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The consumption environment has changed dramatically, and beauty cosmetics will usher in these trends in 2024.

More than half of 2023 has passed, and the research and development of new products in 2024 is being started. So what is the trend of the beauty industry in the coming year? In which direction will the industry develop?

On August 18th, the 2023 Top 100 Cosmetics Conference, jointly organized by CBO and China Department Store Business Association, was grandly opened in Hangzhou Bodi Liyun Hotel. At the "2023 Cosmetics Department Store Retail Conference", Meng Shuping, the trend director of authoritative forecasting agency WGSN in China, shared the report "Beauty and Skin Care Trends in Spring and Summer of 2024".

△ Meng Shuping, Trend Director of △WGSN China District

"In the era of dynamic changes in consumers, if you want to understand the trend of the beauty industry, you must first understand the beauty consumers." Meng Shuping stressed.

According to the results of WGSN’s multi-dimensional investigation, it is believed that in 2024, driven by macro factors such as economic recovery, scientific and technological development and post-epidemic reconstruction, there will be six categories of consumer ideas, namely, mindfulness care, mobility, building into a state, mass power, multi-personality and breaking away from convention.

WGSN said that 2024 was a very special year after the epidemic. Because people need to rebuild psychologically and physically after the epidemic, there will be a relationship of embracing and interacting between people, that is, from individual to individual and then to subject. In this process, there has been a gathering of groups such as mindfulness, multiple personalities and breaking the routine, so this trend has emerged.

Among them, "flowing state" and "building into Tuobang" are relatively new consumption concepts at present. "Flowing state" means that consumers are constantly changing under the influence of the big environment such as economy, so the industry should constantly understand consumers to adapt to consumption changes. "Building into a Tuobang" means that consumers are becoming more and more personalized, and there will be a beautiful vision of "taking practical actions to make society enter a utopian state". For example, more and more KOC help their favorite brands to enter the public eye.

After the concept of consumption, different portraits of consumers are hidden. If we evaluate the seven dimensions of beauty consumption motivation, such as sensitivity to big brands, environmental ethics, price awareness, efficacy, convenience, social media evaluation, personalized customization and so on, they will present the following seven kinds of consumer portraits: skincare slacker, factual activist, progressive, digital expert, sensitive romantic and universalist.

The first is "streamlining skin care lazy people", who are equivalent to the wisdom of the personal care industry. They show the new moment of beauty, use intelligent beauty technology and pay attention to all forms of mindfulness care. At the same time, they also admire big brands and like fixed products with good reputation; The value of environmental ethics is very high, and the price awareness is relatively weak. "Because they know that higher prices will have better quality."

The "Factual Action School" pays more attention to efficacy and personalized customization. Their environmental moral values are relatively high, and they are generally sensitive to big names, but they pay more attention to social media evaluation. "So, you can see why there are so many young people now. When buying a brand, they will first make an inquiry on the little red book." Meng Shuping explained. In addition, the group also strives to break the old norms of the beauty industry and eliminate potential prejudice. For example, this group not only pays attention to the expectation of the younger generation of beauty products such as generation Z, but also cares about the new product trends of generation X (people in the 1970s).

The value of environmental protection morality of "Tuobangists" has reached the peak, and they advocate nature, but this group has a moderate trust in big brands and a relatively high sensitivity to social media and efficacy. The group of "digital experts" pursues the brand effect, but also the direction of imitation makeup, digital virtualization and emotional communication. They can seamlessly change between the digital world and offline life, and reshape beauty with physical digital behavior and virtual character aesthetics.

"Sensitive romantics and universalists" also pay more attention to big names and environmental awareness, as well as social and personalized customization. At the same time, I also love emotional expression, and there will be some rebellious psychology such as "I want to be younger". They attach importance to co-creation and experimental products and brands that integrate art, science and nature.

Although "universalists" are more popular, they still pay attention to environmental protection and will pay attention to convenience and effectiveness. They need to redefine the crowd. This also explains why more and more neutral makeup and transgender makeup are becoming more and more popular. This group of people pursue the democratization of beauty, reject perfection, advocate high authenticity, and think that everyone should feel beautiful, popular, cared for and concerned.

In response to these consumer portraits, WGSN predicted three directions of beauty in spring and summer of 2024.

On the basis of exploring the integration of new and old, nature and man-made, WGSN believes that one of the trend themes of the beauty industry in the coming year is "blurred". These include meta-cosmic inclusiveness, space beauty, biotechnology, DNA skin care, healing beauty, healthy journey, from seeds to skin and many other development directions.

"If you want to impress consumers with the concept of" flowing state "and" digital talent ",you can combine it with beauty cosmetics in the direction of meta-universe and space beauty, such as skin care brand Youshiyan, and use consumers’ interest in space-related product design and interstellar aesthetics to cooperate with China Aerospace Culture Bureau to design its anti-wrinkle eye cream product 2.0, which presents a very space-like packaging."

Meng Shuping said that as the real and virtual fields become more interchangeable and people don’t care much about the differences between them, in this era background, the blurred theme highlights the dazzling design, immersive world and illusory solutions. At a deeper level, the confusing theme is rooted in the reality that the world is facing unprecedented challenges and how to deal with these challenges in an alternative or even speculative way. Here, science and science fiction are in perfect harmony, because creative people and scholars explore how to use the virtual world and enter Tuobang (a more active and pragmatic utopia) to explore new solutions for the real world.

"Chengfang" is the second trend direction of the beauty industry. Through freedom of expression and passion for cross-category innovation, this theme embraces multiple personalities, breaks away from convention and challenges the beauty narrative of the past. The main development directions are: a new generation of expressionism, hangover remedy, remodeling basic models, Gothic aesthetics, meaningless age beauty, new masculinity, embarrassing beauty needs and so on.

First of all, in the happy, naughty and innovative expressionism, bold, bright and flamboyant colors are the key. Global Google trends show that in the past 12 months, the search volume of "rave makeup" has increased by 250%, among which the search volume of "glitter eye shadow" has increased by 250%.

"hangover remedy" is combined with the rich nightlife of modern young people. The products focus on quick repair and makeup to meet the needs of young consumers’ living conditions; "Remodeling basic models" is to reshape basic products such as masks and mascara according to the preferences of young consumers. "Gothic aesthetics" is based on the return of punk culture, adding a large number of personalized metals and irregular metals to products, making products more cool.

"Unnecessary Age Makeup" will break away from convention, attract millennials and Generation X, and seek expressive makeup. The data shows that by 2025, cosmetics for people over 40 will become a growth area, because older millennials and Generation X will continue to use makeup as a source of happiness and a tool for self-expression, regardless of age restrictions.

With the increase of life expectancy of the global population, people no longer regard cosmetics as the patent of young people, and older people will continue to use cosmetics. It is estimated that by 2025, the global population over 60 will double to 2.1 billion (data from WHO).

"Anju" is the third trend direction of the beauty industry.

WGSN believes that with the readjustment of values, consumers advocate the value of interdependence and the power of adaptation and recovery.

On the functional level, this direction focuses on products that satisfy our sense of happiness and security. This can be expressed in the form of healing design and health design. It can also be expressed in the form of ultra-practical items with great adaptability by using the power of color, light and emotion. Considering the portable and packable design, it can provide preparation and protection in an unpredictable world, which is not only suitable for traveling and nomadic lifestyles, but also able to cope with changing weather. Such as balanced beauty, fermented beauty, more convenient perfect dosage, quiet fragrance therapy and so on.

Yao Ming is a good man! Try every means to get qi zhou back to CBA, but the illegal operation is doomed to be a waste.

On August 4th, Beijing time, according to the domestic media, the specific chips were exposed in the tripartite negotiations between Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, qi zhou, Beijing or Shanghai, namely, Shanghai 70 million+Yuan Tangwen, Xinjiang 35 million+Yuan Tangwen, Zhou Qifang 35 million, Beijing 80 million+Fan Ziming, Xinjiang Fan Ziming+40 million and Zhou Qifang 40 million.

However, due to the Basketball Association’s refusal to act as a guarantee, or its refusal to acknowledge the issue of Zhou Qifang’s signature fee, these are all at risk of illegal operation. In this regard, Shanghai and Beijing successively came down from the negotiating table, and qi zhou once again fell into the rumor that there was no definite next home.

In order to let qi zhou return to the CBA league, the Basketball Association almost tried its best. From the original heavy punishment of Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, qi zhou was tried to restore his status as a free agent. However, due to the insertion of a more powerful department, the Basketball Association finally cancelled the punishment of Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, and Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team promised to actively solve the transfer problem of qi zhou.

From June to July this summer, qi zhou is undoubtedly the most concerned player in domestic basketball, and all kinds of gossip are circulating in major social media, among which, the entry of Beijing and Shanghai into the negotiating table brings him infinitely close to returning to CBA league. It is reported that every formal negotiation has basketball association related personnel to join, hoping to achieve a seamless connection to solve the problem.

However, Zhou Qifang’s request for the signing fee has become the key to the negotiation. Both Shanghai and Beijing are state-owned clubs, and they may be willing to pay a high transfer fee, but the signing fee paid to Zhou Qifang is not in compliance, which makes the negotiation unable to continue. However, if the qi zhou team is unwilling to let go or make further compromises, as long as the signing fee is involved, it is difficult for other clubs to pass the Basketball Association’s rules review.

Therefore, to solve the problem of qi zhou according to the rules, if both sides are in a unified category, perhaps Shanghai, the first negotiation club, can reach a state of easy solution. However, since there is no signing fee in the current rules and the qi zhou team insists on it, the Basketball Association may be a good man. From punishing the Xinjiang men’s basketball team to actively creating conditions for qi zhou to return to play in CBA, the work behind it cannot be underestimated, but no agreement can be reached on the signing fee, and the Basketball Association may be busy in vain this summer.

200 million euros! It was revealed that Manchester United wanted to sign Mbappé against Harland, and Real Madrid+Guardiola panicked.

Mbappé is still the focus of international football, and this French star will be the target of many giants in the transfer market this summer. However, according to the latest report quoted by Daily Goal and Daily Express, Manchester United, the premier league giant, is eyeing Mbappé and eager to bring in the French star worth 180 million euros, but seriously, without 200 million euros, it is impossible to complete such a deal of the century. Manchester United’s competitor is still Real Madrid, and of course the two giants have to compete with Paris, because the French giants will not be willing to let go of a world-class striker like Mbappé easily.

After Manchester United released Cristiano Ronaldo, Rachford became the first thigh of the team’s front line. This season, Rachford scored 29 goals, which was very good. However, Manchester United needs a stronger striker to help the team regain its glory. Considering that Manchester City has Harland and Manchester United signed Mbappé, it is the best answer. In this case, Manchester United’s lineup can compete with Manchester City. At least in the front line, the two teams will be equal. Similarly, Manchester United.

In the eyes of Paris, they still don’t want to let Mbappé go. After all, it is difficult for Messi to renew his contract with the club. If Mbappé is lost again, the striker line in Paris will be devastated. However, in the transfer market, the bitter melon is not sweet, and Paris has forced Mbappé to stay for many times. If the French star wants to leave, but Paris deliberately sets obstacles, the two sides will be torn, and then it will be difficult to end.

Manchester United hope to sign Mbappé with a large sum of money. Considering that the player’s actual value is already 180 million euros, if the Premier League giants want to succeed, they need to prepare a transfer fee of at least 200 million euros. British media revealed that Saudi local tyrants are preparing to spend 6 billion pounds to buy Manchester United. If the deal is completed, then the Red Devils will not be short of money, and it is really promising to complete the deal in Mbappé.

However, in the transfer market, Manchester United also has a strong rival, that is Real Madrid. In the Champions League, Real Madrid was swept by Manchester City, which made florentino realize that the team can’t continue to live on its laurels. Although Benzema is still strong, it is not at its peak. It is imperative to sign Mbappé, so Real Madrid will also join the competition.

The advantage of Manchester United is that they have a good relationship with Paris. As for Real Madrid, La Liga giants have tried to poach Mbappé many times, which makes Nasser very disgusted. Therefore, the possibility of Manchester United fishermen benefiting is not ruled out.

What is the difference between a steam room and a sauna?

I always can’t tell the difference between sweat steaming and sauna, I don’t think there is any difference between the two, so what is the difference between sweat steaming and sauna? Which is better, steam or sauna?
First, the principle is different
Sweat steaming mainly uses the energy field formed by the negative ions, far-infrared rays, and micro-currents released by tourmaline to act on the human body and stimulate the body to generate heat energy; while sauna uses high-temperature water vapor to act on the skin from the outside and conduct heat into the body. .

Second, the temperature is different
The steaming temperature is around 42-45 degrees Celsius, and the scientific steaming time is 40-60 minutes. People will not feel suffocated during the sweating process, and the breathing will be very smooth; the sauna temperature can reach 60-70 degrees Celsius, when the human body can only stay 5-10 minutes, if the time is too long, you will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  1. Perspiration effect
    The sweat discharged by the steaming has no sweat smell, which will make the human skin smooth, which can have the benefits of beauty, body beauty, and disease conditioning. However, it should be noted that it is not suitable to shower within 6 hours after the steaming, as the shower will detract from the health care of the steaming. The sweat is sticky and has a smell of sweat, and it is necessary to take a bath after the sauna to remove the smell of sweat.
  2. Operation method
    Sweat steaming is through physical conditions such as far infrared rays, negative ions, expanding substances and trace elements to expand the pores of the human body in a high temperature manner, discharge toxic substances in the body, and achieve the effect of health care; while the sauna uses steam to make the deep skin heat effect under high temperature conditions. , and then achieve the effect of expelling toxins in the body through the pores that are enlarged under high temperature.