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Xiaomi’s performance in the third quarter returned to growth, "the whole ecology of people and cars" painted a new blueprint.

On November 20, Xiaomi handed over the first performance answer sheet after announcing the strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological".

In the third quarter of 2023, Xiaomi Group’s revenue was 70.9 billion yuan, achieving the first year-on-year growth in six quarters. The adjusted net profit was 6 billion yuan, up 182.9% year-on-year, setting a new high in the past two years.

The business strategy of "paying equal attention to scale and profit" has continued to land, and the high-end has made steady progress, making Xiaomi the first to pick up in the consumer electronics industry. With the announcement of the new strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological", Xiaomi is entering a new stage of development.

After six quarters, it returned to growth and the gross profit margin reached a new high.

The operating performance of Xiaomi in the third quarter continued the momentum of continuous recovery since 2023.

In terms of revenue, Xiaomi’s revenue in the third quarter was 70.9 billion yuan, a slight increase of 0.6% year-on-year and 5.3% quarter-on-quarter, and it resumed growth for the first time in six quarters. In terms of profitability, the adjusted net profit in the third quarter reached 6 billion yuan, up 182.9% year-on-year, and the gross profit margin reached 22.7%, which increased for four consecutive quarters and reached a new high.

The business strategy of "paying equal attention to scale and profit" put forward by Xiaomi at the beginning of the year has been further implemented. In addition to the Group’s record high gross profit margin, the gross profit margin of all business segments has also maintained growth. Among them, the gross profit margin of smartphone business reached 16.6%, up 7.7 percentage points year-on-year, the gross profit margin of IoT and consumer products business reached 17.8%, up 4.3 percentage points year-on-year, and the gross profit margin of Internet business reached 74.4%, up 2.3 percentage points year-on-year.

While improving profitability, Xiaomi’s shipments and user scale have also grown steadily.

On the mobile phone side, with the slowdown in the global smartphone market, Xiaomi took the lead in picking up. According to market research firm Canalys, the shipment of millet in the third quarter of 2023 increased by 2% year-on-year, and its market share was the same as that of the same period last year. In Chinese mainland, Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and other major markets, the market share of Xiaomi smartphones has increased.

In terms of household appliances and IoT products, the market size of Xiaomi has also steadily increased. According to data from Aowei Cloud, Xiaomi TV ranked first in Chinese mainland in the third quarter, and refrigerator shipments also increased by 95%. Canalys data shows that in the third quarter, the shipment of millet flat products increased by 120% year-on-year, and entered the top five in the world for the first time.

The extensive layout of the global market has enabled the scale of Xiaomi’s Internet business to continue to grow. In the third quarter, the number of monthly active users of MIUI worldwide reached 623 million, up 10.5% year-on-year, and the income from Internet business reached 7.8 billion yuan, a record high, up 9.7% year-on-year. In particular, Xiaomi’s overseas Internet business income reached 2.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 35.8%, and its share in Internet business income increased to 30%.

The high-end capability has stabilized, and the sales volume of Xiaomi 14 series has reached a record.

The recovery of performance and the improvement of profitability are closely related to the progress made in Xiaomi’s high-end strategy.

One week before the financial report was released, Xiaomi announced in the official Weibo that the omni-channel payment amount of "double 11" Xiaomi reached a new high of 22.4 billion in 2023. Goldman Sachs pointed out in a research report that Xiaomi Double 11GMV increased by 32% year-on-year, thanks to the strong performance of Xiaomi 14 series, comprehensive product portfolio and rising average selling price.

As the latest high-end model of Xiaomi, the performance of Xiaomi 14 series is really surprising. During the period of double 11, Xiaomi 14 ranked first among domestic mobile phone brands in the price range of 4,000-6,000 yuan in JD.COM and Pinduoduo, and also took the lead in domestic mobile phone sales in Tmall and Tik Tok. Information from the supply chain shows that since the first sale, the sales volume of Xiaomi 14 series has reached 1,447,400 units within 10 days, setting a sales record for Xiaomi’s high-end flagship.

Since the launch of Xiaomi 12S series in July 2022, Xiaomi’s performance in the high-end market has become more and more stable.

In terms of word-of-mouth, six series of high-end models, such as Xiaomi 12S Ultra, Xiaomi MIX Fold2, Xiaomi 13 Series, Xiaomi 13Ultra, Xiaomi MIX Fold3 and Xiaomi 14 Series, all achieved a favorable rating of over 99% on the JD.COM platform in the first month of release. In terms of sales volume, third-party data show that in the second quarter of 2023, the proportion of Xiaomi’s shipments in the smart phone market of 3,000 yuan and above in Chinese mainland increased to 20.1%, which increased year-on-year for four consecutive quarters. The market share in the price segment of 4,000-6,000 yuan increased by 6.2 percentage points year-on-year to 12.7%, and the smartphone ASP in Chinese mainland increased by over 24% year-on-year.

While the high-end market continues to break through, Xiaomi’s R&D and innovation capabilities continue to improve. Taking Xiaomi 14 series as an example, the core components such as image sensors and screens are all equipped with products independently developed by Xiaomi and jointly developed with domestic supply chains, and the parameters and experience have reached or even exceeded the iPhone15Pro.

For example, the "Light Hunter 900" image sensor, which debuted for the first time, has a specification of 1/1.3 inch. From the actual performance, the light input of Xiaomi 14 is 20% higher than that of iPhone 15 Pro, and Xiaomi 14 Pro is 52% higher. On the screen side, the C8 material jointly developed by Xiaomi and Huaxing Optoelectronics has achieved the highest peak brightness of 3000nit in the industry. On Xiaomi 14Pro, Xiaomi also adopted the first full-depth micro-curved screen, which realized the continuous same bending radius at four sides and four corners, making the curved screen visually close to the straight screen.

R&D and innovation have created a better user experience for high-end products. With the help of Xiaomi 14 series, the share of Xiaomi in China smart phone market reached 21.9% in 2023W44(10.30-11.5), ranking the highest among domestic mobile phones.

The strong market performance of high-end machines has provided more ammunition for research and development. Such a virtuous circle has continuously consolidated the base of Xiaomi’s high-end strategy. In 2022, Xiaomi invested 16.2 billion yuan in R&D, equivalent to 0.53% of the total investment in R&D in China. According to the data disclosed in the financial report, in the third quarter of 2023, Xiaomi’s R&D expenditure was 5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22%. By September 30, 2023, Xiaomi had 17,563 R&D personnel, accounting for over 53%.

With the development of ecology, the territory of "people, cars and homes are all ecological" is formed.

While the high-end capability has stabilized, the ecological map of Xiaomi has also been expanding. According to the financial report data, as of September 2023, the number of IoT devices (excluding smartphones, tablets and laptops) connected to Xiaomi AIoT platform reached 699 million, up 25.2% year-on-year, and the number of monthly users of Mijia APP increased by 16% year-on-year, reaching 84 million.

With the release of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS in October, Xiaomi’s group strategy was officially upgraded to "the whole ecology of people and cars". Thanks to the long-term deep cultivation in the field of mobile phones and IoT, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS has integrated more than 200 categories, covered more than 95% of life scenes and connected 820 million devices since its birth, becoming the first operating system covering "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes".

Subsequently, Xiaomi announced the comprehensive opening-up plan of IoT eco-partners, and helped smart eco-partners, whole-house industry practitioners and individual developers to quickly join Xiaomi’s IoT ecosystem through Vela open source and the release of Xiaomi’s surging technology brands. At present, there are more than 9,000 Xiaomi IoT partners.

On October 15th, two products of Xiaomi Automobile appeared in the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will be mass-produced in the first half of 2024. This also means that Xiaomi’s "all-ecological" map is infinitely close to the closed loop.

The upgrade from "mobile phone X AIoT" to "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes" means that Xiaomi’s coverage of users’ life scenes is further improved. In Xiaomi’s ecological map, the mobile phone is still the central device and computing center of the whole scene in series, and Xiaomi 澎湃 OS ensures the cross-end connectivity and experience consistency. As Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said, it will be "the public base of the Internet of Everything".

The capital market responded positively to the new blueprint described by Xiaomi. Since October, Xiaomi’s share price has rebounded strongly, up about 50% from the beginning of the year.

Copyright and disclaimer: The copyright of the above works (including texts, drawings, audio and video) belongs to the publisher [Information]. This App provides information publishing platform services for publishers, and does not represent the viewpoint of economics and suggestions on investment.

Hammer Nalisa: GAG6 top debuts, plus-size girls are rebuilding their confidence.

Hammer Nalisa, the big V with more than 5 million fans in Tik Tok, once imitated Tengger singer’s singing of love circle, and became popular by imitating Mona Lisa’s jokes in the program.

In June this year, this chubby, big girl with a loud smile and a stalk all over her body participated in the variety talent show "Serious Gags".(Gaga is gagman’s transliteration, meaning variety creator, and the program aims to select talents for variety comedies.), and won the championship in the finals tonight. She has always been the most popular in the program. He Jiong Li Birthday Zhang Wei praised her for her special sense of comedy rhythm, and William Chan hand-picked her to marry her in the program.

"Former member of the women’s group" is a contrasting label on her. She laughed at herself for being at the peak of her weight, and when she appeared, she shocked the audience’s inherent impression.

Once, she was a standard thin girl of more than 90 kilograms. Treating depression made her weight soar by 100 kilograms.. After signing the company, she was assigned to the hip-hop brand, experienced the PUA in the workplace and learned how to survive in the workplace. Because she needs to be alone, she even made up the difference at her own expense to upgrade the standard room arranged by the program group to a luxurious single room.

Strange girl, who has zero bad reviews on this network, is challenging the public’s cognitive boundaries with himself and provoking a battle.Aesthetic revolution.


The reason for the skyrocketing weight of 100 Jin.

When I saw Hammer in Gaga Training Camp in Haimen, Nantong, Jiangsu, she was even fatter than the camera. The director said that she had insomnia recently because she was preparing for the finals. I fell asleep at 10 am and got up at 3 pm for training.

Unstable work and rest and the pressure from the competition have become one of the reasons why it is difficult for her to control her weight now. Most people don’t know that she used to be a standard thin girl weighing more than 90 kilograms.

Hammer Hammer is a native of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. During her college years, she was admitted to Nanjing Normal University as the first in her department to study vocal music. She often appeared in popular occasions such as street dance clubs and singing competitions, and was a campus idol in her college days.

According to the truth, hammer NaLisa should have a bright future. The change happened quietly on campus. Once very popular, she began to be isolated. Her boyfriend’s parents refused to accept her because of geographical discrimination, and even her best friend began to lie to her.

"Have you ever heard of it?Your best friend stole your ID card to borrow a loan.The plot? "Hammer hammer college living expenses is 200 yuan a week, my best friend took her ID card to borrow 20 thousand to buy a bag, and lied to her that someone in her family had cancer.

After cheating money, my girlfriend disappeared. Hammer didn’t dare to tell his family about his experience, and he felt humiliated. He had to use his pocket money earned by singing part-time in a bar to repay the loan for others. Hammer hammer really attaches great importance to the friendship with her senior. She can’t figure out: Is it because she is too indulgent with her friends that she will fall into such a situation today?

It is a great difficulty to owe a loan of 20 thousand when she was a student. What is important is that the grievances in her heart cannot be dispelled. Coupled with the broken interpersonal relationship around her, she fell into the extreme negative of self-isolation and began to cry incontinence all day.

Hammer described the mentality of that dark moment: "I just can’t feel happy, and I feel that I am not happy at all." When I go to class in the classroom, I must go to the top floor. Standing on a high place can make me feel better. I can’t help but want to jump down. " But the desire to survive maintained her reason.She took the initiative to seek medical treatment and was diagnosed with severe depression. In order to control her body, she had to take drugs containing hormones, and her body became fat out of control, and her weight rose from 100 Jin to 80 Jin at once.

Obesity used to be a problem that bothered Nalisa. She believes that there are three kinds of obesity: the first one is fat in the natural gene; The second is not to control diet, and human factors lead to obesity; The third one, like hers, is getting fat because of hormone drugs.

Being fat is neither a fault nor a sin. However, the public always likes to kidnap everyone with a unified aesthetic standard of "white, young and thin". Whether the idol’s legs are thick or not will be regarded as the focus of discussion. body shame is an invisible shackle that tightly binds the people in front of the camera. No matter what reason you get fat, in the face of others’ advice on your figure, the unified response of the hammer is:None of your business. Did you eat your rice?

I can still feel the hammer’s mind about getting fat. She dug up old photos and posted them on social networks to prove that she had lost weight.

Accepting being fat is a gradual process. “Of course, I will be a little unwilling at first, because getting fat is not my choice.And many organs of my body will be burdened. I slowly feel that I don’t mind so much.My facial features are beautiful, my personality is kind and interesting, then I am beautiful."

Hammer found that after getting fat, everyone began to be less isolated from her, but more began to ridicule. Her roommate has been encouraging her even in the worst times. She can see the talent in the hammer and the "bright spot that can’t be given up". Hammer reflected, "Many times, it is not because you are incompetent that people isolate you, but because you shut yourself down first, people will stay away from you."

Hammer began to redeem herself. "Music is my antidote." She participated in more large-scale music competitions and won the national championship of the new campus songs of the national K songs. Like-minded people praised her talent, and the judges encouraged her at the competition. She slowly walked out of the darkness of autism.


Can’t be a women’s group and experience PUA in the workplace

Near graduation, she noticed that a company on the Internet was preparing a training camp plan to select female group trainees. Her weight is still a problem, and she joked that she was "with the mentality of losing weight" and signed up.

Even if she tries to lose weight, her figure is still far from the strict standards of women’s team members. Later, Lisa hammered this experience into the first episode of Serious Gags. She imitated the CEO of a company with a Hong Kong accent and said, "You are standing here like a wall. I didn’t know that there was someone behind you. I didn’t know that you were in solo."

When the women’s team failed, she still successfully signed a contract with the company by virtue of her talent and characteristics. Hammer recalled the heart of the fledgling eager to sign the contract, "I feel safe after signing the contract." After coming to the company, the hammer was first assigned to the hip-hop brand under the company’s planning, which experienced the second trough of life.

"Entering the hip-hop brand is completely coming to a strange field.I don’t know anything. Just let me write ten songs."Hammer said with a frown. As a newcomer with half a foot in the circle, she instinctively has fear and dare not disobey the brand leader, so she has to bite the bullet and write rhymes.

Hammer hammer ambition is not in hip-hop, she hopes to communicate upward, but the brand leader forbids her to report beyond her level, "Tell my assistant if you have any needs". There is no effective response, new ideas have been rejected, and leaders continue to threaten. "If you dare to provoke me, I will hide you.”。

Hammer described the psychological oppression brought to her by this strong workplace PUA. "That’s another degree of self-doubt, self-doubt about aesthetics and dreams. "The self-confidence that she finally ignited was stubbed out again.

Hammer learning will not please the leaders, and it will be targeted everywhere in the brand, which will be even deeper. She is very grateful to the company’s vocal music teacher, who always encourages her, shows her advanced aesthetic music and affirms her musical accomplishment. "Every time I fall into the abyss of depression, they pull me up and don’t give me a chance to cry at all."

Her desire for survival will always support her to break through the current limitations at critical moments. One day, she couldn’t hold it any longer. She rushed into the general manager’s office and shouted that she couldn’t stand it. Every day, she was going to jump off a building.

"I am impulsive and my heart is still very painful. After all, I have signed the contract, and there is no retreat after rushing in. It is also possible to be hidden in the snow. As a result, our general manager handed me a song and asked me if I could sing. "

Hammer is confident in singing,She laughed at herself. "When the company recruited me, it also had its own considerations. They needed some people who sang well to sing demo for free."

After recording this song, Hammer successfully transferred to another folk brand, including arrangement class, production class, body building class and dance class, all of which were her antidote.

After leaving the soil that doesn’t suit me, the hammer can breathe, but it has also entered another system of PUA. For example, the company often takes a song and tells her to sing it for you when it’s ready, and then turns to someone else’s album list. However, the hammer has formed an antibody to deal with this pressure."After you break through a certain system, you won’t be willing to be PUA, and you won’t be willing to be controlled."

Hammer is used to thinking things on the bright side. She is grateful to the company for cultivating her music. Singing demo is training, as long as there is input, it is a good thing.

She also learned two valuable experiences in the workplace in the company:First, resolutely resist PUA in the workplace.Speak to others with clear logic, give reasons higher than his moral kidnapping to counter repression, and don’t be easily shaken by others.Second, do your own thing.She doesn’t believe that others will meet her requirements and hopes that others will not get involved in her career.So later, when she decided to enter the field of short video to be online celebrity, she didn’t have a team, so she was a team.


From online celebrity, Tik Tok to Funny Artists

From underground to the ground

The Tik Tok account of "Hammer Nalisa" has been accumulated at present.5.57 millionFans, she has a short video of imitating teacher Tengger singer to sing the love cycle.More than 2 millionLike it. Before taking part in Serious Gags, she was also invited to take part in variety shows such as Qipa Shuo 6 and Hey Sing Turn Up, and her popularity came from Tik Tok.

Before preparing to be a Tik Tok, she consulted the company. The general manager thought that it was good for the company that the company artists could have a voice on the short video platform, so she was allowed to grow freely. While taking music lessons in the company, she made short videos to make money.

She has strong imitation ability, is good at observing life, takes photos casually when she meets interesting things, and edits them herself.It only takes 20 minutes for a set of procedures to come down.She will continue to sum up the experience of others’ failures, create reversals and pauses, and stop when it is good. On the stage of "Serious Gags", tutors Li Dan, He Jiong and Zhang Wei praised Hammer Nalisa.Good performance rhythm”。

Getting fat inadvertently made her funny career. If she is not fat, some jokes lose their appeal. Including her stage name, Hammer Nalisa, is also due to her chubby figure, which is very similar to the well-known painting Mona Lisa. In "Serious Gags", she repeatedly crushed her own characteristics into paragraphs, and the first skill of cos Mona Lisa also won the golden key of Li Birthday’s tutor and became the first gag6 member.

This output is not unidirectional. Tik Tok’s friends who are constantly suffering from depression leave messages to her, saying that she feels hopeful after watching her video.Hammer noticed that some fans’ heads changed from black to wonderful life photos., she said, this is the meaning of her happiness.

Lisa Hammer has always been ranked first in the "Serious Gagas" and has zero bad reviews on the Internet. In the words of Li Birthday’s tutor, "Hammer Hammer came to this program to seal the gods".This kind of encouragement, like a comprehensive protection for her, protects her sensitive heart and self-confidence that she has finally rebuilt.

Hammer said frankly that he would feel guilty in the face of such high-intensity praise, but he would not float.She knew that something would happen if people drifted away. The high ranking makes her feel nervous about walking on stilts. In order to be worthy of everyone’s support, she always suffers from insomnia.

The Gaga program group has prepared a standard room for two for the students.Hammer upgraded to a deluxe single room at its own expense.. When the pressure came, she used to close herself up and didn’t want to bring her negative energy to others. This respect for people increases the affinity of the hammer. She is not aggressive and will not cause you any sense of oppression.

She will deliberately avoid some industry taboos, such as keeping a distance from the rice circle, which is reflected in the program’s desire for survival for star fans.Once set in variety showWilliam Chan married Hammer.The plot, hammer hammer is very embarrassing,"It is simply going to be cyber-violent."She kept apologizing to her fans through the camera.

There are also people on the Internet who compare the once-thin photos of Nalisa Hammer with popular idols. When Hammer Hammer sees them, he will immediately reply to the comments: I am very happy that everyone says so, and I like her very much, but don’t say that we look alike.

However, some people still misunderstand the hammer. In June this year, Hammer entered Gaga Training Camp, and Tik Tok’s update frequency decreased. On the day of the interview, she uploaded a set of interactive singing videos of "popcorn singing Dark Horse" which was very popular in Tik Tok, and the videos quickly accumulated 1.655 million likes. Some people know that she participated in the program, and the comment area asked her why she didn’t start singing funny. Others said that she became angry and began to show off her skills. Some people even got weird: "Hammer doesn’t have to be so restrained."

Hammer is dissatisfied with this. “Let everyone know you first, and then know that you have musical strength."She this is her way of saving the country curve. Through Serious Gags, everyone understood her humor, but began to question her pursuit of music."My jokes are always related to music."

Indeed, Hammer never gave up showing her musical talent, especially after she came to the ground from underground. Cue was invited to speak in the program, and she often sang while talking. On the impromptu stage, she also showed the singing and dancing abilities of five kinds of dances.It can be said that she wants to be red just to have a chance to sing.

Hammer said that being a gagman and a musical dream are not contradictory, but achieve each other. A gagman (variety creator and performer) should not only amuse the audience, but also be the glue of variety shows, not only to show himself, but also to leave room for other guests.

"Serious Gagas" is a big family with fireworks. The eliminated partners stay and unconditionally help the rest to think about jokes. He Laoshi, like a parent, added the WeChat of 56 students in the program group to encourage them one by one. Accustomed to the autistic hammer, she also opened herself and invited her friends to chat in her luxurious single room.

Immersed in real life, experienced the dark side of life, and willing to bring happiness to everyone, this is the preciousness of gagman. Hammer hammer thanked the program group for providing a stage for this group of unnoticed variety artists, and winning the championship was a new beginning.

In 2020, women’s issues have become a hot topic in the field of value. However, there is little female perspective in Hammer’s works. She said that she had a phobia of straight men’s cancer before, and people who could not stand the tendency of male chauvinism would take the initiative to avoid it. When she entered Gaga training camp, she found that all the men around her respected women, and then she realized that the circle could screen people. She said:The fact that my image is liked is a revolution in itself. So I don’t represent anyone, I represent myself.

Hammer rubbed his hand and looked into the distance with blurred eyes. “Although I am not particularly sure about myself, there are not many people who attack you because of your appearance and figure. I feel real love, and the world is really starting to get better."

Editor and writer: 7 million

Illustration: North North

Typesetting: Panpan

Liu Xiaolan, Vice President of TCL Huaxing: Panel demand recovery continues to lay out folding screens and car screens.

China Securities Network News (Reporter Wan Yu) Liu Xiaolan, vice president of TCL Huaxing, a subsidiary of TCL Technology, said in an interview with china securities journal recently that on the whole, the panel industry will continue to recover in demand this year, and TCL Huaxing will need to fix production, maintain healthy inventory and optimize the supply chain system to ensure delivery when the market changes. At the same time, TCL Huaxing will continue to lay out and maintain a high growth rate in the fields of fast-growing folding screens and car screens.    

Since the fourth quarter of last year, panel prices have continued to rise, and the panel industry has attracted the attention of investors. According to the research report of Huaxi Securities, the price of TV panels in early March is close to the high price in September last year. Due to the better downstream demand expectation and the early stocking of the whole machine factory, the current supply and demand are still tight. Huaxi Securities expects that the price of TV panels will still rise in the second quarter, and the price of TV panels is expected to break through the high level last year.    

Regarding the trend of the panel industry, Liu Xiaolan thinks that with the moderate economic recovery in China and the downward inflation in Europe and America, the overall purchasing power of consumers is rising, and the sales of TV, notebook computers, monitors and other products will be driven by the superposition of domestic "618" and summer holidays. On the demand side of the panel, she predicts that this year will be more optimistic than last year. On the supply side, panel enterprises have generally changed their business philosophy, from pursuing full production and full sales to fixing production according to demand. As a whole, the inventory of the panel industry is relatively healthy, and the panel price is relatively stable, so there is no more ups and downs.  

She introduced that TCL Huaxing will pay close attention to the changes in demand and ensure the flexibility of factory production, so that it can timely respond to the adjustment of production brought about by changes in the market. As a head enterprise, TCL Huaxing has built its own moat in the upstream supply chain. The company will also give full play to this advantage, continue to strengthen cooperation with the upstream supply chain, especially the strategic partners of key materials, establish strong links, share information, optimize the supply chain system, and ensure that TCL Huaxing’s factory can respond to uncertain situations in time and ensure the delivery of the whole supply chain.    

TCL Huaxing is also actively deploying in the fast-growing sub-categories such as folding screens and car screens. Liu Xiaolan said that folding screen mobile phones have become a fast-growing segment of mobile phone products in recent years. TCL Huaxing has launched a number of folding screen products, and has industry-leading technologies such as LTPO and PLP. On the one hand, the company will continue to make breakthroughs in folding screen technology in the future, reducing the weight and thickness of the screen, extending the battery life and service life. On the other hand, it will start with materials and design, reduce the cost of folding screens, and make folding screens more widely used in mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other products.    

TCL Huaxing’s shipments of in-vehicle screens also maintained a high growth trend. TCL Huaxing did not enter the in-vehicle field for a long time. Last year, the shipments were about 5 million pieces. Although the shipments were not large, the growth rate was large, which doubled and reached the first place in the industry. "In the past, we only made efforts on high-end car screens. At that time, we didn’t have a production line of amorphous silicon," Liu Xiaolan said. "After the mass production of t9 production line last year, we developed a lot of amorphous silicon car displays, and we will catch up with them at a very fast speed."    

Zhang Jigang lets you see the magnificent scene of "how the Yellow River’s waters move out of heaven"

  "Boom, boom", a deep voice came from the darkness, like the roar of the Yellow River, rapid and powerful. When the light came on, a yellow river covering the whole field of vision suddenly appeared in the air. It came from the sky and poured down in trembling, as if the waves were carrying sediment, rolling the Gangfeng and shaking the Tiangu. At this time, one, two, three, and a group of people "jumped" into the river one after another, went upstream in the rolling of turbid waves, and ran forward in the roar of wild waves … …

  On August 17th, a large-scale symphonic dance epic "Yellow River", which was secretly rehearsed for half a year and directed by the famous artist Zhang Jigang, finally showed its true colors for the first time. The reporter of Shanxi Evening News visited the class exclusively and watched the first official serial of Yellow River in the Yellow River Theater of Shanxi Song and Dance Theater.

  The performance of more than 90 minutes presents a subversion of artistic imagination! The unprecedented expression of stage art has long gone beyond the scope of "viewing", but brought "immersive" feelings. Surprisingly, the whole performance didn’t rely on high-tech means such as LED and holographic projection to present visual effects, and it was all done by manpower and the expression of the actors’ body language, which really achieved — — Return to dance noumenon.

  Dance can jump in the air?

  Can the "water of the Yellow River" flowing on the ground come from the sky?

  … …

  How many fantastic ideas, unprecedented and unparalleled are there in The Yellow River? As the first audience, please follow our line of sight, "fresh" to see!

  "Yellow River" is not only a river, but also a dance epic with a huge vision.

  The opening of The Yellow River is quiet and grand.

  An old ship that has been drifting on the river for nearly ten thousand years, in the form of inner monologue, slowly revealed the huge "vision" of this work — — This is a river of life, a river of heroes and a river of vigorous spirit.

  As a river of life, the Yellow River has nurtured Chinese civilization, is the mother river of Chinese people at home and abroad, and has made irreplaceable contributions to world civilization. Therefore, there are many stories in The Yellow River, starting with canoes 10,000 years ago, matriarchal society 6,000 years ago, and China civilization 5,000 years later. Generation after generation have multiplied their lives and nurtured their growth along the Yellow River.

  As a river of heroes and a river of vigorous spirit, the symphony dance epic Yellow River also has epic emotions. From encountering foreign national aggression to defending the Yellow River, the sons and daughters of the Yellow River have a national spirit and revolutionary spirit of going forward bravely after disasters. Now, at the moment of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the recent Chinese dream, the sons and daughters of the Yellow River are still high-spirited dreamers … …

  Shanxi Evening News reporter saw in the first row that "Yellow River" presented three major movements — — Wan Li Sand in the Yellow River, how the Yellow River’s waters move out of heaven, Dream Catcher in the Yellow River. There are 11 programs in the three movements: Nine Songs of the Yellow River, Wan Li Sand, Lullaby, Yellow River Beach, Pulling the Yellow River, Yellow River Boatman Music, Ode to the Yellow River, Yellow River Anger, Defending the Yellow River, Yellow River Dreamcatcher, Red Silk Dance and Yellow River My People,My Country, in which dance forms such as solo, duet and group dance are interspersed.

  If you are sitting under the stage at the moment, you will be deeply attracted by the 11 stories in the Yellow River, and follow the river from distant history, rushing through the vicissitudes of life, flowing endlessly in the war, and rushing around the world with great momentum … …

  For the artistic theme of "Yellow River", Zhang Jigang made a brand-new interpretation and creation this time. He led the team to travel through time, trying to find the source and soul of "Yellow River" and create a greater emotion of "Yellow River". He summed up the essence of the Yellow River in two sentences — — "Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement; The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue. " Self-improvement and virtue are also the spirit of "Huang Heren".

  The "Yellow River" falls from the sky, and actors dance in the air, which is an unprecedented stage art expression.

  Zhang Jigang’s Yellow River has a magical "magic" that seeing is believing! For example, you can instantly "sculpt" a "real clay figurine" full of muscles and strength, or you can let actors dance while "going upstream" in the pouring Yellow River water.

  The opening dance of Yellow River is full of muscles and hormones! Let you fall in love with this river and Huang Heren from the first sight. A group of Yellow River men crowded into the embrace of the river, or rolled, or kissed, or played, or swam, and the dance movements were extremely simple and beautiful, with softness and rigidity. Many actions such as stretching arms and bending legs seem to challenge the "stretching" limit and "twisting" limit of human body, and convey emotions and strength from the inside out through body language. After a while, the yellow river man rolled in the sand and instantly became a "clay sculpture", and his muscle lines became more and more eye-catching. Interestingly, these "live" clay sculptures, in the most primitive physical expression, can stir up more swaying and boiling of the Yellow River water … … It also stirred the hearts of the audience!

  How the Yellow River’s waters move out of heaven, the second movement of the Yellow River, is even more amazing — —

  The tune of "The Yellow River Boatman Song" sounded, and the rushing and tumbling "Yellow River" poured down … … Very spectacular! It is worth mentioning that this "Yellow River" is not an illusory image produced by high technology, but a "real" existence. People’s minds can’t help but think of Liu Yuxi’s poem "Nine bends of the Yellow River, sand in Wan Li, waves sweeping from the horizon". What’s even more amazing is that some Huang Heren people have jumped into the "Yellow River" with a steep slope in front of them. They run "upstream" and "downstream" in the river, sometimes tumbling in the air and sometimes chasing in the water, expressing Huang Heren’s attachment, reluctance and intoxication to the Yellow River. When the special period came, helmets and rifles poured down from the Yellow River. At this time, the raging Yellow River and the surging Huang Heren merged into one, showing a picture of vitality … …

  These dances are extraordinary!

  Dancers dance in mud, water and even in the air, presenting a multidimensional space and three-dimensional expression for the audience, which is an unprecedented stage art expression! It also subverts people’s previous artistic imagination! Zhang Jigang said that artistic creation is the most taboo. "When looking at a work, first look at how much new content it has, and then look at the quality."

  "Yellow River" swept through with a brand-new look and growling. Before you see it, you can’t imagine that dance can jump in the air! After seeing it, you can believe "how the Yellow River’s waters move out of heaven"!

  Zhang Jigang’s Yellow River achieved this feat.

  Teacher Zhang’s homework can’t be wasted every minute, so he must go all out.

  After the performance, the curtain call applause of "Singing the Motherland" was still in my ears, and the actors were still panting on the stage, so "Teacher Zhang’s after-class comments" came — —

  Zhang Jigang standing in the audience, microphone in hand, without a word. The theater was quiet and the atmosphere became tense. Actors are very hard, many injuries, all of which are in Zhang Jigang’s eyes. He loves these children dearly, and he knows that countless eyes on the stage are full of affirmation. But there are some problems that must be said now.

  "What is your reason? Too hard! I thought (while watching the performance), just stop, but you didn’t stop. There are three injuries, all of which occurred in this part … …”

  "I didn’t wronged you when you didn’t raise your head in the section of Defending the Yellow River, did I?" "When dancing in pairs, who is the penultimate girl in the back vertical row (group)? You keep moving! You can’t move your head or your feet. "

  … …

  Zhang Jigang, who has always been demanding of his works, is rigorous in every detail of his work and every actor’s performance. He originally planned to return to Beijing after the first platoon, and decided to postpone the plan and stay in Taiyuan to take command, because there were still too many problems waiting for him to solve. Although there is still some time before the premiere on September 14th, Zhang Jigang demanded that all problems must be solved before September 1st. This means that there is only a week left for all the work such as clothing, props, lighting debugging and taking publicity photos.

  "Every minute can’t be wasted, you must go all out."

  Zhang Jigang, who is standing under the stage, has a firm tone. He clearly knows that the children who are resting on the stage need an opportunity too much, an opportunity to change their destiny by dance art. At the same time, it is also an opportunity to change the fate of the theater.

  "The Yellow River" has only 38 actors, which is completely unlike Zhang Jigang’s previous "big hand"! But this time, it is Zhang Jigang’s exclusive work "tailor-made" for the mother group. According to the existing actors in the theater, give full play to everyone’s potential, "38 actors, everyone is a fire, they can burn the audience." Considering the difficulties faced by the literary and art troupes in going to the market, Zhang Jigang thought about this issue from the beginning of the arrangement. "To create short and capable works, the performance time should be controlled at about 7090 minutes, that is, the time for the audience to watch a movie, so that they will not feel tired." He also hopes to change a consumption concept of the local performance market with the help of Yellow River: "Why do people get used to watching performances ‘ Free ’ And? It is necessary to break the habit of sending tickets in the past. " One month before the three performances in Taiyuan, all the first-class tickets have been sold out. Hearing the news, Zhang Jigang’s always serious face smiled.

  In three weeks, the eyes of the whole world will be focused here.

  The muddy yellow river will show its elegance and be famous all over the world with its majestic momentum.

  Written by Shanxi Evening News reporter Li Pei

  Photography Shanxi Evening News reporter Ma Liming

Baihe county, Shaanxi province: nightlife changes in a poor county

Night in Qiaoergou Scenic Area of Baihe County. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Hanshe
Xinhua News Agency, Xi ‘an, November 26th (Reporter Zhang Bin, Xu Han) At 90: 00 pm, a county town is often cut into completely different shapes. Wang Yinchun, who lives in Baihe County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, is deeply touched by this.
"Before this time, the noise of pedestrians on the street, the hawking in shops and the horn of cars will make it very lively. But after this point, people suddenly dispersed, and the county town suddenly calmed down and there was a sense of’ emptiness’. " Wang Yinchun grew up, worked and lived here.
There was no nightlife in the small town in the past, especially in Baihe County, deep in Qinba Mountain.
Baihe County, located in the depths of the mountains at the junction of Shaanxi and Hubei, is a typical mountainous county and a deep poverty-stricken county in China.
In the past, after dark, the local people’s night life was all in front of the TV, in the mahjong room and by the river bank. Cinemas, bookstores, stadiums … The "standard" in these cities was once a "scarce product" for a poor county. Watching a movie, Baihe people have to go across the province to Shiyan City, Hubei Province, and the round trip is nearly 200 kilometers.
From a piece of data, we can also see one or two reasons for the lack of nightlife in Baihe County: "The soil is not three inches thick and the land is not 100 acres flat", and the poor industrial base forces many people to go out to work, among which Baihe County, with a population of 210,000, once accounted for 60,000 people.
"People are out, how can we get busy?" Lu Chuanzhen, director of Baihe County Cultural Center, said that when it came to organizing cultural activities, the first difficulty was to find someone, and it was even more difficult to find the right person.
Change is happening quietly.
Since the launch of poverty alleviation, Baihe County has created employment opportunities for more and more fellow villagers based on the actual situation in the region, through ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation, development of characteristic industries and establishment of community factories.
In a toy factory not far from the county seat, workers are processing toy parts. They used to be "drifting in the north (Beijing)" and "drifting in the deep (Shenzhen)", but now these wanderers have become "returning geese".
This is a new latitude aesthetics bookstore in the county. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Bin photo
Now, at 90 o’clock in the evening, in Qiaoergou, a local cultural and tourist scenic spot, red lanterns light up the silent ancient city along Qingshiban Road, which has become a preferred punching place for locals and tourists. In the "latitude aesthetics" book bar, the cultural complex composed of books, coffee and handicrafts makes the small town have an urban style; In the newly-built cinema, domestic and international blockbusters are released simultaneously.
"When we first opened, most of them were young people. Now more and more young people are bringing their parents. We have become a new place for family gatherings." Li Xing, the person in charge of Baihe Cinema, said, "In summer, some fellow villagers have to hurry to see a movie after finishing their work."
Gao Fuhong, director of the Propaganda Department of Baihe County Committee, said that in the past, industries were sluggish and cultural life was lacking. Counties and towns were unattractive, making it difficult to keep local people, let alone attract foreigners. Nowadays, the county has vigorously developed a variety of industries and created a variety of cultural places, giving fellow villagers a place to pursue spiritual and cultural life, and the county towns and villages are gradually full of vitality.
In Baihe cinema, two children are waiting for a movie. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Hanshe
This kind of scene not only appears in Baihe County, but also in many places in Qinba Mountain. Many places are constantly consolidating industries, providing employment, and constantly creating colorful entertainment methods to add vitality to the countryside and seek happiness for fellow villagers.
Soon, the celebration party starring local people in Baihe County will begin. Lu Chuanzhen said: "Now all kinds of cultural activities are doing very well. In the past, we had to rely on the cultural backbones of towns to ask for programs everywhere. Now there are many programs organized by fellow villagers themselves, and we have to cut some as appropriate. "

Yunnan hosts the 5th International Students’ Cultural Exchange Week.

Original title: The 5th International Student Cultural Exchange Week was held in our province.

Recently, the 5th International Students’ Cultural Exchange Week in Yunnan Province was held in Kunming and Yuxi.

The theme of this exchange week is "Youth without Borders Developing to the Future", and 60 teachers and students from 19 countries participated in five universities: Yunnan University, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Dali University and Yuxi Normal University. The campers visited Yunnan Provincial Museum, yunnan military academy, Dounan Flower Shooting Center, Yuxi Happy Town, Chengjiang Fossil Land Natural Museum, Mafang Village, Fuxian Lake, and other places to experience the charm of Yunnan’s excellent traditional culture and the achievements of rural revitalization, national unity, scientific and technological innovation and ecological civilization.

Through cultural exchange, campers have a deeper understanding of "there is a life called Yunnan" Li Hongchang, a Myanmar student at Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that this activity gave him a more comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of China and Yunnan, and he would learn more about China culture during his next study abroad. Tai Longkang, an international student from Laos in Yunnan University, said that after returning to school, he will be a folk messenger to promote friendly exchanges between China and Laos.

It is understood that the cultural exchange week for overseas students in Yunnan Province has been successfully held for five times, aiming at building a learning exchange platform for young students at home and abroad, spreading culture, enhancing friendship and promoting the communication between the people. There are more than 80 countries of international students, and the number exceeds 10,000.

The event was hosted by Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Yunnan People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Yuxi Municipal Government, Yunnan Youth Federation and Yunnan Student Federation.

The picture shows the campers experiencing the making of non-legacy handmade kites. (Reporter Deng Qingwen)

Fans will invite you to watch the dark reality revenge movie "Rage" for free, scan the code and read the mobile version.

  The film Angry Tide tells the story of the mysterious killer Chen An.Revenge for love and stir up the black police gangMulti-forces thus expand.A full-time scuffle, the whole process of high-burning, vigorous stimulation, hormone off the charts.

  film"Angry Tide" focuses on the overseas dark crime industry chain.Pay attention to social security. Mysterious killerChen An stirred up many forces, and the black police gang was caught in the whirlpool of revenge, which made the fate of the characters and the direction of the story full of suspense.,And through the extreme violence aesthetics, it brings the audience the emotional release of the end of the year. besides,The film passedplot of a playReversal, surprise giftLeave suspense and puzzles to the end of the film.At the same time lead to crimeHuman nature, etc.Discussion of problems, watching movies with high energy in the whole process.While experiencing the adrenaline rush,It also brings emotional resonance and realistic thinking to the audience..

  Jinyun North Network Fans Association will invite netizens to the cinema to watch the movie.raging tide》。

  Number of participants: "Jinyun North Network Fans’ Club" 10 people (2 each).

  Activity content: Please tell me what you expect from this film, and you will have a chance to get ".raging tideTwo movie exchange codes.

  Step 1: scan the code and pay attention to "Jinyun Preferred Partner"

  Step 2: Reply to the expectations of this film, name and phone number.

  Step 3: Before 18: 00 on December 22nd, the staff will send a private letter to 2 winning partners.Film exchange code.

  We will randomly select 10 netizens to participate in this activity, and the staff will inform the winning netizens by private letter. Please fill in the contact information carefully.

Scan code to pay attention to "Jinyun preferred partner"

The latest news of CBA! Wang Shouqiang became the coach of Fujian, Huo Nan became the coach, and the veteran of Guangdong returned.

In CBA, Wang Shouqiang is regarded as a legendary player. After all, there is little news since he retired. However, Fujian Men’s Basketball Team officially announced that Wang Shouqiang officially joined the team as a coach to assist Zhu Shilong. For the Liaoning men’s basketball player in the future, it is really unexpected to return to CBA as a coach after many years.

As a former manager of Nanjing Tongxi, Huo Nan had poor performance in the team period, and he also left the CBA last summer. According to the latest news, Huo Nan became the coach of Guizhou Team in Super League Three, and his first show also led the team to victory.

Guangdong Hongyuan’s coaching team has been adjusted a lot in recent seasons, but the veteran Taylor has never given up. Although he has received invitations from other teams, the veteran has decided to return in the new season and give Du Feng the greatest help.

Most of the first CBA players in Liaoning men’s basketball team have become coaches. In recent seasons, Wu Qinglong, Li Xiaoyong, Wu Naiqun, Zheng Yonggang, Jie Jun and others have all worked in CBA teams, but as an important player in Liaoning men’s basketball team at that time, Wang Shouqiang has disappeared from fans’ sight for a long time.

However, in the new season, Wang Shouqiang also returned to CBA as the coach of Fujian Men’s Basketball Team, which surprised many media people. After all, Wang Shouqiang has left China basketball for many years and only coached in the echelon before.

Huo Nan can be said to be an all-round talent in basketball in China. He has been a coach, a boss and a popular commentator. After leaving Nanjing Tongxi, Huo Nan’s exposure was not high, and he often commented on the competition. However, he now has a new identity, that is, the coach of the Guizhou team in the Super Three League.

In the latest Super Triathlon, Huo Nan made his debut and led the team to win the game. For Huo Nan, he expressed his hope to help promote Guizhou basketball and cultivate more three-person basketball talents.

In this offseason, Guangdong Hongyuan continued to adjust the coaching team. Former CBA referee Wei Guoliang joined as an assistant coach, and veteran Taylor also completed the contract renewal and officially returned to the team.

As the technical coach of Guangdong Hongyuan during the championship period, Taylor was recognized by Zhu Fangyu and Du Feng. After last season, the contract between the two sides expired. It is understood that several CBA teams sent invitations to Taylor, but Taylor finally chose to return to Guangdong Hongyuan!

The latest Bundesliga standings: Bayern’s losing champion may not be guaranteed, Hertha Berlin relegated one round ahead of schedule!

Last night this morning, the Bundesliga was the firstthreethreeRound of fierce battles,Bayern home court1-3Reversed by Leipzig, it still ranks first in the league, but it has lost the initiative to win the championship, and Leipzig has locked in the Champions League qualification;Berlin United away gameTwo-4Lost to Hoffenheim, still ranked first in the league.4, Hoffenheim basically completed relegation; Hertha Berlin home 1-1It was completely flat and relegated one round ahead of schedule, becoming the first team in the Bundesliga to be relegated.

Bayern home court1-3Losing to Leipzig, the top position is in jeopardy. First halfTwenty-fiveMinutes later, Muller sent a straight plug, and Gnabry blasted the goal to help Bayern take the lead; sequenceSixty-fourMinutes later, Leipzig made a counterattack, Nkunku passed the ball in an inverted triangle, and Lemer scored a goal to equalize the score. sequenceSeventy-fourMinutes later, Nkunku took the ball into the penalty area and was put down by pawar to win the penalty. He personally took the penalty and overtook the score. sequenceEighty-fourMinutes, Mazravi sent the handball to the spot, and Szoboszlai hit the penalty to help Leipzig complete the reversal away from home and ensure the first place in the league in advance.three,Get the champions league qualification.

Berlin United away gameTwo-4Lost to Hoffenheim, still ranked first in the league.Four people. Second in the first halfTwoMinutes later, the visiting team made a mistake in defense, and Bibo slipped past the goalkeeper and scored an empty goal. sequencethreethreeMinutes later, Hoffenheim got a penalty and Kramaric hit the penalty. In half-time stoppage time, Berlin United pulled back a point by Dokshi; sequenceeightnineMinutes, Kramaric outflanked and scored twice; Then both sides scored a goal in stoppage time, and finally Hoffenheim won at home, basically completing relegation.

In other competitions, Hertha Berlin is at home.one-1Draw with Bochum and demote one round ahead of schedule; SchalkeZerofourgome courtTwo-2The draw with Frankfurt has not yet got rid of the relegation zone; Bremen home courtone-1Draw with cologne.

Marca: Milan have told Real Madrid that they want to buy Diaz for about 30 million euros.

According to Marca, Milan have informed Real Madrid that they hope to buy out Brahim Diaz for about 30 million euros.

Brahim Diaz has been on loan in Milan since the summer of 2021, and the lease will end in June this year.

It is reported that Real Madrid will solve the future problem of Brahim Diaz in the next few weeks. All parties are optimistic about the future of the Spanish striker in Real Madrid, but on the other hand, Milan will try to buy Diaz at a price of about 30 million euros instead of 25 million euros.

In fact, Paolo Maldini told Real Madrid a few weeks ago that they want to buy out Diaz, and whether Diaz stays in Real Madrid depends on the player’s own wishes.