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81 movies get together for the 40-day Lunar New Year, waiting for the "head work"

  Zhong Han Jian gong bo

  "Is it a New Year’s Eve file now?" Not long ago, Hu Youqi, a citizen, found on the ticketing platform that the platform and the cinema had already marked the Lunar New Year file early, and many recently released films also used it as a label for publicity.

  Data from Cat’s Eye Professional Edition shows that this year’s Lunar New Year file runs from November 24th to December 31st. As of 16: 00 on December 18th, 81 films (including reruns) have been locked in this schedule, and the national box office this year has exceeded 52.906 billion yuan. With the further promotion of the Lunar New Year file, people in the industry generally believe that this year’s movie box office will hit 55 billion yuan, which is the same as 2017.

  Many viewers found that, unlike the impression that the New Year’s Eve files are mainly comedic family movies, this year’s New Year’s Eve files are not only rich in types, but also have a good reputation. However, compared with previous Chinese New Year’s Eve movies, which have produced many annual box office champions and box office masterpieces that broke 1 billion yuan, Across the Furious Sea, which topped this year’s Chinese New Year’s Eve movie, currently has a box office of only 546 million yuan, lacking a "head work" matrix with a double harvest of box office reputation to drive the film market to by going up one flight of stairs.

  Has the New Year’s Eve changed?

  There is no standard answer as to when the Lunar New Year file will start. Usually, a movie is a hit around December, even if the Lunar New Year file is opened.

  On November 30th, the film "Hot Search" starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin was released, saying that it was "the first to open the curtain of the year-end Lunar New Year"; On December 1st, NI YAN and Seven starred in the film Goodbye, Li Kele, which is also called "the first shot of Chinese New Year". Hu Youqi has some doubts: "Isn’t the New Year’s Day to the Spring Festival?"

  In fact, with the development of the film market in China, the time of the New Year’s Eve is quietly changing.

  When will the Lunar New Year file become a schedule? The reporter interviewed a number of people in the industry, and almost everyone agreed that this concept entered the film industry in China, which originated from the film Party A and Party B, which was released at the end of 1997 and was dubbed as the "New Year’s Film", which made a box office story at that time. Since then, more and more films have chosen to be released during this period, among which the head films are often star-studded and commercial.

  Previously, the industry once divided New Year’s Eve files into broad and narrow sense. The broad New Year’s Eve files include two major festivals, New Year’s Day and Spring Festival, which last for about one and a half months. There is no standard answer as to when the Lunar New Year file will start. "Usually, a movie is popular around December, even if the Lunar New Year file is opened".

  Wang Ce, a member of the Shanghai Film Criticism Society and a senior screenwriter, said that the Lunar New Year file continued the idea that many lively comedies in China and Hong Kong were shown together during New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. "But at that time, the film supply was small, and the cycle of a film was as long as one to two months. With the increase in film supply, it has now been subdivided into multiple schedules. "

  On the movie data platforms such as Cat’s Eye and Lighthouse, the New Year’s Eve file is different from the New Year’s Eve file, New Year’s Day file and Spring Festival file. The New Year’s Eve file refers to more than one month from late November to December 31, while the New Year’s Eve file only refers to a day on December 31. There are still many cases of "stalls" in one day, such as Tanabata stalls and 520 stalls, which have emerged in recent years. According to insiders, the film market is now well supplied and the film screening cycle is shortened. Often, the first week or even the first day of the box office determines the follow-up trend of a film box office. In this case, it is not unexpected to subdivide the schedule. The film will arrange the release time according to the theme, investment and market expectation. Wang Ce said that the Spring Festival is a big schedule. Usually, films with larger investment and higher expectations will be released, and films with less competitiveness will be released on New Year’s Day.

  A few days ago, the reporter saw in Daguangming Cinema that the December News posted at the gate of the cinema was a collection of 13 films such as Hot Search and Wonka from Aquaman 2, and posters of recently released films such as Three Battalions, Crossing the Sea and Breaking Point were placed in the hall, but the words "New Year’s Eve File" did not appear. The staff of Daguangming Cinema introduced that in the past, the concept of New Year’s Eve was relatively broad, basically starting from the end of November and early December until the Spring Festival, but now it is gradually subdivided into New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. "We usually say New Year’s Eve, which generally means that when the New Year is approaching, at least after the end of December, it will start with Party A and Party B at the earliest, and then a series of films such as Let Bullets Fly, It’s too embarrassing for people to travel again have good box office output in this period. After the breakdown of the schedule in recent years, the atmosphere of the Lunar New Year file is not as strong as before, and the explosion point is more concentrated in the Spring Festival file. "

  "The concept of the schedule is more of a B-end concept. For the audience, the centralized release of the demand for watching movies is often accompanied by legal holidays, and the main box office output of the Lunar New Year file is still on New Year’s Day and other festivals." Zhang Tong, a senior analyst at Cat’s Eye Research Institute, said that in 2010, 2011 and 2012, domestic box office champions, Let Bullets Fly, flowers of war, and The Way of Water, were all released in the New Year’s Eve file. In recent years, the New Year’s Eve file also produced Sheep Without A Shepherd’s Ip Man 4, Shock Wave 2’s manslaughter 2 and Avatar: The Way of Water. "Famous in 2021 and Nobody in 2018 were both released in mid-November, and both of them have achieved good box office results in the traditional off-season of the film market."

  Can it hit 55 billion yuan?

  This year is the year with the most and most lively New Year movies, but there is still a lack of "head works" with a double harvest at the box office.

  The film market in China has recovered strongly this year. Data from Cat’s Eye Professional Edition shows that this year’s Spring Festival file became the second in history with 6.765 billion yuan; After that, the box office of the "May 1 ST" file was second only to the same period in 2019 and 2021; The box office of the summer file exceeded 20.62 billion yuan, breaking the record of the highest box office, the highest number of people and the total number of times in the summer file of China Film History. With the release of many films for the Lunar New Year, the industry is optimistic that the total box office of this year’s films will hit 55 billion yuan.

  "In 2023, the overall performance of the China film market was remarkable, and the market quickly recovered its vitality." In Zhang Tong’s view, many masterpieces have emerged during the Spring Festival, summer vacation, National Day and other holiday periods, and new audiences continue to enter the market. "This year’s head films generally have a strong family viewing attribute, and the proportion of older audiences has increased compared with previous years."

  This year, there are 81 movies in the Lunar New Year, which is not surprising to some people in the industry. In 2019, there are also 70 movies in the Lunar New Year. The staff of Daguangming Cinema said: "This year’s Lunar New Year’s files have diverse styles and themes to meet the needs of audiences of different ages." Ma Ye, president of Baiying (Beijing) Cinema Management Co., Ltd., believes that this year is the year with the most and most lively New Year movies.

  However, at present, Across the Furious Sea, which was released on November 25th, is still the leading movie at the box office, with a cumulative box office of 546 million yuan. Compared with this year’s Spring Festival movie "Man Jiang Hong" and "Wandering Earth 2", and the summer movie "Put all your eggs in one basket", "Disappeared She" and "Goddess the First Part", there is still a lack of "head movies" with strong box office, topics and reputation.

  "Up to now, this year’s Lunar New Year file has indeed not seen a large-scale film to incite the market to watch movies." Zhang Tong said that the highlight is the films released at the end of the year. Apart from Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars, two Hong Kong films, Goldfinger, Sneak, and the workplace satirical comedy The Annual Meeting can’t stop! ",New Year’s classic IP" If You Are the One 3 "are all worth looking forward to. The staff of Daguangming Cinema also revealed that, according to the usual practice, "hot movies are basically released in the last two days of the year, and it is difficult to predict whether the annual box office can reach 55 billion yuan, but the overall momentum of the film market is good".

  Rui Cui, Liu Xiang and bid for the Olympic Games, directors of "Lost She" and "Put All Your Eggs", which achieved good box office results this summer, are all young directors who have not been well known by the public, and many films released recently have a good reputation. "The number of bad films has decreased this year, which is a good phenomenon." Wang Ce said that with the recent survival of the fittest in the industry, what remains is a relatively mature professional force. In his view, the current audience has "changed a batch" compared with a few years ago, the attraction of big-name directors and famous actors has declined, and the audience pays more attention to themes and stories. For creators, it is necessary to think about why the audience comes to see and create more viewing motives for the audience; On the other hand, the audience is also diverted, and the market is more subdivided. Different types of films such as suspense, science fiction and pure love have their own audience groups. Focusing on a niche type can also have a good market return. "The establishment of the film industrialization system is not only aimed at technology, special effects and service, but also includes R&D planning, script creation, process management, etc. In the past, screenwriters could create with their heads closed, and now they may have to consider the market more. When the entire large industrial system is perfect, no link can be built behind closed doors. "

  People in the industry generally have confidence in the China film market next year. "Next year, a large number of domestic films with rich and diverse types will be reserved." Wang Ce revealed that at present, the film industry has maintained a good development momentum, and the audience need not worry about the "film shortage" next year. Next, films such as Mr. Red Carpet will be shown in the Spring Festival, and a large number of films such as "Feng Shen II" are expected to meet the audience next year.

  Ritual sense attracts young people?

  Movies have social attributes. Watching movies on special holidays is a cost-effective entertainment consumption for young audiences.

  Recently, the movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" has attracted the attention of people in the industry and the public: the director is a newcomer, the actor is not a flow star, and the theme is the fantasy love of the minority. However, the pre-sale box office exceeded 100 million yuan 23 days before the release, making it the earliest pre-sale movie and the fastest pre-sale movie for the New Year.

  "In my impression, the Lunar New Year files and movies are all family fun types." Hu Youqi found that there are many suspense and crime themes in recent Lunar New Year movies, as well as Goodbye, Li Ke Le and Dog God with pet themes. In the past, the typical Lunar New Year movies only had the traditional blockbuster Neptune 2: The Lost Kingdom and the established IP If You Are the One 3. According to the data from Taobao Film, there are more than 100,000 movies "wanted to see", among which "plot crime" accounts for 3 movies.

  "Suspense movies are a niche theme for the industry and the audience. These films have a small investment and a low box office ceiling, and usually choose a small schedule or a cold schedule." Wang Ce believes that although there are suspense films such as "Disappeared She" and "Put All Your Eggs on One Egg" exploding in the market this year, they rely more on the topic heat and are unrepeatable. "In the future, suspense films may not become a popular theme, but at present, as a mature market type and insurance investment theme, it may form a fixed output ratio in the domestic film market."

  In the eyes of the industry, with the renewal of movie audiences, young moviegoers are more willing to choose niche and personalized themes. The change of the New Year’s Eve schedule also makes more movies with rich themes and relatively small investment willing to choose this schedule. "Judging from the distribution of the schedule and its impact on the whole year’s market, the Lunar New Year file is expected to continue the heat at the end of the year until the beginning of next year before the Spring Festival file next year, which will play an important role in preheating and undertaking the Spring Festival file next year." Zhang Tong said.

  In addition to the quality of the film, the film side has also begun to exert its strength in marketing and distribution, enriching the movie-watching experience of fans. "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" released on December 30, 1314 cinemas across the country will hold "snow field" activities at 13: 14 on the same day, which is considered by the industry as an important reason for the film’s pre-sale box office to outshine others. According to the data of Cat’s Eye Professional Edition, among the users who buy pre-sale tickets for "Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars", the population under 25 is over 80%. On social media, many viewers who bought advance tickets showed their ticket purchase records, expecting the movie to "snow" when it was released.

  "As a kind of entertainment consumption content, movies not only have commodity attributes, but also have social attributes. Young audiences are the main consumers of social activities. They are more active and pay more attention to the sense of ceremony. On some special holidays, watching movies is a cost-effective entertainment consumption for young audiences. " Zhang Tong said.

  In order to create such a sense of ceremony, many cinemas have made innovations. Located on the first floor of Jing ‘an MOHO, Baiying Sanke Yinghua is a compound space combining a cinema and a restaurant. Ma Ye introduced that this year’s summer file was very busy during the National Day holiday, and the film market was relatively weak in November. Everyone took the opportunity to thoroughly clean the interior and carpets of the cinema, and carried out equipment maintenance, maintenance and staff training, so as to welcome the movie-watching craze with a better look after the opening of the Lunar New Year file.

  Bai Ying San Ke Ying Hua also designed a series of activities to create a sense of ceremony. For example, on December 16, Shanghai ushered in a cooling down, and the cinema chose to hold the "Winter Night Jazz Trio" on the same day to attract the audience with movie music; From December 20th to 25th, the stamp-stamping activity sought after by young people was introduced. With the ticket stubs exchanged for stamp-collecting cards on that day, the stamps of Wonka, Aquaman 2 and Detective Conan were hidden in the cinema space for the audience to find and stamp, and there would be staff dressed as NPC (non-player role) to interact with the audience. "We left these activities to create a sense of theater ceremony to young employees to plan independently, to attract the audience to stay in the theater for a while and leave an impression outside the film. When the audience has memories and emotional connections with the cinema, it is difficult for them to leave. "

(Liberation Daily)


18 life jokes, funny and reasonable!

Source: WeChat WeChat official account "Sanwei Poetry House"

Editor: Ni Jie (intern)

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The Xinjiang team brought in the insider, and Fan Ziming was traded to Li Muhao to join Shenzhen, with poor performance.

Xinjiang team is about to introduce a No.4 inside foreign aid, which is undoubtedly a great improvement to the team’s strength. As one of the most competitive teams in CBA, Xinjiang team has always been famous for its strong rebounding ability. This time, the introduction of foreign aid in the No.4 position has injected a boost into the team’s rebounding performance. In modern basketball games, the importance of rebounding is self-evident. Rebound can not only improve the team’s scoring efficiency, but also limit the opponent’s second attack opportunity and strive for more attack opportunities for the team. The addition of foreign aid in the fourth position means that the Xinjiang team will have greater advantages in rebounding. First of all, the height and wingspan of the foreign aid inside the fourth position are usually longer, which makes them have a stronger advantage in rebounding competition. They can take advantage of their height and wingspan to better seize offensive and defensive rebounds, increase scoring opportunities for the team and reduce opponents’ scoring opportunities. Secondly, the foreign aid inside the fourth position usually has excellent physical fitness and strong physical confrontation ability. They can engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat with their opponents in the rebounding competition and win more rebounds. At the same time, they can also limit their opponents’ scoring opportunities in the basket through physical confrontation and provide solid defensive support for the team. In addition, the addition of foreign aid in the No.4 position will also bring more tactical choices to the Xinjiang team. They can play an excellent low-post scoring ability on the offensive end and provide a variety of scoring methods for the team. On the defensive end, their presence can effectively block the opponent’s inside scoring route and improve the overall defensive strength of the team.It is a wise decision for Xinjiang team to introduce a foreign aid inside the No.4 position. This will not only enhance the team’s competitiveness in rebounding, but also bring more tactical choices to the team.

Xinjiang team has strong foreign aid ability, and Farr left to join the NBA. Recently, the news that China basketball community is excited came. Farr, a foreign aid of Xinjiang Blue Team, successfully joined the NBA, becoming the first player to land in the American professional basketball league in the history of China basketball. This news not only cheered the basketball fans in Xinjiang and China, but also injected new impetus into the development of basketball in China. As a foreign aid of Xinjiang team, Farr showed excellent basketball skills and strong personal ability. His performance in CBA has attracted much attention, averaging more than 25 points per game, and his assists and steals are also in the forefront of the league. His departure will undoubtedly bring some troubles to the Xinjiang team, but it also proves the strength of Xinjiang’s foreign aid. Xinjiang team has always attached great importance to the introduction of high-level foreign aid, and their ability and experience have played a vital role in the development of the team. Through the exchange and study with foreign players, the young players of Xinjiang team have got great growth and improvement. This is also one of the reasons why the Xinjiang team can remain competitive in the domestic league. Farr’s joining the NBA is an important milestone for China basketball. This is not only a breakthrough for China players on the international stage, but also an important symbol of the development of basketball in China. I hope Farr can continue to play an outstanding role in the NBA and set up a better image for China basketball. At the same time, the Xinjiang team also needs to find a suitable replacement to fill the vacancy of Farr. This is a great challenge for the team, but it is also an opportunity. By introducing new foreign aid,Xinjiang team has the opportunity to train more excellent players and enhance the strength and competitiveness of the whole team. Xinjiang team has strong foreign aid ability. The news that Farr left to join the NBA brought good news to the basketball circle in China, and also injected new impetus into the development of Xinjiang team and China basketball.

Fan Ziming would have been traded to Beijing Shougang team, but it didn’t happen in the end. This news has aroused widespread concern and discussion. As one of the important teams in CBA league, Beijing Shougang team has always attracted much attention. Fan Ziming is a young and promising player, and his joining will undoubtedly bring new vitality and opportunities to Shougang team. Fan Ziming performed well last season, and his average score and rebounds were significantly improved. His shooting skill is exquisite, his breakthrough ability is strong, and he also shows excellent ability on the defensive end. These advantages make him the object of chasing by various teams. However, the deal failed to be reached, which is undoubtedly a pity for Fan Ziming. Why didn’t Fan Ziming join Shougang team? There may be many reasons for this. First of all, there may be some bottlenecks in the negotiations between teams. The transaction involves many levels of interests and contract issues, which requires in-depth discussion and consultation between all parties. Secondly, the team may have made a decision considering other players. Each team has its own development plan and strategy, and they need to comprehensively consider the overall strength of the team and the matching of players. Finally, Fan Ziming’s personal will is also an important factor. As a player, he has the right to choose his next home, which does not depend entirely on the wishes of the team. In any case, Fan Ziming’s failure to join Shougang doesn’t mean that his career is over. On the contrary, it may be a new starting point. Fan Ziming can continue to improve his technical level and team value through harder training and competition. He can look for other opportunities,Strive for better development space for yourself. For the fans, although they lost an excellent player, they can still look forward to Fan Ziming’s wonderful performance in other teams. It is a regrettable news that Fan Ziming failed to join the Beijing Shougang team. However, this is also a common situation in sports. In competitive sports, every decision will affect the future of the team, and these decisions often need to be weighed between the interests of all parties.

Fan Ziming: The contract amount gap is not my focus. Recently, the transaction between Beijing Shougang Team and Xinjiang Team has attracted wide attention. In this transaction, Fan Ziming became the focus. Interestingly, however, Fan Ziming didn’t care too much about the difference in contract amount. On the contrary, he pays more attention to his playing time and opportunities. In Fan Ziming’s view, staying in Beijing Shougang team will give him more opportunities to play. As a player, getting enough exercise and playing time is very important for personal development. In Shougang team, Fan Ziming has established his own position and played an important role in the team. He is also very familiar with the team’s tactical system and coaching team, which makes it easier for him to adapt to the needs of the team. On the other hand, the Xinjiang team’s signing efforts are very strong, and it is possible to introduce more inside players. Although this means that Fan Ziming’s competition in the team will become more intense, he is not afraid of challenges. Fan Ziming believes in his own strength and ability, and he is willing to improve himself by competing with other players. In addition, the Xinjiang team also has a potential young inside player Qu Xiaoyu. The young player showed excellent performance last season and is expected to become a rotation player of the team. Fan Ziming is full of expectations for training and playing with such excellent players, and he believes that this will have a positive impact on his growth. Fan Ziming doesn’t care much about the difference in contract amount, but pays more attention to his playing time and opportunities. Stay in Beijing Shougang team, he can get more exercise and development opportunities;Joining the Xinjiang team, despite greater competitive pressure, can grow together with excellent players.

Fan Ziming was traded to Xinjiang team, which was undoubtedly a major turning point for him. However, this does not mean that he will stay in Xinjiang for a long time. For a young player, frequent trading is undoubtedly a tiring thing. As a potential basketball player, Fan Ziming’s career has just begun. However, due to various reasons, he has experienced many transactions. This undoubtedly brought him great pressure and confusion. First of all, frequent transactions make it difficult for Fan Ziming to adapt to the new environment and team culture. Every time he joins a new team, he needs to adapt to a new coach, new teammates and new ways of playing. This undoubtedly has a negative impact on a player’s development, because he can’t settle down and concentrate on improving his skills and abilities. In addition, frequent transactions have also brought a mental burden to Fan Ziming. He needs to face the pain of leaving his old teammates and coaches, and at the same time meet new challenges. This uncertainty and instability will undoubtedly make him feel anxious and uneasy. However, Fan Ziming can also learn some valuable lessons from this experience. First of all, he can learn to adapt to changes and quickly adapt to the new environment. This will be a crucial skill for his career development. Secondly, he can learn to keep a positive attitude and stick to it no matter what difficulties and challenges he faces. Fan Ziming’s being traded to Xinjiang team may continue to be traded, which is undoubtedly a heart-wrenching thing for him. However, by learning to adapt to changes and keep a positive attitude, he can overcome these difficulties and succeed in his basketball career.

Li Muhao left Beijing Shougang to join Shenzhen team, which attracted wide attention in CBA league. As a new star in the domestic basketball field, Li Muhao’s transfer is not only an important decision for him personally, but also has a far-reaching impact on the two teams and the whole league. First of all, Li Muhao’s departure from Beijing Shougang means that the Beijing team will lose an excellent defender. In the past few seasons, Li Muhao has shown excellent skills and talents, and has become the scoring weapon and organizational core of the team. His departure will bring certain challenges to the Beijing team, and it is necessary to readjust the tactical system and team lineup. However, for Li Muhao personally, joining the Shenzhen team is undoubtedly a better choice. Shenzhen team has always performed well in the league, with strong strength and excellent coaching team. Joining the Shenzhen team will provide Li Muhao with more development opportunities and challenges, which will help him to further improve his strength and level. Secondly, the transfer of Li Muhao has also had a certain impact on the league pattern. As a member of CBA league, the transfer of each player will have an impact on the competitiveness and strength distribution of each team. Li Muhao’s joining the Shenzhen team will further strengthen the team’s strength in the backcourt and enhance its competitiveness. At the same time, it also brings some pressure to other teams, and it is necessary to introduce new players or readjust tactics to cope with the rise of Shenzhen team. It is a wise choice for Li Muhao to leave Beijing Shougang and join Shenzhen team, which is not only beneficial to his personal development, but also has a positive impact on the league pattern.I believe that with his joining, Shenzhen team will achieve better results in future competitions and inject new vitality and competitiveness into CBA league.

Li Muhao’s transaction value is low, and no team has taken over. Recently, rumors about Li Muhao’s transaction are endless. However, surprisingly, his trading value has fallen into a trough, resulting in no team willing to take over him. This phenomenon has aroused extensive discussion and thinking. First of all, we need to realize the impact of Li Muhao’s poor performance in the past competitions. As a professional basketball player, his performance is directly related to the team’s performance and reputation. However, in recent seasons, Li Muhao’s technical level has not been significantly improved, and he often makes mistakes at critical moments, which greatly reduces the team’s trust in him. Therefore, even if a team is interested in him, they will worry about whether he can play his due role in the team. Secondly, Li Muhao’s low transaction value is also related to his contract. It is reported that there are some problems in the remaining years and salary of his contract. Teams tend to choose players whose contracts are flexible and meet the needs of the team, rather than choosing a player with many contract problems. This is one of the reasons why no team has taken over Li Muhao at present. In addition, we can’t ignore the influence of the highly competitive trading market on the trading value of Li Muhao. Nowadays, the competition in the basketball world is extremely fierce. In order to enhance their strength, teams often choose to trade players who can have an immediate impact. As a substitute player, Li Muhao’s trading value is relatively underestimated. The team is more inclined to bring in star players who can change the trend of the game, rather than a substitute with limited trading value.To sum up, Li Muhao’s low transaction value and no team to take over is not caused by a single reason. His technical performance, contract situation and fierce competition in the trading market have all affected him. However, we should also see that Li Muhao still has the potential and opportunities to improve itself.

Shenzhen team will sign Li Muhao, whose performance in Beijing Shougang team is average. The news caused heated discussion and doubts among the fans. As a young player, there is no doubt that Li Muhao has potential for development, but his performance in Shougang did not meet people’s expectations. First of all, we can’t judge Li Muhao’s ability solely by his performance in Shougang. Every player needs to adapt to the new environment and tactical system, especially when he moves from one team to another. There may be differences between Shenzhen team and Shougang team, so we can’t draw conclusions too early. Secondly, Li Muhao’s age and experience is also an important consideration. He is only 23 years old and has a lot of room for growth. Although his performance in Shougang team is average, it doesn’t mean that he has no potential for improvement. Shenzhen team may have seen his potential, and hope that by training and training him, he can play a greater role in the team. Finally, we can’t ignore the overall strategic arrangement of the team. The Shenzhen team may have their own plans and strategies, and they may have signed Li Muhao for some consideration. They may take a fancy to some of his characteristics, or think he can play a unique role in the team. We can’t know the specific plans of the Shenzhen team, but we can believe that they have their own considerations and decisions. Li Muhao’s decision to join the Shenzhen team has aroused people’s concern and controversy. However, we can’t jump to conclusions too early. We should give him some time and opportunities to adapt to the new environment. Only when he really integrates into the team and shows his strength,We can make an accurate evaluation of this signing.

Li Muhao’s contract is too big and his performance is not good. This is a question that puzzles fans and media. As a top player, he was expected, but failed to live up to his expectations. No matter on or off the court, he seems to have not found a way to adapt himself. First, let’s look at the scale of his contract. Li Muhao’s contract amount is huge, which makes the fans more critical of his performance. After all, a high-paying contract usually brings people higher expectations. However, this does not mean that he should bear excessive pressure. Every player has ups and downs, especially when they are in a new environment. Secondly, we need to realize that Li Muhao may face some challenges. Moving to a new team often takes some time to adapt to the new tactical system, teammates and coaches. This adjustment period is necessary for any player, but it is especially important for an international player. Therefore, we cannot easily deny his talent and potential. In addition, Li Muhao’s performance may also be influenced by other factors. Physical condition, injury problems or the pressure of personal life may have a negative impact on his play. As fans, we should give him enough understanding and support, not excessive criticism. Finally, we can’t ignore the value brought by Li Muhao. He is an excellent player and role model both on and off the court. His skills and experience can have a positive impact on the team. Despite his poor performance at present, we must believe that he has the ability to rally and show his strength.To sum up, Li Muhao’s contract amount is huge, but we can’t just measure his performance by it. The difficulties and challenges he faces also need to be fully understood and tolerated. As fans and media, we should give him support and encouragement, believing that he can overcome difficulties and show his true strength.

Welcome to read this article. The introduction of No.4 inside foreign aid by Xinjiang team will bring great improvement to the team. The importance of rebounding in modern basketball games is self-evident. This introduction will enhance the competitiveness of the team in rebounding competition and bring more tactical choices to the team. Thank you for reading!