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Yang Mi, Nikki, Raquel and Guan Xiaotong, they are the goddess of beautiful legs in the entertainment circle.

Yang Mi, Nikki, Raquel, Guan Xiaotong

1905 movie network news An actress’s lack of aura depends on whether her legs are beautiful or not. As an entertainment circle that never lacks beautiful women, there are not many actresses with beautiful legs. Just recently, Yang Mi, Nikki, Raquel and Guan Xiaotong were praised by netizens as the goddess of beautiful legs in the entertainment circle by virtue of their "beautiful legs".


Yang Mi is not afraid of severe cold and shows long legs.

Yang Mi legs

Every time Yang Mi attends an event, it can trigger a craze. Recently, Yang Mi attended a grand ceremony in a starlight dress. At that time, the weather was cold, and the temperature had reached below zero. However, Da Power was still wearing a metallic dress with sloping shoulders despite the cold, showing off snow-white shoulders and slender legs, and her good figure was revealed.


Nikki’s leg frequency hot search crushed the stars

Li Xi Yu mei tui

As a member of Yang Mi’s general, Nikki is the one whose beautiful legs are no less than or even more than the boss’s great power. Earlier, with the role of Xia Qiao in Beautiful Li Huizhen, Nikki’s long legs successfully captured netizens, and "Nikki’s legs" once boarded a hot search, as long as she was with her, she was crushed by her beautiful legs.


Raquel Weibo Xiumei legs attract netizens to watch.

Raquel legs

Recently, Raquel, the national eldest sister-in-law, showed off her beautiful legs in Weibo and wrote an essay: She was said that her legs were not good-looking since she was a child, but who knows … Now basking in the sun … I feel much more confident about my legs … Therefore, I have learned a truth: if others say that you are not good, you can bask in it. Maybe that’s what makes you different … Just like when I was growing up, I was always called hunchback … Now they only envy me. This article attracted countless netizens to watch, and her beautiful legs also became a hot topic among netizens.


Guan Xiaotong’s slender legs alone are one meter long.

Guan Xiaotong legs

Recently, Guan Xiaotong took part in an activity, singing and dancing at the scene. A pair of long legs were amazing, and her beautiful legs were full of talents. No wonder she succeeded in "capturing" Lu Han, and the news of Guan Xiaotong’s big dance also attracted the attention of many netizens. Guan Xiaotong, who was born as a child star, grew up in the spotlight. At 1.73 meters, she has a perfect figure, and her slender legs are one meter long. Can the goddess of beautiful legs do without her?

Hua Xizi was awarded the "Excellent Case of Scientific Research and Innovation" by Xinhuanet.

   Comments: Domestic brands compete for "high-quality development" and start a long-term promotion competition.

  On December 3rd, on the occasion of the 2023 China Entrepreneur Blogging Forum, the second domestic brand innovation conference hosted by Xinhuanet kicked off. At the forum, the "Looking for Treasures and New Domestic Products" and a series of special plans initiated by Xinhuanet invited experts and representatives of certified enterprises to share their experiences and insights on brand innovation.

  Among them, Hua Xizi, a domestic beauty brand, emerged as a typical case of high-quality domestic products with scientific research innovation and unique brand culture positioning. Thanks to the innovation of Yuyang series and its R&D system, Hua Xizi was successfully selected as the "Excellent Case of Scientific Research and Innovation" in the "Looking for Treasures and New Domestic Products" and became the only China cosmetics brand that won the prize.

  From the development of large single products to the establishment of the research and development system of oriental beauty cosmetics, Hua Xizi is not only deeply cultivating traditional culture, but also constantly carrying out iterative upgrading of research and development, integrating traditional culture with modern technology. Behind this is a differentiated road guided by long-term doctrine and rooted in oriental aesthetics.

  Won the Xinhua News Agency award again, and Hua Xizi’s scientific research and innovation achievements were affirmed.

  In the last ten years, from foreign brands to the rise of domestic beauty brands, the beauty consumer market has undergone great changes. The wave of new domestic consumption has created more new opportunities for beauty brands, and also brought an assessment of product strength and scientific research strength. For domestic brands, in addition to adhering to the cultural core, it is more important to think about how to achieve high-quality development.

  Based on this consideration, since October, the Second Domestic Brand Innovation Conference has taken the lead in launching the "2023 Plan for Searching for Treasures of Domestic Products" and a series of special plans. Xinhuanet has launched a series of special topics by means of case collection and product evaluation, aiming to actively explore treasures of domestic products and empower domestic brands to develop with high potential.

  It is understood that since its establishment in 2016, China Entrepreneur Boao Forum has been successfully held for seven consecutive sessions, which has gathered the strength of the government, experts, enterprises, associations and other parties, focused on hot economic topics, and talked about China’s economic development on the principle of cutting-edge pragmatism. It is professional, targeted and constructive, with rich cross-border integration and exchange scenarios, and has attracted the attention of all sectors of society. It is known as the annual ideological and wisdom feast of China business circles.

  As a sub-forum, the second domestic brand innovation conference provided a high-quality communication platform for domestic brands. During the implementation of "Looking for Treasures of Chinese Products in 2023", Xinhuanet linked its all-media matrix and launched the "People’s Vote" campaign to explore the light of Chinese products in an all-round way, and selected benchmark and pioneer brands in the field of Chinese products from the dimensions of product sales, social voice, brand reputation, R&D ability, marketing innovation and industry contribution.

  Finally, according to the six dimensions of scientific research and innovation, green manufacturing, creative marketing, annual cutting-edge, sailing out to sea and commercial goodness, the high-quality domestic brands that meet the corresponding standards are selected.

  Judging from the selection mechanism, multi-dimensional and all-round comparative screening tests not only the product strength and innovation, but also the value created by the brand in the industry. It is even more difficult to stand out from hundreds of China brands, which is enough to show the weight of the award.

  Hua Xizi became the only brand in the beauty industry to be selected as an "excellent case of scientific research and innovation" in this selection activity of "Looking for Treasures in China in 2023". Different from other brands that focus on oriental beauty cosmetics, Hua Xizi has opened up a new path by herself and created a differentiated brand positioning from the perspective of "Oriental beauty cosmetics research and development system". In addition, the development logic of Huaxi Zi Yuyang series products and its oriental beauty makeup research and development system have also been highly recognized by the government, enterprises, experts and other parties.

  TOP-level scientific research investment, the research and development system of Huaxi Oriental Beauty Cosmetics has been "effective"

  "If consumers tried products with an open attitude a few years ago, now everyone will be more cautious in the process of choosing products."

  With the trend of consumption degradation, the beauty market began to show obvious polarization, and the high-end market and the low-end market went their own way, and the determinants of consumer behavior became more complicated — — Public demand gradually extends from a single function to aesthetic, emotional, social and other values.

  For example, the main tone of Oriental make-up puts forward multiple requirements: it should not only meet the needs of Asian users, but also have distinctive China characteristics. However, due to the far-reaching influence of the western make-up system on China’s make-up industry, the standards, rules and systems of China’s make-up industry have always been deeply branded with western make-up.

  In order to meet the multi-level needs of users, domestic brands must invest a lot of scientific research as soon as possible to explore and build a brand-new brand R&D system.

  1. Initiate the research and development system of Oriental Beauty Cosmetics.

  In fact, since last year, Hua Xizi announced that he would invest more than 1 billion yuan in the next five years to build a comprehensive and technologically advanced research and development system for oriental beauty cosmetics. Nowadays, through the continuous layout in the fields of product innovation, basic research and applied basic research, the research and development system of oriental beauty cosmetics initiated by Hua Xizi has achieved initial results.

  It is reported that the research and development system of oriental beauty cosmetics advocated by Hua Xizi is not a point-like exploration of combining oriental characteristics in formula or raw materials, but includes a whole system of research on the skin color of oriental skin, theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine, research on oriental raw materials, research on oriental formula, research on oriental technical system, research on oriental color system, oriental materials, oriental crafts and modern applications, so as to realize the inheritance and innovation of China’s excellent traditional culture.

  Based on the consideration of building the research and development system of oriental beauty cosmetics, the parent company of Huaxi Zi, Yige Group, has established five research and development modules, including consumer research center, cosmetics science and technology innovation center, human skin and bioelectronics research center, industrial design and CMF research and development center, and oriental aesthetics and space innovation center. Through strong R&D resources integration ability, Hua Xizi is also constantly consolidating the R&D system of Oriental Beauty Cosmetics, and has made remarkable achievements in many innovative fields.

  Looking back at Hua Xizi’s performance this year, with excellent product strength and innovative strength, Hua Xizi has won authoritative awards and honors many times, which is enough to show his excellent product strength and value creation ability.

  On May 9th, under the guidance of Xinhua News Agency, the first China Brand Global Communication Conference hosted by Xinhua News Agency Brand Studio, Xinhua News Agency News Center and Xinhua News Agency Shanghai Branch was held in Shanghai, and the Research Report on China Brand Global Communication Power (2023) was released at the same time. Simultaneously with this report, there is also a list of "Global Communication Power of China Brands". Among them, Huaxizi, as the only beauty brand, was included in the list of "TOP10 Global Communication Power of China Brands" together with Maotai, Alibaba, Huawei and China Architecture.

  In November this year, the final list of the 2023 VOGUE Beauty Awards was officially released, and Huaxizi brand won the color research and development award with the help of Little Daisha lip yarn-Mulan yarn, and made a great contribution on the international stage with "China color".

  In the same month, another heavy award in the industry — — The award of "2022 China Cosmetic Industry Brand (Lip Product Category)" selected by China Flavor and Fragrance Cosmetic Industry Association was also awarded to Hua Xizi, which affirmed her product strength, scientific and technological strength and brand influence. Having won numerous awards from industry authorities, Hua Xizi has always been leading the industry and constantly creating new values.

  2. Expand the matrix of sensitive muscle makeup products, and forge a good reputation for the jade series.

  In the "Looking for Treasures of Chinese Products in 2023", as the main case of scientific research and innovation, Huaxi Zi Yuyang series fully shows the whole link process of the brand from basic research, raw material innovation to integration into oriental beauty makeup culture, and finally transforms its product strength into product reputation.

  According to reports, on March 8 this year, Hua Xizi explained the new product value it provided to users — — "Sensitive muscles apply".

  From air honey powder and silk honey powder cake to air cushion, makeup liquid foundation and makeup spray, Yuyang series, as the trump card product line of Hua Xizi, firmly adheres to the category development route of makeup demand of users with sensitive muscles and gradually expands the product matrix of "makeup suitable for sensitive muscles".

  Thanks to the strong innovation ability of single products, the sales volume of Huaxizi Yuyang series products has always remained stable in the "upper circle" of the industry.

  According to statistics, as of November 11th, in Tmall’s beauty sub-category list, Huaxizi air honey powder is not only ranked as TOP1 in Tmall’s hot-selling list/repurchase list/praise list, but also as TOP1 in double 11’s hot-selling list under this category, with more than 112,000 people repurchased each year.

  According to the recent list data of Tik Tok Mall, a number of items of Huaxi Zi Yuyang series continue to rank first in the sub-categories. For example, air honey powder is listed on the explosion list TOP2 of non-makeup loose powder, Huaxi Zi Yuyang air cushion liquid foundation is listed on the explosion list TOP1 of makeup air cushion, and Huaxi Zi purple honey powder Yuyang fixed makeup loose powder is listed on the brand light loose powder explosion list TOP1… …

  Behind Yuyang series products is Hua Xizi’s exploration and polishing of the research and development and innovation of "China characteristics" cosmetics, which is also the initial achievement of Oriental beauty cosmetics research and development system.

  From "quantity" to "quality", research and development needs to slow down.

  Li Huiliang, chief scientist of Yige Group, has publicly stated that there is no curve overtaking in cosmetics research and development. The overall level of cosmetics enterprises in China is 15-20 years behind the advanced level in the world, whether in hardware, software or formula research.

  In order to realize the transformation from maintaining business to building brand barriers, it is the only way to improve the sense of technology and innovation of products, and it is also the biggest dividend for a long time to come. However, from an innovative point of view, most domestic brands can only keep up with the trend, but can’t really lead the trend. They have "explosive thinking" but it is always difficult to appear classic items that cross the life cycle.

  Since Huaxizi was founded in 2017, it has grown into a TOP brand of domestic cosmetics in the past five years. With the brand image of Oriental Beauty Cosmetics, it has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and has moved from China to a global layout.

  This is inseparable from the long-term adherence of Huaxizi to the product development concept of "slow research and development, fast iteration". According to reports, the average development cycle of Huaxi products is 1 year and 9 months. From the multi-dimensions of formula, raw materials, use experience, user’s touch and weight, Hua Xizi prolongs the product life cycle by polishing the product details.

  For example, in the R&D layout, Hua Xizi deeply cultivated innovative patented technologies and raw materials, and took the lead in occupying the leading position in the domestic makeup track.

  According to the data of Sky Eye Survey, as of December 5, 2023, Yige Group had 188 patents, including 62 invention patents and 26 utility model patents. The total number of patents and the number of invention patents rank first among the local enterprises dominated by cosmetics brands.

  It is reported that at this stage, Hua Xizi is combining ancient wisdom with modern science and technology to carry out basic research and applied basic research on China’s characteristic plants and mineral raw materials.

  In addition to "nephrite powder", the parent company of Huaxi Zi, Yige Group, adheres to the basic pursuit of safety, gentleness and effectiveness, and also has a number of research results in plant extracts, research on the formula of effective products aimed at the skin color of China users, etc.

  As "Oriental Beauty Makeup", "China Makeup" and "Chinese Aesthetics" gradually become synonymous with uniqueness and individuality, or even become the most important cultural support behind the beauty brand, or lack of sufficient cultural precipitation, in-depth excavation of "Chinese Aesthetics", or excessively stick to brand marketing, ignoring the integration of brand culture and modern scientific research, it will mean the loss of cultural support, and finally become a "general talk" marketing story.

  From Hua Xizi’s series of R&D actions, we can see that new product development or raw material innovation is not in a hurry, and only by "slow pace" through the product cycle can we achieve a long-term leap.

  Born in the era of awakening, new domestic brands have been endowed with extraordinary significance and high expectations by consumers because of their advantages such as admiration, technology assistance and traffic crowding.

  For Hua Xizi, the lever of Oriental beauty makeup research and development system is used to incite greater growth; The promotion of product strength with traditional cultural heritage has been deeply integrated into brand genes. On the young track of Oriental make-up, they have long realized that grasping the trend of new technology is the best way for later brands to surpass the first-time brands.

  It can be said that the competition of new domestic brands is a marathon only belonging to the long-term, and Hua Xizi is on the road of continuous acceleration.

New quality productivity in China, talent+computing power+big model … Beijing builds the highland of artificial intelligence industry.

  In the just-concluded two sessions of the National People’s Congress, new quality productivity has become a hot word of concern to everyone. So what exactly is new quality productivity?

  Generally speaking, the new quality productivity is an advanced productivity that innovation plays a leading role, gets rid of the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path, has the characteristics of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and conforms to the new development concept. The characteristic is innovation, the key is high quality, and the essence is advanced productivity.

  Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. What is the ecology and development path of China’s new quality productivity at present? How to make the new quality productivity develop vigorously according to local conditions? Let’s see how the six science and technology innovation centers distributed in China’s east, west, north and south gather innovation resources, build service platforms, and break through industrial barriers, and become the source and incubator of new quality productivity in China.

  The layout of China’s "3+3" Science and Technology Innovation Center has basically taken shape.

  Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed: promoting the construction of international and regional science and technology innovation centers as a whole.

  How to understand the science and technology innovation center? To sum up, it is a city or urban agglomeration that occupies a leading and dominant position in scientific research, technological development and industrial innovation in the world or within a certain country. Their innovative resources are intensive and their innovative achievements are rich. Scientific and technological elements can play a key role in strategic emerging industries or future industrial development, and they are the integration of scientific centers, technological centers and industrial centers.

  From 2016 to 2022, the state has successively approved the construction plans of six science and technology innovation centers, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu-Chongqing, Wuhan and Xi ‘an. Up to now, the overall layout of China’s "3+3" science and technology innovation centers has basically taken shape, and the space has been fully deployed from the developed eastern regions to the central and western regions. The construction of three international science and technology innovation centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and three nationally influential science and technology innovation centers in Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan and Xi ‘an is progressing steadily.

  Beijing: Building the Highland of Artificial Intelligence Industry

  Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center has many national laboratories, national scientific research institutions, high-level research universities and leading scientific and technological enterprises, ranking first in the country in terms of R&D investment and scientific and technological innovation achievements in quantity and quality. It has continuously produced international leading achievements in the fields of brain science research, quantum technology and artificial intelligence model development, and won some major international awards in theoretical physics, life sciences and mathematics. At present, in Beijing, the construction of three new national laboratories, Zhongguancun, Changping and Huairou, is accelerating.

  This is Beijing, and an international science and technology innovation center is being built. The artificial intelligence industry is one of the leading industries in Beijing. In 2023, the core output value of Beijing’s artificial intelligence industry is expected to exceed 250 billion yuan, and the scale of radiation output value will exceed one trillion yuan, making it a leader in the development of artificial intelligence in China. Beijing has six national key laboratories in the field of artificial intelligence, and three national engineering research centers in video and visual technology, deep learning technology and application, forming a high-level scientific research base integrating basic research, personnel training and high-level academic exchanges. The number of artificial intelligence-related enterprises in Beijing is about 2,200, and 40% of the artificial intelligence enterprises in China gather here. In 2023, the total amount of financing in the field of artificial intelligence was about 22.3 billion yuan, accounting for about a quarter of the country.

  Visiting large model research institutions and entering Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute

  From ChatGPT, a big language model that became popular in the field of artificial intelligence in 2022, to Sora, a big video generation model that appeared at the beginning of this year, "big model" has undoubtedly become a hot word in the current technology industry. How is Beijing’s research and development work in the field of large models progressing? In 2018, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Beijing Municipality, Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute was established as a new research institution jointly established by several superior units in the field of artificial intelligence in Beijing. What achievements have they made in recent years, what projects are they studying, and what are their plans for the future?

  In a laboratory, researchers are using large model technology to concentrate multimodal tasks such as semantic analysis, visual recognition and motion capture on a robot dog platform for testing and training. In another laboratory, researchers use large models to train and generate pictures and videos.

  Wang Xinlong, a researcher at Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute:Multi-modal big model is to hope that it can be exposed to various modes like us, and at the same time, it can create new texts, new images, new videos and audio.

  From ChatGPT, a big language model that became popular in the field of artificial intelligence in 2022, to Sora, a big video generation model that appeared at the beginning of this year, "big model" has undoubtedly become a hot word in the technology industry. The origin of this technological innovation comes from a paper called BERT published by Google in 2018. BERT model has set 11 records for natural language processing. It can learn from massive unlabeled data of multiple tasks and perform various language tasks such as knowledge answering, context filling, text understanding, etc. This technology has opened a new artificial intelligence paradigm and brought brand-new inspiration to the founding team of Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute, which was just established at that time.

  After careful analysis and preparation, in October 2020, Zhiyuan Research Institute identified the research direction as a new opportunity for artificial intelligence-big model, and soon gathered 100 top scientific research forces composed mainly of professors, doctors and graduate students from various disciplines. It took only five months to train and release the first big model of Chinese language in China, named "Enlightenment". In the following three months, Enlightenment 2.0 was released with 1.75 trillion parameters, which was the largest artificial intelligence model in the world at that time.

  At the same time that Zhiyuan Research Institute invested in large-scale model research, OpenAI of the United States released a large-scale model ChatGPT with larger parameters. In a larger-scale training, the large-scale model showed a more powerful emergence of intelligence, which further confirmed the arrival of a new intelligent era. As a new R&D institution, Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute, with its early layout and early investment, has enabled China to rapidly iterate in the era of large models and accumulated a large number of technical and industrial talents. In 2021, they began to take the lead in the research and development of a new generation of artificial intelligence, aiming to build an open and open artificial intelligence model system.

  Huang Tiejun, Chairman of Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute:Our new mission is whether we, as an institution, can provide an open-source technology system for the development of this industry and bring everyone’s innovative power into play under such a rapid development state. This system is that all codes are completely open, and our mission is to promote the development of this field.

  How is the new R&D institution new? Visiting Beijing Tongyan Institute

  Up to now, seven or eight large model industry transformation projects have been developed from the early team of Zhiyuan Institute, and related companies have been established, and the project transformation has been initially completed.

  The exploration of cutting-edge technology is uncertain, and the explosion of large-scale model is also an accident in technical iteration. In order to stay in the first echelon of global artificial intelligence research, Beijing gives full play to the advantages of scientific research resources and talents, and actively arranges new R&D institutions in the field of artificial intelligence around different paths such as large model, general agent and scientific intelligence. So how new are the new R&D institutions in this field? What is being developed now?

  Walking into Beijing Institute of General Intelligence is like walking into an artificial intelligence training base. They are building a general agent that is "value driven" rather than "data driven". Its name is "Tongtong", which can exist in the virtual world or be combined with robots to give them the ability to judge value. In the background, we can adjust the value dimension of "Tongtong", for example, let her be a clean child.

  Chen Hao, Deputy Director of Advanced Technology Center of Beijing General Institute of Artificial Intelligence:It can learn some new knowledge and value incrementally through multi-modal interaction, through its own exploration and interaction between people, so its difficulty first needs to have very strong abilities of vision, language, understanding, reasoning, induction and summary. On the basis of these abilities, it is possible for her to develop a higher level of real-time online learning ability.

  Although the large-scale model technology can emerge intelligence, it also consumes a huge amount of computing power. The technical team of the Institute hopes to explore a general agent driven by value, which can consume as little computing power as possible and realize intelligence.

  The technical route is unique, and the form of scientific research organization is also explored across borders. This is a robot named "very happy". To achieve such a technical effect, the team has crossed the boundaries of multimedia, machine learning, psychology and other disciplines.

  Director, Frontier Research Center, Beijing General Institute of Artificial Intelligence a surnamesongrandRobot includes cognition, reasoning, and then psychology, etc., which is a very cross-disciplinary talent. Then our entire research center has seven laboratories, including computer vision, natural language robots, etc., which is a very complex talent training system.

  In 2023, Beijing, the top scientific and technological innovation cluster in the world, ranked fourth.

  The foundation of innovation is talent. The data shows that there are more than 40,000 core technical talents in the field of artificial intelligence in Beijing, accounting for 60% of the country. A total of nine universities in Beijing have set up artificial intelligence colleges or research institutes, accounting for 20% of the country. Beijing is building a highland of artificial intelligence industry and plans to form a complete industrial ecology.

  From two perspectives, in terms of computing power, Beijing has deployed more than 10,000 P of intelligent computing power, effectively supporting the iteration of large-scale model development. You may not have a concept of this. Experts told us that the computing power of 1000P is equivalent to 500,000 PC computers. For example, for the data exploration of 200,000 stars, it would take an experienced scientist 169 days to complete it in the traditional way, but now it only takes 10.02 seconds.

  In terms of data, the first batch of "Chinese Internet Corpus" will be opened to build the first national data basic system pioneer area in China.

  In addition, in the Global Innovation Index 2023 released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, Beijing ranks fourth in the world in the ranking of the world’s top scientific and technological innovation clusters. In this ranking system, the concept of science and technology cluster is interpreted as "science and technology hub", which refers to the region with the largest number of inventors and scientific authors in the world. It can be said that the strength of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center can also be felt from this ranking.

  Expert analysis: What are the advantages and characteristics of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center?

  The Regulations on the Construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center came into effect in March.

  On March 1 this year, the Regulations on the Construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center came into effect, which clarified the leadership system for the construction of international science and technology innovation centers, gave full play to the advantages of Beijing’s science and technology resources, and formed a strong joint effort. Clarify the strategic planning and construction layout of the international science and technology innovation center, and provide important guidance for future construction and development. We also look forward to Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center contributing more innovative R&D achievements to China and the world.

Peier’s outdoor debut Shenzhen COSP International Outdoor Exhibition ended successfully.

On the afternoon of Saturday, March 16th, 2024, COSP Shenzhen International Outdoor Exhibition ended successfully in Shenzhen Futian Convention and Exhibition Center. Peier Outdoor also emerged in this exhibition, and defined the concept of "outdoor mobile home" with an innovative attitude, which was very popular.

In this COSP Shenzhen International Outdoor Products Exhibition, nearly 400 outdoor head and waist enterprises gathered together, with distinctive product features and strong lineup. This also reflects that the outdoor industry, like a shot in the arm, stimulates the vitality of the economy and surrounding industries under the overall economic downturn.

We learned at the scene that the outdoor exhibition area of Guangdong Peier was bursting with popularity and crowded with people. As an enterprise with a number of patented technologies and advocating a brand-new concept of outdoor life, they have unveiled six series of products, including tent series, temperature control series, energy series, sleeping series, washing series and outdoor kitchen series, turning camping equipment into an outdoor mobile home. Their products are novel in design, and their patented fabrics are unique in the industry.

The first show of scientific and technological innovation invites outdoor people to go to mountains and seas together.

There are two main products on the exhibition site of Peier: mini villa and classic B&B tent, both of which are novel in shape and full of black technology. We learned at the scene that these two tents are air-conditioned tents, and they all use patented technology cloth to achieve thermal insulation effect. At the same time, it is used together with the outdoor air conditioner of Peier temperature control series products, so that every user who experiences it is full of praise. Feel the nature outdoors and enjoy the comfort of home at the same time, which is what Peier people have been trying to do.

In addition, the ingenuity of Peier’s outdoor camping equipment is reflected in all aspects, including exquisite and lovely children’s tents, lightweight and advanced outdoor toilets, blackened and fierce cassette ovens, waterproof and high-value camping lights, etc. Not only beautiful, but also practical practitioners.

Peier people strive for perfection, CCTV live interview

The partner of Peier Outdoor is an industrialist, who embodies the spirit of Excellence in every detail of the product. We have our own high standards for quality control and product innovation. From research and development to production to sales, it is a layer-by-layer selection. Peier goes forward in the outdoors and is committed to delivering high-quality outdoor equipment products to everyone who loves the outdoors.

Miss Li, a live experience user, said, "It’s the first time I’ve heard of a tent with air conditioning. I must come and experience it."

At the scene, Mr. Yang said after experiencing the omelet table, "After looking at the table and outdoor chairs for so long, this table is the strongest. Do you sell this table?" Wait for a series of favorable comments.

On-site activities of the exhibition are crowded with people.

During the three-day exhibition, the outdoor booth of Peier attracted many exhibitors to stop, and the staff at the scene always enthusiastically and patiently guided and explained. The characteristics and advantages of the exhibits in this exhibition are fully displayed under the explanation of Peier staff. On-site professional visitors and exhibitors have shown strong cooperation intention after they have a certain understanding of the products.

Through the appearance of this exhibition, we have reason to believe that Peier Technology will contribute to the prosperity and development of outdoor camping industry with a more mature and professional attitude.

Behind Xu Wen’s pineapple leaving the circle, Pinduoduo helps the new agricultural model.

Xuwen, Guangdong, the southernmost tip of Chinese mainland, is one of the first small cities in China to feel the spring. It has a history of pineapple cultivation for nearly 100 years, and is the largest pineapple producing area in China, known as the "pineapple sea". Before becoming popular, Xuwen pineapple, which relied too much on offline sales channels, was once blocked by the epidemic.
On February 19th, 2020, led by Pinduoduo, a special live broadcast to help farmers was launched in pineapple fields. At that time, the county magistrate personally walked into the live broadcast room to help farmers, cut and eat pineapples, and spoke for Xuwen pineapple, which attracted more than 300,000 netizens to watch and nearly 300,000 kilograms of pineapples were sold out. This live broadcast also opened up business ideas for local farmers, and live delivery and online circulation began to become one of the main sales models of Xuwen pineapple.
In the past four years, the "pineapple planting army" has gradually grown into a "pineapple selling army", and Xuwen pineapple has become one of the "top streams" of the fruit circle. Pinduoduo platform data shows that Xuwen pineapple sales increased by 60% in the past year. From the purchase area, Zhejiang surpassed Guangdong to become the largest pineapple consumption province in Xuwen, followed by Jiangsu, Sichuan and Shanghai, and entered the top five.
In late February, this year’s first Xuwen pineapple was listed first. It is understood that the planting area of Xuwen pineapple this year is about 350,000 mu, with an annual output of about 700,000 tons, accounting for nearly 15% of the listed pineapples. The price of fresh fruit is stable at 0.8-1 yuan/kg, and the purchase price of large pineapples can reach 1.2 yuan/kg.
The sales volume of fruit is also a demonstration barometer of the price of Lingnan Jiaguo. Luo Hongxia, secretary of the xuwen county County Party Committee, fully affirmed the live broadcast of helping farmers, which was promoted by the cooperation of the government, the platform and the media, at the recent 2024 "Call the World to Eat Xuwen Pineapple" activity and "The First Live Broadcast of Pinduoduo in 219, 2020". Whether in Guangdong or in the whole country, this live broadcast has a very obvious demonstration significance. "
Luo Hongxia pointed out that this action of finding a market for agricultural products online was also highly recognized and supported by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and then it set off a nationwide wave of live broadcast to help agriculture. The "Xuwen model" also became the most popular new model for agricultural e-commerce development in that year.
Luo Hongxia, secretary of xuwen county County Party Committee, summed up and reviewed "The first live broadcast of Tiantou in Pinduoduo on 219, 2020". Photography | Shen Zhao
"The county magistrate’s live broadcast is a beneficial practice for Xu Wen to lead fruit farmers to try a new path of agricultural goods on the Internet, and it is also the starting point for Pinduoduo to help farmers live broadcast. The successful landing of this’ experiment’ also benefited from the creation and establishment of a new model of Guangdong agricultural products’ 12221′ market system. " The person in charge of relevant business in Pinduoduo said that in the future, the company will continue the policy of benefiting farmers such as zero commission on agricultural products, and improve the ultra-short chain of agricultural products by tilting resources such as 10 billion subsidies, 10,000-person group and optimizing supply chain, so that consumers all over the country can eat fresh and affordable Guangdong agricultural products, and help farmers increase their income and get rich and revitalize rural industries.
From "unsalable fruit" to "rich fruit"
In February 2020, it was the harvest season of Xuwen pineapple, but it caught up with the epidemic. "From Beijing to Xuwen, the flow of people along the way is very small." Some buyers recalled at the symposium, "Especially when going to Xuwen by boat from Haikou, it seems that there are less than five people except the staff. There are fewer people on board, and I have a feeling of chartering a boat. "
The opening of the county magistrate’s live broadcast ignited Xu Wen’s vitality and vitality. In just half an hour, it attracted more than 300,000 netizens’ attention. During the two-hour online activity, 30,000 pieces of pineapples were originally sold out, and 20,000 pieces of goods were urgently transferred in the live broadcast room, which eventually drove the sales of pineapples to nearly 300,000 Jin. After the live broadcast, xuwen county local farmers’ Pinduoduo stores accumulated 30,000 fans overnight and sold 51,000 pieces of pineapples in the past 20 days.
This live broadcast is a beneficial practice for Xuwen local government to lead fruit farmers to try the new path of online agricultural goods. Local farmers have opened up their business ideas, learned to live broadcast goods and open stores online for sale. Xuwen pineapple has gradually become a regional public agricultural product brand recognized by consumers all over the country, and the network uplink experiment of Xuwen pineapple is called "Xuwen mode".
In order to increase the market influence of Xuwen pineapple and build it into a "city business card", the local government continued to promote digital marketing and cultivated a live broadcast force that could not be taken away. Nowadays, doing e-commerce no longer needs government promotion, and more locals are spontaneously doing agricultural e-commerce.
After 1995, Xu Wen, a local guy, Zou Ziying returned to his hometown from Guangzhou last year and tried to start an agricultural product e-commerce in Pinduoduo. "Because I found that many friends around me made money from this."
In April-June and August-November, the two peak seasons of pineapple sales, Zou sold Xuwen pineapple in Pinduoduo by himself, and in the rest of the time, he managed local specialties such as Sakyamuni, Apple Banana and Red Heart Papaya. Relying on the policy of benefiting farmers such as zero commission for agricultural products on the platform, in the eight months up to the end of 2023, the cumulative sales volume of stores exceeded 300,000, and the profits also reached expectations.
The diversified consumer demand of Pinduoduo platform makes Xuwen pineapple find more possibilities. Take Zou’s own 100 mu of land as an example. "In the past, big fruits sold well in the offline market, but small and medium-sized fruits were often only sold to canneries or even rotted in the ground; Nowadays, with the help of the e-commerce platform, both Zhongguo and Daguo have a broader market, and the overall output value has increased by 10%. "
Zou, who tasted the "sweetness" of e-commerce business, was full of self-motivation. Just after the Spring Festival holiday, he arranged a new year’s work plan. "We have been stocking goods recently, and we expect to link up around Qingming." This year, he decided to increase investment in Pinduoduo platform, expanding the number of stores from more than 10 last year to 20-30, and strengthening the control of pineapple quality.
In addition to selling his own pineapples, Zou Ziying helped nearly 200 growers around to sell pineapples last year, and the purchase price was generally higher than that of offline stalls. "For every kilogram of pineapples we sell, farmers can earn 0.1-0.2 yuan more."
Xuwen pineapple ushered in a bumper harvest, and fruit farmers were very busy. Photography | Shen Zhao
In 2020-2022, Xuwen pineapple ushered in a high-light moment, and the field purchase price rose instead of falling. At the peak, it broke through 3 yuan/Jin, setting a sales record. The "slow-moving fruit" that once plagued local fruit farmers has turned into a "rich fruit".
At present, the "pineapple sea" industry is becoming more and more mature, and Xu Wen’s "pineapple planting army" has become a "pineapple selling army". Buyers and sellers from all over the country gathered here, and large trucks with license plates from different provinces stopped at the roadside, waiting for the pineapples to be loaded and shipped out.
Leverage big data and big live broadcast to hit the "world pineapple"
Xu Wen pineapple Jedi reborn, had to mention a set of digital passwords: "12221".
In 2019, in order to implement Xuwen pineapple brand building marketing, Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs set up a "12221" special working group and put forward a "12221" market system, namely, building "1" big data of agricultural products, forming "2" teams of buyers in sales areas and cultivating brokers in production areas, expanding "2" big markets in sales areas and production areas, and planning buyers to enter production areas and agricultural products to enter big markets.
In the past five years, the working group has always come to Xuwen in the spring to sum up the key points of the stage, bring thoughts and suggestions, and help fruit farmers sell their fruits. Winter goes and spring comes, and the pineapple harvest in the new season is coming. The blueprint of Xuwen pineapple development is gradually clear at the symposium: e-commerce, digitalization and internationalization will become the key words of the next stage.
This year’s newly released No.1 Document of the Central Committee clearly proposes to implement the high-quality development project of rural e-commerce, promote the construction of county-level e-commerce live broadcast bases, and develop the online sales of rural local products. Xuwen county is also vigorously promoting the live broadcast sales of e-commerce, holding thousands of people training, thousands of people live broadcast and other activities, and striving to become "the first county of live broadcast e-commerce in China".
In the spring of 2020, the first county magistrate live broadcast supported by Pinduoduo kicked off the "Xuwen Mode".
Xuwen county also followed the digital wave and launched AI Pineapple Jun, hoping to continue to deepen Xuwen Pineapple’s "12221 market system construction" under the background of data becoming new agricultural materials, mobile phones becoming new agricultural tools and live broadcast becoming new farm work, and help solve various problems such as pineapple planting, preservation, processing, logistics, publicity and marketing with AI technology, organically integrate data elements with the whole process of agriculture, vigorously develop new e-commerce formats such as live broadcast and short video, and explore.
It is reported that about 316 tons of pineapples have been exported to Russia, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea and other countries this year, of which North Korea is exporting for the first time. On February 29th, a batch of Xuwen pineapples from Zhongli Group was also about to be exported to North America. The appearance of AI Pineapple King provided a platform for Xuwen Pineapple to break through geographical restrictions and become a "world pineapple" from "China Pineapple".
To make Xuwen pineapple industry bigger and stronger, we must pay attention to both production and sales. While unblocking the sales link, the local government also actively promoted the diversification of production, and continued to explore industrialization, food and cleanliness, and launched new products such as pineapple grilled fish, fresh-cut small pineapples, pineapple moon cakes, pineapple rice cakes, and pineapple prefabricated dishes. At the forum on February 29th, the leaders also officially unveiled the "Xuwen Pineapple Prefabricated Vegetable Raw Material Direct Supply Base". This laid a foundation for Xuwen pineapple to improve its industrial chain and broaden its commercial channels.
With the popularity of Xuwen pineapple, "Xuwen Model" is gradually popularized in Guangdong Province. Previously, Pinduoduo signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to jointly help Guangdong’s featured agricultural products enter the city, and jointly incubate 50 brands of Guangdong’s featured agricultural products to fully help Guangdong’s digital agriculture "new infrastructure". From Kaiping duck egg, Suixi sweet potato and Lingnan litchi to Huilai abalone, Meizhou honey pomelo and Chaozhou tea, Pinduoduo can be seen behind the rise of these agricultural specialties.
According to the data, in 2020 alone, Pinduoduo launched a total of more than 240 live broadcasts to help farmers, covering 29 provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous regions. A total of more than 430 city, county and district principals entered the live broadcast room to promote local agricultural (sub-) products, which generated a total of 670 million orders to help farmers, and sold more than 4.12 billion kilograms of agricultural (sub-) products, helping 1.13 million households.
In the future, Pinduoduo will continue to take measures such as resource inclination and supply chain optimization to accelerate Guangdong goods from villages to cities, and promote the standardization, branding and digitalization of Guangdong agricultural products.

Documentary "Animal Workers": Revealing the magical jobs in the animal world

Work is an important part of human social life. When human beings drag their tired bodies back and forth between two points and one line, when they see puppies playing happily on the lawn, they will feel a bit sour: "I really envy them that they don’t have to work!"

But you know what? Every species in nature needs to rack their brains and work hard to survive! From January 26th, at 12: 00 every Wednesday, the natural animal documentary "Animal Workers" jointly broadcast by iQiyi and Tencent Video will focus on the outstanding employees from all walks of life in the animal industry. The documentary also specially invited the voice actor Yang Zi to voice the Mandarin version as a narrator and interpret the interesting work of animals.

The university behind the magic job asked

There are 8 episodes of Animal Workers, which introduce small animals in different jobs in a relaxed and humorous way. It turns out that they are not only hunters and gatherers, but also unexpected occupations such as architects, musicians and undertakers! Moreover, their work has also brought very important inspiration to human invention and creation.

Many birds are "masters of architecture" in the animal kingdom, and they know how to build the most reliable safe haven in the crumbling branches and treetops: the lively starlings like to build their houses near their good friends’ homes, which is convenient for them to go back and forth in their leisure time; In order to show its domineering temperament and attract more young fans, the quasi-starling should pursue both space and beauty when building a house; African weaver birds think that safety and speed are the key to success, and usually they can build their own small homes in just a few days.

In the world of bees and ants, architecture is not only practical for living, but also scientific in structure and function. The regular hexagonal honeycomb structure has the highest density, the simplest materials and the largest usable space, which provides many inspirations for human beings in geometry, architecture and materials science. The ant nest above the ground is not only an air exchanger like the lungs and respiratory system, but also a protective clothing for the ant colony. In order to better operate the air circulation system, termites have to live the day of "007".

Interestingly, there are also "rowing kings" in the animal kingdom. They rarely take the initiative to attack, but rely on the labor results of other animals for a living. Black-backed jackals and ravens are the best among the "cute thieves", while scavengers like vultures play the role of "undertakers" and play an important role in the ecological cycle of nature.

Bring people closer to animals.

"Animal wage earners" embodies human’s careful observation and strange imagination of the animal world everywhere, and guides the audience to reflect on the relationship between man and nature, which is of great significance for popular science education.

Take the male satin-blue bowerbird as an example. The production and life of human beings have greatly occupied their territory. Originally, it used bright natural decorations to attract female birds to pair up, but now it has to use unnatural elements such as ballpoint pens, bottle caps and lighters to alert the audience to the urgency of the current natural environment protection work.

At the same time, the novel "Animal Laborers" creatively uses anthropomorphic techniques to quickly establish a "we are both unhappy — to the sky’s end" resonance with the audience through the concept of "migrant workers". On the one hand, it helps the audience to understand the positioning of various species in the ecological circle from the perspective of division of labor, on the other hand, it shortens the distance between the animal world and human society from the psychological level and improves the visibility of the content.

This documentary does not focus on a huge animal group, but focuses on a protagonist in a certain species or group, presenting the diverse lives of animal wage earners in a more concise lens language, which helps to enhance the audience’s sense of substitution.

"Animal wage earners" also gives animals distinctive human labels. The cute and whispering civet cats in the jungle, the musicians with magical cries, and the anti-involution gorillas … Each animal has its bright spots and memory points.

In order to highlight the liveliness and cuteness of animals, the music style of Animal Workers is more flexible, sometimes playful, sometimes quiet, and sometimes dangerous. The jumping music symbols are integrated with the personality characteristics of animals and the natural environment in which they live, bringing interesting and immersive viewing experience.

Easy-to-understand content, lively editing rhythm, humorous dubbing and fascinating soundtrack, Animal Workers is undoubtedly a well-made family fun work, which can not only resonate with contemporary young "migrant workers", but also attract elders at home to learn rich animal knowledge with their children. The Spring Festival holiday is approaching, so let’s make an appointment with friends and relatives to experience the charm of the documentary "Animal Workers"!

Click "Read the original" in the lower left corner of the article to start a wonderful journey!

Keep the sunshine in your heart and send the warmth like spring to the hearts of the masses.

  "Spring, son … … Hang in there and stand up … … Spring will definitely stand up … …” Wang Chunchun in the emergency room has stopped breathing, and his father, who is nearly eighty years old, is still mumbling.

  In the first line of anti-epidemic, I fought continuously and went deep into the jurisdiction for more than 20 days without stopping. On February 11th, Wang Chunchun, the fourth-level police chief of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau, Heilongjiang Province, who has been sticking to his post for more than 20 days, collapsed in his post because of overwork when he was performing the task of sealing and controlling in the community. He was only 32 years old and died unfortunately after being rescued.

  On February 16th, Zhao Kezhi, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, signed an order to posthumously award Wang Chunchun the title of second-class hero of the national public security system.

  At most, check more than 2,500 clues a day.

  Since joining the public security work in December 2014, Wang Chunchun has served as a member of the patrol special police detachment of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau and a member of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch. He is currently the fourth-level sheriff and deputy director of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau. In 2016, he was awarded by the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In 2017 and 2018, he won personal third-class merit for two consecutive years. In 2017, he was rated as an outstanding civil servant.

  "Wang Chunchun is the representative of the police who fought in the front line of epidemic prevention in Qiqihar City. Their spirit of selfless dedication and selfless dedication is awe-inspiring." Gao Deyi, deputy mayor of Qiqihar City and director of the Public Security Bureau, said.

Wang Chunchun was in the process of sealing and controlling before his death. (data picture)

  In 2019, Wang Chunchun, who has been a police officer for five years, became the fourth-level police chief and deputy director of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau, and was responsible for eight communities including Shangpin Park and Jingxin Garden in the jurisdiction of the new site police station. After the outbreak of COVID-19, Wang Chunchun was mainly responsible for the inspection of about 200 buildings in eight communities. The front-line police force is tight. Wang Chunchun has to be on a 24-hour regular shift every three days. He usually has to shoulder the duties of a deputy shift and patrol the "nine small" places in his jurisdiction.

  During the epidemic period, every day, different units will push a large number of personnel information to the police station for verification and landing. The information provided is only the name and ID number, and one person’s information will correspond to multiple phone numbers. The police need to call one by one to ask about the household registration, time, purpose, residence, action track, peers, trains, fever symptoms and other information. When not out of the field, Wang Chunchun has been sitting in front of the computer in the office, checking information one by one, and tirelessly repeating "check — — Call — — At most, more than 2,500 clues have to be checked in one day.

  On one occasion, when Cui Hongyu, an auxiliary police officer, assisted Wang Chunchun to verify the information, he was upset by various negative emotions of the people on the phone, but Wang Chunchun took the phone and carefully and patiently verified it, without any confusion.

  Wang Chunchun knows that as a people’s policeman, it is his duty and mission to curb the spread of the epidemic, safeguard the country’s political security and social stability, and protect the lives and health of the people. On January 23, he sent his wife and 16-month-old son to his mother-in-law in Zhaozhou, Daqing, and set foot on the front line of the war "epidemic". From that day on, he didn’t go home for more than 20 days and always worked in the police station. "So I have no worries. Please rest assured that I will do all the competent work. " He said to the director Zhang Tiejun.

  On the New Year’s Eve, the community aunt sent a steaming bowl of jiaozi to Wang Chunchun in the police car: "Son, eat jiaozi wrapped in aunt’s bag, just like the New Year’s Eve dinner that mom made for you." Wang Chunchun ate jiaozi, thinking of her old mother who was ill in bed at home and her father’s bony back. Wang Chunchun said with tears: "Aunt, this is the most fragrant and fragrant jiaozi I have ever eaten in the New Year."

  A versatile worker and a pillar of business.

  In the new construction site police station, Wang Chunchun is recognized as the most capable community policeman and public security policeman. He has a versatile job and is the pillar of his business. Whether in the security and stability work, the special struggle to eliminate evils, or in handling public security cases and basic work at the grassroots level, he is always ahead.

  There is a work log on Wang Chunchun’s desk, which is full of architectural plans of the jurisdiction. Director Zhang Tiejun introduced that every time Wang Chunchun went out to visit, he would take this notebook with him, draw the floor plan of the building, analyze whether there were any potential safety hazards, and eliminate them with the masses in time. There are more than 2,000 households in the area under Wang Chunchun’s jurisdiction. He has been to every household, and the people in the jurisdiction know him. He always rushes to the first place in his work, and he ranks in the top five in the overall situation for three consecutive years.

  The story of Wang Chuntian serving the masses is endless. In August 2018, when Wang Chuntian visited the hardware market in his jurisdiction, some merchants reported that the hardware of the wire box in front of his store was stolen from time to time. Although the loss was not great, he had to find professionals to cut off power for maintenance after each incident, and his daily operations were affected. Despite the hot weather, Wang Chunchun endured mosquito bites during the day and at night. After a week of staying around the clock, he decisively attacked and arrested the suspect when he committed the crime again. On December 16, 2018, when Wang Chunchun visited the community, he learned that the residents on the second floor of Unit 1 in a certain community changed their kitchens privately, which caused the oil smoke to flow to the residents’ homes on the first floor, and there were many disputes for this reason. Wang Chunchun patiently persuaded the two sides to resolve the contradictions and disputes.

  Since joining the public security work, Wang Chunchun has actively participated in reception and on-site mediation for more than 700 times, successfully mediating 387 contradictions and disputes, effectively avoiding more than 200 administrative and criminal cases. Due to outstanding work performance, in September 2019, the "Spring Police Office" named after him was set up in the construction community of the new site police station. From the day the police office was set up, people’s praise never stopped. Whether it is freezing in the cold or windy, this police office named "Spring" can always warm people’s hearts and bloom a flower of harmony between the police and the people.

  "Communist party member only feels when it takes root at the grassroots level."

  In 2019, Wang Chuntiancheng was preparing for party member. After returning home, he hugged his wife tightly and said that this was the most exciting thing since he joined the police. The expression on his face was even happier than being rewarded and commended.

  Wang Chunchun is proud to be a Communist party member, and he always demands himself according to party member’s standards in his work. Especially since the anti-epidemic work was carried out, the temperature in Qiqihar has been low, about MINUS 15 degrees Celsius during the day and as low as MINUS 20 degrees Celsius at night. The icy cold wind has not affected his and his comrades’ inspections.

  After more than 20 days of sticking to the front line of anti-epidemic, Wang Chunchun put the photo of his wife and son in the nearest place of the centrifugal mouth of his pocket on the police uniform. When he was tired and cold, he turned out the photo and took a look, as if he could dispel all the cold and fatigue in an instant and regain his strength.

  On the evening of January 27th, Wang Chunchun originally made an appointment with his parents to go home and have a look, but someone in the Shangpin owners’ group of the park in the jurisdiction sent a photo, saying that there was a private car with Hubei license that had never been seen before in the garage of the community, out of fear of the epidemic, the owners’ group exploded in an instant, and they were all worried about whether someone had come back from Hubei to hide their whereabouts. Wang Chunchun immediately took the initiative to investigate. After a night’s investigation, he learned that the owner of the car was in Hubei Province and originally planned to return to Qiqihar in April. The car has been in Qiqihar City. He immediately contacted the person in charge of the community and gave accurate information back to the owner, which promptly eliminated the panic of the people in the jurisdiction and gave the people a "reassuring". The next morning, Wang Chunchun started a new job and never went home again.

  For more than 20 days, Wang Chunchun had almost no rest. He is busy checking whether there are any privately operated shops in the jurisdiction, persuading residents who have to go out for a walk to go home quickly, checking the clues of people returning to Qiqihar from other places, and promoting the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control … … … Every day, Wang Chuntian will inspect the key communities within his jurisdiction at least once.

  "I feel distressed when I look at the child’s working state in spring. During the time when I worked together, I saw the duty and mission of a policeman in him, and I also saw the initial intention and belief of preparing party member. He set a benchmark for all our staff in the front line of epidemic prevention and control. " Sister Hui Fen, deputy secretary of Muhai Community who works with Wang Chunchun, said.

  Because of his good writing style, the sub-bureau asked Wang Chunchun to work in the office several times, but he didn’t agree. He always felt that only at the grassroots level could he exercise himself and temper himself.

  "The Communist party member took root at the grassroots level. This time, I saw that all walks of life were at the forefront of party member. Through this anti-epidemic, I really felt the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist party member." Wang Chunchun said to his good friend Han Qi.

  At noon on February 11th, Wang Chunchun received a phone call from Dong Lina, the head of a community in his jurisdiction, and agreed to work together to resolve conflicts, targeting several elderly people who have opinions on epidemic prevention and isolation. At that time, Wang Chunchun suddenly felt a little unwell. Without saying anything, he and the auxiliary police Cui Hongyu rushed to the community. "Sister Dong, which building are we going to?" At 14: 54, Wang Chuntian stopped the police car to meet Dong Lina. However, as soon as the voice just fell, he fainted. Cui Hongyu immediately called 120. At about 15 o’clock, Wang Chunchun was taken to a nearby hospital, and his father was later taken to the hospital by the police. However, despite all efforts, Wang Chunchun still failed to get out of the emergency room … …

  On Wang Chunchun’s desk, there was a box of yogurt and an orange quietly, which was sent by the community resident Lang Dajie on the morning of Wang Chunchun’s sacrifice. Before he could eat it in spring, the work log with the floor plan of the area was spread out, and the police uniforms were neatly hung in the closet … … Everything looks the same as usual, but only the policeman Wang Chunchun, who is always sunny, is missing.

Shiyan launched a special food safety inspection of the "Group Annual Banquet" before the festival.


As the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to ensure the food safety of the "Group Year Banquet" during the Spring Festival, on January 19th, Shiyan City Market Supervision Bureau launched a special law enforcement inspection on food safety for some catering units in the urban area.

In Wudang International Hotel, market supervision and law enforcement officers conducted on-the-spot inspection of the hotel’s license publicity, the layout of dining places and the operation of feeding equipment.

During the inspection of the back kitchen of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some condiments lacked labels.The site requires immediate rectification..

In the meat cold storage area of the hotel, law enforcement officers carefully checked the purchase channels, storage environment and production date of meat products.

Then,law enforcement officialsCome to the Garden Hotel. In the raw food processing area of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some processed finished ingredients were not isolated by the "three defenses" facilities, and the site required immediate rectification.

It is understood that before the Spring Festival, the market supervision department of our city will also set up a supervision team to investigate the catering units that received the reunion dinner during the Spring Festival in 2024, and urge the catering units to strictly implement the main responsibility of food safety and prevent expired, corrupt and spoiled food from flowing to the dinner table. The catering units with food safety problems will be rectified within a time limit, and the units that refuse to rectify or rectify actively will be dealt with seriously.

Chen Wei, Catering Service Supervision Department of Municipal Market Supervision BureauRemind consumers: In the consumption process of the reunion dinner, try to choose well-qualified businesses, such as those with quantitative classification above Grade A or Grade B for consumption. In the process of consumption, if consumers encounter consumption disputes, they should properly keep the consumption bills and call 12315 in time to protect their rights.


"Exclusive Customized" Family Reunion Dinner for "Returned" Panda and "Native" Panda

  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the giant panda "studying" his own private New Year’s Eve dinner. Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the "exclusive custom" reunion dinner presented by the breeder. Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows "Tuanzi" and its "private custom" New Year’s Eve dinner. Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the New Year’s Eve dinner of the panda "Tuanzi". Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the "snacks" prepared by the breeder for the pandas. Photo by Wu Xue
  On January 24th, on Lunar New Year’s Eve, 10 giant pandas in Ziqinghu Wildlife World, Tangshan, Nanjing, had a "reunion dinner" in advance. Dumplings, bamboo, carrots, bamboo shoots … The "mix and match" New Year’s Eve dinner made the lovely giant panda welcome the New Year in a foreign land for the first time. It is reported that these 10 giant pandas "rolled in" on August 28, 2019, among which 6 giant pandas were overseas-born "returnees" and a pair of twins. In order to cater to the different tastes of each panda, the breeders also made a special dinner for each panda. The picture shows the panda "Fu Hu" enjoying the New Year’s Eve dinner. Photo by Wu Xue

International Football League Cup Comprehensive: Arsenal and Manchester United missed the quarter-finals.

Xinhua News Agency, London, November 1st (Reporter Zhang Wei) Arsenal and Manchester United both lost to opponents from the same Premier League on the 1st, and missed the quarterfinals of the English League Cup.

Arsenal played against West Ham United in London on the same day, and fell behind in the first half because of White’s careless own goal. "Arsenal" coach arteta bluntly said after the game that the ball directly influenced the development direction of the game. Since then, Arsenal, which has an absolute advantage in possession of the ball, has never been able to make a breakthrough. On the contrary, Kaddos added another point five minutes after the West Ham United Easy Side, extending the lead to 2-0. In the 60th minute, Bowen hit a long-range shot outside the penalty area. It wasn’t until the final stoppage time that Arsenal were pulled back by substitute Odegard, and the score was fixed at 1-3.

On November 1st, Arsenal coach Arteta looked depressed after the game. Xinhua News Agency/Reuters

Manchester United, who just suffered a home defeat in the Manchester derby last weekend, continued to sink at Old Trafford. Against Newcastle United, they conceded two goals in a row in the first half. In the 60th minute, Willock got rid of the defense with the ball in the frontcourt and hit the door to help the Magpie achieve a 3-0 victory.

Newcastle, who lost to the "Red Devils" in the Carling Cup final last season, took revenge, and their quarter-final opponent will be Chelsea who beat Blackburn 2-0 on the same day.

In addition, Liverpool beat Bournemouth 2-1 with goals from Gakpo and Nunez, and the quarterfinals will face West Ham United.