标签归档 上海贵族宝贝交流

Revealing the secrets of Silk Road e-commerce: from "milk powder diapers" to "the same style in China", it has also become a touchstone for China’s cross-border supply chain

The Czech crystal will seamlessly connect with the cross-border e-commerce platform after each CIIE, becoming the "same style in the Expo" that consumers can buy online for the first time. This year’s hot-selling product is a hand-carved gold-painted bowl, priced at 4,800 yuan, which is still difficult to stop consumers from chasing.

Czech crystal has attracted imitators. A niche French skin care product that participated in the Expo for the first time this year immediately entered the Qingpu Comprehensive Guarantee Area after the exhibition, and also became a cross-border e-commerce product. Once a consumer places an order, the goods can be shipped directly from the warehouse in the Comprehensive Guarantee Area.

They came to Shanghai not far away and became participants in "Silk Road E-commerce".China’s accession to the WTO 20 years ago has activated a pool of spring water for the world economy. Now China focuses on promoting the development of cross-border e-commerce in countries and regions along the "Belt and Road Initiative", once again injecting new impetus into global trade facilitation.

It is understood that our country’s cross-border e-commerce started in 2013. In recent years, after four sessions of the Expo, as our country continues to expand and open up, China’s market consumption continues to upgrade, and more and more niche products with the characteristics of the "Belt and Road Initiative" choose to be sold to China through cross-border e-commerce channels. Many have gone through the upgrade road from "trial new products" to "explosion" to "big trade goods". "Silk Road E-commerce" has explored the password of China’s consumption upgrade and has become the vanguard of general trade.

After the Expo, it became popular

China Jiesi Co-promotion Center is a typical "Silk Road E-commerce". In recent years, it has taken over more than 70% of our country’s imported crystal handicrafts from the Czech Republic. However, Zhang Peng, the president, knows how to treat them differently – for those mature models, they are mostly imported by general trade, and high-value-added new models go through cross-border e-commerce. "Since it is impossible to determine in advance whether the new models will be popular in China, cross-border e-commerce has undoubtedly become a fast and economical choice."

Czech crystal at the 4th CIIE.

Zhao Jian, general manager of Cainiao International Supply Chain, is deeply involved in cross-border e-commerce logistics and is keen to study the "Silk Road special line". Last year, together with airlines, customs and other departments, he piloted the first cross-border direct mail "niche incense" route in China and Europe in Germany. It is filled with incense products that have never entered the Chinese market but have an excellent reputation in Europe. During the "Double Dan" period last year, it was able to be sent directly from Europe to China every day.

In Zhao Jian’s eyes, cross-border e-commerce has many benefits. "It is like you go shopping abroad, and its taxation and entry requirements are naturally different from those of general trade imports. At the end of 2018, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and other six ministries and commissions jointly issued a document to supervise the retail imports of cross-border e-commerce goods according to the entry items for personal use, and do not implement the requirements for the approval, registration or filing of the first import license of the relevant goods. At the same time, they are exempt from customs duties, and only 9.1% of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive tax is levied, that is, 13% of the value-added tax is 30% off. Many consumers like that cross-border e-commerce has a real customs declaration form, which is more reliable than the real and fake’purchasing

However, according to the observation of Lao Weiling, director of the e-commerce research center of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, before the first CIIE, "Silk Road e-commerce" was mostly synonymous with overseas milk powder diapers, and it was after the CIIE that it really became popular. "The CIIE has ignited consumers’ new ideas, and they are eager to see the same product on the cross-border e-commerce platform. Therefore, Malaysian health care products, goat milk masks in Poland, beer in Angola, and chocolate-flavored coffee all appeared after the CIIE, and quickly launched the cross-border e-commerce platform."

Polish cosmetics brand Yasumi opened its Tmall Global flagship store during the second CIIE. (Photo by Li Ye)

According to Shanghai customs data, in the first three quarters of 2019 after the conclusion of the first China International Import Expo, Shanghai’s cross-border e-commerce online shopping bonded trade imports grew by as much as 40.3%.

Inspire Shanghai’s system to re-innovate

According to the figures released at the 2021 China International Trade in Services Fair, in the past five years, the scale of cross-border e-commerce in our country has increased by nearly 10 times, and the import and export volume last year has reached 1.69 trillion yuan. Shanghai, as one of the first batch of cross-border e-commerce pilot cities in our country in 2013, has always played a leading role. The transaction scale has continued to grow by double digits in the first half of this year, ranking among the top in the country. The RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement), which will take effect in January next year, will stimulate the re-innovation of Shanghai’s system.

The warehouse in the Shanghai Comprehensive Guarantee Area is filled with cross-border e-commerce goods.

The RCEP was initiated by the ten ASEAN countries and invited China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and India to participate together to establish a unified market for free trade among the 16 countries by reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers. Under the RCEP framework, the number of products that will eventually achieve zero tariffs in goods trade will reach 90%, which will greatly encourage the development of cross-border e-commerce among RCEP member countries.

To become a big "Silk Road e-commerce", the speed must be faster. Shanghai is already taking action. For example, a Japanese direct purchase import order can be placed today and received the next day. It is reported that Shanghai has established a fast customs clearance mechanism for cross-border e-commerce, from the arrival of goods at customs supervision places to customs clearance and release, the longest time is no more than 24 hours, and a large number of low-risk declared goods can even be "released in seconds". Take Xiaohongshu, a cross-border e-commerce platform, as an example. Orders in Europe, America and Australia generally take only 7 to 10 days from the time the user places an order to signing for it. Japanese and Korean orders are faster, with Shanghai users taking no more than 3 days and national users taking up to 5 days. If a Japanese direct mail import order is placed by the consumer in the morning, the overseas warehouse will pack it immediately, pick it up in the afternoon, air it to Shanghai in the early morning of the next day, and clear customs in the afternoon, and it will be delivered that night.

In addition to fast release, there is also the convenience of summary tax payment. In order to support the development of "Silk Road e-commerce", Shanghai Customs has launched a "list verification and centralized tax payment" customs clearance model. E-commerce enterprises can apply for summary payment letters from the customs within 31 to 45 days from the date of cross-border package release. This move greatly facilitates enterprises.It has attracted a large number of e-commerce companies such as Xiaohongshu, Tmall Global, JD.com Global Shopping, and Amazon to place the import port of "cross-border direct purchase" business in Shanghai, and also place the "traffic test" of cross-border purchase at consumer carnival points such as "Double 11", "Double 12" and "Black Friday" at the Shanghai port.

Cross-border supply chains are strengthening

"Silk Road E-commerce" is a two-way trade. On the one hand, foreign brands explore the Chinese market, and on the other hand, domestic products go overseas. Data show that in the total scale of cross-border e-commerce transactions in our country last year, the export value was 3 times that of the import value.

Foreigners are enthusiastic about purchasing Chinese goods.

The University of Ghent in Belgium has recently set off a Chinese Phoenix brand bicycle craze, which stems from the fact that European college students have used cycling to replace the previous way of taking trains due to the pandemic. The trend of foreigners keen on Chinese goods is related to the increase in overseas promotion of "Silk Road e-commerce" such as Tmall Global, Koala Haigou and AliExpress in the past two years. For example, AliExpress has seen a surge in overseas users participating in the "Double 11" hand chopping this year. Among them, Brazilian users are the most enthusiastic, and in just 15 minutes, they exceeded the one-hour transaction volume last year.

Spanish users received "Double 11" to buy Chinese electric razors.

Last month, on Douyin International TikTok, Russian Internet celebrity Regsem, who has 4 million fans, excitedly posted the Bluetooth speaker from China that she received in just 10 days. Behind this consumer experience that surpasses foreigners’ expectations is the cost reduction and acceleration brought by China’s cross-border logistics to accelerate overseas layout.

Russian Internet celebrity RegsemOn Douyin International TikTokShe posted the Bluetooth speaker she received from China.

It is reported that in recent years, express delivery companies such as Zhongtong, Yuantong, Yunda, as well as cross-border supply chain solution providers such as Cainiao and Newegg have rushed to build warehouses along the "Belt and Road Initiative". According to the data of the Ministry of Commerce, there are currently nearly 2,000 overseas warehouses for cross-border e-commerce in our country, covering an area of 12 million square meters. For example, Zhongtong has built 40 overseas warehouses and 17 cross-border advantageous lines, achieving global business. For example, the cross-border logistics of the AliExpress platform is guaranteed by Cainiao. At present, European consumers can buy a Chinese-made thermos cup on AliExpress and choose the "5 US dollars 10 days delivery" service. Such freight and timeliness are even cheaper and faster than in Europe and the United States.

On November 8, local time, Cainiao officially put into use the eWTP Hub in Liege, Belgium, the largest smart logistics hub in Europe.

Overseas warehouses of Chinese logistics companies.

At present, our country has established bilateral e-commerce cooperation mechanisms with 22 countries on five continents, and "Silk Road E-commerce" is becoming a new engine of international economic and trade cooperation in the construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative". In this process, the efficiency and cost advantages of China’s cross-border supply chain are highlighted, and the gap between Chinese logistics companies and the three giants of international express delivery is also expected to be rapidly narrowed by the construction of "Silk Road E-commerce".

Communication will return to hear Huawei talk about the design behind the new flagship P7

Leonardo Phoenix is a foundational model launched by the Leonardo AI platform, which has made breakthroughs in prompt following, image generation clarity, and AI research. The model provides higher quality image generation through architectural innovation, especially in the text generation of portraits, banners, posters, and logos. In addition, it also enhances creative control, allowing users to easily access and quickly modify generated content through prompt enhancement and AI prompt editing. Although some features such as image guidance, elements, and photo realism are not yet integrated, it is expected to be added in the near future.

Five suggestions for buying a car in 2024

There are 33 days left in 2023, and in the coming year of 2024, many friends should have the demand of buying a car for the first time, changing it and increasing it. The picture shows that the car has summed up five suggestions for buying a car in 2024 based on the current development trend of the automobile industry and personal judgment.

First, new energy sources are preferred, and pure fuel vehicles are not recommended.

Many people may be reluctant to accept the fact that pure fuel vehicles are declining, but the fact is that fuel vehicles are accelerating to withdraw from the historical stage, at least in China. According to the monthly report of the Association, the market penetration rate of new energy vehicles has reached 38% in October 2023, and in January this year, the market penetration rate of new energy was still 25.7%. Compared with the same period of last year, the penetration rate of new energy market increased by 7.8% in October.

In terms of sales volume, of the 2.03 million new cars sold in October 2023, 770,000 were new energy vehicles, and the remaining 1.26 million were pure fuel vehicles. This comparison really shows that fuel vehicles are still difficult to hide the king’s demeanor, but if we compare the growth rate in the same period, it means that pure fuel vehicles are showing signs of decline-in November, the sales of new energy vehicles increased by 38% year-on-year, while the sales of pure fuel vehicles increased by -2.1%. In January, which was hit hardest by new energy, the sales of pure fuel vehicles increased by an astonishing -44.5% year-on-year.

It is not difficult to see that the pure fuel vehicle is going downhill as a whole, and there is no possibility of any return to life. In 2024, pure fuel vehicles, especially those below 200,000, will disappear faster. The newly listed consumer-grade vehicles are basically plug-in, extended-range or pure electric vehicles, and new pure fuel vehicles will be limited to joint venture brands and a few performance vehicles. For most consumers, accepting new energy sources may become the norm, because there are really not many pure fuel new cars to choose from.

In addition, it is still about wallets. 2024 is the penultimate year of new energy purchase tax exemption, and by 2026, new energy purchase tax will not be completely exempted. So, get on the bus when you get on, don’t hesitate, the later the fuel car changes, the greater the loss. You may not believe me, but the second-hand car association will give you lessons.

Second, program extension and multi-gear plug-in hybrid priority program extension

It is not yet clear who can laugh at the end between the extended program and the plug-in hybrid, but in the coming and foreseeable year of 2024, the extended program is undoubtedly the better solution.

Extended programs are often ridiculed as backward technology, but the answer given by the market is not the case. The sales volume of new energy terminals in October 2023 showed that the sales volume of plug-in hybrid vehicles in October was 159,000, and the sales volume of extended-range vehicles in the same period was 72,200, with a year-on-year increase of 211%. No matter what industry it is, "joining if you can’t beat it" is an eternal road. At first, you only wanted to extend your journey. Now Deep Blue, Wenjie, Zero Run, Lantu and even BYD have all joined the ranks of extending your journey. Only Tucki and Weilai are the independent new energy brands that firmly adhere to the pure circuit line, and the sales of the latter have reached the "not very good" range.

At the same time, the self-owned brands that adhere to the multi-gear plug-in hybrid technology route are also uncomfortable. How many of the 159,000 plug-in new cars are BYD’s single-gear plug-in, I think you have a good idea.

Undoubtedly, in the coming year of 2024, with the continuous decline in the price of raw materials for batteries, there will be more and more extended-range models for large batteries. A very simple question, when the extended pure electric mileage comes to about 350 kilometers, what are the advantages of plug-in hybrid models with 55 kilometers and 120 kilometers of pure electric battery life? Not to mention the multi-speed plug-in hybrid vehicle with complex technology and easy failure.

Third, the conditions allow priority to choose the smart driving version.

Nowadays, the development speed of new cars is really fast, and electrification is accompanied by intelligence. Of course, the intelligence here is not a disappearing gear handle and an increasingly large central control screen, but an increasingly advanced auxiliary driving function. When quite a few people are not used to giving the throttle to the adaptive cruise system, the tram has entered the stage of giving the steering wheel to the auxiliary driving system.

Then the two-day video of Smart World S7 and Ideal Unmanned parking service shows us to some extent the normal state of parking in the basements of first-and second-tier cities after two or three years-the basements of big shopping malls are full of cars with drivers who have no one to find their own parking spaces, and in most cases, they may be better and more courteous than human drivers.

Intelligent driving is not limited to unmanned parking service, but also point-to-point navigation assistance. At present, most car companies’ intelligent driving schemes are still in semi-closed road environment such as expressway/urban expressway, which is only the initial stage of pilot assistance. The higher level is the navigation assistance of complex urban roads, and the foreseeable ultimate goal is the point-to-point navigation assistance. At present, the intelligent driving technology of some car companies has actually reached the point-to-point level of navigation assistance, but the policies, regulations and road environmental conditions have not yet reached the practical level. In the future, with the improvement of regulations and urban infrastructure, point-to-point navigation assistance will no longer be a scene unique to science fiction films.

In the coming year of 2024, most trams with a price of more than 150,000 yuan should provide a smart driving version, which usually uses the suffix of MAX or I, and the price is usually about 20,000 yuan more expensive than the ordinary version. At the same time, there may be a new trend that all new cars have the redundancy of intelligent driving hardware. If you want to open the intelligent driving function in the future, you only need to purchase the service and push the intelligent driving function through OTA.

Therefore, considering the change cycle of 5-6 years, if you buy a tram next year, it is recommended to give priority to the intelligent driving version. If conditions do not permit, try to choose a model with intelligent driving hardware redundancy that can be upgraded through OTA, so that you can upgrade to the intelligent driving version at any time when future conditions permit. The intelligent driving era will not be too far away.

Fourth, independent brand new energy gives priority to big manufacturers and their sub-brands.

Needless to say, in recent years, new energy sources of independent brands have emerged in an endless stream, and many of them are short-lived. The latter are basically "new forces" without endorsement from big manufacturers. Other things aside, just by fighting the price war, the big manufacturers will persist longer than the new forces, and the after-sales and supply chain of the big manufacturers will be more complete, at least there will be no crisis in the car machine.

At the same time, the self-owned brand new energy sub-brands are actually doing very well, and the level of adjustment is inevitable, but at least the hardware is full, and more than 200,000 double wishbone air suspensions are arranged for you. The same price can be given priority.

Fifth, buy early and enjoy the discount for buying late.

This is applicable at any time, because the development of science and technology is a process of continuous innovation and progress, and everyone may be backstab. For example, when you are still immersed in the expectation and joy of waiting for your car to be transported to the delivery center, the APP highlights the push of the smart driving version of the same model.

At this time, you should learn to comfort yourself that "buy early and enjoy the discount when you buy late". In the new energy era, new cars come out faster than mobile phones. No matter when you buy a car, there are always better and more advanced models on the market, and the models that can afford and meet your needs are the most suitable. In short, the best scenery is always in the distance, and it is wonderful to learn to enjoy the present.

Burn! Strong military cup basketball final


  Recently, the final of the third "Strong Military Cup" in the Eastern Division of the Navy came to a successful conclusion in the indoor basketball hall of a naval detachment in the theater. This is not only a "trump card confrontation" between the needle tip and Maimang, but also a "deep exchange" to enhance the friendship between comrades. Inside and outside the stadium, the officers and men honed their skills in the game by making friends and helping each other, and enhanced their feelings in exchanges. (Chang Le, Li Kai, Chen Zesheng
, Li Henghui)


Limit 2 for 3, Tucker and Milton parachuted into Houston Rockets.

Houston Rockets made a 2-for-3 offer with Philadelphia 76ers.

According to espm, the Houston Rockets and the Philadelphia 76ers discussed a 2-for-3 deal. The Rockets sent out Porter Jr. and the first-round draft pick in 2025, and got Tucker+Milton from the 76ers. Tucker and Milton have rich playoff experience, which is very suitable for the current Rockets. The Sixers need them to help Green and others grow up.

Ramos’s untimely post-match remarks angered the fans (translated from Corriere dello Sport)

After losing to Bayern Munich, Paris Saint-Germain once again fell to the last 16 of the Champions League. This is undoubtedly a heavy mental blow to a club that is determined to be crowned king of Europe. Although the team has a top player like sergio ramos, who has won the Champions League four times, his great experience in the Champions League seems to have brought no effect to the team. The Spanish defender also expressed his disappointment with the team after the game.

The former Real Madrid defender said on his Instagram: "Like your fans, we are deeply disappointed with the result. The team has not yet won the Champions League, and we are still immature in how to deal with the key details. Unfortunately, we failed to achieve an important goal. Although it is very painful, the champion teams all grow up from failure and adversity. We will come back! "

Ps: Ramos is actually telling the truth. Paris Saint-Germain still has many problems and does not have the strength to win the championship for the time being. But after all, the team spent so much money to buy so many stars, but the Champions League record failed to meet expectations, which made many fans psychologically uncomfortable and it was understandable to scold him. In other words, this year’s luck in Paris is really bad. In the group stage, we met Benfica (super this year) and Juventus. After the second qualifying in the group, we drew one of the strongest Bayern.