Xiangyu did not forget to scold: idiot.

Grandma just looked back at Xiangyu from time to time, for fear that he didn’t keep up.

This is the scene of the first meeting between grandparents and grandchildren, without a trace of warmth and touching.

In the evening, when having dinner, grandma brought Xiangyu food. He threw all the food into grandma’s bowl and only ate the canned food he brought.

Grandma’s eyesight is dim, and it is very laborious to thread the needle. She wants Xiangyu to help.

Xiangyu first pretended not to hear the video game, and after repeated requests from her grandmother, she got up impatiently to help.

Xiangyu’s game machine was out of power, so he pestered his grandmother to give him money to buy batteries, but her grandmother had no money, so she could only keep apologizing to Xiangyu.

He searched every corner of grandma’s house, but he didn’t find any money. He was so angry that he kicked the clay pot that grandma cherished and threw away her only pair of shoes.

Grandma without shoes can only walk barefoot on the rocky mountain road.

Xiangyu still refused to let it go. He took advantage of his grandmother’s sleep and pulled out her hairpins, hoping to exchange them for money to buy batteries.

When my grandmother woke up, she found that the hair clasp was missing, so she had to fix her hair with a spoon.

Xiangyu wanted to eat KFC, but grandma didn’t understand. He showed it to her like a rooster.

Grandma looked at Xiangyu’s cock and thought he wanted to eat chicken, so she braved the heavy rain and walked a long, long mountain road and bought a chicken.

After the stew, grandma brought the chicken to Xiangyu, but Xiangyu looked disgusted and cried and overturned his job, cursing grandma: you are a liar who knows nothing.

Grandma doesn’t know what to do, so she can only silently turn around and pick up the bowl that Xiangyu threw away, pick up the rice grains on the ground and stuff them into her mouth, for fear of wasting them.

Looking at Xiangyu who fell asleep in anger, grandma was full of guilt.

In the town, Xiangyu saw his little friend and was afraid that his grandmother would embarrass him, so he left his grandmother alone and went home by car with his partner.

Finally, in order to save money, grandma had to walk home alone.

Xiangyu’s personality is so capricious and stubborn, but grandma always only cares and tolerates him.

Grandma learns to ponder over his toys and wants to know more about her grandson’s world.

Xiangyu was afraid of going to the toilet alone at night, so grandma squatted barefoot and watched.

Grandma took Xiangyu to the town to sell melons, because grandma couldn’t speak. At the end of the day, none of them were sold.

But even if there is no income at the end of the day, grandma still takes Xiangyu to buy new shoes.

Take him to eat a meal in Zhajiang Noodles, and grandma only ordered one for Xiangyu, watching by herself.

In the face of her grandson’s unreasonable demands, my grandmother waved "I’m sorry" on her chest again and again and apologized to her grandson.


Grandma’s clumsy love made Xiangyu more headstrong at first, but as time went by, grandma’s love penetrated into Xiangyu’s heart, and he gradually changed, no longer just thinking about himself.

When grandma was not at home, it rained heavily. Xiangyu hurried to collect clothes. After collecting his own clothes, he saw that grandma’s clothes were still outside, and went out to collect grandma’s clothes.

Grandma got sick because she got wet in the rain. He would cover her with a quilt and put a towel on her forehead, hoping that she would get better soon.

On grandma’s sick day, he never cooked, and he prepared breakfast for grandma.

When grandma goes home, Xiangyu will take the initiative to take the bag in her hand.

Grandma bought him chocolate cakes, and he secretly stuffed one into her bag.

I accidentally fell down the hillside and was injured. When I saw my grandmother, Xiangyu jumped into her arms and cried bitterly.

Xiangyu’s dislike and complaint about his grandmother at first gradually turned into love and dependence. He is increasingly inseparable from his grandmother, and some even don’t want to return to the city.

Just when the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren improved, Xiangyu received a letter from his mother to take him home.

Xiangyu is full of sadness for his grandmother, and he doesn’t trust her to live alone. He teaches her to read and write letters.

He said to grandma:

Because you can’t talk on the phone, you should write to me.

Grandma, if you are sick, send me a blank piece of writing paper. I know it’s you, and I’ll be right back.

Speaking of which, Xiangyu has been sobbing, and grandma has secretly wiped her tears.

The day of parting still came, and Xiangyu helped grandma put on her needle and thread, which was enough for grandma to use for a while.

On the bus leaving, Xiangyu learned the gesture of grandma’s apology and gestured "I’m sorry" on his chest over and over again.

With the bus gone, grandma walked back to her hut alone.

After watching the movie, I remembered what Stefanie sang in the song "Good Youth":

Remember that someone is waiting at the end of the world, no matter how far away it is, don’t come back.

Affection is often the most easily overlooked emotion.

In many people’s childhood, there are always people who regard us as treasures in their hands and are willing to leave us the most precious things she has.

But because we are loved, we often have nothing to hide, dislike and blame them, and even never take the time to get to know them. It is not until we grow up that we find that the love we once ignored is so precious.

In the movie, my grandmother is old, and she is very indifferent to life and death. Even the old woman who runs a convenience store said flatly to her grandmother:

Come and see me again, before we die.

Xiangyu, on the other hand, didn’t understand grandma’s love until he left. Before he could figure out how to respond to grandma, he was about to leave her side.

In the future, how many opportunities will he have to repay his grandmother?

Don’t wait until it’s too late to try to make up for it.

Take advantage of this holiday, spend more time with them and listen to their stories when you have time. Only companionship is the longest confession.

Official announcement! Lakers Pelican Exposed 3-for-1 Earthquake Trade, and Lillard’s second in charge assisted James to win the championship!

Last season, the Lakers stopped the Western Conference. Many fans said that the main reason for the failure was that the team didn’t have a suitable starting outside point guard. In most cases, the Lakers relied on James to organize the attack, but it was a bit difficult for a 38-year-old man to attack and defend. Therefore, the Lakers hope to get a high-quality perimeter player in the offseason trade, and Pelican mccollum has always been the target player that the Lakers want to trade.

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From the beginning of the offseason, Lakers fans have been paying attention to the King’s Hill. But in fact, mccollum is a better player than Hilde, who can attack with the ball on his own and has excellent ability without the ball. As a starting point of tactics, it can lighten James’ burden, and as a pitcher, it can adapt to the space lineup. Of course, mccollum also has shortcomings. His shortcoming is that his choice is sometimes bad and he feels bad. However, he usually has CIC when he is not allowed to score three points, and every year, three points in the regular season will explode. In particular, the open three-pointer is very accurate, and there are too many strong shots in the Trailblazers. It is definitely more sure that there is an open space in the Lakers.

CJ mccollum entered the NBA through the draft in 2013, and played for Portland Trailblazers and New Orleans Pelicans successively, and was elected as the fastest-growing player in 2015-16. For mccollum, being traded to the Pelican was the worst choice he made. Last season was the season of mccollum’s overall decline, and both ends of the offensive and defensive responsibilities were beyond their capabilities. The middle-distance hit rate is at a new low, and the ability to handle the ball is seriously insufficient.

Anyone who has watched the game knows that mccollum is the second-in-command in the practical sense on the Pelican Stadium this season. It is too difficult for this old man to serve his two eldest brothers. He has suffered shoulder injuries and hand injuries, and played 75 games more than Yingge and Zion combined. Shoulder injury and hand injury are fatal to the players who mainly shoot, especially for mccollum, who has an average talent. Personally, I am not critical of cj’s performance on the court, but also optimistic about Big Brother’s shooting callback next season, and both ends of the offense and defense should reduce the burden on cj.

This is also the main reason why mccollum applied for trading. He did the dirtiest and most tiring job in Pelican, but he got far less than others. More importantly, there was not so much attention and competition here, and it seemed that he had completely missed the championship. So it may be the best choice for him to leave now.

According to sources, if Pelican chooses to trade mccollum, the team that Pelican wants to join most is the Los Angeles Lakers, because he wants to attack the championship at the last moment of his career. The bargaining chip that the Lakers can provide is Russell +2 second rounds.

After getting mccollum, the Lakers will officially welcome the "Big Three" team again. Although the previous Big Three all ended in failure, mccollum’s play is perfectly adapted to James and Davis, and it can also help the team more favorably. On the offensive end, there is mccollum’s organization. I believe the team’s attack will be smoother, and mccollum himself is a dual-capable defender who can organize and score points. Isn’t this the kind of player that James wants and the Lakers want? If Russell was replaced by mccollum last season, do you think the Lakers can still regret being out?