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Sales break 100,000! Ask the new M7 intelligent safety double leading, set a new benchmark in the industry

In the field of smart cars, the Wenjie new M7 has set a model of intelligent driving in the new era with its innovative technology and cutting-edge design. At the end of 2023, this Huawei-empowered model not only became the focus of the market for its excellent 100,000 sales, but also won wide recognition from consumers for its advanced intelligent driving system and comprehensive safety protection. The launch of the Wenjie new M7 not only marks a new milestone in new energy vehicle technology, but also indicates the infinite possibilities for the future development of smart cars.

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Shuangzhi "ceiling", M7 helps smart travel

In the field of intelligent driving, the new M7 has many highlights, and its HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system adds a unique advantage to it. This system, which does not rely on high-precision maps, can provide intelligent driving services nationwide, which means that whether it is on busy streets in cities or on country roads, the new M7 can provide an excellent driving experience.

The heart of the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 system lies in its excellent sensing capabilities, integrating a variety of sensors such as lidar and multi-dimensional cameras. It realizes full-scene and full-speed domain accurate recognition of various targets through the BEV + GOD 2.0 network and the RCR2.0 network. Whether it is urban traffic or highways, the Wenjiexin M7 can automatically follow cars, change lanes, and even handle complex intersections with ease. On highways, it can automatically maintain a safe distance and choose the best lane according to navigation, providing a relaxed long-distance driving experience.

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In terms of smart cockpit, the addition of Hongmeng Smart Cockpit 3.0 has made Wenjie New M7 an industry leader. The super desktop function provides a wealth of audio and video entertainment options, and the all-round adaptive adjustment function adjusts the seat, volume, etc. according to personal needs to improve comfort. The one-click car reservation function allows to preset the in-car environment through the mobile phone, while Xiaoyi smart assistant provides real-time voice interaction services to conveniently handle daily needs.

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The HUAWEI MagLink smart car screen system of the new M7 is a major highlight, enabling instant connection of the tablet, and bringing the driver a home-like intelligent experience through multi-device collaborative linkage. In addition, the NCA intelligent driving function of the new M7 provides more peace of mind and relaxation during long-distance driving.

Smart and safe, the new M7 leads the future of driving

In the new era of smart cars, safety performance is always an important indicator to measure a model. The new M7 has shown its outstanding strength in this regard. This model is equipped with a lidar multi-sensor fusion sensing system and a HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, which realizes functions such as omnidirectional active collision prevention and automatic emergency braking, ensuring comprehensive safety whether in smart driving or human driving.

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The lidar system on the M7 is like the "third eye" of the vehicle, monitoring small changes in the surrounding environment in real time to ensure the safety of the vehicle in various complex road conditions. The HUAWEI ADS 2.0 system acts as the intelligent "brain" of the vehicle, capable of making quick decisions to adapt to the changing driving environment and provide a more stable and safe driving experience.

In an emergency, the M7 responds quickly by activating automatic emergency braking, effectively avoiding or mitigating the possibility of a collision. This perfect combination of active and passive safety provides unprecedented safety for both drivers and passengers, making every trip full of peace of mind and comfort.

In order to enable more consumers to experience the smart driving charm of Wenjie’s new M7, the manufacturer has launched a limited-time promotion. As of December 31, 2023, consumers can enjoy the limited-time promotion price of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 Urban Smart Driving Premium Package of 18,000 yuan, which is much lower than the original price of 36,000 yuan. For owners who enjoy the deduction benefit of 15,000 yuan premium package, the two can be used at the same time, providing an unprecedented preferential opportunity.

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The launch of the new M7 is not only a manifestation of technological innovation, but also a microcosm of the future development of intelligent driving. It not only provides a forward-looking intelligent driving experience, but also ensures the safety of every trip, truly realizing the perfect combination of intelligence and safety. The launch of this model heralds a new era of smarter and safer smart cars.


"Hua Qiangu" is on fire, and the biggest winner is not Zhao Liying but him!

On the evening of September 7, the domestic costume fantasy fairy drama "Hua Qiangu" finally broadcast the finale. Although the ending was edited to pieces, it still did not affect its ratings. The star Zhao Liying also went from an unknown actor to a star with millions of fans.

But who is the biggest winner of "Hua Qiangu"? The answer may be the producer.

The next three years will be very stressful

Recently, with the targeted issuance of new shares by Hexin Shares (002343) officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Ciwen Media, the producer of "Hua Qiangu", will also run towards the end of the backdoor listing.

In December last year, Hexin shares issued the "Major Asset Replacement and Issuance of Shares to Purchase Assets and Related Transactions Report (Draft) ", which intends to obtain 100% equity of Ciwen Media through three links: major asset replacement, issuance of shares to purchase assets, and asset transfer. Ciwen Media priced 2.407 billion yuan. Then the matter was officially approved in July this year.

On the evening of September 13, Hexin shares issued an announcement announcing the implementation of major asset replacement and the issuance of shares to purchase assets. Hexin shares intend to place assets at a price of 1.012 billion yuan, the price of the assets to be placed 2.407 billion yuan, and the difference of 1.395 billion yuan will be purchased by the company’s issued shares. The issue price is 8.56 yuan/share, and a total of 116.39 million shares will be issued. The assets will be sold to the main promoter shareholders of Hexin shares, and the transferee will pay 40 million shares of Hexin shares as consideration.

After the transaction is completed, Ma Zhongjun, chairperson of Ciwen Media, and his co-ordinated actors will become the controlling shareholder and actual controller of Hexin shares.

"This also means that the pressure on them in the next three years will be equally huge," Wang Lu, a longtime film and television producer, said in an interview with China Business News.

According to the report, Ma Zhongjun and other five counterparties to the transaction were completed and became the actual controllers of the listed company and their concerted actors. They subscribed for the non-public offering of Hexin shares in this major asset restructuring and did not transfer the new shares within 36 months from the date of listing; Wei Lili and other nine counterparties to the transaction, as the management or backbone employees of Ciwen Media, did not transfer their shares in this issue within 12 months from the date of listing of the new shares. After the performance commitments in 2014 and 2015 reached the agreed amount of the "Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement" and the "Supplementary Agreement on the" Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement ", the cumulative lifting of the sales restriction was 25%. The performance commitments in 2016 reached the agreed amount of the" Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement "and the" Supplementary Agreement on the "Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement" After that, the sales restriction was lifted by a total of 60%, and the 2017 performance commitment reached the amount stipulated in the "Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement" and the "Supplementary Agreement on the" Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement ", and the sales restriction was lifted by a total of 100%.

Ciwen Media promised that the net profit attributable to the parent company in the consolidated statements of Hexin shares in 2015-2018 was not less than 195 million yuan, 250 million yuan, 310 million yuan and 330 million yuan respectively, but Ciwen Media’s net profit in 2013 was only 71.368 million yuan. In 2014, the net profit of "Hua Qiangu" increased to 120 million yuan.

Is there a "Hua Qiangu" every year?

The annual growth rate of around 50% means that Ciwen Media will produce at least one more drama "Hua Qiangu" every year, but is it easy?

When it comes to Ciwen Media, many people believe that "Hua Qiangu" made the company popular overnight, but this is not the case.

Ciwen Media is one of the first private film and television companies in China to be granted a TV drama production and operation license (Type A). The founder Ma Zhongjun has a certain influence in the film and television drama circle because of his typical cultural businessperson image.

Since the 1970s, Ma Zhongjun has been known as a pioneer of Chinese experimental drama for his pioneering drama script "Hot Flow Outside the House", and then "Red Dress on the Street", "Red Room, White Room, Black Room" and the movie script "Beach" have risen to the literary world.

In the early 1990s, Ma Zhongjun got involved in the field of film and television production. So far, he has produced and produced nearly 100 films and television dramas of various types. Ma Zhongjun is behind the high-quality TV dramas such as "The Legend of the Condor Hero", "The Condor Hero", "Seven Swords Under Tianshan".

Ma Zhongjun founded the Ciwen film distribution company in 2008 and participated in the production of a number of excellent films, such as the film "Iron Triangle" directed by Tsui Hark, Qifeng To, and Lin Lingdong, the film "Tough Guy" directed by Ding Sheng, and the film "Agent Zero Dog" directed by Wang Jing.

"Ciwen is going to be an all-media content provider," Ma Zhongjun said in an interview with this reporter.

At that time, he began to try integrated marketing from "Journey to the West". This was not the traditional understanding of eating more than one dish, but a unified rhythm at the time of launch, which was done according to the overall plan to improve the strength, influence and brand extension of the entire product.

"So we have animation, we have movies, we have TV, we have new media content because they are not decentralized but collective and integrated, which is what we want in our corporate structure," Mr. Ma said.

This is why "Hua Qiangu" not only sells TV series copyrights to traditional platforms, but also develops multiple industrial chains such as movies and derivatives, thus stimulating the maximum value of IP.

And if the company wants to fulfill its promise, in addition to "Hua Qiangu" constantly generating new revenue, it needs more effort to create film and television dramas such as "Nezha" and "Western Medicine Empire".

Liu Xiaolan, Vice President of TCL Huaxing: Panel demand recovery continues to lay out folding screens and car screens.

China Securities Network News (Reporter Wan Yu) Liu Xiaolan, vice president of TCL Huaxing, a subsidiary of TCL Technology, said in an interview with china securities journal recently that on the whole, the panel industry will continue to recover in demand this year, and TCL Huaxing will need to fix production, maintain healthy inventory and optimize the supply chain system to ensure delivery when the market changes. At the same time, TCL Huaxing will continue to lay out and maintain a high growth rate in the fields of fast-growing folding screens and car screens.    

Since the fourth quarter of last year, panel prices have continued to rise, and the panel industry has attracted the attention of investors. According to the research report of Huaxi Securities, the price of TV panels in early March is close to the high price in September last year. Due to the better downstream demand expectation and the early stocking of the whole machine factory, the current supply and demand are still tight. Huaxi Securities expects that the price of TV panels will still rise in the second quarter, and the price of TV panels is expected to break through the high level last year.    

Regarding the trend of the panel industry, Liu Xiaolan thinks that with the moderate economic recovery in China and the downward inflation in Europe and America, the overall purchasing power of consumers is rising, and the sales of TV, notebook computers, monitors and other products will be driven by the superposition of domestic "618" and summer holidays. On the demand side of the panel, she predicts that this year will be more optimistic than last year. On the supply side, panel enterprises have generally changed their business philosophy, from pursuing full production and full sales to fixing production according to demand. As a whole, the inventory of the panel industry is relatively healthy, and the panel price is relatively stable, so there is no more ups and downs.  

She introduced that TCL Huaxing will pay close attention to the changes in demand and ensure the flexibility of factory production, so that it can timely respond to the adjustment of production brought about by changes in the market. As a head enterprise, TCL Huaxing has built its own moat in the upstream supply chain. The company will also give full play to this advantage, continue to strengthen cooperation with the upstream supply chain, especially the strategic partners of key materials, establish strong links, share information, optimize the supply chain system, and ensure that TCL Huaxing’s factory can respond to uncertain situations in time and ensure the delivery of the whole supply chain.    

TCL Huaxing is also actively deploying in the fast-growing sub-categories such as folding screens and car screens. Liu Xiaolan said that folding screen mobile phones have become a fast-growing segment of mobile phone products in recent years. TCL Huaxing has launched a number of folding screen products, and has industry-leading technologies such as LTPO and PLP. On the one hand, the company will continue to make breakthroughs in folding screen technology in the future, reducing the weight and thickness of the screen, extending the battery life and service life. On the other hand, it will start with materials and design, reduce the cost of folding screens, and make folding screens more widely used in mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other products.    

TCL Huaxing’s shipments of in-vehicle screens also maintained a high growth trend. TCL Huaxing did not enter the in-vehicle field for a long time. Last year, the shipments were about 5 million pieces. Although the shipments were not large, the growth rate was large, which doubled and reached the first place in the industry. "In the past, we only made efforts on high-end car screens. At that time, we didn’t have a production line of amorphous silicon," Liu Xiaolan said. "After the mass production of t9 production line last year, we developed a lot of amorphous silicon car displays, and we will catch up with them at a very fast speed."    

Lying at home for three years, not working, 0 socializing: Why don’t young people want to go to work?

Source: Business Insight
The punk in the world I recently experienced is a young man who has been lying dead at home for three years.
I lay dead at home for three years, tied to my bed, and didn’t go out more than 500 meters in Fiona Fang. I only went to supermarkets and small shops downstairs to replenish food.
In the past three years, he has no job, socializes, rents a room of eight square meters, eats a mountain of snacks and instant noodles, drinks three or four tons of cola, and his only companion is a mobile phone. He has watched more than 100 large-scale series.
What supports his corpse life is savings, flowers, online loans and credit cards from all walks of life. ….
For a while, there were quite a lot of people who were lying dead. Some of them were lying dead for two years, from 280 kg to 180 kg, and their desires were lost, and they could not feel the joys and sorrows.
Some people are slightly better. Although they are lying dead, they earn 300 yuan a day, 100 yuan for staying in hotels, 100 yuan for smoking, surfing the Internet in eat areca and eating in 100 yuan.
Some people have been lying dead for two years, owing 50 thousand, taking their girlfriends and ready to go out to work.
I remember, KnowYourself sent an article to analyze the unique "squatting clan" phenomenon in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
"This group of people is highly educated, unemployed, neither bloody nor struggling. They rent houses in first-tier cities, can’t go home, can’t stay, and do nothing all day."
The "squatting clan" is the product of this era. They fully verified the sentence "Efforts may not be successful, but it is really comfortable not to work hard".
I think, if it’s a wolf-like 996 enterprise, they will say lightly when they see the above "people lying dead and squatting". They are simply wasting their lives.
But when I see them, I will only think that they are really brave and really punk.
Speaking of it, I am also a "squatter". I haven’t been to work for more than a year. I tried to go to work in the middle, but I will run away in less than a day. My daily life is to stay in the rental house, sleep at dawn, get up at dark, and stay indoors for half a month at the longest.
The only difference with them is that I spent most of my time at home wondering how to make money, never giving up making money, and even more reluctant to give up socializing and turn myself into a real marginal person.
I spent a year in prison, reviewing and reflecting, but more often, I just felt so cool that I flew, and I didn’t have to fight the morning and evening peaks, and I didn’t have to see annoying leaders and colleagues, so I lived a super peace every day.
But what I really hate is work, and what I escape from is life?
Actually, it’s not. On the contrary, I love working more at home. What I hate is just going to work. As the Round Table School said, we just hate the environment and timetable under the organization, and it feels like a trapped animal.
Of course, squatting people like us, based on the society, are annoying anyway.
I will be accused of not working hard, not struggling, and living in vain. I have been squatting for a year, and many enthusiastic friends and former colleagues have come to introduce my work. Every time, the reason can’t escape: "If you go on like this, it will be abolished. You should return to the mainstream society."
Sometimes, our choice is not a way of life, but rather a kind of violation and resistance. As long as you don’t struggle, you will become a monster and waste in the eyes of normal people, so you are doomed to be forgotten and marginalized.
I can’t help it. The concept of "struggling all my life" is becoming popular among our young people. If anyone doesn’t abide by it, he is not worthy of being a young man in the 21st century, and is doomed to live only in a rented house.
The schedule of "Tsinghua Xueba", which was hotly searched some time ago, shows that there is almost no entertainment in their day.
Go to bed at 1 am, get up at 6 am every day, wash and eat breakfast for 40 minutes, and start a planned study at 6: 40. The time from 9 pm to 1 am is fully arranged.
In this regard, the official said: it is difficult to learn like this and not to be a tyrant.
Others directly say, "People who are better than you work harder than you." The subtext is: "What do you have that Bilian doesn’t struggle for? 」
Not long after this incident, many universities began to imitate it.
I think that since students can’t be self-disciplined, it’s simply mandatory: no sleeping in, and no one can be on the dormitory bed after nine o’clock.
The university was originally a free and inclusive place, but now it has been wrapped up in layers and turned into a wolf university.
To put it bluntly, they were forced to struggle every day, go to bed early and get up early when they should be naive and romantic.
With all due respect, why is society so cruel to young people like me?
At the beginning of junior high school, I vaguely remember that my family said that it would be easy to get into key days.
Initial promotion: getting into the key points is equal to half the threshold of entering the university.
Gao Shengda: It’s really easy to go to college after the college entrance examination, so you can play at will.
And then after entering the university?
Still have to go to bed early and get up early every day, and strive hard to learn from Tsinghua.
Some people will definitely say, sleep less and work harder today, so you can relax after work!
Sorry, at this time, Ma Yun will come out and tell you that the 996 job is a blessing that my generation has repaired.
Liu Qiangdong will tell you that you don’t deserve to be my brother if you don’t struggle.
Young people who die suddenly in the workplace will tell you that fighting all their lives is a fair death.
The above is the life of young people in the 21st century.
In this way, our young people are really miserable. The happy and free time of our life only stays in kindergarten (maybe not yet), and it is always far from happiness.
When you finally see through it and you can choose not to struggle in life, someone will tell you with their ears: a life without hard work and struggle is waste.
It’s not that I hate disapproving of efforts, but that I hate the urgency and anxiety of young people under this atmosphere.
When I was a child, I was forced to learn the laws of the jungle at once;
Mingming didn’t sleep well all his life, and he was accused of not working hard enough;
Obviously, I chose a lifestyle that makes me comfortable, or I was accused of wasting my life.
Think about the "squatters". What are they? It is necessary to be observed with a magnifying glass, because choosing to give up the struggle is considered to be a psychological problem.
I wonder if our times advocate "hard work" so much that everyone seems to be winding up, as if life without hard work is not worth living.
Obviously, some people are lazy by nature and are not interested in anything, but they are forced to make progress by the values of this society and try their best to find goals worth fighting for all their lives.
Chen Danqing, the Round Table School, said: Some people are born uninterested in this world, but they can’t choose to be born. They looked at the world and found nothing to live, so they chose to leave.
There is a real example in Japan. A 56-year-old man has been unemployed at home for a long time because he failed to study at a young age and repeatedly hit a wall when looking for a job, and he has stayed here for 30 years.
After his parents died, he was found starving to death at home.
The body was decomposed when it was found, and the house was full of rubbish.
Many people say that this person deserves it, but I just feel sad when I think that a group of people are living out of place in this shoulder-to-shoulder world.
This kind of tragedy is quite common in Japan, and the day when distance spreads among us is just around the corner.
But if we say that the social atmosphere at this time can be less anxious about selling, and we don’t exaggerate our efforts and squeeze the existence of young people, will they not feel that they are useless and unworthy to live in the world?
Instead, can you face life positively and really find other meanings of your life besides struggle?
I don’t object to the defensive lifestyle of "squatting people" who choose to escape and stay at home.
And those who are superior and advocate hard work and selling anxiety, please shut up, no one is nobler than anyone else.
Hard work is an achievement that everyone can achieve if they are enough, but it takes courage to let go of the secular lifestyle.
Too much emphasis on hard work and selling anxiety will only backfire, trigger the phenomenon of squatting and lead to tragedy.
Please don’t say anything: "Master xx skills, work hard and catch up with your peers with a monthly income of 10 million."
I just want to ask you why you should catch up with your peers. I’m not interested.
Can you just be yourself?
Under the phenomenon of squatting, it is because many people no longer believe in social stability, nor do they believe that success and class leap can be achieved by long-term diligent efforts.
Although we have the right to choose not to work hard and struggle, it is necessary to earn a decent money that will not cause trouble to others and parents.
There are also many young people around me who don’t go to work. Apart from writing articles for the media like me, there are also illustrators, photographers, screenwriters, craftsmen, pastry chefs, and even people who have nothing to do to run errands and walk dogs. ….
In today’s society, there are actually many choices to choose a career freely, work for yourself and not starve to death. Lying in bed waiting for death and bearing huge debts is the greatest support for "hard-working monsters".
The biggest problem of squatting people is that they confuse the concepts of "going to work" and "working".
Those who clamor for not going to work all day may just not want to work. Work has a strong driving force. Chen Danqing said that he didn’t like going to work either, but he could wake up like a bug and work until late at night.
Simply put, work is for others, and work is for yourself.
You don’t have to struggle and work hard, but you must live decently for what you like.
Whether we like it or not, we came here after all. Since we are here, we might as well go out of the rental house and see the sun.

Yunnan hosts the 5th International Students’ Cultural Exchange Week.

Original title: The 5th International Student Cultural Exchange Week was held in our province.

Recently, the 5th International Students’ Cultural Exchange Week in Yunnan Province was held in Kunming and Yuxi.

The theme of this exchange week is "Youth without Borders Developing to the Future", and 60 teachers and students from 19 countries participated in five universities: Yunnan University, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Dali University and Yuxi Normal University. The campers visited Yunnan Provincial Museum, yunnan military academy, Dounan Flower Shooting Center, Yuxi Happy Town, Chengjiang Fossil Land Natural Museum, Mafang Village, Fuxian Lake, and other places to experience the charm of Yunnan’s excellent traditional culture and the achievements of rural revitalization, national unity, scientific and technological innovation and ecological civilization.

Through cultural exchange, campers have a deeper understanding of "there is a life called Yunnan" Li Hongchang, a Myanmar student at Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that this activity gave him a more comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of China and Yunnan, and he would learn more about China culture during his next study abroad. Tai Longkang, an international student from Laos in Yunnan University, said that after returning to school, he will be a folk messenger to promote friendly exchanges between China and Laos.

It is understood that the cultural exchange week for overseas students in Yunnan Province has been successfully held for five times, aiming at building a learning exchange platform for young students at home and abroad, spreading culture, enhancing friendship and promoting the communication between the people. There are more than 80 countries of international students, and the number exceeds 10,000.

The event was hosted by Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Yunnan People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Yuxi Municipal Government, Yunnan Youth Federation and Yunnan Student Federation.

The picture shows the campers experiencing the making of non-legacy handmade kites. (Reporter Deng Qingwen)

Summary of four common swimming styles

Formula summary of four common swimming styles:

First, breaststroke formula

1, one of the breaststroke formula (total formula):

(1) Breaststroke kicks like frogs, pushing back and sliding forward. Close your legs and feet with your hips, and your knees are shoulder-width apart.

Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and turn your toes to both sides. Push the water back hard and float your feet together for a while.

(2) The breaststroke arm strokes symmetrically, and the peach stroke strokes sideways. Bend your wrists with both hands to catch the water, and bend your arms and elbows back.

Row under your shoulders, stop quickly, and clamp your elbows in hard. Stretch your hands forward in parallel, straighten and relax and move forward.

(3) Attention should be paid to breaststroke coordination, and the legs and arms should breathe properly. The two-arm paddling legs are relaxed, and the legs are closed at the same time.

Stretch your legs forward and push the water, and slide your arms and legs straight for a while. Pull your head up slowly, slide your hand and exhale slowly.

(4) Two arms are paddling at the same time, and the head is raised and inhaled closely. Close your legs, turn your ankles to catch water, and exhale water with your nose.

Close your hands and slowly retract your legs, and stretch your arms forward before kicking. This kind of cooperation should be kept in mind, and coordination should be learned.

2. The second formula of breaststroke (four-word key):

Break up and press the wrist, pull the fiber with double anchors, hold the water with high elbows, and turn your hands and shoulders. The stem neck comes out of the water, the snake waist drags the hip, the knees are lowered, and the feet are everted. Into the water, hide your head, gather your arms and hide your shoulders, turn your inner ankle backwards, and turn down the pedal clip. The front is low and the back is high, the sand slides and stretches, the legs are stretched and the abdomen is closed, and the water rises.

Interpretation of the four-word key of breaststroke;

Breaking up and pressing the wrist is the preparatory action to start paddling, and it is also the key to make paddling effective. You have to press your hands down into a dovetail shape before you can enter the drawing stage.

Different from the traditional wiper stroke, [double anchor drawing] tends to be similar to the butterfly stroke, emphasizing the stroke mode of resistance propulsion. When the hands are pressed down into a Y- shape, the hands are like two in the water.AnchorUntil the elbows are completely out of sight, they have been accelerating the pull. The power of pulling makes the body jump out of the water under the guidance of the head.

When holding the water with high elbows, the elbows should always be higher than the hands to pull the water, so that the hands and forearms form a paddling surface together and pull the body forward until the palms are turned over.Shoulder lifting] until the water is caught, the elbows are always in a state of tension.

[Stem neck water] is to say that water should not be held high, and the neck ridge should be kept in a straight line, rising and falling together.

[snake waist dragging hip] means that when pulling up, the waist and back must be arched, and then they can rush forward and rebound. The back bow should be erected like a cobra, ready to attack; The forward bounce is like a snake’s attack, and it is asserted. The former uses the waist, and the latter abdomen, falling together.

[Fold your knees]. When folding your legs, you just need to fold your knees and turn your legs into a [W] shape.

[Hip valgus] means that toes should point to both sides. Turn your feet from [the outer figure of eight] to [the inner figure of eight] and whip them backward and downward.

[Hidden head in water] means to hide your head after entering the water, and to be completely immersed in the water, preferably below the horizontal line of your body.

[Close your arms and hide your shoulders], keep your arms as close as possible. seemSqueeze your head from between your arms.

[medial malleolus backward], the medial malleolus should be facing the rear, which is the initial phase of kicking and the key to the success or failure of the kicking process.

[Pedal clamp downward rotation], the folding is upward rotation and the pedal clamp is downward rotation; Spin up until the toes point to both sides, and spin down until the soles of the feet are closed.

[The front is low and the back is high, and the sand slides and stretches] is a sliding phase when entering the water, until [breaking up and pressing the wrist], during which the feeling is as smooth as falling down from the sand mountain with head down; In the meantime, it seems that all the discs between cones have been released.

[Stretch your legs and abdomen, float to the surface], which means that in the second half of the slide, you should prepare for the initial position of the subsequent stroke [break up and press your wrist] and approach the surface of the water with inertia. If the body is still far from the water, [drawing fiber] will have to be replaced by pressing water, and the forward power will be halved. Therefore, when [sliding sand stretching], the body can neither bend back nor relax, but must [stretch the legs and abdomen] and still be streamlined, using the buoyancy of the chest to float to the surface at a small angle.

3. The third formula of breaststroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of breaststroke

The legs are curved to hold water, and the mouth and nose are used to exhale in the water.

Paddling combined with slow leg retraction, two arms stretched forward and then pedaled,

The breaststroke posture is like a frog, and the arms stroke symmetrically on the side.

Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and turn your feet outwards to aim at the water.

Push your legs back and hold the water, and slide your arms and legs straight for a while.

Push the water backwards in an arc, straighten and float together for a while.

(2) Leg movements

Bend your knees slowly close to your hips, and the distance between your knees is shoulder-wide.

The rower’s legs don’t move, and the legs are closed after the hand is closed.

Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and flip your feet to both sides.

Stretch your arms first, then kick, and straighten your arms and legs for a while.

Push the water back hard and float your legs together for a while.

(3) arm movements

Press the water with both hands to the outside, raise your elbow and bend your arm and row back.

The parting is slightly wider than the shoulder, and the elbow is turned inward and stretched forward.

Pull under the shoulder and stop. Pull and stop.

Draw your arms back from side to side, straighten and float together for a while.

(4) Breathing action

When holding water on your arms, raise your head slightly and suck the air.

Lower your head and stretch your arms and exhale slowly. Row your arms, raise your head, and breathe in.

When your arms slide forward, your nose and mouth slowly exhale.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements

Pull your arms apart, raise your head and inhale closely,

This method is called late breathing, which is perfect for reducing resistance.

(6) Complete coordination action

Two arms paddling without moving legs, closing hands and closing legs at the same time,

Stretch your hand halfway to pinch the water, stretch your arm and kick for a while,

Pull your head up and suck in half, and reach out and shout slowly.

Second, the freestyle formula

1. One of the freestyle formulas (general formula):

(1) freestyle body must be horizontal, with arms crossed forward. Put your fingers into the water before your shoulders, and stretch your shoulders and bend your wrists to catch the water.

Bend your elbows and palms to the water, and do the "S" route correctly. Finish paddling to the hip, turn your shoulders and lift your elbows to get out of the water quickly.

(2) The body is prone and streamlined, and the water appears in the brain. Stroke with both hands, and alternately hit your legs six times.

Exhale slowly under the shoulder, push the water, lift the elbow and turn to suck. The legs and arms are breathing well, and the freestyle speed is incredible.

2. The second formula of freestyle (four-word key):

Wipe the head on the water, the neck ridge is flat, the chin converges, and breathe. The whole body should be rigid, the waist and abdomen should be tense, the logs should roll, and the umbilicus should look at both sides. Put your arm into the sleeve, turn your shoulder into the frame, draw straight close to your body, pull soft and push hard. The thigh is clamped, the calf is like a spring, and the ankle is relaxed, with relaxation and tension.

Interpretation of four key words of freestyle;

[Wipe your head on the water]. When swimming in, try to immerse your head in the water as much as possible, and the part exposed on the water should not exceed 1/4 of your head, so that your head can slightly brush the water.

[The neck and spine are horizontal]. The cervical spine and spine should be pulled into a straight line and kept horizontal.

[chin convergence], look at the bottom of the pool, the chin should be retracted and squeezed into a double chin.

[Breathe Moang], when breathing, the head should roll with the extension line of the neck ridge as the axis, and it is forbidden to breathe with the head held high.

[Perfect], imagine the whole body, especially the trunk, like a hard and full torpedo.

[Tension in the waist and abdomen], the waist and abdomen should be tightened, and the abdomen should be lifted.

[Log Rolling] means that the body should be like a torpedo and a log, and it should roll on the long axis as a whole with rhythm.

[Look at both sides of the navel], the rolling angle is just right for the navel to see both sides, or the audience on both sides can just see the swimmer’s navel.

[Put your arm into the sleeve]. When you enter the water, you should put your hand forward as far as possible, as if it were in a slender and soft silk sleeve.

[Turn your shoulders into the frame]. Imagine that your body is going through a narrow frame in the front, so the lateral amplitude of the action should be as small as possible.

[Close-body straight stroke], the stroke hand should be under the long axis of the body, close to the body and walk in a straight line.

[Pull soft and push hard], start accurately, grasp the water steadily, and gradually accelerate the stroke, pushing the water under your feet, but don’t bump into your thighs.

[Legs clamped], when kicking, the thighs can’t be separated, and it plays the role of connecting the preceding with the following, that is, transmitting the strength of the hip to the toe.

[The calf is like a spring], the calf should be elastic, and the range of kicking up and down should be controlled at about one foot.

[Relax your ankles]. Your ankles should follow the pressure of water and move with the trend, just like the tail of a fish, so don’t be stiff. Legs from hip to toe should be loose and unremitting, tight and not stiff, and the water should be strong and well-controlled.

3. The third formula of freestyle (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of crawl (freestyle)

Crawl, such as crawling in water, alternately paddling with both arms,

Keep your body steady and lie prone in the water, crossing your arms and rowing in turn.

Keep your body level, and your legs are whipped up and down.

Whip your legs up and down, breathe slowly and suck quickly and row forward.

(2) Leg movements

The thigh forces the calf, and the legs alternately whip the water.

The thigh is forced to bring the calf, and the legs alternate to fetch water.

Draw water shallowly and quickly, and relax your ankles slightly and turn inward.

(3) arm movements

The palm enters the water first before the shoulder, and the arm slides down to hold the water.

Move the arm, relax the shoulder and insert it forward, and aim the palm of the forearm at the water.

The power of bending the arm and paddling is great, and turning the shoulder and lifting the elbow can get out of the water quickly.

Speed up along the center line, and alternate strokes with both arms.

The two arms cooperate with each other to paddle hard, and the thrust is gradually increased after holding forward.

(4) Breathing action

Row to the shoulder and exhale slowly, push the water, lift the elbow and suck up.

Breathe out slowly with your head in the water, turn your head and open your mouth to inhale quickly.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements.

Paddle with both hands, and hit the legs at will.

Hit two, hit four or hit six, or suck left or right once.

(6) Body position

The body is prone and streamlined, and the chest is slightly shoulders high.

The water is flush with the forehead and the brain is exposed, and the hips and abdomen should be flat and eyes open.

(7) Stroke arm type

There are three types of arm strokes, namely, front crossing, middle crossing and rear crossing.

It is old and long to travel before making friends, and the effect of making friends after making friends is good.

Third, backstroke formula

1. One of the backstroke formulas (general formula):

(1) Put your hand into the water on the shoulder extension line, and stretch your arms to hold the water. The palm bends to the water, and the stroke route should be kept in mind.

Push the water behind the palm and forearm, and push the thumb out first. Turn your shoulders and lift your arm straps, and relax your arm movement in the air.

(2) Backstroke coordination is easy, with six kicks and two arms. Breathe two strokes at a time, and breathe in with your mouth.

Push the water and exhale quickly, turn your shoulders and move your arms to hold your chest. Suck your legs three times, kick them three times and exhale.

2. The second formula of backstroke (four-word key):

The water overflows the cheeks, the nose refers to the blue sky, the breath sinks and floats, and the side slip does not turn.

Shoulder-lifting and hand-pulling, double-spoke rotation, sharp blade to cut water, arm extension to send hips.

With water in the palm of your hand, bend your elbow and collapse your shoulders, push the front line, caress your legs and stick to the edge.

Straighten your ankles, bend your feet inward, kick up and press down, and wave your toes.

Interpretation of the four-word backstroke;

[Water overflows your cheeks]. When swimming backstroke, you should straighten your head, neither accept your chin nor lean back, so it is advisable to let the water flow through your cheeks.

[Nose refers to the sky], although the body rolls, the head should not rotate with it, and always face upwards.

[Breathe, sink, suck and float], because the front of the body will be a little ups and downs after the hand enters the water, so breathing should be carried out rhythmically to avoid choking.

[Don’t turn when sideslip], when rolling sideslip, the head can’t rotate left and right.

[Lift the shoulder and draw the hand], after the hand strokes, it is necessary to lift the shoulder to complete the water; From shoulder-elbow-wrist-finger, out of the water in turn, use the big joint to drive the small joint, and pull the arm out of the water.

[Double spoke rotation], the arms are like spokes of a wheel, alternating at an angle of 180 degrees. The outer side of the little finger is called the [blade], and [cutting the water with a sharp blade] means that the little finger leads into the water, so that the upper arm is close to the cheek, and the arm is extended with the hip. Follow up when the little finger enters the water.

[reaching out to send hips], that is, something that seems to stand on tiptoe to reach high enough; And the [torque] of turning the hip comes from the downward leg press on the other side.

[Horizontal palm with water] is the first phase after the hand enters the water, that is, the palm is horizontal in the forward direction; Otherwise, if you don’t bring water with you, paddling will have no effect.

[Elbow down and shoulder collapse], start paddling, especially when paddling to the shoulder line, the elbow tip should be vertical to the bottom of the pool, and the shoulder should sink into the water, so that the paddling route is closer to the vertical plane of the longitudinal axis of the body.

[Push the first line], push the water all the way back. When the rower crosses the shoulder line, turn his palm to the bottom of the pool to press the water.

[Touching the leg and sticking the edge], after pressing the water, the arm should be close to the body, and the tiger’s mouth should slightly wipe the thigh.

[Ankle Straightened], both supine and prone kicking require ankle straightening, which is the key to effective water fetching.

[Feet are flexed inward], because the hips should roll about 45 degrees, in order to prevent the feet from crossing too wide when fetching water, each other can meet the water flow driven by kicking on the other side, so as to obtain greater propulsion power, so it is necessary to bend inward slightly.

[Kick up and press down], because the upper kick is limited by the knee joint, the lower press has a wide degree of freedom, so it is necessary to limit the amplitude. It is better for the waves to roll at the toe, and it is subject to no splash, that is, [Wave rolls the toe].

3. The third formula of backstroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of backstroke

There are two kinds of backstroke postures, both of which are backstroke.

Lying on your back in the water naturally, your abdomen is slightly contracted and your chest is slightly expanded.

The reverse frog backstroke has been eliminated, and the reverse crawl backstroke has the upper hand.

Kick the water with your legs up and down, and paddle with your arms in turn.

(2) Leg movements

The thigh is forced to take the hip as the axis, and the downward pressure and upward kick are alternately played.

Exert your strength with your thighs and kick hard with your calves.

Knees and toes don’t get out of the water, and the movements should be consistent and natural.

The toes are inclined inward, and the whips alternate.

(3) arm movements

The shoulder extension line is cut in by the outside hand, and the arm is extended to hold the water and the palm is facing the water.

Water enters the side of the air moving arm. Bend your arms and sink your elbows at the water,

The curved arm paddles to the waist, and the forearm palm pushes and presses.

Accelerate backward and push the water quickly, and take turns paddling with both arms.

Pull and push the body to row sideways, press first and then lift the water quickly,

Lift the shoulder to drive the upper forearm, move forward in the air and extend the arm forward.

(4) Breathing action

It’s easier to breathe in backstroke. Breathe in through your mouth instead of your nose.

Push underwater and exhale quickly, lift your shoulders and move your arms to hold your chest,

Take a breath after kicking three times, and exhale after kicking three times.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements

Six kicks, two arms, one breath and two strokes,

Three kicks, one arm, and so on.

Four, butterfly stroke formula

1, one of the butterfly formula (total formula):

(1) Butterfly kicks like a dolphin, whipping water with his belt and legs. Draw water with your legs together and remember your hips.

Turn your ankles inside your legs to relax, close your legs, lift your hips and straighten your waist and abdomen.

(2) The butterfly moves its arm like a butterfly, lowering its head and sending its shoulder arm forward. Reach into the water, spread your shoulders and grab the water, with your high elbow paddling and your arm bending inward.

Aim your hands at the water at the same time, and push the water hard with both arms. Lift your elbows quickly after pushing the water, and spread your wings with your arms out of the water.

(3) Push the water head with both arms to lift, and inhale quickly and lower the head. Push the water and hit your legs at the same time, and put your feet together to exert your strength.

Go into the water and whip your legs twice. Don’t forget to rotate your feet internally. Breathe out slowly with your arms in the water, and move forward like waves.

2. The second formula of butterfly stroke (four-word key):

Chest and armpit pressure, elbow tips apart, abdomen and buttocks, iron law of entering water. Side pressure stroke, internal sweep force, tiger’s back rising, back swing arm. Shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbows are high and low. Legs rise and fall, originating from the back of the waist, snake-shaped, and the first item is the flag.

Interpretation of the key words of butterfly stroke;

[Chest and armpit pressure] is the first step to start the body wave state in butterfly stroke, and its amplitude depends on the flexibility of the shoulder blade. If the chest and armpits are not pressed down, it is difficult to get up with elbows, and it is impossible to hold water with high elbows.

The purpose of [elbow tip separation] is to ensure that the water is cut under the thumb, the water is held with the elbow high, and the side pressure is connected. When the front half of the body is pressed down, it will inevitably lead to the core part lifting up, showing the trend of [abdomen and buttocks], which is a counterweight to the kicking of the back half. This is the law of chain transmission of the body, so it is called [iron law of entering the water].

[Side pressure stroke] is the initial phase of stroke, which is the same as [breaking up and pressing the wrist] in breaststroke.

[Internal scanning force] is the later stage of pulling water phase, and it is also the stage of starting to exert force. In the process of pulling water, with the surge of water flow and the balance of legs, the body leaps up and forward, and the water comes out with the shoulder as the highest point of rising, that is, [the tiger’s back rises].

In order to push the water phase, the [swing arm] must accelerate the whole process, in which [swing arm] refers to the sudden return when the momentum reaches the maximum, that is, the arm returns at the original speed before pushing the water to the crotch; This not only pushes the water into place, but also allows the arm to bounce out of the water by pushing.

When moving your arms, you should [shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, and move your wings leisurely], and throw your arms forward as far as possible, as far as possible from the water entry point, so as to fully drive your body. [Shrugging your shoulders, swinging your wrists and moving your wings leisurely] starts with [swinging your arms back], and the depth of your kung fu can be seen from the whole process of [moving your arms]. The butterfly stroke is the only stroke named after the feature of [moving the arm], so four sentences are used in the formula to describe the whole process of moving the arm: [shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbow is superior and low], among which [taking and putting down gently] is particularly difficult, and [taking] and [putting] can reflect the control ability of your waist and abdomen when leaping.

[Legs rise and fall from the waist], the main power source of butterfly swimming is the chest, followed by the waist, and then the legs. Therefore, when playing butterfly leg, you need to forget the leg, so that the vibration of the chest can be naturally transmitted to the toe. When the chest is pressed down, the forehead is forward and the top of the head is close to the water; When the shoulders are lifted, the forehead is still forward and the hips are close to the water.

[Snake-shaped wave, the first item is the flag], which means that the butterfly looks like a dolphin and a snake eel from side to side. From beginning to end, all joints of the trunk and legs participate in the jitter. Bow your head when you come out of the water, lift it slightly when you enter the water, and always rush to the other side with your head, guiding the whole body forward like a flagship, that is, [the first item is the flag].

3. The third formula of butterfly stroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of butterfly stroke

Butterfly swimming is like flying in butterfly water, whipping the water with your legs together,

Lie on your stomach horizontally to streamline, lower your head and move your arms forward.

Both arms are paddling at the same time, imitating dolphins flying in waves.

Waves draw water, push hands to suck, stretch your chest, lift your hips and waist to exert strength.

(2) Trunk and leg movements

Hips sink to straighten the waist and abdomen, legs move up and legs bend,

Retract your legs, lift your hips and waist, and your thighs drive your calves to kick.

(3) arm movements

Bow your head and send your shoulders forward, stretch your shoulders and hook your hands to catch the water.

The arms are wider than the shoulders when entering the water, and the shoulders should be extended when entering the water.

Bend your arms inward and paddle hard, push the water and lift your elbows to get out of the water quickly.

Do not separate your arms from each other when holding water, and row with the front wide and the back wide to accelerate the row.

(4) Breathing action

Breathe slowly with your arms in the water, push the water, stretch your neck and look up.

(5) Breathing is coordinated with leg and arm movements.

The butterfly position is not fixed, and the trunk waves move forward.

Kick your arm into the water for the first time, and then kick it under your chest.

The legs are combined like whipping, and the waist, abdomen and legs vibrate in turn.

Lower your head and stretch your arms to exhale slowly, accelerate the push of water and raise your head to suck.

Five, four common swimming methods of four-word tips summary

1. Breaststroke: break up and press the wrist, pull the fiber with double anchors, hold the water with high elbows, and turn your hands and shoulders. The stem neck comes out of the water, the snake waist drags the hip, the knees are lowered, and the feet are everted. Into the water, hide your head, gather your arms and hide your shoulders, turn your inner ankle backwards, and turn down the pedal clip. The front is low and the back is high, the sand slides and stretches, the legs are stretched and the abdomen is closed, and the water rises.

2, crawl: the head rubs the water, the neck ridge is flat and long, the chin converges, and the air is ventilated. The whole body should be rigid, the waist and abdomen should be tense, the logs should roll, and the umbilicus should look at both sides. Put your arm into the sleeve, turn your shoulder into the frame, draw straight close to your body, pull soft and push hard. The thigh is clamped, the calf is like a spring, and the ankle is relaxed, with relaxation and tension.

3, backstroke: the water overflows the cheeks, the nose refers to the blue sky, the breath sinks and floats, and the side slips. Shoulder-lifting and hand-pulling, double-spoke rotation, sharp blade to cut water, arm extension to send hips. With water in the palm of your hand, bend your elbow and collapse your shoulders, push the front line, caress your legs and stick to the edge. Straighten your ankles, bend your feet inward, kick up and press down, and wave your toes.

4, butterfly stroke: chest and armpit pressure, elbow tips apart, abdomen and hips, into the water iron law. Side pressure stroke, internal sweep force, tiger’s back rising, back swing arm. Shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbows are high and low. Legs rise and fall, originating from the back of the waist, snake-shaped, and the first item is the flag.

What happened to the Champions League? Diaz’s field data: 1 goal, 2 assists and 4 key passes scored 9.4 points.

Live on May 21 ST, Milan beat Sampdoria 5-1 in this round of Serie A. The data of Dias, who performed well, are as follows:

Play for 70 minutes

1 ball

Expected goal 0.61

2 assists

Expected assists 0.69

53 touches of the ball

37 passes and 29 successes, with a success rate of 78%.

Four key passes

2 crosses, 1 success

1 long pass, 1 success

Create major opportunities twice

1 shot, 0 success

Four times, three times.

11 confrontations and 6 successes

Lost the ball 12 times.

Two fouls

Three fouls

Two interceptions

Get 9.4 points.

Cold sweat! James was hit in the crotch, and Tommy Tam expelled him directly. Public opinion hotly debated that it was too dirty.

In the first round of the NBA playoffs in the West, the Lakers played Grizzlies at home and Morant came back. This was the third game of the series. Before that, the two sides tied 1-1, with the Lakers leading by 29 points at most in the first half and 16 points at the end of the first half. At the beginning of the third quarter, Dillon Brooks, who constantly challenged James, was expelled because he hit James in the crotch.

At the beginning of the third quarter, James attacked with the ball and dribbled the ball behind the backcourt. Tommy Tam came up with one hand and reached the crotch. James fell to the ground in great pain and stood up with a cold sweat. The referee went to watch the replay. Tommy Tam fouled in the second degree and was expelled directly. The Lakers fans cheered at the scene and James got a chance to make two free throws.

Brooks felt very wronged after being expelled. This is the sixth time in his career and the second time in his playoff career. Public opinion hotly debated that Dillon Brooks was too dirty. It was understandable to provoke James with words before. Now it is really unacceptable to face James, who is 38 years old, and it is reasonable to be expelled. There are also many fans calling for an additional ban on Tommy Tam.

This scene is also reminiscent of G3 of 76ers VS Nets. Harden also made an action to hit his opponent. At that time, Harden was blown for a second-class malicious foul and was expelled directly. Unlike Harden, the offensive end didn’t pay attention to hitting his opponent O ‘Neill. This time Dillon Brooks was maliciously hit and was directly expelled.

Fortunately, James was not affected, and his hands were buckled afterwards, which was quite domineering. I also hope that similar fouls will not occur. Players should pay attention to their own behavior and ensure that neither themselves nor their opponents will foul.

Right now, Wei Shao, 35, has set an amazing record: he scored 37 high scores of 0 penalty and 0 penalty, and the second person in history was born.

# Hundred Watching Teams #

On April 23rd, Beijing time, the NBA playoffs continued. The Clippers still lost to the Suns 100-112, because both leonard and George missed the game. Now the big score is 1-3, and it is only a matter of time before they are out. The Clippers are unlucky. They originally had the chance to compete for the championship. Now, due to the injuries of two superstars, they will encounter the first round of the tour. The gap is too big. However, the Clippers have also won people’s respect, especially Wei Shao, who got a basic salary of 780 thousand, but carried the team forward, which is really admirable. From the schedule, the Clippers were ahead with seven points in the first quarter. However, in the last three quarters, the Suns gradually gained the upper hand, and Booker and Durant’s sudden upset made the Clippers really hard to beat.

Durant of the Suns scored 31 points, 11 rebounds and 6 assists, and his personal performance is incomprehensible. As long as Durant finds the best state, the Suns have no opponents in the West. Booker scored 30 points, 9 rebounds, 7 assists and 3 steals. His performance in the series is comparable to KD and he has become the best player in the league. Aidan scored 15 points, 13 rebounds, 2 steals and 2 blocks, and Paul scored 19 points, 4 rebounds, 9 assists, 3 steals and 3 blocks. The Suns’ Big Four all performed well, which was terrible. Craig scored 8 points and 5 boards, Okoji scored 6 points and 3 boards, and Bi Yongbo scored 3 points and 2 boards.

Westbrook, Clippers, bombarded 37 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists. It’s really a lonely hero to compete with the Four Suns on his own. I wonder what leonard and George think. Powell scored 14 points and 4 rebounds, Zubac scored 4 points and 9 rebounds, Morris scored 9 points and 3 rebounds, Gordon scored 10 points, 2 rebounds and 2 assists, Mann scored 13 points, 2 rebounds and 4 assists, Plomley scored 8 points, 6 rebounds and 3 assists, and Hylander scored 5 points and 2 assists. The Clippers originally had the most balanced lineup in the league. If it weren’t for the injury, the Clippers would still have a chance to eliminate the Suns.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Shao, a 34-year-old Clippers who just passed, has set a crazy record in the playoffs and is the second player in NBA history. Statistics show that Wei Shao scored 37 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists in 17 of 29 shots in this campaign, which is unbelievable. Wei Shao also scored 37 points in 0 free throws, ranking behind Chuck Persson in the NBA playoff history. Wei Shao’s personal performance is impressive. He received a basic salary of 780,000 yuan, but made a performance of 40 million yuan. Presumably, no one has questioned Wei Shao at present.

In fact, it is no accident that Wei Shao’s two consecutive games were upset. Wei Shao belongs to his own system and may not be able to react chemically with many players, but if he leads the team alone, he can often burst into great vitality. When George and Cass are absent, Wei Shao can score 34.3 points, 8.3 rebounds and 6 assists. So far in the series, Wei Shao’s data is 26 points, 7.5 rebounds, 7.3 assists, 1.5 steals and 1.8 blocks. What else can he be asked to do?

Wei Shao also completely conquered Paul, Durant and others, and they were deeply moved and supported him. Paul said that only people who know nothing about basketball can criticize Wei Shao. Later, Durant also made a statement, which is true. Wei Shao has been questioned by fans during his time with the Lakers, which only shows that both sides are not suitable for him. After leaving the Lakers, Wei Shao has found himself, and he is still an excellent star in the league.