标签归档 阿拉 后花园 上海

Since June, these new regulations have been officially implemented! Affect your medical care, food, housing and transportation!

  The implementation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Basic Health Care and Health Promotion Law and the electronization of motor vehicle inspection marks will cover the whole country … … Coming into June, a large number of new regulations will be formally implemented, which will affect our medical care, food, housing and transportation. Come and find out!

  whole country


  The first basic and comprehensive law implementation in the field of health

  The Basic Medical Care and Health Promotion Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) shall come into force on June 1, 2020. This is the first basic and comprehensive law in the field of health in China.

  The law proposes that citizens are the first responsible person for their own health; The state brings health education into the national education system; The state organizes surveys and statistics on the health status of residents; The state formulates and implements health work plans for minors, women, the elderly and the disabled, and strengthens health services for key groups.

  The law also provides for violent injuries to doctors. "The personal safety and personal dignity of medical and health personnel are inviolable, and their legitimate rights and interests are protected by law. It is forbidden for any organization or individual to threaten or endanger the personal safety of medical and health personnel and infringe on the personal dignity of medical and health personnel. "

  The first basic and comprehensive law in the field of health in China, People’s Republic of China (PRC) Basic Medical Care and Health Promotion Law, came into effect on June 1st. The law clearly stipulates that the whole society should care about and respect medical and health personnel; The personal safety and personal dignity of medical and health personnel are inviolable, and their legitimate rights and interests are protected by law.


  Banks may not raise the loan interest rate on the grounds of loan suspension.

  China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and other six departments issued the Notice on Further Standardizing Credit Financing Charges and Reducing the Comprehensive Financing Cost of Enterprises, which came into effect on June 1st. The "Notice" proposes to cancel the fees such as credit fund management; Banks may not charge credit funds to pay transfer fees; For the credit funds that have been allocated but not yet used by the enterprise, no fund management fee shall be charged; For credit financing of small and micro enterprises, it is not allowed to stipulate liquidated damages for early repayment or late payment in the loan contract, and cancel the overdraft commitment fee for corporate accounts and the credit certificate fee.

  The Notice clarifies that banks are not allowed to force enterprises to purchase insurance, wealth management, funds or other asset management products when approving credit. It is also necessary to carry out credit review in advance, and not to raise the loan interest rate on the grounds of loan suspension, so as to ensure that enterprises with capital needs can obtain loans at reasonable cost; It is forbidden to continue to provide credit support to "zombie enterprises", occupy the bank’s loanable funds and push up the financing cost of other enterprises.


  Improve the efficiency of bank approval

  The newly revised Measures for the Implementation of the Administrative License of the People’s Bank of China shall come into force on June 1st. The method improves and refines the acceptance and approval process of administrative license; Simple procedures have been specially set up for the issuance of bank account opening licenses and other matters, and the time limit for examination and approval of relevant licensing matters has been reduced to five days after acceptance.


  Motor vehicle inspection marks cover the whole country electronically.

  On the basis of pilot projects in 16 cities, the Ministry of Public Security promoted the electronization of motor vehicle inspection marks in two batches throughout the country, providing electronic license services for motor vehicle owners, drivers and related industries and management departments. The first batch has been implemented since April 25, and the second batch will be implemented since June 20, including 15 provinces (regions) of Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Henan, Guangxi, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia, achieving full national coverage.

  Motor vehicle owners can APPly for the motor vehicle inspection mark electronic certificate through the Internet traffic safety comprehensive service platform or the "Traffic Management 12123" mobile app. Vehicles that are exempt from inspection within 6 years can apply for the inspection mark electronic certificate directly online. Inspection mark electronic certificate can be presented in three ways: online presentation, offline presentation and print presentation, which is convenient for the owner or driver of motor vehicles to apply in different scenes.


  The whole country will implement the "one helmet and one belt" security guard action.

  Recently, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security explicitly requested that all localities should steadily promote the "one helmet and one belt" safety protection action, guide drivers and passengers to correctly wear safety helmets and standardize the use of seat belts. From June 1st, the scope of law enforcement punishment is limited to traffic violations of riding a motorcycle without wearing a safety helmet and driving a car without using a seat belt.


  Pension service institutions and employees who have these behaviors will be jointly punished.

  The Measures for the Administration of the List of Joint Disciplinary Objects for Breach of Trust in the Pension Service Market (Trial) issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs shall come into force on June 1, 2020. The "Measures" pointed out that there are violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly due to the behavior of aged care services; Cheating the property of the elderly by illegal fund-raising or fraudulent means of selling "health care" products; There is a major fire hazard, without undue delay, overdue reform; There are illegal acts involving financial funds such as defrauding government subsidy funds by means of false reporting and impersonator; Old-age care service institutions and employees who refuse to accept or accept supervision and inspection in accordance with the regulations, or conceal the real situation when accepting supervision and inspection, are punished by relevant departments according to laws and regulations, and at the same time, local civil affairs departments should include them in the list of joint disciplinary targets within their respective jurisdictions.


  Implementation of that measure for the administration of mandatory national standards

  The Measures for the Administration of Compulsory National Standards will come into force on June 1, 2020. The "Measures" pointed out that mandatory national standards should be formulated for technical requirements to protect personal health and life and property safety, national security, ecological environment safety and meet the basic needs of economic and social management.

  Among them, automobile brake linings are included in the CCC certification (compulsory certification) management scope. If automobile brake linings have not obtained the compulsory product certification certificate and are not marked with the compulsory certification mark, they may not leave the factory, sell, import or be used in other business activities.

Screenshot of the Catalogue of Compulsory Product Certification Source: Website of the General Administration of Market Supervision


  Network security review to safeguard national security

  The "Network Security Review Measures" jointly issued by the National Network Information Office and other 12 departments came into effect on June 1. The measures clearly point out that if key information infrastructure operators purchase network products and services that affect or may affect national security, they should conduct network security review.


  Some exams were cancelled or postponed.

  According to the news from the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, in June, all TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, LAST and Cambridge General English Band 5 FCE exams will be cancelled, and the exam fees will be fully refunded. The national CET-4 and CET-6 scheduled for June 13th were postponed and held twice, with the test dates of July 11th and September 19th respectively. The same candidate can only choose to take one exam at the same level.



  Beijing: Promote the use of public spoons and chopsticks.

  The Regulations of Beijing Municipality on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior came into effect on June 1st. The regulations say "no" to 6 categories and 29 uncivilized behaviors, including throwing objects at high altitude, disturbing people by noise, and charging electric car corridors. At the same time, it advocates ordering food in moderation, implementing separate meals, and organizing weddings, funerals and celebrations in a civilized and frugal manner.


  Tianjin: promoting automobile consumption

  Tianjin recently introduced 11 measures to promote automobile consumption, including adding 35,000 personal indicators for passenger cars, promoting the convenience of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and relaxing the qualifications for individuals and enterprises to apply for incremental indicators. The measures will be implemented from June 1st.


  Shandong: 267 acts can be exempted or punished.

  Shandong Province has made a list of matters that will not be punished and mitigated, implemented inclusive and prudent supervision, and guided people to consciously abide by the law. The list makes it clear that since June 1, 267 illegal acts, such as "failing to hang the business license according to regulations", can be exempted from punishment or given a light punishment if they meet the legal conditions after the enterprise or the party concerned corrects them in time.


  Shanxi: Officially implementing garbage sorting.

  The Regulations on the Classified Management of Urban Domestic Waste in Shanxi Province came into effect on June 1st. According to the regulations, domestic wastes are classified according to recyclables, harmful waste, kitchen waste and other wastes. Cancel the garbage bins scattered in the main streets and public places of the city, and implement regular and fixed-point collection and non-landing management.


  Jiangsu: Promote the "Property Ownership Certificate upon Delivery"

  Jiangsu Province has promoted the real estate registration mode of "issuing certificates upon delivery", and moved the registration window to the real estate delivery site, which will realize normal operation from June. Regardless of the mortgage or the full amount, the buyers only need to settle the tax and prepare all the information, so they can register the real estate at the same time when they close the house and get the certificate of real estate ownership.


  Anhui: Promoting the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  The Regulations of Anhui Province on Traditional Chinese Medicine came into effect on June 1st. The regulations clearly stipulate that each city and county people’s government should hold at least one independent public Chinese medicine hospital; Those who have expertise in learning from teachers and medical skills can obtain the qualification of Chinese medicine doctors after examination; Provincial education departments should incorporate the basic knowledge of Chinese medicine into the relevant courses of primary and secondary schools and popularize the knowledge of Chinese medicine.


  Chongqing: Inter-provincial resident ID card "All Chongqing Office"

  According to the news of the Public Security Corps of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, from June 1st, foreign registered residents who have stable employment, schooling and residence in Chongqing can handle ID card related business at any police station in Chongqing. The time limit for collecting identity cards has been shortened from the current 20 working days to 15 working days.


  Anhui: It is forbidden to eat terrestrial wild animals and their products.

  The revised Anhui Food Safety Regulations came into force on June 1st. The "Regulations" stipulate that food producers and operators shall not use non-food raw materials or recycled food as raw materials to produce food, and shall not add substances prohibited by laws and regulations to food; Prohibit the production and operation of foods made of wild animals and their products that are prohibited by laws and regulations; It is forbidden to eat terrestrial wild animals and their products, as well as other wild animals and their products prohibited by laws and regulations.


  Sichuan: New Regulations on Rural Homestead Management

  The Notice on Standardizing the Examination and Approval of Rural Homestead and the Management of Housing Construction jointly issued by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stipulates that farmers who have been approved to build houses with land shall, in principle, complete building within two years from the date of application for approval; After the completion of the house, the old houses should be demolished. In strict accordance with the requirements of building new houses and demolishing old houses, in principle, the old houses should be demolished within 90 days after passing the acceptance of the township government. The original homestead should be arranged for use by rural collective economic organizations, and those that can be rehabilitated must be rehabilitated. Farmers who have passed the acceptance can apply to the real estate registration department for real estate registration in accordance with the law after dismantling the old houses and returning the original homestead to the village collective. The Notice shall come into force as of June 1st.


  Gansu: Forcibly bringing pets into public places will be fined.

  The Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior in Gansu Province is the first local regulation regulating citizens’ behavior in Gansu Province, which will be implemented on June 1. The "Regulations" clarify that those who take dogs out into the dog-forbidden area, fail to use the leash chain as required, and fail to clean up the dog feces in time shall be ordered by the corresponding administrative department to make corrections, and those who refuse to make corrections shall be fined between 50 yuan and 200 yuan. If you don’t listen to dissuasion, you will be fined not less than 100 yuan but not more than 500 yuan for bringing your pet into public places such as hotels and restaurants.


  Shanghai: Increase the punishment for fraudulent insurance.

  The revised Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Basic Medical Insurance in Shanghai will be implemented in June. The "Measures" stipulate that if designated medical institutions and retail pharmacies defraud the basic medical insurance fund by fraud, forgery of certification materials or other means, the municipal and district medical insurance bureaus shall order them to return the relevant basic medical insurance expenses already paid by the basic medical insurance fund, and impose a fine of more than two times and less than five times the relevant expenses paid by the basic medical insurance fund.

  The "Measures" mentioned that a medical security credit evaluation system and an information disclosure system should be established and improved. The untrustworthy information of designated medical institutions, designated retail pharmacies, designated evaluation institutions and designated nursing institutions and their staff, insured persons and other individuals shall be collected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and this Municipality, and joint punishment shall be carried out according to the law and regulations.

The biggest match-fixing case in snooker history! The secret means have caused many people to take risks, and it will take time for the "China Legion" to get out of the shadows.

According to the news, on June 7th, Beijing time, the World Snooker Tour (WST) issued a statement that the disciplinary committee of the independent World Professional Billie and Snooker Association (WPBSA) had ruled on 10 players accused of match-fixing, and imposed life-long bans on Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing, and long-term bans on other related players. Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing were banned for life, which also set a precedent in snooker.
It is reported that the situation of this case is that after the warning issued by IBIA in August 2022, the integrity department of WPBSA cooperated closely with Sportradar Company to conduct a detailed investigation, and finally accused 10 snooker players of seriously violating the WPBSA code of conduct. The 10 players were suspended before these violations were decided.
The case was heard in London before, and the players attended the hearing in person or by video, with the free WPBSA players’ associations as legal representatives or assistance.
On June 6, 2023, local time, the disciplinary court announced its investigation results of controversial allegations and its decision on sanctions.
Life-long ban sets a precedent
Take Liang Wenbo as an example, he was accused of manipulating many games; Contact multiple players to manipulate multiple games; Trying to obstruct the investigation; Not cooperating with WPBSA’s investigation Li Hsing, another player who was banned for life, was charged with the same thing, and one more thing was added: betting in snooker. According to Beijing Youth Daily, this time Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing were sentenced to life ban, which set a precedent.
Some media analysts believe that because snooker requires high accuracy, it is relatively difficult to judge whether it is a mistake or a fake ball, which also causes the phenomenon that fake balls are repeatedly banned in snooker competitions to some extent.
▲ Liang Wenbo. Image source/network
On December 1, 2018, Cao Yupeng, a 28-year-old China player, was banned by WPBSA for six years because he made profits for himself and his relatives and friends by playing fake ball. In 2022, he returned to the ranks of professional players early because of his good performance, and he also entered the ranking match several times. Yu Delu, 31, was banned for 10 years, and now he can only hang out in Chinese billiards.
The most severe punishment in the international arena is Stephen Lee, a talented player who was banned for 12 years in 2013 because of his long-term match-fixing and match-fixing, which is the most severe punishment made by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association before punishing China players.
The secrecy of trading has caused many players to take risks.
Earlier, according to the analysis of Li Xiaolong, a senior snooker media person quoted by Yangguang. com, due to the nature of snooker, it is difficult to define the performance of the players in the game, so the content of the game on the field is difficult to be used as evidence to judge the match-fixing. More cases of match-fixing are caused by the monitoring of abnormal bets by gambling companies and other off-site evidence.
Jinling Evening News had previously written that a snooker master can throw a ball in the dark, so that you can’t grasp the evidence completely. Only through the drastic changes in betting can you see some clues, but not every investigation has results, so many players will take risks.
According to Observer. com, as one of the latest international sports organizations in the world, the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association, which was not established until 1968, has been established. Since its establishment, a large number of snooker players have been investigated and even banned for allegedly accepting benefits for gambling groups, including many world-class athletes. Scottish "wizard" john higgins, the four-time world champion and the holder of 31 world snooker titles, was even praised by the then famous British gossip newspaper News of the World "fishing law enforcement" in 2010.
In this "fishing law enforcement", Higgins and his agent, former director of the World Federation of Taiwan, Pat Mooney, agreed to lose the match in several different games in exchange for a total reward of 300,000 euros. They further discussed with the fishermen how to cover up the scam, which games and opponents to choose, and how Higgins would get money.
▲ Yan Bingtao. Image source/network
After the incident, Mooney had to resign from his post in the World Taiwan Federation, while Higgins was suspended for six months and fined 75,000 pounds. In addition, Ai Bodun, Maguire and many other famous players have also been investigated for gambling.
Many affected players have high hopes.
The incident had a great impact on China snooker. Among the 10 people punished, there were experienced veterans like Liang Wenbo, and young players like Yan Bingtao and Zhao Xintong who had high hopes. After Ding Junhui, the latter two are the only China players who have won the "three major competitions (British Championship, World Championship and Masters)" in snooker.
Zhao Xintong is 25 years old. In 2021, he defeated Belgian player Luca Brecel in the final of the snooker British Championship, and won the first "three competitions" championship in his career.
Followed by Yan Bingtao, the "post-00" player broke out in 2021, defeating neil robertson, Stephen Maguire, Stuart Bingham and john higgins to win the snooker Masters. He is the second youngest athlete to win the Masters Championship, second only to Ronnie O’Sullivan, who won the championship in 1995 at the age of 19.
▲ Zhao Xintong. Image source/network
Even Luning and Li Hsing, who are not ranked high, have reached the final of the ranking tournament when they are in excellent condition. Veteran Liang Wenbo won the English Open in 2016.
Media: Living in the UK is fragmented and loosely managed.
For this match-fixing case, Observer.com once commented that this incident reminded all China snooker players that no matter how bad the atmosphere in the international arena is and how good the immediate interests are, the behavior that violates sports ethics is the red line and cannot be touched. Like all other sports, only a healthy, positive and fair environment can help snooker develop better in China.
According to the analysis of Beijing Youth Daily, most of the China snooker players in their perennial life in the UK were originally on their own, and the management was relatively loose. Most of the players themselves bear the expenses of studying abroad, playing and living, and there are not too many strict constraints. In this case, some bad habits are bred in the hands of the ball, and even behaviors that violate morality and the rules of snooker are difficult to be detected in time, and they can only rely on self-discipline. Coupled with the fact that the prize money of the world snooker tournament is low in recent years, the harsh survival forces the players to take risks, which leads to sad results. The heavy penalty for them also sounded the alarm for other players.
Young man Si Jiahui: A glimmer of "the darkest hour"
According to Zhongxin. com, the 2023 World Snooker Championships closed on the 2nd Beijing time, and the latest world ranking of snooker was also released.
China’s Zhao Xintong ranked 11th, the highest in the China Legion, and Yan Bingtao ranked 23rd. Unfortunately, however, both players were banned for one year, eight months and five years for this accusation of match-fixing. China’s players, Ding Junhui can be called "the only one left" among the famous players, still ranked 17th, and is expected to return to TOP16 (the top 16 in the world) in the new season. However, China teenager Si Jiahui, who reached the semi-final of this World Championships, rose 44 places in a row, from the 80th place before the competition to the 36th place.
▲ Si Jiahui. Image source/Xinhua News Agency
In addition, the top 60 players from China are: Zhou Yuelong 27th, Fan Zhengyi 34th, Pang Junxu 35th, Cao Yupeng 42nd, Xiao Guodong 43rd, Lv Haotian 47th, Wu Yize 51st, Yuan Sijun 52nd, Tian Pengfei 55th and Zhang Anda 60th. It seems that it will take some time for these young players to rank among the top players in the world.
Attachment: Penalty decision made by WPBSA (partial)
Liang Wenbo was sentenced to a life-long ban on snooker and paid a fee of 43,000 pounds.
Liang Wenbo was found to have violated the code of conduct, as follows:
He manipulated or participated in manipulating five snooker matches from July 24th to September 28th, 2022.
From July 24 to December 13, 2022, he recruited, induced, lured, persuaded, encouraged or assisted players to manipulate 9 games.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
He threatened another player and asked him to delete the information on his mobile phone, which was corrupt.
He threatened another player and tried to persuade him not to assist WPBSA in the investigation.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in match-fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone and asking other players to delete the information on their mobile phones.
He didn’t cooperate with WPBSA investigation, didn’t attend the interview and provided the materials required by WPBSA investigation.
2. Li Hsing was sentenced to be banned from participating in snooker competitions for life and paid a fee of 43,000 pounds.
Li Hsing was found to have violated the code of conduct, as follows:
He manipulated or participated in manipulating five snooker matches from July 24th to September 29th, 2022.
During the period from July 24th to December 13th, 2022, he solicited, induced, lured, persuaded, encouraged or assisted players to manipulate seven snooker matches.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in match-fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone and asking other players to delete the information on his mobile phone.
3. Luning was sentenced to an eight-year ban, which was reduced to five years and four months until April 6, 2028 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Luning was found not to be involved in inducing others to manipulate the game. He accepted the following charges:
In the 2014-2015 season, he manipulated three snooker competitions he participated in.
On July 23, 2022, he manipulated a snooker competition he participated in.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in game fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone.
4. Yan Bingtao was sentenced to seven years and six months’ ban, which was reduced to five years until December 11, 2027 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Yan Bingtao accepted the following charges:
He manipulated a game he participated in on August 29, 2016.
He manipulated three snooker competitions he participated in between March 3, 2022 and September 29, 2022.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
5. Zhao Xintong was sentenced to a ban of 2 years and 6 months, which was reduced to 1 year and 8 months until September 1, 2024 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Zhao Xintong accepts the following charges:
On March 3 and March 11, 2022, he was the party of two snooker matches manipulated by another player.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
The defendant may appeal against the decision of the disciplinary court before June 20, 2023.
The upstream news is integrated from the news on Zhongxin. com, Beijing Youth Daily Observer Network and Jinling Evening News.
Editor: Xu Yuanzhe
Editor: Yang Li Guan Yi
Audit: Feng Fei

"Exclusive Customized" Family Reunion Dinner for "Returned" Panda and "Native" Panda

  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the giant panda "studying" his own private New Year’s Eve dinner. Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the "exclusive custom" reunion dinner presented by the breeder. Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows "Tuanzi" and its "private custom" New Year’s Eve dinner. Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the New Year’s Eve dinner of the panda "Tuanzi". Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the "snacks" prepared by the breeder for the pandas. Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the panda "Fu Hu" enjoying the New Year’s Eve dinner. Photo by Wu Xue

Hubei’s ice and snow tourism has become a hot spot for cultural tourism consumption during the New Year holiday.

Wuhan, Wuhan, December 31 (Reporter Zhang Zhuo trainee reporter Zhao Ling correspondent Ewen Travel) During the New Year’s Day, the curtain of winter tourism in Hubei slowly opened, and ice and snow tours became a "hot" choice for winter. The weather is fine on New Year’s Day holiday this year, which is suitable for tourists to travel. Hubei has a variety of ice and snow sports venues, allowing tourists to enjoy skiing, enjoying snow and playing with snow, and enjoying close contact with snow and ice. It is estimated that about 100,000 tourists will participate in skiing and playing with snow.
In order to meet the needs of tourists, Hubei has continuously enriched the winter tourism products mainly based on skiing. Visitors can fully experience the characteristics of Hubei winter tourism in Shennongjia, Yichang, Huanggang and Xianning, and have a beautiful encounter with ice and snow.
Shennongjia has made great efforts to build a big IP for ice and snow, enriching the format and increasing the experience with night skating products, promoting the culture of ice and snow sports, and letting more people know and experience the fun of ice and snow sports. According to statistics, two days before New Year’s Day, Shennongjia International, Zhonghe and Longjiangping ski resorts received a total of 15,000 tourists, an increase of 129.1% compared with the same period of New Year’s Day in 2023.
Huanggang City held the 7th Hubei Yingshan Hot Spring Skiing Festival "Dream Back to Datang and Meet Bi Sheng Millennium Tangquan Frozen", which received 14,000 tourists in a single day. Enshi Badong Lvcongpo Ski Resort received 5100 people. Xianning Jihua Ice and Snow Xiangcheng Ski Museum received 3330 tourists.
In addition, Hubei Province is rich in all kinds of ice and snow activities. During New Year’s Day, Shennongjia International Ski Resort took "Skiing with Olympic Champion" as the theme, allowing tourists to play around Shennongjia International Ski Resort with Olympic Champion Liao Hui, and at the same time holding the activity of "Cultural Travel Vouchers to Help Study", which attracted more than a thousand students who came to study skiing in winter. Wuhan East Lake Scenic Area has launched 6,000 square meters of "Looking for the Ice and Snow Egg Island", covering eight major snow-themed games such as snowball fights, ice dragon boat races and ice sculpture exhibitions, so that tourists can have a "snow addiction" during the New Year holiday; Liuzhuya Scenic Area in Baokang, Xiangyang held the 2023 Ice and Snow Tourism Festival and the "Winter Tour in Baokang" activity, and promoted the ice and snow tourism in Baokang through on-site promotion, folk programs and ski performances.
In recent years, Hubei cultural tourism department and sports department have made joint efforts to implement the "North Snow South Exhibition" project, actively promote mass ice and snow sports and guide ice and snow consumption. At present, there are 18 ski resorts officially operating in the province. In the early stage, Hubei issued the "Welcome to the Dragon Year, Welcome to Hubei in Winter Fun" 2023 Hubei Winter Tourism Consumption Season Preferential Policy Gift Package, Shennongjia launched the 18th Ice and Snow Festival, and Yichang launched a series of activities such as "Hot Snow Boils, It’s Appropriate to Start-Yichang’s First Popular Ice and Snow Season", which added color to the ice and snow tour during the New Year holiday.
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Cold sweat! James was hit in the crotch, and Tommy Tam expelled him directly. Public opinion hotly debated that it was too dirty.

In the first round of the NBA playoffs in the West, the Lakers played Grizzlies at home and Morant came back. This was the third game of the series. Before that, the two sides tied 1-1, with the Lakers leading by 29 points at most in the first half and 16 points at the end of the first half. At the beginning of the third quarter, Dillon Brooks, who constantly challenged James, was expelled because he hit James in the crotch.

At the beginning of the third quarter, James attacked with the ball and dribbled the ball behind the backcourt. Tommy Tam came up with one hand and reached the crotch. James fell to the ground in great pain and stood up with a cold sweat. The referee went to watch the replay. Tommy Tam fouled in the second degree and was expelled directly. The Lakers fans cheered at the scene and James got a chance to make two free throws.

Brooks felt very wronged after being expelled. This is the sixth time in his career and the second time in his playoff career. Public opinion hotly debated that Dillon Brooks was too dirty. It was understandable to provoke James with words before. Now it is really unacceptable to face James, who is 38 years old, and it is reasonable to be expelled. There are also many fans calling for an additional ban on Tommy Tam.

This scene is also reminiscent of G3 of 76ers VS Nets. Harden also made an action to hit his opponent. At that time, Harden was blown for a second-class malicious foul and was expelled directly. Unlike Harden, the offensive end didn’t pay attention to hitting his opponent O ‘Neill. This time Dillon Brooks was maliciously hit and was directly expelled.

Fortunately, James was not affected, and his hands were buckled afterwards, which was quite domineering. I also hope that similar fouls will not occur. Players should pay attention to their own behavior and ensure that neither themselves nor their opponents will foul.

Right now, Wei Shao, 35, has set an amazing record: he scored 37 high scores of 0 penalty and 0 penalty, and the second person in history was born.

# Hundred Watching Teams #

On April 23rd, Beijing time, the NBA playoffs continued. The Clippers still lost to the Suns 100-112, because both leonard and George missed the game. Now the big score is 1-3, and it is only a matter of time before they are out. The Clippers are unlucky. They originally had the chance to compete for the championship. Now, due to the injuries of two superstars, they will encounter the first round of the tour. The gap is too big. However, the Clippers have also won people’s respect, especially Wei Shao, who got a basic salary of 780 thousand, but carried the team forward, which is really admirable. From the schedule, the Clippers were ahead with seven points in the first quarter. However, in the last three quarters, the Suns gradually gained the upper hand, and Booker and Durant’s sudden upset made the Clippers really hard to beat.

Durant of the Suns scored 31 points, 11 rebounds and 6 assists, and his personal performance is incomprehensible. As long as Durant finds the best state, the Suns have no opponents in the West. Booker scored 30 points, 9 rebounds, 7 assists and 3 steals. His performance in the series is comparable to KD and he has become the best player in the league. Aidan scored 15 points, 13 rebounds, 2 steals and 2 blocks, and Paul scored 19 points, 4 rebounds, 9 assists, 3 steals and 3 blocks. The Suns’ Big Four all performed well, which was terrible. Craig scored 8 points and 5 boards, Okoji scored 6 points and 3 boards, and Bi Yongbo scored 3 points and 2 boards.

Westbrook, Clippers, bombarded 37 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists. It’s really a lonely hero to compete with the Four Suns on his own. I wonder what leonard and George think. Powell scored 14 points and 4 rebounds, Zubac scored 4 points and 9 rebounds, Morris scored 9 points and 3 rebounds, Gordon scored 10 points, 2 rebounds and 2 assists, Mann scored 13 points, 2 rebounds and 4 assists, Plomley scored 8 points, 6 rebounds and 3 assists, and Hylander scored 5 points and 2 assists. The Clippers originally had the most balanced lineup in the league. If it weren’t for the injury, the Clippers would still have a chance to eliminate the Suns.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Shao, a 34-year-old Clippers who just passed, has set a crazy record in the playoffs and is the second player in NBA history. Statistics show that Wei Shao scored 37 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists in 17 of 29 shots in this campaign, which is unbelievable. Wei Shao also scored 37 points in 0 free throws, ranking behind Chuck Persson in the NBA playoff history. Wei Shao’s personal performance is impressive. He received a basic salary of 780,000 yuan, but made a performance of 40 million yuan. Presumably, no one has questioned Wei Shao at present.

In fact, it is no accident that Wei Shao’s two consecutive games were upset. Wei Shao belongs to his own system and may not be able to react chemically with many players, but if he leads the team alone, he can often burst into great vitality. When George and Cass are absent, Wei Shao can score 34.3 points, 8.3 rebounds and 6 assists. So far in the series, Wei Shao’s data is 26 points, 7.5 rebounds, 7.3 assists, 1.5 steals and 1.8 blocks. What else can he be asked to do?

Wei Shao also completely conquered Paul, Durant and others, and they were deeply moved and supported him. Paul said that only people who know nothing about basketball can criticize Wei Shao. Later, Durant also made a statement, which is true. Wei Shao has been questioned by fans during his time with the Lakers, which only shows that both sides are not suitable for him. After leaving the Lakers, Wei Shao has found himself, and he is still an excellent star in the league.