标签归档 上海贵族宝贝龙凤楼

The "common fault" of abnormal sound of BYD Qin engine needs to be diagnosed and treated

China Consumer News reported (Su Bingjie, reporter Geng Ji ‘an): "Since I bought this BYD Qin hybrid car, there have been constant problems, and I went to the 4S shop for repair at two ends every three days." Recently, Mr. Ren, a consumer in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, told the reporter of China Consumer News that more than a dozen BYD car owners had the same experience. What kind of problem is it that makes car owners so upset? The reporter of China Consumer News launched an investigation.

It’s annoying to buy a new car

Mr. Ren told reporters that at the end of April 2016, he went to Shenzhen and bought BYD Qin 2014 (BYD7150WTHEV2) hybrid car that he had been paying attention to for a long time at Shenzhen Jinhuanyi 4S store. When the pure electric mileage reached more than 3,000 kilometers, Mr. Ren found that his car had a "disease"-when the throttle was increased, the engine would have an abnormal sound. The staff of the 4S shop told Mr. Ren that if the engine needs to be replaced for renovation, the bearings should also be replaced. Because the abnormal noise was not very loud at that time, Mr. Ren gave up the idea of maintenance.

The good times didn’t last long. In October 2016, Mr. Ren’s car "relapsed" and it was more serious than before. Mr. Ren told the reporter that in pure electric mode, when the vehicle speed is kept at about 30 km/h, the vehicle with the accelerator pedal will be "frustrated", and at the same time, the engine compartment will make an abnormal noise. With the increase of driving mileage, the "frustrated" and abnormal noise will become louder and louder. Mr. Ren sent the car to BYD authorized service shop for testing, and the result was that there was something wrong with the motor transmission assembly. After replacing the transmission sub-assembly, when the mileage of the car increased by more than 3000 kilometers in pure electric mode, "frustration" and abnormal sound appeared again.

What bothers Mr. Ren is that the old car disease has not been treated and new diseases have been added. With the increase of mileage, Mr. Ren found that when the vehicle is fully charged, it can only last for more than 40 kilometers in pure electric mode. "When I bought a car, BYD claimed that it could charge 13 kWh. However, the new car can only charge 10-11 kWh when it is fully charged, and it can only charge 8-9 kWh when it is used for less than two years. BYD claims that in pure electric mode, the cruising range of the vehicle under comprehensive working conditions can reach 70 kilometers, and now it can only travel for more than 40 kilometers. " Mr. Ren told reporters.

Complaints are not a case.

According to the investigation by the reporter of China Consumer News, there are 11 car owners who can get in touch with Mr. Ren in a similar situation. They all bought BYD Qin’s 2014 1.5T flagship version, and the vehicles all had different degrees of "frustration" and abnormal noise. The problem still exists after four car owners have changed the transmission. Six people reported that the vehicle’s full battery life was less than 45 kilometers.

Mr. Zhang, the owner of Sanmenxia City, told the reporter that in less than three years, he has replaced two transmissions, and the problem remains unsolved.

Mr. Ren said that many owners of BYD Qin all over the country have reported such problems in their vehicles, and even more vehicles lost power due to transmission failure during driving, which was bad on the road.

According to official public information of BYD, the charging capacity of Ferrous lithium phosphate power battery used by BYD Qin is 13kw/h, 90% of the system uses pure electric mode in hybrid mode, and the driving mileage under comprehensive working conditions can reach 70km.

In response to the problems reflected by consumers, the reporter of China Consumer News called BYD’s official customer service number for consultation. BYD staff said that the battery capacity drop and abnormal noise are technical problems and need to be tested at local authorized stores. For the case that the vehicle has a battery life of less than 70km in pure electric mode, the staff said that the battery life of 70km in pure electric mode is the test data under comprehensive working conditions, and the specific battery life has a certain relationship with the road conditions, climate conditions, driving conditions, temperature, load, electrical appliance use, etc. It is suggested that the owner contact the authorized point designated by the manufacturer and said that this situation will be fed back to the relevant departments of the company.

Mr. Ren told the reporter that after discovering that there was a problem with the vehicle, he had a BYD authorized service shop for testing, and the results showed that it was normal. The tester explained that the abnormal noise might be caused by driving habits. "If only one person has this problem, it can be explained in this way, but is it because of driving habits that more than a dozen people have the same problem? I can’t accept this explanation. I have contacted 4S stores and manufacturers many times, but I have never been able to get a reasonable explanation. " Mr. Ren said.

● Expert opinion

Suspected of false propaganda

On April 13th, Zhao Jiqiang, secretary general of Henan Automobile Industry Chamber of Commerce, told reporters that the development of new energy vehicles is still in its infancy, the technical level is still restricted, and the industry standards are not standardized and unified. The technology of battery industry is still in the stage of civilian development. At present, the detection of battery capacity used in automobiles is not standardized. There are differences between real electricity and virtual electricity in batteries, and there will be errors between conversion. BYD, as an automobile manufacturer that independently develops batteries, has its own battery testing institutions and standards. As for whether BYD’s battery capacity has a false standard, it can only be known by testing the battery capacity by the authoritative testing organization of the state. However, from the time when the vehicle can charge 13 kWh to the later 8-9 kWh, it shows that the melting capacity of the battery has changed when charging, and there may be problems with the quality of the battery, which will affect the endurance of the car to a certain extent.

Ge Rui, a lawyer of Henan Haoying Law Firm, believes that if the problems reflected by the car owners are true after being tested by the appraisal agency, then BYD’s publicity will violate Article 9 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law. "Operators shall not use advertisements or other methods to make misleading false propaganda on the quality, ingredients, performance, use, producer, expiration date and place of origin of the goods, and advertising operators shall not represent, design, produce and publish false advertisements under the circumstances of knowing or should know. If the owner can collect the evidence of fraudulent propaganda of BYD manufacturers, he can ask the merchants to "return one and lose three" according to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law.

Li Hansheng, director of the Complaints Department of Henan Consumers Association, said in an interview with China Consumer News that Henan Consumers Association has received 12 complaints about abnormal sound of BYD Qin series vehicles, and manufacturers should consider recalling defective cars and eliminating the defects of automobile products through measures such as repair, replacement and return. At present, Henan Consumers Association has communicated and discussed with BYD Henan institutions for many times, instructing Yadi manufacturers to work out detailed solutions to the problem of abnormal sound that consumers have concentrated on.

China Consumer News will continue to pay attention to the progress of the incident. (Geng Ji ‘an)

On October 9th, the trend of big companies was tracked: NVIDIA cancelled the offline meeting of Israeli AI Summit, and vision china was formally prosecuted! The company responded …

(Original title: Tracking the trend of big companies on October 9: NVIDIA canceled the offline meeting of Israeli AI Summit, and vision china was formally sued! Company response …)

The financial sector reported on October 9 that the big companies that deserve attention today are: NVIDIA canceled the offline meeting of the Israeli AI Summit, Country Garden is considering announcing the overseas debt restructuring plan in the near future, and Cangzhou Bank clarified that the loan data owed by Netcom Evergrande was seriously inaccurate, and the amount involved was 346 million yuan.


NVIDIA cancels offline meeting of Israeli AI summit.

Worried about the Israeli security situation, technology giant NVIDIA will cancel the offline meeting of the annual AI Summit scheduled to be held in Tel Aviv on October 15th and 16th. According to the original plan, NVIDIA will show its latest progress in the field of artificial intelligence at the AI Summit, and Huang Renxun, founder and CEO of NVIDIA, will also give a keynote speech at the AI Summit.

Ali responded to the rumor that Luohantang was closed: Luohantang and Luohantang brands continue to exist.

Recently, in response to the rumor that "Luohantang is closed, Alibaba will fade out its concern for social affairs", the relevant person in charge of Alibaba said that the news is not true, and Alibaba’s attention and investment in digital economy innovation has never weakened. With the continuous advancement of 1+6+N organizational change, the organizational relationship, team composition and work focus of Luohantang have been adjusted. The research work of digital economy and the research ecology of Luohantang have been continued by Luohantang Digital Economy Research Institute, and Luohantang and Luohantang brands have continued to exist. At present, preparations for the start of new teams and new jobs are being stepped up. (Zhongxin Jingwei)

Country Garden is considering announcing its overseas debt restructuring plan in the near future.

Country Garden is considering announcing its overseas debt restructuring plan in the near future. Previously, all nine domestic bonds owned by Country Garden have been successfully extended. These nine bonds are: 16 Biyuan 05, 21 Bidi 03, 20 Bidi 03, 19 Bidi 03, 21 Bidi 04, 21 Bidi 01, 21 Bidi 02, 16 Tengyue 02 and 20 Bidi 04. (Cailian)

Cangzhou Bank clarified that the loan data owed by Netcom Evergrande was seriously inaccurate and the amount involved was 346 million yuan.

Recently, Cangzhou Bank responded to the contents of Cangzhou Bank involved in the online transmission of "Detailed List of Bank Loans Due by Evergrande". Cangzhou Bank said that as of October 6, 2023, the loan amount of Cangzhou Bank to Evergrande Group and its affiliated enterprises was 346 million yuan, and the borrower was Cangzhou Hengxiang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., with sufficient land and commercial stores as collateral, and the overall risk was controllable, which would not have a significant impact on the bank’s management and asset quality. According to the announcement, in order to recover the loan in full, Cangzhou Bank filed a civil lawsuit with Cangzhou Intermediate People’s Court in July 2022 and won the case, and is currently implementing the collateral disposal procedure according to law. Cangzhou Bank said that the loan data of Cangzhou Bank involved in the "Detailed List of Bank Loans Due to Evergrande" is seriously inaccurate, so please don’t believe it and spread it, and the Bank will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility against the disseminators.

Hainan Airlines: The follow-up flight plan of Israel route continues to be implemented and has not been adjusted for the time being.

On October 9, Hainan Airlines announced the flight plan and special ticket handling of Israel route. At present, Hainan Airlines has three direct flights to Israel, namely, Beijing = Tel Aviv, Shanghai = Tel Aviv and Shenzhen = Tel Aviv, with two round trips per week. In order to ensure the normal travel of passengers to the maximum extent, the follow-up flight plan of Hainan Airlines Israel route continues to be implemented and has not been adjusted for the time being. Hainan Airlines will pay close attention to the changes in overseas security situation, carefully assess security risks, dynamically adjust relevant flight plans and announce them as soon as possible. (@ Hainan Airlines)

Amazon Cloud Technology changed coaches in Greater China

On October 9th, Matt Garman, Senior Vice President of Global Sales, Marketing and Service of Amazon Cloud Technology, announced the change of leaders in Greater China. Chu Ruisong will succeed Elaine Chang as Vice President of Amazon Global and Executive Director of Amazon Cloud Technology in Greater China.

Nezha Auto set up a polymerization technology company in Anhui, and its business scope includes auto parts manufacturing.

Tianyancha App shows that recently, Haozhi Polymerization Technology (Anhui) Co., Ltd. was established, with Peng Qingfeng as the legal representative and a registered capital of 100 million RMB. Its business scope includes auto parts research and development, auto parts and accessories manufacturing, electronic components and electromechanical components equipment manufacturing, artificial intelligence application software development, and motor manufacturing. According to the shareholder information, the company is wholly owned by Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., a related company of Nezha Automobile.

FF Delivers FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance to Jia Yueting

According to FaradayFuture WeChat WeChat official account, on October 9, 2023 (October 8, California, USA), Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc., a global shared intelligent electric travel eco-company, delivered the FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance to Jia Yueting, the founder and chief product and user eco-officer of the company, at the delivery co-creation day held at the company’s headquarters in Los Angeles.

Vision china responded by being sued by photographer Dai Jianfeng: resolutely support solving problems through legal channels.

On October 9th, @ vision china Weibo forwarded a message from photographer Dai Jianfeng, expressing firm support for solving the problem through legal channels. Earlier on the same day, photographer Dai Jianfeng @Jeff’s starry sky tour released Weibo, saying, "I have filed a lawsuit with the People’s Court of Heping District of Tianjin for @ vision china illegally selling my photos without my permission and claiming compensation from me, so as to safeguard my legitimate rights and interests through legal channels."

Bojun Technology: At present, it supplies the M5, M7 and new M7 models for Celeste Group.

Bojun Technology disclosed the announcement of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading, and the company noticed that there were media reports that the automobile and auto parts sectors of the company were affected by the unexpected sales of the new M7. The company has cooperated with Celestial Group since 2019, and currently supplies the M5, M7 and new M7 models for Celestial Group. The company’s 2022 annual sales revenue to Cyrus Group was 78.65 million yuan, accounting for 5.65% of the company’s 2022 annual operating income. The sales revenue of Cyrus Group did not have a significant impact on the company’s overall operating performance.

Power investment in energy: the project of jointly developing new energy base in the northeast of Wulanbuhe desert with Mengneng Group was established.

Power investment energy announcement, jointly developing a new energy base project in the northeast of the desert with Mengneng Group, and plans to invest in the establishment of a joint venture company, Inner Mongolia Wulanbuhe Energy Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 20 billion yuan; The total planned new energy capacity of the project is 12 million kilowatts, including 3.5 million kilowatts of wind power and 8.5 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power. Relying on the original site of surrounding power plants (including near areas), it will expand and upgrade 4 million kilowatts of coal-fired power. According to the project application plan, the total investment of the project is 77.1 billion yuan.

Xiaomi Group: It cost about HK$ 23.87 million to buy back 2 million shares.

Xiaomi Group (01810.HK) announced that it spent HK$ 23,870,300 to buy back 2 million shares at a price of HK$ 11.9-11.98.

This article comes from: financial circles

Author: GY

Discount and big price! The 2023 Chenzhou Spring Auto Show opened today.

On April 14th, "Huidong Beihu Enjoy Life" 2023 Chenzhou Spring Auto Show (the 9th Car Buying Festival of China People’s Insurance Company and the 12th Southern Hunan Automobile Culture Festival) was grandly opened in Wuling Square.

The auto show will last for four days. Joint venture brands such as Guangqi Honda, FAW-Volkswagen, Buick, Changan Ford and FAW Toyota will all bring the latest models to the show. Independent brands such as Hongqi, BYD, Changan Automobile and Harvard will make a collective appearance. Dozens of mainstream auto brands and more than a thousand models can meet the needs of various people. Exhibitors have also introduced preferential measures such as straight drop, discount, full reduction and reduction, which have attracted many citizens to come to watch the exhibition and buy cars.

In front of Guangqi Honda booth, the slogan "0 yuan to open a new car" is particularly eye-catching. Citizens have zero pressure to buy a car. The down payment is as low as 20,000 yuan, and they can enjoy 12 installments of 0 interest at the highest. Stylish and cool models such as Stylish, Haoying, Binzhi and Zhizhai have attracted many citizens to take a test drive. "This car has a stylish appearance and a high quality interior. I like it very much." Mr. Liu, a citizen, took a fancy to a compact SUV of Honda Haoying at a glance.

There are many benefits and gifts at this auto show! Guangzhou Automobile Toyota snapped up the meeting in a limited time, and the purchase tax was up to 10,000 yuan; Zhongtian Ford benefited in a limited time, bought a car at the auto show and sent a 3,000-yuan boutique gift package, ordered a car to enjoy three maintenance times in three years, and participated in the golden egg winning prize. Guanghui Chenzhou Aofeng Audi Auto Show enjoys exclusive 10 surprise policy models, with a maximum subsidy of 8,000 yuan for car replacement and a red envelope gift of 888 yuan for car purchase. BYD Song car purchase to 88 yuan to pay 6888 yuan for car purchase, enjoy 1980 yuan car booking package, and deliver 3000 yuan car delivery package this month; Chevrolet courtesy of the whole city, limited time discount of 20,000 to 70,000 yuan …

In addition, the replacement of new energy vehicles can be applied for a subsidy of 5,000 yuan through the local area of China UnionPay "China Unionpay Quick Pass" App (according to the Implementation Rules for the Application of Replacement Subsidies for New Energy Vehicles with Purchase of Hunan Cars in 2023). The government has also issued a car purchase subsidy with a total amount of 176,500 yuan. If citizens book cars during the auto show and complete the payment before April 30, they can withdraw a maximum of 5,000 yuan in coupons.

In addition to the ultra-low preferential policies and exquisite gifts, there is also a beautiful online celebrity anchor at this auto show. These online celebrity anchors broadcast live auto shows on platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, and made "cloud recommendation" for auto shows from the perspectives of exhibition area tour, vehicle selection, live event and test drive experience.

The exhibition is still going on. People who want to buy a car or like a car in the near future can visit the site for a test drive, with rich benefits and limited time. Go and buy a favorite car!

Editor: Xie Lina

The biggest match-fixing case in snooker history! The secret means have caused many people to take risks, and it will take time for the "China Legion" to get out of the shadows.

According to the news, on June 7th, Beijing time, the World Snooker Tour (WST) issued a statement that the disciplinary committee of the independent World Professional Billie and Snooker Association (WPBSA) had ruled on 10 players accused of match-fixing, and imposed life-long bans on Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing, and long-term bans on other related players. Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing were banned for life, which also set a precedent in snooker.
It is reported that the situation of this case is that after the warning issued by IBIA in August 2022, the integrity department of WPBSA cooperated closely with Sportradar Company to conduct a detailed investigation, and finally accused 10 snooker players of seriously violating the WPBSA code of conduct. The 10 players were suspended before these violations were decided.
The case was heard in London before, and the players attended the hearing in person or by video, with the free WPBSA players’ associations as legal representatives or assistance.
On June 6, 2023, local time, the disciplinary court announced its investigation results of controversial allegations and its decision on sanctions.
Life-long ban sets a precedent
Take Liang Wenbo as an example, he was accused of manipulating many games; Contact multiple players to manipulate multiple games; Trying to obstruct the investigation; Not cooperating with WPBSA’s investigation Li Hsing, another player who was banned for life, was charged with the same thing, and one more thing was added: betting in snooker. According to Beijing Youth Daily, this time Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing were sentenced to life ban, which set a precedent.
Some media analysts believe that because snooker requires high accuracy, it is relatively difficult to judge whether it is a mistake or a fake ball, which also causes the phenomenon that fake balls are repeatedly banned in snooker competitions to some extent.
▲ Liang Wenbo. Image source/network
On December 1, 2018, Cao Yupeng, a 28-year-old China player, was banned by WPBSA for six years because he made profits for himself and his relatives and friends by playing fake ball. In 2022, he returned to the ranks of professional players early because of his good performance, and he also entered the ranking match several times. Yu Delu, 31, was banned for 10 years, and now he can only hang out in Chinese billiards.
The most severe punishment in the international arena is Stephen Lee, a talented player who was banned for 12 years in 2013 because of his long-term match-fixing and match-fixing, which is the most severe punishment made by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association before punishing China players.
The secrecy of trading has caused many players to take risks.
Earlier, according to the analysis of Li Xiaolong, a senior snooker media person quoted by Yangguang. com, due to the nature of snooker, it is difficult to define the performance of the players in the game, so the content of the game on the field is difficult to be used as evidence to judge the match-fixing. More cases of match-fixing are caused by the monitoring of abnormal bets by gambling companies and other off-site evidence.
Jinling Evening News had previously written that a snooker master can throw a ball in the dark, so that you can’t grasp the evidence completely. Only through the drastic changes in betting can you see some clues, but not every investigation has results, so many players will take risks.
According to Observer. com, as one of the latest international sports organizations in the world, the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association, which was not established until 1968, has been established. Since its establishment, a large number of snooker players have been investigated and even banned for allegedly accepting benefits for gambling groups, including many world-class athletes. Scottish "wizard" john higgins, the four-time world champion and the holder of 31 world snooker titles, was even praised by the then famous British gossip newspaper News of the World "fishing law enforcement" in 2010.
In this "fishing law enforcement", Higgins and his agent, former director of the World Federation of Taiwan, Pat Mooney, agreed to lose the match in several different games in exchange for a total reward of 300,000 euros. They further discussed with the fishermen how to cover up the scam, which games and opponents to choose, and how Higgins would get money.
▲ Yan Bingtao. Image source/network
After the incident, Mooney had to resign from his post in the World Taiwan Federation, while Higgins was suspended for six months and fined 75,000 pounds. In addition, Ai Bodun, Maguire and many other famous players have also been investigated for gambling.
Many affected players have high hopes.
The incident had a great impact on China snooker. Among the 10 people punished, there were experienced veterans like Liang Wenbo, and young players like Yan Bingtao and Zhao Xintong who had high hopes. After Ding Junhui, the latter two are the only China players who have won the "three major competitions (British Championship, World Championship and Masters)" in snooker.
Zhao Xintong is 25 years old. In 2021, he defeated Belgian player Luca Brecel in the final of the snooker British Championship, and won the first "three competitions" championship in his career.
Followed by Yan Bingtao, the "post-00" player broke out in 2021, defeating neil robertson, Stephen Maguire, Stuart Bingham and john higgins to win the snooker Masters. He is the second youngest athlete to win the Masters Championship, second only to Ronnie O’Sullivan, who won the championship in 1995 at the age of 19.
▲ Zhao Xintong. Image source/network
Even Luning and Li Hsing, who are not ranked high, have reached the final of the ranking tournament when they are in excellent condition. Veteran Liang Wenbo won the English Open in 2016.
Media: Living in the UK is fragmented and loosely managed.
For this match-fixing case, Observer.com once commented that this incident reminded all China snooker players that no matter how bad the atmosphere in the international arena is and how good the immediate interests are, the behavior that violates sports ethics is the red line and cannot be touched. Like all other sports, only a healthy, positive and fair environment can help snooker develop better in China.
According to the analysis of Beijing Youth Daily, most of the China snooker players in their perennial life in the UK were originally on their own, and the management was relatively loose. Most of the players themselves bear the expenses of studying abroad, playing and living, and there are not too many strict constraints. In this case, some bad habits are bred in the hands of the ball, and even behaviors that violate morality and the rules of snooker are difficult to be detected in time, and they can only rely on self-discipline. Coupled with the fact that the prize money of the world snooker tournament is low in recent years, the harsh survival forces the players to take risks, which leads to sad results. The heavy penalty for them also sounded the alarm for other players.
Young man Si Jiahui: A glimmer of "the darkest hour"
According to Zhongxin. com, the 2023 World Snooker Championships closed on the 2nd Beijing time, and the latest world ranking of snooker was also released.
China’s Zhao Xintong ranked 11th, the highest in the China Legion, and Yan Bingtao ranked 23rd. Unfortunately, however, both players were banned for one year, eight months and five years for this accusation of match-fixing. China’s players, Ding Junhui can be called "the only one left" among the famous players, still ranked 17th, and is expected to return to TOP16 (the top 16 in the world) in the new season. However, China teenager Si Jiahui, who reached the semi-final of this World Championships, rose 44 places in a row, from the 80th place before the competition to the 36th place.
▲ Si Jiahui. Image source/Xinhua News Agency
In addition, the top 60 players from China are: Zhou Yuelong 27th, Fan Zhengyi 34th, Pang Junxu 35th, Cao Yupeng 42nd, Xiao Guodong 43rd, Lv Haotian 47th, Wu Yize 51st, Yuan Sijun 52nd, Tian Pengfei 55th and Zhang Anda 60th. It seems that it will take some time for these young players to rank among the top players in the world.
Attachment: Penalty decision made by WPBSA (partial)
Liang Wenbo was sentenced to a life-long ban on snooker and paid a fee of 43,000 pounds.
Liang Wenbo was found to have violated the code of conduct, as follows:
He manipulated or participated in manipulating five snooker matches from July 24th to September 28th, 2022.
From July 24 to December 13, 2022, he recruited, induced, lured, persuaded, encouraged or assisted players to manipulate 9 games.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
He threatened another player and asked him to delete the information on his mobile phone, which was corrupt.
He threatened another player and tried to persuade him not to assist WPBSA in the investigation.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in match-fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone and asking other players to delete the information on their mobile phones.
He didn’t cooperate with WPBSA investigation, didn’t attend the interview and provided the materials required by WPBSA investigation.
2. Li Hsing was sentenced to be banned from participating in snooker competitions for life and paid a fee of 43,000 pounds.
Li Hsing was found to have violated the code of conduct, as follows:
He manipulated or participated in manipulating five snooker matches from July 24th to September 29th, 2022.
During the period from July 24th to December 13th, 2022, he solicited, induced, lured, persuaded, encouraged or assisted players to manipulate seven snooker matches.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in match-fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone and asking other players to delete the information on his mobile phone.
3. Luning was sentenced to an eight-year ban, which was reduced to five years and four months until April 6, 2028 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Luning was found not to be involved in inducing others to manipulate the game. He accepted the following charges:
In the 2014-2015 season, he manipulated three snooker competitions he participated in.
On July 23, 2022, he manipulated a snooker competition he participated in.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in game fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone.
4. Yan Bingtao was sentenced to seven years and six months’ ban, which was reduced to five years until December 11, 2027 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Yan Bingtao accepted the following charges:
He manipulated a game he participated in on August 29, 2016.
He manipulated three snooker competitions he participated in between March 3, 2022 and September 29, 2022.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
5. Zhao Xintong was sentenced to a ban of 2 years and 6 months, which was reduced to 1 year and 8 months until September 1, 2024 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Zhao Xintong accepts the following charges:
On March 3 and March 11, 2022, he was the party of two snooker matches manipulated by another player.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
The defendant may appeal against the decision of the disciplinary court before June 20, 2023.
The upstream news is integrated from the news on Zhongxin. com, Beijing Youth Daily Observer Network and Jinling Evening News.
Editor: Xu Yuanzhe
Editor: Yang Li Guan Yi
Audit: Feng Fei

Zhang Xuhao held a "pit" for four years.

Original liuyong juchao WAVE

Text | liuyong

Editor | Yang Xuran

One day in December 2021, Zhang Xuhao released a circle of friends:

"Our aim is that 2680 yuan must be used in playgolf for everyone to learn golf. In fact, this movement is very simple and very civilian, and it cannot be demonized by past thinking. "

Only then did people find out what Zhang Xuhao had been doing quietly in recent years.

Back in April 2018, he sold "Hungry" to Alibaba for $9.5 billion, and then fell into silence-perhaps this silence is just an external manifestation of enjoying life.

In fact, people found that after he left hungry, he registered several companies soon: in March 2018, he registered Shanghai Puguan Business Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) and set foot in the consulting field, but at present it shows that it has been cancelled; In April of the same year, Shanghai Yuduo Business Consulting Co., Ltd. was registered with a registered capital of 5 million yuan.

Since then, he has taken a stake in Shanghai Yangwan Network Technology, which is a blockchain company mainly established by technical backbones who have been working hard with Zhang Xuhao for many years, but there is no following after 2020.

Besides, he once worked as an investment partner in Yuanjing Capital, an Ali-based capital company. But this is not the career he wants.

Until now, Zhang Xuhao, with a fiery personality and a strong desire to win, finally returned to the battlefield with another attitude. It’s just that few people can imagine that his eye will be on golf-it’s hard to be called an excellent track, so that to many people, his second venture is a bit like a ticket game, even a bit like into the pit.


Expensive consumption

A veritable "minority movement"

"Golf is actually not difficult. The small white group only needs 10 classes, which is only 2680 …"

Just like the low-price strategy adopted when he was hungry, Zhang Xuhao still wants to stick to the low-price model this time. He believes in the development potential of China’s sports industry, and thinks that it is not necessary to imagine golf as unattainable. "Golf is actually very simple".

The origin of golf in China happened to be the same year that Zhang Xuhao was born. At that time, for the purpose of providing leisure and entertainment for foreign businessmen, golf courses first appeared in cities where foreign companies gathered, such as Guangzhou and Shanghai. In other words, it is aimed at high-income business people from the beginning.

Golf courses usually serve urban business people.

In the actual stadium operation, from design to maintenance and operation, it also shows that this is a veritable "minority" movement.

Head leopard research institute has calculated such an account:

First of all, the design of golf courses is very professional, but there is a serious shortage of talents in this respect in China, so it is usually necessary to hire foreign designers. Generally, the design cost of an 18-hole standard course is as high as 500 thousand to 2 million dollars, and the design price of celebrities is higher. For example, the design cost of two courses designed by professional golfer Tiger Woods under the name of Beijing Tianan Holiday Golf Club is as high as $16.5 million;

Secondly, the investment in fixed assets and daily maintenance of golf courses are "burning money". Golf courses must occupy a lot of land. The standard 18-hole course is usually about 750 to 1500 mu, and the cost of land acquisition accounts for 70% of the total fixed assets cost. The remaining 30% is spent on paving lawns and importing some professional maintenance equipment such as punching machines and lawn mowers.

At the same time, lawn maintenance also needs a lot of water. According to the report, its average water consumption is 46 times that of cereal crops of the same area, and the daily water consumption of standard courses is as high as 2,000 to 2,500 tons, which is a huge burden for cities with high water consumption costs.

Therefore, the tax authorities in China set the business tax of golf and other industries at 20%, and some areas also levy high water resource use fees on water used in special places such as golf courses, which will inevitably further push up its operating costs.

The agency estimates that it usually takes 14 years for a standard golf course to recover the cost of fixed assets.

The high fixed cost of golf courses has created high prices.

All this is bound to be passed on to consumers without exception. At present, golf in China is basically a private venue, with a membership system, and the individual price is higher. Generally speaking, the price of a membership card is in the range of more than 100,000 to hundreds of thousands or even millions of RMB, and the individual plays a game in the range of two or three thousand yuan.

PLAYGOLF CLUB tries to break such a high-priced convention-the exquisite 20-seat private room of 50 square meters distinguishes the prices of visitors and members. The price of two-hour leisure package visitors is 1040 (weekdays) and 1280 yuan (holidays), and the member is 1000 yuan; The exclusive package for 4 hours (including one extra hour) costs 1560 yuan (weekdays) and 1920 yuan (holidays) for visitors and 1500 yuan for members.

In addition, the training course for "Xiaobai" is 2680 yuan for 10 classes.

Compared with other professional courses, the price offered by Zhang Xuhao is not much different from that of a bowling or tennis game, and it is really very close to the people, which may attract a group of urban middle class. However, the question is whether there are enough consumers, and whether it can help Zhang Xuhao cover all costs and even profits by taking the volume.


Desolate battlefield

Golf has neither a huge mass base nor a future.

Zhang Xuhao has a lasting enthusiasm for sports, and his habit of playing basketball continued until he was hungry.

Obviously, golf has become his latest hobby. He once said that the balance required by golf is his pursuit, and he also tried to turn this hobby into his next career. In order to promote the project, he spent 150 million yuan to renovate Huangxing Golf Course, which may be the biggest investment since he was hungry after selling it.

However, the golf course in China has never been seen in sturm und drang. According to the statistics of Huajing Industrial Research Institute, the size of China’s golf market in 2020 is only about 10.26 billion yuan, up 4.37% year-on-year-which is already a good year for this sport in recent years.

However, this figure is still in sharp contrast with the rapid growth of economy and residents’ consumption expenditure in the past years: in 2021, the per capita consumption expenditure of residents actually increased by 12.6%, reaching 24,100 yuan, of which the expenditure on culture and education increased rapidly, with the per capita consumption expenditure on education, culture and entertainment increasing by 27.9%, accounting for 10.8% of the per capita consumption expenditure.

The ugly data indicates that golf has neither a huge mass base nor a bright future.

Golf is a typical foreign product.

As early as 1997, the State Council issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening Land Management and Effectively Protecting Cultivated Land", which laid the policy tone for strict examination and approval of new golf courses. Until 2003, the then Ministry of Land and Resources regarded the golf project as a local "image project" and demanded that "no land should be submitted for approval".

Since then, this policy has been reiterated again and again. By 2014, the phenomenon of official corruption involving high consumption of golf balls was extremely common, which even stimulated the official to check and rectify the industry.

"Corruption in playing golf illegally" once became a high-frequency word. For example, Bai Enpei, the former secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, was exposed to play golf three times a week and usually played with businessmen. "Playing golf is gambling. If any developer wants to send money to him, then play golf, deliberately lose to him, and bribe in disguise …"

The National Development and Reform Commission and other 11 departments jointly requested to sort out the existing golf courses, of which more than 100 closed down and only 400 remained.

It’s hard to say whether Zhang Xuhao was influenced by his hobbies.

This situation did not basically end until 2016. In the following six years until today, golf has been officially restored as a sport, but in all sports industries, it still hides in a dark corner and becomes synonymous with corruption and luxury. It is divorced from most people’s lives, floating in the air like clouds, but it is not white and beautiful.


start a new undertaking

The "phantom of the policy" has never subsided.

Unlike the hungry from scratch that catered to the rise of takeout and the popularity of smart phones, Zhang Xuhao now faces a completely different reality.

As mentioned above, the fate of golf seems to have ushered in a turning point after 2016, and the outside world is optimistic about the future development prospects. But in fact, the "phantom of the policy" has never subsided, and the construction of new golf courses is still banned.

Even PLAYGOLF is not a new project. It is just that Zhang Xuhao has integrated several golf clubs that were originally subcontracted by Huangxing Sports Park and re-opened them in the name of golf training ground after spending 150 million yuan to rebuild them. Even today, some public opinion still thinks that Zhang Xuhao has played a policy "edge ball".

PLAYGOLF project integrates several clubs in Shanghai.

In fact, the scale of golf industry in China has been hovering at a low level in recent years, which not only has the influence of past policies, but also has the factors of weak consumption.

Statistics show that the number of golf facilities in China in 2019 was 380, down 1.3% year-on-year; The number of golf holes in China is 8,360, down 5.5% year-on-year. Of course, the golf market in China will still grow by 4.4% in 2020, but the main reason may be the investment in youth training supported by the state.

When Zhang Xuhao aimed at the middle-income group of 400 million in the future, it probably didn’t consider the possibility that the situation of this group would deteriorate. Although the total economic output of China has successively exceeded the scale of 100 trillion yuan and 110 trillion yuan, the economic growth rate has rapidly dropped from "9" to "5" in the past 10 years. It is extremely doubtful whether the high-speed growth of first-tier cities with concentrated golf courses such as Beijing and Shanghai will be more unsustainable due to economic restructuring and other reasons.

As a result, the general social anxiety leads to weak consumption, which has become one of the main economic problems facing China at present. From the actual situation since 2020, the urban middle class is becoming increasingly cautious in consumption, and it is doubtful whether experiencing golf will become a part of their consumption list.

Zhang Xuhao is the biggest entrepreneur in the history of golf industry.

What’s more, the short-term impact of the epidemic is like a house leak that rains all night.

Established in 2020 and after more than 300 days and nights of renovation, when PLAYGOLF CLUB announced its "return" in March 2021, the COVID-19 epidemic was still not over. In fact, in the past year or so, PLAYGOLF CLUB has been repeatedly closed for business-of course, there are also reasons for renovation and maintenance.

On April 25th, it said in an article on the official website "When the Pause button was pressed in Shanghai" that it was the 25th day that it was impossible to practice in PLAYGOLF CLUB …

Going against the current at this historical node, the resistance that Zhang Xuhao faced in his new career can be imagined.

In those days, when he was hungry, Zhang Xuhao cashed in billions of huge wealth, and in a few years, he walked the road of many entrepreneurs all his life. This is his success. But I’m afraid the money was not burned casually.


Write it at the end

Most successful entrepreneurs can’t copy their own legends. How many people succeeded in digging up the first bucket of gold in life, but they only stopped at the first bucket of gold.

For example, in the internet field, in the past, there were not a few people who sold their companies and gained huge wealth in the internet field, and there were not a few entrepreneurs who rejoined the business world, but there were almost no winners again.

For Zhang Xuhao, Hungry’s entrepreneurial experience is full of legend, and he has gained the wealth and success that countless people hope to achieve. As a post-80s rich man in the sunshine, we hope his experience can inspire more people. I hope that his golf popularization route is only a temporary misfortune, just like the early days of the take-away market, which is "mistaken" by more people.

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Original title: "Zhang Xuhao held a" pit "for four years | Tide"

What does the official unveiling of the State Financial Supervision and Administration mean?

  BEIJING, May 18 (Zhongxin Finance Gong Hongyu Xie Yiguan) On the morning of May 18, the State Financial Supervision and Administration was officially unveiled at No.15, Beijing Financial Street.

  As a red curtain slowly falls, China’s new round of institutional reform in the field of financial supervision has taken an important step.

  What’s the function?

  According to the "Party and State Institutional Reform Plan", the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau is responsible for the supervision of the financial industry except the securities industry, strengthening institutional supervision, behavioral supervision, functional supervision, penetrating supervision and continuous supervision, coordinating the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests, strengthening risk management and preventive disposal, and investigating and handling illegal acts according to law, as an institution directly under the State Council.

  The State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau was established on the basis of the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the daily supervision duties of the People’s Bank of China on financial holding companies and other financial groups, the protection duties of financial consumers and the investor protection duties of the China Securities Regulatory Commission were assigned to the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau.

  At the same time, the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission is no longer retained, and the supervision pattern of "one line, two meetings" has become a thing of the past.

  What’s the point?

  In the eyes of many market analysts, the establishment of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau is based on the background that China’s separate supervision system is not suitable for the comprehensive operation trend of the financial industry, and the communication between financial supervision departments is not smooth and coordination is insufficient.

  Dong Ximiao, chief researcher of Zhaolian, said that in recent years, after a period of rapid development, China’s financial industry has generated and accumulated certain financial risks, which has affected financial development and stability to some extent.

  This year’s government work report pointed out that major economic and financial risks should be effectively prevented and resolved, and the prevention of regional and systemic financial risks should be emphasized.

  Ming Ming, chief economist of CITIC Securities, said that the establishment of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau can form a joint regulatory force in a timely and effective manner in the face of risk events, and gradually establish a regulatory framework that conforms to the innovative development characteristics of modern financial mixed operations, keep the bottom line of systemic financial risks and standardize the trading behavior between financial institutions and investors.

  In addition, Dong Ximiao mentioned that after the reform of the financial supervision system, the "double peaks" supervision with China characteristics has further revealed its clues — — The People’s Bank of China is mainly responsible for monetary policy and macro-prudential supervision; The State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau is responsible for the supervision of the financial industry except the securities industry and the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers. The CSRC is responsible for the supervision of the capital market and increasing the responsibilities of auditing the issuance of corporate bonds.

  After the re-allocation of functions, Dong Ximiao believes that the unified responsibility of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau for financial supervision except the securities industry will help reduce regulatory gaps and regulatory overlap, and implement behavioral supervision and functional supervision.

  What’s the action?

  The reporter noted that on the 18th, the official WeChat of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, WeChat official account, was launched simultaneously, and the official website of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau was officially launched.

Screenshot of official WeChat WeChat official account of State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau.

  Earlier, on the afternoon of May 10th, the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau held a meeting of leading cadres. The responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the Central Committee announced the central decision: Comrade Li Yunze was appointed Party Secretary of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau.

  On March 28th, official website, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission released the Department Budget of State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau (China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) for 2023.

  The document shows that in 2023, the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau is expected to send 2,000 inspection teams of banking institutions and check about 2,500 banking institutions; It is estimated that about 800 inspection teams of non-bank institutions will be dispatched and about 800 inspections of non-bank institutions will be conducted; It is estimated that there are about 23 supervision cases and about 40 supervision and inspection cases.

  Specifically, first, for banking institutions, a series of comprehensive inspections, special inspections and online inspections will be carried out in 2023, highlighting the reform of small and medium-sized banks, effectively preventing systemic risks, continuously filling the shortcomings of the regulatory system, standardizing the financial market order, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and improving the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy.

  Second, the special inspection of non-bank institutions will focus on key institutions, and select market entities such as insurance companies, trust companies and financial asset investment companies to carry out targeted on-site inspections. The inspection contents include risk management and effectiveness of internal control of insurance companies, implementation of major policies of agricultural insurance companies, compliance inspection of key businesses of other non-bank institutions, and compliance inspection of small and medium-sized non-bank institutions. (End)

Today’s Film Review | "China Ping Pong": A Ping Pong Journey from Low Valley to Nirvana

1905 movie network news The film, directed by and starring Deng Chao, recently released a preview, focusing on the Guoping Men’s Team in "Extraordinary Years"."China table tennis can beat Europe? Can China players still beat Waldner? Can China still reach the top of the world? Do you believe it? "

"China table tennis can beat Europe? Can China players still beat Waldner? Can China still reach the top of the world? Do you believe it? "

This sports movie, with four characters of "China Ping-Pong" that the audience are very familiar with, attracted many audiences’ expectations after the announcement. Hong Fan, an associate professor in the Literature Department of Beijing Film Academy, said: "Sports genre films are all about a champion in the final analysis, while" China Table Tennis "is a story about how the China men’s team once reached the peak, and how to get back to the peak when it fell into a desperate trough, which is more attractive than the conventional story of becoming a champion. The overall tone of the trailer is rather depressing. The head coach’s training methods, the arrangement of troops and even some of his personnel arrangements and management have also been questioned. The leaders are dissatisfied with him, and the media has put forward all kinds of particularly harsh opinions. The people are also very dissatisfied, and all kinds of heavy burdens have come to their faces. In this case, how to counterattack the Jedi constitutes a powerful and realistic drama conflict in the film. "

"Let me spell it again anyway."

This kind of story has really broken many people’s previous established impression of the king’s table tennis as "invincible" and made the audience more curious about the film. The compilation of "China Table Tennis" is based on real history. During that unforgettable period, the China table tennis team was in an absolute dominant position in the World Table Tennis Championships from 1981 to 1987, winning all the important awards and gold medals. However, in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and the 1989 World Table Tennis Championships, China lost to Sweden in five games. In the Chiba World Table Tennis Championships in 1991, the China Men’s Team had fallen to the seventh place, which was a very bad result. After the 42nd World Table Tennis Championships, China still failed to achieve good results as expected. It was at this time, under the leadership of Waldner, that the Swedish team won the World Table Tennis Championships for three consecutive years. It was not until 1995, as described in the film, that the China table tennis men’s team returned to its peak in the 43rd Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships, ending a depressed period of six years.

It can be seen that the development of table tennis in China is not smooth sailing. This history itself has the potential to become a good movie, and it is easy to hit the audience’s flash point. Sports-themed movies are special action movies, and China Ping Pong will show some very interesting action wonders, showing the beautiful movements of athletes and the state of the ball flying back and forth through different photography angles. Because of the particularity of table tennis, it not only pays attention to antagonism, but also includes some tactical arrangements. It is very likely that the film will focus on the China table tennis men’s team competition. This team competition will naturally have strategies similar to Tian Ji horse racing, so some people say that sports genre films are special war films in peacetime.

Hong Fan mentioned: "Movies are also very similar to kung fu movies. Each different athlete has different stunts, some are horizontal shots, some are vertical shots, some are near-table fast breaks, and some are far-table pulls. The men’s team was able to win an important victory in this World Table Tennis Championships because there was a secret weapon, a player named Ding Song, who played a special game of chopping, which made foreign athletes uncomfortable. Therefore, we see that the special skills of each athlete provided by the film are just like the Kunlun School and the Shaolin School in the martial arts film. In terms of audio and video, there are still many expectations. "

When it comes to China Ping-Pong, many people will bid for the first time the film that reflected the China women’s volleyball team, and the latter finally gained 836 million box office. In order to impress the audience in the end, sports films not only provide authenticity, mass base and drama, but also have emotional problems at the core. There is a very important reason for Leap’s success, which shaped the character Lang Ping. She finally succeeded under pressure and defeated foreign teams. This role can arouse the audience’s personal feelings, let them bring in coaches and athletes, and overcome all kinds of difficulties to make a comeback. Later, it also created a positive image of different industries and jobs under the background of China, and this spirit of struggle can infect everyone.

Leap, when the national flag of China was raised and the national anthem sounded, the sense of honor of the whole people made the film no longer a story of a sports team, and this spirit of women’s volleyball has become a major theme in sports. I hope "China Ping Pong" can continue to inherit and carry forward the success of the film Leap, from shaping the personal feelings of the characters so that the audience can resonate, to effectively build a sense of national honor, and even go further than Leap to create a different glory.

Harden completely missed the Clippers, and Ballmer decided to give up the deal and pack George Mann for a new core.

According to a number of experienced NBA trading experts and reporters in Los Angeles, Clippers owner Ballmer has completely given up Harden. He has clearly told the rest of the management that the team will not be obsessed with chasing him. On the one hand, he does not want to see Harden put pressure on himself in renewing his contract, and on the other hand, he seems to change his mind and stay in Philadelphia, and then send out the plan after Philadelphia and the new team discuss the deal.

There is no doubt that the beard can’t be sent away by Philadelphia, and his agent has begun to push him back to the team training and make sure that Philadelphia will find a new team for him at this time. The Clippers are unwilling to bear the pressure of renewing their contracts, and they must definitely disconnect from George Cam, which is very clear to Deng Ge’s agent.

After completely missing James Harden, the Los Angeles Clippers will have to look for a new All-Star player. Judging from the suggestion report of some directors, it seems that everyone has an idea about Zion, and if he really gets him, the contract renewal problem of Cam can be solved, matching his annual salary of more than 50 million and adding Pang Hu to build a dual-core, which is absolutely strong. The league has stipulated a new policy and there should be restrictions on the rotation. Therefore, Tyrone has to be limited.

If you want to get him, the team is expected to send Paul George Gammann or Powell, and analyze the matching of transaction value and maintaining the fighting force lineup. I estimate that Ballmer will also ask for CJ mccollum. If so, it is enough for the team to send them both, plus the draft pick, Powell and Covington. If you want alvarado, you can also send a round and add some cash.

The Clippers have created a starting combination of Wei Shao, CJ mccollum, Zion, Leonard and Zubac, and with the assistance of batum and others, they definitely have a chance to enter the top four in the West. If there are no injuries, I think this combination can go further. Of course, it is important to improve the reserve strength.

After George and others go to Pelican, they will face the problem of renewing their contracts. Pelican can take this opportunity to ask for as many first rounds as possible in this transaction, and Clippers can also give them. Of course, the most important thing is that with Mann, the team can still guarantee its combat power in the future. Hylander is a good player, and the Pelican can take it. In the final analysis, if you want to ask for the opponent’s draft pick and young players as much as possible, your own young cornerstones will not work. If you can, I think it is king to exchange Varanciunas for the opponent’s Zubac.

On the whole, this trading scheme is very good. Pelican can solve the problem and meet the Clippers’ challenge. However, I think both teams need to hire coaches who can arrange defense reasonably now. The Clippers have many players who can defend, but they just can’t do it well. Telunlu has not changed this problem for so many years. If Pelican defends well, it won’t matter.

Harden’s situation is more complicated, so we don’t have to pay attention to it all the time. He will not be traded for a while, and the Clippers are not willing to spend more with him. Let’s look forward to the development of each team after the start of the season!

On an unpopular night in Europe, the three giants collectively fell, Manchester City received a big gift, and the Bundesliga suspense revived.

After the semi-finals of the Champions League and the European Union ended, the five major leagues continued to play. In several games last night, the major European giants played one after another, some fought for the league title, while others struggled for their higher rankings. At present, the La Liga champions and Serie A champions have been released one after another. Although the Ligue 1 league is pending, Paris Saint-Germain has a huge lead, and the league champion has long been in the bag. In this round of competitions, the biggest attraction is the Premier League and the Bundesliga.

At 0: 30am on May 21st, in the 37th round of the Premier League, Arsenal, ranked second in the standings, took the lead in playing against the relegation team Nottingham Forest. Since the last fiasco in Brighton, Arsenal, which once held a huge lead, basically bid farewell to the Premier League title. Originally, everyone thought that the Premier League title would not be won until Manchester City beat Chelsea. However, this morning, Arsenal unexpectedly lost to Nottingham Forest away from home and watched Manchester City win the championship ahead of schedule.

During the match, Arsenal players completely lost their enthusiasm at the beginning of the season. It can be seen that in the last month, the team has been unable to win for a long time, and there is a huge gap in the mentality of the players. The on-the-spot performance can be described as a disaster. The most typical manifestation is Odegard’s return error, and the other side accepted the gift and scored the only goal in the whole game. For Manchester City, winning the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule can help the players relax for the time being, which is too important for preparing for the Champions League final. At the same time, Manchester City is getting closer and closer to the triple crown.

In the other match, Bayern Munich played against Leipzig Red Bull, the German Bundesliga rival. In the two remaining leagues, Bayern can only win the Bundesliga championship with a total victory, while Leipzig Red Bull ranks third in the league and has strong strength, which is a rather difficult bone to chew. Facts have proved that Leipzig is really strong, and Dortmund’s close pursuit behind him also created a lot of pressure on Bayern. Gnabry scored a goal first, but Leipzig broke out suddenly in the second half, and scored three goals in 25 minutes, directly beating Bayern.

Now, the biggest pressure is tuchel. Since he took office, Bayern has successively lost from the German Cup and the Champions League. Now there is only one Bundesliga champion to compete for. However, after losing this round, Bayern is only one point ahead of Dortmund in the case of one more game, and Dortmund’s next two opponents are Mainz and augsburg. From the paper strength, Dortmund won the last two. It seems that this season’s Bundesliga champion should be in the last place.

The last loser was Barcelona. Although it won the La Liga championship, before the start of this game, Barcelona held a short championship celebration ceremony. Veteran busquets gave a farewell speech in front of tens of thousands of home fans, and the main striker lewandowski started to play. I thought that Barcelona would pay special attention to this game so that busquets’s farewell battle could come to a successful conclusion. However, after winning the championship in advance, the players obviously didn’t want to do their best, and eventually lost to the royal society 1-2.