标签归档 新上海龙凤

Poll: Jiang Jingguo’s contribution is far ahead of Chen Shui-bian and worse than Chiang Kai-shek.

    People’s Daily Online, December 11th, the issue of "going to Chiang Kai-shek" has been arguing endlessly on the island. According to a poll conducted by Taiwan Province’s United Daily News, people in Taiwan Province have different opinions on the historical orientation of the two Chiang Kai-shek. Twenty-nine percent think that Chiang Kai-shek has made greater contributions to Taiwan Province, while 30% think that he has made equal contributions. As for Jiang Jingguo, it has been unanimously affirmed by people from different parties, with a favorable comment of 65%. Recently, Chen Shui-bian, who has been trying to take advantage of Chiang Kai-shek, is not as sure as Chiang Kai-shek.

    Polls show that the two Chiang Kai-shek still have a high popularity, with 91% of Taiwan Province people knowing Chiang Kai-shek and 94% knowing Jiang Jingguo. Young people between the ages of 20 and 29 know about Chiang Kai-shek as much as 94%.

    Evaluating the merits and demerits of the two Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, people have different opinions on Chiang Kai-shek. Twenty-nine percent were sure that Chiang Kai-shek had done more to Taiwan Province, 30 percent felt that his merits were equal, and 9 percent thought that his merits were greater than his merits.

    Cross-analysis shows that more than 52% of people from other provinces and pan-blue supporters affirmed Chiang Kai-shek’s contribution to Taiwan Province. Most ethnic groups in southern Fujian think that Chiang Kai-shek’s merits and demerits are equal.

    Relatively speaking, people have affirmed the historical orientation of Jiang Jingguo. Sixty-five percent of the people think that Jiang Jingguo has made more contributions to Taiwan Province. Even the pan-green supporters are 48% sure that Jiang Jingguo has done more for Taiwan Province.

    As for Chen Shui-bian, only five percent of the people think that he has done more for Taiwan Province.

    Who has contributed the most to Taiwan Province by the leaders of Taiwan Province? 50% are sure that Jiang Jingguo made the greatest contribution to Taiwan Province, followed by Lee Teng-hui (11%), Chiang Kai-shek (6%) and Chen Shui-bian (5%). In the face of Democratic Progressive Party’s "de-Chiang Kai-shek" action, only 17% supported it and 60% opposed it.

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Editor: Wei Liangchun

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  Baked starch sausage

  It is a "online celebrity snack" that many people love to eat.

  But recently,

  The starch sausage was "collapsed"

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  Baked starch sausage at roadside stalls all over the country

  The price is generally 2-3 yuan/root.

  In the wholesale market

  The price of starch sausage is about 0.5-0.6 yuan per root.

  The cost price of factory production is lower.

  At this price.

  Is there meat in the starch sausage?

  What kind of meat, if any?

  If there is no meat

  Where does the meat flavor of starch sausage come from?

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  Five common starch sausage products bought by reporters in the market

  The meat in the starch sausage is mostly bone mud.

  Commonly used in pet food production.

  A comprehensive observation of the five brands of starch sausage with high sales volume on the market at present shows that there is little difference in the ingredient list, and they are basically composed of meat, water, starch, white sugar, monosodium glutamate, spices and other seasonings, as well as additives such as sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and temptation red, totaling 15 or 6 components.

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  List of ingredients for starch sausage products

  According to the General Rules for Labeling in prepackaged foods, all ingredients should be arranged one by one in descending order of adding amount when manufacturing or processing food, but the "starch sausage" ranked first in the ingredient list is meat.

  The staff of a starch sausage manufacturer in Henan revealed that they all use chicken and chicken bone paste, and duck meat is cheaper, and most of them are starch.

  At present, most of the people who sell chicken bone paste are merchants who operate pet food, and the merchants said: "Bone paste is not recommended for people to eat, and barbecue is not good."

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  The picture shows the "chicken bone paste" product searched and displayed on the e-commerce website.

  He Jiguo, an associate professor in the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering of China Agricultural University, once said that the use of chicken neck mud and chicken rack mud instead of the original meat is essentially adulterated and shoddy, and the nutrients in it can’t be absorbed by the human body.

  The staff of the starch sausage manufacturer also revealed that the ex-factory price of starch sausage is 80 yuan/box, and each box contains 120 pieces, totaling 24 kg. If you get more goods, you will get a gift, which is basically 50 cents to 60 cents.

  Starch sausage has less meat but full of "meaty taste"

  There is essence blessing.

  It is difficult for consumers to tell what kind of meat is in the starch sausage when they eat it.

  On the one hand, because the amount of starch sausage meat is small; On the other hand, an important ingredient in the seasoning of starch sausage is essence. Judging from the samples of the five brands of starch sausage purchased, all the ingredients have flavors. The staff of the above-mentioned Henan starch sausage enterprise also directly said, "Don’t worry about less meat and no meat flavor, there are flavors.

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  Henan Shuangrun Food Co., Ltd. Flavor Barbecue Pork Sausage Enterprise Standard Screenshot

  There is no special national standard for starch sausage

  Although it looks like ham sausage, starch sausage is not produced according to the national standard of ham sausage, and there is a certain gap between the physical and chemical indexes of the product and ham sausage, so it can not be regarded as ham sausage product.

  According to the national standard, the sausage is in accordance with the General Rules for the Quality of Ham Sausage (GB/T 20712-2022). In terms of physical and chemical requirements, the starch contents of ordinary, excellent and super ham sausages are ≤10.0g/100g, ≤8.0g/100g≤6.0g/100g respectively.

  Taking the enterprise standard "Sausage" (Q/PFY 0006S-2023) of Panshan Fuyu Food Co., Ltd. as an example, the starch contents of three products, namely sausage, skin sausage and vermicelli sausage, are ≤10%≤10% and ≤25% respectively.

  However, other starch sausage manufacturers did not even limit the starch content of starch sausages.

  So, is there enough meat and corresponding protein in the starch sausage?

  As it turns out, there is no clear standard requirement in this respect …

  The protein content of the sample starch sausage purchased by the reporter is 5.295.5g/1009, which is lower than the most common standard of ham sausage. However, most enterprise standards for starch sausage do not make clear requirements for protein and other indicators.

  In addition, there is no special national standard for starch sausage, and the reference standard seems to be vague.

  A person from a standardized technical consulting company said that to formulate enterprise standards, it is necessary to refer to the raw material list and technological process of products and then synthesize multiple national standards or industry standards. If the national standard of cooked meat products is used as the basis for enterprise standards, as long as the meat in their products meets the national standard of cooked meat products. Of course, because there is more starch in starch sausage, you can also choose to use the national standard of starch products as the basis of enterprise standard.

  According to the relevant regulations, the description of enterprise standards should specify the contents that are stricter than the national or local food safety standards. However, in the enterprise standards of Panjin Yufei Food Co., Ltd., Henan Shuangrun Food Co., Ltd. and Panshan Fuyu Food Co., Ltd., only "the lead limit index is stricter than the national standard" is mentioned.

  The standard of starch sausage has not become higher for more than ten years.

  Water and fat in enterprise standards

  The content is getting higher and higher

  Although it has existed in the market for more than ten years, the standard of starch sausage has not improved obviously with the development of economy and society, but there are some signs of relaxation.

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  Screenshot of vermicelli sausage (Q/PFY 0004S-2013)

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  Screenshot of vermicelli sausage (Q/PFY 0004S-2013)

  Comparing the two standards, we can see that there is more water and more fat under the new enterprise standard of starch sausage of Panshan Fuyu Food Co., Ltd.

  In this regard, an expert who did not want to be named suggested that when consumers choose meat products, it is recommended to check the nutrition label and try to choose products with less fat and lower sodium content.

  Netizens are hotly discussing:

  The pure starch in the picture has meat?

  A few years ago,

  Ham sausage pursues more meat

  Adding starch will be rejected.

  Today, some consumers are

  Turn your head and pursue starch sausage

  Some people think they eat starch sausage.

  It’s not for meat.

  "Starch sausage, since the name is starch.

  There is no demanding meat quantity. "

  "The price of starch sausage is only scary when there is meat."

  "But I don’t like eating any meat."

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

Hot search explosion! This snack, which everyone loves, collapses, and the cost is ridiculously low. What kind of meat is used?

  Comprehensive Guangzhou Daily, Yangguang.com, Hubei Jingshi, comments from netizens, etc.

Source: Xinmin Evening News

The "drama essence" company behind "Cang Lan Ji"

Author | Weinika

Editor | Li Chunhui

The drama powder of the three ancient dolls in the summer file fell into a heated debate about the ranking. But no matter what criteria you use,From the perspective of publicity, Freesia is the best and richest.

There are only 90 Weibo hot searches in the long broadcast cycle of 56 episodes of "Splendid Star"; Also divided into two parts, 59 episodes of "Aquilaria Resina", 116 hot searches in Weibo; But "Freesia Tactics" has not been broadcast yet, so far it has reached 131 hot searches in Weibo.

The image comes from the hot search engine, and the data ends on August 27th.

The gap in Tik Tok’s hot list is even wider. From the second day of its broadcast, Freesia has been on the hot list, with an average of 5 hot list topics per day and up to 10 hot list topics per day. And "brilliant star" has never been on a hot list. Although Aquilaria Resinatum is on the list almost every day, the number is small, 1-4, and not all of them are positive topics.

It is clear at a glance that the cost of the publication of Canglan strategics is plentiful. It is needless to say that its broadcasting platform, iQiyi, is now open source and thrifty, and its consistent announcement strategy. Why is the film so exciting? It has to be said that the magical company behind "Freesia", which was established only four years ago, suddenly became popular-stellar gravity.

The general impression it gives the people who eat melons is that the boss, Wang Yixi, is very skillful, and he always replies to fans or publishes small essays. For example, he cries on the high-speed rail when he hears that the heat is breaking through. The impression given to insiders is that they are rich and know nothing else.

Nowadays, because of the discussion of freesia, many drama fans begin to hope that the gravity of stars will inherit the mantle of ancient dolls. In their view, Tang people declined from brain drain, and Zhouyi declined from the break of capital chain. The stellar gravity found the behind-the-scenes team of the Tang people, and the boss was a rich second generation who was not short of money, so he completely filled the shortcomings.

Is this really the case?

A producer who knows rice circles better than "Yu Ma"

Wang Yixu, the boss of Stellar Gravitation, Yu Zheng, the boss of Entertainment Film and Television, Liu Ning, the vice president of Perfect World, and Yang Xiaopei, the boss of Xixi Film, were honored as "Four Fine Producers" by netizens for their frequent essays and responses to netizens.

But after careful study, Wang Yixu is actually different from other producers. Most producers are keen to tell about the difficulty of the production process in order to win the sympathy of the audience; Or a online celebrity posture that wants to make a debut and constantly expresses itself. For example, Zheng Zheng often takes his own selfie after losing weight successfully. However, Yu Zheng’s essays are not all self-expression. To be honest, he is sometimes regarded as a reasonable guest who exposes the situation of the industry.

And Weibo, who is in Wang Yixu’s list, mistakenly thinks that Hard Candy has clicked into some big powder Weibo.He doesn’t look much like a producer. He doesn’t have any self-expression, but more like a fan operator.

For a drama project, from shooting to broadcasting, he constantly released various photos taken without watermark, and constantly drew prizes for fans who forwarded photos, and often forwarded fans’ second-generation videos, comic books and so on. In addition to "Freesia Tactics", YCY and Ding Yuxi’s "Lucky at Seven o’clock", which has not yet been broadcast, are also being reprinted wildly by Wang Yixu.

This kind of high-frequency fan interaction has made the series warm up in the starring powder circle and the core drama powder circle before it started broadcasting. I have to say that Wang Yixu knows the way of rice circles and uses it for the promotion of dramas.

Esther Yu and Dylan were suspected of quarreling in the live broadcast of "Freesia", but neither side responded afterwards. However, Wang Yixu responded positively to fans that Wang Hedi had "coaxed" Esther Yu, and they often quarreled. As soon as this word came out, the cp powder in a group of plays could not stop hitting the real cp.

Even the drama attracted less investment, and Wang Yixu did not forget to affirm the efforts of fans. Wang Yizhen called "black spots" (black powder, I really didn’t see any producer directly use this kind of rice circle language) to make "Canglan tactic", which was not optimistic at first. Later, due to the efforts of fans, the data records of the same type of members of iQiyi were constantly refreshed.

Isn’t this the most familiar powder abuse routine for Xiufen? Telling the helpless story that the project is not optimistic creates an illusion that "my brother only has fans", thus enhancing the stickiness and initiative of fans.

In fact, Wang Yixu’s skillful marketing of rice circles was first applied to SNH48 whitehairpin, the star of the play, during the period of "Chasing the Ball", and he bought 1,000 numbers for whitehairpin to play the list and vote in the general election, but he failed to bring a red drama series successfully.

When the IP drama "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" of Guoman was played, Wang Yizhen was even more perfect.Netizens’ first impressions of the play are: xx appeared on the Internet, xx denied it, and then Wang Yizhen personally refuted the rumor or responded ambiguously to the rumor.Obviously, it is not a super IP, but it gives the whole story of who will play the little dragon girl and who will play Lin Daiyu more than ten years ago.

Male starring candidates from JC-T, Li Xian, Chen Xiao, Cheng Yi to Liu Yuning, slipped through the first-line niche; Liu Shishi, Angelababy and Ni Ni were chosen as the leading actresses in Yang Mi.I slipped through 85 flowers, as if half the entertainment circle were competing for the role of the play.

Later, Yang Mi and Simon joined the group "The Fox Demon Little Matchmaker Moon Red", which was thought to be settled. Who knows that the rumors about Liu Shishi’s acting are still going on, and Wang Yixu replied to a private letter from netizens that there will be no change in the selection of Huaizhu. Although he didn’t name names, Liu Shishi, who was sealed by many fans, will still star in The Fox Demon Little Matchmaker Bamboo Industry.

A new generation of Tang people?

In Weibo, Wang Yixu mentioned that he had watched the dramas of the Tang Dynasty since he was a child, which immediately triggered many netizens’ discussion about using stellar gravity to mark the Tang Dynasty. So, does this young company, which is only 4 years old, really have the potential to inherit the mantle of the Tang Dynasty?

Judging from the layout of the original star gravity, it is obviously not focused on Xianxia ancient dolls.In 2018, the star gravity, which entered the industry for the first time, invested a lot of literary films.. Including "A Cloud Made of a Rain in the Wind" directed by Lou Ye, "The Poet" starring Song Jia and Zhu Yawen, and "Punch Mom" starring Tan Zhuo. These movies have a high probability of losing money.

Only the film "Get My Brother Away" which cooperated with Wanda made a small profit. However, in 2020, Stellar Gravity and Wanda still have a contract dispute lawsuit without public ruling, which shows that Stellar Gravity is not going well in the film field.

In 2019, the sand sculpture drama "Once upon a time, there was a Lingjian Mountain" was a small reputation and popularity, and the focus of stellar gravity seemed to turn to the field of TV dramas. The play of stellar gravity is no different from that of most film and television companies. From buying IP and hoarding IP to signing authors, screenwriters, directors and actors, it involves the development of the whole industry chain.

Many people behind the scenes have a suffix of "Star Project" in the subtitle of "Freesia Tactics". This "Star Project" is a plan to train new people by stellar gravity, which means that many of these behind-the-scenes teams are self-trained. Including directors Yi Zheng and Qian Jingwu of Freesia, chief screenwriter Liu Xiaolin of the first draft, chief screenwriter Jinjin Bai of the final draft, screenwriter Zhang Li, co-screenwriter Cao Xiaotian, visual effects producer Ye Zi, music director Huang Yi, etc.

Looking through it, the "Star Project" also includes signed writers/screenwriters: Wuzai, Jiulu Feixiang, Taotao Round, Jane Dark, etc. Jiulu Feixiang also has two ancient puppet works "With the Phoenix" and "Protecting the Heart" adapted by other families. Artists’ brokerage is not outstanding. At present, Guo Xiaoting is a bit famous, and Ryan has a contract dispute lawsuit with Stellar Gravity.

In fact, most film and television companies with production ability have a set of their own training teams. The famous midday production system mostly comes from the "Shandong Gang" of Shandong film and television. A stable and efficient production team can reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles.

However, this kind of situation is rarely publicly marked like stellar gravity, and it has a title. The previous person who emphasized his own team was 500.

The arc alliance initiated by 500 includes director Wang Siyang, group B director Song Xiao, screenwriter Yu Xiaoqian, photography director Liu Yingjian, lighting director Sun Jingliang, action director Li Yinghui and so on. They will also add a suffix "A·L·U", which is the abbreviation of "ARC LIGHT UNION" in the subtitle display of "Black Storm".

This approach is equivalent to branding the production team.With the accumulation of word-of-mouth of subsequent works, it can not only cultivate mature behind-the-scenes personnel, but also increase brand value and social status.

However, whether the plan can be successful depends on whether there are successive successful works. Because they are satisfied with "Freesia", the audience who are expecting stellar gravity to inherit the mantle of the Tang Dynasty will have to wait patiently for the broadcast of the next ancient puppet by stellar gravity.

However, stellar gravity can still carry out such deep-pocketed marketing in the case of saving money in the whole industry, and Hard Sugar Jun is inevitably curious about its capital background.

where is the money to come from?

It is rumored in Jianghu that Wang Yixu is a rich second generation "idolize Big Brother".The first company he founded in 2015, Shanghai Renxiang Culture, is mainly engaged in star data analysis and provides fan data algorithm services for video websites.Therefore, it is not surprising that Wang Yixu knows the way of rice circles.

Wang Yixu’s other background can only be found that he attended the Ivy League University jointly founded by Tencent and cheung kong graduate school of business Chuangchuang Community, and studied Tencent’s business model and cultural and creative industries. Whether the "money" of stellar gravity comes from Wang Yixu or not, Hard Sugar Jun is skeptical.

According to Tianyancha information, Wang Yizhen’s financial situation in 2018-2019 may not be particularly optimistic. There were two cases in which the equity was pledged, and the pledgee was Bank of Beijing Shanghai Branch. Equity pledge refers to the act of pledging the company’s equity as a guarantee. Generally speaking, the major shareholder is short of money or the company is not well managed to pledge the equity.

Zhang Yucheng, another founder of the company, was also pledged in 2018. The biggest change in 2019 is that the investors of financial capital, Wang Zheng, Shi Bo and Tang Yizhen, successively withdrew from Zhang Yucheng’s Wuren film and television culture.

However, Hard Sugar Jun prefers that the "money" of stellar gravity comes from Zhang Yucheng.According to the data of Zhang Yucheng searched on the Internet, he studied in Shenzhen International Exchange College, a famous aristocratic school in Shenzhen. He is a full-time international high school authorized by many foreign institutions, which specializes in training students going abroad. The annual tuition fee is as high as 278,000.

Zhang Yu graduated from University College London with a bachelor’s degree in statistics, economics and finance, and graduated from Cambridge University with a master’s degree in economics and finance. From 2013 to 2015, he worked in the investment banking department of Huatai United Securities, which ranked in the top five in China.

He should have started his business in 2015 and caught up with Wang Yizhen. The capital operation of stellar gravity is probably handled by Zhang Yucheng. In 2018, there may be some situations in the capital behind the two. But soon in July 2019, stellar gravity introduced the investment of iQiyi.

In August, 2020, Star Gravitation cooperated with Zhongshi Mingda Culture Media to establish Quality Gravitation Culture Media Company. The controlling party behind Zhongshi Mingda Culture Media is Tik Tok’s Quantum Jump Technology.In other words, after the investment of long video investor iQiyi, Stellar Gravity introduced the capital of short video byte system.

What’s more worth mentioning is that Wang Jianjun, the mysterious director of Stellar Gravity. He has the employment information of directors, supervisors and legal persons of 62 companies, among which there are many companies with state-owned background, belonging to China Huadian Group, Jinneng Holding Group and Shanxi Financial Investment Holding Group.

It seems that stellar gravity is not only a long and short video, but also a director with such a background. It is not surprising that he has money. However, if you have money, you will have money. If the gravity of the stars can really stably output high-quality ancient dolls, it will benefit the younger generation of viewers. Of course, it is best not to rot.

[See you at 8: 00] If you have this set of RMB in your hand, hurry to the bank outlet.

  [See you at 8: 00] If you have this set of RMB in your hand, hurry to the bank outlet.

  At 8 o’clock, witness the news every day. CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours for you.


  If you have this set of RMB in your hand, go to the bank outlet to exchange it.

  "In less than 10 days, we will say goodbye to the fourth set of RMB that has been circulating for more than 30 years!" The People’s Bank of China recently announced that the fourth set of RMB bonds will stop circulating from May 1, 2018, and the deadline for centralized exchange is April 30, 2019. If you have the fourth set of RMB in your hand, go to the bank outlet to exchange it.

  On March 22, 2018, the People’s Bank of China announced that it decided to stop the fourth set of RMB 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 20-cent banknotes and 10-cent coins (hereinafter referred to as the fourth set of RMB partial coupons) from circulating in the market on May 1, 2018. According to the arrangement of the central bank, the centralized exchange period of the fourth set of RMB coupons is from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019. During this period, holders can go to the business outlets of banking financial institutions for exchange.


  The maritime navigation picture of the first ship of China’s 10,000-ton destroyer was first made public.

  On the 22nd, Weibo, the People’s Navy, made public the picture of the first ship of a 10,000-ton destroyer sailing at sea for the first time. This type of ship is a new type of 10,000-ton destroyer independently developed by China. It has successively broken through a series of key technologies such as the overall design, information integration and final assembly construction of large ships, equipped with new air defense, anti-missile, anti-ship and anti-submarine weapons, and has strong information perception, air defense and anti-missile capabilities. It is a landmark warship for the navy to realize strategic transformation and development.

  These 20 3A hospitals will give priority to the "emergency classification" from next month.

  From May 1st, the emergency treatment methods of 20 major hospitals, including Beijing Tongren Hospital, Beijing Children’s Hospital and Beijing Friendship Hospital, will be changed one after another: patients will no longer be treated according to "first come, first served", but will be sorted according to the severity of illness. Patients will collect vital signs before seeing a doctor, and the level will be judged by machines and professional medical staff. The critically ill patients will be given priority to rescue, and the mild patients will be delayed.

  On the vision china incident by the Supreme Court: You can’t just identify the ownership of photos with watermarks.

  In response to the recent "vision china Copyright" incident, Lin Guanghai, vice president of the Third People’s Court of the Supreme People’s Court, said on the 22nd that the evidence of the ownership of photo works should be strictly examined, and the ownership of rights should not be determined only by taking the watermark as the signature of the photo author, so as to prevent one-sidedness and simplification.

  There is no open fire in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia, and it has been completely turned into a guard to clean up.

  On April 22, the reporter learned from the forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing headquarters in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region that as of 20: 00 on April 21, there was no open fire in the fire fields of Xinbaerhu Zuoqi, Chenbaerhu Banner, Manzhouli and Xinbaerhu Right Banner in Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia, and the left-behind team was fully guarding and monitoring the overseas fire and cleaning up the entry fire field.

  Central Bank: The new version of the credit report did not collect personal water and electricity payment information.

  The central bank answered a reporter’s question about the construction of the second-generation credit information system, saying that the upgrading and optimization of the credit information system is still in progress, and there is no clear online timetable. The credit information system has not collected personal water and electricity payment information. The credit reports inquired by financial institutions and the public have not changed, and they are not the so-called new credit reports. At the same time, the central bank responded that compared with the current version of the credit report, the proposed new version of the credit report has added some information, such as nationality and other information in the basic personal information, and information such as joint loan, personal guarantee for legal person and legal person guarantee for individual has been added in the credit information. According to the central bank, as far as this upgrade is concerned, the institutions and types of data submitted to the credit information system have not changed much before and after the upgrade, so the impact on personal economic life will not change much.

  A cadre of Lanzhou Health Bureau died of drinking at a party.

  The Propaganda Department of Qilihe District Committee of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province announced through the "Qilihe Release" WeChat WeChat official account that on April 12, 2019, Gao Xzhong, a cadre of the Education Center of Health and Health Bureau of Qilihe District of Lanzhou City, contacted Gao Xzhu and others through Yang Xhong, director of his office, to meet for dinner and drinking at the "Today’s X Zhai" teahouse in Guazhou Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City. During the dinner, the dinner party staff found that Gao X was pale and unwell after drinking a few drinks, and called 120 emergency number in time. By the time the emergency personnel arrived, Gao X was dead. After the incident, the Qilihe District Party Committee and the district government attached great importance to it and asked the District Health and Health Bureau to fully cooperate with relevant departments to do the investigation, verification and after-treatment work. At present, seven dinner parties and the families of the deceased are actively negotiating to solve the aftermath.

  Zhou Bin, the former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Wuhan Municipal Committee, was opened.

  According to the news of the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhou Bin, the former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Wuhan Municipal Committee, was expelled from the party and public office after the disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and submitted to the provincial party Committee for approval; The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution according to law.


  Sri Lankan government says local extremist groups plan bombings: with international assistance.

  According to comprehensive reports, a Sri Lankan government spokesman said in Colombo on the 22nd that the local Islamic extremist organization NTJ(National Thowheed Jamath) was behind the Easter attacks on Sunday.

  Rajitha Senaratne, a spokesman for the Sri Lankan government and Minister of Health and Medicine, was quoted by the British newspaper The Guardian as saying that the terrorist organization behind the explosion that caused heavy casualties was the local Islamic extremist organization "NTJ".

  Sri Lanka’s president declared the 23rd a day of mourning and a state of emergency would be entered.

  According to foreign media reports, a series of bombings occurred in Sri Lanka on the 21st, killing 290 people and injuring more than 500 others. President Sirisena declared the 23rd a national day of mourning. Sri Lanka will implement laws on the prevention of terrorism and declare a state of emergency.

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  Korean Central News Agency issued a document early on April 23rd, saying that at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will visit Russia soon. This will be the first meeting between the two leaders, and it will also be eight years later that the top leader of North Korea will visit Russia again.

  Park geun-hye applied to stop imprisonment for low back pain, and the prosecution made a decision as soon as this week.

  Former South Korean President park geun-hye served a prison sentence for many crimes. His lawyer submitted an application to the prosecution for stopping the execution of imprisonment on the 17th, on the grounds that his back pain was unbearable and he could not sleep normally. According to the latest news, South Korean prosecutors will decide on 25th or 26th at the earliest whether park geun-hye can suspend his sentence.

  Does Boeing 787 have serious security risks? Internal staff: I will never take it.

  The 787 Dreamliner produced by Boeing Company of the United States belongs to Boeing’s main model, but some American media reported that it was found that the quality of the 787 passenger aircraft produced by Boeing factory was poor. In order to finish the shipment as soon as possible, the factory did not hesitate to use broken parts, and a large number of sharp metal fragments, even light bulbs and short ladders, were often left inside the fuselage, posing serious security concerns. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigated the accident and issued instructions to Boeing, but it was not listed as a safety accident.

  Boeing 787 Dreamliner was launched in 2007, and its fuselage is made of carbon fiber, which helps to save fuel, thus attracting a large number of orders. The plant in North Charleston, North Carolina is one of the two Boeing plants in the United States that produce 787. The New York Times collected hundreds of internal emails from Boeing, and visited more than a dozen current or former employees of the factory. He found that Boeing employees had reported to FAA many times that there were defects in the production process and the fuselage was covered with debris, and the company had pressured employees to conceal violations.

  Clayton, who used to work as a mechanic in the factory, said that he often found metal fragments near the wires at the bottom of the cockpit, which was quite dangerous. "I told my wife that I would never take a Boeing 787."


  The head teacher in high school slapped the two boys in the face. Official: Suspension inspection

  Recently, a video of a teacher slapping, pulling hair and kicking students in the classroom caused controversy. On April 22nd, the reporter confirmed from the Propaganda Department of Xuanwei Municipal Committee that the teacher involved was Chen Mou, the head teacher of Class 88, Grade One, No.9 Middle School in Xuanwei City. Chen Mou found that two students were eating snacks and talking during the unified self-study in the school, and criticized the improper behavior of corporal punishment of students during education. In response to this matter, on April 22, a staff member of the Propaganda Department of Xuanwei Municipal Committee of Yunnan Province told the reporter that the incident occurred at around 20: 50 on April 13, 2019. After the incident, the school attached great importance to it and communicated with the parents of the students in time to obtain the understanding between them. Two students are now in normal classes at school, and the class teacher involved has been suspended for inspection. The school will take a warning, strengthen the construction of teachers, and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

  SF responded to the courier’s private unpacking: zero tolerance has started the investigation.

  On April 22nd, netizen @ Double Chin Fairy Pei Jinjin said that SF Express opened the customer’s package privately, added her WeChat message to harass, and scattered the courier on the bed, pretending it was his girlfriend’s item. In this regard, SF Group officially apologized and said that it would never tolerate or condone any misconduct that violated laws, regulations and corporate codes of conduct. SF has initiated an investigation.

  Fun run, a woman from Leshan, Sichuan, was sentenced to death in the first instance.

  According to the WeChat WeChat official account news of Leshan Intermediate People’s Court, on the morning of April 22, 2019, Leshan Intermediate People’s Court publicly pronounced the "green heart road murder case" according to law. Defendant Li Jian was sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life and fined 15,000 yuan for committing intentional homicide, robbery and theft.

  Sixteen defendants in Jiangsu poisoned dog case were sentenced to more than 5.6 million public welfare claims.

  Recently, Jiangsu poison dog case was pronounced in the first instance. Sixteen defendants, including Liu and harmful food, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from six years to one year, with fines ranging from 550,000 to several thousand yuan, and five defendants, including Qian, were also sentenced to pay compensation of 5,674,168 yuan. And publicly apologize in the national media!

  Villagers flip over their new houses and shoot to celebrate scaring more than 10,000 rabbits next door and being awarded 440,000 yuan in compensation.

  Firecrackers were set off to celebrate after Cai opened the new house in Xinyi, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. The loud noise led to the abortion and death of the mother rabbit and the death of the rabbit in the Zhang farm next door. In desperation, Zhang appealed to Xinyi Court for compensation. On April 22, the xinyi city People’s Court announced the verdict of the second instance of this case, and Cai compensated Zhang for a loss of more than 440,000 yuan.

  Wonderful! The man had a car accident on the way to steal a car.

  Recently, Suqian, Jiangsu. A man stole a car, had a car accident on the way, and was injured. He reluctantly went to a nearby parking lot to steal another car, and was arrested by the police. After investigation, the man was also suspected of drunk driving and had a criminal record of theft. At present, he has been detained.

  The female driver crashed into the tunnel wall and died. She drove for 34 minutes and checked her mobile phone 30 times.

  Recently, in Sanming, Fujian, a car suddenly ran out of control and crashed into the tunnel wall, and the female driver died on the spot. After investigation, the police found that the driver had four illegal acts during driving, such as speeding, changing lanes in the tunnel, using a mobile phone and not wearing a seat belt, and looked at the mobile phone 30 times during the 34 minutes of driving.


  [Chen Lijun] broke the world record three times

  The 2019 Asian Weightlifting Championships and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Qualifying Tournament entered the second competition day yesterday. In the men’s 67kg class, the China team sent a team named Li Lijun and Feng Ludong to play. In the snatch competition, Chen Lijun took the lead all the way, and set a new snatch record in the third place with a score of 154 kg. In the subsequent clean and jerk competition, the advantage of the Chenli Army was even more obvious, setting a new world record for clean and jerk with 185 kg, and at the same time increasing the total world record to 339 kg.

  [Master Dou] "Crispy helmet video" client: can’t find a job and can’t live a normal life.

  According to The Paper, several videos of "crispy helmet" unexpectedly became popular on the Internet, and aroused public concern about the quality of the helmet. Master Dou, the protagonist of the video in the storm of public opinion, told reporters that he used to do odd jobs on the construction site and "eat a bite", but since the video of "crispy helmet" was widely spread, he has not found a job recently.

  "I used to find a living one every day. Why don’t you look for me now?" Helpless, Master Dou had to return to his hometown in the countryside first, full of worries about his future life.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

There are many things to see in the new round of financial opening-up when foreign capital comes to China.

  At the 14th Beijing International Finance Expo, more than 150 Chinese and foreign financial institutions gathered to show the latest achievements in financial risk prevention and control, smart financial services and inclusive finance innovation. Spring light photo (people’s vision)

  In the process of expanding financial openness, China has also actively initiated the establishment of international financial institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The picture shows the headquarters building of the AIIB in Beijing Financial Street. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Kaixiang photo

  Financial opening will directly serve the economic and trade exchanges between China and overseas. The picture shows a busy scene in Chongqing Central Station of China Railway Lianji at Chongqing Railway Port on May 7 this year. Photo by Sun Kaifang (People’s Vision)

  Not long ago, Guo Shuqing, President of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China, said that on the basis of in-depth study and evaluation, 12 new measures to expand the opening up of the banking and insurance industries will be introduced in the near future. In recent days, people from all walks of life have been paying more and more attention to the opening up of China’s financial industry. Insiders pointed out that China’s new round of measures to expand the opening of banking and insurance industry not only responded to the concerns of foreign financial institutions, but also met the needs of China’s own economic and financial development.

  These opening measures are not only conducive to enriching market players, stimulating market vitality, but also improving the management level and competitiveness of the financial industry; It is also conducive to learning from international advanced concepts and experiences, expanding product and service innovation, and increasing effective financial supply, which embodies the meaning of China’s economic development towards high quality.

  Foreign investment in China "has a bigger door and a wider road"

  — — Expanding financial openness will help improve the business space and convenience of foreign-funded institutions in China.

  In early May, a message released by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange aroused widespread concern. This information shows that since the beginning of this year, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has approved a total of 13 qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) with a total investment quota of 4.74 billion US dollars, exceeding the total amount approved in 2018; A total of 12 RMB qualified foreign institutional investors (RQFII) were approved to invest a total of 24 billion yuan, exceeding half of the total amount approved in 2018. This means that the door for foreign capital to enter China is getting wider and wider.

  "China’s determination to open wider to the outside world and a series of reform measures it is promoting have made China’s financial market more and more attractive to foreign investment. China’s stock market and bond market have been included in several global important indexes one after another, which also makes foreign capital have a strong allocation demand for China’s financial market. In the first quarter, overseas institutions bought a net of US$ 19.4 billion in Chinese stocks and US$ 9.5 billion in Chinese bonds, a substantial increase compared with the same period last year and the fourth quarter. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange will continue to actively support the expansion of the financial market to the outside world, meet the expanding investment needs of overseas investors in China’s financial market, and attract long-term global capital to enter China’s financial market. " The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said.

  Beyond the implementation level, 12 new initiatives issued by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China, have attracted more attention. Specifically, these measures mainly include: canceling the upper limit of the shareholding ratio of a single Chinese bank and a single foreign bank to Chinese commercial banks at the same time; Cancel the total assets requirement of $10 billion for foreign banks to set up foreign-funded corporate banks in China and $20 billion for foreign banks to set up branches in China; Cancel the $1 billion total assets requirement for overseas financial institutions to invest in trust companies; Allow overseas financial institutions to invest in foreign-funded insurance companies in China; Allow foreign insurance group companies to invest in the establishment of insurance institutions; At the same time, relax the access policy for Chinese and foreign financial institutions to invest in the establishment of consumer finance companies; Cancel the approval of foreign banks to start RMB business, and allow foreign banks to operate RMB business when they start business.

  Xiao Yuanqi, spokesperson of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China, said that the 12 new opening-up measures are aimed at further improving the foreign investment and business environment in the financial sector and stimulating the vitality of foreign investment in the development of China’s financial industry. "For example, if the relevant restrictions on the ratio of foreign shares are abolished, foreign investors can freely choose to operate in China by means of equity participation, joint venture or sole proprietorship, so as to further promote fair competition between Chinese and foreign investors. For another example, canceling the quantitative access requirements for institutions such as total assets and comprehensively evaluating the qualifications of applicants with more prudent conditions can attract more high-quality foreign-funded institutions with professional characteristics, which will help to further enrich financial market players and improve the supply of financial services. In addition, measures to expand the scope of foreign-funded business will further expand the space for foreign-funded institutions to operate in China and enhance their operational convenience. "

  Ceng Gang, deputy director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, believes that the new opening policy is the implementation and deepening of the general direction and policy principles of financial opening in the previous stage. "For example, at the same time, the upper limit of the shareholding ratio of foreign banks to Chinese commercial banks is cancelled, which reflects the consistency standard of foreign capital and Chinese capital; For another example, canceling the approval of foreign banks to start RMB business and allowing foreign banks to operate RMB business when they start business is also a manifestation of promoting more full competition in the market. " Ceng Gang said.

  The "catfish effect" will expand.

  — — The entry of "small but beautiful" and "small but refined" foreign capital will make China’s financial system more balanced.

  The impact of the new round of financial opening policy is undoubtedly enormous. It is understood that at present, the banking and insurance industry in China has formed a multi-ownership structure of state-owned, private and foreign capital. Among them, private capital has accounted for 43%, 56%, 83% and 49% of the total share capital of joint-stock banks, city commercial banks, rural commercial banks and insurance companies respectively. Foreign banks and foreign insurance companies account for 1.64% and 6.36% of assets in China.

  Guo Shuqing pointed out that financial management departments adhere to internal and external consistency, treat all domestic and foreign entities fairly and equally, and cooperate and compete under the same rules to form a win-win situation. He said that by further opening up and building a fair and consistent market environment, it will be more conducive to the full competition of banking and insurance institutions, optimize the shareholding structure, standardize shareholder behavior, and form a reasonable and diverse market system.

  Take "allowing overseas financial institutions to invest in foreign-funded insurance companies in China" as an example. Before liberalization, the overseas shareholders of foreign-funded insurance companies should be insurance companies; After liberalization, allowing qualified non-insurance financial institutions to hold shares in foreign-funded insurance companies can enrich the types of shareholders and sources of funds of foreign-funded insurance companies. "At present, China insurance market has introduced six foreign insurance brokerage companies. Cancelling the requirements of relevant business years and total assets will help encourage and guide high-quality foreign-funded insurance brokerage companies with significant late-comer advantages to enter the China market, and help China deepen exchanges and cooperation with advanced international counterparts. " Xiao Yuanqi said.

  According to Dong Ximiao, vice president of Chongyang Financial Research Institute of China Renmin University, the launch of a new round of opening-up measures in the financial industry will help to introduce small and medium-sized foreign financial institutions with characteristics and advantages, improve the unbalanced domestic financial institution system, promote more cooperation between domestic and foreign small and medium-sized financial institutions in terms of equity, business and products, and also help finance to better serve private small and micro enterprises.

  "Previously, the foreign capital introduced by China was basically a top-level large-scale well-known foreign-funded institution. The cancellation of scale restrictions is conducive to the relatively small scale of foreign capital introduction, especially the better development, ‘ Small and beautiful ’ 、‘ Small but refined ’ Small and medium-sized foreign capital entered China. The introduction of these small and medium-sized foreign-funded institutions, on the one hand, is conducive to the enrichment of the main level of the financial industry in opening up to the outside world, and improves the unbalanced state of China’s financial system; On the other hand, it is conducive to the formation of ‘ Catfish effect ’ To promote full competition in the financial industry, so that private enterprises and small and micro enterprises in the real economy can get more support. " Dong Ximiao told reporters.

  Peng Zhiwei, director of the Department of International Economics and Trade of Nankai University, pointed out in an interview with this reporter that a direct effect of China’s new round of measures to expand financial openness is to promote competition in the domestic financial industry and improve the efficiency of the financial market in allocating factors and resources. "Today, China’s economy is seeking higher quality development, so the financial industry should also carry out supply-side reform. At this time, further opening up the financial sector is obviously conducive to promoting reform and accelerating the upgrading of China’s financial industry. "

  Quickly add whip to "enter the competition"

  — — The new action of financial opening to the outside world has better responded to the real needs and concerns of foreign capital.

  Swiss bank’s shareholding in UBS Securities increased to 51%, achieving absolute control; Jordan Arab Bank and Morocco Foreign Trade Bank successfully set up Shanghai branch; Allianz (China) Insurance was approved to build and became the first foreign insurance holding company in China; S&P was allowed to enter China’s credit rating market; American Express initiated the establishment of a joint venture company in China, and the application for preparing a bank card clearing institution has been examined and approved … … With the last round of financial opening, foreign financial institutions are more and more actively deploying the China market.

  Nowadays, the new round of financial opening policy has obviously further increased China’s attractiveness to overseas financial institutions. Dbs group said that the implementation of the open policy has enabled foreign banks to have a more level playing field in China. After more reforms, DBS Bank is more willing to invest in China and expand its business in China. Morgan Stanley predicts that with the increase of China A-share market in MSCI Emerging Markets Index, the proportion of foreign investors holding China A-shares will increase from 2.6% to about 10% within 10 years, which is expected to bring hundreds of billions of dollars into China capital market every year.

  As the largest foreign-funded property insurance company in China market, AXA Tianping will be 100% wholly owned by French AXA, and it is the first wholly foreign-funded company among the top 20 property insurance companies in China. In recent years, the continuous opening of China’s financial industry, especially the rapid growth of the insurance industry, has strengthened AXA Tianping’s confidence in expanding the layout of the China market.

  Wei Zewei, Executive Chairman and CEO of AXA China, said that insurance regulators are promoting market liberalization and providing foreign investors with the same level of market access as domestic enterprises, and positive changes can be seen everywhere. "We have always been full of confidence in the China market and believe that the China market has great growth potential. Now we have become a leading foreign-funded life insurance and property insurance company in China. In the future, AXA Tianping will continue to devote itself to serving the China market and further deepen the insurance industry to provide more humanized services, so as to ‘ Quality ’ Win. "

  "According to the data of the Ministry of Commerce, in the first quarter, 9,616 foreign-invested enterprises were newly established nationwide, and the actual use of foreign capital was 242.28 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%; In March, the actually used foreign capital increased by 8% year-on-year. Among them, high-tech manufacturing and high-tech service industries have increased substantially, and the investment in China by economies such as the United States, Japan, South Korea and the European Union has increased rapidly. A large number of foreign investments in China also show that the new situation of economic development requires China to provide more diversified, more open and more effective financial services. Expanding financial openness is obviously beneficial to the development of this open economy. It can be said that the new round of financial opening-up measures has better responded to the actual needs and concerns of foreign investment. " Peng Zhiwei said. (Our reporter Wang Junling.)

What is "ineffective medical care"? Many operations may not be performed, and many drugs may not be taken.

People are most afraid of disease, not only suffering from physical pain, but also bearing expensive treatment costs. People receive treatment immediately after getting sick, but some unscrupulous clinics recommend expensive treatment methods and drugs to patients in order to make huge profits, so that small diseases cost a lot of money and the treatment effect is not very satisfactory.

Therefore, when patients treat diseases, they should avoid ineffective medical treatment, and have a pair of eyes to identify them.

According to relevant statistics, 47.4% of netizens in China have encountered the problem of ineffective medical care. Strictly speaking, ineffective medical treatment, that is, medical behavior, has no meaning to patients, or is not helpful to the improvement of their condition.

For example, some drugs can be cured by taking medicine, but doctors still recommend patients to do various tests and treatments; Or the illness is very serious, the patient is weak, and the doctor still adopts advanced or expensive medical means, which not only increases the pain suffered by the patient, but also leads to poor treatment effect, and eventually leads to both human and financial resources, and also leads to waste of medical resources.

1. Advanced cancer

Modern medicine is still unable to conquer cancer, especially in the late stage of cancer. Excessive emphasis on radical cure of cancer or complete killing of cancer cells will increase the physical, mental and economic pressure of patients, making them weaker and even life-threatening. The principle of advanced cancer treatment is to relieve pain and improve the quality of life, so we can’t operate blindly.

2. Lumbar disc herniation

In fact, the lumbar spine has a strong ability of self-healing and recovery. Immune cells and phagocytic system in the body can identify the position of lumbar disc herniation, secrete a lot of enzymes to dissolve it, and rely on the ability of healing and recovery to alleviate it. Most lumbar disc herniation does not require additional surgery. According to the survey, 13.25% of the patients got worse after the operation.

3. Pulmonary nodules

Some patients were diagnosed as pulmonary nodules during physical examination, and most of them were benign. After being diagnosed with pulmonary nodules, there is no need to worry too much, and further pathological examination is needed to assess the risk of cancer. If it is a benign pulmonary nodule without special treatment, just go to the hospital for low-dose spiral CT screening on a regular basis.

4, frequent infusion

Many people choose infusion because it can quickly alleviate their illness. However, infusion is equivalent to minor surgery, and excessive infusion will bring adverse reactions to the body and affect the development of various tissues and cells. Therefore, there is no need for infusion when it is not necessary, and a regular hospital should be chosen when infusion is necessary.

1. Paracetamol

As long as there is low back pain, people will take acetaminophen as soon as possible, such as paracetamol, which can relieve the pain quickly. However, if paracetamol can’t relieve acute low back pain and there is no significant spinal lesion, it may have side effects after taking the medicine.

2. Opioid drugs

Some patients take opioid analgesics for a long time after surgery to relieve pain, but excessive use of such drugs can harm their physical and mental health.

3. Aspirin

Some patients took aspirin before operation. However, studies have shown that taking aspirin will not affect the mortality rate and the incidence of nonfatal myocardial infarction. On the contrary, it will cause massive bleeding because of taking a lot of aspirin every day.


Ineffective medical treatment not only can’t solve the disease, but also affects patients’ physical and mental health, increases economic pressure, wastes medical resources and reduces patients’ trust in doctors. Every doctor should pay attention to medical ethics and fully consider the patient’s pathogenic needs and medical technology level.

The online manuscript of family doctor shall not be reproduced without authorization.

"The level of men’s football in China has been declining all the way," said the director of the General Administration of Sports.

On the 12th, the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress held the third "ministerial aisle". The first person to walk on the ministerial aisle was Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration.

Gao Zhidan said that for a long time, the development of China’s three major sports, especially men’s events, was not satisfactory, and the level of men’s football was declining all the way. There were even many chaos in the football industry, which was in sharp contrast with the requirements and expectations of the CPC Central Committee and the people of the whole country.

Gao Zhidan said,It is a sign of a sports power that the three major goals should be achieved, and it is also a short board that we must make up to speed up the construction of a sports power.

Gao Zhidan pointed out that recently, in view of the serious problems in the field of football, we have been deeply rethinking and studying solutions and ways, and we are prepared to systematically treat them from the aspects of ideological education, style construction, deepening reform and doing a good job in current work.

In the spirit of re-taking the Long March Road, we should do a good job in all the work of the three big balls, focus on the outstanding problems such as lack of spiritual integrity and not hard work style in the current work of the three big balls with the determination to eliminate the disease with strong drugs and punish the chaos with heavy punishment, and persevere in changing the work style, being strong in responsibility and grasping implementation.Resolutely crack down and severely punish corruption and "fake gambling" in football and other fields.Correct the wind and discipline, be strict in discipline, improve the system, strengthen the rules, and comprehensively repair and reconstruct the good ecology of the healthy and sustainable development of the three balls.

On March 12th, the first meeting of the 14th National People’s Congress held the third "ministerial channel" interview. This is Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration, interviewed by the media. Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Yang photo

When talking about how to revitalize football in China, Gao Zhidan said that the current reform of football and basketball has entered the deep water area, and the task of deepening the reform and achieving a breakthrough is arduous and arduous. We should unswervingly follow the road of reform, innovation and development, further emancipate our minds, be upright and innovative, and start with the construction of management system, talent system, training system, competition system and guarantee system, and constantly improve the "three big balls" development path with China characteristics. We should face up to the problems, strengthen our confidence, face up to difficulties, accurately understand and implement policies and measures such as the overall plan for football reform and development in China, promote the modernization of the "three-ball" governance system and governance capacity, promote the standardized development of the league’s governance system, be firm and orderly, consistently take the road of "three-ball" development and reform in China, revitalize the "three-ball" and play a good role in football turnaround. We must strengthen the foundation and plant a strong talent base.

We should settle down, start with dolls, give full play to the advantages of the national system, make good use of the vitality of the market mechanism, promote the healthy development of campus football, promote the large-scale growth of young football talents, and consolidate the reserve talent base. We should start from the grass roots, actively support the development of youth football clubs, give more support and guarantee to social football in terms of policies, funds and talents, and promote the benign interaction between social football and professional football.

We should start from the foundation, constantly improve the football competition system and professional league system, smooth the growth channel of outstanding young players from campus football, social football to professional football, and train more outstanding reserve young players and transport them up.In the process of doing a good job of reserve talents, we should resolutely abandon the mentality of quick success and instant benefit, and build a path and channel for the cultivation and growth of reserve talents step by step, so as to revitalize China football for a long time.

Disclaimer: This article was transferred from China News Network (ID: CNS 2012), Beijing Youth Daily, Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News. Thank you!