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The first theme of the fourth quarter is coming! The most cattle concept stocks are targeted at these stocks.

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  The first explosion in the fourth quarter of 2023It’s coming.

  On the first trading day after the National Day, A shares rose less and fell more as a whole.It once fell more than 1.2% in intraday trading, and the closing decline narrowed to 0.44%. Northbound funds resumed trading at 14: 00, with a net sale of 7.46 billion yuan throughout the day.


  The overall turnover of A shares was sluggish, with only 3 shares exceeding 5 billion yuan, namely.

  The leader of the trackThe turnover was 6.618 billion yuan, and the stock fell 3.71% today. The intraday share price hit a two-year low. The latest A-share market value was less than 860 billion yuan, and the closing price retreated 48.74% from the historical high.

  Satellite communication concept leaderThe intraday price once rose over 17%, and the stock price reached a record high. At the close, the stock price fell sharply, and the increase narrowed to 3.9%.

  , aquatic products, prepared vegetables, pork,And other themes fell sharply. The index fell the most, and the concept stocksDown limit,Such as falling more than 6%.

  With cars,Related themes are strong against the market. One of the most eye-catching is thatConcept, index increase is far ahead in the A-share theme sector.6 shares gain a 20cm daily limit.

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  Today’s direct daily limit, the stock is both,, cars and other themes, realized in the first half of this year.69 million yuan, down 15.27% year-on-year.

  Huawei asks for new M7 orders.

  In the news, in the past Mid-Autumn National Day holiday, the new M7 in the world has become a dark horse in the automobile market, and the amount of large deposits (generally referring to reservations and non-refundable deposits) has hit record highs.

  On October 7, Huawei andThe AITO brand jointly developed announced that the number of new M7 models has exceeded 50,000. From September 12th to October 6th, in just 25 days, the average daily increase in the number of large enterprises in the industry was close to 2,000.

  In an interview in early 2023, Yu Chengdong had confirmed that Huawei BU would achieve the goal of profitability in 2025. M7 has undoubtedly boosted Huawei’s BU business in terms of market realization. As of August 30, 2023, the cumulative sales volume of the industry this year was only 35,200 vehicles. In other words, the single product pulling effect of the new M7 has been greater than that of the previously released M7, M5 and M5 EV.

  existAs mentioned in the article, Mate 60/Mate X5 series has driven Huawei’s popularity to rise unprecedentedly, and the price of new cars has exceeded expectations (249,800-309,800 yuan, 60,000-70,000 yuan lower than the main competing products), as well as the improvement of product strength such as safety, which has led to the surge in the number of shops and orders. It is expected that the monthly sales of brands driven by M7 will return to the ranks of 10,000 vehicles.

  It is said that in September, the state proposed to stabilize the consumption of fuel vehicles, which is conducive to the recovery of the low-end auto market and further stabilize consumption; The superimposed auto show will drive the new car listing boom, and the product strength of the model is expected to gradually improve. The "Golden September and Silver 10" auto market is expected to exceed the expectations at the beginning of the year.

  Two funds are eyeing these concept stocks.

  In the A-share market, more than 100 companies directly or indirectly participate in the industrial chain. As of October 9, the total market value of Huawei’s auto concept stocks A shares was about 1.45 trillion.Since the beginning of this year, Huawei’s auto concept stocks have risen by an average of 23.12%, significantly outperforming the Shanghai Composite Index in the same period.

  In terms of funds, some stocks have been acquired recently., financing funds to add positions. According to the statistics of data treasure, according to the average transaction price of the interval, there are 6 Huawei auto concept stocks that have increased their positions by more than 100 million yuan since September, namely、、. In the same period, there were also 6 net purchases of financing exceeding 100 million yuan, namely、、、、.


  fromIn terms of growth potential, according to the unanimous prediction of more than five institutions, there are 19 concept stocks whose net profit growth rate is expected to exceed 30% this year and next.

  Of these 19 shares, 4 have a rolling P/E ratio of less than 30 times, including. Compare with that target price predicted unanimously by the organization,、、The upside is over 30%.

  The upside is 81.21%, ranking first. GuoshengThe research report believes that Xiangxin TechnologyStructural parts are expected to cooperate with Huawei,Wait, the incremental supporting potential is great; In the first half of 2023, the new fixed-point amount is expected to be 28 billion to 28.5 billion yuan, and the orders in hand are full; With the release of the company’s production capacity, the future growth can be expected.


A male customer and a female employee died in a fire at the sauna center in Shenzhen.

At 10 o’clock the night before yesterday, a sauna center in Shenzhen caught fire, killing one man and one woman, namely customers and employees. According to reports, the fire in Shenzhen Sauna Center was caused by a short circuit of outdoor billboards. According to nearby witnesses, when the fire broke out in Shenzhen Sauna Center, there was a big fire and smoke, and customers fled in haste, and many people even ran away with their shoes. After the fire broke out in Shenzhen Sauna Center, the area began to conduct a comprehensive investigation of crowded places.

A male customer and a female employee died in a fire at the sauna center in Shenzhen.

Yesterday, when the reporter of New Express went to the scene of the incident, he saw that the location of the incident had been blackened by fire. According to the nearby shop owner, the fire was very big at the time of the incident, and a lot of smoke came out. Many fire engines were on the scene to put out the fire, but the fire was quickly controlled. Later, the reporter contacted the customers who were spending money in the sauna center at the time of the incident, claiming that many people had no time to check out at that time. "When I heard that there was a fire, I grabbed my bags and ran out no matter what clothes I was wearing. The corridor was full of smoke, and some people’s shoes ran away." It is understood that there were hundreds of people who fled hastily at that time.

According to the report of Shenzhen Luohu District Safety Management Committee, at 10: 04 the night before, the public security command center received a report that the outdoor signboard of Taipingyang Commercial Building, No.4028 Jiabin Road, Luohu District, caught fire, and 10 fire engines from 4 squadrons were dispatched for on-site rescue. At 10: 18, the fire was extinguished. After on-site search, two people who were unconscious due to inhaling smoke were found in Room 0560 on the fourth floor, and immediately handed over to the ambulance center staff who arrived at the scene for rescue, and died after being rescued.

After investigation, the two people who died were a man and a woman, and the male deceased Zhang Moumou was a customer of the place; Du Mou, a female deceased, is a staff member of the site. The cause of the fire was initially identified as the failure of the power line of the outdoor billboard. At present, the public security fire department is conducting a comprehensive investigation into the cause of the accident, and the related aftermath work is carried out in an orderly manner.

At 9: 00 am yesterday, the Luohu District Party Committee and the District Government of Shenzhen held an emergency meeting on fire safety, demanding that the cause of the accident be found out quickly, the accident investigation and aftermath should be done well, and special treatment should be carried out for lintel signs and outdoor billboards in an all-round way, especially for the electrical safety and building safety of similar advertising signs, and the safety of key places such as various professional markets such as cloth and clothing, three small places and crowded places should be comprehensively investigated and rectified.

There are many things to see in the new round of financial opening-up when foreign capital comes to China.

  At the 14th Beijing International Finance Expo, more than 150 Chinese and foreign financial institutions gathered to show the latest achievements in financial risk prevention and control, smart financial services and inclusive finance innovation. Spring light photo (people’s vision)

  In the process of expanding financial openness, China has also actively initiated the establishment of international financial institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The picture shows the headquarters building of the AIIB in Beijing Financial Street. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Kaixiang photo

  Financial opening will directly serve the economic and trade exchanges between China and overseas. The picture shows a busy scene in Chongqing Central Station of China Railway Lianji at Chongqing Railway Port on May 7 this year. Photo by Sun Kaifang (People’s Vision)

  Not long ago, Guo Shuqing, President of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China, said that on the basis of in-depth study and evaluation, 12 new measures to expand the opening up of the banking and insurance industries will be introduced in the near future. In recent days, people from all walks of life have been paying more and more attention to the opening up of China’s financial industry. Insiders pointed out that China’s new round of measures to expand the opening of banking and insurance industry not only responded to the concerns of foreign financial institutions, but also met the needs of China’s own economic and financial development.

  These opening measures are not only conducive to enriching market players, stimulating market vitality, but also improving the management level and competitiveness of the financial industry; It is also conducive to learning from international advanced concepts and experiences, expanding product and service innovation, and increasing effective financial supply, which embodies the meaning of China’s economic development towards high quality.

  Foreign investment in China "has a bigger door and a wider road"

  — — Expanding financial openness will help improve the business space and convenience of foreign-funded institutions in China.

  In early May, a message released by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange aroused widespread concern. This information shows that since the beginning of this year, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has approved a total of 13 qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) with a total investment quota of 4.74 billion US dollars, exceeding the total amount approved in 2018; A total of 12 RMB qualified foreign institutional investors (RQFII) were approved to invest a total of 24 billion yuan, exceeding half of the total amount approved in 2018. This means that the door for foreign capital to enter China is getting wider and wider.

  "China’s determination to open wider to the outside world and a series of reform measures it is promoting have made China’s financial market more and more attractive to foreign investment. China’s stock market and bond market have been included in several global important indexes one after another, which also makes foreign capital have a strong allocation demand for China’s financial market. In the first quarter, overseas institutions bought a net of US$ 19.4 billion in Chinese stocks and US$ 9.5 billion in Chinese bonds, a substantial increase compared with the same period last year and the fourth quarter. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange will continue to actively support the expansion of the financial market to the outside world, meet the expanding investment needs of overseas investors in China’s financial market, and attract long-term global capital to enter China’s financial market. " The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said.

  Beyond the implementation level, 12 new initiatives issued by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China, have attracted more attention. Specifically, these measures mainly include: canceling the upper limit of the shareholding ratio of a single Chinese bank and a single foreign bank to Chinese commercial banks at the same time; Cancel the total assets requirement of $10 billion for foreign banks to set up foreign-funded corporate banks in China and $20 billion for foreign banks to set up branches in China; Cancel the $1 billion total assets requirement for overseas financial institutions to invest in trust companies; Allow overseas financial institutions to invest in foreign-funded insurance companies in China; Allow foreign insurance group companies to invest in the establishment of insurance institutions; At the same time, relax the access policy for Chinese and foreign financial institutions to invest in the establishment of consumer finance companies; Cancel the approval of foreign banks to start RMB business, and allow foreign banks to operate RMB business when they start business.

  Xiao Yuanqi, spokesperson of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China, said that the 12 new opening-up measures are aimed at further improving the foreign investment and business environment in the financial sector and stimulating the vitality of foreign investment in the development of China’s financial industry. "For example, if the relevant restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares are abolished, foreign investors can freely choose to operate in China by means of equity participation, joint venture or sole proprietorship, so as to further promote fair competition between Chinese and foreign investors. For another example, canceling the quantitative access requirements for institutions such as total assets and comprehensively evaluating the qualifications of applicants with more prudent conditions can attract more high-quality foreign-funded institutions with professional characteristics, which will help to further enrich financial market players and improve the supply of financial services. In addition, measures to expand the scope of foreign-funded business will further expand the space for foreign-funded institutions to operate in China and enhance their operational convenience. "

  Ceng Gang, deputy director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, believes that the new opening policy is the implementation and deepening of the general direction and policy principles of financial opening in the previous stage. "For example, at the same time, the upper limit of the shareholding ratio of foreign banks to Chinese commercial banks is cancelled, which reflects the consistency standard of foreign capital and Chinese capital; For another example, canceling the approval of foreign banks to start RMB business and allowing foreign banks to operate RMB business when they start business is also a manifestation of promoting more full competition in the market. " Ceng Gang said.

  The "catfish effect" will expand.

  — — The entry of "small but beautiful" and "small but refined" foreign capital will make China’s financial system more balanced.

  The impact of the new round of financial opening policy is undoubtedly enormous. It is understood that at present, the banking and insurance industry in China has formed a multi-ownership structure of state-owned, private and foreign capital. Among them, private capital has accounted for 43%, 56%, 83% and 49% of the total share capital of joint-stock banks, city commercial banks, rural commercial banks and insurance companies respectively. Foreign banks and foreign insurance companies account for 1.64% and 6.36% of assets in China.

  Guo Shuqing pointed out that financial management departments adhere to internal and external consistency, treat all domestic and foreign entities fairly and equally, and cooperate and compete under the same rules to form a win-win situation. He said that by further opening up and building a fair and consistent market environment, it will be more conducive to the full competition of banking and insurance institutions, optimize the shareholding structure, standardize shareholder behavior, and form a reasonable and diverse market system.

  Take "allowing overseas financial institutions to invest in foreign-funded insurance companies in China" as an example. Before liberalization, the overseas shareholders of foreign-funded insurance companies should be insurance companies; After liberalization, allowing qualified non-insurance financial institutions to hold shares in foreign-funded insurance companies can enrich the types of shareholders and sources of funds of foreign-funded insurance companies. "At present, China insurance market has introduced six foreign insurance brokerage companies. Cancelling the requirements of relevant business years and total assets will help encourage and guide high-quality foreign-funded insurance brokerage companies with significant late-comer advantages to enter the China market, and help China deepen exchanges and cooperation with advanced international counterparts. " Xiao Yuanqi said.

  According to Dong Ximiao, vice president of Chongyang Financial Research Institute of China Renmin University, the launch of a new round of opening-up measures in the financial industry will help to introduce small and medium-sized foreign financial institutions with characteristics and advantages, improve the unbalanced domestic financial institution system, promote more cooperation between domestic and foreign small and medium-sized financial institutions in terms of equity, business and products, and also help finance to better serve private small and micro enterprises.

  "Previously, the foreign capital introduced by China was basically a top-level large-scale well-known foreign-funded institution. The cancellation of scale restrictions is conducive to the relatively small scale of foreign capital introduction, especially the better development, ‘ Small and beautiful ’ 、‘ Small but refined ’ Small and medium-sized foreign capital entered China. The introduction of these small and medium-sized foreign-funded institutions, on the one hand, is conducive to the enrichment of the main level of the financial industry in opening up to the outside world, and improves the unbalanced state of China’s financial system; On the other hand, it is conducive to the formation of ‘ Catfish effect ’ To promote full competition in the financial industry, so that private enterprises and small and micro enterprises in the real economy can get more support. " Dong Ximiao told reporters.

  Peng Zhiwei, director of the Department of International Economics and Trade of Nankai University, pointed out in an interview with this reporter that a direct effect of China’s new round of measures to expand financial openness is to promote competition in the domestic financial industry and improve the efficiency of the financial market in allocating factors and resources. "Today, China’s economy is seeking higher quality development, so the financial industry should also carry out supply-side reform. At this time, further opening up the financial sector is obviously conducive to promoting reform and accelerating the upgrading of China’s financial industry. "

  Quickly add whip to "enter the competition"

  — — The new action of financial opening to the outside world has better responded to the real needs and concerns of foreign capital.

  Swiss bank’s shareholding in UBS Securities increased to 51%, achieving absolute control; Jordan Arab Bank and Morocco Foreign Trade Bank successfully set up Shanghai branch; Allianz (China) Insurance was approved to build and became the first foreign insurance holding company in China; S&P was allowed to enter China’s credit rating market; American Express initiated the establishment of a joint venture company in China, and the application for preparing a bank card clearing institution has been examined and approved … … With the last round of financial opening, foreign financial institutions are more and more actively deploying the China market.

  Nowadays, the new round of financial opening policy has obviously further increased China’s attractiveness to overseas financial institutions. Dbs group said that the implementation of the open policy has enabled foreign banks to have a more level playing field in China. After more reforms, DBS Bank is more willing to invest in China and expand its business in China. Morgan Stanley predicts that with the increase of China A-share market in MSCI Emerging Markets Index, the proportion of foreign investors holding China A-shares will increase from 2.6% to about 10% within 10 years, which is expected to bring hundreds of billions of dollars into China capital market every year.

  As the largest foreign-funded property insurance company in China market, AXA Tianping will be 100% wholly owned by French AXA, and it is the first wholly foreign-funded company among the top 20 property insurance companies in China. In recent years, the continuous opening of China’s financial industry, especially the rapid growth of the insurance industry, has strengthened AXA Tianping’s confidence in expanding the layout of the China market.

  Wei Zewei, Executive Chairman and CEO of AXA China, said that insurance regulators are promoting market liberalization and providing foreign investors with the same level of market access as domestic enterprises, and positive changes can be seen everywhere. "We have always been full of confidence in the China market and believe that the China market has great growth potential. Now we have become a leading foreign-funded life insurance and property insurance company in China. In the future, AXA Tianping will continue to devote itself to serving the China market and further deepen the insurance industry to provide more humanized services, so as to ‘ Quality ’ Win. "

  "According to the data of the Ministry of Commerce, in the first quarter, 9,616 foreign-invested enterprises were newly established nationwide, and the actual use of foreign capital was 242.28 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%; In March, the actually used foreign capital increased by 8% year-on-year. Among them, high-tech manufacturing and high-tech service industries have increased substantially, and the investment in China by economies such as the United States, Japan, South Korea and the European Union has increased rapidly. A large number of foreign investments in China also show that the new situation of economic development requires China to provide more diversified, more open and more effective financial services. Expanding financial openness is obviously beneficial to the development of this open economy. It can be said that the new round of financial opening-up measures has better responded to the actual needs and concerns of foreign investment. " Peng Zhiwei said. (Our reporter Wang Junling.)

Guangdong team news: The team will be renamed, Zhao Rui’s contract renewal is controversial, and Zhang Haojia will be reimbursed in the playoffs.

It is reported that the Guangdong team will change its name, Zhao Rui’s contract renewal is controversial, and Zhang Haojia will be reimbursed in the playoffs. We also know that whether qi zhou will join the CBA team now is always a topic worthy of people’s attention.

Zhou Qi can now say that his trading matters are a topic of concern, and even Chris Paul, a former teammate in the NBA, told him, brother, in fact, you can also consider coming to the Warriors. Our team system is also very suitable for you. After all, the Warriors are absent from players like qi zhou now.

Even after he returned to CBA, he also wanted to play basketball well. Now he has learned a lot in overseas leagues, and I heard that when he returned to the team, other players asked him for advice. He also didn’t have any shelf at all. He also wanted to play for other teams and learn something new. Guangdong Hongyuan Team in CBA also came to a new topic.

According to relevant sources, the Guangdong team will change the name of its own team, and the specific name is still unknown. In addition, Zhao Rui may also leave Guangdong Hongyuan team and join Xinjiang with high probability. What do you think of this?

Chongning Institute successfully completed the security work of the 2023 Chongning Town Rural Mini Marathon.

On April 16th, the first Chongning Town "Inheriting Red Genes and Cohesing Endeavour" 2023 Chongning Village Mini Marathon was held in Chongning Street, Chongning Town, Linwei District, Weinan City. More than 600 professional athletes and runners from all over the world participated in the competition. This marathon is the first grand event in the history of Chongning Town. In order to complete the security work with high standards and high quality, under the overall arrangement of the public security brigade, Chongning of Linwei Public Security Bureau, in close cooperation with the patrol special police brigade and Linwei traffic police brigade, carefully explored the scene, scientifically distributed police force, adhered to the whole process of the event, and made every effort to ensure the smooth progress of the event.

On the day before the competition, the police of Chongning Institute carefully surveyed the site, actively communicated with the heads of various departments, studied the traffic situation of the site and surrounding roads in detail, scientifically set up posts along the route and surrounding intersections, distributed police forces, and tried their best to eliminate all kinds of unsafe hidden factors. During the competition, all the police officers on duty in the institute arrived at their posts at 7: 00 a.m. to maintain the order at the event site and around the track, guide the crowd in time, patiently answer the questions about road control during the competition, and actively publicize the knowledge of public security prevention to the people around the venue and along the road, urging the people to do a good job of self-prevention to avoid property losses and prevent various accidents.

During the security period, the auxiliary police officers of the whole institute were full of energy, strict in police appearance, obedient to orders and standardized in duty. With the strong cooperation of the volunteers, they gave full play to the spirit of dedication and courage to take responsibility, adhered to civilized duty and enthusiastic service, and provided real-time guidance, guidance and diversion to the masses. The stadium was orderly, effectively ensuring the safety of the event site and the personal and property safety of the masses, fully demonstrating the good mental outlook and team image of the public security organs, and successfully completing the security of the marathon.

11 am! C Ronaldo’s ex-girlfriend has a baby on the street, and her figure is super Qiao Mei, dressed like a matrix.

On March 11th, Beijing time, many media reported that Cristiano Ronaldo’s ex-girlfriend Elena-Schaick appeared on the streets of new york after attending the fashion show.Elena used to be Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend, and they were praised by fans as golden couple and the new Beckham and Spice Girl (Victoria).Now, the two go their separate ways. Elena is now taking her daughter out. The younger daughter is not only tall, but also has a good face value. And Elena’s dress, like the matrix.Trinity.

Elena was born in 1986Zherinsk, Ye Man, Russian supermodel. She had been in contact with Cristiano Ronaldo for many years, and once it was time to talk about marriage. However, at this time, Chilean beauty Daniela Chavez appeared. The media kept speculating about the affair between Cristiano Ronaldo and South American girls, which eventually led to the breakup between Elena and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Elena today has moved to North America. The winter temperature in new york is a little low, but it is very kind to Elena. She is used to living in such a low temperature, but the humidity and high temperature in Spain are not suitable. At this time, Elena has stopped watching football matches, and there is no team with a higher level than Real Madrid in North America anyway. In other competitions, she is not interested.

Elena’s daughter is 6 years old this year. My little girl showed a beautiful embryo very early. She is tall enough to be comparable to the children of many NBA players. At the same time, the daughter’s face value is outstanding, even higher than Beckham’s youngest daughter. C Ronaldo also had many children, but his twin son with Qiao Mei died last year. To this end, the whole family is very unhappy. But this year, online celebrity deliberately mentioned this matter, and also revealed that Qiao Mei had an affair with Cristiano Ronaldo during her pregnancy.

Although she is 37 years old this year, Elena’s figure has not changed at all. Instead, it was Georgina in 1995, and her figure was in the direction of the Kardashian sisters.It is said that Russian beauty becomes an aunt as soon as she is over 30, but this rule does not appear in Elena. On the contrary, she is getting younger and younger. In the past few days, she has participated in Versace’s catwalk. Standing on the runway with a beautiful woman who is 10 years younger than herself, Elena is still confident and arrogant, and her face value and temperament are not lost to young people.

It is reported that Elena did not end up with Cristiano Ronaldo, but Cristiano Ronaldo’s mother opposed it. At that time, the difference between them was that Elena didn’t like children and wouldn’t take care of them. There are also rumors that Cristiano Ronaldo has multiple girlfriends at the same time, but he denies them all.Most of the gossip girls who jumped out now happened after Cristiano Ronaldo and Elena broke up.Now, these are all wrong statements. Elena is not only good at taking care of her daughter, but also able to balance work and children. Qiao Mei is a good mother at home, but she lacks Elena’s domineering spirit.

Elena is a career woman, and she wants to get ahead in the show business. Many years ago, she and Cristiano Ronaldo were hailed as the new version of Beckham and Victoria. However, Ronaldo didn’t think too much about things after retirement, but scored enough goals before retirement. It is undoubtedly wise to choose the Saudi League. The competition here is much lower than in Europe, and it can also bring a lot of wages and bonuses to Cristiano Ronaldo. C Ronaldo has experienced too much suffering in his career. It is understandable to earn enough pension before retiring.

PS: It is not easy for old fans in Hubei to write articles. Please pay attention to old fans in Hubei and praise their works if it is convenient.

Refuse to make the same mistake as Ronaldo! Messi or "forced" to renew his contract with Paris: 3 reasons for rushing to the Champions League+America’s Cup

On March 11th, Beijing time, according to Ole newspaper, Messi has decided to renew his contract with Grand Paris and continue to play for the French giants next season. So, why is Mei Qiu Wang willing to stay?

Messi’s contract with Greater Paris expired this summer, and the two sides started contract renewal negotiations after the World Cup, but they were once deadlocked. However, according to the Argentine media, he has only negotiated with Grand Paris at present, and Dali is also the only club that offers Messi, so the two sides are expected to continue to work together.

"The only quotation" reminds people of Cristiano Ronaldo. Last summer, Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to leave Manchester United, and Mendes looked around for a big family, but he was repeatedly rejected. No Champions League team was willing to make an offer for him. Until the break with Manchester United last November, Cristiano Ronaldo’s situation was the same, and he could only leave Europe and go far to Saudi Arabia.

For Messi, it seems that no other team wants him. With his age and high salary, the Premier League may not be able to adapt. Serie A and Bundesliga can’t afford it. In La Liga, the only way is to return to Barcelona, but laporta is only speculating and has not made an offer.

However, unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi has at least not fallen out with the club, so he can choose to stay in Paris and continue to play in the five major leagues in Europe. This is the first point.

Secondly, Messi still hopes to play in the Champions League and win the fifth Champions League title to tie the historical record maintained by Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid. The last time he won the championship, it was already in 2015. This is the biggest regret left by Mei Qiuwang’s career, and he will try his best to complete it before leaving Europe.

Although Greater Paris has stopped in the top 16 for two consecutive seasons, Qataris are reluctant to let Mbappé go, and Neymar, who has a longer contract, may stay. If we continue to introduce reinforcements and strengthen the lineup this summer, it will undoubtedly be an important stage for the Champions League, and at least the French champion will be guaranteed, won’t it?

Third, Messi also hopes to participate in the 2024 America’s Cup and strive to lead Argentina to successfully defend its title. Cristiano Ronaldo has become a substitute in the World Cup, and his position and importance in the Portuguese national team have declined. The Five Shield Corps has changed its coach, so he can go to Saudi Arabia to "self-destruct" after winning the 2016 European Cup.

Messi is different. He is still the number one core in Argentina. Without him, the strength of the Pampas Eagle will be greatly reduced, and Scalogni will be there. Therefore, in the last competition of the national team’s career, we must go all out, and only by staying in Europe and staying in the giants can we maintain our current excellent state.

Therefore, in the absence of other better options, Messi is likely to be "forced" to renew his contract with Greater Paris, play at the Prince Park Stadium for at least another year, and then follow Cristiano Ronaldo and go to the United States, Saudi Arabia or other places to support the elderly.