标签归档 上海私人品茶

Wang Sicong responded to shopping with female friends: because of the money, so shopping

1905 movie network news On November 14, a group of photos of Wang Sicong having dinner with female friends was exposed on the Internet, causing netizens to pay attention to Principal Wang’s suspected change of girlfriend? Some netizens not only left a message asking: "Where did Sicong’s gene for accompanying girls shopping come from? Can you give some to my boyfriend?" Unexpectedly, I got a reply from my deity: "Because I have money, I go shopping."

It is reported that some netizens recently met Wang Sicong for dinner with Internet celebrity Jiao Keran. Last week, Wang Sicong also appeared at Universal Studios Osaka, Japan with his gossip girlfriend Chen Yating.

Japanese publisher: Three-body is out of stock, which makes more readers understand China’s novels.

  As soon as it was listed, it sold out of stock, and "Three-body" was greatly loved by Japanese readers.

  On July 4th, the Japanese version of "Three-body" went on sale, and some bookstores quickly sold out, ranking first in the list of Japanese Amazon literary works. To this end, the largest science fiction publishing house in Japan, which is responsible for the Japanese version of Three-body — — Hayakawa’s study room had to quickly explain on social media that "we are grasping the third printing, please wait a little".

  "Earth-shattering science fiction covering all aspects of human history", "Once you start reading, you can’t stop, please translate the sequel quickly" and "unparalleled imagination is really amazing" … … As early as the previous trial reading meeting, Japanese writers and screenwriters, including Hideo Kojima, Hiroki Azuma and Y? Irie, the top game designers in Japan, gave high praise, and the waist cover of the novel was full of recommendations from big coffee in the industry.

  With the Japanese version of Three-body released, Hayakawa Study also held exhibitions and sales meetings of Chinese science fiction and reasoning works in major bookstores, involving works such as short masterpieces 1-3 and Rebirth by China science fiction writer Liu Yukun, Sacrifice of Spring in the First Year by Lu Qiucha, Beijing Folding-Selected Works of Modern China Science Fiction, and Variations by Diogenes by Chen Haoji.

  SF magazine, a science fiction magazine owned by Hayakawa Study, will also publish some works of China science fiction writers and articles written by three scholars on Three-body and China science fiction in its August issue with the theme of "Three-body and China science fiction writers".

  Can the popularity of "Three-body" open the China science fiction craze in the Japanese market? The Paper interviewed Yamaguchi, editor-in-chief of the "Three-body" project team in Hayakawa Study Room, and talked about the development and present situation of Japanese science fiction and his understanding of China’s science fiction.


  The PaperHow did you feel when you first read Three-body?

  Yamaguchi crystalI once read Liu Cixin’s short stories and thought that the author might be a genius. After watching "Three-body", I believe he is a real, real genius! Reminds me of my feelings when I read The End of Childhood by Arthur C. Clarke (Arthur C. Clarke) or Base Series by Isaac Asimov (isaac asimov) when I was young. Three-body is what I want to see.

  The Paper: What touched you? How do you understand the "naokou" in the novel?

  Yamaguchi crystalExcellent storytelling ability and the author’s deep understanding of history, science and philosophy, and the perfect combination of the three. The beauty of Three-body is not only technology and knowledge, but also Liu Cixin’s powerful imagination, which constantly surprises readers and always exceeds our expectations. After Three-body won the Hugo Award in 2015, it took us three years to win the copyright of this novel in Japan.

  "Naoko" is like a metaphor against progress, rationality and peace in the real world. There are always things like Naoko in our society.

  The PaperHow do you interpret the relationship between "earthlings" and "threesomes"?

  Yamaguchi crystalI am not in favor of parallelizing or comparing the relationship between "earthman" and "three-person" with the relationship between China (or Asian) culture and western culture. It has a more universal meaning, which can be "new and old", "poor and rich", "small and big", or just "human and aliens". It is precisely because of this universality that "Three-body" is more entertaining and meaningful and has become a global bestseller.

  The PaperDo you have any expectations for sales?

  Yamaguchi crystalWe hope to sell 1 million copies of the first volume, but the goal at this stage is 100 thousand copies.

  The PaperCan you introduce SF magazine and its influence on Japanese science fiction?

  Yamaguchi crystalAs early as 1959, Hayakawa study room founded SF magazine, which is the second oldest science fiction magazine in the world. For decades, it has trained a large number of Japanese science fiction writers.

  Japanese science fiction began to sprout and develop under the influence of American science fiction. The first issue of SF magazine published the works of Arthur C. Clarke (Arthur C. Clarke), Issac Asimov (isaac asimov), Philip K. Dick (Philip K. Dick) and Robert Sheckley (Robert Sheckley), which inspired and enlightened many young people who wanted to be novelists. In addition, writers such as Robert A. Heinlein (Robert A. Heinlein), Kurt Vonnegut (Kurt Vonnegut Jr.), Ray Bradbury (ray bradbury) and William Gibson (William Gibson) are often introduced and mentioned, thus influencing a group of Japanese science fiction writers, whose works and influence are still popular and exist among readers.

  The PaperWhat is the development of Japanese science fiction? What are its characteristics?

  Yamaguchi crystalThe characteristics of Japanese science fiction are very diverse, and each generation of authors has its own distinctive characteristics. For example, the first generation of science fiction writers in 1960s, such as Sakyo Komatsu (Komatsu sakyo), Shinichi Hoshi (hoshi shinichi) and Yasutaka Tsutsui, Yasutaka Tsutsui, will surprise you when reading their works. Komatsu sakyo is famous for hard science fiction, while hoshi shinichi’s stories have fable-like flashes. Yasutaka Tsutsui is characterized by experimental novels that play abuse.

  Most of the first-generation writers have passed away. The second-generation writers in the 1970s, the third-generation writers in the 1980s, and the fourth-generation writers in the late 1980s and 1990s are still active in the literary world, publishing various types of works, such as hard science fiction, space opera, fantasy, military adventure, humor, Cyberpunk, literary science fiction and light novels.

  Japanese science fiction experienced what we call the "severe winter" in the 1990s, but in the 21st century, a new generation of writers such as Project Itoh (Project Itoh), Hitotaka Tobi (Fei Haolong), Ogawa Yishui and Toh Ubukata (Tou Ubukata) appeared, and Japanese science fiction became popular again. In particular, Project Itoh’s "Killing Organs" and "Harmony" are the milestones of the revival of Japanese science fiction.

  In addition, Japanese science fiction is closely related to comics, animation and video game industries, and classic cartoonists such as Osamu Tezuka and Reiji Matsumoto were influenced by the early science fiction movement. Even in this century, film directors such as Makoto Shinkai (Makoto Shinkai, masterpiece Your Name) and Sunao Katabuchi (film must be straight), and game producers such as Hideo Kojima (Hideo Kojima, masterpiece Metal Gear Series) are also loyal fans of science fiction.

  The PaperWhat is the popularity of Japanese science fiction in the market at present?

  Yamaguchi crystalIf we only talk about the publication of science fiction books, we can’t say that it is very big. The sales volume has been relatively stable and there are fixed readers and fans. However, if anime and animation are included, the market is huge. Many cartoons and animated films and TV programs have sci-fi elements, such as robots, time travel, future world and so on.

  However, these readers are very loyal to science fiction. They have their own reading and study groups, and they also organize activities and vote for awards. Every year, the fan group votes for the Seiun Award (the most sci-fi work and novel award in Japan), which is equivalent to the nebula award in the United States. It is also very active on social media.

  The Paper: which countries and themes of science fiction are more popular? What are the criteria you choose?

  Yamaguchi crystalScience fiction in China is very popular, and we expect that science fiction in non-English speaking areas will be the next trend. Asian science fiction mainly comes from China, and it will be a development window in the next two to three years. I hope so. There are many themes, and it is hard to say which ones are the most popular, but topics such as artificial intelligence, feminism, brain-computer interface, human-computer interface, dystopia, monitoring, robotics, information pollution, thinking uploading, genetic modification and space exploration will all have great attention and importance.

  We always pay attention to sales data and marketing data, but these figures can only explain what readers want now, not next year or five years later, which requires our professional to judge and predict the future trend. In the selection of works, in addition to Japanese local science fiction, we have also established a good cooperative relationship with Science Fiction World in Chengdu, China. Science Fiction World will also recommend some short science fiction novels from China to us, and we will also consult some of our own science fiction writers.

  The PaperWhat impression did China’s science fiction leave on you? Are there obvious characteristics differences between Chinese and Japanese sci-fi works?

  Yamaguchi crystalThe three most obvious characteristics that China’s science fiction gave me are: first, a strong imagination; Second, anxiety about the rapid growth of economy and technology; The third is the nameless fear for the future. As for the differences between the two countries, I haven’t read enough China science fiction novels to discuss the differences, but in my opinion, Cyberpunk has a greater influence on Japan, while the proportion of hard science fiction in China’s science fiction novels will be larger.

  The PaperJapanese science fiction writer Rihara Toye once said that "Japanese science fiction can’t be as influential as China’s science fiction because we don’t have Liu Yukun (English translator of Three-body)". What do you think of this statement?

  Yamaguchi crystalThat’s for sure. Japanese science fiction needs translators like Liu Yukun too much. In addition, I am very sure that the level of some Japanese writers has reached the standard of the world’s top science fiction writers, but for now, we really haven’t seen any science fiction writer who has such a great influence in the world like Liu Cixin.

  The PaperWhat impact will the hot sale of "Three-body" in Japan have?

  Yamaguchi crystalThere is no doubt that Japanese readers will want to read more China novels. We also firmly believe that Three-body will become a best seller. Hayakawa Study also plans to invest more money to develop the China book market. We hope that not only readers of science fiction, but also other engineers, scientists, researchers, scholars and intellectuals will learn about China’s novels. (The Paper reporter Xu Minghui intern Xu Hangyan)

The price of New Year’s Eve dinner in Guangzhou has increased by 20% to 30% compared with previous years [Figure]

    Caption: Last New Year’s Eve, Li Lianghuan’s family had dinner at home. You can have a holiday on New Year’s Eve this year. Will many people go home to cook New Year’s Eve? Reporter/Sun Tao photo

    The price of New Year’s Eve dinner in Guangzhou has generally increased by 20% to 30% compared with previous years, and the reservations for New Year’s Eve dinner in major restaurants are basically full.

    "Moonlight, according to the hall; Picking betel nuts at the end of the year. " Nursery rhymes describe the scene of a family sitting around the house and enjoying a home-cooked New Year’s Eve dinner. For busy Guangzhou people, it seems that they have been away for many years. Since the beginning of this year, with the implementation of the Labor Contract Law and the rising price of ingredients, the cost of the catering industry is at an all-time high. The price of New Year’s Eve in Guangzhou has generally increased by 20% to 30% compared with previous years, and the reservations for New Year’s Eve in major restaurants have been basically full. Under such a background, the trend of going home for a reunion dinner is quietly returning.

    "Hot Booking" Booking starts from Mid-Autumn Festival.  

    Additional service charge, minimum consumption, no self-help dishes … Compared with weekdays, during the Spring Festival, Xiguan Family added a lot of "rules" to the banquet reservation, but it still could not stop the full business. The last two rounds of reunion dinner have been booked 93%, and the opening dinner on the second day of the new year has also been booked without a table left.  

    Yesterday afternoon at 2: 30, after the rice market, Deng Xiaoxiao, director of the business department of Guangzhou Xiguan Shijia Garden Restaurant, was still busy. A thick stack of orders for the reunion dinner was piled up in front of the table, and she looked through it carefully. According to Director Deng, Xiguan aristocratic family has set up more than 130 banquets, and the reunion dinner is divided into two rounds. At present, 93% of them have been booked.  

    "The booking tide began to appear after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the private rooms were fully booked as early as one month ago," said Director Deng. In addition, the Xiguan family’s New Year’s dinner on the second day of the year was also fully booked. Yesterday, many guests still came to ask for reservations. Looking closely at the New Year menu launched by this restaurant, the lowest price for 10 people/seat reaches 900 yuan, plus a 10% service charge, and all discount cards will be stopped.

    In addition, many branches of Taihu Seafood Restaurant, Shiweitian (Xingang Store) and Lianxianglou have set the minimum consumption for the New Year’s Eve dinner.  

    The day before yesterday, Director Zhao of Guangzhou Restaurant Group said in an interview that the "reunion dinner" at noon on New Year’s Eve this year has also begun to flourish, and Tianhe and other new city branches have accepted nearly 50% of lunch reservations.

    "Generally, there are many people from other provinces who book lunch. They don’t care too much about time." According to director Zhao’s analysis, because of the holiday on New Year’s Eve, some citizens have begun to plan to travel or return home to visit relatives, so they should finish the reunion dinner early; In addition, the dinner reservation is not in place is also one of the influencing factors.

    It is understood that since last month, the reservation of group dinner in Guangzhou restaurants has been hot. As far as the evening market is concerned, all the branches in the city have been fully booked in the first round, and the second round has also been booked for about 50%.  

    Manager Huang Li of the sales department of Hongxing Seafood Restaurant said that this year’s reunion dinner was cancelled. "The main thing is to let the guests eat with peace of mind, without rushing to catch their lives. It is understood that the restaurant’s reunion dinner was fully booked as early as the beginning of January, and some citizens came to the restaurant to make reservations last November.

    "three jobs" in the annual festival of "price scanning" increases costs  

    As the prices of agricultural and sideline products such as pork, grain and oil and energy have all risen sharply this year, and the labor contract law stipulates that triple wages on holidays will increase labor costs, the price of this year’s reunion dinner has also risen accordingly. According to the reporter’s investigation, the quotation of group dinner in middle and high-end restaurants in Guangzhou has generally increased by 20% to 30%.

    The biggest price increase of this year’s New Year’s Eve dinner is the suckling pig. Director Zhao of Guangzhou Restaurant Office said, "The suckling pig that sold more than 200 yuan last year has doubled to more than 400 yuan this year. However, last year, the purchase price of suckling pigs was only 10 yuan/kg, and this year it actually rose to 50 yuan/kg, and the cost was nearly three times more expensive. " Director Zhao estimates that the overall cost will increase by 40%-50% this year. The person in charge of Hongxing Seafood Restaurant said that this year’s skinned suckling pigs rose from 388 yuan last year to 488 yuan each.

    "Last year’s package in 1000 yuan rose to 1,200 yuan this year, but the content remained unchanged." Director Zhao said that in order to make it acceptable to the public, Guangzhou restaurant tried to control the increase in the price of dishes. For example, in the collocation of dishes, we will pay attention to skills and avoid using too much raw materials with excessive increase.  

    Despite the sharp increase in prices, Director Zhao was pleasantly surprised to find that many citizens’ spending power has improved significantly. "Many guests are more generous and refreshing when ordering food than in previous years."  

    It is an indisputable fact that the price of reunion dinner has risen. In addition to the rising price of food raw materials, the increase in labor costs is also a major reason. 

    Starting this year, the legal holiday of the Lunar New Year will be advanced to the 30th. According to the newly implemented Labor Contract Law, you must pay three times the usual salary, commonly known as "three jobs". Xie Huixin, HR manager of Hongxing Catering Group, told reporters a few days ago that the contract employees who went to work at the age of 30 this year can get "three jobs", but there are still many employees asking for a holiday. At present, the company is still recruiting.

    "This has not affected the overall cost." Director Zhao of Guangzhou Restaurant Group Office introduced that although all the grass-roots employees in the restaurant had to come back to work overtime on New Year’s Eve, it did not affect the overall cost of paying employees three jobs on the same day. "The three-day holiday of the Spring Festival used to be from the first day to the third day, but this year it was advanced, which is equivalent to the three jobs of the third day being transferred to New Year’s Eve."

    Director Zhao also said that it will be individual small restaurants that will have a greater impact. "Many restaurants will consider the cost relationship and would rather not do it."

    "This year’s" Labor Contract Law "was promulgated, and we will definitely act in accordance with the legal provisions". Liang Weiming, executive deputy general manager of Xiguan Shijia Garden Restaurant, said that in the face of the rising cost of human resources and raw materials, it is really difficult to run a restaurant.

    The shrinking of "quality foresight" reunion dinner is worrying.

    In business, merchants will not lose money in doing business. Some citizens are worried that the dish head (weight) of the reunion dinner will shrink. According to relevant personages of the Consumer Council, the weight of the New Year’s Eve dinner is not enough and the materials used are not fresh, which has always been a hot issue of complaints.

    Master Liu, who has worked as a "kitchen boss" (executive chef) in many restaurants, told reporters that there are many ways for restaurants to reduce costs and customers’ satisfaction with dishes. For example, to make a white-cut chicken, the price of authentic Hainan Wenchang chicken is more than 30 yuan. If it is changed to Guangxi chicken, Ma chicken and the like, it only costs more than 20 yuan, or choose some smaller chickens and use seasoning to save it. Generally, people who don’t eat chicken will not find it.

    Often go "? Mr. Di Dan Liang of Guangzhou also complained that when he went to many restaurants to eat recently, he found that the head of the dish was small, and many dishes with vegetarian dishes reduced the weight of vegetarian dishes. Mr. Liang asked for a "red onion" in a restaurant in Panyu yesterday. Bone ",and found that there are more onions than ribs.

    "Everything is expensive now, and it is not unacceptable for you to raise the price." Mr. Liang said that this practice of insisting on prices on the surface, but raising prices in disguise in secret, is really difficult to feel at ease.  

    He Jian ‘an, director of the Complaints Department of Guangzhou Consumer Council, said that during the New Year’s Eve dinner last year, consumer complaints mainly focused on the following points: First, the weight of the dinner was not enough and the materials used were not fresh. Second, the scheduled reunion dinner was temporarily cancelled by the restaurant (default). Third, the weight is insufficient, and the materials used are smaller than usual. Fourth, it is difficult to guarantee the service and hygiene level of the reunion dinner.

    Director He reminded consumers that it is necessary to pay attention to hygiene when eating dinner in restaurants, and it is difficult to guarantee the hygiene of many restaurants during the dinner. In addition, we should take good care of the elderly and children.  

    ■ New Year’s Eve returns to the New Year’s Eve holiday to redo home cooking.

    According to the new holiday method, many people have been liberated since the 30 th of this year. "It is estimated that many people will go home to cook again." Director Liang of Xianzuiju Restaurant in Yuexiu District introduced that this may have a certain impact on small and medium-sized restaurants.

    Ms. Zeng, who lives in Dongshankou, chose her own reunion dinner this year. Talking about having a family reunion dinner in previous years, Ms. Zeng joked that it was really "annoying": in order to book a better position, Ms. Zeng had to ask an acquaintance to make a reservation several months in advance, and many times the dishes could not be decided in advance. "It’s all Italian dishes, sweet and sweet, and a hundred children and grandchildren. You really need to know what he gives you to eat, and you won’t know until New Year’s Eve." After the reunion dinner last year, Ms. Zeng’s family helped the elderly and took care of the young. They waited for more than an hour in Xiguan and couldn’t get a taxi. The old man almost incontinence on the side of the road.

    Ms. Zeng recalled that more than ten years ago, the family had a family reunion dinner in a warm home: the hand-made seaweed pig (getting rich) and boiled chicken were placed on the table, and the children lit incense sticks to worship their ancestors under the instruction of the old man. As a daughter-in-law, Ms. Zeng was responsible for cooking in the kitchen. "After the New Year’s Eve, adults will take their children to the Flower Street and return home at about 11 pm to welcome the new year with firecrackers."

Editor: Feng Ye

The game version number was released in May! Can’t wait to play right away? These games can be played now!

The May edition number is coming! According to the approval information of domestic online games published in May, 2023, a total of 86 games, such as Netease Seven Days World, Tencent Ace Warrior 2, Lilith’s Party of the Gods, and Netelement Temple’s Dream of the Heart, have been approved. Some of these games have been launched overseas or on Steam, and they can be played now. If you want to try something early, you can try it first!

Dream of the deep heart

"Dream in the Heart" is a new work by Shanghai Candle dragon, who has developed the swords of legends series. The game has landed on PC, NS, PS and Xbox platforms, and the Steam standard version of 78 yuan, the deluxe version is 108 yuan.

This is an action game similar to "Galaxy Warrior" and "Demon City". The background of the game is western magic, and players will meet scary giants and lovely elves in the game. The biggest selling point of the game is exquisite hand-painted pictures. Moreover, the amount of games is large, and more than 20 maps with ten endings are not covered.

According to the official introduction, players will accompany Renee, a girl with amnesia, on a journey of fate to uncover the hidden secrets of the fantasy world. Explore the natural scenery and ruins of the imperial city, and meet mysterious beasts and lovely elves. Use all kinds of weapons and skills to confront corrupt monsters, break through crises and so on.

Yi xian pai

Yixian Card is a card game that plays chess by itself. A single game supports up to eight players to play against each other. Players need to place the drawn cards in the fighting area and automatically fight with other players in random order. During the interval of each round of fighting, players need to judge the opponent’s thinking, adjust the card order or add the newly drawn cards to the deck to beat the opponent according to the situation on the field.

The game of "Yixian Card" is the same as the pub chess game. To put it bluntly, it is "the card version moves by itself". At the beginning of the game, players will randomly draw several cards from the library. These cards can be directly used in battle, can also be synthesized with another same card, and can also be sold to improve their own realm-commonly known as "upgrading their capital" and greatly improve their construction limit. Of course, players can also exchange cards with other cards randomly when they encounter cards that are really unnecessary, so as to replace the refresh function in self-walking chess.

Although "Yi Xian Pai" adopts the battle mode of self-propelled chess, it is still slightly different from self-propelled chess in essence. Players still need to collect and build their own cards to participate in the battle, but this "process" of construction is quite a bit of a DBG game.

Compared with the traditional TCG, we only need to pay attention to three things when building a deck of cards: role, sect and deputy. Among them, the sect and the deputy will carry a fixed number and types of cards, and players can’t operate the cards, so they can only combine the deputy and the sect to form a complete set of cards. The character must belong to a sect, but every time he ascends the realm, he will unlock an exclusive talent and play an extra role in the game.

Party of the gods

The Gods Party is a mythical punk strategy RPG produced by Lilith, which has cool artistic style and diversified and aesthetic role design.

Related links:I was shocked to try it out: the legendary art uncle started a two-dimensional street card game, which was blown up by American primary school students.

The Party of the Gods tells the story that in the future world, some scientists died and released monsters that destroyed the world, and then some people mutated to have divine power and became diviners.

The game makes a hodgepodge of gods in fairy tales such as China, Egyptian, Nordic, Greek, etc. In "The Party of the Gods", it is common for the Monkey King to beat Zeus violently, and Anubis and Nuwa fought for 300 rounds.

The painting style in "The Party of the Gods" is all-encompassing, which can not only see the dark sister with real jitter, but also the cheongsam sister who is more in line with the oriental aesthetic. It is true that XP of players all over the world is grasped.

Digging into the background of the game, I finally found that the art director of "The Gods Party" had joined Tencent in the early years, and he was actually focusing on games such as Legendary World and Legend of Xuanyuan. This sense of contrast is really exciting.

Eluhill: Star Dawn

"Elohill: Xing Xiao" is a 3D real-time strategy card hand tour that presents the fantasy of the world of [Magic X Technology] through a light retro art style. It is characterized by the immersive combat experience of dynamic command operation, and it is presented with the 3D drama performance of the real opera, creating an Iluhir world with full details and strong immersion.

In this game, the player will be the acting head of the Gefeier Troupe, and take a flying boat to travel between Xinghai and the narrow land, guiding the degraded people to shuttle between the "present world" and the "dream paradise" to fight against the sudden paradise arrival events in various places, save the people who are asleep, and regain the real future from the ostentatious dream.

In the battle experience of core fun, the game not only retains the immersive sensory experience of ACT play, but also lowers the operating threshold for players to get started quickly. At the same time, it also adds a wealth of card instruction strategies in battle. Before the start of the battle, players can arrange their own character positions. In some difficult levels, there are random attribute bonus positions.

The game international service was launched on April 6, and the related demo evaluation will be released later, so stay tuned!

Explanation of light gap

"Light Gap Interpretation" is a different world strategy offensive and defensive mobile phone game developed by Cong Yun (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. and distributed by the exclusive agent of the game. Mengmei yujie has all of them! All live2d!

In the game, players will be the guardians of lantern seals, join the strategic offensive and defensive battle field in the other world "Nuon Continent", and take risks with "interpreters" with various creative abilities to fight against the raging beasts and prevent the darkness from coming again!

A large number of "Interpreters" are freely combined, and diverse Live2D is within reach, with Yokoyama Masaru’s love and music! The ever-changing battlefields and powerful enemies, the "arrival technique" big move to reverse the war situation, and the strategic offensive and defensive gameplay of the operation are tested … In the endless night, the lamp of hope is incarnated, and together with the interpreter, the shackles of fate are broken!

Taifu was launched in October 2022, and related demo evaluation will be released later, so stay tuned!

Indy’s lies

Indy’s Lies is a stand-alone game with roguelike elements and card construction as the core gameplay. The game has been put on Steam, and the current favorable rate is 76%.

Randomly generate the content of the level, exquisite plot content, rich and changeable talent system, cleverly designed partner system, surprise and unexpected rune system, combined with hundreds of carefully designed professional cards, so that players can experience completely different fun every time they enter the level.

There are currently 12 heroes in the game, and each hero has a unique professional card, exclusive card and personal mechanism. The hero chosen at the beginning determines the general trend of the genre. After defeating each boss, you can invite new heroes to join the team to supplement your strategic choice-to brush the enemy with debuff, to realize infinite flow, or to add healers to the team?

More than 700 cards can collide with runes, randomly generated talent trees (more than 160 talents) and 50 props to maximize synergy-cleverly combine strategies and defeat more than 90 enemies! Every time you get a new card, you can also replace the old card to realize dynamic and flexible card set construction.

China women’s basketball players: shouldering a great sense of responsibility and mission, the goal of the Asian Games is to win the championship

Li Yuan: Through the difficulties in this circle, the god of luck finally stood on our side. Our team, the goal of the Asian Games is to win the championship.

Pan Zhenqi: I think everyone is the same. As long as we play for one minute, we have to fight for 60 seconds. We all fight for honor and country.

Zhang Ru: When the national flag is raised and the national anthem is played abroad, I feel a great sense of responsibility and mission. The more everyone reaches the critical moment and the difficult moment, no one shows great fear.

Zheng Wei: Of the 12 people who participated in the World Cup last year, eight of our players were not on the team, and only four of them really stayed on the team. These were very difficult times.

How much do you know about the champions of the five major leagues? Manchester City Manchester United Bayern ranked in the top three!

After 33 years of waiting, Naples finally won the top league title in Italy again. For many fans, this long time may have felt quite long. However, in the five major leagues, there are still many giants whose champions are even longer than those in Naples!

Today, Xiaobian will take you back to see how long the champion shortage of the top five leagues has been:

No.1 Manchester City (44 years)

The Premier League in 2011-2012 is really an incredible season. Since local investors took over Manchester City, the strength of the team has been continuously improved, but to become a giant, they also need a Premier League championship trophy.

In this season, Manchester City successfully defeated the powerful Manchester United, twice defeated its opponents, and even scored an amazing score of 6:1 at Old Trafford, the home of Manchester United. Balotelli won the first battle in this game!

Before the last round of this season, Manchester City and Manchester United scored the same points, but Manchester City has the advantage of goal difference. As long as they win the last game, they can win the championship. However, in the face of the average strength of queens park Rangers, Manchester City fell behind 1-2 in 90 minutes.

On the other side, when Manchester United fans began to cheer for the team to win the championship, they didn’t expect Zhe Ke and aguero to score key goals one after another in injury time to help Manchester City win the victory. Aguero undressed to celebrate the scene has also become one of his personal classic shots.

And Manchester City won the championship this time, which has been 44 years since their last top English league title!

Second Manchester United (41 years)

Manchester United was a blockbuster in Ferguson’s era and swept England. Under Ferguson’s command, Manchester United won 13 Premier League titles in total! After Ferguson retired, Manchester United missed the top league title in England for a long time, and the best record was only the runner-up in the Premier League.

In the 1910-11 season, Manchester United won the top league championship in England, which was the second top league championship trophy in the team’s history. However, since then, the team has been in a downturn for a long time. Coupled with the influence of various unexpected factors, such as the outbreak of two world wars, football is no longer the main focus of people’s lives.

In the sixth League One season after the end of World War II, that is, the 1951-1952 season, Manchester United finally got its wish and stood on the podium of the top league in England.

Busby’s greatest contribution to Manchester United is definitely not from the so-called "winning the cup again after many years". Busby’s exciting factors are more from the vigorous exploration of young players. It is in this reasonable process of changing old and new that Manchester United’s record can always remain in the first group in the 1950s.

Third Bayern (37 years)

Perhaps you can’t imagine that Bayern Munich, which has occupied the dominant position in the Bundesliga for a long time, has also experienced the history of not winning the top league championship for 37 years.

In the 1931-1932 season, Bayern won the first national championship in the team’s history. Then World War II made Bayern go through various storms, and the German Jewish coach was forced to leave, which never recovered.

It was not until the 1968-1969 season that Bayern finally won the first Bundesliga championship in their team’s history, and it has been 37 years since they won the national championship last time.

At present, Bayern has won ten consecutive championships in the Bundesliga, and even this season, it is still expected to win the championship, and eleven consecutive championships are just around the corner!

4th Liverpool (30 years)

Since winning the top league title in England in 1989-1990, Liverpool has been unable to win the Premier League title for 30 years, although they have achieved the achievement of "five crowns" and won the Champions League trophy twice. In addition, they also set a runner-up record with the highest points in the Premier League.

In the 2019-20 season, Liverpool finally got what they wanted. Under the leadership of Uncle Zha, they scored 32 wins, 3 draws, 3 losses and 99 points. This is also their 19th league championship trophy.

5th Inter Milan (17 years)

During Moratti’s time, Inter Milan created brilliant achievements. However, when Massimo Moratti first entered Mei Acha, Inter Milan seemed to be a star black hole. Despite Moratti’s huge investment in the team, many bad transfer transactions and changing coaches make it impossible for the team to remain competitive in the league.

From the 1988-1989 season, Inter Milan could not win the domestic league championship again. Although they have also made some achievements in the European arena, they only won the UEFA Cup.

Due to the outbreak of Calciopoli, Juventus was punished by demotion. Therefore, Inter Milan was declared as the champion of Serie A in 2005-2006, which ended their 17-year championship drought and delighted the fans.

In the 2006-2007 season, Inter Milan performed well, accumulating 97 points with 30 wins, 7 draws and 1 loss, and successfully winning the league title. This moment actually marks the end of the championship drought that Inter fans have longed for for for many years.

Ramos’s untimely post-match remarks angered the fans (translated from Corriere dello Sport)

After losing to Bayern Munich, Paris Saint-Germain once again fell to the last 16 of the Champions League. This is undoubtedly a heavy mental blow to a club that is determined to be crowned king of Europe. Although the team has a top player like sergio ramos, who has won the Champions League four times, his great experience in the Champions League seems to have brought no effect to the team. The Spanish defender also expressed his disappointment with the team after the game.

The former Real Madrid defender said on his Instagram: "Like your fans, we are deeply disappointed with the result. The team has not yet won the Champions League, and we are still immature in how to deal with the key details. Unfortunately, we failed to achieve an important goal. Although it is very painful, the champion teams all grow up from failure and adversity. We will come back! "

Ps: Ramos is actually telling the truth. Paris Saint-Germain still has many problems and does not have the strength to win the championship for the time being. But after all, the team spent so much money to buy so many stars, but the Champions League record failed to meet expectations, which made many fans psychologically uncomfortable and it was understandable to scold him. In other words, this year’s luck in Paris is really bad. In the group stage, we met Benfica (super this year) and Juventus. After the second qualifying in the group, we drew one of the strongest Bayern.