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The fashion of "slowing down" is more advanced! 60+ Mom’s elegance is not lost, but her style is quite different.

I don’t know when the pace of the times has become faster and faster, especially for fashion. The style that was popular some time ago will soon be ignored, and the popularity will change. Even young people are tired of chasing it, not to mention mature women who love beauty. If they want to keep their fashionable image, they have to pay more attention.

Can you slow down the fashion? This question seems to contradict the concept of fashion, but as long as we observe it carefully, we can still find many elegant mature beauties, who seem to be independent of the fashion tide and gradually explore a kind of "slow fashion". Without being disturbed by the hurried style, they can not use fashionable items, but still make people feel advanced, such as fashion bloggers Miki and mom.

Compared with Miki’s exquisite elegance, the style of this fashion blogger to be introduced to you in this issue is more gentle, but also more pyrotechnic, simple and natural without losing advanced. Next, let’s take a look at what unique dressing cheats this 60+ fashionista has.

Step 1 choose a gentle and energetic color scheme

After entering the age of 50, many mature women will decorate themselves with colorful clothes, hoping to brighten themselves with bright colors, but the result often runs counter to our expectations, but it is easy to appear gaudy.

In order to show the sense of high class, we must first learn to choose the main color of clothes for ourselves.Mature and elegant women are more suitable for gentle and energetic colors.. For example, those with low saturationApricot pink, can be used as the main color of the coat, not noisy and not eye-catching.

For those colors with high saturation, there are also corresponding methods to deal with them. When you have a long ginger coat in your closet,If you don’t want to appear too ostentatious, remember to use dark colors to weaken the agitation caused by bright colors..

Because the coat is bright enough, the inner coat, hat and shoes will not look dim if they are all black. You can choose turtle neck and loafers with confidence, and you will be beautiful.

For colors that are already mature, such asDark brown, tea brown, cyan grayAnd other colors, more importantly, use collocation to add vitality and avoid appearing old-fashioned.

If the clothing is of the same color, then the accessories should not follow the rules. It is recommended to use a light-colored bag or hat to match it.

2. Add age-reducing elements

Women always want to look younger than their actual age, and the most important thing to reduce age is not to wear the same style as young people, but to fully express the beauty of this age with appropriate clothes.

Add classic decorative patterns to clothes.Can help us do this.Checked grainIt is a design that never tires of seeing. Nowadays, young people often wear plaid shirts, but the style of plaid is also exquisite. For women with gentle temperament,Large plaid is more suitable than small plaid, and light plaid is more suitable than dark plaid..

in additionWave pointIt is also a design that is very suitable for elegant women to reduce their age. Wearing a polka-dot shirt as an interior can wear a playful feeling even if the whole body is black.

When matching inside, let the exposed part keep the edge neat on the first day, so as not to destroy the overall dressing texture.

It is safer and more versatile to apply design induction to the bottom dress than the top, and the half-length polka-dot dress is a very versatile item. Among them, the key point to pay attention to is the size of the wave point.

In regular printing,Wavelet points look more dynamic.When matching shirts, you can use a doll collar as a backdrop, andLarge wave points have wider applicability.The gas field is more stable. Remember to outline the waistline when wearing it, and easily create a youthful state.

Irregular printing, with the jumping of wavelet points and the elegance of large wave points, should not forget to echo through the version of doll collar or the gas field of black and white color matching.

3. The layering of the upper and lower two-piece suit

In autumn and winter, it is the time for women with good clothes to play, and they can make amazing effects by overlapping and matching. Among them, the clever use of the long skirt can make the simple upper and lower two-piece suit wear a layered feeling.

The layering comes from the silhouette. If you have a pleated long skirt, remember to match the top according to the pleated style.The pleated skirt has a great sense of volume, and the top version should be designed with gorgeous outward expansion., such as bat sleeves and lantern sleeves, you can choose a solid color style.

If the pleated skirt is patterned, it will look fancy if it is exposed too much, so it is suitable for long coats., and use plain and clean colors to combine. The figure below follows this matching idea, and through appropriate proportion adjustment, the color of the skirt and the plain color inside form a natural sense of harmony.

When matching long coats and long skirts, it is suggested that they should be of the same color.As shown in the picture below, it is gray and black. If it is a color system, you can use a combination of light blue and purplish blue, light coffee color and dark coffee color, so as not to destroy the vertical lines of modeling, visually postpone the line of sight, and achieve a high decorative effect.

Ok, that’s it for this issue about 60+ fashion mom’s dressing sharing. Do you like her style? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your opinion. See you next time ~Elise

# Brand Good # # Fashion Style Wear #

Yao Ming is a good man! Try every means to get qi zhou back to CBA, but the illegal operation is doomed to be a waste.

On August 4th, Beijing time, according to the domestic media, the specific chips were exposed in the tripartite negotiations between Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, qi zhou, Beijing or Shanghai, namely, Shanghai 70 million+Yuan Tangwen, Xinjiang 35 million+Yuan Tangwen, Zhou Qifang 35 million, Beijing 80 million+Fan Ziming, Xinjiang Fan Ziming+40 million and Zhou Qifang 40 million.

However, due to the Basketball Association’s refusal to act as a guarantee, or its refusal to acknowledge the issue of Zhou Qifang’s signature fee, these are all at risk of illegal operation. In this regard, Shanghai and Beijing successively came down from the negotiating table, and qi zhou once again fell into the rumor that there was no definite next home.

In order to let qi zhou return to the CBA league, the Basketball Association almost tried its best. From the original heavy punishment of Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, qi zhou was tried to restore his status as a free agent. However, due to the insertion of a more powerful department, the Basketball Association finally cancelled the punishment of Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, and Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team promised to actively solve the transfer problem of qi zhou.

From June to July this summer, qi zhou is undoubtedly the most concerned player in domestic basketball, and all kinds of gossip are circulating in major social media, among which, the entry of Beijing and Shanghai into the negotiating table brings him infinitely close to returning to CBA league. It is reported that every formal negotiation has basketball association related personnel to join, hoping to achieve a seamless connection to solve the problem.

However, Zhou Qifang’s request for the signing fee has become the key to the negotiation. Both Shanghai and Beijing are state-owned clubs, and they may be willing to pay a high transfer fee, but the signing fee paid to Zhou Qifang is not in compliance, which makes the negotiation unable to continue. However, if the qi zhou team is unwilling to let go or make further compromises, as long as the signing fee is involved, it is difficult for other clubs to pass the Basketball Association’s rules review.

Therefore, to solve the problem of qi zhou according to the rules, if both sides are in a unified category, perhaps Shanghai, the first negotiation club, can reach a state of easy solution. However, since there is no signing fee in the current rules and the qi zhou team insists on it, the Basketball Association may be a good man. From punishing the Xinjiang men’s basketball team to actively creating conditions for qi zhou to return to play in CBA, the work behind it cannot be underestimated, but no agreement can be reached on the signing fee, and the Basketball Association may be busy in vain this summer.

Cancelo sent a farewell message.

On the morning of March 11th, Beijing time, Bayern player Cancelo posted a farewell message on his personal social media to his Song Shiquan pet.

Cancelo wrote: "Your time here is short, but it is enough to make the story between us eternal! You in my heart forever, my loyal friend. Rest in peace in the starry sky, and we will meet again one day … "

Cancelo sent a farewell message to Song Shiquan, and his sentimentality at this time was related to his recent bad mood because he couldn’t play football.

Cancelo’s recent situation in Bayern Munich is not good. Since Manchester City joined Bayern on loan, Cancelo has won the starting opportunity in the first few games. In recent games, he has mostly sat on the bench, sometimes sitting on the whole game. This situation makes Cancelo, who has a high heart, a little depressed. On the training ground, he sometimes works alone and seems to have a bad relationship with his teammates. This has greatly reduced his expectation of a complete transfer to Bayern next season.

Originally, before the deadline of the international transfer window, Cancelo joined expect the unexpected on loan. Sources pointed out that due to personality reasons, he had conflicts with the coach and teammates in Manchester City, which led to Guardiola finally losing patience with him and determined to clean Cancelo. Bayern Munich immediately expressed their interest in Cancelo when they learned about it, and the two sides quickly reached an agreement, which made Cancelo rent Bayern like lightning.

It is reported that, in view of Cancelo’s personality, Bayern has decided not to buy him out after the loan, and Guardiola will not let him return to Manchester City. In this case, Barcelona expressed interest in him. It’s just that Barcelona is also very strange. How can such an excellent player, who was selected as the best team in the Premier League season, not start in Manchester City and Bayern? This makes Barcelona cautious about introducing him.