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Sailis automobile’s leading extended range technology, thanks to AITO, the M9 battery life reaches 1402 kilometers.

  On December 26th, the new flagship model AITO Wenjie M9 of Celestial Automobile was officially released. After AITO Wenjie M7, it injected explosive extended-range models into the new energy automobile market. He Liyang, president of Sailis Automobile, revealed at the press conference that as a hot choice this year, AITO has set a total of 120,000 new M7 units, and will achieve a monthly delivery capacity of up to 30,000 units to meet the strong market demand. As the flagship SUV model of panoramic wisdom, AITO asked the M9 to release it for two hours, and it has already gained more than 10,000. To achieve this result, Sailis’ leading extended range technology — — Super electric drive intelligent technology platform (DE-i) has played an important role.

Sailis's leading extended range technology, thanks to AITO's M9 battery life of 1402km _fororder_image001

  Solve the three major pain points of users

  The continuous exploration and upgrading of extended range technology is one of the core development principles of Sailis Automobile’s insistence on innovation. After years of high capital investment and several rounds of upgrade iterations, Sailis has firmly established a leading position in the field of extended range technology of new energy vehicles. The super electric drive intelligent technology platform (DE-i), which has been developed since 2016, has realized a platform and multi-technical route solution, which is suitable for multi-scenarios and multi-modes such as pure electricity and extended range.

  After solving the anxiety of charging energy and mileage of users of new energy vehicles, Sailis has been walking nonstop. Aiming at the three main pain points of users of extended-range vehicles: power loss, soaring energy consumption and increased noise in extreme feed mode, it has been optimized and improved to create an extended-range technology with "intelligence, efficiency and no feeling" as the core.

  Under the control of the "intelligent brain" of the DE-i platform, the energy system can fundamentally stop running under extreme feeding conditions, thus avoiding the occurrence of power loss and ensuring the driving experience to the extreme. The highest power generation efficiency of generators on DE-i platform is over 95%, and the highest oil-electricity conversion rate is increased from 3.27 kWh/L in the previous generation to 3.44kWh/L, and the area above 3.0kWh/L accounts for more than 40%.

  Based on the fact that users value NVH performance and pursue non-inductive switching between different modes, the DE-i platform is based on assembly efficiency map and NVH map, and combines the actual operating conditions and usage scenarios of the vehicle to optimize the strategy, and develops the driving power generation strategy including start-stop strategy and different working conditions, and determines the best power generation control strategy based on the principle of NVH performance priority to achieve the optimal NVH effect.

Sailis's leading extended range technology, thanks to AITO's M9 battery life of 1402km _fororder_image002

  Extended range technology leading the industry generation

  Empowered by Celestial’s leading extended-range technology, AITO’s M9 has super high thermal efficiency, with CLTC’s comprehensive endurance of 1,402 kilometers and acceleration of 4 seconds per 100 kilometers. Larger power generation makes it possible to maintain strong power for continuous high-speed driving, and realize quiet power generation without power failure for long-distance driving, which has undoubtedly become the strongest extended-range vehicle choice in SUV.

Sailis's leading extended range technology, thanks to AITO's M9 battery life of 1402km _fororder_image003

  Celestial’s leading extended-range technology has been repeatedly recognized by the industry, and this year it was awarded the "China Heart" 2023 Top Ten New Energy Vehicle Power System Award; In the Certificate of Energy Conversion Rate of Range Extender for Electric Vehicle issued by CARRIER of China Automotive Institute, with an oil-electricity conversion rate of 3.44kWh/L, Sailis became the first and exclusive enterprise in the industry to obtain this certificate. Its powerful NVH performance has also won the AAA certificate of Silent Star certified by China Automotive Research Huacheng. The top certification endorsement from the industry fully proves the comprehensive professional leadership of Sailis Automobile in the field of extended range technology.

  Facing the increasingly fierce competition in the new energy vehicle market, Sailis Auto has successfully injected powerful explosive products such as AITO Jiejie New M7 and AITO Jiejie M9 into the market with its strong technical strength and competitive advantages. With the world’s attention to environmental protection and sustainable development, and the strong support of national local policies, Sailis will surely usher in a broader brand development future with the upward development trend of new energy automobile market, bringing more and better explosive products to the market. (Source: Sailis Automobile)

Hammer Nalisa: GAG6 top debuts, plus-size girls are rebuilding their confidence.

Hammer Nalisa, the big V with more than 5 million fans in Tik Tok, once imitated Tengger singer’s singing of love circle, and became popular by imitating Mona Lisa’s jokes in the program.

In June this year, this chubby, big girl with a loud smile and a stalk all over her body participated in the variety talent show "Serious Gags".(Gaga is gagman’s transliteration, meaning variety creator, and the program aims to select talents for variety comedies.), and won the championship in the finals tonight. She has always been the most popular in the program. He Jiong Li Birthday Zhang Wei praised her for her special sense of comedy rhythm, and William Chan hand-picked her to marry her in the program.

"Former member of the women’s group" is a contrasting label on her. She laughed at herself for being at the peak of her weight, and when she appeared, she shocked the audience’s inherent impression.

Once, she was a standard thin girl of more than 90 kilograms. Treating depression made her weight soar by 100 kilograms.. After signing the company, she was assigned to the hip-hop brand, experienced the PUA in the workplace and learned how to survive in the workplace. Because she needs to be alone, she even made up the difference at her own expense to upgrade the standard room arranged by the program group to a luxurious single room.

Strange girl, who has zero bad reviews on this network, is challenging the public’s cognitive boundaries with himself and provoking a battle.Aesthetic revolution.


The reason for the skyrocketing weight of 100 Jin.

When I saw Hammer in Gaga Training Camp in Haimen, Nantong, Jiangsu, she was even fatter than the camera. The director said that she had insomnia recently because she was preparing for the finals. I fell asleep at 10 am and got up at 3 pm for training.

Unstable work and rest and the pressure from the competition have become one of the reasons why it is difficult for her to control her weight now. Most people don’t know that she used to be a standard thin girl weighing more than 90 kilograms.

Hammer Hammer is a native of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. During her college years, she was admitted to Nanjing Normal University as the first in her department to study vocal music. She often appeared in popular occasions such as street dance clubs and singing competitions, and was a campus idol in her college days.

According to the truth, hammer NaLisa should have a bright future. The change happened quietly on campus. Once very popular, she began to be isolated. Her boyfriend’s parents refused to accept her because of geographical discrimination, and even her best friend began to lie to her.

"Have you ever heard of it?Your best friend stole your ID card to borrow a loan.The plot? "Hammer hammer college living expenses is 200 yuan a week, my best friend took her ID card to borrow 20 thousand to buy a bag, and lied to her that someone in her family had cancer.

After cheating money, my girlfriend disappeared. Hammer didn’t dare to tell his family about his experience, and he felt humiliated. He had to use his pocket money earned by singing part-time in a bar to repay the loan for others. Hammer hammer really attaches great importance to the friendship with her senior. She can’t figure out: Is it because she is too indulgent with her friends that she will fall into such a situation today?

It is a great difficulty to owe a loan of 20 thousand when she was a student. What is important is that the grievances in her heart cannot be dispelled. Coupled with the broken interpersonal relationship around her, she fell into the extreme negative of self-isolation and began to cry incontinence all day.

Hammer described the mentality of that dark moment: "I just can’t feel happy, and I feel that I am not happy at all." When I go to class in the classroom, I must go to the top floor. Standing on a high place can make me feel better. I can’t help but want to jump down. " But the desire to survive maintained her reason.She took the initiative to seek medical treatment and was diagnosed with severe depression. In order to control her body, she had to take drugs containing hormones, and her body became fat out of control, and her weight rose from 100 Jin to 80 Jin at once.

Obesity used to be a problem that bothered Nalisa. She believes that there are three kinds of obesity: the first one is fat in the natural gene; The second is not to control diet, and human factors lead to obesity; The third one, like hers, is getting fat because of hormone drugs.

Being fat is neither a fault nor a sin. However, the public always likes to kidnap everyone with a unified aesthetic standard of "white, young and thin". Whether the idol’s legs are thick or not will be regarded as the focus of discussion. body shame is an invisible shackle that tightly binds the people in front of the camera. No matter what reason you get fat, in the face of others’ advice on your figure, the unified response of the hammer is:None of your business. Did you eat your rice?

I can still feel the hammer’s mind about getting fat. She dug up old photos and posted them on social networks to prove that she had lost weight.

Accepting being fat is a gradual process. “Of course, I will be a little unwilling at first, because getting fat is not my choice.And many organs of my body will be burdened. I slowly feel that I don’t mind so much.My facial features are beautiful, my personality is kind and interesting, then I am beautiful."

Hammer found that after getting fat, everyone began to be less isolated from her, but more began to ridicule. Her roommate has been encouraging her even in the worst times. She can see the talent in the hammer and the "bright spot that can’t be given up". Hammer reflected, "Many times, it is not because you are incompetent that people isolate you, but because you shut yourself down first, people will stay away from you."

Hammer began to redeem herself. "Music is my antidote." She participated in more large-scale music competitions and won the national championship of the new campus songs of the national K songs. Like-minded people praised her talent, and the judges encouraged her at the competition. She slowly walked out of the darkness of autism.


Can’t be a women’s group and experience PUA in the workplace

Near graduation, she noticed that a company on the Internet was preparing a training camp plan to select female group trainees. Her weight is still a problem, and she joked that she was "with the mentality of losing weight" and signed up.

Even if she tries to lose weight, her figure is still far from the strict standards of women’s team members. Later, Lisa hammered this experience into the first episode of Serious Gags. She imitated the CEO of a company with a Hong Kong accent and said, "You are standing here like a wall. I didn’t know that there was someone behind you. I didn’t know that you were in solo."

When the women’s team failed, she still successfully signed a contract with the company by virtue of her talent and characteristics. Hammer recalled the heart of the fledgling eager to sign the contract, "I feel safe after signing the contract." After coming to the company, the hammer was first assigned to the hip-hop brand under the company’s planning, which experienced the second trough of life.

"Entering the hip-hop brand is completely coming to a strange field.I don’t know anything. Just let me write ten songs."Hammer said with a frown. As a newcomer with half a foot in the circle, she instinctively has fear and dare not disobey the brand leader, so she has to bite the bullet and write rhymes.

Hammer hammer ambition is not in hip-hop, she hopes to communicate upward, but the brand leader forbids her to report beyond her level, "Tell my assistant if you have any needs". There is no effective response, new ideas have been rejected, and leaders continue to threaten. "If you dare to provoke me, I will hide you.”。

Hammer described the psychological oppression brought to her by this strong workplace PUA. "That’s another degree of self-doubt, self-doubt about aesthetics and dreams. "The self-confidence that she finally ignited was stubbed out again.

Hammer learning will not please the leaders, and it will be targeted everywhere in the brand, which will be even deeper. She is very grateful to the company’s vocal music teacher, who always encourages her, shows her advanced aesthetic music and affirms her musical accomplishment. "Every time I fall into the abyss of depression, they pull me up and don’t give me a chance to cry at all."

Her desire for survival will always support her to break through the current limitations at critical moments. One day, she couldn’t hold it any longer. She rushed into the general manager’s office and shouted that she couldn’t stand it. Every day, she was going to jump off a building.

"I am impulsive and my heart is still very painful. After all, I have signed the contract, and there is no retreat after rushing in. It is also possible to be hidden in the snow. As a result, our general manager handed me a song and asked me if I could sing. "

Hammer is confident in singing,She laughed at herself. "When the company recruited me, it also had its own considerations. They needed some people who sang well to sing demo for free."

After recording this song, Hammer successfully transferred to another folk brand, including arrangement class, production class, body building class and dance class, all of which were her antidote.

After leaving the soil that doesn’t suit me, the hammer can breathe, but it has also entered another system of PUA. For example, the company often takes a song and tells her to sing it for you when it’s ready, and then turns to someone else’s album list. However, the hammer has formed an antibody to deal with this pressure."After you break through a certain system, you won’t be willing to be PUA, and you won’t be willing to be controlled."

Hammer is used to thinking things on the bright side. She is grateful to the company for cultivating her music. Singing demo is training, as long as there is input, it is a good thing.

She also learned two valuable experiences in the workplace in the company:First, resolutely resist PUA in the workplace.Speak to others with clear logic, give reasons higher than his moral kidnapping to counter repression, and don’t be easily shaken by others.Second, do your own thing.She doesn’t believe that others will meet her requirements and hopes that others will not get involved in her career.So later, when she decided to enter the field of short video to be online celebrity, she didn’t have a team, so she was a team.


From online celebrity, Tik Tok to Funny Artists

From underground to the ground

The Tik Tok account of "Hammer Nalisa" has been accumulated at present.5.57 millionFans, she has a short video of imitating teacher Tengger singer to sing the love cycle.More than 2 millionLike it. Before taking part in Serious Gags, she was also invited to take part in variety shows such as Qipa Shuo 6 and Hey Sing Turn Up, and her popularity came from Tik Tok.

Before preparing to be a Tik Tok, she consulted the company. The general manager thought that it was good for the company that the company artists could have a voice on the short video platform, so she was allowed to grow freely. While taking music lessons in the company, she made short videos to make money.

She has strong imitation ability, is good at observing life, takes photos casually when she meets interesting things, and edits them herself.It only takes 20 minutes for a set of procedures to come down.She will continue to sum up the experience of others’ failures, create reversals and pauses, and stop when it is good. On the stage of "Serious Gags", tutors Li Dan, He Jiong and Zhang Wei praised Hammer Nalisa.Good performance rhythm”。

Getting fat inadvertently made her funny career. If she is not fat, some jokes lose their appeal. Including her stage name, Hammer Nalisa, is also due to her chubby figure, which is very similar to the well-known painting Mona Lisa. In "Serious Gags", she repeatedly crushed her own characteristics into paragraphs, and the first skill of cos Mona Lisa also won the golden key of Li Birthday’s tutor and became the first gag6 member.

This output is not unidirectional. Tik Tok’s friends who are constantly suffering from depression leave messages to her, saying that she feels hopeful after watching her video.Hammer noticed that some fans’ heads changed from black to wonderful life photos., she said, this is the meaning of her happiness.

Lisa Hammer has always been ranked first in the "Serious Gagas" and has zero bad reviews on the Internet. In the words of Li Birthday’s tutor, "Hammer Hammer came to this program to seal the gods".This kind of encouragement, like a comprehensive protection for her, protects her sensitive heart and self-confidence that she has finally rebuilt.

Hammer said frankly that he would feel guilty in the face of such high-intensity praise, but he would not float.She knew that something would happen if people drifted away. The high ranking makes her feel nervous about walking on stilts. In order to be worthy of everyone’s support, she always suffers from insomnia.

The Gaga program group has prepared a standard room for two for the students.Hammer upgraded to a deluxe single room at its own expense.. When the pressure came, she used to close herself up and didn’t want to bring her negative energy to others. This respect for people increases the affinity of the hammer. She is not aggressive and will not cause you any sense of oppression.

She will deliberately avoid some industry taboos, such as keeping a distance from the rice circle, which is reflected in the program’s desire for survival for star fans.Once set in variety showWilliam Chan married Hammer.The plot, hammer hammer is very embarrassing,"It is simply going to be cyber-violent."She kept apologizing to her fans through the camera.

There are also people on the Internet who compare the once-thin photos of Nalisa Hammer with popular idols. When Hammer Hammer sees them, he will immediately reply to the comments: I am very happy that everyone says so, and I like her very much, but don’t say that we look alike.

However, some people still misunderstand the hammer. In June this year, Hammer entered Gaga Training Camp, and Tik Tok’s update frequency decreased. On the day of the interview, she uploaded a set of interactive singing videos of "popcorn singing Dark Horse" which was very popular in Tik Tok, and the videos quickly accumulated 1.655 million likes. Some people know that she participated in the program, and the comment area asked her why she didn’t start singing funny. Others said that she became angry and began to show off her skills. Some people even got weird: "Hammer doesn’t have to be so restrained."

Hammer is dissatisfied with this. “Let everyone know you first, and then know that you have musical strength."She this is her way of saving the country curve. Through Serious Gags, everyone understood her humor, but began to question her pursuit of music."My jokes are always related to music."

Indeed, Hammer never gave up showing her musical talent, especially after she came to the ground from underground. Cue was invited to speak in the program, and she often sang while talking. On the impromptu stage, she also showed the singing and dancing abilities of five kinds of dances.It can be said that she wants to be red just to have a chance to sing.

Hammer said that being a gagman and a musical dream are not contradictory, but achieve each other. A gagman (variety creator and performer) should not only amuse the audience, but also be the glue of variety shows, not only to show himself, but also to leave room for other guests.

"Serious Gagas" is a big family with fireworks. The eliminated partners stay and unconditionally help the rest to think about jokes. He Laoshi, like a parent, added the WeChat of 56 students in the program group to encourage them one by one. Accustomed to the autistic hammer, she also opened herself and invited her friends to chat in her luxurious single room.

Immersed in real life, experienced the dark side of life, and willing to bring happiness to everyone, this is the preciousness of gagman. Hammer hammer thanked the program group for providing a stage for this group of unnoticed variety artists, and winning the championship was a new beginning.

In 2020, women’s issues have become a hot topic in the field of value. However, there is little female perspective in Hammer’s works. She said that she had a phobia of straight men’s cancer before, and people who could not stand the tendency of male chauvinism would take the initiative to avoid it. When she entered Gaga training camp, she found that all the men around her respected women, and then she realized that the circle could screen people. She said:The fact that my image is liked is a revolution in itself. So I don’t represent anyone, I represent myself.

Hammer rubbed his hand and looked into the distance with blurred eyes. “Although I am not particularly sure about myself, there are not many people who attack you because of your appearance and figure. I feel real love, and the world is really starting to get better."

Editor and writer: 7 million

Illustration: North North

Typesetting: Panpan

What is the best life of the zodiac? I feel my accuracy! Look at yours quickly

"Source of this article: Happy Old Man"
pay close attention
The ancestors of China people were very wise, and they used the twelve branches of the earth to assign twelve kinds of animals to mark the year, which is called the Zodiac Chronology.
Every person born in one year has a corresponding animal sign, and after twelve years, he will be reincarnated. From ancient times to the present, no one does not know what he belongs to, whether it is ordinary people or emperors and dignitaries.
Everyone in the zodiac has their own temper and personality, and people in different zodiac signs have different fates.
Rats are smart, have strong insight, always pay attention to details overlooked by others, are good at understanding people’s hearts and seizing opportunities, and have strong environmental adaptability and adaptability.
There is a mortar on the head of the word "mouse", which means "hit repeatedly, but never broken, never exhausted". Although people who belong to the mouse are hit, they can improvise and have tenacious vitality, and one day they will turn over and come through thick and thin.
If rats can know how to be contented, overcome greed, and learn to be tolerant of people and things, the road of life will be smooth.
People who belong to the ox are honest and steady, and never believe in getting something for nothing. No matter how hard it is, they always do things step by step, taking no risks and taking no chances. The career established slowly and steadily when you are young will be smooth sailing and promoted step by step after middle age.
"Look at a thousand fingers coldly, bow down and be a willing ox". People who belong to the ox have a strong sense of justice, a sense of responsibility, and are keen to resist injustice. They hate people who are shrewd, thoughtful and hypocritical, and attach great importance to feelings and righteousness. As long as they are recognized friends, they will be devoted to them.
If people who belong to cattle know how to be flexible, listen to other people’s opinions, and don’t get bogged down, their career development will be more handy.
Tiger people are tenacious, ambitious, have very strong self-confidence, like to take risks and challenges, never bow their heads when they encounter great difficulties, and never give up until they reach their goals.
The tiger is the king of the mountain forest. People who belong to the tiger are born with their own leader’s aura, have the domineering spirit of the king, have a chivalrous heart, love to hoe the strong and help the weak, support the weak, but pretend to be strong when they are injured, and hide in an unmanned place to heal alone.
If a tiger learns to communicate and cooperate with others, consult with others when something happens, and avoid making enemies, his career will be in by going up one flight of stairs, and he will win the support of all.
People who belong to rabbits have keen intuition, have a keen insight into people’s hearts and have a good eye for people and things. Elegant, gentle and kind, with a simple heart, always treats people around you kindly.
In China mythology, the rabbit is an elf in the middle of the moon, accompanying Chang ‘e, and pounding the elixir of life under the osmanthus tree on a full moon night, so the rabbit is also a symbol of longevity. People who belong to rabbits know romance very well, and they yearn for a peaceful and quiet life.
If rabbit people can stick to their initial intentions, be kind to others, accumulate good deeds and become virtuous, good luck will continue, and their lives will be leisurely and elegant.
Dragon people have lofty ideals and strong enterprising spirit, high vision, boldness and boldness than ordinary people, and they don’t like pestering over trivial matters, let alone gossiping, being frank and sincere, and hating despicable and hypocritical acts.
The dragon is the favored son of heaven, and it is blessed by heaven. People who belong to the dragon are blessed with good fortune, and they will come through thick and thin and be happy.
If people who belong to the dragon can have a kind heart, be generous and measure others, life will step into a glorious road, and the rest of their lives will be safe and prosperous.
People who belong to snakes are naturally mysterious. They hide their joys and sorrows in their hearts. Their likes and dislikes are beyond words. Their emotions are invisible, calm and steady, and they can cope with all kinds of situations calmly.
Snakes are also known as "Little Dragons" among the people. People who belong to snakes are naturally intelligent, profound in thought, unwilling to be mediocre, and slowly accumulate strength. Once the time is ripe, "Little Dragons" will turn into "real dragons", which means that "Jin Lin is a thing in the pool, and he will turn into a dragon when he meets a storm".
If people who belong to snakes can be less suspicious, be frank and relative in everything, and be generous and generous in dealing with others, they will be less affected by many storms and good luck will continue.
People who belong to the horse are full of blood, free and easy, have a compassionate heart, always think of others, like to help others, bear everything by themselves, and yearn for a free and unrestrained life.
As the saying goes, "Lyu3 bu4 among people, a red rabbit in a horse", and the ancients called outstanding talents "a swift horse". People who belong to a horse combine talent and courage. If they can persist in their ideals, Do not forget your initiative mind will surely meet Bole, and "the seven stars are hanging high outside the Milky Way, and the heaven and the earth will gallop".
If people who belong to the horse can guard against arrogance and rashness, act calmly, be modest and low-key, not only will they have the help of nobles, but their fortune will be smooth and smooth, and everything will be solved.
People who belong to the sheep are pure and kind, gentle and considerate, do not like to show off, are soft outside and rigid inside, and have a strong vitality and willpower inside.
Oracle Bone Inscriptions with the word "sheep" has two horns on it, which means "everyone" and is beneficial to everyone. In China culture, sheep is the most harmonious and beautiful animal, which benefits people.
People who belong to the sheep have a gentle personality, and have a self-sacrificing mind. They are blessed by God and have no great disasters in their lives.
"You can’t hurt others, and you can’t prevent others." People who belong to the sheep should learn to protect themselves, know others with their eyes, and not be used by malicious people.
Monkeys are lively and versatile, quick-witted, witty, chivalrous, caring for others, and have a good popularity.
"Monkey" and "Hou" are homonyms. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, the monkey has been a symbol of auspiciousness and nobility. In New Year pictures, a little monkey is often painted riding on a big monkey, which means "Hou will be sealed for generations". A monkey’s life is full of gold, and his life is full of good luck and extravagance.
If people who belong to monkeys can get rid of their impatient temper, endure in adversity, converge in prosperity, look down on gains and losses, and follow the fate wholeheartedly, they will live a happy and prosperous life.
Source: vision china
People who are chickens are frank and straightforward, say what they think in their hearts, have flexible minds, delicate minds, are hardworking and kind, have a sense of responsibility and care for their families very much.
Chickens are the animals of Sichen. "The cock crows all over the world." Chickens will crow at dawn, so the ancients thought that chickens had the ability to foresee. People born in the Year of the Rooster often have foresight and can seize the opportunity and win the initiative.
If people who are chickens can cultivate their patience and take every step of life in a down-to-earth manner, the future will be infinitely bright.
People who belong to dogs have sensitive insight, value human feelings and morality, have a sense of justice, are magnanimous and careless, generous and generous, have a strong sense of responsibility, and treat relatives and friends with affection and righteousness.
In ancient times, when night came, dogs kept watch at home and were the most loyal and reliable friends of people. People born in the year of the dog are sensitive and loyal, and can get the appreciation of the nobles and rise to the top.
If people who belong to dogs can not stick to the rules, learn to be flexible and not blindly persistent, life will be prosperous and smooth.
People who belong to the pig are simple and kind, easy-going, informal, optimistic and open-minded, sincere to friends and caring for their families in every possible way.
The word "home" covers a pig. In the eyes of the ancients, a pig at home can only be called a "home" if it has a certain living guarantee, so the pig also means wealth and happiness. People born in the year of the pig are blessed and well-fed.
If people who belong to pigs can have their own opinions, learn to refuse, don’t covet ease and enjoyment, and do more good deeds, they will be blessed with profound blessings and enjoy endless blessings throughout their lives.

Guangzhou carries out special activities for automobile consumption, and the maximum subsidy for purchasing qualified automobiles is 5,000 yuan/vehicle.

Viewpoint Network News: Recently, Guangzhou launched the special automobile consumption activity of "Guangdong enjoys buying cars in the New Year and being polite" in 2024.

According to the information from official website of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, individual consumers can enjoy the activity subsidy after purchasing a new non-operating passenger car from January 25th to February 3rd, 2024, completing the registration of the new car, and uploading the new car driving license and other materials. The subsidy target is individual consumers who buy new cars from Guangzhou automobile sales enterprises participating in this activity and complete motor vehicle registration during the activity.

The subsidy standard is divided into two grades. The first file: the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales includes tax of 100,000 yuan (inclusive) to 200,000 yuan (inclusive), and the subsidy is 3,000 yuan/vehicle. The second file: the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales includes tax of more than 200,000 yuan (excluding 200,000 yuan), and the subsidy is 5,000 yuan/vehicle. Applicants are required to complete the subsidy application from January 25th to February 3rd.

It is also known that some automobile brand dealers have also introduced various promotional measures. For example, the Cadillac XT5 clearance discount reached 100,000 yuan; FAW Audi A4L, A6L and Q5L also have cash discounts of 80,000-90,000 yuan for individual models; Faw Toyota imported Crown sportcross dual-engine premium edition with a preferential margin of 80,000 yuan.

This article comes from: Viewpoint. com


In the 28th football picture, China women’s football team reversed South Korea to win the championship, and Manchester City derby Owen was the winner.

In the final of the 2022 Women’s Asian Cup, after falling behind 0: 2 in the first half, Tang Jiali and Zhang Linyan scored tenaciously to equalize the score. Xiao Yuyi scored the winner in injury time. China women’s football team won 3-2, and stood on the top of Asia again after 16 years, and was crowned the ninth Asian Cup champion.

The ball is coming, beautiful! Xiao yuyi.

In 2009, Premier League Manchester United took the seat at Old Trafford, which ushered in the challenge of Manchester City, the city’s sworn enemy. This is a contest in which Tevez turns his back on his enemy and throws himself into the city, plus controversial penalties, midfield lore and other dramatic exciting elements of football. With Owen’s stoppage time goal, Manchester United beat Manchester City 4-3, and was later selected as "the best game in the Premier League in 20 years" by Premier League officials, which is far behind Manchester United today.

In the 2006 World Cup, Argentina swept Montenegro 6-0. Cambiaso, who came off the bench, took over Crespo and tapped his heel to expand his lead. You should know that this ball is a team cooperation that has been scored by a total of 24 wonderful passes, which is a classic in the history of the World Cup.

Fenerbahce and his arch-rival Besiktas met in the Turkish Cup. In the match, Van Persie had an argument with the opposing defender Tossici, and his slightly exaggerated actions led to the latter being sent off, which angered the fans at home and began to insult Van Persie. Then Van Persie scored a goal that sealed the victory for the team. After the goal, Van Persie made a provocative celebration in front of Besiktas captain Ozyakup. After the game, the Turkish Football Association suspended the two men respectively. Football name picture (28).

Amazing! Liaoning team’s new foreign aid performed well, and Yang Ming took action and partnered with Molander.

Many fans have doubts about the level of foreign aid in NBL league, especially when Hudson can easily score more than 40 points per game. However, we should not ignore some players in this league that are worth looking forward to, such as Gyllenhaal of Shandong Men’s Basketball Team and others. In addition, the performance of the new foreign aid introduced by Liaoning team recently was also excellent. He contributed 18 rebounds, close to 40 points, which helped the team win at home and relieved Hudson’s huge burden.

Indeed, Hudson, as the top foreign aid in NBL league, has always been the scoring champion and offensive core of Liaoning team. However, it is very unhealthy to rely on one person for a long time, and no team should rely solely on one person’s scoring ability. Such dependence will bring great risks to the team, because the opponent can launch strict defense against this player and suppress his scoring efficiency.

MEK’s joining has brought new hopes and choices to Liaoning team. He showed excellent rebounding ability and scoring ability, which added powerful firepower to the team inside. The arrival of Mack made Liaoning team’s attack more diversified, and the opponent could no longer simply pay attention to Hudson, which also gave Hudson a chance to rest and reduced his pressure and burden.

In the daze of Liaoning men’s basketball team, fans began to look for the candidate who could fill the vacancy of inside strength. As a foreign aid of Fujian men’s basketball team, MEK has always left a deep impression on people. He has a height of 2.11 meters, which most fans know, but his flexibility makes people admire him. He can even pull out and shoot three-pointers, which is really remarkable.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this all-round performance that Yang Ming should not hesitate to inspect Meike. With Molander’s partner, the inside strength of Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team will be greatly strengthened. Once they really cooperate, their opponents will be at a loss. Holding high the banner of MEK, the inside of Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team will become strong and invincible.

However, at this critical moment, problems began to emerge. The biggest problem of Liaoning team in NBL league is that the inside strength is too poor, which is naturally a fact that can be seen by the naked eye. They tried every means, constantly changing foreign aid, hoping to find the right person to fill this vacancy.

They chose Meck, or more accurately, Makor Meck, which became their light of hope. He is the cousin of Fujian men’s basketball team’s foreign aid Meike, and this blood connection is really exciting. The two men are similar in style and figure, which undoubtedly brings more expectations to the fans.

On this stage of basketball playoff, the inside strength of Liaoning men’s basketball team has become the focus of attention. Han Dejun and Li Xiaoxu, the veteran team, have gradually shown signs of fatigue under the erosion of years. Wu Changze’s leaving the team on loan cast a shadow over the inside strength of Liaoning men’s basketball team. Molander’s injury problem also makes people worry. At this time, it seems that the sudden appearance of Meck gave the team a brand-new hope.

Meck’s height is remarkable. The height of 2.11 meters can almost sweep the audience, but it has unexpected flexibility. He can not only grab a strong rebound inside, but also pull it out to make a breakthrough. This combination of height and flexibility is like an unstoppable basketball giant.

In addition to his height and flexibility, Meck also has a fairly good three-point shooting percentage. In this game, he scored 2 out of 4, which is quite rare. This kind of performance has amazed the fans outside the stadium, and calling Meike directly is the third foreign aid that Liaoning men’s basketball team needs.

The new season is coming, and the inside strength of Liaoning men’s basketball team will definitely decline. Veterans are getting older, and injuries often plague the team. Under such circumstances, as a cheap basketball player, MEK is undoubtedly a new supplement to the team’s inside strength.

Under the close relationship between Yang Ming and NBL Liaoning team, he naturally paid more and more attention to Meck’s performance. Once, Yang Ming was there to cheer for the Liaoning team, and this relationship also provided convenience for him to visit Meike. Therefore, in the face of MEK, Yang Ming must not hesitate. Otherwise, not surprisingly, other CBA teams will definitely take the lead and bring MEK into their ranks.

Run-up bounce 90 cm! How fierce is Curry, who claims to be a floor runner, to participate in the NBA physical examination?

Run-up bounce 90 cm! How fierce is Curry, who claims to be a floor runner, to participate in the NBA physical examination?

Warriors guard Curry recently participated in a program to answer his question about vertical bounce. Curry said that he didn’t know the answer either. Before the joint trial in 2009, he probably jumped 70 or 80 centimeters, but it doesn’t matter now, because he has long been playing on the floor.

"That’s a good question, but I don’t even know the answer myself. I think when I participated in the joint trial before the draft in 2009, I jumped about 28 inches (71 cm), maybe 32 inches (81 cm). But it doesn’t matter now, I play floor flow. " Curry said.

It seems that Curry really doesn’t know the vertical bounce at his peak. Perhaps, as a shooter, Curry knew from the beginning that athletic ability was not his advantage, and he didn’t care.

But in fact, Curry’s athletic ability is not bad.

According to the statistics of NBA official website, when Curry participated in the joint trial training before the NBA draft in 2009, the maximum vertical bounce in situ was 75cm.

What is this concept? In contrast, Harden’s in-situ vertical bounce at that time was 80 cm, Holliday.

And Terry Evans are both 72.4 cm.

At that time, Curry’s run-up vertical bounce was up to 90 cm, which was the same as Griffin’s. Harden is 94 cm, and Holliday and Terry Evans are 86 cm.

Although Terry Evans and Holliday are not outstanding defenders, their athletic abilities are at least impressive. But at least at the time of physical measurement, Curry was better than Evans and Holliday in vertical bouncing.

Now, the athletic ability is really insignificant to Curry. With so many years of playing, the stability and speed of the hand and the ability of physical confrontation are what Curry values most.

50,000 Messi photos and 20,000 tickets. Who is robbing the Argentine fans?

50,000 Messi photos and 20,000 tickets. Who is robbing the Argentine fans?

According to the current news, the world champion Argentina will come to China in June to play two friendly matches. Lionel Messi and other leading players will come with the team, and the World Cup will also come to China. According to the media source Yuan Dengke, from June 15th to 16th, Argentina will play against Australia in Beijing Workers’ Stadium.

The Argentine team has a large number of fans in China, and it is also the new world champion in 2022, and it is the first person in history, Messi. Before the trip to China started, the popularity exploded. Countless fans are gearing up and ready to go to the scene to witness the style of the king of the ball and cheer for the world champion.

But the problem is coming. According to zhouyan, a media person, the ticket price of this game has been fried to a terrible level. The third-class ticket is 9300 yuan, the second-class ticket is 14200 yuan, and the first-class ticket is 19500 yuan, which is close to 20,000 yuan.

This kind of fare has exceeded the affordability of most ordinary fans. Everyone loves Argentina and Messi, but they also need to live. A ticket of 20,000 yuan is the income of many people for four months.

Someone on the Internet took the opportunity to attack and said that Argentina was poor and crazy. Now it has become a world champion and started to circle money crazily.

Of course not.

China has a huge Argentine fan base, and the fans have long been eager to see it at home. It would be best to arrange a match between the national football team and Argentina, and the benefits can be maximized. The organizer also planned this, but as early as April, the China Football Association basically finalized the warm-up match between Myanmar and Palestine on the international match day in June, and Argentina missed the match against the national football team.

So the final plan is to host it in China, and Argentina will come to China to play two games with other countries.

In this way, the interests of the organizer can’t be maximized, so in terms of fares, it will be improved and the fans will pay the bill.

Not only that, domestic scalpers will not miss this opportunity. You know, domestic scalpers have formed a complex industrial chain, which is attached to major commercial activities to drive up fares, enrich themselves and let consumers pay the bill.

At the end of May and the beginning of June, China and Taiwan Province will give six performances in the Bird’s Nest on May 9, but after the tickets were sold on May 9, the crazy scene made people stunned. The tickets for 300,000 tickets were almost gone, and most fans couldn’t get tickets. But those scalpers are selling tickets on a large scale, and the price has doubled.

Whether it is a concert, a drama or a stage play, or a football match like Argentina’s coming to China, the more important it is, the more scalpers flood in, and the more expensive it is.

Argentina’s popularity is almost the strongest in China, so it’s not surprising that their ticket price can be up to 20 thousand, but it’s just a bitter experience for fans and Messi. It costs 70,000 yuan to be able to enter the stadium and even take a photo with Messi if you want to enjoy the style of the king of the ball on the spot. The key point is that idols don’t know that everyone has spent so much money.

I still hope that the relevant departments can crack down on the scalper market and make ticket purchase fairer.