标签归档 杭州桑拿

Hot list of new cars in May: New models are listed together.


"Car Public Opinion" Issue 23

Author Miao Jian Research Institute

May is an important period for the automobile market. Many new cars exhibited at the Shanghai Auto Show began to appear on the market one after another. Joint-venture brands and independent brands are competing to launch brand-new, mid-term and annual models, bringing more choices to consumers. This also makes the domestic auto market more exciting and interesting.

According to the statistics of Miaojian Information Public Opinion Monitoring Platform, in the TOP10 public opinion hot list of new cars listed in May, domestic brands dominated, and among the new cars listed, fuel/plug-in models accounted for over 60%.

40% of the new models were launched in this month’s list, mainly medium and large SUVs. Among them, the price is divided into multiple grades, the highest is 389,800 yuan (Chuanqi E9) and the lowest is 79,800 yuan (Baojun Yueye).

In the list, the old best-selling models Accord and LaCrosse are all replacement models. Small and medium-term models are all plug-in models except Seal, which is pure electric.


List of new cars on the market: the new Haval Xiaolong won the No.1 new car communication in May, and BYD dominated the list of three models.

Haval Xiaolong (brand new) is the model with the highest heat index this month. On May 15th, the launch conference of Haval brand new energy night and Haval Xiaolong series was successfully held in Beijing, officially releasing the brand new energy strategy of Haval brand and launching a brand new energy product-Haval Xiaolong series, with the starting price of new cars ranging from 139,800 to 179,800 yuan.

Nearly 6.5% of Haval Xiaolong’s sound volume is generated at the client. Know the car emperor, today’s headlines and Sina Weibo are the main communication channels, among which Weibo has 91,000 interactive voices, which is the second highest interactive car in this month’s list. "Intelligent four-wheel drive" and "travel audio-visual room" are the main communication points of Haval Xiaolong.

There were many hot spots in the launch of Haval Xiaolong. In addition to the introduction of new cars, Feng Mu, president of Great Wall Motor, launched the "Five Questions of the Soul" on the spot. In addition to expounding the current situation of China’s automobile market and the development prospect of Haval brand, Feng Mu also pointed out the bad practices of disrupting the market, such as friends raising the water army and worrying product quality, saying that some car companies regard "controlling public opinion as the primary productivity" and even commented that some car companies "won sales and lost the bottom line"

Guangqi Honda Accord (replacement) is another popular model this month, which was officially launched on May 20th. As an old-fashioned best-selling model, the new car was widely discussed and paid attention to during the listing period, and "brand-new" and "intelligence" were the main communication points.

Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi brand continues to maintain the new strength and communication potential of "new cars every month".

During the listing of Chuanqi E9, Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi 4S stores all over the country, with today’s headlines, knowing the car emperor and car home as the main positions, made a lot of momentum. The marketing text is short, matched with key words of product characteristics, emphasizing electricity and oil, four-fold luxury gifts and so on. Reflect saving and highlight preferential treatment.


Pre-sale release list: two brand-new models were officially unveiled, and Musa’s publicity momentum was strong.

In addition to the listed models, the models pre-sold and unveiled in May are mainly medium/large SUVs. Fuel vehicles account for 60%. There are two brand-new models, namely Beijing Hyundai Mussa and JAC Yttrium 3. Most of the other models were changed in the medium term.

On May 17th, MUFASA, a brand-new compact SUV product of Beijing Hyundai, officially announced its Chinese name-Musa, and started the pre-sale. Musa spread strongly, and "smart two rooms and one living room on board" was its main propaganda point.

On May 20th, the global pre-sale conference of Yttrium 3, an intelligent pure electric car of Jiangqi Group, was held in Hangzhou. Yttrium 3 (brand new) is Jianghuai Yttrium’s first intelligent pure electric vehicle. The new car is positioned as a pure electric small car with a pre-sale price of 97,900 yuan, focusing on "space, battery life and safety".


Observation on the launch of new cars this month

Enter the hall! Stars help out

Chuanqi E9 conference site: held in the Great Hall of the People, Zhang Yue, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car, explained the whole process, and sports star Su Bingtian helped out …

Combined with selling points, multi-scene layout

Bao Junyue also released the conference site: multiple scenes fit different product points of Bao Junyue, such as outdoor cross-country, modified life, intelligent driving, etc., so that the audience can understand the products more intuitively …

Senior executives go into battle together and explain in sections.

Haval Xiaolong conference site: Feng Mu, president of Great Wall Motor, and Qiao Xinyu, executive deputy general manager of Haval brand, respectively took the stage to explain …

Accord conference site: Li Jin, director of Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., and Xiao Zhihui, general manager of the four-wheel development center of Honda Technical Research Industry Co., Ltd., took the stage to explain respectively.

Song ProD M-i conference site: Lu Tian, general manager of BYD Dynasty Network Sales Division, and Yu Yang, product manager of BYD Dynasty Network Sales Division, respectively took the stage to explain.


Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center officially put into use.

    On October 20th, 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecology Conference, the frontier dialogue session of the 2023 World Internet of Things Expo, was held in Wuxi Economic Development Zone. At the meeting, Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory were officially put into use. Many experts in the field of intelligent sensors and representatives of upstream and downstream ecological enterprises in the industrial chain discussed new technologies, new applications and industrial development ideas around the development trend of intelligent networked automobile and automobile semiconductor industry, innovation and application of key technologies of sensors, chip technology breakthroughs and other related topics.

    In recent years, Wuxi has deeply implemented the leading strategy of strengthening the city by industry and the core strategy of innovation-driven, taking the Internet of Vehicles and intelligent networked vehicles as the main direction in the field of Internet of Things, built the first national-level vehicle networking pilot area in China, and won the first batch of pilot cities for the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles in China.

    Wuxi Economic Development Zone, as the core plate of Wuxi intelligent networked automobile application and industrial development, actively seized the "new track" for the development of intelligent networked automobile industry, focused on "333+5" modern industrial clusters such as Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, targeted the intelligent networked automobile and car networking industry, and successively released a number of industrial plans such as intelligent networked automobile, energy storage and new energy, and integrated circuits, and gathered a number of industrial ecological enterprises such as Cheliantianxia, Iflytek and Konoway.

(2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecology Conference Site)

  At the meeting, Ding Rongjun, academician of China Academy of Engineering, chief scientist of CRRC and dean of School of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering of Hunan University, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Coordinated Development of Power Semiconductor and System Technology for Intelligent New Energy Vehicles", sharing new ideas around the demand of new energy vehicles for electric drive systems, technical characteristics and applications of power devices, and technical trends of power semiconductors in the future.

(Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory officially put into use)

  Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory were officially put into use at the meeting, injecting new development momentum into Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Eco-industry.

  It is reported that Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center plans to build four centers: Intelligent Networked Business Service Center, Intelligent Networked Supervision and Operation Center, Intelligent Networked Car Parking and Maintenance Center and Intelligent Networked Simulation Test Center, so as to build a full chain service system of intelligent networked industrial chain. The intelligent networked automobile and vehicle networking joint laboratory will focus on building the world’s leading component-level antenna test system, the first domestic test system supporting 5G-V2X, the C-V2X test system with independent intellectual property rights, and the electromagnetic darkroom supporting millimeter waves, aiming at serving intelligent networked automobile and vehicle networking enterprises and promoting industrial development.

  In the release of intelligent networked automobile new products, the Automobile Sensor Branch of China Automotive Engineering Society released the report framework of sensor series selection, Wuxi Chelian Tianxia Information Technology Co., Ltd. released the remote Xinghan H-X9 intelligent cockpit domain controller, and Wuxi Intelligent Control Research Institute of Hunan University released the mine intelligent driving system.

(Signing Ceremony of Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecological Project in Wuxi Economic Development Zone)

  During the conference, 12 intelligent networked automobile eco-chain projects, such as leading microelectronic vehicle-level communication chip project, automotive acoustics intelligent electronics project and Moji Zhixing two-wheeled vehicle intelligent project, were officially signed, covering vehicle-level chip, active noise reduction, sensor product testing and other sub-industrial fields.

  "This conference will share development experience and discuss development plans, which will promote the comprehensive construction of a higher energy level, better quality and more distinctive car networking industry ecology, and lead the accelerated development of the intelligent networked automobile industry. Wuxi will vigorously support cutting-edge teams and key enterprises at home and abroad to settle down and take root in Wuxi with stronger and more comprehensive policy support, more intimate and professional government services, and warmer and more personalized talent services. " Jang Jin, vice mayor of Wuxi, said.

  The theme of the 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automotive Ecology Conference is "Networked Intelligence, Sensing the Future". There is an ecological conference and two sub-forums on intelligent electric vehicle sensors, domain controllers and intelligent cockpits, attracting more than 300 representatives from universities and research institutes, intelligent networked automotive eco-enterprises and investment institutions to attend the conference. (Yin Qing)

The first part of Feng Shen released a new special to create a mythical epic with music.

1905 movie network news The film released a special music song and dance, and the director, music director/composer Meng Kezhuo Lan and others appeared in the film, sharing their creative experiences in exploring and presenting the music forms and music performance scenes in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and taking the audience into the mythical epic world 3,000 years ago. The film is directed by Wu Ershan and starred by,,,, Chen Muchi, this sand, Wu Yafan,,, Hou Wenyuan, Huang Xiyan, and.


Presenting the theme of hero and emotion with music, building an epic temperament with Chinese traditional musical instruments.

The movie "Feng Shen I" opened the prologue, and the story was about the collusion between Shang Wang Yinshou and da ji, the fox demon, who was tyrannical and heartless, and caused the scourge. Jiang Ziya, the immortal of Kunlun Mountain, went down the mountain with the "list of gods" to find a common master in the world to save the whole people. Ji Fa, the son of Xibohou, gradually discovered the true colors of Yin Shou, and turned out the song … …

The newly released music song and dance special focuses on the music creation of "Feng Shen I". The main creative team presents the music form of the Yin and Shang Dynasties to the audience by creating role-specific theme music, multi-country and multi-cloud recording, and visually restoring ancient musical instruments, creating an auditory system of Feng Shen’s world.

In order to match the mythical epic type of the film, director Wu Ershan decided to use Wagner’s opera style, which is rare in China’s films, to make the characters have their own unique themes, and then tell the story through the development of theme music. Music director/composer Meng Kezhuo Lan said that around Ji Fa, the hero of the trilogy, the music team created heroic and emotional theme music. Among them, the hero-themed music is more focused on wind music. Based on the symphony, the horn of various types of traditional China folk music is used to simulate the sound of the ancient battlefield charge horn, which is full of heroic momentum and passionate passion. Emotional theme music uses the timbre of China traditional flute, which is melodious and simple, with a strong sense of quantity, reflecting the inner world of the characters.

This time, the music production of "Feng Shen Part I" adopted the way of cloud recording, and recorded the performance parts of traditional Chinese musical instruments such as drums, cymbals and sheng in several cities, which penetrated the Chinese classical music situation into the music creation and wrote the mythical epic temperament of the film from the auditory dimension. Director Wu Ershan said in the special edition: "There is the majestic power and delicate emotional expression of the symphony, and at the same time, there are some textures of Chinese musical instruments on the timbre." I hope to bring a different musical experience to the audience.

Creating the Music Situation of the Epic World with Visual Restoration and Sound Imagination

There are a lot of narrative music in the movie "The First Part of Gods", all of which are composed by music director/composer Meng Kezhuolan. She and other masters try to restore the musical form and performance scenes in the Yin and Shang Dynasties through the study of historical records, as well as the imitation and reproduction of ancient musical instruments such as Chi, Zhu and Bian. This special music song and dance series introduces three important song and dance scenes: enthronement ceremony, sacrificial dance, Lutai banquet, celebration banquet and proton war dance.

"The Ascension Ceremony Sacrificial Dance" is one of the big scenes in the film. In order to present the sacrificial ceremony of Yin Shang Dynasty, which only exists in written records, the music director/composer Meng Kezhuolan chose the traditional Sheng with ancient China characteristics, and found a rare traditional Sheng without reeds. Thirty performers performed an ensemble of the Sheng, which matched the lyrics in Ode to Shang Dynasty. Meng Kezhuo Lan said: "The bass group of male voices is particularly low in chanting, and the voice of Sheng is particularly high. The whole voice is a very three-dimensional feeling. It can give people a solemn sense of ceremony. "

In the scene of "Lutai Banquet", Yin Shou, the king of Shang Dynasty, struck the catfish drum and played Chi in Boyi, and an ensemble was hearty. Music director/composer Meng Kezhuolan hopes to express Shang Wang Yinshou’s "sense of oppression and strength" through intensive drumming. It is reported that ChristianRandPhillips, the actor of Yin Shou, practiced from scratch for three months to shoot this fast and difficult solo drumming. Boyikao’s works were made with reference to Chi unearthed in the tomb of Zeng Houyi. Wang Hua, a young flute player, played a flute in E flat minor to simulate the timbre of Chi, which sounded quaint and had the feeling of calling.

"Celebration Banquet Proton War Dance" is the first time that young actors of Proton Brigade have collectively completed a scene. In the special edition, Wu Fangmei, rehearsal director of Proton War Dance, explained the arrangement concept of this war dance: "The sense of ritual when going out to fight belongs to a variety of forms in arrangement, which reflects the heroic, handsome and tough side of Protons and their emotional explosive power." Therefore, the music of this play is played by ancient musical instruments with strong sound penetration, such as visual restoration, sound imagination, and construction. The crew replaced the timbre of the construction with guzheng. Meng Kezhuo Lan revealed: "In order to reflect its sense of strength, we basically use the method of sweeping strings for all stringed instruments." The innovation and ingenuity in music creation have created an auditory system to worship the world of gods, which made director Wu Ershan feel: "I think it is a great breakthrough to present our musical imagination of the classical world of China in the film." It is believed that the music of the movie "Feng Shen I" will also let the audience enjoy the mythical epic world 3,000 years ago.

The film "Feng Shen Part I" will be released nationwide on July 20th, so stay tuned.

Today’s football recommendation analysis score forecast Bologna VS Lazio La Palmas VS Atletico Madrid

In the 11th round of Italian first-class football league, Bologna played against Lazio at home. Bologna’s scoring efficiency is good this season, but there are many draws. In the last round, Sassuolo was tied, and all the away games were tied this season. Bologna has been unbeaten in the last 9 games, with 3 wins and 6 draws, and all three victories were won at home. Lazio beat Fiorentina 1-0 in the league on Tuesday morning, and Inmobile scored a 90-minute penalty to help the Biancocelesti score all three points. At present, Lazio has won three consecutive victories in the league, while 2 wins and 3 losses in the away game, and defeated Sassuolo as a guest to end the two-game losing streak in the away game. This season, the Biancocelesti’s attack is average, with only 13 goals scored in 10 rounds and 12 goals conceded.

Lazio won 1 win and 1 draw against Bologna last season and remained unbeaten. However, in four consecutive seasons, Lazio only scored 2 draws and 2 losses without winning, and even failed to score in the last three games. The data of this game is insufficient for Lazio’s support. After all, as a traditional strong team in the league, the tie is not easy to overestimate when its reputation and status are dominant.

Therefore, the home team, Boluo, is always in Asia, and it is expected that the match will be more exciting than the match 1 midfielder. The right pair is in charge. The performance in the field is stable and has the strength advantage, while Lazio needs to show better performance in the away game to continue its unbeaten record.

Las palmas beat Manakol 3-0 in the last round and won two consecutive victories, in good shape. The team has a strong offensive ability, scoring only 9 goals in the past 5 rounds, but the defensive quality has improved, losing 4 goals in the past 5 rounds. This season, it has achieved 4 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses, ranking 10th in the league. Sandro ramirez, Fabio Gonzá lez and others were plagued by injuries or missed the game. It must be difficult for this field to face the former bitter Atletico Madrid.

Atletico Madrid beat Aravis 2-1 in the last round, and the team’s morale is like a rainbow. So far this season, it has achieved 8 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss, and its performance is excellent, ranking third in the league. In the last five rounds, he scored a total of 12 goals, averaging 2.4 goals per game. The quality of the team’s defense is very high, and he lost 6 goals in the past five rounds. French striker Gleizman scored 7 goals, and Morata scored 6 goals, which was the main scorer of the team. At present, Victor vitolo, Depe, Mandawa, etc. in the team are plagued by injuries or absent from the game. Atletico’s players can always adapt to different competition environments and play well. Their tactical flexibility and adaptability enable them to always have an advantage in away games.

To sum up, I think Atletico Madrid will win on the road. Although we know that the away game is full of challenges, Atletico’s strength, experience and tactical flexibility all indicate that they will win this victory. I believe they will show their advantages in the competition and finally win.

The three cheapest tourist destinations in China, 800 per capita, easy to play, hurry to collect!

The three cheapest tourist destinations in China, with a per capita income of less than 800, can be easily played. Here are the introduction of the Raiders, and collect them quickly!

It takes about 40 minutes to drive from downtown Hangzhou to Qiandao Lake. Starting from the bus station or railway station in the center of Hangzhou, you can take a long-distance bus or train to Qiandao Lake, which takes about 1 hour, and the fare is about 20-30 yuan.

Qiandao Lake is one of the main tourist attractions in Hangzhou, which consists of many islands and clear lakes. It is a paradise for photography and hiking, and there are also many outdoor activities such as rafting and rock climbing. The ticket price of Qiandao Lake is 90 yuan/person, including tickets for cruise ships and islands.

In Qiandao Lake, visitors can visit various natural and cultural landscapes. For example, the beautiful mountain scenery of Range Rover in Mei Feng, the white wall tiles of Longshan Island, the romantic atmosphere of Moonlight Island, the fishermen’s culture of Yule Island, the ascent of Huangshan Peak and the karst landform of Xianshan Peninsula.

In the process of playing, tourists can also experience various tourism activities. Among them, rafting and cable cars are the most popular. Drifting usually takes from 50 yuan to 100 yuan, and cable car sightseeing may take from 30 yuan to 50 yuan. These prices may also change according to seasons and travel companies.

In addition, hangingbridgeOutdoor activities such as rock climbing are also popular, allowing tourists to challenge themselves and release pressure while enjoying the beautiful lakes and mountains.

While enjoying the beautiful scenery and activities, tourists can also taste all kinds of delicious food. Due to the excellent water quality of Qiandao Lake, the local area is rich in all kinds of fresh aquatic products, so the food is mainly fish flavor. Whether steamed, braised or made into soup, the fish in Qiandao Lake are memorable.

In addition, the local chickens, ducks and various green vegetables here are also delicious foods that can’t be missed. Visitors can taste these delicious dishes in local restaurants or night markets.

Shaxi ancient town: Free, located in Jianchuan County, near Dali City. The environment here is comfortable and suitable for experiencing a slow-paced life. The infrastructure in the ancient town is relatively complete, including a book bar, a pub, a coffee shop, etc. You can feel the life of the aborigines.

DaliFree of charge, with a strong historical and cultural background, you can feel the local lively morning market in Nanmen vegetable market or the local people’s life in Beimen vegetable market. There are many food stalls in the ancient city, where you can taste all kinds of special foods.

YunheyiFree, this is the best place to eat, walk and have afternoon tea in Dali in the past year, with green grass, children’s play area and so on, and you can play with your children all day.

ErhaiFree, well worth visiting. You can try cycling or carpooling around Erhai Lake to enjoy the natural scenery along the way. You can also go for a walk in Haishu Park and feel the beauty of nature.

Silent Zhao’ anFree, a beautiful fleshy temple with a beautiful environment. You can experience the quiet environment and beautiful succulents here.

GyejoksanAdult 50 yuan/person, parking fee is 5 yuan/car; If you like to be close to nature, you can go to Jizu Mountain, a famous Buddhist mountain, where you can experience the charm of Buddhist culture in natural scenery.

Emei Mountain is one of the famous Buddhist mountains in China, which is famous for its steep mountain, long history and rich cultural background. Many Buddhist buildings and cultural relics are preserved here, which is a good place for worship and sightseeing.

The ticket price of Emei Mountain is 185 yuan/person, including Jinding, Wannian Temple, Xixiangchi Scenic Resort and other scenic spots. If you choose to take the ropeway, you have to pay the ropeway fee.

SheshenyaThis place is very suitable for encountering the wonders of Buddha’s light. Buddha’s light has existed in Emei Mountain for more than 1900 years. When people stand on the Jinding with their backs to the sun, and there are clouds in front of them, sometimes they will see a colorful halo with red outside and purple inside on the front and bottom canopy, which is very magical.

Jiu Lao Xian Fu: This is the collective name of Xianfeng Temple and Jiulao Cavern. The cave is 4 meters high and 1,500 meters long, and it is a karst cave. Bats are swarming in the cave, and the swarms of swallows are noisy. You can enjoy the natural carved karst shapes on the cave wall and ceiling, dazzling stalagmites, stone pillars and stone flowers, etc. It is one of the ideal destinations for tourists to explore.

HongchunpingHongchunping is located at the foot of Tianfengchi, with an altitude of 1,120 meters. It is named after three ancient trees of Toona sinensis outside the temple.

Emei monkey areaHere, you can take photos with the monkey.

These tourist destinations are rich in natural and cultural landscapes, and are good places for photography, hiking, worship, study and sightseeing. With a budget of 800, you can find your favorite travel methods and activities here. Collect it quickly and arrange a relaxing trip!

How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

The last straw! Apply for a transaction! Resolutely leave the stag

How long has it been since you heard Ibaka’s name? At present, he is still a free agent and nobody cares! Recently, Ibaka talked about the situation in the Bucks last season in an interview. He is still very dissatisfied: "I don’t want more playing time when I leave the Bucks. What I want is communication. You should tell me in advance whether I will play or not."

Ibaka pointed the finger at coach Buden holzer: "Before joining Bucks, the coach told me that I wouldn’t have much playing time. I know that, and I will be ready to play. When Dallo and Portis were injured, you refused to let me play.When they came back from injury, you suddenly called me on, and I hadn’t played for three weeks."

Ibaka went on to say, "Will you fight or not? Have no communication with me beforehand! I can’t stand this, I can’t stand it, apply for a transaction. " In the offseason in 2022, Ibaka signed the Bucks for $2.91 million a year.I haven’t played since January 4 this year. On February 10th, Ibaka was sent to the Pacers by the Bucks and was immediately laid off.

In the 2022-23 season, Ibaka played only 16 games in the Bucks, averaging 11.6 minutes per game.Only got 4.1 points and 2.8 rebounds, with three hit rates: 48.1%, 33.3% and 61.5%.On January 11th, the reporter asked Ibaka, "What role did Coach Buden ask you to play in the team?" Ibaka replied, "Which coach? I have no comment. "

Ibaka also compared Tyrone Lu with Buden holzer: "I was not like this when I was on the Clippers (2021-22 season), and I respected Lu’s guidance very much.He will call me in the morning and say that he will give young people more opportunities this week, and I will answer no problem at all. No matter what happens, Tyrone Lu will communicate with me in advance."

In fact, Ibaka’s appeal is also very simple: let me know in advance whether I am allowed to play or not. Obviously, Buden didn’t do it. He probably felt that Ibaka was dispensable in the team and didn’t give the veteran enough respect. Last season’s regular season, although the Bucks ranked first in the league, Buden still finished class in May this year.

Ibaka was born on September 18th, 1989, and will turn 34 next month. The free market has been open for more than a month, and the big lists of each team are almost full. It is difficult for Ibaka to return to the NBA. Ibaka’s total salary in his career exceeds 140 million US dollars, and he can enjoy life completely. He has frequently attended fashion activities in the last six months.

Ibaka signed two big contracts in his career:In 2012, Thunder was renewed for $48 million in four years; In 2017, the Raptors were renewed for $65 million in three years.In the 2018-19 season and 2019-20 season, he averaged 15+8 in the regular field for two consecutive years, which is worthy of an annual salary of 20 million! The entire NBA career averaged 12.2 points, 7.1 rebounds and 1.9 blocks!

Ibaka won the blocked shot twice in the regular season and was selected as the best defensive team for a while three times! During the thunder, he was a blocking machine!3.7 blocks per game in 2011-12, 3 blocks per game in 2012-13 and 2.7 blocks per game in 2013-14.In 2014, Ibaka fought with injuries, which was a turning point in his career.

Ibaka should have had a better career! That thunder has also become the regret of many fans.

Another old rocket general! A CBA team is contacting this Russian super scorer?

According to Russian basketball journalist Artem Komarov, Alexey Shved, a former NBA player, talked about his possible future in an interview with teammate Viktor Pavlenko. Sheved said that he is on the verge of leaving CSKA Moscow, and he has received some offers from teams in the European Basketball League and China, including the Greek giant Olympiakos, who performed well in the European Basketball League last season.

Born in December 1988, Sheved is 34 years old, with a height of 198cm and a weight of 85kg. He is a draft loser in the 2010 NBA Draft. However, with his outstanding performance in CSKA Moscow in the 2011-12 season, he got a contract from Minnesota Timberwolves in the summer of 2012. Sheved’s performance in the Timberwolves in the first season was actually not bad, but in the second season, with the decrease of playing time, his performance also declined to some extent. The Timberwolves also sent Sheved to the Philadelphia 76ers in the summer of 2014. Shortly after the start of the regular season, Sheved was sent to the Houston Rockets by the 76ers and then sent to the new york Knicks by the rockets.

In the summer of 2015, after the contract with the Knicks expired, Sheved did not get a contract from other NBA teams, and he had to return to Europe to play. However, in Europe, he has become a top scorer. He has won the scoring champion of the European League twice, the scoring champion of the European Basketball League once and the scoring champion of the VTB League twice. He is one of the best pitchers in Europe and has excellent scoring ability.

However, after all, Sheved is a veteran who will be 35 years old in a few months, and with his status and position in the European arena, he also needs to pay a lot of wages to sign him. Then the question comes, will there really be a CBA team to offer a big contract for this Russian veteran and sign him?

Can humans really live forever?

Human beings’ longing for eternal life has a long history, and different cultures and religions have their longing and pursuit for eternal life. However, so far, whether human beings can live forever is still an unknown mystery. Starting with the problems of biological cells, genes and mechanical soaring, this paper discusses whether human beings can live forever and the possible ways to live forever.

1. Biological cells: Are there "immortal cells"?

The human body is composed of cells, and in the process of cell division, growth, aging and death, human beings are getting old, sick and dying. If we can find an "immortal cell", can human beings achieve eternal life?

In fact, no real "immortal cells" have been found yet. However, scientists have discovered a cell with certain "immortal" characteristics-cancer cells. Cancer cells can divide constantly and proliferate indefinitely, but at the same time, they will also destroy healthy tissues and organs, leading to cancer. Therefore, cancer cells are not an ideal way to realize human immortality.

In addition to cancer cells, some organisms also have certain "not old" characteristics. For example, turtles can live to be over 200 years old, and whales can live to be hundreds of years. However, even these creatures will eventually die, but they will live longer than other species.

2. Genes: Is there a "longevity gene"?

In recent years, the development of genetic science has led people to believe that the goal of human immortality may be achieved through gene repair and transformation. In fact, scientists have discovered some genes that may be related to longevity, such as SIRT1, FOXO, mTOR and so on. These genes are involved in important processes such as cell repair and metabolism, and are closely related to the length of life.

For example, scientists found through experiments that by activating SIRT1 gene, the life span of experimental animals can be extended by more than 30%. At the same time, researchers are constantly looking for other genes that may be related to life span, trying to extend human life span through gene editing technology.

However, genetic science is still in the exploratory stage, and the development of related technologies is also facing various difficulties. At the same time, gene editing and repair may also bring some unexpected consequences. Four, other possible ways

In addition to the possible ways mentioned above, there are also some other scientific technologies and theories that may have an impact on human beings’ realization of eternal life.

Stem cell technology

Stem cells are cells that can differentiate into many different cell types, and the development of stem cell technology is considered to be a field with great potential. Scientists are exploring how to use stem cell technology to repair and replace human organs and tissues, thus prolonging life.

cloning technology

The development of cloning technology is also considered as a possible way to achieve immortality. Through cloning technology, human beings can copy an identical individual, thus achieving the goal of eternal life. However, there are still many ethical and moral problems in this technology, such as whether it will lead to human beings becoming commodities and so on.

artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing technology, and its potential has attracted people’s extensive attention. Through artificial intelligence, human beings can better understand their own life process and mechanism, discover new treatment methods and drugs, and thus prolong their life.

For example, artificial intelligence can help doctors predict the disease risk and treatment effect of patients more accurately, thus improving the treatment efficiency and success rate. At the same time, artificial intelligence can also help scientists analyze and understand life science data faster, thus accelerating the development of new drugs.

However, artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of continuous development, and more research and exploration are needed.

V. Conclusion

Although the realization of immortality is still an unknown mystery, the continuous development and breakthrough of science and technology make us full of expectations and hopes for the future. From biological cells, genes, mechanical soaring, stem cell technology, cloning technology, artificial intelligence and many other fields, human beings have been looking for possible ways to live forever.

However, we also need to maintain a cautious and awe-inspiring attitude, and consider its possible impact and consequences while exploring and studying. We need to seriously think about how to balance scientific and technological progress and moral norms and find a suitable balance point. Only in this way can we explore better.