标签归档 苏州桑拿

[See you at 8: 00] If you have this set of RMB in your hand, hurry to the bank outlet.

  [See you at 8: 00] If you have this set of RMB in your hand, hurry to the bank outlet.

  At 8 o’clock, witness the news every day. CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours for you.


  If you have this set of RMB in your hand, go to the bank outlet to exchange it.

  "In less than 10 days, we will say goodbye to the fourth set of RMB that has been circulating for more than 30 years!" The People’s Bank of China recently announced that the fourth set of RMB bonds will stop circulating from May 1, 2018, and the deadline for centralized exchange is April 30, 2019. If you have the fourth set of RMB in your hand, go to the bank outlet to exchange it.

  On March 22, 2018, the People’s Bank of China announced that it decided to stop the fourth set of RMB 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 20-cent banknotes and 10-cent coins (hereinafter referred to as the fourth set of RMB partial coupons) from circulating in the market on May 1, 2018. According to the arrangement of the central bank, the centralized exchange period of the fourth set of RMB coupons is from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019. During this period, holders can go to the business outlets of banking financial institutions for exchange.


  The maritime navigation picture of the first ship of China’s 10,000-ton destroyer was first made public.

  On the 22nd, Weibo, the People’s Navy, made public the picture of the first ship of a 10,000-ton destroyer sailing at sea for the first time. This type of ship is a new type of 10,000-ton destroyer independently developed by China. It has successively broken through a series of key technologies such as the overall design, information integration and final assembly construction of large ships, equipped with new air defense, anti-missile, anti-ship and anti-submarine weapons, and has strong information perception, air defense and anti-missile capabilities. It is a landmark warship for the navy to realize strategic transformation and development.

  These 20 3A hospitals will give priority to the "emergency classification" from next month.

  From May 1st, the emergency treatment methods of 20 major hospitals, including Beijing Tongren Hospital, Beijing Children’s Hospital and Beijing Friendship Hospital, will be changed one after another: patients will no longer be treated according to "first come, first served", but will be sorted according to the severity of illness. Patients will collect vital signs before seeing a doctor, and the level will be judged by machines and professional medical staff. The critically ill patients will be given priority to rescue, and the mild patients will be delayed.

  On the vision china incident by the Supreme Court: You can’t just identify the ownership of photos with watermarks.

  In response to the recent "vision china Copyright" incident, Lin Guanghai, vice president of the Third People’s Court of the Supreme People’s Court, said on the 22nd that the evidence of the ownership of photo works should be strictly examined, and the ownership of rights should not be determined only by taking the watermark as the signature of the photo author, so as to prevent one-sidedness and simplification.

  There is no open fire in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia, and it has been completely turned into a guard to clean up.

  On April 22, the reporter learned from the forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing headquarters in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region that as of 20: 00 on April 21, there was no open fire in the fire fields of Xinbaerhu Zuoqi, Chenbaerhu Banner, Manzhouli and Xinbaerhu Right Banner in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia, and the left-behind team was fully guarding and monitoring the overseas fire and cleaning up the entry fire field.

  Central Bank: The new version of the credit report did not collect personal water and electricity payment information.

  The central bank answered a reporter’s question about the construction of the second-generation credit information system, saying that the upgrading and optimization of the credit information system is still in progress, and there is no clear online timetable. The credit information system has not collected personal water and electricity payment information. The credit reports inquired by financial institutions and the public have not changed, and they are not the so-called new credit reports. At the same time, the central bank responded that compared with the current version of the credit report, the proposed new version of the credit report has added some information, such as nationality and other information in the basic personal information, and information such as joint loan, personal guarantee for legal person and legal person guarantee for individual has been added in the credit information. According to the central bank, as far as this upgrade is concerned, the institutions and types of data submitted to the credit information system have not changed much before and after the upgrade, so the impact on personal economic life will not change much.

  A cadre of Lanzhou Health Bureau died of drinking at a party.

  The Propaganda Department of Qilihe District Committee of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province announced through the "Qilihe Release" WeChat WeChat official account that on April 12, 2019, Gao Xzhong, a cadre of the Education Center of Health and Health Bureau of Qilihe District of Lanzhou City, contacted Gao Xzhu and others through Yang Xhong, director of his office, to meet for dinner and drinking at the "Today’s X Zhai" teahouse in Guazhou Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City. During the dinner, the dinner party staff found that Gao X was pale and unwell after drinking a few drinks, and called 120 emergency number in time. By the time the emergency personnel arrived, Gao X was dead. After the incident, the Qilihe District Party Committee and the district government attached great importance to it and asked the District Health and Health Bureau to fully cooperate with relevant departments to do the investigation, verification and after-treatment work. At present, seven dinner parties and the families of the deceased are actively negotiating to solve the aftermath.

  Zhou Bin, the former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Wuhan Municipal Committee, was opened.

  According to the news of the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhou Bin, the former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Wuhan Municipal Committee, was expelled from the party and public office after the disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and submitted to the provincial party Committee for approval; The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution according to law.


  Sri Lankan government says local extremist groups plan bombings: with international assistance.

  According to comprehensive reports, a Sri Lankan government spokesman said in Colombo on the 22nd that the local Islamic extremist organization NTJ(National Thowheed Jamath) was behind the Easter attacks on Sunday.

  Rajitha Senaratne, a spokesman for the Sri Lankan government and Minister of Health and Medicine, was quoted by the British newspaper The Guardian as saying that the terrorist organization behind the explosion that caused heavy casualties was the local Islamic extremist organization "NTJ".

  Sri Lanka’s president declared the 23rd a day of mourning and a state of emergency would be entered.

  According to foreign media reports, a series of bombings occurred in Sri Lanka on the 21st, killing 290 people and injuring more than 500 others. President Sirisena declared the 23rd a national day of mourning. Sri Lanka will implement laws on the prevention of terrorism and declare a state of emergency.

  North Korea confirms that Kim Jong-un will visit Russia soon and will hold talks with Putin.

  Korean Central News Agency issued a document early on April 23rd, saying that at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will visit Russia soon. This will be the first meeting between the two leaders, and it will also be eight years later that the top leader of North Korea will visit Russia again.

  Park geun-hye applied to stop imprisonment for low back pain, and the prosecution made a decision as soon as this week.

  Former South Korean President park geun-hye served a prison sentence for many crimes. His lawyer submitted an application to the prosecution for stopping the execution of imprisonment on the 17th, on the grounds that his back pain was unbearable and he could not sleep normally. According to the latest news, South Korean prosecutors will decide on 25th or 26th at the earliest whether park geun-hye can suspend his sentence.

  Does Boeing 787 have serious security risks? Internal staff: I will never take it.

  The 787 Dreamliner produced by Boeing Company of the United States belongs to Boeing’s main model, but some American media reported that it was found that the quality of the 787 passenger aircraft produced by Boeing factory was poor. In order to finish the shipment as soon as possible, the factory did not hesitate to use broken parts, and a large number of sharp metal fragments, even light bulbs and short ladders, were often left inside the fuselage, posing serious security concerns. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigated the accident and issued instructions to Boeing, but it was not listed as a safety accident.

  Boeing 787 Dreamliner was launched in 2007, and its fuselage is made of carbon fiber, which helps to save fuel, thus attracting a large number of orders. The plant in North Charleston, North Carolina is one of the two Boeing plants in the United States that produce 787. The New York Times collected hundreds of internal emails from Boeing, and visited more than a dozen current or former employees of the factory. He found that Boeing employees had reported to FAA many times that there were defects in the production process and the fuselage was covered with debris, and the company had pressured employees to conceal violations.

  Clayton, who used to work as a mechanic in the factory, said that he often found metal fragments near the wires at the bottom of the cockpit, which was quite dangerous. "I told my wife that I would never take a Boeing 787."


  The head teacher in high school slapped the two boys in the face. Official: Suspension inspection

  Recently, a video of a teacher slapping, pulling hair and kicking students in the classroom caused controversy. On April 22nd, the reporter confirmed from the Propaganda Department of Xuanwei Municipal Committee that the teacher involved was Chen Mou, the head teacher of Class 88, Grade One, No.9 Middle School in Xuanwei City. Chen Mou found that two students were eating snacks and talking during the unified self-study in the school, and criticized the improper behavior of corporal punishment of students during education. In response to this matter, on April 22, a staff member of the Propaganda Department of Xuanwei Municipal Committee of Yunnan Province told the reporter that the incident occurred at around 20: 50 on April 13, 2019. After the incident, the school attached great importance to it and communicated with the parents of the students in time to obtain the understanding between them. Two students are now in normal classes at school, and the class teacher involved has been suspended for inspection. The school will take a warning, strengthen the construction of teachers, and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

  SF responded to the courier’s private unpacking: zero tolerance has started the investigation.

  On April 22nd, netizen @ Double Chin Fairy Pei Jinjin said that SF Express opened the customer’s package privately, added her WeChat message to harass, and scattered the courier on the bed, pretending it was his girlfriend’s item. In this regard, SF Group officially apologized and said that it would never tolerate or condone any misconduct that violated laws, regulations and corporate codes of conduct. SF has initiated an investigation.

  Fun run, a woman from Leshan, Sichuan, was sentenced to death in the first instance.

  According to the WeChat WeChat official account news of Leshan Intermediate People’s Court, on the morning of April 22, 2019, Leshan Intermediate People’s Court publicly pronounced the "green heart road murder case" according to law. Defendant Li Jian was sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life and fined 15,000 yuan for committing intentional homicide, robbery and theft.

  Sixteen defendants in Jiangsu poisoned dog case were sentenced to more than 5.6 million public welfare claims.

  Recently, Jiangsu poison dog case was pronounced in the first instance. Sixteen defendants, including Liu and harmful food, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from six years to one year, with fines ranging from 550,000 to several thousand yuan, and five defendants, including Qian, were also sentenced to pay compensation of 5,674,168 yuan. And publicly apologize in the national media!

  Villagers flip over their new houses and shoot to celebrate scaring more than 10,000 rabbits next door and being awarded 440,000 yuan in compensation.

  Firecrackers were set off to celebrate after Cai opened the new house in Xinyi, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. The loud noise led to the abortion and death of the mother rabbit and the death of the rabbit in the Zhang farm next door. In desperation, Zhang appealed to Xinyi Court for compensation. On April 22, the xinyi city People’s Court announced the verdict of the second instance of this case, and Cai compensated Zhang for a loss of more than 440,000 yuan.

  Wonderful! The man had a car accident on the way to steal a car.

  Recently, Suqian, Jiangsu. A man stole a car, had a car accident on the way, and was injured. He reluctantly went to a nearby parking lot to steal another car, and was arrested by the police. After investigation, the man was also suspected of drunk driving and had a criminal record of theft. At present, he has been detained.

  The female driver crashed into the tunnel wall and died. She drove for 34 minutes and checked her mobile phone 30 times.

  Recently, in Sanming, Fujian, a car suddenly ran out of control and crashed into the tunnel wall, and the female driver died on the spot. After investigation, the police found that the driver had four illegal acts during driving, such as speeding, changing lanes in the tunnel, using a mobile phone and not wearing a seat belt, and looked at the mobile phone 30 times during the 34 minutes of driving.


  [Chen Lijun] broke the world record three times

  The 2019 Asian Weightlifting Championships and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Qualifying Tournament entered the second competition day yesterday. In the men’s 67kg class, the China team sent a team named Li Lijun and Feng Ludong to play. In the snatch competition, Chen Lijun took the lead all the way, and set a new snatch record in the third place with a score of 154 kg. In the subsequent clean and jerk competition, the advantage of the Chenli Army was even more obvious, setting a new world record for clean and jerk with 185 kg, and at the same time increasing the total world record to 339 kg.

  [Master Dou] "Crispy helmet video" client: can’t find a job and can’t live a normal life.

  According to The Paper, several videos of "crispy helmet" unexpectedly became popular on the Internet, and aroused public concern about the quality of the helmet. Master Dou, the protagonist of the video in the storm of public opinion, told reporters that he used to do odd jobs on the construction site and "eat a bite", but since the video of "crispy helmet" was widely spread, he has not found a job recently.

  "I used to find a living one every day. Why don’t you look for me now?" Helpless, Master Dou had to return to his hometown in the countryside first, full of worries about his future life.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

Behind Xu Wen’s pineapple leaving the circle, Pinduoduo helps the new agricultural model.

Xuwen, Guangdong, the southernmost tip of Chinese mainland, is one of the first small cities in China to feel the spring. It has a history of pineapple cultivation for nearly 100 years, and is the largest pineapple producing area in China, known as the "pineapple sea". Before becoming popular, Xuwen pineapple, which relied too much on offline sales channels, was once blocked by the epidemic.
On February 19th, 2020, led by Pinduoduo, a special live broadcast to help farmers was launched in pineapple fields. At that time, the county magistrate personally walked into the live broadcast room to help farmers, cut and eat pineapples, and spoke for Xuwen pineapple, which attracted more than 300,000 netizens to watch and nearly 300,000 kilograms of pineapples were sold out. This live broadcast also opened up business ideas for local farmers, and live delivery and online circulation began to become one of the main sales models of Xuwen pineapple.
In the past four years, the "pineapple planting army" has gradually grown into a "pineapple selling army", and Xuwen pineapple has become one of the "top streams" of the fruit circle. Pinduoduo platform data shows that Xuwen pineapple sales increased by 60% in the past year. From the purchase area, Zhejiang surpassed Guangdong to become the largest pineapple consumption province in Xuwen, followed by Jiangsu, Sichuan and Shanghai, and entered the top five.
In late February, this year’s first Xuwen pineapple was listed first. It is understood that the planting area of Xuwen pineapple this year is about 350,000 mu, with an annual output of about 700,000 tons, accounting for nearly 15% of the listed pineapples. The price of fresh fruit is stable at 0.8-1 yuan/kg, and the purchase price of large pineapples can reach 1.2 yuan/kg.
The sales volume of fruit is also a demonstration barometer of the price of Lingnan Jiaguo. Luo Hongxia, secretary of the xuwen county County Party Committee, fully affirmed the live broadcast of helping farmers, which was promoted by the cooperation of the government, the platform and the media, at the recent 2024 "Call the World to Eat Xuwen Pineapple" activity and "The First Live Broadcast of Pinduoduo in 219, 2020". Whether in Guangdong or in the whole country, this live broadcast has a very obvious demonstration significance. "
Luo Hongxia pointed out that this action of finding a market for agricultural products online was also highly recognized and supported by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and then it set off a nationwide wave of live broadcast to help agriculture. The "Xuwen model" also became the most popular new model for agricultural e-commerce development in that year.
Luo Hongxia, secretary of xuwen county County Party Committee, summed up and reviewed "The first live broadcast of Tiantou in Pinduoduo on 219, 2020". Photography | Shen Zhao
"The county magistrate’s live broadcast is a beneficial practice for Xu Wen to lead fruit farmers to try a new path of agricultural goods on the Internet, and it is also the starting point for Pinduoduo to help farmers live broadcast. The successful landing of this’ experiment’ also benefited from the creation and establishment of a new model of Guangdong agricultural products’ 12221′ market system. " The person in charge of relevant business in Pinduoduo said that in the future, the company will continue the policy of benefiting farmers such as zero commission on agricultural products, and improve the ultra-short chain of agricultural products by tilting resources such as 10 billion subsidies, 10,000-person group and optimizing supply chain, so that consumers all over the country can eat fresh and affordable Guangdong agricultural products, and help farmers increase their income and get rich and revitalize rural industries.
From "unsalable fruit" to "rich fruit"
In February 2020, it was the harvest season of Xuwen pineapple, but it caught up with the epidemic. "From Beijing to Xuwen, the flow of people along the way is very small." Some buyers recalled at the symposium, "Especially when going to Xuwen by boat from Haikou, it seems that there are less than five people except the staff. There are fewer people on board, and I have a feeling of chartering a boat. "
The opening of the county magistrate’s live broadcast ignited Xu Wen’s vitality and vitality. In just half an hour, it attracted more than 300,000 netizens’ attention. During the two-hour online activity, 30,000 pieces of pineapples were originally sold out, and 20,000 pieces of goods were urgently transferred in the live broadcast room, which eventually drove the sales of pineapples to nearly 300,000 Jin. After the live broadcast, xuwen county local farmers’ Pinduoduo stores accumulated 30,000 fans overnight and sold 51,000 pieces of pineapples in the past 20 days.
This live broadcast is a beneficial practice for Xuwen local government to lead fruit farmers to try the new path of online agricultural goods. Local farmers have opened up their business ideas, learned to live broadcast goods and open stores online for sale. Xuwen pineapple has gradually become a regional public agricultural product brand recognized by consumers all over the country, and the network uplink experiment of Xuwen pineapple is called "Xuwen mode".
In order to increase the market influence of Xuwen pineapple and build it into a "city business card", the local government continued to promote digital marketing and cultivated a live broadcast force that could not be taken away. Nowadays, doing e-commerce no longer needs government promotion, and more locals are spontaneously doing agricultural e-commerce.
After 1995, Xu Wen, a local guy, Zou Ziying returned to his hometown from Guangzhou last year and tried to start an agricultural product e-commerce in Pinduoduo. "Because I found that many friends around me made money from this."
In April-June and August-November, the two peak seasons of pineapple sales, Zou sold Xuwen pineapple in Pinduoduo by himself, and in the rest of the time, he managed local specialties such as Sakyamuni, Apple Banana and Red Heart Papaya. Relying on the policy of benefiting farmers such as zero commission for agricultural products on the platform, in the eight months up to the end of 2023, the cumulative sales volume of stores exceeded 300,000, and the profits also reached expectations.
The diversified consumer demand of Pinduoduo platform makes Xuwen pineapple find more possibilities. Take Zou’s own 100 mu of land as an example. "In the past, big fruits sold well in the offline market, but small and medium-sized fruits were often only sold to canneries or even rotted in the ground; Nowadays, with the help of the e-commerce platform, both Zhongguo and Daguo have a broader market, and the overall output value has increased by 10%. "
Zou, who tasted the "sweetness" of e-commerce business, was full of self-motivation. Just after the Spring Festival holiday, he arranged a new year’s work plan. "We have been stocking goods recently, and we expect to link up around Qingming." This year, he decided to increase investment in Pinduoduo platform, expanding the number of stores from more than 10 last year to 20-30, and strengthening the control of pineapple quality.
In addition to selling his own pineapples, Zou Ziying helped nearly 200 growers around to sell pineapples last year, and the purchase price was generally higher than that of offline stalls. "For every kilogram of pineapples we sell, farmers can earn 0.1-0.2 yuan more."
Xuwen pineapple ushered in a bumper harvest, and fruit farmers were very busy. Photography | Shen Zhao
In 2020-2022, Xuwen pineapple ushered in a high-light moment, and the field purchase price rose instead of falling. At the peak, it broke through 3 yuan/Jin, setting a sales record. The "slow-moving fruit" that once plagued local fruit farmers has turned into a "rich fruit".
At present, the "pineapple sea" industry is becoming more and more mature, and Xu Wen’s "pineapple planting army" has become a "pineapple selling army". Buyers and sellers from all over the country gathered here, and large trucks with license plates from different provinces stopped at the roadside, waiting for the pineapples to be loaded and shipped out.
Leverage big data and big live broadcast to hit the "world pineapple"
Xu Wen pineapple Jedi reborn, had to mention a set of digital passwords: "12221".
In 2019, in order to implement Xuwen pineapple brand building marketing, Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs set up a "12221" special working group and put forward a "12221" market system, namely, building "1" big data of agricultural products, forming "2" teams of buyers in sales areas and cultivating brokers in production areas, expanding "2" big markets in sales areas and production areas, and planning buyers to enter production areas and agricultural products to enter big markets.
In the past five years, the working group has always come to Xuwen in the spring to sum up the key points of the stage, bring thoughts and suggestions, and help fruit farmers sell their fruits. Winter goes and spring comes, and the pineapple harvest in the new season is coming. The blueprint of Xuwen pineapple development is gradually clear at the symposium: e-commerce, digitalization and internationalization will become the key words of the next stage.
This year’s newly released No.1 Document of the Central Committee clearly proposes to implement the high-quality development project of rural e-commerce, promote the construction of county-level e-commerce live broadcast bases, and develop the online sales of rural local products. Xuwen county is also vigorously promoting the live broadcast sales of e-commerce, holding thousands of people training, thousands of people live broadcast and other activities, and striving to become "the first county of live broadcast e-commerce in China".
In the spring of 2020, the first county magistrate live broadcast supported by Pinduoduo kicked off the "Xuwen Mode".
Xuwen county also followed the digital wave and launched AI Pineapple Jun, hoping to continue to deepen Xuwen Pineapple’s "12221 market system construction" under the background of data becoming new agricultural materials, mobile phones becoming new agricultural tools and live broadcast becoming new farm work, and help solve various problems such as pineapple planting, preservation, processing, logistics, publicity and marketing with AI technology, organically integrate data elements with the whole process of agriculture, vigorously develop new e-commerce formats such as live broadcast and short video, and explore.
It is reported that about 316 tons of pineapples have been exported to Russia, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea and other countries this year, of which North Korea is exporting for the first time. On February 29th, a batch of Xuwen pineapples from Zhongli Group was also about to be exported to North America. The appearance of AI Pineapple King provided a platform for Xuwen Pineapple to break through geographical restrictions and become a "world pineapple" from "China Pineapple".
To make Xuwen pineapple industry bigger and stronger, we must pay attention to both production and sales. While unblocking the sales link, the local government also actively promoted the diversification of production, and continued to explore industrialization, food and cleanliness, and launched new products such as pineapple grilled fish, fresh-cut small pineapples, pineapple moon cakes, pineapple rice cakes, and pineapple prefabricated dishes. At the forum on February 29th, the leaders also officially unveiled the "Xuwen Pineapple Prefabricated Vegetable Raw Material Direct Supply Base". This laid a foundation for Xuwen pineapple to improve its industrial chain and broaden its commercial channels.
With the popularity of Xuwen pineapple, "Xuwen Model" is gradually popularized in Guangdong Province. Previously, Pinduoduo signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to jointly help Guangdong’s featured agricultural products enter the city, and jointly incubate 50 brands of Guangdong’s featured agricultural products to fully help Guangdong’s digital agriculture "new infrastructure". From Kaiping duck egg, Suixi sweet potato and Lingnan litchi to Huilai abalone, Meizhou honey pomelo and Chaozhou tea, Pinduoduo can be seen behind the rise of these agricultural specialties.
According to the data, in 2020 alone, Pinduoduo launched a total of more than 240 live broadcasts to help farmers, covering 29 provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous regions. A total of more than 430 city, county and district principals entered the live broadcast room to promote local agricultural (sub-) products, which generated a total of 670 million orders to help farmers, and sold more than 4.12 billion kilograms of agricultural (sub-) products, helping 1.13 million households.
In the future, Pinduoduo will continue to take measures such as resource inclination and supply chain optimization to accelerate Guangdong goods from villages to cities, and promote the standardization, branding and digitalization of Guangdong agricultural products.

Spring at 30℃! Will it be very hot this summer? Expert response

Recently, the weather has heated up violently, and many places have "run into the spring". On March 6, more than 20 national meteorological observatories broke through the historical extreme value of the highest temperature in early March. The National Climate Center predicts that this spring, compared with previous years, the temperature in most parts of China is generally higher and the precipitation is less, with the temperature in most parts of the north being 1 ~ 2℃ higher.

It’s so warm and hot in March, does it mean that this summer will encounter extreme high temperature as long as last year?

Screenshot source: The temperature of China Weather Network will soar to a recent high point, and the rare warm and hot weather in many places or in the central and eastern regions is continuing. On March 7, the temperature of 102 weather stations has exceeded the record in early March.

Today and tomorrow (March 9-10), the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will rise to the recent high point, especially in the northeast to the south of the Yangtze River. Changchun, Shenyang, Hohhot, Jinan, Hefei and other cities may record the warmest in the same period in early March.

Before this, warm heat has already appeared. Since February, the average temperature in many parts of the country has been higher than normal. Recently, from March 1 to 7, the temperature in Northeast China, Northeast Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Henan and other places was also very high. Chengdu’s "heat rises to a new height"

On March 8, at 14: 30, the average temperature in Chengdu was 25.5℃. At 16: 00, the highest temperature in the city appeared at 28℃ in Qingbaijiang, a record high this year. From 9℃ in the morning to 28℃ in the afternoon, Chengdu ushered in the day of disorderly dressing.

Not only in Chengdu, at 14: 00 on March 8, the temperatures in Leshan, Ya ‘an, Ziyang, Guangyuan and Deyang all exceeded 25℃.

It’s so hot now, does it mean it will be very hot in summer? Last summer, it cast a shadow on many people. At the beginning of March this year, China experienced a rare warm heat. Looking at the current situation, some friends are worried that this means that this summer will also encounter extreme high temperatures for a long time.

"The current warmth and coldness are not necessarily directly related to the temperature in summer." Hu Xiao, chief meteorologist of China Weather Network, said. Simply put, we can’t judge the heat and cool in the longer summer by the abnormal hot and cold wave process now. Moreover, in summer, there will be high temperature in the area affected by subtropical high, and the edge of subtropical high is usually full of rain. For such a huge weather system as subtropical high, it is difficult for us to predict whether it will affect a place for a long time or whether it will swing, which is the difficulty of climate prediction.

However, we can also see from the recent abnormal warm heat that extreme weather and climate events are increasing under the background of climate warming, and this trend is irreversible. Take the La Ni? a event, which is the most important event affecting our climate, even though the "triple La Ni? a" appeared in the past three years, its impact fluctuated greatly. For example, last year, the Yangtze River basin suffered from extremely high temperature and little rain, but in 2020, the Yangtze River basin suffered from floods. This year is destined to be a year of change. According to the forecast of the World Meteorological Organization, La Nina will end in early spring, and it may even turn from neutral to El Ni? o event in May and June. "For this summer, we may encounter uneven distribution of droughts and floods, and extreme weather will still occur frequently." Everyone should pay attention to the latest news released by the National Climate Center. At the beginning of this year, the National Climate Center just organized a group of experts to make an annual forecast. According to the preliminary results, there may still be some persistent high temperature phenomena in the southern region this year, so the "hot" phenomenon will definitely exist. However, the specific intensity, scope and influence need to wait until the end of March and the beginning of April, and a group of experts will be specially organized to predict, analyze and judge the summer climate. The temperature in most areas such as Sichuan Basin will drop by 6~10℃. Whether there will be extreme high temperature this summer is unknown, but it is true that it will cool down this weekend! According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from 10th to 12th, strong cold air will continue to move eastward, affecting most parts of China. There are 4~6 grades and 7~9 grades of northerly winds in the eastern part of northwest China and most parts of central and eastern China.There will be dust in the northwest and parts of North China; There is little to moderate rain and snow in northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern parts of Northeast China, small to moderate rain in Sichuan Basin, Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, northern South China, Guizhou and eastern Yunnan, and there is heavy rain or rainstorm in the local area; The temperature in most of the above areas will drop by 6~10℃, and the local temperature will drop by 12~16℃.

Trend of temperature in Sichuan in the next 7 days:

Rainfall in Sichuan in the next 3 days:

Tips: The cooling rain is coming, so please increase or decrease your clothes in time according to the actual weather conditions.

Cover News Synthesis @ China Weather, Central Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu Meteorology, @ Sichuan Meteorology


15 weather and climate scenic spots, the sun, the moon, the stars, the wind, the flowers and the snow, all beautiful, which one do you want to go to?

"Standing on the top of the mountain, talking to the sun, the moon and the stars, diving to the bottom of the sea to talk with rivers, lakes and seas, shaking hands with every tree and whispering to every grass, we can know that the universe is vast, natural and awesome, and life is respectable."

Today, we will introduce you to these 15 weather and climate scenic spots in China, seeing beautiful sunrises, sunsets, starry skies, rainbows, clouds and rimes. ……

The sea of clouds refers to the clouds formed under certain conditions, and the height of the cloud top is lower than that of the top of the mountain. When people bow down to the clouds at the top of the mountain, they see boundless clouds, which are magnificent, like being near the sea.


Poshan village yunhai

Poshan village, located in the south of Shexian County, Anhui Province, is surrounded by mountains and waters, with four distinct seasons.

After a rain, there will be a spectacular mountain sea of clouds in Poshan village. At that time, the whole village will be shrouded in clouds, just like people in the sky. There are more than 200 days of sea of clouds in 365 days here, so Poshan Village is also called "misty village, dreamy hillside".

Best viewing place: Longding observation deck.

Best viewing time: The sea of clouds is most abundant in spring and autumn, especially when it is sunny after rain and before sunrise in the morning.


Jiuxianshan Yunhai

Jiuxian Mountain, located in Dehua County, Fujian Province, is a national nature reserve.

Its scenery is beautiful, picturesque, and there are often flowing clouds between the peaks, and the layers of clouds are endless. The covered peaks are unreal and looming, which is quite spectacular. When Zhou Feng, a poet in Ming Dynasty, visited this place, he left a poem praising it as the land of Penglai:

"Why sail, China has Penglai. In the cave, the gods come and go every day. "

Best viewing time: November to May, especially after the cold air in winter.


Lao jun shan yun hai

Laojun Mountain, located in Luanchuan County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, was named "Laojun Mountain" by Emperor Taizong because the ancestor of Taoism, Lao Zi Li Er, once went here to practice in seclusion, and was also known as "the sacred land of chinese odyssey and the first fairy mountain in the world".

Laojun Mountain is 2217 meters above sea level. When the sea of clouds appears, when you look around, the clouds cover thousands of miles and the fog locks the peaks. Especially when the sea of clouds appears in sunny days and overcast days, it shows the magnificent landscape of "the sea reaches the horizon as the shore, and the mountains reach the extreme and the peaks are artificial".

Best viewing places: Jinding and Yunjingtian Road.

Best viewing time: in winter and spring, when the rain clears or the snow clears.


Lushan yunhai

Lushan Mountain, located in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, has been "the land of the world’s eyebrows" since ancient times, attracting literati to compete and leaving countless poems that have been passed down through the ages.

Its backing is covered with water, smoking, and under Lushan Mountain, you can see the heights, between Shan Ye, and the clouds are iterative, such as the waves in the sea, smart and beautiful, just like a fairy cruising.

The best viewing places: Guniuling, Tianchi Lake, Hanpokou and Wulaofeng.

Best viewing time: it can be seen all year round, and winter is the best.


Ju feng yun hai

Giant Peak, also known as "Laoding", is the main peak of Laoshan Mountain in Qingdao, Shandong Province, and the highest peak on China’s coastline.

Looking at the mountains on the sea, the peaks are gathering; Climbing mountains and watching the sea, the smoke is vast. The giant peak is huge, solemn and rough, with fog coming from the sea and clouds sprouting from the mountains. For a while, the mountains and winding bays are shadowy, like an illusory fairyland.

The best viewing time: it is considerable all year round, but it appears more frequently before and after the rain in spring and summer.


Yunhe terraced sea of clouds

Yunhe Terrace, located in Chongtou Town, Yunhe County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, is the largest terrace group in East China. It is known as the "thousand-layer terrace, thousand-meter gap and thousand-year history" and is also known as "the most beautiful terrace in China".

Clouds and terraces are high in altitude and influenced by airflow, so there are often white clouds around here. One of the highlights of "Wonder of Clouds, World of Clouds".

Best viewing time: March to July every year, between 5 am and 9 am.

Refers to the seasonal variation phenomenon of various plants, animals, hydrology and meteorology or the landscape formed by it.


Autumn colors in Tachuan (phenological landscape of red leaves)

Tachuan is located in yi county, Anhui Province. When the autumn wind is cool, the autumn colors in Tachuan begin to dye all the layers of forest. From a distance, the red leaves of Yishui bloom enchanting in the mountains, which is fascinating.

A closer look reveals that autumn leaves with similar colors are actually magical colors of red, green, yellow and orange, and the poetic feeling reaches the bottom of my heart in an instant.

Best viewing time: from late October to late November every year.


Populus euphratica forest in Ejina banner (yellow leaf phenological landscape)

In autumn, clouds, wind, trees, water and desert in Ejina are scrambling to paint their makeup, just like they are going to participate in a beauty contest.

First, the wind was clear and the clouds talked, and then the cold dew dyed 450,000 mu of Populus euphratica forest golden overnight. The gorgeous and dazzling colors made the desolate desert generate show a powerful energy and jointly performed a song of life.

Best viewing time: According to statistics, from 2013 to 2020, the average date for Ejina Populus euphratica forest to enter the better viewing period is September 28th, October 5th, October 18th after defoliation, and the average date for the end of the viewing period is October 22nd, and the average number of days for the better viewing period is 24 and 14.


Blue tears in Pingtan (phenological landscape of marine life)

Pingtan, Fujian has obvious maritime climate characteristics, mild climate, warm in winter and cool in summer. Whenever the cold and warm air meet in the season, the more hazy the night is, the beach in Pingtan is strolled, and the sea is sparkling and blue when you look from a distance. This special landscape is called "blue tears" by many people.

According to the data, "blue tears" have been proved to be formed by two kinds of plankton, one is the firefly with a curved throat, and the other is noctiluca. In Pingtan, the most common "blue tears" luminous organism is Nocturnal algae.

Best viewing time: April to May every year.

Refers to an optical phenomenon in meteorology. When sunlight hits water droplets in mid-air, the light is refracted and reflected, forming an arched colorful spectrum in the sky, which is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple from the outer ring to the inner ring. In fact, there are countless colors in the rainbow, but for the sake of simplicity, only seven colors are used as the difference.


Dabieshan Rainbow Waterfall

Rainbow Waterfall in Dabie Mountain, located in Huangwei Village, Huangwei Town, at the junction of Yuexi and Huoshan counties in Anhui Province, integrates canyons, waterfalls, Lishui and culture.

Rainbow Waterfall is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Monkey River, with a height of 80 meters and a width of 30 meters, with an average flow of 2.0 to 5.0 cubic meters per second. The water flows down from the Monkey Cliff with great momentum.

Sunlight presents a gorgeous rainbow through the water mist, and visitors are immersive and dreamlike. Because of the large amount of water coming from the Monkey River, the four seasons do not dry up, so no matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, you can see the rainbow wonders whenever there is the sun.

Best viewing places: rainbow arch bridge, glass viewing platform, etc.

Best viewing time: except winter, the best viewing time in other seasons is from 8: 00 to 13: 00.


Xiapu Sansha Sunrise and Sunset (Sunrise and Sunset Landscape at Sea)

Xiapu has a coastline of more than 480 kilometers, which is a tidal flat on the bedrock coast, with the largest tidal flat area in China. In the long river of years, it has formed its own unique tidal flat sunrise landscape.

When the light broke through the night, a large area of tidal flat was covered with bright ripples. When the gorgeous glow poured down the sea, the nearby tidal flat began to show different colors, such as blue, orange, red and purple, which were unpredictable and dizzying.

When the sun sets, the beach and laver shed are red, and an excellent light and shadow painting is made for fishermen with nets on the beach!

Best viewing place: Dongbi Village is a small fishing village facing the sea in Sansha Town, Xiapu. It is surrounded by mountains and seas and has a wide view. It is the best place to shoot the sunset at sea among many scenic spots in Xiapu.

The best viewing time: the sunset is good in spring and summer, and the sunrise is good in autumn and winter.


The starry sky (starry landscape)

Damao Pubei, which is nearly 1,000 meters above sea level, is located in Anmin Township, Songyang County, Zhejiang Province. It is far away from urban light pollution and has excellent conditions in nightglow. It is the first batch of starry sky landscapes in China.

The back of Maoxian, which is located on the ridge, is flat and open, and the sky is getting late. The moon and stars have replaced the sun as the protagonists. The stars in the sky, terraced fields and blue tile cottages set each other off, forming a beautiful night sky, which instantly sticks to your sight.

Best viewing time: the starry sky can be seen in sunny days all year round.


Lotus Lake Ice Bubble (Ice Bubble Landscape)

When the temperature drops sharply, the lake will freeze. "Ice bubble lake" is actually an image. Not all frozen lakes will have ice bubble landscape. Only when the speed of freezing is faster than the speed of bubbles rushing to the water surface at the bottom of the lake will the bubbles be "locked" in the ice. In other words, there are two basic conditions: one is to have a source that can release gas in the water, and the other is that the local temperature of the lake drops below freezing point rapidly.

Lotus Lake in Mohe, Heilongjiang Province is the only ice bubble lake in the northernmost part of China. At the beginning of November every year, the surface of Lotus Lake in Mohe has been completely frozen and crystal clear, and very unique bubbles can be seen distributed in the ice through the ice.

Best viewing time: from November to March.


Snow tongue in snow country (ice and snow landscape)

There are two basic conditions for the formation of snow tongue: one is sufficient snowfall, and the other is stable snowflake shape.

Xuexiang, located in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and with an altitude of about 1500 meters, it has a unique snow tongue landscape. It hangs down from the eaves like syrup, and it does not break or fall without external support. It is amazing, and some even reach 1 meter!

Best viewing time: November to March of the following year.


Great platform rime (rime landscape) in Xunke County

Rime, the wonder of winter. When everything is below the freezing point, the water vapor below zero meets the branches below the freezing temperature, and it crystallizes with a kiss. From a distance, it looks like a small white flower falling on the branches. This is rime.

Speaking of rime, there are not only the Songhua River rime, but also the platform rime in Xunke County, Heilongjiang Province. Every January, it is the most beautiful time of rime in Xunke County. The Kurbin River water flowing through Xunke County carries the huge heat energy of the hydraulic turbine of Kurbin Hydropower Station, and the river flows for dozens of miles without freezing, forming a piece of rime wonders on the shore.

In the early morning of the deep winter, the rime blooms like flowers, with trees and pieces lining the azure sky, and there is no one watching.

Best viewing time: from December to February.

These beautiful weather and climate landscapes,

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Mourinho’s Rome has become stronger in Europe.

Mourinho’s Rome has become stronger in Europe.

AS long as they play in Europe, the weak AS Roma team is changing since the "Special No.1" tax Morino took office.

On the 19th of this month (Korea time), Rome drew 0-0 in the second match of Euro 2022/2023 semi-finals with Leverkusen, but won 1-0 in the first leg and finally advanced to the final.

So far, after winning the conference league championship last season, the European Cup has also saved the possibility of winning two consecutive European championships. What’s more, as 100% Mourinho, he is very much looking forward to entering the final.

Before Rome came to Morino, it would become smaller as long as it came to Europe. For 31 years, he has never had any connection with the final. However, after Morino took office, Rome began to clear the bad luck of Europe. After the first General Assembly League champion, the Europa League champion was also saved.

If you win the Europa League, Morino will refresh the history of Rome. In addition, next season’s European Champions League (UCL) can also participate.

Mourinho is a head coach who has achieved results regardless of the team. During his tenure at Tottenham Hotspur, he was just insignificant, but he was ready to write a new history with Rome.

5-19 Manchester United cleaned the first shot of the lineup, and Phil Jones left the team this summer.

In fact, Phil Jones has been injured almost every season, but he has never been peddled by the club, nor has he left the team because of the expiration of his contract. Manchester United could have chosen to renew Jones’ contract for one year, but due to his injury record, General Fei will end his 12-year career in the Red Devils this summer. As early as the beginning of this year, Tenghage revealed in an interview that since he took over Manchester United in May, Phil Jones had not completed a training. It was not until the press conference of Manchester United against Bournemouth that Tenghage said: "He saw Phil Jones training for 20 minutes in training, which is his first training this year!"

Guoping needs attention! Malone was so worried that he was lucky to win, praising the 19-year-old dark horse for his great progress.

Guoping needs attention! Malone had a lingering fear, calling it lucky to win, and praised the 19-year-old dark horse for its great progress. In the WTT Macau Championship in 2023, Wang Chuqin and Malone successively defeated their opponents in the semi-finals, successfully joined the men’s singles finals, and Guoping locked the championship and runner-up. After the game, Malone was full of praise for French 19-year-old Alex in an interview, calling himself lucky.

In the men’s singles semi-final, Wang Chuqin took the lead in playing against Japan’s core Zhang Benzhihe. Originally, everyone thought that the game would be fierce, but the actual situation was that Wang Chuqin easily defeated Zhang Benzhihe 4-0 and took the lead in advancing to the final.

Then Malone, the winner of the Grand Slam of Table Tennis, came out at the finale and played against Alex, a 19-year-old French teenager. This was their first match. Alex beat top seed Fan Zhendong in the previous match, so this match attracted a lot of attention. After the start of the game, Malone took the lead in 4-1, but then Alex tied 5-5, but Malone quickly stabilized the situation and won the first game with 11-8. In the second game, the competition between the two men in the first half was still fierce. When the score was 7-7, Malone made a mistake, and Alex scored 4 points and pulled back the game with 11-7. Alex led by 8-4, then Malone fired all the way, scored 7 points in a row, and won the game by 11-8. In the fifth game, Malone finished the reversal in the backward situation, and finally sealed the victory by 11-8, thus winning by 4-1.

After the game, Malone summed up the game in an interview. Malone’s first remark was that he was a little scared. Later, Malone said that Alex had made great progress in the past two years and his world ranking had also improved greatly. This was the first time to play against him, and I felt particularly great pressure, especially in the last two games, which were very difficult to win and finally won by luck. From Malone’s statement, it is not difficult to see that he was surprised by Alex’s performance. Perhaps he didn’t think that Alex could play like this before the game. Fortunately, Malone had rich experience in the competition and withstood the impact of Alex. Before Fan Zhendong was out of the game, he was probably not prepared. I hope the table tennis coaching staff can pay attention to Alex. In addition, Malone also talked about the final against Wang Chuqin. Malone said that he lost to Wang Chuqin several times last year, and this time he hoped that he could prepare in the best state.

Many fans also expressed their views on this: "Alex and Malone lost in experience!" Malone is the most experienced player in active service, no one! Fan Zhendong lost to Alex and relaxed after leading, giving Alex a chance and the last luck. " "I see it this way. Fan Zhendong is a master of attack, but he may lose when his physical strength drops and his attack is not smooth. Malone is both offensive and defensive. When his attack is blocked, he can use defense to limit his opponent’s play to win." "Malone’s experience makes Alex unable to exert his own backhand advantage, which is the key to Malone’s victory. On the other hand, Fan Zhendong doesn’t understand the change of placement, and his tactics are simple and his strength is insufficient. This is the difference between the two!" "The French rising star served strangely and played fiercely. Fortunately, Malone was experienced, played steadily and beat him 4-1 with excellent skills." This article was originally written by Xiao Lizi. Please don’t copy or carry it. # Hundreds of teams #

Football News: Wei Shihao, Yan Dinghao and Li Yang are basically locked in the three towns.

Live broadcast on March 11th, according to Lu Mi, a reporter from Football News, three Guangzhou players, Wei Shihao, Yan Dinghao and Li Yang, were basically confirmed in the three towns of Wuhan, which showed enough sincerity in the process. After a long negotiation and waiting, three players were finally confirmed to join the team, which made the team more competitive. Under the current downward football market, the stable investment of the three towns and the AFC Champions League still have certain appeal to the players.