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Samsung admitted that the previous adjustment was wrong, and the Galaxy Note 20 series and S20 FE mobile phone updates are still monthly.

IT House reported on April 5 that Samsung Electronics recently adjusted its product update push plan to reduce the frequency of security updates for Galaxy S20 and Galaxy Note 20 series mobile phones, from monthly to quarterly (once every three months).

Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20+ and Galaxy S20 Ultra have been on the market for four years, so it is understandable to reduce the push frequency of security updates.

but Galaxy Note 20, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and Galaxy S20 FE were released six months later than the above three models.Therefore, adjusting the push frequency has made many users feel puzzled and dissatisfied. The revised updated equipment list is attached to IT House as follows:

Samsung then updated its product page, saying it was a mistake.The update frequency of the above four models will continue to maintain the monthly rhythm and will get the security update in April.

Mistaking bald heads for football AI’s poor eyesight is not only due to less training.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  Ai growing pains

  Editor’s note In recent years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly and its application fields have been expanding. However, at the same time, AI "rollover" cases are frequently searched. Based on this, this edition opens the column "AI Growing Pains" to focus on AI "rollover" events, analyze the phenomenon, analyze the reasons, explore the solutions, and look forward to its growth.

  Intern reporter Dai Xiaopei

  After the game, it is probably unprecedented for fans to ask referees to wear hats or wigs.

  At the end of October, Scottish fans experienced an "unforgettable" football match. In the Scottish Football Champions League match between Furness and Elven, the AI cameras on the sidelines turned a blind eye to whether the players passed the ball or attacked with the ball. Instead, they followed a linesman and took a close-up of "C position" from time to time. It turned out that the AI camera mistakenly identified the referee’s bald head as a football, so he chased the whole game crazily.

  Fans who watched the 90-minute game at home spent most of their time not watching the ball, but watching the bald heads. Many netizens joked that this game really "saw a loneliness".

  Why does the AI camera regard the bald head as a football? What do we need to do to prevent AI from making similar mistakes? Can you think that AI is "weak" when there is a "rollover" incident?

  Unconscious "provocation" from bald referees

  From direct participation in sports events to recording athletes’ performance, to live broadcast of competitions and analysis of athletes’ health status, AI is becoming the darling of the sports world. A few months ago, Barcelona Football Club (Barcelona) also joined hands with video technology company Pixellot to create an artificial intelligence coaching solution.

  Unexpectedly, AI, which has made great strides in sports, unexpectedly encountered an unconscious "provocation" from a bald linesman. Because the linesman’s bald head is too bright and the sun shines, the AI camera can’t tell which is the ball and which is the head. Previously, because the Furness team said that the AI tracking technology they used could clearly transmit the live images to the homes of every season ticket buyer, so that fans who could not go to the home due to the COVID-19 epidemic would not miss any game.

  It is reported that the camera used in the live broadcast of this competition is the multi-camera system provided by Pixellot, which cooperates with Barcelona. The system is powered by NVIDIA’s graphics processor (NVIDIA GPU), and the captured video resolution can reach 8K. These cameras can be installed in a fixed position without being manipulated by the camera operator. In order to capture the key moments, Pixellot collected hundreds of thousands of hours of sports videos to train its algorithm on the NVIDIA GPU of the local workstation.

  With a huge amount of available data, using deep learning algorithms and high-performance GPU computing blessing, it has three major driving forces to push AI forward. Why did Pixellot’s AI camera "roll over"?

  After the event, the relevant clubs and the technology companies that make cameras reflected. The problem seems very clear: the size and shape of football are similar to those of a human head, and the direct sunlight makes the AI camera fall into "confusion". I hope this will not happen again, because the Furness team responded that it knew the problem and will improve the next game to bring a better experience to the audience.

  Pixellot also said that it is not difficult to solve this problem. The existing target detection and tracking technology is mature. Pixellot didn’t consider the influence of bald head in the design stage, so it needs to collect some data of football and bald head to fine-tune the algorithm to eliminate the interference from bald head.

  Some technicians said that not only "this is a ball" data set, but also a "this is not a ball" data set is needed when training the AI camera of the live ball game. Bald head, bright white shoes, lighting, balls on the training ground next to the competition field and balls used by players to warm up are all interference factors that need to be considered when training AI.

  AI "poor eyesight" is the norm.

  Although the performance of AI cameras can be improved by increasing data "feeding", strengthening training and improving algorithms, some professionals believe that with the gradual expansion of AI application scenarios, such "rollover" incidents will exist for a long time.

  “AI‘ Rollover ’ It’s normal, no ‘ Rollover ’ It’s strange. " Professor eecs and Huang Tiejun, president of Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, spoke frankly when interviewed by Science and Technology Daily reporter.

  Huang Tiejun believes that on the surface, the failure of the AI ? ? camera may be due to insufficient pre-training, but the main reason is that the current computer identification system is only trained with specific data. For example, in the above example, the neural network trained with a large number of football videos has surpassed humans in identifying football, but it ignores that this network is more sensitive to bald heads.

  It is common to recognize or "turn a blind eye" unknown objects at random.

  Machine vision is to endow the machine with visual perception, so that the machine has the scene perception ability similar to that of biological vision system, which involves optical imaging, image processing, analysis and recognition, execution and other components.

  "Take the camera as AI ‘ Eyes ’ In real scenes, there is still a long way to go for AI to recognize football and baldness like human eyes. " Huang Tiejun said.

  When can I finish this road and even realize that the eye of AI surpasses the human eye?

  It depends on when machine vision will bridge the gap with biological vision. "The brain in the skull senses the outside world in real time through more than 3 million nerve fibers, of which there are more than 1 million behind each eye." Huang Tiejun said, "The machine vision developed to this day is still a drop in the bucket compared with the biological vision system that took hundreds of millions of years to evolve."

  The human eye has strong adaptability, can identify targets in complex and changing environments, has advanced intelligence, and can use logical analysis and reasoning ability to identify changing targets and summarize laws. On the other hand, machine vision can use artificial intelligence neural network technology, but it can’t identify the changing target well. Due to the constraints of hardware conditions, the current general image acquisition system has poor color resolution.

  "Compared with biological visual neural networks, the visual neural networks of artificial intelligence are far apart in structure and scale, so their functions are much worse." Huang Tiejun said, "In real applications, machine vision ‘ Rollover ’ It is not an accident. It is only a case to identify the bald head as a football. Similar problems actually exist in large numbers. "

  Huang Tiejun said: "This time, the technology provider can make up for the loophole that the bald head mistakenly thinks of football, but there are still more loopholes. Deceiving the face recognition system with antagonistic picture training is only the tip of the iceberg."

  Different technical routes are racing.

  "Machine vision based on deep learning has made great progress in image recognition, but it has not really solved the perception problem." Huang Tiejun believes that deep learning is far from grasping the complexity of human visual system.

  Deep learning is based on the training of image and video big data, which is far from the biological vision that actively perceives the dynamic world, and it is still not out of demand for computing power. For example, if the video frame rate is increased from 30 to 30,000, the computing power of deep learning needs to be increased by 1,000 times.

  Biological neural network is a pulse neural network, which is more suitable for completing visual information processing. Huang Tiejun believes that learning from the neural network structure and information processing mechanism of biological vision system and establishing a new set of brain-like vision information processing theory and technology is the hope of restarting machine vision.

  Experts said that there are two main technical routes to develop artificial machine vision. One is to build a powerful intelligent system by collecting more data, increasing the amount of data and strengthening training; The second is to imitate the biological nervous system, follow the gourd painting gourd ladle, clarify the structure and even mechanism of the biological nervous system, and develop future intelligence on this basis.

  Huang Tiejun believes that the second path is more effective than the first one. "In a short time, the first one is easier to achieve results. But in the long run, it is more direct to start with biological neural networks and more confident to achieve the goal. "

  At present, most AI scholars support the first path, that is, to develop artificial intelligence including machine vision through "big data+big computing power". Huang Tiejun set foot on the road taken by a few people because he firmly believed that the biological visual neural network had great potential to be tapped. "Biological brain is the product of hundreds of millions of years of evolution, and it is the best transcendental structure. Powerful intelligence must rely on complex structures and stand on the shoulders of evolution. It seems difficult, but it is the fastest. "

  Turing, the "father of computer science", has long expressed his admiration for the biological brain. At the beginning of 1943, Shannon suggested that "cultural things" could be instilled in the electronic brain. Turing once retorted in public: "No, I’m not interested in building a powerful brain. What I want is just an ordinary brain, just like the head of the chairman of AT&T."

  Is developing machine vision, or artificial intelligence, starting from scratch, imitating biological neural networks, or is there another way? There is no conclusion yet. On different tracks, artificial intelligence is accelerating.

  Although there are many cases of AI "rollover", such as the practicability of Google AI eye disease diagnosis system is greatly reduced in Thailand, Tencent AI translation made a joke at the Boao Forum in 2018. But the AI era is accelerating and unstoppable.

  "It must be admitted that AI has indeed solved many practical problems, and it will gradually replace some functions of people. But we can’t exaggerate it too much. It is still far from our imaginary intelligence and needs more breakthroughs. " Huang Tiejun said that to keep an open mind and bridge the gap between "experimental simulation" and "real world", the development of AI technology has a long way to go.

How did the National Open University exam come?

The undergraduate course of National Open University is recognized by the state. The undergraduate course of the National Open University is the undergraduate course of the Open University, including the undergraduate course of the National Open University and the undergraduate course of the open universities in various provinces and regions. It is an open education and a series of national education. So how did the National Open University exam come? If you have any doubts about this aspect of the National Open University, you can take a look at it with Xiaobian.

1. Written test

Some courses in the Open University may arrange traditional written tests, and candidates need to take the tests at the designated time and place, and complete multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions and short-answer questions on the test paper.

2. Online examination

With the development of technology, more and more open universities switch their examination methods to online examination. Candidates can log in to the online examination system within a specified period of time and complete the examination of the corresponding subjects. Online exams may take the form of multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short answers, etc., which are subject to the provisions of the Open University.

3. Practical assessment

Some professional open university courses may also involve practical assessment, such as experimental operation, demonstration, field trip and so on.

4. Paper report/homework

Some courses may require students to submit reports or assignments to assess students’ ability to understand, analyze and apply the course content.

1. Have People’s Republic of China (PRC) nationality, abide by the Constitution and laws, and have good conduct and professional ethics.

2. Persons with high school (including vocational high school, technical secondary school and technical school) and above.

3. At least 18 years old, in good health, with the basic learning ability needed to complete their studies.

4. Meet the requirements for applying for majors offered by the National Open University.

The above is related to the National Open University, and candidates can take it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about China Open University, such as registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the China Education Online Channel of China Open University.

Central Meteorological Observatory: It is expected that the intensity of "fireworks" will gradually weaken and move into Jiangsu tonight.

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow typhoon warning at 10: 00 on July 26:

  This year’s No.6 typhoon "Fireworks" weakened to a strong tropical storm level in the west of Hangzhou Bay at 9: 00 am today (26th), and its center landed again at 9: 50 am along the coast of pinghu city, Zhejiang Province. When landing, the maximum wind force near the center was 10 (28m/s), and the lowest pressure in the center was 978 hectopascals. At 10 o’clock in the morning, its center is located in Pinghu, Zhejiang, which is 30.7 degrees north latitude and 121.1 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force is 10 (28 m/s), and the lowest pressure in the center is 978 hectopascals.

  It is estimated that "fireworks" will move to the northwest at a speed of about 10 kilometers per hour, and its intensity will gradually weaken. It will move into Jiangsu at night today, turn to the northeast on the 28th and move into the Yellow Sea on the 30th.

  Gale forecastFrom 14: 00 on the 26th to 14: 00 on the 27th, there will be 6-8 winds in the northern Taiwan Province Strait, the central and southern parts of the Yellow Sea, most of the East China Sea, the Yangtze River estuary, Hangzhou Bay, the southern coast of Shandong Peninsula, eastern Jiangsu, eastern Shanghai, eastern Zhejiang and northern Fujian, including 9-10 winds and 11 gusts in some sea areas in the northwest of the East China Sea and southwest of the Yellow Sea.

  Precipitation forecastFrom 14: 00 on the 26th to 14: 00 on the 27th, there were heavy rains in north-central Zhejiang, Shanghai, south-central Jiangsu and south-central Anhui, among which there were heavy rains (100-220mm) in parts of northern Zhejiang, Shanghai, southeastern Jiangsu and southeastern Anhui.

  Defense guide:

  1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, do a good job in typhoon prevention and emergency rescue.

  2. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to take shelter from the wind, strengthen port facilities, and prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision.

  3. Stop large-scale indoor and outdoor gatherings and dangerous outdoor operations such as high altitude.

  4. Reinforce or dismantle structures that are easy to be blown by the wind. Personnel should not go out at will. They should stay in windproof and safe places as far as possible, so as to ensure that the elderly and children stay in the safest place at home, and the dangerous people will be transferred in time. When the typhoon center passes by, the wind will decrease or stay still for a period of time. Remember that the strong wind will suddenly blow, and you should continue to stay in a safe place to avoid the wind, and the dangerous people will be transferred in time.

  5. Relevant areas should pay attention to prevent flash floods and geological disasters that may be caused by heavy precipitation.

  All the pictures in this paper are of the Central Meteorological Observatory.

Badminton is not popular in Europe and America? The answer is somewhat unexpected.

Xinhua News Agency, Suzhou, May 16th Question: Badminton is not popular in Europe and America? The answer is somewhat unexpected.

Xinhua News Agency reporters Ji Ye, Ding Wenxian, Wang Hengzhi and Xu Shihao

Badminton originated in Europe, but the athletic field has been "ruled" by Asian players for many years. At the Sudirman Cup World Badminton Mixed Team Championship in Suzhou in 2023, except for Denmark, which has the men’s singles Olympic champion Arceloró, other European and American teams still find it hard to win in the face of Asian powers.

Although there are occasional successes, most European and American players can only play a supporting role in badminton. Is this sport still popular in Europe and America? When the reporter threw this question to the European and American players participating in this competition, he got some unexpected answers.

"I feel that badminton is the first sport in France." The French women’s singles player Hugh’s answer surprised the reporter. The world’s No.55 player lost 0-2 to Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi in the women’s singles match in the group match on the 15th, and the French team also lost two games in a row in the group match, leaving early.

Although the national team has a poor record, Hugh said: "Many people in our country are playing badminton. Although the level is not high, the sport is widely carried out at the club level." She explained that due to media reports, commercial investment and other reasons, football is undoubtedly the largest sports industry in their country, but in terms of participation, badminton is the first sport in France.

England’s men’s doubles team Ryan/Wendy defeated South Korea in the 15th match, but England still lost to South Korea with a total score of 1:4, and they also lost two games in a row in Group D with France.

Ryan/Wendy and Hutt feel the same way. They said that in England, the public participation of badminton can rank second in all events. "More than 1 million people in Britain play badminton more than once a week, because it is easy to play badminton, as long as there is an open space."

However, they also said that according to the scale of the industry, badminton can only rank tenth in sports in England. Badminton is not regarded as a competitive sport in England, and people play badminton with an entertaining attitude. Moreover, badminton can’t make professional players make a lot of money, and most young people will still choose sports with mature industries such as football. Badminton events are not highly exposed here, and football matches are shown on TV every week.

On the competitive level, Danish badminton has the strongest overall strength in Europe, with the emergence of the current president of the World Badminton Federation and Olympic champion Larsson, Gade, one of the "four kings" of badminton, and Ansailong, a gold medalist in the Olympic and World Championships. In 2016, the Danish team also won the Thomas Cup, which represents the highest honor of the world badminton men’s team for the first time. This is the first time that the Thomas Cup has been won by a team outside Asia.

With the approach of the Paris Olympic Games, France has begun to "have ideas" in sports. Rivas, the coach who trained Marin, the women’s singles champion of Rio Olympic Games, was invited to be the coach of the French team. France has also set up a support institution named "National Institute of Sports, Profession and Performance" for the national team, and is equipped with experts in psychology, nutrition and medicine. The coaching team can analyze according to all kinds of data and information to help athletes train individually.

In Rivas’ view, the French team will gradually become a strong force in European badminton, and will launch an impact on the Danish team in the future. To become a world power, it needs long-term planning and perseverance. "The goal of French badminton in the future is to become the top five or seven in the world."

Compared with the above countries and regions, the popularity of badminton in Germany is not very high. Fabian, a German men’s singles player who participated in this competition, told reporters that badminton is a minority sport in Germany. Few people play badminton in schools, and the media attention is relatively low. In Australia, Canada and other places, the development of badminton still depends on the efforts of Chinese players.