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Wu Jing invited Jackie Chan to film! "Dragon Horse Spirit" reveals new feature footage

1905 movie network news The movie starring the screenwriter, director,,, and lead is being released. So far, the movie has won the single-day box office championship for 11 consecutive days, with a total box office 160 million. In the movie, Jackie Chan’s flexible and changeable action comedy style is still light and humorous. In addition, what is more moving and unforgettable is Jackie Chan’s sincere tribute to the spirit of the Dragon Tiger martial artist. The film not only reviews the many wonderful moments in Jackie Chan’s 60 years of film, but also dedicates it to every Dragon Tiger martial artist who "works hard to fight".

On April 18, the film released a clip of "Tribute to the Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist". Yuan Wei, a junior action actor played by Jackie Chan, invited Lao Luo, an outdated martial artist played by Jackie Chan, to shoot a scene and pay tribute to the spirit of the Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist. Lao Luo, who has been away from the studio for many years, still insists on the spirit of the Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist’s practice and requires "real fight and real fall" in the face of emerging visual effects technology. Under Yuan Wei’s dissuasion, Lao Luo’s sentence "Don’t fall, what will the audience watch" is very emotional. Jackie Chan and Wu Jing, representatives of two generations of action movies, joined hands to offer this tribute scene, which made many audiences call "profound significance".


Jackie Chan and Wu Jing join forces to pay tribute to the Dragon and Tiger martial artist

The collision of the two generations of martial arts concepts is touching

"Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist, never say no". In the movie, Jackie Chan’s role as Lao Luo has adhered to the spirit of Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist for decades. No matter how dangerous the jump, no matter how difficult the action is, he will do his best to complete it. "They are very simple, action, jump, hospital", just three words, not only summarize the professional characteristics of Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist, but also almost outline Jackie Chan’s film career. Jackie Chan’s true character as Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist brought the audience bluntly said that "some empathy does not need to be played, it is the truth that comes from the heart".

Among them, the tribute scene completed by Jackie Chan, Wu Jing, and Tang Jili, three representatives of Chinese action movies, is particularly meaningful. When the traditional concept of real combat meets the upgrade and update of emerging technologies, Lao Luo, who does not understand visual effects, insists on "tribute, come true", while Yuan Wei said that "tribute is not fatal". The concept collision of the two generations of dragon and tiger martial artists deeply touched many audiences. "This scene is like the intersection of the silent film era and the sound film era in the history of film, and both sides have their own attitudes and demeanors."


Jackie Chan is no longer an "invincible" character

"Easy to jump down, hard to walk down" makes people cry

Jackie Chan and Wu Jing in the opposite scene, there is a line that left a deep impression on people. "It’s easy to jump down, but difficult to walk down." This sentence comes from Jackie Chan’s real experience as a dragon and tiger martial artist. Director Yang Zi specially put this sentence in the dialogue between Jackie Chan and Wu Jing, and Jackie Chan, who is nearly 70 years old, also gave the best interpretation of this sentence.

At the end of the three-person tribute scene, Jackie Chan’s role as Lao Luo made a decision that surprised the audience. This time, Jackie Chan no longer "jumped down" fearlessly, but let go of the so-called dignity of the dragon and tiger martial artist and "walked down" steadily. This choice is both sighing and touching. Some viewers said, "I will be amazed by this toughness, even if the tough guy who has jumped all his life did not jump down this time, but walked down steadily. The toughness in the blood of the bones cannot be worn down by time, let alone fade."

Behind the "Yin" Huawei’s HSBC is unreliable. There is a precedent for leaking customer information.

  On June 24th, Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said in an exclusive interview with the Financial Times that HSBC knew about SKYCOM and its business in Iran from the beginning, and also knew about SKYCOM’s relationship with Huawei. It is impossible for a bank to legally say that it has been cheated and doesn’t know about this matter. The evidence is all there, and this is inescapable. "HSBC has stopped all our trading cooperation, not us." Ren Zhengfei said.

  The evidence against Meng Wanzhou in the United States is a PPT. What does Ren Zhengfei think of how the United States got this PPT? On June 27th, Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with Canada’s Globe and Mail that because Skycom had been in contact with Huawei from beginning to end during the trade with Iran, the bank knew about Skycom’s business in Iran and its relationship with Huawei. After several years of operation, they invited Meng Wanzhou to a coffee shop. When having coffee, Meng Wanzhou gave some PPT, which was not misleading. "Why did the bank take these PPT? We don’t know, I hope that after the trial of the Eastern District Court of new york is completed, we can be more clear. " Ren Zhengfei said.

  According to the Global Times, in February this year, Reuters reported that HSBC had obtained a material for the US Department of Justice to sue Huawei through an "internal investigation", which helped the US Department of Justice Luo Zhi with the "crime" of attacking Huawei, and eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives in Canada.

  Shen Yi, an associate professor in the Department of International Politics of Fudan University, said that if the foreign media reports are true, the role played by HSBC in this matter is indeed very problematic. Such banks and financial institutions are unreliable and unreliable in a sense.

  An expert who wishes to remain anonymous said that the essence of this case is that HSBC cooperated with the "long-arm jurisdiction" of the U.S. government, and transferred the personnel and data located in China overseas without the permission of the China government for the cross-border investigation and evidence collection of Huawei by the U.S. Department of Justice.

  It is reported that HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services institutions in the world. Founded in Hong Kong and Shanghai in 1865, HSBC is a founding member of HSBC Group and its flagship in the Asia-Pacific region. In 1991, HSBC established a new holding company — — HSBC Holdings Limited, and in 1992, it completely acquired Midland Bank. Subsequently, HSBC will be headquartered in London.

  HSBC will pay a fine of $1.9 billion to the United States on money laundering charges. On December 11, 2012, HSBC announced that it had reached a settlement agreement with the US government, and would pay a sky-high fine of $1.921 billion for the bank’s ineffective prevention of money laundering.

  HSBC’s image has been damaged in recent years. In November 2014, HSBC was fined $618 million by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission for manipulating the global foreign exchange market. In February 2015, HSBC was once again caught in a scandal because it helped customers evade taxes. According to a survey by the American Association of International Investigative Journalists, from 2005 to 2007, HSBC Switzerland Branch helped 100,000 heavyweight customers to avoid taxes and hide assets as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

  It is worth noting that HSBC has exposed four major incidents of leaking customer information. On April 26th, 2008, the server of Kwun Tong Branch of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was stolen during the renovation, and nearly 160,000 customer data were lost. In July, 2008, HSBC said that it lost an encoded digital audio tape, which recorded the telephone conversation between the bank and its customers, and was a backup tape containing 25,000 telephone conversations. On April 13, 2010, the French prosecutor said that 127,000 accounts of 79,000 customers of HSBC were leaked and exposed. Jelf farsi Yani, a former IT consultant of HSBC Private Bank, a Swiss subsidiary of HSBC, was accused of stealing the data of tens of thousands of bank customers from the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007. In 2018, HSBC was exposed that its customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and the personal information of about 1% American customers was leaked.

  HSBC Bank (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HSBC China") officially opened on April 2, 2007. Headquartered in Shanghai, it is a locally registered foreign-funded corporate bank wholly owned by HSBC.

  In March this year, HSBC China Wuhan Branch violated the law and regulations by not using the specified subjects in the paper payment form. According to Article 41 of the Administrative Measures for Commercial Banks and Credit Cooperatives’ Acting Treasury Business, the Business Management Department of Wuhan Branch of the People’s Bank of China imposed a fine of RMB 1000 yuan.

  In May this year, the post-event management of independent payment of HSBC China loan seriously violated prudent business rules, and part of credit card funds were used for non-consumption areas, which resulted in a fine of 1 million yuan.

  Foreign media said that HSBC helped the US government "engage" Huawei in order to get rid of the crime.

  According to the Global Times, recently, the Financial Times revealed that HSBC, which was targeted by the US Department of Justice for a series of problems such as money laundering and violation of the sanctions bill, agreed to "cooperate" with the investigation of the US Department of Justice in other cases in order to escape punishment. Huawei in China became the victim of this "cooperation", which eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives. The Financial Times report also revealed that HSBC had explained to China earlier this year that it was "forced".

  Regarding the role of HSBC in the case involving Huawei, Reuters, UK, had a detailed round of reports in February this year. According to Reuters’s report at that time, HSBC began to "cooperate" with the "investigation" initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice against Huawei from the end of 2016 to 2017, in exchange for the U.S. Department of Justice’s forgiveness for HSBC, because HSBC itself was involved in other cases that violated the U.S. sanctions ban.

  Reuters said that through "internal investigation", HSBC helped the U.S. Department of Justice to obtain a material that could be used to sue Huawei, which helped the U.S. Department of Justice Luo Zhi to "accuse" Huawei, and eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives in Canada.

  The executive of Huawei, who is now detained by the Canadian government, communicated face to face with an executive of HSBC, saying that Huawei did not have any non-compliance and provided the HSBC executive with a PPT document to explain the situation. But what Huawei didn’t expect was that in 2017, when HSBC faced a lawsuit from the U.S. Department of Justice for its alleged illegal behavior, in exchange for forgiveness from the U.S. Department of Justice, HSBC handed over the PPT to the U.S. Department of Justice, which had been trying to bring down Huawei in the past few years, and ended its cooperative relationship with Huawei.

  Judging from Reuters’s report and the indictment of the US government against Huawei, such a small PPT file was quickly used by the US Department of Justice as the "core" basis for suing Huawei and arresting the Huawei executive last year. HSBC has also been described by the U.S. Department of Justice as a "victim" of fraud by the Huawei executive and her PPT. Reuters also revealed that HSBC has never been sued by the US government for other cases involved.

  The Financial Times also revealed some information that Reuters didn’t mention. For example, HSBC was targeted by the US Department of Justice as early as 2012 for laundering money for Mexican drug lords. At that time, in addition to paying a huge fine of $1.9 billion, the US Department of Justice also sent a group of "monitors" to HSBC to review its business. Insiders of HSBC said that their explanation at that time was that because the US government sent monitors to HSBC and a team of 200-400 people could get all the information of the bank at any time, it was impossible for HSBC to resist the request and investigation of the US Department of Justice.

  Ren Zhengfei: HSBC knows about Skycom’s relationship with Huawei.

  Recently, Huawei Heartfelt Community announced the minutes of Ren Zhengfei’s interview with the Financial Times and the Canadian Globe and Mail.

  James Kynge, a reporter from the Financial Times, asked: Recently, hearing about the cooperation between HSBC and the US government will bring great difficulties to Huawei. What do you think of the future cooperation between Huawei and HSBC?

  Ren Zhengfei: First of all, HSBC has long stopped its cooperation with Huawei.

  Second, Meng Wanzhou has no criminal facts. This bank knew about SKYCOM and its business in Iran from the very beginning, and also knew about SKYCOM’s relationship with Huawei. The mail can prove that there are shipping marks in the mail, and it is impossible for the bank to legally say that it was cheated and didn’t know about this matter. The evidence is all there, which cannot be relied on. Meng Wanzhou said a word while drinking coffee in the coffee shop, which can’t be the evidence of Meng Wanzhou’s crime. It’s just that during the long-term transaction with Iran from beginning to end for many years, she intervened to have a coffee in the coffee shop and said a word, there is no crime. American courts can investigate prosecutors, who report crimes in Meng Wanzhou. Where are the facts?

  Under the current circumstances, we should first clarify the process of Meng Wanzhou’s incident and show all the evidence. Moreover, Meng Wanzhou has not committed a crime in Canada, and Canada has violated the law in law enforcement procedures. Canada is a country ruled by law, so it should give up its violation of constitutional rights and not fall on the side of the United States. If people don’t believe that Canada is a country ruled by law, it will have a greater impact on its image.

  We have always trusted western countries ruled by law, focusing on facts and evidence. First of all, there must be facts and evidence to judge whether this person is wrong. Of course, this will not affect our cooperation with other banks in the future. After this link is solved, everyone will still cooperate. World finance is an integrated system.

  "Financial Times" reporter Huang Shulin asked: HSBC does not cooperate with Huawei. Did they give you an explanation?

  Ren Zhengfei: HSBC has stopped all our trading cooperation, not us. They didn’t explain, that is, they wouldn’t provide us with services, so we would cooperate with other banks.

  Huang Shulin: Do you think this treatment is fair? If these problems are solved, will you continue to cooperate with HSBC in the future?

  Ren Zhengfei: There is no word "fairness" in this world. It is all about strength. We have the strength to solve the problem and don’t care how the other party treats us. Now is not the time to discuss cooperation. The most important thing is to finish the lawsuit first.

  A reporter from Canada’s Globe and Mail asked: What do you think of how the United States got this PPT? Is it through legal channels? Do you think this PPT can be presented to the court as evidence?

  Ren Zhengfei: Because during the trade between Skycom and Iran, this bank has been in contact with Huawei from beginning to end. It knows Skycom’s business in Iran and its relationship with Huawei. After several years of operation, they invited Meng Wanzhou to a coffee shop. When having coffee, Meng Wanzhou gave some PPT, which was not misleading. Why did the bank take these PPT away? We don’t know. I hope we can know more after the trial in new york Eastern District Court.

  HSBC paid a fine of $1.9 billion to the United States for money laundering charges.

  According to Xinhua News Agency, on December 11, 2012, HSBC Holdings, the largest bank in Europe, issued a statement saying that it had reached an agreement with relevant US institutions to pay a total fine of 1.921 billion US dollars, of which a record 1.256 billion was a fine for delaying prosecution agreement and 665 million was a civil fine.

  Ou Zhihua, president of HSBC, said in a statement that HSBC "admitted responsibility for past mistakes" and once again "deeply apologized".

  According to the deferred prosecution agreement, the prosecution allows the sued party to avoid prosecution under certain conditions, including paying a fine or being punished, and promising to make specific reforms under the supervision and guidance.

  HSBC said it had spent $290 million to improve its money laundering prevention mechanism and recovered some bonuses previously won by senior executives. The statement also said that HSBC expects to sign a letter of commitment with the UK Financial Services Authority on money laundering soon.

  In July, 2013, china securities journal reported that Reuters reported on the 3rd that John Grayson, a judge of Brooklyn District Court in new york, USA, approved the settlement agreement reached between HSBC and the US government on the investigation of not fully complying with the anti-money laundering and sanctions laws. According to this agreement, HSBC will pay 1.92 billion US dollars in fines and compensation. The fine of $1.92 billion is by far the largest fine issued by the US regulatory authorities to banks.

  According to the report, in addition to paying fines, there are other conditions to be met. As part of the agreement, HSBC also needs to restrain the bonuses of bank executives in order to comply with relevant regulations. In addition, HSBC will face up to five years of court supervision.

  Previously, in July 2012, the US Senate issued an investigation report saying that HSBC had become the "preferred financial institution" for drug dealers, money launderers and other criminals in Mexico and Colombia, and it ignored the US sanctions against Iran, Myanmar, Cuba, Libya and Sudan and illegally transferred funds for customers in these countries.

  HSBC’s image has been damaged in recent years: helping customers evade taxes and getting caught in a scandal.

  According to China News Service, the image of HSBC has been damaged in recent years. In November 2014, HSBC was fined $618 million by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission for manipulating the global foreign exchange market.

  In February 2015, HSBC was once again caught in a scandal because it helped customers evade taxes. According to a survey by the American Association of International Investigative Journalists, from 2005 to 2007, HSBC Switzerland Branch helped 100,000 heavyweight customers to avoid taxes and hide assets as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

  According to the People’s Daily, the BBC reported on February 9, 2015 that HSBC, the largest bank in the UK, has done everything possible to help wealthy depositors hide their real assets from the British government in the past few years, with tax evasion amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds. Analysts pointed out that if acts such as helping depositors evade taxes are proved to be true, then HSBC will become a terrible "tax haven" and its reputation and prestige will be dealt a heavy blow.

  Some analysts believe that the lack of financial supervision, the decline of professional ethics and the numbness of social responsibility are several key factors that cannot be ignored.

  HSBC’s alleged behavior of helping depositors evade taxes has been strongly criticized by the media and public opinion. Brooks, the author of "Tax Robbery", pointed out, "I think HSBC is a tax avoidance and tax evasion company, and I think they are providing such services".

  Since then, Guangming Daily reported on February 26, 2015 that two top executives of HSBC recently apologized here for the "improper" practice of their Swiss private banks to help customers avoid taxes. Stuart Gulliver, CEO of HSBC Group, and Douglas Flint, Chairman of HSBC Group, said when questioned by the Parliamentary Finance Committee in the British Parliament that this move damaged people’s "trust and confidence" in HSBC Group, and he was ashamed of it and would "take corresponding responsibility". However, he also accused those in the management of HSBC Swiss Bank who stole and leaked customer information of "great sin".

  HSBC has exposed four major incidents of leaking customer information. Engineers turned into "data thieves"

  According to Southern Metropolis Daily, on April 26th, 2008, the server of Kwun Tong Branch of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was stolen, and nearly 160,000 customer data were lost. Under the pressure of public opinion, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority requires banks to take remedial measures and submit detailed reports. Zheng Haiquan, chairman of HSBC Asia Pacific, apologized for the loss of customer information, but he said that it was a theft and HSBC itself was a victim, but the bank would still be responsible. Zheng Haiquan said that he would review the bank’s security measures.

  According to Economic Observer, on July 4, 2008, HSBC issued a notice and found that it had lost an encoded digital audio tape, which recorded the telephone conversation between the bank and its customers. According to reports, the incident originated from the service center of HSBC Guangzhou Group. On June 17, the courier company was entrusted to transport a total of 55 tapes to Hong Kong, but only 54 tapes were delivered to the Hong Kong office of the bank. The unrecovered audio tape is a backup tape containing 25,000 telephone conversations, which recorded the telephone conversations between the bank and customers and callers from April 18 to 24, 2008. Most of the contents involved credit card service inquiries, calls related to business online wealth management services for industrial and commercial customers, and calls made by the bank to customers.

  According to Agence France-Presse, on April 13, 2010, the French prosecutor said that 127,000 accounts of 79,000 customers of HSBC were leaked and exposed, which means that more people may be prosecuted by the tax bureau of their own country for alleged tax evasion. Jelf farsi Yani, a former IT consultant of HSBC Private Bank, a Swiss subsidiary of HSBC, was accused of stealing the data of tens of thousands of bank customers from the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007.

  Jelf Fasiani changed from a security engineer to a "data thief". He was born in Monaco and has a degree in computer programming. In 2000, at the age of 28, he entered the IT department of HSBC and wrote security software for the bank. Six years later, he was transferred to the Geneva headquarters of HSBC Private Bank in Switzerland, responsible for the system security of the database. In 2008, this system security engineer, who has always performed well, unexpectedly "ran away" from the headquarters building of HSBC with 130,000 "top secret" customer information. In 2013, according to Jinling Evening News, at the trial of Spanish National Court in 2013, Jelf Fasiani defended himself, saying that banks were corrupt, and they condoned tax evasion, and sometimes even helped customers to launder money. He admitted that he had tried to expose HSBC’s "misconduct" to the Swiss government.

  Jelf Fasiani told the media, "I grew up in Monaco, where people wanted to work in financial institutions. When I was young, I thought that banks were places to protect the property of the upright. But at HSBC, I found that everything is completely another matter. "

  In November 2018, according to the China Business News, it was revealed that HSBC’s customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and the personal information of about 1% American customers was leaked. According to foreign media reports, on November 8, HSBC announced that its customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and about 1% of American customers’ names, birth dates, telephone numbers, email addresses and other information were leaked. According to HSBC, the hacking incident was caused by a login voucher attack, that is, hackers invaded HSBC accounts through personal information of customers obtained from other sources. In response, HSBC suspended online access to some accounts. At the same time, additional security protection is added to the authentication process of personal online banking platform to protect its customers from future attacks.

Requirements for studying in the United States for music majors, recommended by American Music Study University.

American universities are very famous. The United States has always been famous for its excellent traditional teaching, so many students will choose to study in the United States. So what are the requirements for studying in the United States for music majors? Let’s take a brief look.

1. Language requirements

For international students, they need to provide language scores of TOEFL or IELTS. Generally speaking, independent conservatories require TOEFL iBT80, and IELTS 6.5 is the standard for direct admission to universities. Some schools with substandard scores can provide double admission.

2. GRE scores

Generally speaking, GRE is required only for music majors with strong theoretical research when applying for graduate students. Most schools like instrumental performance, vocal music and jazz performance do not require GRE, but pay more attention to students’ performance ability and skills.

3. GPA scores

Excellent performance in school is also a necessary condition for competing for a good school. Generally, GPA is required to be 3.0 or above, and most of the average GPA in the United States is calculated by 4.0. Excellent GPA is very advantageous for applying for music schools in comprehensive universities.

4. Professional level

The professional level is the most important link in the process of applying to American Conservatory of Music for students majoring in music studying in the United States. Whether it’s mailing the video of the exam track requirements or attending the on-site interview at school, it’s best to choose the most mature track you play, instead of deliberately choosing the more difficult and uncommon track in order to win the favor of the examiner. In that case, a little negligence will expose your shortcomings and leave a bad impression on the examiner.

1. Juilliard School of Music

Located in new york, Juilliard Conservatory of Music is one of the most famous and outstanding conservatories in the world. Founded in 1905, it is famous for cultivating top musicians, singers and dancers. Juilliard offers a wide range of music courses, including orchestral music, vocal music, piano, composition and jazz. The school has a first-class team of teachers and advanced facilities to provide students with high-quality education and performance opportunities.

2. Berkeley Conservatory of Music

Berkeley Conservatory of Music, located in Boston, Massachusetts, is a modern and jazz music school. Founded in 1945, it is considered as one of the best modern conservatories in the world. Berkeley Conservatory of Music is famous for its innovative educational methods and rich and varied music courses. The teachers of the school come from all over the world, and students will have the opportunity to participate in various music projects and performances.

3. Cornell University Conservatory of Music

Cornell University Conservatory of Music, located in Ithaca, New York, is a college of Cornell University. Founded in 1868, it is one of the oldest conservatories in America. Cornell University Conservatory of Music offers a variety of music courses, including classical music, vocal music, composition, music technology and so on. The college has first-class facilities and teachers, providing students with rich academic and performance opportunities.

These are all the relevant contents about "Requirements for Studying in the United States for Music Majors". Students who want to study in the United States can make appropriate preparations for studying abroad to avoid unnecessary troubles in studying abroad.

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How to learn English? This article is thorough.

Recently, a video of a speech by Zheng Qiang, a professor at Zhejiang University, became popular on the Internet. In the speech, Professor Zheng Qiang pointed out: "In the past 20 years, we have over-exaggerated the weight of English in children’s growth education, and the wrong learning method has consumed a lot of valuable time of outstanding students, which is a manifestation of cultural self-confidence." This remark triggered a discussion among netizens, and many netizens said that "English is useless" and "English should withdraw from the college entrance examination".
From primary school to university, English has been with children in China, but few can really learn English well. Therefore, the discussion about whether English is useful or not and whether English should quit the college entrance examination has never been interrupted.
Returning to Professor Zheng Qiang’s point of view, it is not difficult to find that what he attacked was not English learning, but the wrong English learning method. He thinks that the wrong English learning method has delayed a large number of excellent students’ precious time.
This is what really needs reflection: how to learn English?
Why do you want to learn English
First of all, let’s think about the purpose of learning English: why should we learn English?
It is to use English for cross-border and cross-cultural communication, and to easily use English to read and absorb rich achievements and nutrients of human humanities, history and culture.
Starting from this goal, it is not difficult to find that if we set a standard for learning English well, the most direct thing is whether we can communicate with foreigners without barriers and whether we can read original English books and information without barriers.
English "Cowboy" succeeds in The Secret Behind.
In 2014, China Education Radio broadcasted such an exclusive interview: an ordinary 8-year-old boy spent four years writing 200,000 words of English novels at the age of 12, with almost zero starting point in English. His experience of English transformation and growth attracted the attention of the whole English teaching community.
The child’s name is Xiao Bowen, and his mother is Professor Cao Wen from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Professor Cao Wen said:
"His English enlightenment began when he was eight years old. He likes the feeling of snuggling up to me and listening to me tell him stories. I told him a story in English for three months, and then he could slowly start reading independently. With the combination of massive listening and reading, he has a very good starting point. "
"He is so happy, so without design, so unconsciously, he never remembers words, never recites texts, has no grammatical concepts, and has no real learning, but he has achieved positive results."
"And I’m still teaching a group of English majors over the age of 18 intensive reading and grammar. I hope they can write a 4,000-word English undergraduate thesis in four years!"
This incident made Professor Cao Wen very emotional: "Children’s English is not taught, it subverts my understanding of English learning, from just staring at textbooks to believing in the power of massive listening and interesting reading."
Coincidentally, in 2016, Anhui Business Daily reported that a 9-year-old boy from a township had been exposed to English since he was 6 years old. In just three years, he was familiar with college English textbooks, and his oral communication was very fluent. He could translate while speaking, and English teachers were afraid to ask him questions in class.
His experience has subverted many people’s cognition of English learning.
The 9-year-old child named Chen Shengjie comes from Baitafan Primary School in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. It is understood that Chen Shengjie was exposed to English by his father, Mr. Chen, around the age of 6.
Mr. Chen said that the reason why his son Chen Shengjie reached the present English level was entirely accumulated by reading, listening and speaking more.
Mr. Chen mentioned that reading more is the key to improving English. When reading, you don’t have to pick words and grammar. The difficulty of reading can be improved little by little according to your child’s level. While reading, try to let your child express himself in English as much as possible. When the child can accumulate "barrier-free reading" and "barrier-free listening and speaking", he will naturally understand grammar.
Through the above two stories, it is not difficult to find that there are two key points for two children to become English "cattle" children: listening more and reading more.
Many people also know the benefits of listening and reading a lot to English, but they face many obstacles in real implementation:
Where can I find such a large amount of original English materials?
How to choose the original English materials suitable for your own level?
What is the appropriate amount of materials?
How to realize seamless docking of materials and systematic natural listening and reading?
What if parents don’t have the energy or ability to coach their children for bandu?
What if a single family can’t afford to buy English original materials because of the lack of channels and huge cost?
In the face of these problems, although everyone realizes the importance of listening and reading, it is difficult to implement, and finally it becomes a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water, which is beyond reach.
iEnglishPut forward the overall solution to master English simply and efficiently.
IEnglish class mother tongue English learning and training system, aiming at the obstacles faced by massive English listening and reading, puts forward the overall solution of English learning.
The iEnglish native English learning and training system selects nearly 20,000 original English books, massive pictures, audio and video, etc., and guides children to carry out massive comprehensible input and output training, so as to easily acquire English unconsciously.
The native English learning and training system of iEnglish can be regarded as a mobile electronic library. The system selects a large number of high-quality original English materials, all of which are classic contents used by students in English-speaking countries, including picture books, stories, novels, pictures, audio and video, etc., to restore the complex scenes of real English environment and meet the learning needs of children of different ages.
Solve the problem of difficulty level through intelligent push
Just like learning to play basketball and calligraphy, the level needs to be gradually improved in stages. According to the needs of non-native English students for listening, reading and learning English, the iEnglish native English learning and training system sets a grading system of 150 levels from easy to difficult. By evaluating learners’ English foundation, accurately matching the difficulty level, and intelligently pushing the content with suitable difficulty according to factors such as the mastery level, 80% of the content can be effectively understood, and new content can be supplemented, and at the same time, it is smoother and smoother when upgrading, realizing the personalized learning of each student and ensuring the learning effect.
Hundreds of foreign teachers solve listening and pronunciation problems.
In the mother tongue environment, due to age, region, gender and other factors, everyone’s pronunciation is different. In order to better simulate the real English listening environment, the system has hundreds of English native speakers, male and female, old and young, to avoid children’s dependence on a single accent and better train their listening.
Through hundreds of foreign teachers’ bandu and pronunciation correction, the problems that parents are not allowed to speak and can’t coach their children are solved, thus naturally cultivating a pure English accent.
Learning reports keep parents informed of their learning situation at any time.
Compared with training courses and one-on-one foreign teachers, it is impossible to know the progress and effect of children’s learning in time. In order to help parents better understand and master the progress and effect of children’s learning, the iEnglish mother tongue English learning and training system is equipped with a mobile phone parent terminal, so that children’s learning data and status can be synchronized in real time, and the system automatically analyzes learning records and forms reports, so that parents can easily help students.
iEnglishThe effect has been widely verified, and the English learning problem has been really solved.
Since 2016, the learning effect of iEnglish has been widely verified: four-year-old children have achieved synchronization with American seven-year-old children’s reading ability in three years; Seven-year-old children with zero foundation passed the Cambridge PET exam in three years (similar to the difficulty of Chinese college entrance examination); 10-year-old children with a certain foundation passed the FCE level (equivalent to IELTS 6.0) in two years; Students in Grade Two got more than 130 points in the college entrance examination after more than 400 days of study. Officially, because iEnglish far exceeds parents’ expectations, it has become an "artifact" in English learning. More and more parents realize that solving English learning problems requires changing traditional English learning methods. Now hundreds of thousands of children are using iEnglish to solve English learning problems.
IEnglish makes English learning return to the essence, so as to achieve the goal of barrier-free communication with foreigners and obstacles to reading original English books and information.
So that every child can use English for cross-border and cross-cultural communication, and can easily use English to read and absorb rich achievements and nutrients of human humanities, history and culture.
For children’s English learning, we can’t take the old road and waste their precious time on mechanically rigid memorizing words and learning grammar. We need to let go of our inherent thinking, give up the fixed mode of learning only textbooks and start a new method of English learning.
The overall solution proposed by iEnglish-like mother tongue English learning and training system is such a brand-new, simple and efficient new English learning method. It starts from the underlying logic of language learning, and directly attacks the problems in China children’s English learning and parents’ pain points, and finally completely solves the English learning problems.
I believe that in the near future, there will be fewer and fewer seminars on English learning, because more and more students are using iEnglish to overcome English learning problems!

The sales of "deep" high-end beauty cosmetics have fallen sharply, and the desire of middle-class women to protect their faces is declining?

Reporter | Viann

Editor | Zhou Zhuoran

Since late January, Simei, who has been isolated at home, has found that cosmetics are useless. Due to the inconvenience of going out and poor logistics, she hardly bought beauty products.

During the epidemic, there were not a few people who reduced the consumption of beauty products. According to the data obtained by Bain, a management consulting company, and Alibaba Tmall, the online sales of beauty products decreased by 30% from the first day of the first month to the thirteenth day of the first month (January 25th to February 6th) in the Spring Festival in 2020, among which the high-end beauty products were more affected, with a decrease of 40%.

Estee Lauder’s performance fluctuated greatly during the epidemic. After combing the data of ECdataway Dataway, we found that the brand’s sales dropped by more than 75% year-on-year in the two weeks from February 8 to February 21. After ranking 100 in the brand sales list, it became the first in Tmall’s beauty care category from February 22 to February 28. This may be because Taobao Live Li Jiaqi broadcasted two Estee Lauder products on February 27.

Shiseido Group previously said that the sales volume of its four top brands in China decreased by more than half during the New Year.

At the same time, affordable beauty brands have been hit relatively lightly.

According to the data of ECdataway Dataway, during the five weeks from January 25th to February 28th, the sales of high-end beauty brands in Tmall beauty category fluctuated greatly, while the low-priced brands such as L ‘Oreal, Perfect Diary, Huaxizi and Yuze remained relatively stable in the top 15 of the weekly sales list.

Although with the passage of time, the beauty category market gradually began to resume growth, the difficulties faced by high-end beauty brands may be long-term.

During the epidemic, the online sales of high-end beauty brands declined significantly. Bain and Tmall explained that the social needs of Generation Z (born in 1995-2009), young people in small towns and cutting-edge white-collar workers declined, and they contributed more than 50% of the sales of this category in 2019, so the sales dropped significantly.

But this is not the whole reason. The frustration of high-end beauty brands is also related to their special brand attributes.

Yu Jian, general manager of Kaidu Consumer Index Greater China, told interface fashion that high-end beauty products, unlike cheap beauty brands, also bear the gift function like luxury goods.

Valentine’s Day is the traditional sales season for high-end beauty brands, but this year’s high-end beauty brands are probably "lover robbery".

After combing the Tmall sales data of ECdataway Dataway, it was found that the sales of high-end beauty brands generally declined on Valentine’s Day and the week before the holiday (February 8-February 14).

Among them, Lancome sales decreased by 12.8%, Estee Lauder sales decreased by 60.2%, Snow Show sales decreased by 41.7%, CPB sales decreased by 44.3% and SK-II sales decreased by 2.3%.

However, in a special period, even if online sales decline, it is a timely help. What makes high-end beauty brands even more headache is that tourism retail, which they regard as a channel for growth, almost completely failed during the epidemic.

Tourism is always closely related to shopping, and the most crowded people in duty-free shops are always the beauty counters with fragrance. According to the data of Generation Research, a French tourism retail research institution, the total sales of tourism retail channels reached 79 billion US dollars in 2018, of which perfumed products accounted for 31 billion yuan. Beauty products are undoubtedly the largest category of tourism retail in the world.

Shiseido Group, Estee Lauder Group and L ‘Oré al Group all emphasized the importance of tourism retail to the group in their financial year 2019 performance reports, and it was even the fastest growing channel for Shiseido last year.

More than a month ago, these beauty groups should have ushered in a small sales peak by taking advantage of the East Wind of Spring Festival travel. However, according to the data of the Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation Administration, the national civil aviation passenger flow in Spring Festival travel rush decreased by 47.5% within 40 days (January 10-February 18), of which the passenger flow plummeted by 86% from February 1 to February 18.

People greatly reduce their travel, so naturally they can’t and have no time to shop during the trip.

Shiseido CEO Masahiko Yutani previously revealed that after the outbreak, whether in department stores, pharmacies or duty-free shops, they obviously saw the impact of the decrease in China tourists on sales. Analysts at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities believe that Shiseido’s sales in the Asia-Pacific region including China and duty-free shops will decrease by 20%.

Because of the "avalanche" of tourism retail channels, in late February, Estee Lauder Group even offered a huge discount of 60% for three or more brands in duty-free retailers at airports such as duty-free shops in Japan.

Although the epidemic will always pass, high-end beauty brands are still worried that after the epidemic, the target group will become cautious in consumption and will take the initiative to downgrade beauty products.

Since the Chinese New Year, almost all walks of life have heard the news that the company’s cash flow is tight. Startups are struggling to save themselves, and large companies have successively implemented measures such as layoffs and employee pay cuts.

The middle class with houses, cars and loans should have been loyal customers of high-end beauty brands, but an epidemic will force them to grow.

Sun Xiaoji, a financial writer, said in an interview with Interface Culture that the outbreak of the epidemic gave people a rare opportunity to reflect on consumerism.

Sun Xiaoji suggested that people "get rid of the illusion of the middle class", control their desire for consumption, increase their desire for income, use their money for investment and savings, and don’t buy meaningless goods. "When you have to spend money, you can treat every expenditure as an investment."

However, consumers’ demand for high-end beauty products still exists, and brands also have opportunities to seize.

According to the data of the business staff, in February, the number of views, collectors and times of collection of Tmall cosmetics increased slightly, and the trend of beauty and skin care categories became more intense, with the number of views, collectors and times of collection rising sharply, with the growth rates of 64.09%, 39.10% and 77.80% respectively.

This means that in the days when people are isolated at home, although they have reduced shopping, they have more time to learn about beauty knowledge. Simei planted many new products, and saved two months’ salary when she went out, so she was going to buy them in buy buy after the epidemic.

L ‘Oré al Group called it the consumption base of beauty products at the presentation of "Cloud Release" China development strategy. Once the situation improves, beauty lovers will release their pent-up shopping desire.

After all, China women’s demand for beauty products should not be underestimated, and now they are the most mature consumers in the Asia-Pacific region.

Tao Jun, Director of Consumer and Market Insight of L ‘Oré al China, said that the overall penetration rate of female consumers in China in skin care products is close to 100%, and all categories are basically the same as those in South Korea, even surpassing South Korea in eye cream and mask, with an average of 13.8 skin care products.

In China, some high-end beauty brands have strengthened the operation of "private domain traffic" in sales channels.

On February 1st and 2nd, the sales of skin care brand Lin Qingxuan’s Wuhan store soared, and its performance rose to the second place in the country. On February 15th, Lin Qingxuan’s offline performance even increased by 45% compared with the same period of last year, and most of these sales were completed by digital platforms such as shopping guides and live broadcasts.

Lin Qingxuan told interface fashion that as of the end of February, 337 direct-operated stores had basically achieved the same performance as the same period of last year through digitalization. From March 1 ST to March 8 th, Lin Qingxuan’s whole network sales increased by 513% year-on-year.

Prior to this, half of Lin Qingxuan’s offline stores had been closed from the first day of the Lunar New Year to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, and his performance plummeted by 90%. Sun Chunlai, the founder, once said that the cash flow could only last for two or three months at most, and tapping private domain traffic made Lin Qingxuan temporarily out of the predicament.

Fan Yijin, vice president of Tencent Smart Retail, said at the online summit of beauty private domain traffic held by Jumeili and Tencent Advertising that according to interviews with consumers, store managers and shopping guides and BCG analysis of consulting company, when brand store managers and shopping guides have 300 customer friends and 30 ~ 50 customers who interact frequently, and interact with consumers at least once every 1 ~ 2 months, and chat for 3 ~ 5 minutes each time, the service capacity of sales terminals can be improved by 9 ~ 10 times, and the repurchase rate of consumers can be improved.

Lin Qingxuan told the interface fashion that after the epidemic, Lin Qingxuan will also increase the digitalization of live broadcast, and upgrade to Lin Qingxuan’s digital live broadcast store on the basis of existing direct stores, which will increase the user experience and form two dimensions of online content dissemination and offline service experience that reach consumers.

However, private domain traffic is not a treasure mine that all high-end brands can tap. Song Xing, founder and CEO of Fanyan Consulting, said at the online beauty private domain traffic summit that China companies of international beauty brands are limited by overseas headquarters’ control over brand tonality and other aspects, and it is difficult to respond to some domestic trends quickly, so they may miss the tide of private domain traffic.

On the other hand, private domain traffic is a sudden rise during the epidemic. It seems to be a temporary savior, but its future development trend is still not clear. With the gradual overload of private domain information, some users have begun to quit the WeChat group full of sales links.

For mid-to-high-end beauty brands, the way to retain customers may be to enhance brand power and establish emotional ties with them. In Yin Kuo’s view, the middle and high-end beauty products are perceptual goods, and consumers will still be willing to use the customary beauty brands in the long run.

The efficacy of beauty products is difficult to be measured intuitively, and the consumption of high-end beauty products belongs to emotional consumption. What high-end brands need to do is to find the button that triggers consumers’ emotions.

Yu Jian believes that as long as China consumers yearn for a better life, the beauty market will be full of various possibilities.

What is "ineffective medical care"? Many operations may not be performed, and many drugs may not be taken.

People are most afraid of disease, not only suffering from physical pain, but also bearing expensive treatment costs. People receive treatment immediately after getting sick, but some unscrupulous clinics recommend expensive treatment methods and drugs to patients in order to make huge profits, so that small diseases cost a lot of money and the treatment effect is not very satisfactory.

Therefore, when patients treat diseases, they should avoid ineffective medical treatment, and have a pair of eyes to identify them.

According to relevant statistics, 47.4% of netizens in China have encountered the problem of ineffective medical care. Strictly speaking, ineffective medical treatment, that is, medical behavior, has no meaning to patients, or is not helpful to the improvement of their condition.

For example, some drugs can be cured by taking medicine, but doctors still recommend patients to do various tests and treatments; Or the illness is very serious, the patient is weak, and the doctor still adopts advanced or expensive medical means, which not only increases the pain suffered by the patient, but also leads to poor treatment effect, and eventually leads to both human and financial resources, and also leads to waste of medical resources.

1. Advanced cancer

Modern medicine is still unable to conquer cancer, especially in the late stage of cancer. Excessive emphasis on radical cure of cancer or complete killing of cancer cells will increase the physical, mental and economic pressure of patients, making them weaker and even life-threatening. The principle of advanced cancer treatment is to relieve pain and improve the quality of life, so we can’t operate blindly.

2. Lumbar disc herniation

In fact, the lumbar spine has a strong ability of self-healing and recovery. Immune cells and phagocytic system in the body can identify the position of lumbar disc herniation, secrete a lot of enzymes to dissolve it, and rely on the ability of healing and recovery to alleviate it. Most lumbar disc herniation does not require additional surgery. According to the survey, 13.25% of the patients got worse after the operation.

3. Pulmonary nodules

Some patients were diagnosed as pulmonary nodules during physical examination, and most of them were benign. After being diagnosed with pulmonary nodules, there is no need to worry too much, and further pathological examination is needed to assess the risk of cancer. If it is a benign pulmonary nodule without special treatment, just go to the hospital for low-dose spiral CT screening on a regular basis.

4, frequent infusion

Many people choose infusion because it can quickly alleviate their illness. However, infusion is equivalent to minor surgery, and excessive infusion will bring adverse reactions to the body and affect the development of various tissues and cells. Therefore, there is no need for infusion when it is not necessary, and a regular hospital should be chosen when infusion is necessary.

1. Paracetamol

As long as there is low back pain, people will take acetaminophen as soon as possible, such as paracetamol, which can relieve the pain quickly. However, if paracetamol can’t relieve acute low back pain and there is no significant spinal lesion, it may have side effects after taking the medicine.

2. Opioid drugs

Some patients take opioid analgesics for a long time after surgery to relieve pain, but excessive use of such drugs can harm their physical and mental health.

3. Aspirin

Some patients took aspirin before operation. However, studies have shown that taking aspirin will not affect the mortality rate and the incidence of nonfatal myocardial infarction. On the contrary, it will cause massive bleeding because of taking a lot of aspirin every day.


Ineffective medical treatment not only can’t solve the disease, but also affects patients’ physical and mental health, increases economic pressure, wastes medical resources and reduces patients’ trust in doctors. Every doctor should pay attention to medical ethics and fully consider the patient’s pathogenic needs and medical technology level.

The online manuscript of family doctor shall not be reproduced without authorization.

Super league in school? Shandong men’s basketball team fined 10 yuan, and the result was a fine of 50,000 by CBA.

Sometimes it pays to be smart, such as the Shandong men’s basketball team. A few days ago, Shandong and Xinjiang played a summer league. Shandong captain Gao Shiyan, veteran player Jia Cheng and Xinjiang Yu Dehao clashed, and then Gao Shiyan made inappropriate remarks. As a result, he was fined by CBA company, Yu Dehao was suspended for one game and fined 20,000, Jia Cheng fined 20,000 for one game, and Gao Shiyan fined 10,000.

After the ticket was issued, the Shandong men’s basketball team shook its wits and issued an internal penalty, directly punishing Gao Shiyan and Jia Cheng for 10 yuan. This is obviously a joke, but as an official announcement, it is obviously not rigorous enough and the topic is very big. Immediately, the Internet is discussing this 10 yuan fine.

There were similar incidents in the three towns of Wuhan in the Super League before. The three towns of Wuhan punished Aziz for violent behavior in the game, resulting in a fine of $1. Is the Shandong men’s basketball team in line with the three towns of Wuhan in the Super League?

However, there was nothing wrong with the announcement of a fine of $1 issued by three towns in Wuhan, but the Shandong high-speed men’s basketball team was directly fined. The official penalty announcement of CBA said that publishing improper information on the official social platform had a bad influence on CBA league, and it was directly deducted from the league funds by 50,000, which was because of the announcement of 10 yuan money.

However, 10 yuan’s fine for the Shandong high-speed men’s basketball team was also deleted, but the impact was also caused.

I don’t know what fans and friends think about this 50 thousand penalty, but it’s really interesting. It seems that the official number really needs to be cautious.

Evergrande Football School has achieved fruitful results! The 22-year-old star won the Golden Globe Award and scored the best 11 players. Xu Jiayin didn’t brag.

Guangzhou Evergrande, which won the Super League championship eight times, is undoubtedly a household name in domestic football. However, with the collapse of the capital chain, Guangzhou’s current team is not what it used to be. After relegation from the penultimate place in the league, it returned to the Chinese League last season.

In the new season, after five rounds of battle, Guangzhou team still hasn’t won a game, and only ranks third from the bottom with the goal difference advantage. If we can’t make a quick decision, the former China football champion may enter the second team next season. Guangzhou team’s fiasco performance is also very simple: "I have no money."

Because the parent company stopped injecting capital, the main force of the original team left the team one after another, and the Guangzhou team could only live on its own hematopoiesis. Due to the limited funds of the team, it is impossible to invite foreign aid, but I think fans should know how important foreign aid is to China Club. Two or three good foreign AIDS can almost directly make the team by going up one flight of stairs, but if the foreign aid team and the Youth League don’t play again, it’s not surprising that the Guangzhou team will be relegated in the Chinese League.

Xu Jiayin, chairman of Guangzhou Evergrande Club, was temporarily released at the opening ceremony of the football school in 2012. Relying on the brave words supported by Evergrande Football Association will gradually complete the transformation from relying on foreign aid to win the world, thanks to the hematopoietic capacity of Guangzhou Evergrande Team. Not too distant future. Cultivate China as a world star! After 11 years, I didn’t expect the two cows boasted by Xu Jiayin to come true.

Guangzhou team has participated in the league as "All-China Class" since last season, which can be said to be a curve rescue league, mainly because the All-China Class has no funds to invite foreign aid. They took this historic step. The goal of Evergrande Football School to train world-class players in China has also become a reality. Zhang Lingyang, 22, won the Golden Glove Award in the Swiss Women’s Football Super League at the award ceremony just concluded a few days ago. Counting the best 11 people in the Swiss Women’s Super League, Zhang Linyan is already a well-deserved world-class star!

After Zhang Linyan won the prize, Evergrande Football School also shared Zhang Linyan’s growing experience on social media. The four-year Women’s World Cup will start in July this year. I hope that Zhang Linyan can play well with the national team and contribute to the further success of the women’s football team in China.