Amber: Berlusconi is obsessed with beautiful football. He wants to control the ball more & win through wonderful performance.

Amber: Berlusconi is obsessed with beautiful football. He wants to control the ball more & win through wonderful performance.

Live broadcast on November 2 nd In the podcast, Milan star Ambrosini talked about the demands of former President Silvio Berlusconi on Milan.

Ambrosini said: "Berlusconi likes beautiful things. He hopes to win the game by playing wonderful games, and he has always been obsessed with it."

"I still remember one time during the halftime of the game, Berlusconi walked into the dressing room and told us in front of everyone that he wanted to see the team get more possession of the ball. This moment is called’ Marisa’, which means to control the ball. We players look at each other, but this is Berlusconi’s personality. "

(real steel fist)


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