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College print shops hoard hundreds of pirated textbooks, and students buy photocopied textbooks to save money.

  Print shops in colleges and universities hoard hundreds of pirated textbooks.

  College textbooks are priced higher, and students can save half the money by buying photocopied textbooks. Copy shops have become the focus of many publishers’ rights protection.

  In February, the National Office for Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications, in conjunction with five departments, issued the Notice on Launching Special Governance Actions for Universities and Their Surrounding Copy Stores in Some Key Cities, requiring 40 key cities across the country to severely crack down on piracy and copy activities in universities and their surrounding copy shops, so as to curb the growing trend of campus piracy. Beijing, where universities gather, has also been included in the list of special governance this year.

  What are the reasons for the widespread popularity of copying teaching materials? Beijing Youth Daily reporter recently visited copying shops around many universities in Beijing, and found that most shops are still openly undertaking the business of "privately customized" copying teaching materials, and even some shops have hundreds of electronic textbooks in their computers, and the "class" group buying business has been raging. Because of the hidden operation of the store, the difficulty in obtaining evidence and the unclear legal boundary, the business activities of the copy shops around the university are still on the verge of supervision.


  Copy shops hoard "group purchase" electronic textbooks, and the business is booming.

  On the morning of March 10th, the reporter of Beiqing Daily came to the printing shop in a comprehensive service center for college students and said, "Boss, a group of postgraduate students want to copy and print some textbooks." Without asking what the book was, the shopkeeper promised, "Just bring the book. If there is no book, it is ok to have an electronic version, a Word file or a Pdf file. 2 cents per page, 1 cent if there is more — — They are all bound for you. "

  Only one of the photocopiers and printers in this shop is working. "I was very busy when I first started school, but I am already busy now." The owner said. The reporter of Beiqing Daily saw that there were three "teaching materials" printed and bound on A4 paper on the windowsill, namely "Latest English Course for Science and Technology", "Information Systems Essentials" and "Liu Wei IELTS Speaking". The second book is in English, and the inside page shows that it was edited and published by an American university; The third book is actually a handout from an English training institution in China. The owner told the reporter that these three books were printed by students before, "I made an extra copy and put it here for whom."

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily visited the copy shops around many universities in Haidian, which are mostly distributed near the canteens and teaching buildings in the student living quarters. On average, there are at least six or seven print shops in a school. Most of the small shops are only three or four square meters. When it comes to recess and rest, the small shops are packed with students coming and going, and there are many students who come to copy the teaching materials. The reporter looked at it, and some copied textbooks, and some copied Chinese and foreign reference books borrowed from the library. Upon reporter’s inquiry, these stores can undertake the business of copying teaching materials. Most of them are printed on both sides at a price of 10 cents each, bound in 2 yuan, with 4-5 cents for double-sided copying and 10 cents for single-sided copying. If the quantity is large, you can get a discount. If you want to install the cover, you can add 2 yuan. There are also price concessions for large quantities.

  In a copy shop of another university, a big red advertisement of "Printing and Copying Textbooks" is posted at the door, and a bibliography of university public courses such as "15-year history outline, military theory, comprehensive English listening and speaking, advanced B (Part II)" is also posted on the wall. There is Yin Gao, a half-meter-high semi-finished English pronunciation practice manual for freshmen, beside the printer, and there is "Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press" on the copyright page. The staff admitted that this is a "list" for class group purchase. "You should make a list, write down the title of the book to be printed, and then indicate how many copies of each book to print, and then write down your name and contact number, so that we won’t make a mistake — — This is what other classes do. "

  Pointing to a stack of blue-covered photocopied "teaching materials", the store owner said that these are the best-selling teaching materials posted on the wall, and there are more than a dozen books that have not been sold out in batch print this school season. "When business is good, hundreds of people come to the store to queue up to buy textbooks every day, and many of them send class cadres to buy them. In order to save time, the commonly used textbooks and teaching materials are simply scanned into electronic versions for printing and copying. " When the reporter of Beiqing Daily asked if it was possible to copy the History of China News Communication, the store readily turned on the computer to help search for the electronic version of the book. The folder named "Customer Information" contained hundreds of electronic versions of teaching materials, mostly PDF-based. "The reason why our store is popular is also because the public courses and professional books are complete."

  In the survey, most of the staff of various printing shops said that they had not heard of the policy news to be inspected in the near future for the time being. "The business of copying books has been done for many years, and I have never heard of it." A student from a university in Beijing told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that in the past, the print shop in the school would sell some printed textbooks to students at the beginning of the school year, but since last semester, this phenomenon has been "rare". Some shopkeepers also responded that if students bring books or electronic books to the store for copying, they will print them as required and stop selling them in batches because "hoarding goods is easy to lose money".


  Student: Buying a copy of a textbook can save more than half of the money compared with a new book.

  The students interviewed at random explained the reasons for the popularity of copying textbooks. On the one hand, except for higher vocational colleges and private colleges, many colleges and universities in Beijing do not uniformly subscribe for textbooks when freshmen enter school, and students have the initiative to buy textbooks themselves. On the other hand, books bought from printing shops are cheaper than genuine new books, and the printing quality is good, so copying textbooks is naturally favored by everyone. The pirated books in these print shops will be more popular if there are notes left by previous students.

  "Some original textbooks are too expensive. If you buy a printed version from a print shop, it will generally cost more than 10 yuan; Moreover, some books have the key points drawn by seniors and sisters, and you can help yourself review them before the exam. I feel that buying such books is quite cost-effective. " A student who has purchased printed textbooks many times told the reporter of Beiqing Daily.

  Take the textbook History of Journalism and Communication in China published by Renmin University of China Press, which has 404 pages and is priced at 45 yuan. If you copy at the price of 5 cents a page in the store, a copy of teaching materials can save more than half of the money than buying new books. According to the rough statistics of the reporter of Beiqing Daily, after four years of undergraduate study, if dozens of specialized course textbooks are copied, a student can save nearly 1,000 yuan in textbook purchase fees.

  Print shop: The monthly income from copying textbooks is nearly 10,000.

  According to reports, last spring, the Higher Education Society visited 27 colleges and universities in 7 provincial capital cities and the surrounding copy shops, and found that most of the business of these copy shops thought that students copied books. Not only that, these stores will scan public course books, professional course books and best-selling books according to the curriculum and examination time, archive the electronic files of the copied books, provide students with optional bibliographies for copying, and bind them into books after output as needed, forming an industrial chain of "arranging", printing and loading. This leads to another question: how much profit can the business of copying teaching materials in university print shops bring to businesses? Take "Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s Theoretical System (Revised Edition 2010)" published by Higher Education Press as an example. The text of this book has 398 pages, 25 prints, and the price is 23 yuan, with an average of 0.92 yuan/print. According to the calculation of 4 page numbers of each copy in the copy shop, the whole volume is copied at 0.05 yuan/face, and the price of the whole book is 10 yuan, which is equivalent to 4.4 fold of the genuine price. Excluding the cost of manpower, consumables and rent, the actual profit of each textbook can be maintained around 3 yuan by copying a single textbook.

  During the visit, many stores in Haidian also revealed to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that in addition to receiving copying orders on campus, they will also solicit batch copying services from other universities and teaching units through QQ online. A staff member of a copy shop explained, "There are also some customers from middle schools, educational institutions and even trans-regions who come to us to print teaching AIDS. The monthly income from copying textbooks alone is almost 10,000. "


  Teaching materials are necessities, and market-oriented pricing is difficult for students.

  It has been suggested that the high price of university textbooks is an important reason for the prosperity of campus copy managers. So, is the pricing of genuine university textbooks reasonable? The reporter of Beiqing Daily browsed the prices of some textbooks in Tsinghua University Textbook Center, and found that few textbooks are below 20 yuan, most of which are priced between 20 yuan and 50 yuan, and some are above 50 yuan. The staff of a famous university publishing house in Haidian responded, "The university textbooks in China are not expensive. The price of a 300-page textbook with ordinary binding is almost 20-30 yuan. Compared with the pricing of hundreds of RMB in foreign university textbooks, this price is really not expensive."

  He also said that the publishing house had received complaints from university professors, saying that many students took copies of textbooks in class, and the textbooks in this class were written by themselves. "If all students use photocopied textbooks, the hard work of the editors will not be respected, let alone protect their legitimate rights and interests."

  However, college students have another feeling about whether textbooks are expensive. Compared with primary and secondary school textbooks priced by the government, university textbooks, which are also necessities, are much more expensive. The reporter of Beiqing Daily searched online for the price of a complete set of textbooks (color version) of compulsory mathematics in senior high school. There are five books in this set, covering three years in senior high school, and the total price is 42.3 yuan. However, the price of college students majoring in mathematics and statistics who only buy the genuine textbooks of advanced mathematics has surpassed that of 80 yuan, nearly twice as high. Compared with senior high schools, there are many specialized courses and public compulsory courses in universities, and there are usually twenty or thirty courses in a four-year academic system. The interviewed engineering junior boys told reporters that the cost of ordering new textbooks in the first school year spent 800 yuan. "When we first went to college, we all bought new textbooks, which was really much more expensive than high school. Later, when we were sophomore and junior, we bought second-hand books from our brothers and sisters." However, because many graduates still want to keep professional books, the second-hand teaching materials they can buy are usually limited to public courses such as politics and English, so copying teaching materials has become the way for the students and classmates to buy.

  Copying teaching materials is still in the marginal zone of supervision

  In order to further clarify the supervision status of print shops in colleges and universities, the reporter of Beiqing Daily recently called the Legal Supervision Office of Beijing Cultural Law Enforcement Corps and asked whether "copying and selling textbooks in large quantities on campus is within its supervision scope". The staff said that the cultural administrative law enforcement department has conditions for filing a case, and we will not intervene before filing a case. "As you have reflected, it is necessary to analyze the specific situation. There is no certain amount and scale of reprinting and conclusive sales evidence. Generally, the copyright owner and the publishing house come forward to negotiate with the copy shop. When talking about the conditions for filing a case, she also said that the first is to confirm the infringement, and the second is to violate the public interest. For example, piracy and reprinting violate the relevant national laws and regulations.

  What attitude does the school take towards the printing shop’s copying of teaching materials? The teacher of the Logistics Department of a science and engineering college in Haidian replied that most of these print shops in the school are self-operated and only rent the school place, and the Logistics Department often reminds the print shop owners to abide by relevant laws and regulations to prevent them from pirating and selling books in batches. "The school will continue to work hard in this regard. On the one hand, it will strengthen the management of print shops on campus, and on the other hand, it will remind students to use formal textbooks and consciously resist piracy." The staff said.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily also learned from the anti-piracy alliance of Beijing 15th Society that the copy shops around the campus have become the focus of many publishers’ rights protection. However, in their daily work, they found that there are also "blind spots" in the handling of infringement of copy shops. For example, most copy shops only copy the text of books, and when binding, they are accompanied by a cover that only prints the title of the book, omitting the publishing unit, author and trademark of the original book. Even if law enforcement officers find the copied finished products, there is no way to obtain the copyright information of the copies to clarify the infringed objects. Secondly, the owner of the copy shop is very vigilant, and generally does not put a large number of copied finished products on the counter, which makes it very difficult for the right holder to defend his rights and the law enforcement department to investigate and deal with it. This group/reporter Liu Xu Lei Jia Wang Xiaoyun

  Experts say

  Copying officially published books and selling them constitute infringement.

  Does it constitute infringement for students to copy textbooks in batches and other officially published books and buy pirated books in copy shops? What kind of tort liability should a copy shop bear if it infringes? In this regard, the reporter of Beiqing Daily interviewed Zhao Zhanling, a special researcher at the Intellectual Property Center of China University of Political Science and Law.

  Zhao Zhanling said that the Copyright Law stipulates that "translating or copying a few published works for school classroom teaching or scientific research for teaching or scientific research, but not publishing and distributing" belongs to the category of fair use, and copying textbooks and other books by students and teachers for personal study and research purposes does not constitute infringement, nor does a copy shop. However, if a copy shop copies books by itself and sells them to customers for profit, it constitutes infringement.

  How many copies of a book constitute infringement? In Zhao Zhanling’s view, although there is no specific provision in the Copyright Law, as long as a printing shop copies books for profit, it constitutes infringement, which has nothing to do with the amount of copying. Zhao Zhanling also said that whether copying paper books or printing electronic versions of books such as Word and PDF, as long as they are printed, this constitutes infringement.

  Regarding the legal responsibility that the printing shop should bear, Zhao Zhanling said that this constitutes a civil infringement, and the copy shop should stop the infringement and compensate the obligee for the losses if it has the above acts. "The copy shop is a self-employed small shop, and it is difficult to determine how much loss has been caused by the obligee, but it can be compensated according to the income from infringement." Zhao Zhanling believes that because the books copied by the printing shops are scattered, it is difficult for publishers and authors to give evidence when defending their rights, which makes publishers and authors not pursue this in law too much.

  Zhao Zhanling also suggested that the internal managers of colleges and universities can take relevant measures to manage the copy shops on campus, and students should also enhance their legal awareness, and only use the copied books for their own study and not sell them externally. Text/reporter Li Mengting

Can you call nearly a thousand robots every day to promote innovation or harassment?

  "Sir, buy a house?" "Sister, is there a need to learn English recently?" … … In the era of mobile communication, being harassed by sales calls has become an annoyance that many people have experienced. Recently, many readers who have suffered from harassing phone calls have found that various sales companies seem to have updated their technology, and it seems that the "harassing phone calls" they receive are not from real people.

  A survey by Beijing Youth Daily reporter found that at present, there have been softwares that use artificial intelligence to replace real-life customer service for telemarketing. According to the software developer, using AI to make sales calls can not only make the sound no different from real people, but also greatly improve the efficiency. "You can dial 800 to 1000 calls every day, which is 4 to 5 times that of traditional labor." Many netizens therefore expressed concern: if the cost is low and the efficiency is high, will the frequency of receiving "harassing calls" be higher and higher?


  The "robot" called to sell the phone.

  Many people worry about being harassed.

  At the end of November, Mr. Su received a "special" sales call. He introduced that there was nothing special about this real estate sales call at the beginning. "I just asked me if I had a need to buy a house when I came up. After being rejected, I still insisted on knowing it first." But soon, Mr. Su found that something was wrong with the caller. "Whatever I say, he is ‘ You don’t have to answer so quickly. There must be a house suitable for you here ’ This sentence feels like a robot. "

  Similar to Mr. Su, Zhang Lin (a pseudonym), a college student internship in Beijing, has often received sales calls from robots in recent days. "Yes ‘ Male ’ Yes ‘ Female ’ I couldn’t hear the difference from the real person in the voice. After I asked a few questions, the other party didn’t reply at all. I just kept talking on my own and made me realize: Hey, it seems that I have received a phone call from a robot. " Zhang Lin said that he felt a little fresh when he received a call from the robot at first, but later he felt a little annoyed. "Unlike a real person, he will hang up after being rejected. The robot will always say that it is not easy to politely refuse, and it can only hang up directly. " In addition, Zhang Lin is also worried that telemarketing will be more efficient after using "robots". Will the frequency of receiving "harassing calls" increase? "In recent days, at least three times a day, there are people who sell houses, learn English, and ask if they want loans. I feel that the frequency is much higher than before, and it is too late to rely on blackening."

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily found that there are not a few netizens who recently broke the news on social networks that they received sales calls from "robots". Some netizens joked, "Now even harassing calls can’t be received by real people." However, more people are still worried and dissatisfied with this phenomenon: "There is no sincerity at all, and there is nowhere to say it, and the number of harassment is increasing."






  According to the customer service staff, at present, an AI-controlled telephone line can make 800 to 1000 calls every day, which is 4 to 5 times as efficient as traditional manpower. In terms of cost, each line costs 2,500 yuan per quarter, 4,000 yuan per half year and 6,800 yuan per year, including supporting services such as assisting voice optimization and recording, a dedicated customer service and two technical engineers to follow up at any time. According to him, AI is only responsible for making phone calls, making initial communication with customers, selecting customers with purchase intentions and making records. As for which numbers to dial, users need to enter them in advance, and the R&D party does not provide relevant data. "AI will rank customers, and interested guests need the user to arrange staff to follow up." The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that in the telephone recording model provided by the other party, how AI replies is actually based on the keyword triggering mechanism. As long as a specific keyword is recognized, AI will reply to the voice that has been recorded in advance. Where is the intelligence? In this regard, the customer service staff said that the system has its own learning function.


  AI for selling telephone calls

  Technological progress or the source of trouble?

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily found that there are not a few AI automatic dialing systems that have been launched on the market. Most systems focus on reducing costs and improving efficiency. The customer service staff of an AI automatic dialing system said that compared with the operation mode of the traditional telephone sales industry, the use of AI can make up for the common problems of real-life sales, such as "difficulty in follow-up, high training cost, quick employee turnover, and emotional instability caused by repetitive monotonous work". He said that in addition to telemarketing, the AI system is also suitable for questionnaire survey, customer care, identity authentication and after-sales service. However, he also admits that the industries that use the system the most at present are real estate, financial institutions, education and training institutions and other areas where telephone sales are relatively concentrated.

  Some practitioners have suggested that the cost of making a phone call by AI is about 20 cents, which is greatly reduced compared with manpower, so it may bring about great changes in the field of telephone sales. However, there are also voices that sales calls have become the main source of harassment that plagues contemporary people, and rashly using AI can only aggravate troubles.

  On December 7th, the reporter of Beiqing Daily consulted the customer service of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom about whether harassing calls can be intercepted in advance, and learned that at present, except for the "white list" service that can be opened by China Mobile, other operators can’t block harassing calls in advance. According to the customer service staff of China Unicom and China Telecom, if users encounter harassing calls, they can use the blackening function of the mobile phone system to avoid being harassed again. The "white list" service provided by mobile means that except for the phone in the "white list" of users, other phones need to be authenticated before they can be dialed, so as to avoid receiving harassing calls from the machine. In addition, regarding whether a telephone line can make unlimited external calls every day, all three operators said that there is no limit to the number of calls to the line every day. In other words, as long as AI can dial in time, it can use a phone number to dial out indefinitely.


  "harassing phone calls" are suspected of violating personal privacy

  It is the user who infringes, not AI.

  On December 7, the reporter of Beiqing Daily interviewed Judge Roman of Chaoyang Court on the question of whether netizens will aggravate the proliferation of "harassing calls" when AI enters the telemarketing field. Judge Roman said that for "harassing phone calls", there is bound to be an infringement of personal privacy. "If the phone call is offered by myself, there will definitely be no harassment. But the current situation is that many times people have received various sales calls without knowing how their phones were leaked. " Judge Roman said that according to the relevant laws, the contact information provided by users to businesses should be limited to specific services. However, in real life, many businesses will use users’ phones for other purposes in order to promote them later, and their behavior has been suspected of infringing on personal privacy.

  As for the role of AI in it, Judge Roman said: "It is people, not technology. Before AI, there were a lot of harassing calls, and AI just provided another way to achieve it. " She suggested that users can choose to call the police after frequent telephone harassment, and the police will investigate the source of harassing calls. "Personally, it may be difficult to trace the source of harassing calls."

  Text/reporter Kong Lingqi

Spring full of mountains

  The scenery of Dahe Town in Tongzi County. Photo by Cheng Yong

  After a night of spring rain, Shan Ye, who had been sleeping for the whole winter, gradually stretched out. In the Dalou Mountain Range, spring is gradually sprouting in the mountains. On both sides of the road, there are peach blossoms, plum blossoms, camellia and rape blossoms … … The colors are intertwined with the green hills, just like a beautiful picture.

  We went to shi niu cun, Dahe Town, Tongzi County, Guizhou Province, to visit the 80-year-old afforestation model Weifafu. Starting from the county seat, the sky is already dawn. The car passed through the thick morning fog, passed the famous 72-way turn, and entered shi niu cun eastward. More than 300,000 Chinese fir trees planted by the Weifafu family grew on Daping Mountain at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. The sun gradually dispels the morning fog. In the distance, the vast forest of Daping Mountain is as clean and green as washed in the spring sunshine.

  Along the mountain road, we walked into a green ocean. In the forest, the air is particularly fresh and cool, and the smell of flowers, trees and soil is everywhere. On a hillside, the old man in Weifafu was seen leaning over to pick up garbage in the forest with a bamboo basket on his back. When the old man saw us, he stopped what he was doing and came to shake hands with us with a smile. The old man is in high spirits and energetic, with a faint dew on his gray hair and grass clippings on his rubber shoes. His palm is wide and rough, with thick calluses.

  The sun shines obliquely on the straight fir trees from high places through the dense forest. A few birds are jumping on clusters of new leaves, twittering the news of spring.

  "You see, the tree, the bird came. When birds come, there are fewer insects. Bird droppings are rich in soil and trees are growing well. " The old man touched a stout fir tree and said happily.

  "Did you plant all these trees?"

  "More than that, there are more than 1,100 mu." The old man led us to a high place and pointed to the mountains in the distance: "These mountains are the farthest. If you walk, it will take a whole day to get there."

  I looked up and couldn’t see the farthest hill. It’s hard to imagine how hard it took Wei Fafu’s family to plant small saplings into today’s towering trees by shouldering their backs and walking dozens of miles of mountain roads.

  Speaking of afforestation, Wei Fafu has a lot to say. In 1950s and 1960s, due to excessive reclamation, the ecological environment of Daping Mountain was worrying. At that time, Wei Fafu often wandered alone on the mountain, looking at the barren mountain, listening to the mountain wind raging on the bare mountain, rolling up the dust all over the sky, and his heart seemed to be tightly pulled.

  In the spring of 1985, Wei Fafu, then the production team leader, decided to return the sloping farmland to plant trees. His decision was supported by his family. He applied to the village collective for contracting, signed a contract for greening barren hills, and received seedlings subsidized by the county forestry bureau.

  Since then, Wei Fafu’s family began to plant trees. In order to speed up the progress, Wei Fafu raced against time like clockwork. There is only one thought in his heart: "plant a variety of trees and turn the barren hills green as soon as possible."

  "Every day, at dawn, our family set off, and everyone was carrying hundreds of pounds of saplings. Two red marks were pulled out of the shoulders, and water bubbles were ground in a few days. The slope is steep and the road is far away. We only eat two meals a day, and the time saved is used to hurry. At the end of the day, the coat is often soaked with sweat, the pants are covered with dew, and the whole body is wet. " The old man still remembers the scene at that time.

  However, in the first spring, because of the serious soil erosion, low soil water storage capacity and lack of experience in planting trees, the planted trees only lived for a small part. Wei Fafu rallied and ran out of water, so they carried Mizukamiyama. He works in the forest for ten hours every day, and the action of planting trees is becoming more and more skillful. He scraped the soil with one hand and held the seedlings with the other, straightened the roots and carefully put the seedlings into the pit. Fir and pine seedlings are leafy and hard, and often prick their fingers, so he uses soft ant nest soil to stop bleeding and relieve pain. In summer and autumn, he went out early and went back to the forest to pull weeds. Even in the cold winter, he still patrols the mountain forest every now and then. After a year, he has worn out more than ten pairs of shoes. This year, the survival rate of saplings was as high as 90%.

  Speaking of the trick of planting trees, the old man smiled: "Planting trees is the same as being a man. The roots of saplings should be buried deeply and kept straight, so that they can easily take root in the earth."

  One minute, nine in charge. In order to afforest, he opened up a 10-mu nursery, and some seedlings were self-sufficient. He also set up a brick and tile factory to exchange all the bricks produced with villagers for working hours, so as to increase the labor input for planting trees. Winter goes and spring comes, year after year. Ten years later, with the efforts of Wei Fafu, the barren hills of Daping Mountain gradually became green, and the once-cut mountain spring water was restored, which solved the problem of drinking water and irrigation for local villagers.

  Someone once offered Wei Fafu a high price to transfer the forest, but Wei Fafu refused. He said: "for so many years, I have done it for green mountains and green rivers. Trees are my children. Trees are more important than money." In thirty-seven years, under his careful care, the mountain forest has never suffered a mountain fire. Today, the old man still insists on going to the Woods every season. The time with the tree became an indispensable part of his life.

  His contribution is gradually known to more people. He won back the honors of Guizhou moral model and Guizhou labor model. Now he still has a wish, and that is to join the Communist Party of China (CPC) as soon as possible. In May 2021, 79-year-old Wei Fafu submitted an application for joining the Party, which is the oldest applicant in shi niu cun’s history.

  In the distance, the breeze is Xu Lai, and the green waves are rippling in the forest. Listen, the branches and leaves rustle in the wind, as if the castle peak is greeting the old man.

Shiyan launched a special food safety inspection of the "Group Annual Banquet" before the festival.


As the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to ensure the food safety of the "Group Year Banquet" during the Spring Festival, on January 19th, Shiyan City Market Supervision Bureau launched a special law enforcement inspection on food safety for some catering units in the urban area.

In Wudang International Hotel, market supervision and law enforcement officers conducted on-the-spot inspection of the hotel’s license publicity, the layout of dining places and the operation of feeding equipment.

During the inspection of the back kitchen of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some condiments lacked labels.The site requires immediate rectification..

In the meat cold storage area of the hotel, law enforcement officers carefully checked the purchase channels, storage environment and production date of meat products.

Then,law enforcement officialsCome to the Garden Hotel. In the raw food processing area of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some processed finished ingredients were not isolated by the "three defenses" facilities, and the site required immediate rectification.

It is understood that before the Spring Festival, the market supervision department of our city will also set up a supervision team to investigate the catering units that received the reunion dinner during the Spring Festival in 2024, and urge the catering units to strictly implement the main responsibility of food safety and prevent expired, corrupt and spoiled food from flowing to the dinner table. The catering units with food safety problems will be rectified within a time limit, and the units that refuse to rectify or rectify actively will be dealt with seriously.

Chen Wei, Catering Service Supervision Department of Municipal Market Supervision BureauRemind consumers: In the consumption process of the reunion dinner, try to choose well-qualified businesses, such as those with quantitative classification above Grade A or Grade B for consumption. In the process of consumption, if consumers encounter consumption disputes, they should properly keep the consumption bills and call 12315 in time to protect their rights.


Open the fig leaf of "high-priced domestic beauty": from the light of domestic products to the "price assassin", is the way out for head players such as Polaiya to become "all-round fighters" in the f

In recent years, the new brand of beauty that has been popular on the internet has been inseparable from the label of "domestic products" at the beginning of its debut. It is not only suitable for Chinese skin, but also relatively low in price, and can be used as a cheap substitute for big brands. However, 79 yuan’s Hua Xizi eyebrow pencil sent Li Jiaqi to the forefront. Netizen said that although it doesn’t sound too expensive, the eyebrow pencil weighs only 0.08 grams.The price per gram is more expensive than gold.. So,Hua Xizi has become the latest currency unit on the Internet.There is a ridicule that "the exclusive monetary unit of migrant workers: 1 flower west =79 yuan".

With the continuous fermentation of Li Jiaqi’s remarks in the live broadcast room, the cost performance of some domestic beauty products has been pushed to the forefront. After a media reporter counted more than 30 eyebrow pencil products of 19 makeup brands on the market, the results showed that the price per gram of eyebrow pencil of 14 brands exceeded that of 100 yuan, and the eyebrow pencil products of Mao Geping ranked first among the domestic makeup brands, with the price per gram reaching 1,222.2 yuan. Even if the unit price is not mentioned,There is still a hidden trend behind this-cheap domestic makeup products are getting smaller and smaller.. Insiders pointed out that in the past, small weight was the advantage of domestic products, and consumers also had a good impression on small weight. Because the iteration rate of cheap domestic cosmetics is high, for consumers, the trial and error cost of small grams of products is low. However, when the cheap domestic make-up products are getting smaller and smaller, consumers’ feelings are:On the surface, the price advantage within 100 yuan has been maintained, but in fact it is a disguised price increase..

However, there is another voice on social media that it is unfair to look at the price per gram. Some people suggest that the cost of cosmetics is not only the internal material, but also the packaging design, etc. "We can’t rudely take gram weight as the basis of price comparison", "Overall parity is also parity.”。 Another practitioner said that although it is not wrong to calculate directly according to the figures, cosmetics can’t be completely calculated like this, because many local brands almost never trade at the original price, and these pricing are illusory. "You will see discounts in many brands all the year round. In the live broadcast room, some of them are buy one get one free, even buy one get two free, and there are other complimentary items. And such pricing combined with large discounts,In order to stimulate consumers to buy.. "

From the Light of Domestic Products to the "Price Assassin": "Abnormal Marketing" Behind Small Grams

From being praised as "good quality and low price" in the past to being repeatedly questioned as high price now, when did the change of domestic beauty products happen? Insiders pointed out that,The price increase began when Internet brands began to seize the share of offline brands.. In the past, the adjectives’ good quality and low price’ and’ cheap big bowl’ all referred to domestic products, such as Nature Hall and Baique Ling. As more and more Internet brands begin to advertise with the help of KOL and platforms, everything will be different. Some insiders also bluntly said,The rise of live e-commerce has actually disrupted the price system of domestic beauty products. To some extent, this is also one of the big backgrounds of the general price increase of domestic products..

In fact, the raw materials and production technology of cosmetics only account for a small part of its cost. However, for the new domestic beauty brands that spend a lot of money on marketing,Often dubbed "working for KOL". Guojin Securities Research Institute has combed how the cosmetics industry chain distributes profits. A cosmetic, the brand takes most of the gross profit, and when it reaches the sales channel, it will be divided into a big slice. For the new domestic brands that started online, KOL, such as anchors and grass bloggers, must be given quite high profits. People in the industry bluntly say that, after all, high-priced cosmetics,More expensive in brand premium, marketing and sales. After these expenses are added, products with a cost of several dollars can sell for hundreds of dollars..

Overall, analysts said,There are only three ways to increase the price of domestic beauty products: product upgrading, "taking the opportunity" to increase the price; The discount is reduced and the hand price is increased; Directly push high-priced products or product lines.. Polaiya is a "typical" price increase by upgrading. According to the relevant research report of Ping An Securities Research Institute, in February 2020, the company launched Ruby Essence 1.0 at a price of 249 yuan /30ml, with an average 8.3 yuan per ml. In February, 2021, Ruby Essence 2.0 came out at a price of 279 yuan /30ml, with an average increase of 12.48% per milliliter of 9.3 yuan. At the same time, there are also brands that raise prices in disguise by reducing discounts. Some insiders said that consumers are very sensitive to the price of brands that have a certain popularity or often appear in the live broadcast room of the head anchor. Therefore, brands generally do not directly raise prices.Instead, the cost is reduced by reducing discounts, reducing/changing gifts, etc., or indirectly increasing the terminal price..

Finally, it is the "ultimate magic weapon" of price increase: directly pushing high-priced product lines. Considering that most domestic products are started by soliciting customers at low prices, they want to open up new high-end customers without incurring spit.Opening a separate high-end line is the best choice.. Among this kind of players, analysts pointed out that the typical ones are the high-end product line AOXMED launched by Betani, and the cutting-edge brands that directly locate the high-end, such as Chapter 14 and Wenmo.

In addition, with the rapid outbreak of the domestic cosmetics market and the increasingly fierce competition, it is obvious that consumers can’t be retained by marketing alone, and the general OEM model of domestic cosmetics has also led to many problems such as product homogeneity and poor quality control. Only products that are really easy to use can retain consumers. As a result, domestic makeup brands have made great efforts in research and development. Analysts said that several head make-up brands have also invested a lot of money in R&D. From the marketing war to the R&D war, domestic make-up began to adhere to the "long-term doctrine" and went to the second half.Facing the increasingly complex market environment, self-built factories have become a key step for domestic cosmetics brands to seek "transformation", but it is not easy to build a complete and efficient supply chain.This means that the brand has changed from a light asset model to a heavy asset operation, with high cost, long payback period and various problems in production management, all of which need to be dealt with by enterprises one by one. Even so, for domestic makeup brands, the transformation is imminent.Only by producing and developing products with better quality can we retain consumers with more mature minds and finally break through..

Head players stage "ranking" to chase the future market or only accept "all-round fighters"

Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in the first half of 2023, the total retail sales of cosmetics in China increased by 8.6% year-on-year to 207.1 billion yuan, which is more than the total retail sales of cosmetics in 2015. The rapid expansion of the market has made China the largest overseas market for international beauty groups, and also allowed many local beauty companies to taste the fruits of victory. But,It is impossible for any industry to stay in a high-speed growth environment all the time.. Some analysts said that although the development of the industry has matured, consumer demand has always been difficult to meet expectations. After experiencing a rush from 0 to 1, local beauty began to slow down and enter a cyclical adjustment.

In addition,Domestic beauty companies began to stage a ranking chase.The scale of head enterprises continues to grow, but the gap is narrowing. According to the revenue scale of the semi-annual report, shanghai jahwa, which owns many skin care brands such as Yuze and herborist, still ranks first with 3.629 billion yuan. At the same time, the latest revenue of Polaiya, a latecomer, reached 3.627 billion yuan, only 2 million yuan behind shanghai jahwa. Huaxi Bio, on the other hand, bit behind with a scale of 3.076 billion yuan. Betani’s 2.368 billion yuan is not far from Shuiyang’s 2.29 billion yuan.

Analysts pointed out that domestic beauty companies that have gained market share in the past few years,Began to scramble to get out of the comfort zone. Huaxi Bio, Polaiya, shanghai jahwa and other track head players make new decisions at this crossroads. In the short-term interests and long-term benefits, the latter is chosen to seek a more stable chassis to confront possible opportunities and shocks. Under the background that the domestic consumption market is still in the recovery stage and the traditional cosmetics giants still firmly grasp the advantages of the industry,High-margin products have also become a "breakthrough" weapon for domestic beauty products..

Shanghai jahwa said in the semi-annual report that since the second quarter, the company has adjusted its business strategy and increased the investment in brand fees.Skin care products with high gross profit and rapid development have achieved recovery growth, which has promoted the structural optimization of gross profit margin.And digested the pressure brought by overseas business. Polaiya said that during the reporting period, the company wasContinue to consolidate the "big single product strategy", focusing on the three family series of Shuangkang, Ruby and Yuanli.

Obviously, under the impetus of these head enterprises,The cosmetics market in 2023 is opening a "hardcore war" of speed and strength.. Enterprises are faced with a comprehensive test of hematopoietic capacity, channel capacity and independent scientific research capacity. The upper limit of an enterprise’s development will no longer be determined by the longboard, but by its comprehensive strength. According to analysts, it can be seen from the interim report that China cosmetics enterprises are constantly refreshing their performance in each other’s "involution", forming a benign industry competition environment. But in the future cosmetics market,The future market may only accept "all-round fighters"In order to go to a broader world stage and compete with international beauty giants.

This article comes from Cailian Association.

"Three Mews Enlightenment Story"-Jess Park

I grew up in a place called Brough, just outside Hull, where I have many good memories.

Although I don’t remember exactly how old I was when I first played football, I do remember that I started playing football with my best friend, in the park or at his house.

His father’s name was Conleth Campbell, who was the coach of a newly established men’s football team. He must have seen my good points because he asked me if I could come down and train with them.

This team is called Elloughton Blackburn Swifts. Although it is a child under 7 years old, I was about 5 or 6 years old when I went there. Conleth was very kind to me. He made me fall in love with football, even though I was a girl and played for a boy’s team. He always plays football with me. Just tell me to have fun there.

He broke into the first team in England at the end of 2022 when he was with WU23 and Everton on loan to BWSL.

I went to their first training and I enjoyed it very much. This is all I want to do-just play football with the children, but when you reach a certain age, you can’t play football with the children anymore, which is a bit difficult for me.

This is all I know. I just don’t want to leave my boys’ team and join the women’s football team, because there is no real team in the local area. An unprecedented situation, so I don’t know what it will be like.

But I remember my father, who always supported me, saying, just try training once and see if I like it. If I don’t like it, it doesn’t matter. We will find other ways.

I still hesitated, and then he said, if I go, I can get a new football training suit. I thought,’ Oh, my own training suit? Okay, okay, then I’ll go!

He actually persuaded me through this, because I used to like to wear my team uniform at that time.

Jesse Parker scored on the first touch of the ball. In the match against Japan in November, Jess scored her first goal for the lioness only a few seconds after coming off the bench.

He persuaded me, which is a good thing, because I went and had the first training with them, and I liked it very much.

When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I decided to join a women’s team, which is the youth training center of Hull College. I stayed there for about two years, and then transferred to the North Yorkshire Youth Training Center. At that time, different women’s football systems were being improved, and that center later became York RTC.

At that time, I began to learn more about the position of the game and more tactics. We don’t have a fixed position, but that’s where I started to learn the position and the different requirements when you control the ball and don’t control it.

I remember they paid great attention to teaching these things before letting us play in the game, but I just want to play football, and then I will ask why I want to learn these things. Looking back now, I’m glad I learned that knowledge, because you really needed it when you grew up.

I first heard that Manchester City was interested in me when I was 14 years old. At that time, I was still playing football with my friends and had a good time, so I didn’t believe it at first.

I enjoyed my football very much. I was in the English youth team and just focused on what I was doing. But a year or so later, just before I turned 16, they wanted me to take the next step and make more progress. Everything is arranged, let me go there to play for Manchester City’s youth team. I could have stayed at RTC for another year, but when I knew I was going to join the development alliance, I knew I had to do it. This is a very competitive league and a big leap, but it is really the best decision. In the first half of the season, I will go to Manchester for training after school, either by train or with my father.

When that season ended, they wanted me to train with the first team at the beginning of next season, so I had to leave my hometown and come to Manchester at that time. I have to go to college and live in a host family so that I can train with them all day. I will train in the morning, go to school in the afternoon, or study during training.

This is something that someone told me when I was still in the youth training (joining Manchester City). I knew it might happen, but when it happened, I was very excited and couldn’t wait to start working. Leaving home at such a young age is a big event, which is crazy in retrospect, because it is a big event and you have to bear independent responsibilities.

I still chat with the boys when I started playing football, and my best friend’s father. We still chat from time to time, and I always receive information from the coaches when I was growing up.

That’s good. Keep in touch with them and let them know my recent situation. In any case, I will not change my initial intention and expectation for the future.

Written by:Jess Park

Reprinted from englandfootball.com

Link:Jess Park’s grassroots story | England Football

Translation: Lxxxx_8

Ramos’s untimely post-match remarks angered the fans (translated from Corriere dello Sport)

After losing to Bayern Munich, Paris Saint-Germain once again fell to the last 16 of the Champions League. This is undoubtedly a heavy mental blow to a club that is determined to be crowned king of Europe. Although the team has a top player like sergio ramos, who has won the Champions League four times, his great experience in the Champions League seems to have brought no effect to the team. The Spanish defender also expressed his disappointment with the team after the game.

The former Real Madrid defender said on his Instagram: "Like your fans, we are deeply disappointed with the result. The team has not yet won the Champions League, and we are still immature in how to deal with the key details. Unfortunately, we failed to achieve an important goal. Although it is very painful, the champion teams all grow up from failure and adversity. We will come back! "

Ps: Ramos is actually telling the truth. Paris Saint-Germain still has many problems and does not have the strength to win the championship for the time being. But after all, the team spent so much money to buy so many stars, but the Champions League record failed to meet expectations, which made many fans psychologically uncomfortable and it was understandable to scold him. In other words, this year’s luck in Paris is really bad. In the group stage, we met Benfica (super this year) and Juventus. After the second qualifying in the group, we drew one of the strongest Bayern.