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Andy Lau was once taken away by Hengdao and shed tears, willing to quit the entertainment industry for love

Andy Lau was once taken by Hengdao. (Data map)

  China News Service, February 16Andy Lau talked about the concept of love on the RTHK program last night, saying that he would keep paying for the person he loved, and he was more likely to quit the entertainment industry. He said that he has always pursued long-distance significant others. True love is mutual payment and tolerance, and there must be ideas and hope.

  I once wept because I was abandoned

  "I still pay attention to her life and have no real contact, but I really want to visit her, and I still have a feeling, but it is not love, it seems like a family member, and I am happy to know that she is married."

  Andy admitted that his old girlfriend married a man he knew two years after the breakup. He was the man who took the love, but the other was an athlete, so he ran faster than himself. Andy also said that he had quit smoking and bowling for his girlfriend in the past.

  Asked if a girl had forced him to marry him, Andy said: "No. (Can the woman take the initiative?) Yes, whether to accept it or not is another matter, everyone has the right to express themselves." He said he did not need Valentine’s Day, but the holiday is very romantic and a good opportunity to show love to the object. (Source of this article: China News Service)

Editor in charge: Xun Zhiguo

"Hua Qiangu" is on fire, and the biggest winner is not Zhao Liying but him!

On the evening of September 7, the domestic costume fantasy fairy drama "Hua Qiangu" finally broadcast the finale. Although the ending was edited to pieces, it still did not affect its ratings. The star Zhao Liying also went from an unknown actor to a star with millions of fans.

But who is the biggest winner of "Hua Qiangu"? The answer may be the producer.

The next three years will be very stressful

Recently, with the targeted issuance of new shares by Hexin Shares (002343) officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Ciwen Media, the producer of "Hua Qiangu", will also run towards the end of the backdoor listing.

In December last year, Hexin shares issued the "Major Asset Replacement and Issuance of Shares to Purchase Assets and Related Transactions Report (Draft) ", which intends to obtain 100% equity of Ciwen Media through three links: major asset replacement, issuance of shares to purchase assets, and asset transfer. Ciwen Media priced 2.407 billion yuan. Then the matter was officially approved in July this year.

On the evening of September 13, Hexin shares issued an announcement announcing the implementation of major asset replacement and the issuance of shares to purchase assets. Hexin shares intend to place assets at a price of 1.012 billion yuan, the price of the assets to be placed 2.407 billion yuan, and the difference of 1.395 billion yuan will be purchased by the company’s issued shares. The issue price is 8.56 yuan/share, and a total of 116.39 million shares will be issued. The assets will be sold to the main promoter shareholders of Hexin shares, and the transferee will pay 40 million shares of Hexin shares as consideration.

After the transaction is completed, Ma Zhongjun, chairperson of Ciwen Media, and his co-ordinated actors will become the controlling shareholder and actual controller of Hexin shares.

"This also means that the pressure on them in the next three years will be equally huge," Wang Lu, a longtime film and television producer, said in an interview with China Business News.

According to the report, Ma Zhongjun and other five counterparties to the transaction were completed and became the actual controllers of the listed company and their concerted actors. They subscribed for the non-public offering of Hexin shares in this major asset restructuring and did not transfer the new shares within 36 months from the date of listing; Wei Lili and other nine counterparties to the transaction, as the management or backbone employees of Ciwen Media, did not transfer their shares in this issue within 12 months from the date of listing of the new shares. After the performance commitments in 2014 and 2015 reached the agreed amount of the "Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement" and the "Supplementary Agreement on the" Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement ", the cumulative lifting of the sales restriction was 25%. The performance commitments in 2016 reached the agreed amount of the" Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement "and the" Supplementary Agreement on the "Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement" After that, the sales restriction was lifted by a total of 60%, and the 2017 performance commitment reached the amount stipulated in the "Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement" and the "Supplementary Agreement on the" Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement ", and the sales restriction was lifted by a total of 100%.

Ciwen Media promised that the net profit attributable to the parent company in the consolidated statements of Hexin shares in 2015-2018 was not less than 195 million yuan, 250 million yuan, 310 million yuan and 330 million yuan respectively, but Ciwen Media’s net profit in 2013 was only 71.368 million yuan. In 2014, the net profit of "Hua Qiangu" increased to 120 million yuan.

Is there a "Hua Qiangu" every year?

The annual growth rate of around 50% means that Ciwen Media will produce at least one more drama "Hua Qiangu" every year, but is it easy?

When it comes to Ciwen Media, many people believe that "Hua Qiangu" made the company popular overnight, but this is not the case.

Ciwen Media is one of the first private film and television companies in China to be granted a TV drama production and operation license (Type A). The founder Ma Zhongjun has a certain influence in the film and television drama circle because of his typical cultural businessperson image.

Since the 1970s, Ma Zhongjun has been known as a pioneer of Chinese experimental drama for his pioneering drama script "Hot Flow Outside the House", and then "Red Dress on the Street", "Red Room, White Room, Black Room" and the movie script "Beach" have risen to the literary world.

In the early 1990s, Ma Zhongjun got involved in the field of film and television production. So far, he has produced and produced nearly 100 films and television dramas of various types. Ma Zhongjun is behind the high-quality TV dramas such as "The Legend of the Condor Hero", "The Condor Hero", "Seven Swords Under Tianshan".

Ma Zhongjun founded the Ciwen film distribution company in 2008 and participated in the production of a number of excellent films, such as the film "Iron Triangle" directed by Tsui Hark, Qifeng To, and Lin Lingdong, the film "Tough Guy" directed by Ding Sheng, and the film "Agent Zero Dog" directed by Wang Jing.

"Ciwen is going to be an all-media content provider," Ma Zhongjun said in an interview with this reporter.

At that time, he began to try integrated marketing from "Journey to the West". This was not the traditional understanding of eating more than one dish, but a unified rhythm at the time of launch, which was done according to the overall plan to improve the strength, influence and brand extension of the entire product.

"So we have animation, we have movies, we have TV, we have new media content because they are not decentralized but collective and integrated, which is what we want in our corporate structure," Mr. Ma said.

This is why "Hua Qiangu" not only sells TV series copyrights to traditional platforms, but also develops multiple industrial chains such as movies and derivatives, thus stimulating the maximum value of IP.

And if the company wants to fulfill its promise, in addition to "Hua Qiangu" constantly generating new revenue, it needs more effort to create film and television dramas such as "Nezha" and "Western Medicine Empire".

Japanese publisher: Three-body is out of stock, which makes more readers understand China’s novels.

  As soon as it was listed, it sold out of stock, and "Three-body" was greatly loved by Japanese readers.

  On July 4th, the Japanese version of "Three-body" went on sale, and some bookstores quickly sold out, ranking first in the list of Japanese Amazon literary works. To this end, the largest science fiction publishing house in Japan, which is responsible for the Japanese version of Three-body — — Hayakawa’s study room had to quickly explain on social media that "we are grasping the third printing, please wait a little".

  "Earth-shattering science fiction covering all aspects of human history", "Once you start reading, you can’t stop, please translate the sequel quickly" and "unparalleled imagination is really amazing" … … As early as the previous trial reading meeting, Japanese writers and screenwriters, including Hideo Kojima, Hiroki Azuma and Y? Irie, the top game designers in Japan, gave high praise, and the waist cover of the novel was full of recommendations from big coffee in the industry.

  With the Japanese version of Three-body released, Hayakawa Study also held exhibitions and sales meetings of Chinese science fiction and reasoning works in major bookstores, involving works such as short masterpieces 1-3 and Rebirth by China science fiction writer Liu Yukun, Sacrifice of Spring in the First Year by Lu Qiucha, Beijing Folding-Selected Works of Modern China Science Fiction, and Variations by Diogenes by Chen Haoji.

  SF magazine, a science fiction magazine owned by Hayakawa Study, will also publish some works of China science fiction writers and articles written by three scholars on Three-body and China science fiction in its August issue with the theme of "Three-body and China science fiction writers".

  Can the popularity of "Three-body" open the China science fiction craze in the Japanese market? The Paper interviewed Yamaguchi, editor-in-chief of the "Three-body" project team in Hayakawa Study Room, and talked about the development and present situation of Japanese science fiction and his understanding of China’s science fiction.


  The PaperHow did you feel when you first read Three-body?

  Yamaguchi crystalI once read Liu Cixin’s short stories and thought that the author might be a genius. After watching "Three-body", I believe he is a real, real genius! Reminds me of my feelings when I read The End of Childhood by Arthur C. Clarke (Arthur C. Clarke) or Base Series by Isaac Asimov (isaac asimov) when I was young. Three-body is what I want to see.

  The Paper: What touched you? How do you understand the "naokou" in the novel?

  Yamaguchi crystalExcellent storytelling ability and the author’s deep understanding of history, science and philosophy, and the perfect combination of the three. The beauty of Three-body is not only technology and knowledge, but also Liu Cixin’s powerful imagination, which constantly surprises readers and always exceeds our expectations. After Three-body won the Hugo Award in 2015, it took us three years to win the copyright of this novel in Japan.

  "Naoko" is like a metaphor against progress, rationality and peace in the real world. There are always things like Naoko in our society.

  The PaperHow do you interpret the relationship between "earthlings" and "threesomes"?

  Yamaguchi crystalI am not in favor of parallelizing or comparing the relationship between "earthman" and "three-person" with the relationship between China (or Asian) culture and western culture. It has a more universal meaning, which can be "new and old", "poor and rich", "small and big", or just "human and aliens". It is precisely because of this universality that "Three-body" is more entertaining and meaningful and has become a global bestseller.

  The PaperDo you have any expectations for sales?

  Yamaguchi crystalWe hope to sell 1 million copies of the first volume, but the goal at this stage is 100 thousand copies.

  The PaperCan you introduce SF magazine and its influence on Japanese science fiction?

  Yamaguchi crystalAs early as 1959, Hayakawa study room founded SF magazine, which is the second oldest science fiction magazine in the world. For decades, it has trained a large number of Japanese science fiction writers.

  Japanese science fiction began to sprout and develop under the influence of American science fiction. The first issue of SF magazine published the works of Arthur C. Clarke (Arthur C. Clarke), Issac Asimov (isaac asimov), Philip K. Dick (Philip K. Dick) and Robert Sheckley (Robert Sheckley), which inspired and enlightened many young people who wanted to be novelists. In addition, writers such as Robert A. Heinlein (Robert A. Heinlein), Kurt Vonnegut (Kurt Vonnegut Jr.), Ray Bradbury (ray bradbury) and William Gibson (William Gibson) are often introduced and mentioned, thus influencing a group of Japanese science fiction writers, whose works and influence are still popular and exist among readers.

  The PaperWhat is the development of Japanese science fiction? What are its characteristics?

  Yamaguchi crystalThe characteristics of Japanese science fiction are very diverse, and each generation of authors has its own distinctive characteristics. For example, the first generation of science fiction writers in 1960s, such as Sakyo Komatsu (Komatsu sakyo), Shinichi Hoshi (hoshi shinichi) and Yasutaka Tsutsui, Yasutaka Tsutsui, will surprise you when reading their works. Komatsu sakyo is famous for hard science fiction, while hoshi shinichi’s stories have fable-like flashes. Yasutaka Tsutsui is characterized by experimental novels that play abuse.

  Most of the first-generation writers have passed away. The second-generation writers in the 1970s, the third-generation writers in the 1980s, and the fourth-generation writers in the late 1980s and 1990s are still active in the literary world, publishing various types of works, such as hard science fiction, space opera, fantasy, military adventure, humor, Cyberpunk, literary science fiction and light novels.

  Japanese science fiction experienced what we call the "severe winter" in the 1990s, but in the 21st century, a new generation of writers such as Project Itoh (Project Itoh), Hitotaka Tobi (Fei Haolong), Ogawa Yishui and Toh Ubukata (Tou Ubukata) appeared, and Japanese science fiction became popular again. In particular, Project Itoh’s "Killing Organs" and "Harmony" are the milestones of the revival of Japanese science fiction.

  In addition, Japanese science fiction is closely related to comics, animation and video game industries, and classic cartoonists such as Osamu Tezuka and Reiji Matsumoto were influenced by the early science fiction movement. Even in this century, film directors such as Makoto Shinkai (Makoto Shinkai, masterpiece Your Name) and Sunao Katabuchi (film must be straight), and game producers such as Hideo Kojima (Hideo Kojima, masterpiece Metal Gear Series) are also loyal fans of science fiction.

  The PaperWhat is the popularity of Japanese science fiction in the market at present?

  Yamaguchi crystalIf we only talk about the publication of science fiction books, we can’t say that it is very big. The sales volume has been relatively stable and there are fixed readers and fans. However, if anime and animation are included, the market is huge. Many cartoons and animated films and TV programs have sci-fi elements, such as robots, time travel, future world and so on.

  However, these readers are very loyal to science fiction. They have their own reading and study groups, and they also organize activities and vote for awards. Every year, the fan group votes for the Seiun Award (the most sci-fi work and novel award in Japan), which is equivalent to the nebula award in the United States. It is also very active on social media.

  The Paper: which countries and themes of science fiction are more popular? What are the criteria you choose?

  Yamaguchi crystalScience fiction in China is very popular, and we expect that science fiction in non-English speaking areas will be the next trend. Asian science fiction mainly comes from China, and it will be a development window in the next two to three years. I hope so. There are many themes, and it is hard to say which ones are the most popular, but topics such as artificial intelligence, feminism, brain-computer interface, human-computer interface, dystopia, monitoring, robotics, information pollution, thinking uploading, genetic modification and space exploration will all have great attention and importance.

  We always pay attention to sales data and marketing data, but these figures can only explain what readers want now, not next year or five years later, which requires our professional to judge and predict the future trend. In the selection of works, in addition to Japanese local science fiction, we have also established a good cooperative relationship with Science Fiction World in Chengdu, China. Science Fiction World will also recommend some short science fiction novels from China to us, and we will also consult some of our own science fiction writers.

  The PaperWhat impression did China’s science fiction leave on you? Are there obvious characteristics differences between Chinese and Japanese sci-fi works?

  Yamaguchi crystalThe three most obvious characteristics that China’s science fiction gave me are: first, a strong imagination; Second, anxiety about the rapid growth of economy and technology; The third is the nameless fear for the future. As for the differences between the two countries, I haven’t read enough China science fiction novels to discuss the differences, but in my opinion, Cyberpunk has a greater influence on Japan, while the proportion of hard science fiction in China’s science fiction novels will be larger.

  The PaperJapanese science fiction writer Rihara Toye once said that "Japanese science fiction can’t be as influential as China’s science fiction because we don’t have Liu Yukun (English translator of Three-body)". What do you think of this statement?

  Yamaguchi crystalThat’s for sure. Japanese science fiction needs translators like Liu Yukun too much. In addition, I am very sure that the level of some Japanese writers has reached the standard of the world’s top science fiction writers, but for now, we really haven’t seen any science fiction writer who has such a great influence in the world like Liu Cixin.

  The PaperWhat impact will the hot sale of "Three-body" in Japan have?

  Yamaguchi crystalThere is no doubt that Japanese readers will want to read more China novels. We also firmly believe that Three-body will become a best seller. Hayakawa Study also plans to invest more money to develop the China book market. We hope that not only readers of science fiction, but also other engineers, scientists, researchers, scholars and intellectuals will learn about China’s novels. (The Paper reporter Xu Minghui intern Xu Hangyan)

Half a month after the implementation of the purchase tax law, 4S shop visits: How much can you save by buying a car?

  【Minsheng investigation bureau

  Editor’s note:

  This is the People’s Livelihood Investigation Bureau, which has never been seen before, investigating the changes in people’s livelihood. Pay attention to what you want to pay attention to and what you don’t, and investigate what you want to see and what you don’t see.

  Chinanews. com client Beijing, July 17 th:Half a month after the implementation of the purchase tax law, 4S shop visits: How much can you save by buying a car?

  Author Zhang Xu

  "There is a vehicle purchase tax concession for buying a car in July!"

  In July, many consumers received calls from 4S stores. The background was that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law was officially implemented on July 1. Among them, the most striking thing is to cancel the minimum taxable value and pay the vehicle purchase tax according to the transaction price of naked cars.

  Now, half a month after the implementation of the policy, what changes have it brought to consumers’ car purchase?

  Buy 100,000 cars and pay less than 1,700 yuan in vehicle purchase tax.

  "I bought a car with a price of 100,000 yuan after the discount. Because I don’t have to pay the vehicle purchase tax at the guide price, I lost more than 1,700 yuan. Before the 4S shop said that there would be a discount when buying a car in July, it was true! "

  Mr. Chen from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, had heard from the sales of 4S stores that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law was implemented on July 1, so he chose to hold money for purchase, and the less tax paid made him the first beneficiary of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law.

  The Vehicle Purchase Tax Law clearly states that the tax payable by consumers to buy vehicles will depend on the actual amount paid, which is also commonly known as the transaction price of naked cars. The purchase tax rate is 10%, and taxable value does not include 13% value-added tax.

  A salesperson of a Buick 4S shop calculated an account for the reporter of Zhongxin. com: Take Buick Hideo 18T automatic elite as an example, the manufacturer’s guide price is 135,900 yuan, the store sales discount is 45,000 yuan, and the consumer actually pays 90,900 yuan.

  Before the implementation of the New Deal, consumers have to pay the vehicle purchase tax of 135,900 ÷ (1+13%) × 10% = 12,026 yuan, and after the New Deal, it is 90,900 ÷ (1+13%) × 10% = 8,044 yuan, which can save consumers 3,982 yuan.

  "Vehicles are generally sold at a price lower than the manufacturer’s guide price, but before paying taxes, they paid taxes according to the guide price. In fact, they paid more money." The salesperson said.

  Compared with the previous Provisional Regulations on Vehicle Purchase Tax, the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, which came into effect on July 1, canceled the collection of purchase tax for expenses other than consideration.

  What is the extra cost? Insiders explained that it mainly refers to the handling fee, transportation and loading and unloading fee, collection money, advance payment, etc. charged to the buyer outside the sales price.

  That is to say, "if these expenses are incurred in buying a car, they will also be taxed according to the previous provisional regulations. Now, canceling out-of-price fees can save money for consumers to a certain extent. "

  Can you save money by canceling the minimum taxable price?

  It is worth noting that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law abolished the minimum taxable price.

  "Previously, the minimum taxable value was reported by the manufacturer, and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China checked with reference to the average market transaction price. What is the minimum taxable value for each car? Consumers are not clear. After the implementation of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, the tax payable is calculated according to the total price paid by consumers to dealers when buying a car. The specific cost is clear at a glance. " Some insiders said.

  Many times, consumers get a lot of discounts when buying a car, and the actual transaction price is lower than the lowest in taxable value, but they have to pay taxes according to the lowest taxable value, which makes consumers spend more money.

  Therefore, whether the New Deal can save money after implementation depends mainly on whether the preferential price of vehicles is lower than the previous lowest taxable value.

  "For example, the actual transaction price of the Mercedes-Benz ELA200 that I sold before July with a manufacturer’s guide price of 269,800 yuan was 209,800 yuan. If the tax was calculated according to the actual transaction price, I should pay 18,566 yuan, but the consumer actually paid 19,000 yuan. This is because before the implementation of the new tax law, if the transaction price is lower than the minimum taxable price, tax should also be paid at the minimum taxable price. After July 1 ST, the minimum taxable price was cancelled, and it is enough to pay taxes according to the actual transaction price. " Mr. Qin, manager of a Mercedes-Benz 4S store in Chaoyang, Beijing, introduced to the reporter.

  Refund of car can be refunded, and the car with 120,000 yuan can be refunded more than 8,000 yuan in two years.

  In order to better protect the interests of consumers, the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law has also added a tax refund clause. Taxpayers who return vehicles with vehicle purchase tax to vehicle production enterprises or sales enterprises may apply to the competent tax authorities for refund of vehicle purchase tax in accordance with relevant regulations, and the amount of tax refund shall not be negative.

  The amount of tax refund is based on the tax paid, and it will be deducted by 10% every full year from the date of tax payment to the date of applying for tax refund.

  For example, if a consumer buys a car with a price of 120,000 yuan and pays a vehicle purchase tax of 10,619 yuan, if he needs to return the car for some reason after using it for 2 years, he can also apply for a refund of part of the vehicle purchase tax, and the refund amount is 10,619× (1-2× 10%) = 8,495 yuan. This is a big plus for consumers.

  At the same time, the new regulations clarify that the vehicle purchase tax is levied once and only in the purchase process. For the purchase of vehicles that have been subject to vehicle purchase tax, that is, used cars, taxes are no longer levied. However, if the vehicle purchased is tax-free or tax-reduced, if it is no longer within the scope of tax exemption or tax reduction due to transfer or change of use, it shall pay the vehicle purchase tax before handling the vehicle transfer registration or change registration.

  The "cover-up method" of unreasonable charges in 4S stores is difficult to work.

  The incident of defending the rights of female owners of Mercedes-Benz in Xi ‘an before made the charging chaos of car dealers appear. One of them involves the "blind eye method" that merchants play when helping consumers pay the purchase tax.

  According to industry insiders, in the fierce market competition, many 4S stores will take the licensing procedures as value-added services, which is profitable. Take a car with a fare of 100,000 yuan as an example. When actually paying the purchase tax, you need to deduct 13% of the value-added tax. The purchase tax should be paid on the basis of 87,000 yuan, and the tax rate of 10% needs to pay 8,700 yuan.

  When the merchant collects and pays the vehicle purchase tax, it will be calculated at 100,000 yuan, and the consumer will be charged 10,000 yuan accordingly. "Consumers generally can’t see the tax payment invoice and don’t know how much they have paid. Many consumers don’t know how to calculate it, and the difference between them is taken away by dealers. " The sales manager of a 4S shop revealed.

  Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the All-China Passenger Transport Association, believes that the new vehicle purchase tax policy standardizes the formulation standards of taxable value, defines the taxable value when consumers buy cars, and effectively improves the problem of high taxable value in the past based on the actual price of cars, which is conducive to protecting consumers’ rights and interests and further reducing the cost of cars.

  However, it also brings a problem: the vehicle purchase tax in taxable value depends on the sales price indicated on the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales. Will there be tax evasion caused by the low invoice price?

  In this regard, the staff of Wuhan Municipal Taxation Bureau said that the collection of vehicle purchase tax has been upgraded from "provisional regulations" to "law", and there is illegal risk for dealers to deliberately write down sales invoices; At the same time, the implementation of the tax law itself means that the risk prevention and control work of the tax department will be more rigorous. The invoice amount paid by the taxpayer will be automatically compared in the system, and relevant risk data will be pushed. The tax department will analyze the risk data and deal with it according to the tax administration law.

  Will car sales increase under the influence of new purchase tax regulations?

  In addition to the implementation of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, another background of the automobile market in July was that after cleaning up the inventory of the national five vehicles in many places, the national six standard cars became the main products in the market.

  In a number of 4S stores in Beijing, the reporter saw that unlike the vehicles that were still being promoted at the end of June, the new cars are now labeled as meeting the national six standards. "We concentrated on cleaning up the inventory of the National Five in June, and it has been basically cleared. Now we sell all the models of the National Six." The salesperson told the reporter.

  Shi Jianhua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automobile Industry Association, pointed out that from January to May, the automobile production and sales in China were at a low level, which was mainly manifested by weak market consumption, insufficient consumer confidence and obvious wait-and-see mood, due to the macro-economy and the early implementation of the national six emission standards in some areas.

  Shi Jianhua believes that in the second half of this year, with the increasing number of vehicles that meet the national six standards, as well as the effects of a series of policy measures such as tax reduction and fee reduction, and the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Commerce jointly announced the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Updating and Upgrading of Key Consumer Goods and Smooth Resource Recycling" (2019— The implementation of the Notice of 2020 will play a positive role in promoting the passenger car market, and the production and sales of new energy vehicles will continue to maintain rapid growth. (End)

Guangzhou carries out special activities for automobile consumption, and the maximum subsidy for purchasing qualified automobiles is 5,000 yuan/vehicle.

Viewpoint Network News: Recently, Guangzhou launched the special automobile consumption activity of "Guangdong enjoys buying cars in the New Year and being polite" in 2024.

According to the information from official website of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, individual consumers can enjoy the activity subsidy after purchasing a new non-operating passenger car from January 25th to February 3rd, 2024, completing the registration of the new car, and uploading the new car driving license and other materials. The subsidy target is individual consumers who buy new cars from Guangzhou automobile sales enterprises participating in this activity and complete motor vehicle registration during the activity.

The subsidy standard is divided into two grades. The first file: the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales includes tax of 100,000 yuan (inclusive) to 200,000 yuan (inclusive), and the subsidy is 3,000 yuan/vehicle. The second file: the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales includes tax of more than 200,000 yuan (excluding 200,000 yuan), and the subsidy is 5,000 yuan/vehicle. Applicants are required to complete the subsidy application from January 25th to February 3rd.

It is also known that some automobile brand dealers have also introduced various promotional measures. For example, the Cadillac XT5 clearance discount reached 100,000 yuan; FAW Audi A4L, A6L and Q5L also have cash discounts of 80,000-90,000 yuan for individual models; Faw Toyota imported Crown sportcross dual-engine premium edition with a preferential margin of 80,000 yuan.

This article comes from: Viewpoint. com


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Coach Spool looks more like the coach of the new American Dream Team, and Cordao is the shopkeeper of cutting.

Coach Spool looks more like the coach of the new American Dream Team, and Cordao became the shopkeeper of cutting.

After Popovich withdrew from the men’s basketball team of dreams, Cole, the former assistant coach of the dream team, replaced the upper position. This is something that has been predicted for a long time, and there is not much controversy. After all, the coach of the dream team mainly depends on prestige and contribution.

However, according to the coach’s ability, it is estimated that Cole can only work as an assistant coach, and the real coach is Cole.

When Tarun Lu painted a tactical board for the members of the dream team, many people joked that the real coach was off, and Cole was overhead.

Now the Heat officially released a photo of Coach Spool in the Dream Team. On the surface, it congratulated Coach Spool on becoming the assistant coach of the Dream Team, but it seems a bit like guiding others to see that he is the real coach.

When the three coaches gathered in the training ground, Coach Spool stood in the middle position to explain the tactics to Tyrone Lu and Cole. Tyrone Lu was able to conduct business discussions and was more serious, and Cole was the one who obviously played soy sauce. He couldn’t understand the latest tactical ideas.

Therefore, the luxury coaching staff of this dream team, Cole is actually a shopkeeper of cutting and cutting, and the people who really work are Tyrone Lu and Coach Spool.

Li Chunjiang’s next home is set, and Guangdong criminals are controversial! Shougang is facing a big exchange of blood, and Tongxi has suffered serious losses.

FIBA officially announced the draw for the 2023 Men’s Basketball World Cup. The Australian men’s basketball team, which belongs to the Asian Basketball Federation, was placed in the first file, the old Iranian men’s basketball team was placed in the fifth file, the China men’s basketball team was placed in the sixth file, and the Japanese men’s basketball team, which has three NBA players and is one of the hosts of this tournament, was only placed in the seventh file, which is surprising. Thirty-two teams will be divided into eight groups. According to the principle of avoiding teams in the same continent, China men’s basketball team will have a chance to advance to the top 16 as long as it doesn’t draw in the fourth place.

According to a number of domestic media reports, the pterosaur team in the Bay Area, which recruited a number of well-known CBA players last season, has officially sent an invitation to Li Chunjiang, who has been banned by chinese basketball association for five years, hoping that it can replace Gore and lead the team in the East Asian Super League next season.

However, it is still possible for Li Chunjiang, a wealthy Shanghai coach, to retain his coaching. After all, he has not been completely banned from basketball activities by chinese basketball association, and his salary remains unchanged. It may also be a good choice to be promoted to become the vice president of the team or the head coach of the echelon and help the club build a youth training system again. Li Nan has the same possibility. As for the notorious Shi Linjie, it is better to keep him away from the basketball circle.

When it comes to Shi Linjie, I have to mention the West Thermal River. At the beginning, the West Thermal River, which beat up Shi Linjie in the restaurant, will expire after the end of this season. Whether to officially retire and become a full-time coach needs to be discussed with the club. However, according to Carter, a well-known basketball media person, although the dividend of CBA League exceeded 20.8 million this season, Nanjing Tongxi Club still lost as much as 15.73 million yuan. Now that foreign aid Achur has left the team and returned to play in Australia NBL, the top salary contract of West Thermal Power River has expired, and all the home and away games will be opened in the regular season next season. Perhaps Nanjing Tongxi can turn losses into profits in the financial report, but it is a pity that with the lack of foreign aid of 4 quarters and 5 people and Achur’s powerful insider, Lin Wei and Wang Lanying will encounter a new show wall again. Perhaps playoff tickets are still out of reach for Nanjing Tongxi.

With the Liaoning men’s basketball team beating Shougang in Beijing away from home, three seats have been decided in the semi-finals of the playoffs, and Zhejiang Guangsha needs to return to the home of Guangdong Hongyuan to fight with the 11-time champion to advance to the top four. Since Ren Junfei scratched Hu Jinqiu’s shoulder with his nails in the last match between the two sides, Guangdong Hongyuan’s football style was once again condemned by fans all over the country. In order to win the game, I don’t hesitate to dig out my crotch, pad my feet, or even use my claws. Is this what the fans want to see in China basketball? No wonder Fan Ziming said something after the war in Beijing and Liaoning that the Liaoning men’s basketball team won the game aboveboard, so the question is, which strong team in CBA won the game aboveboard? Has chinese basketball association signed the long-forgotten referee’s report?

According to Beijing media reports, Guo Ailun was in a bad state in the second match with Beijing Shougang. After the game, he did not return to Liaoning with the team, but stayed in Beijing to treat his finger injury. If Liaoning men’s basketball team wants to go further in the next playoffs, the two main players, Guo Ailun and Han Dejun, must overcome their injuries and find their state as soon as possible.

After the end of this season’s journey, Beijing Shougang will gather again after a month’s holiday. There are many things that the team needs to do during the offseason this summer. Is Leiden, who changed the team’s offensive style after taking over, retained? Are all the three foreign AIDS with poor performance cleaned? Ten players including Fang Shuo, Raymond, Fan Ziming and Tian Yuxiang have expired their contracts, which players should go and which players should stay? Fang Shuo has met the standards of the contract for veteran transfer, and whether the vacant top salary quota is used to introduce them.

Prompted by the platform, my original articles have been published to other platforms such as Gongmou and H recently, or registered under my ID, and the rights protection procedure has been officially started. I hope the plagiarists will respect themselves!

Can humans really live forever?

Human beings’ longing for eternal life has a long history, and different cultures and religions have their longing and pursuit for eternal life. However, so far, whether human beings can live forever is still an unknown mystery. Starting with the problems of biological cells, genes and mechanical soaring, this paper discusses whether human beings can live forever and the possible ways to live forever.

1. Biological cells: Are there "immortal cells"?

The human body is composed of cells, and in the process of cell division, growth, aging and death, human beings are getting old, sick and dying. If we can find an "immortal cell", can human beings achieve eternal life?

In fact, no real "immortal cells" have been found yet. However, scientists have discovered a cell with certain "immortal" characteristics-cancer cells. Cancer cells can divide constantly and proliferate indefinitely, but at the same time, they will also destroy healthy tissues and organs, leading to cancer. Therefore, cancer cells are not an ideal way to realize human immortality.

In addition to cancer cells, some organisms also have certain "not old" characteristics. For example, turtles can live to be over 200 years old, and whales can live to be hundreds of years. However, even these creatures will eventually die, but they will live longer than other species.

2. Genes: Is there a "longevity gene"?

In recent years, the development of genetic science has led people to believe that the goal of human immortality may be achieved through gene repair and transformation. In fact, scientists have discovered some genes that may be related to longevity, such as SIRT1, FOXO, mTOR and so on. These genes are involved in important processes such as cell repair and metabolism, and are closely related to the length of life.

For example, scientists found through experiments that by activating SIRT1 gene, the life span of experimental animals can be extended by more than 30%. At the same time, researchers are constantly looking for other genes that may be related to life span, trying to extend human life span through gene editing technology.

However, genetic science is still in the exploratory stage, and the development of related technologies is also facing various difficulties. At the same time, gene editing and repair may also bring some unexpected consequences. Four, other possible ways

In addition to the possible ways mentioned above, there are also some other scientific technologies and theories that may have an impact on human beings’ realization of eternal life.

Stem cell technology

Stem cells are cells that can differentiate into many different cell types, and the development of stem cell technology is considered to be a field with great potential. Scientists are exploring how to use stem cell technology to repair and replace human organs and tissues, thus prolonging life.

cloning technology

The development of cloning technology is also considered as a possible way to achieve immortality. Through cloning technology, human beings can copy an identical individual, thus achieving the goal of eternal life. However, there are still many ethical and moral problems in this technology, such as whether it will lead to human beings becoming commodities and so on.

artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing technology, and its potential has attracted people’s extensive attention. Through artificial intelligence, human beings can better understand their own life process and mechanism, discover new treatment methods and drugs, and thus prolong their life.

For example, artificial intelligence can help doctors predict the disease risk and treatment effect of patients more accurately, thus improving the treatment efficiency and success rate. At the same time, artificial intelligence can also help scientists analyze and understand life science data faster, thus accelerating the development of new drugs.

However, artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of continuous development, and more research and exploration are needed.

V. Conclusion

Although the realization of immortality is still an unknown mystery, the continuous development and breakthrough of science and technology make us full of expectations and hopes for the future. From biological cells, genes, mechanical soaring, stem cell technology, cloning technology, artificial intelligence and many other fields, human beings have been looking for possible ways to live forever.

However, we also need to maintain a cautious and awe-inspiring attitude, and consider its possible impact and consequences while exploring and studying. We need to seriously think about how to balance scientific and technological progress and moral norms and find a suitable balance point. Only in this way can we explore better.