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Vote "War or Peace" in 2024? Lai Qingde’s "independence" pit is bottomless, which is the biggest source of war in the Taiwan Strait!

Once the Taiwan Province Strait is confronted with each other because of "Taiwan independence" or external interference and intervention, Taiwan Province, the treasure island, will become a battlefield of war, and the people living in this land will be trapped and turned into "cannon fodder". This is the basic logical judgment of public opinion on the influence of "Taiwan independence" on the trend of the situation in the Taiwan Strait. The results of many polls on the island also show that the mainstream public opinion agrees with this judgment more than 50%.
On January 13th next year, Taiwan Province will vote for a new leader. Facing the retrogression and countercurrent of cross-strait relations under the DPP’s ruling for many years, the Taiwan Province Strait has been shrouded in a green haze. The election in early 2024 will determine whether the future of Taiwan Province people can shine under the sunshine of peace.
Is it war or peace? The mainland has repeatedly called for the broad masses of Taiwan Province compatriots to make correct choices at critical moments. There are still about 30 days left before the election. Despite all the old routines and tricks, such as smearing rival candidates and spreading rumors about the mainland’s "intervention" in the Taiwan election, the poll of Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin, the "independent combination" launched by the Democratic Progressive Party, has continued to decline, and the gap with Hou Youyi and Zhao Shaokang of the Kuomintang of China has been within the error range.
It is shameless to cling to "Taiwan independence" and "going to China"! (Painter: Nuowan)
Digging the "independence" pit is too deep to arouse doubts, and the United States advises to rely on "freezing independence"
Since entering the election, Lai Qingde, who calls himself a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker", has tried to downplay his label of "Taiwan independence", tried to get close to Tsai Ing-Wen’s vague line on cross-strait policy, and used a set of untenable logic of "preparing for war to avoid war" to muddle through.
However, since entering politics, Lai has dug himself a bottomless "independence" pit, and suddenly and deliberately changed. Obviously, smart non-green voters in Taiwan Province will not be fooled. According to the island polls of different institutions and different periods, Lai’s support can only be circled on the basic disk of green camp, which is firmly suppressed by this ceiling.
An out-and-out "Taiwan independence worker" and an out-and-out "troublemaker." Lai Qingde has been named by the Taiwan Affairs Office many times. It is said that three American scholars who have deep ties with the DPP recently jointly wrote an article urging Lai Qingde, who is also the party chairman, to consider freezing the so-called "Taiwan independence party program". The United States released unusual signals at a delicate moment before the election, which aroused public concern on the island, indicating that Biden’s government was worried that the ingrained "Taiwan independence" ideology would become the most uncontrollable time bomb in the Taiwan Strait.
Lai Qingde, on the other hand, avoided talking about freezing the "Taiwan independence party program", but continued to advocate the rotten stalk of "the United States supports Taiwan Province". US President Biden has made it clear more than once that he does not support "Taiwan Province independence". At the recent regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson, also pointed out that Lai Qingde dared not mention that the United States clearly indicated that it did not support "Taiwan independence", and could only do something out of context to deceive people and defraud votes.
"Root-searching, soul-breaking" and "cultural Taiwan independence" become "cultural orphans"
Recently, a video of a Chinese teacher from a well-known girls’ school in Taiwan Province denouncing the "shamelessness" of the "China-oriented" curriculum on the island became popular, and Taiwan Province therefore set off another round of public opinion "counterattack" against the DPP for years. There is criticism from public opinion that this female teacher has hit a sore point with the "Taiwan independence" DPP government. "Shameless" means "de-China" and "Taiwan independence".
The DPP’s so-called "Taiwan independence" argument is based on the "cultural Taiwan independence" route of "de-China" on the island. Cutting off cross-strait cultural ties and shaping a so-called "Taiwan Province’s main culture" are the evil ways of "digging into the roots", "pulling out the bones" and "breaking the soul", which has plunged young people in Taiwan Province into cultural confusion and pushed Taiwan Province to the edge of the so-called "cultural orphan" and "historical orphan".
Zhu Fenglian also said at the above-mentioned press conference that it must be pointed out that any act of "de-China" cannot change the Chinese cultural identity and the Chinese national identity deeply rooted in Taiwan Province society, and cannot separate the historical ties between the two sides of the strait and the blood ties between compatriots on both sides of the strait. The DPP authorities’ forgetting their ancestors will surely meet with stronger opposition from compatriots on both sides of the strait.
Make the right choice and use votes to sweep away the source of peace in the Taiwan Strait.
Both the "Taiwan independence party program" and the "Taiwan independence curriculum program" derived from it are the bane to change the status quo that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to the same China and lead the Taiwan Strait to a dangerous war. Choosing Lai Qingde means choosing a blind alley of "Taiwan independence". The mainland has repeatedly called for "I hope that the broad masses of Taiwan Province compatriots will understand the general trend and make a correct choice at a critical moment", that is, they do not want the election results next year to run counter to the track of peaceful development of cross-strait relations.
Peace is in the best interests of the people of Taiwan Province. It is the right choice to sweep away the scourge of peace in the Taiwan Strait, let the "peace saboteurs" step down and create a vast space for compatriots on both sides of the strait to seek, protect and share peace. (Text/Yan Xintai, this article does not represent the view of China Taiwan Province Network)

China women’s basketball players: shouldering a great sense of responsibility and mission, the goal of the Asian Games is to win the championship

Li Yuan: Through the difficulties in this circle, the god of luck finally stood on our side. Our team, the goal of the Asian Games is to win the championship.

Pan Zhenqi: I think everyone is the same. As long as we play for one minute, we have to fight for 60 seconds. We all fight for honor and country.

Zhang Ru: When the national flag is raised and the national anthem is played abroad, I feel a great sense of responsibility and mission. The more everyone reaches the critical moment and the difficult moment, no one shows great fear.

Zheng Wei: Of the 12 people who participated in the World Cup last year, eight of our players were not on the team, and only four of them really stayed on the team. These were very difficult times.

Mourinho’s Rome has become stronger in Europe.

Mourinho’s Rome has become stronger in Europe.

AS long as they play in Europe, the weak AS Roma team is changing since the "Special No.1" tax Morino took office.

On the 19th of this month (Korea time), Rome drew 0-0 in the second match of Euro 2022/2023 semi-finals with Leverkusen, but won 1-0 in the first leg and finally advanced to the final.

So far, after winning the conference league championship last season, the European Cup has also saved the possibility of winning two consecutive European championships. What’s more, as 100% Mourinho, he is very much looking forward to entering the final.

Before Rome came to Morino, it would become smaller as long as it came to Europe. For 31 years, he has never had any connection with the final. However, after Morino took office, Rome began to clear the bad luck of Europe. After the first General Assembly League champion, the Europa League champion was also saved.

If you win the Europa League, Morino will refresh the history of Rome. In addition, next season’s European Champions League (UCL) can also participate.

Mourinho is a head coach who has achieved results regardless of the team. During his tenure at Tottenham Hotspur, he was just insignificant, but he was ready to write a new history with Rome.

Interview with Morgan! C Ronaldo: Messi is the best player I have ever played against! But the strongest in history is someone else.

Just last week, world superstar Cristiano Ronaldo played in the preliminaries against Ireland on behalf of the Portuguese national team. He reversed the lore game with a double pressure whistle, and at the same time, the number of goals scored by his national team was officially raised to 111, which directly broke the world football record of 109 goals scored by the legendary Iranian striker ali daei, and Cristiano Ronaldo also successfully ranked first in the men’s football adult national team.

Statistics after the game show that Cristiano Ronaldo scored only 37 goals when he reached the 100 milestones in the Portuguese national team. However, Cristiano Ronaldo quickly stepped into gear to speed up. In the next 80 games, the Portuguese superstar bombarded 74 goals, which opened the process of refreshing the world record.

It is worth mentioning that among the 111 goals scored by Cristiano Ronaldo for Portugal, 64 goals were scored in the World Cup preliminaries or the European Cup qualifiers, while in the European Cup finals and the World Cup, Cristiano Ronaldo scored 21 goals, in addition, five goals were scored in the Europa League, two goals were scored in the Confederations Cup, and only 19 goals were scored in the friendly match of Portugal.

After Cristiano Ronaldo, who broke the record and made history, returned to Britain, the famous British journalist piers morgan made an exclusive interview with Cristiano Ronaldo. Among the British journalists, perhaps only Morgan could make Cristiano Ronaldo forget his fatigue and go to the appointment happily. In this interview, the Portuguese superstar also spoke his mind, but he thought he was stronger than Messi.

Piers morgan asked: Who is the best player you have played against? C Ronaldo answered directly without hesitation: Messi! Morgan was a little surprised and then asked, Really? Cristiano Ronaldo smiled again and answered affirmatively: Messi is definitely the best player I have ever played against. But Pierre, you’re asking a little wrong question. Morgan: Well, to be correct, how should I ask? I see, I should ask you, who do you think is the best player in history? C Ronaldo replied seriously: I think I know the answer. Later, after the interview, piers morgan revealed: "Cristiano Ronaldo thinks he is the best player in the history of football, and I agree with him very much." Want to know more exciting content, come and pay attention to the football express

The fate of Raptors coach Nass is as innocent as vogel’s, and it is the management of the team, not them.

The Raptors coach Nass’s fate is as innocent as vogel’s, and it is the team management who should be dismissed, not them.

Vogel, the 2020 champion coach, was fired by the Lakers in 2022, and Nass, the 2019 champion coach, was fired by the Raptors in 2023.

The society has changed, but the championship coach has become a high-risk profession, while those mediocre coaches have sat firmly in their positions.

The fate of NASS is too similar to that of vogel. vogel was lucky to win the first championship in his life when he met the thick eyebrows at the last peak and James at the last peak. NASS also won the first championship in his life because he met Leonard.

It can be said that they all won the championship by holding the thighs of superstars, but it would be underestimated if they won the championship entirely by rubbing.

Nass led Leonard, turned over the Bucks against the wind, and presented a sensational 1BOX tactic in the face of the Warriors, all of which were the coach’s own abilities, not brought to him by Leonard.

If the Lakers hadn’t kept their championship lineup unchanged because of disorderly trading, vogel might still be able to bring the next championship, and Nass was equally unlucky. The team didn’t keep Leonard and didn’t find a player with the same level as Leonard. This is not his responsibility, but the team’s responsibility.

Just as the Lakers should have dismissed Jenny Bass and Pelica, not vogel, the Raptors should not have dismissed Nass. Although his record is not good, he didn’t give him a suitable player. He can only sigh that a clever woman can’t cook without rice.

In fact, if they didn’t win the championship, they lost with a little regret every time, and the team might be able to keep them instead. Just like Rivers, they have been in the Clippers for many years, but they have been the coach for so many years. The championship has raised the team’s expectations and increased the speed of class.